HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 6/23/2008 CI1Y OF SPRINGFIELD - DE\/'" "'PMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. .' .' ,DISTRIBUTION DATE: June 23, 2008 'TO: ~ } ~. V -;:7 ~ =? -;:/ "2 \7 7 7 -;- ""'i?" ~ -;::?'" ~ 7' --.:;::v 7 ""'V'" ~/ Current Planning Staff: G. Karp, J. Donovan, Liz MiIIE!L M. Metzger, Kitti Gale, L. Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Limbird, Dave Reesor@e~ Hopkins) Molly Markarian "Matt Stouder, Engineering - Public Works Department "les Benoy, Engineer Group, EngineeringJPublic Works - "Chuck Gottfried, Environmental Services Brian Barnett, Traffic ErigineerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda onl}< 2/02) "Jon Driscoll, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Department "Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only "Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District *Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) "Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) Jim Henry, Central lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) Dave WMe, U.S.P.S. (Growth Mgmt. Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Partitions/Subdivisions) "Celia Barry, lane County Transportation Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) Lane County Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transition Zone] (if applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water DistriCt(" only if in the North Spfld area) (if applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (If applicable) Dale ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire District (if applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcas! Cable (if applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) (" If in Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) ("If in Glenwood) Steve Moo, Glenwood Water District (*If in Glenwood) Bill Grile - Development Services Director (agenda) John Tamulonis, Economic & Community Development Manager Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) "Dave Puent, Building Official (agenda) . Lisa Hopper, Building Services Representative (agenda) " Greg Ferschweiler, Keith Miyata, Brian Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept. "Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept George Walker, Environmental Works Dept., (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant, Public Works Dept. (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda). *Will Mueller, l TO Nonn Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda Mike Wilbur, ODOT, State Highway Division (agenda) Steve Barrett, Asst. Superin. of Operations, Springfield School District (agenda) William lewis, Financial Services, Springfield School District ( agenda) Andrea Damewood, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Springfield Beacon (agenda) . . Joe leahy, City Attorney Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor Carole Knapel,PEACEHEALTHlJUSTlCE CENTERlFIRE STATION ITEMS (agenda) RECEIVED JUN 2 32008 By: ])t\C- Pa.LA/-R_J- (agenda) A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development Services Office. Specific concerns of your division/department/agency should be addressed. If you have comments or requirements of this proposal, please send them in writing to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 FiflhStreet, Springfield, OR 97477. If your written comments are not received by Friday, July 4, 2008 specific concerns of your division/department/agency will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on July 8,2008. The Development Review Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday @ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific concerns so that the Planning representative can discuss them prior to meeting wilh the applicant. If the Planner feels II is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings he/she willie! you know on Tuesday. " will receive a full packet ! . AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: July 8, 2008 @ 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1. SUBDIVISION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00029 TABOR-GRIFFIN 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-26-24 TL4300 Address: 2095 5th Street . Existing Use: Residential . Applicant submitted plans to create an 11-lot cluster subdivision, Tabor-Griffin subdivision Planner: Steve Hopkins 1 !City of,Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Date Received: JUN 1 7 2008 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Original Submittal . .. Subdivision T.entative Pre-Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Submittal: . , , . . - - Phone Applicant Name: Cris Tabor-Griffin Icompany: IAddress: 1048 Randall St.. Eugene, OR 97401 l.....'.,.-, ; ,,_, ..." . "".-,. ,'.' ,-,~-~-- , . :.'_"--G-__'~-,,_, 'C'"'",:"" ",.,.~,....;;,,-,:"":i',:' ,-,'r',,; W;',:'I'"'.;!lc'':~''''''-''''''' IAPPlicant's Rep.: JimBranch Icompany: IAddress: 310 Fifth St.. Sl'ringfield, OR 97477 I J . ,-'" ; ,--','~""'"'_- ".-,., ,-"~,",<_,,,,,-,,"~'.;,, ;~"',"",:'>:"'--!..,.'-~_:-:,'."".'''' I Property Owner: Cris Tabor-Griffin Icompany: /Address: 1048 Randall St., Eugene; OR 97401 h~:' .--"-, ,,_,., _ .~..."-,, ,.."c.",.,'.....'~ ',~ .~"L:H:'''...','','I::l".'T,,'.. ,l,.,'~" H """".,...,,-'c1',,'.'-_~."-.'.'" .,.., _ -", ""-,,,',",-<."-""-'-"""'';;'" IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-26-24 I ~,~T I Property Address: 2095 5th St., Springfield. OR 97477 ISize of Property: 1.25 Acres IXI .Sauare Feet 0 lproposed Name of Subdivision: Tabor-Griffin Cluster Subdivision . '," '"'_." ,., .,., "'."cl" ,".'~"~'-. ,"",-..,,,' :~ "~-,. ";c.".,."",-,',.".;,:-;-",. ,'., ".,.. ."'l',"", ,,:',:t "."""oC~"-,,""'~_~h'L;-'.".."~"""';c'i'-":,;'';;';:'''';C"''"'.:':' ., ;._,.Oh.7......."~,.. ...". .,,< ....,.,",=".' ,.,_.e;.o, <,"",:"'"'"'~,,,,"'>_-''.'-'''-=O~'''--''''"'''''''-'_''''' """"'. .c",,, ;"_',", l "., ,'" ,.,,,,',~",-,'"., I Description' of If you are fillin9. in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this appiication. Prooosal: . This proposal is to create an II lot Cluster Subdivision. Reference PRE2008-00026 I Existing Use: Residential 1# of Lots/Parcels: 11 Si natures: Please si (541) 914-2077 Fax: I I co:1 I I I ......_",..._,-.".-r.;;1 I I ."j I I I I "'"''''''''''''''='''''''''3_1 I I I .'0""" .0 ;..:......".,...-".~:c"':LJ,.-" ,,,., ." '.r'~'. . ',-~~..,,,,.,~,-c '-"-C"";;','''F',,,,;'''';~..._-, Branch EngUieering, Inc. I ~hone I Fax: (541) 746-0389 (541) 746-0637 .'k',.",'''''''LV'''''''..l.'.I''.~_.'''''''", .', ".' ,..,...~. ~ '.. .. Phone (541) 914-2077 Fax: .-o""".,.~,.",.,':;.:~,.,.,,_...:. 4300 I ~~g_._ Lot/Parcel . s I Density < . 9 du/acre riate box on the next 2,247 our name and date in the a . , Associated Applications: Siems:'/ -1-0 Brz..J ~ I Pre-Sub Case No.: \\<2&g- <SL.tQk, Date: .[ Reviewed by: U I Icase No.: 2;',..)~Uo'6 r6Ob2<1 Date: '//4-/0'b Reviewed by: ~ I IAPplication Fee: $ 1- ~~ 1- I Technical Fee: $ ?Fft.j.";,.s-I Postaqe Fee: $ (\\,I- n t...j3L....., (~ I TOTAL FEES: $ 'b '-:>,:, PROJECT NUMBER: rpJ<.Y7.1)\l~-~; ,,,,,,,.,,,,~,,,,,='>Mi,,,4;""""~"'~",,.~""'C'"="'-i~","--"""~:'l'.mMVfJ~,,,.,,,,,,,,'.,r,,"=-<'''':''''_=='q=''''''''=''''''''''(O'-",,''-:c,,,,.,",,,,:,,,oiT~n'''-'''''''',,''""~""""'""_'_'f"""'''____'''''''-;'"",,,,,,,,.,.,-,,~;{_r_-'''__''''''''''~''''''".it,,,c_~''_ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 , ' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00029 2095 5tb Street -,J.:- ~-. . - l I I ~~ - I~ ~;r4.... JiI:I-- U- . 1rl 'I ! ~ ..' I I II I I. _~", . I~ ~+-~~ldG~ -_TL.Srq lP' . . tn --Jf '., H" -- ~&~~ 1111111" ~ ] I H I> _ I uJ . -- _SI~ I l.J... I I' u-P I Pate R~ceived;l 1 . . ~.l JUN f 7 2008 ., ) Original Submittal SITE. Map 17-03-26-24 Tax Lot 4300 North ... ---iI& -. . .,,<..,c~, . . ~'.... '-<... '. '>0 ~k';: - - ......../ ~';.:........... '''' Sfi:TJON 1I1lT1..lL nPICALDR1VIlYJ.YCROSS . DE ~~"-- -..... IIU. :-~~,r :;"(=~Tl<WI'I.""'-: Pf:RH'" I -,. ""itI\' , ~::""~I ; ::ia ,I ..:.. -- - I _.or... ~'::t .1' =- ----- , . = MnHILL PROPOSD ~, ::~~ DlUINAGlt PROPOSAl. I'fV' IQ.II .. .... _.u.III'If:<m>f<'. ou.._ :.:-:-....u..-.::::~=.ro~ 'n'.....'::'~~"tf:DtIJ:'~..::r:.:'-_ ~CF~C'OTDl_ :'l:J.'n'_~[. - Q PUN ' PlUSIN CftEJIT.... lOll '-:.,a:::::. . =~"~::~::'''_<><Il _J.IIOI:I. . " . 17-0'-2&-24 TAX LOTS 4JOO WW>P , .~ ----=--rn-~~_..._ i \~: ,1: \ .:;;,j, , ~....- I.....'r."'"' , , " - ~- ------.+ ->' .. ----- ~-& .p1' c,V ~.'t " ,~ PAVrNG NOTll . r ~ _.. QII8C AU._r.wa-.L - NOT1tS: -.......,....CED l:'OSEOU'l.Jrn l~""1III0lI.C.1OIOF".~rloilUQ;t I.CXA'rlDet~ ftlE LNT:W~ ~~rr~.:f"O l ~'U'Ar RflF:.i: "NO._ ~:r TO r~ lll. ~ ~N1r.~~J.OJ.o_..n'~TEll =.~~';:..~.a:_ ~~ . j -..- -~ 'I. '!' 1: _..;;;;:" Ll<G1111D -...-- :::::o"UO --~ _.o-:""u_ __..., -=:"'-, ~":._.,,- :==-- €m"""::=.....~ -., - - ~I'" .....,.......-p ~'M1 ............lIEJI = UN...... .op ~:..~vr.."..~,..,Ovr. ~rnf~ Il....~r... ------- "'-. --- E"fNI~TI" c:::=J "*""ClCD """"'l"rr CD c:::::.;:;] <> . . . --' ~H_r ::: ...mi :..r: EDf'..,"AJVI/G.w,,,,,,,nc ~~..tlt1/f1DO _...mt ... ~-- --~ ~-- ~"'"'-~ -- .~=...~ :=...u_ ~~..,C>W<<It ,...'....IlOEf.L_ VOIfNllJfLff':::"'_ -.- Date Received: JUi'l i I 2008 .. I Submittal Onglns . . , . . ...... ~. ~ ~"'IIU DE'""""," .oa -V. ....,'[\.EV.ncH "" linn ~ in' s: a ~ '" "' ~ !g G ;!; l:: , ~ ~. I . "' ~ ~ f ;:! " :l .. '" ~,. ;::: ;:! ~" ~~ ] Ii .~ ~!J . . - jjJ! . ~ ill 1 J3~! @Ji D.lff wrla,:OOI ,". JO' .seAU" -~ " ~~ CHCtr:cD ". ':.:fiJ $H((J/OO. '" .., ~. ".... 2 Of J !Hf(J(!} .J , NARRATIVE . FOR THE TABOR-GRIFFIN CLUSTER SUBDIVISION This ~pplication isa proposal to create an I I lot cluster subdivision at 2095 5th Street (Tax Map 17-03-26-24, Tax Lot 4300). Currently, the site is developed with a'single-family house, garage and two sheds; these buildings are to be removed, The existing well will remain for irrigation. In conformance with the Low Density Residential classification of the site, all parcels will eventually be developed with single family homes and town-homes. Since 5th Street is fully improved, no off-site improvements are necessary now or in the future. In order to meet the minimum right-of-way width of 35'for a minor arterial, a future right-of-way dedication of 5' is proposed from the current right-of-way line for 5th Street. A proposed Joint Utility Trench along the north property line will connect cable,' telecommunications and power to all lots, A proposed Irrevocable Joint Use Access driveway will be 24' wide at the entrance onto 5th Street and 21' wide within the development and will meet fue code as noted on the tentative plan. An emergency vehicle turnaround is proposed . within the driveway. "No ParkingIFire Lane" signs shall be installed adjacent to the drive on both sides of the driveway. The driveway fue access shall be unobstructed per Springfield Fire Code. The existing fire hydrant located at the southwest corner of 5th Street and "T" Street will serve all lots. The proposed fencing for the individual lots have not been determined at this time, but it's anticipated each lot will have a 4'-5' fence (i.e. see through, white picket), which will clearly delineate the outdoor area that is separate from the common area. At least 3 street lights, 12' in height or less, will be installed along the internal driveway. ' The proposed stormwater management system will be a private system and will consist of a grassy swale and dual chambered catch basin for pretreatment and piped to an existing manhole. At least fifty percent of the driveway and parking area runoff will drain to a grassy treatment swale in the southern open area, and routed to an existing storm manhole at the north edge of the property, The remaining runoff will drain into a two chamber catch basin and then routed to the same existing storm manhole. The Stormwater Management Plan and Drainage Study is included with this submittal package. A stormwater maintenance plan for the proposed treatment system will be provided in the CCR's submitted at the time of Final Plat. We are proposing the Tabor-Griffin Cluster Subdivision as a phased project. The tentative schedule for completing phases of the subdivision is as follows: Phase Tear I 2009 2 2010 3 2011 These phases will proceed as market conditions dictate, which could affect adjustment in the tentative phasing plan. An extension may be required in a slow market. The design goal for the Tabor-Griffin Cluster Subdivision is to construct dwelling units on Lots 1-4, a portion of the driveway and utilities to serve Phase I. Phase 2 will include development of Lots 5-7 and extension of the driveway, sidewalk and utilities. Development on the remaining Lots 8-11 and the extension of the driveway, sidewalk, utilities and construction of the treatment swale will be completed with Phase 3, Phase] will also include a temporary swale to be constructed from the proposed catch basin to the existing manhole for stormwater treatment of the project site. The treatment system will be completed during Phase 3. This phasing strategy 'd~fJI'ffe~~~ty r . . , JUN 1 7 2008 . Original Submittal for the applicant to project attainable development while maintaining a budget for construction costs. The applicant understands for a phase to be approved for tentative subdivision, on-site public and private improvements must be sufficient to accommodate each phase, and capacity of all public facilities must be adequate to serve each phase. . The proposed subdivision layout was designed to preserve as many significant trees as possible, especially the cluster within Phase 2: We anticipate removal of 5 trees will occUr during building construction of the driveway and future town-home construction in Phases 1 and 2. The City of Springfield Code requires 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit. The applicant proposes 2 spaces per dwelling unit for the five single-family detached units. For the attached townhouse units, applicant proposes a total of 6 parking spaces for' the four townhouse units fronting 5th Street and 4 parking spaces for 'the two townhouse units fronting the joint access driveway. This would be a reduction of 2 spaces. Based on ITE's Parking Generation (3'd Edition), the average peak period parking demand is 1.46 vehicles parked per dwelling unit for townhouses (Land Use Group: 230). . The Lane County Soil Survey shows the site as having Saiem-Urban Land Comp]ex (119). The Soil Survey indicates that Salem-Urban Land Complex has a high water table greater than 6 feet. This unit is used mainly as homesites and for urban development. It is also used for yards and open areas between buildings. This project does'not require any additional planning applications. Applicable approval criteria are addressed as follows: 3.2-230 Cluster Subdivision E. Adjustments to Dimensional Standards. Cluster Subdivisions allow reduced lot sizes and setback standards for individual lots, as specified in Subsection A. EXCEPTIONS: 1. The perimeter of the development shall meet the LDR setback specified in Section 3.25-215. The proposed development meets LDR setback standards. 2. . No increase in building height is 'permitted. The maximum building height for the LDR zoning district is 30 '. This will be met at the time of final building design. 3. Solar protection for abutting LDR' properties north of the proposed development is required. Lot 1 and 11 apply to this criterion; both lots meet the solar setback standards. Lot 1: The solar setback is 12.5', based on an assumption of a 30' building height. The roof ridgeline for the proposed duplex is undetermined; however, Date Received: h !1':' f JUN 1 7 2008 Original Svpmittal when calculating the solar setback at either the south l[it line or at the center of the dwelling unit, each dimension places the shade area inside Lot 1. Lot 11: The solar setback is 26.25', based on an assumption of a 30' building . height. This would place the shade area inside Lot 11. . 4. The maximum lot coverage of the net development area shall meet the lot coverage standards of Section 3.2-215. . The maximum lot/parcel coverage for the LDR zoning district is 45 percent. The proposed buildings do not exceed the lot/parcel coverage standard. 5. Where zero lot line construction is 'used, spacing between buildings or clusters of buildings shall be at least 10 feet. There are four proposed buildings with zero lot lines. All proposed buildings meet the spacing standards of 10 feet. F. Neighborhood Compatibility. New single-family detached, attached, and duplexes constructed with a Cluster Subdivision shall be generally compatible with existing homes. The goal is, to reduce the impact of new development on established neighborhoods' by incorporating elements of nearby, quality buildings, for example, buildiD.g details, massing, proportio.ns, and materials. To foster compatible residential development at the higher densities sought by this Section. The following standards shall be followed. 1. Front yard Setl!.acks for Buildings in Established Residential Areas. As shown on the Development Plan, the front yard setbacks for proposed Lots 1 through 4 are within 3' of the existing front yard setback of the existing house to the north. 2. Building Height Transition. The existing house to the' north of the site is a single-story dwelling. The neighborhood consists of existing single-story and two-story single-family residences and duplexes. The intent is to meet this code criterion, but it will be specifically addressed in more detail at the time of final building design. G. Specific Development Standards for Single-Family Dwellings. The following design standards apply to single-family detached, single-family attached (less than three attached units) and duplexes: 1. Building Orientation and Connectivity to the Fronting Street. Date Received: JUN 1 7 2008 Original Submittal . , As shown on the Development Plan, the proposed buildings located on Lots 1 through 4 are fronting 5th Street and have a 'concrete walkway connecting th~ street sidewalk to the front door. 2. Dwelling units shall have a door opening directly to the fronting street. A minimum 3-foot wide walkway shall connect the door to the street. The walkway shall be constructed of a permanent hard surface (not gravel) and located directly between th'e street sidewalk and the front door. This walkway shall not be part of the driveway area. As mentioned, the proposed buildings located on Lots 1 through 4 have a door opening directly to the fronting street. The proposed concrete walkway connecting the front door to the street will be 5-feet wide. 3. Garage Doors. Garage door placement and design shall meet the following conditions: . a. Garage door openings facing a fronting street shall not exceed 40 percent of the width of the house fa~ade. No garages are proposedfor the"Tabor-GrifJin Cluster Subdivision. b. The garage fa~ade shall be set back a minimum of four feet from th.e house facade. The minimum setback of the garage fa~ade is reduced to 0 feet if the house fa~ade has a porch, 50 square feet or more in size, encroaching into the setback. ; As mentioned, no garages are proposed, therefore, this criterion does not apply. 4. Windows. A minimum area 15 percent windows and/or dwelling doors on facades facing streets, sidewalks, and multi-use paths (including garage facades). Gabled areas do not need to be included m the base wall calculation when determining the minimum 15 percent calculation for . windows/doors. A minimum area of 15 percent windows 'and/or dwelling doors will be installed on . facades facing streets, sidewalks, and multi-use paths. 5. Design Variety. Each home shall incorporate a minimum of. three of the following five building design features. Applicants shall indicate which options they are proposing on' plans submitted for building permits. While not all of the design features are expressly required, the inclusion of as many as possible is stron.gly encouraged. a. Roof Pitch and Design. A minimum 4 to 12 roof pitch. Date Received: '1 JUN I 7 2008 nrininl:ll ~llkrnitt~1 A roof pitch of at least 4 to 12 will be constructed: b. Eaves with a minimum 6-inch overhang. All eaves will have at least a 6" overhang. c. Building Materials. At least two different types of building materials (including, but not limited to: stucco and wood, brick and stone) or a minimu!B of two different patterns of the same building material (including, but liot limited . to: scalloped wood and lap siding) on facades facing streets. These requirements are exclusive of foundations and roofs and pertain only to the walls of a structure. At least two different types of building materials or a minimum of two different patters of the same building materials will be located onfacades facing the street. d. Architectural Features. At least one architectural feature included on a dwelling fa~ade that faces the street. For the purposes of this provision, architectural features are defined as bay windows, covered . porches greater than 60 square feet in size, second floor balconies, dormers related to living space, or habitable cupolas, pillars or posts, recessed entries and off sets in building face or roof. If a dwelling is oriented so the front fa~ade (fa~ade with the front door) is oriented to a sidewalk and no facades of the dwelling face a street, then the architectural feature may be counted if it is located on the fa~ade of the dwelling that faces the sidewalk and contain's the front door. . At least one architectural feature will be included on a dwelling faqade that faces the street. e. Architectural Details. At least one architectural detail on a dwelling fa~ade that faces the street. For the purposes of this provision, architectural details are defined as exposed rafters or beam ends, eave brackets, gridded windows or windows with divided lites, or pergola/trellis work integrated into building facades. If a dwelling is oriented so the front fa~ade (fa~ade with the front door) is oriented to a sidewalk and no facades of the dwelling face a street, then architectural details may be counted if they are located on the facades of the dwelling that face the sidewalk. At least one architectural detail will be included on a dwelling facade that faces the street. Date Received: JUN 1 7 2008 Original Submittal H. Open Space. . At . least 20 percent of the development site shall be designated common open space. Common open space can be wetlands, steep slopes, natural waterways or wooded areas. Also, common open space can be created by placing on the land amenities for community activities for residents, for example, playgrounds, picnic areas, gardens or sports features. Setbacks and buffer areas do not count towards common open space. The use of restrictive covenants, dedication and homeowners' association maintenance shall be assured through a homeowners' association. The subdivision is approximately 54,265 sq ft and the proposed designated common open space is 13,973 sqft, which is over 25 percent of the development site. I. Landscaping. Landscaping and/or natural vegetation shall occupy a minimum of 50 percent of required common open space. On-site natural resources and historic features that are accessible to residents (including, but not'limited to: by trails, boardwalks, etc.) may be used to satisfy this requirement. For example, if 25 percent of the site includes a natural resource or historic feature then 25 percent of the landscaping requirement is satisfied. . . A minimum of 50 percent of common open space will be' designated for landscaping. At least 25 percent of the open space is the proposed grassy swale and existing trees . between lots 8 and 9. J. Conditions of Approval. Over and above any other 'condition of approval, when mitigating conflicts with adjacent properties raised during the review of a Cluster Subdivision, the Director may require landscaping in the perimeter setbacks specified in Subsection E. 1., above, in order to provide a buffer area to adjacent properties. In this case, the setbacks shall be landscaped according to the screening standards listed in Section 4.4-110 or Section 3.2-240. If needed, this criteria will be addressed during Final Plat. Date Received: JUN 1 7 2008 . Original Submittai