HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 8/7/2008 ,,, .-:: l ~' RECEIVED .'f. '"..}.- .~\ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE AUG 72008 By:l&~,'~ ~ STATE OF OREGON) )ss. County of Lane ) ,. . I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: . 1, . 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of. Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of.?UB2POg.o.:v~q W/-~ % hI"""";""". ~ ~ . . . (See attachment nAn) on 7" . 2008 addressed to (see .,j~ ~~ Attachment Bn), by causing said . letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. , . ":f( t1h M1 rd dl~ KAR~N LaFLEUR( / ) . . STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane a~ 7 . 2008. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Progra.v! Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: ;, 2n~ ~jV UU . . OFFICIAL SEAL DEYETTEKELL Y . " NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 420351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG, 15, 2011 \ My Commission Expires: g It <;;' Iff I .. . (.- , Notice of Decision - Subdivision/Partition Tentative Plan ~~ Project Name: Tabor-Griffin Subdivision Project Proposal: residential cluster subdivision Case Number: SUB2008-00029 . Project Location: 2095 Fifth Street . Property size: 1.25 acres Base Zone: LDR (Low Density Residential) Zone Overlay District(s): none Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Refinement PlanfDesignation: Q Street Refinement Plan/ Low Density Residential Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: May 9, 2008 Application Submitted Date: June 17, 2998 Decisionlssued Date: August 7, 2008 Appeal Deadline Date: August 22, 2008 , 'Other Application(s): none I CITY, QF.SgRI~~FH~LDJ?EY.EI,O.PM~!'ITf.!i~,!ID:Y.J!'~,;'i<;(:{i';;Kc;'i:,';;~;~l:r';j' .:;~ I.POSITION REVIEW OF NAME I Project Manager Planning Steve Hopkins Transportation Planning Engineer PHONE 726-3649 Transportation Jon Driscoll 726-3679 Public Works Civil Engineer Utilities, Sanitary & Storm Sewer Eric Walter 736-1034 Deputy Fire Marshall . Fire and LifeSafety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 I Conununity Services Manager Building Dave Puent I 726-3668 I I .. . . . . . . .. .. . .... . . '.. .. J I ~:APPLIQANt,s 'DE\TELOPMENT,RE\7JEW:vEAMl'lll\!'i1f"':itrf!.('llfilfj"o\I1\I('\lf<~;;!lKIilt~'\1~~'1':'f~lXri\,iij~~J~; I!.'~:" .;,>''\'>:;';:'~ ::<:..'~~;";""m..&f:W'~;:iH~.,';}~~'~'ih/i.~~i'",,'\",-.;/j;.'i,>S..4U.'<i!;'~'I"",,-:;,.~;.~.,,~,::;;;c:,\C"-"""'i\;cOi:l,:w,,~vJ:l1\1~~;;&{;j,;,).~'tIi)j;~;j1.bJ'~'~","''i~~'i~iii:~;2';'''~,;.~'e,\,~Si.i,b:U:,'~~J1j,:tj~ Owner/Applicant Applicant's Representative Cris Tabor_Griffin Jim Branch 1048 Randall St Branch Engineering Eugene OR 97401 310 Fifth St' Sprin~field OR 97477 Tobor-Griffin Case No. SUB2008-00029 " " ., Site: '* 'Tabor neighbors.shp Streets N "to A 1 ' . Eaglewctfe.shp fJ\. -, [100 0 Tax lots ~ l. jii lr-s:~---".,.'- Summary of proposal: A residential cluster subdivision consisting of 11 buildable lots ranging . in size from 1,418 sf to 2,186 sf. The site contains an existing dwelling that will be removed. Decision: Tentative Approval with conditions, as of the date of this letter. The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of approval are listed herein and are satisfied by th~ submitted plans and notes unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance.. The Final Plat must conform to the submitted plans as conditioned herein. This is a limited land use decision made according to city code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this doc'ument carefully. Other Uses Authorized by the Decision: None. Future 'development will be in accordance with the provisions of the SDC, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations. . Tabar-Griffin Case No. SUBIOO8-00019 2 ,..:. 'J Review Process: This application is reviewed under Type II procedures listed in SDC 5.1-130, the T~tative Plan Criteria of Approval, SDC 5.12-125, and the Land Division Standards of Article 5.12-100. . Procedural Findings: . Applications for Lirnit!,d Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 day conunent period on the application (SDC Sections 5.1-130 and 5.2-115). The applicant and parties submitting written colnments during the notice period have appeal rights , and are mail~d a copy of this decision for consideration. . Notice was sent to adjacent property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject. site on June 18, 2008. . On July 8, 2008, the City's Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed plans. City staff's review conunents have been reduced" to findings and conditions only as necessary for compliance with the Tentative Plan Criteria of Approval conttined in SDC 5.12-125. This decision was issued on the 51" day of the 120 days mandated by the state. . In accordance with SDC 5.12-145, the Final Plat shall comply with the requirements of the SDC and the conditions imposed by the Director in this decision. The Final Plat otherwise shall be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan reviewed. Portions of the proposal approved.as submitted during tentative review cannot be substantively changed during Final Plat approval. Conunents Received: The applicant and parties submitting written conunents during the notice period have appeal rights and are mailed a copy of this decision for consideration. The full text of all conunents are made a ~art of this record by reference here and are available for . review upon request. . On June 30, 2008, conunents were submitted by Syb and Wendy Eaglewolfe (2103 N 5th St, Springfield OR 97477), mailing address: 1430Willamette St, #195, Eugene OR 97401. On July 2, 2008, conunents were submitted by Bill Carpenter on behalf of a group of interested neighbors. The list of people who submitted conunents is contained in Table 1. All the conunents raised valid concerns. The home owners have the'right to be free from unreasonable or intrusive developments. At the same tllne, the land owner has a right to develop the property in conformance with the development code. It is the responsibility of the project planner to balance these concerns with the rights of the land owner. The conunents include a wide range of issues. Some of the issues include density, drainage, screening, parking, solar protection, outdoor lighting, and the adequacy of the public notice. These items are discussed below: Density: The ~um density allowed in the LDR zone is 10 dwellings per acre. The proposed density is 8.9 dwellings per acre. Drainage: A drainage plan is required prior to approval of the final plat. The stormwater will be directed into a swale and into the public system in 5th street. It will not be allowed to drain to adjacent properties. Screening/outdoor lighting: The northern property line conuuns an exisru,;g wood fence, except along tax lot 2600, which contains a chain link fence. With the permission Tabar-Griffin Case Na. SUB200B-00029 3 ., of the owner, the applicant will install vertical slats in the fence to minimize visual impacts. This was not included in the original proposal. In accordance with SDC 4.5- 100, outdoor lighting in a residential zone is limited to 12' high and must be fully shielded and directed downward. Parking: . The applicant is proposing 2 parking spaces for each of the 5 single-family detached unites. This complies with the SDC requirement of 2 spaces per house. The applicant is proposing 1.5 spaces for each townhouse. Because this is a cluster subdivision, SDC 3.2-230(A) and (B) permit changes in standards to allow more flexible design than is permissible under the conventional subdivision process. The request for reducing the number of spaces is supported by the Institute of Transportation Engineers parking generation calculation (3'd edition), which has deterrrUned the average peak period parking demand for a townhome is 1.46 spaces. Based on this evidence, the 6 spaces are adequate to serve the 4 townhomes. .' . Solar protection: Solar. protection for abutting LDR properties north of the proposed development is required. All new homes must comply with the solar requirements in SDC 3".2-225. This will be verified during review of the building permits for those homes. Inadequate public notice: Some of the conunents indicated the required sign was not posted on the site until a week into the public qonunent period. SDC 5.1-130(B) states: "In addition, the applicant shall posH sign, approved by the pirector, on the subject property." Notice was sent to adjacent property owners/ occupants within 300 feet of the subject site on June 18, 2008. The site was posted with the required sign on or about June 27. This complies with the notice requirements of SDC 5.1c130. The issue raised concerned the rights of users of the EWEB bike path to know of the proposed development. Because there is no change to the bike path or any intrUsion into the . corridor, the impact to the path users will be minimal. For these reasons, there is insufficient cause to deny this project based on the adequacy of public notice. The neighbors also requested this Type II application be raised to a Type illreview, which would require a public hearing with the Planning Commission. The Director has decided a Type III review is not warranted because the application: . Does not raise an issue of citywide signific~ce. . Does not raise an issue which will reoccur with frequency and is in need of policy guidance. . Does not involve a unique environmental resource based upon evidencep~ovided by a state or federal agency, or by a private professional with expertise in the field of the resource of concern. . . Does not involve an existing use with a compliance action pending against it and with neighborhood opposition against it. . . Does not involve persons with opposing legal arguments regarding unresolved interpretations of applicable state laws or regulations. . Does not involve a contemplated use which would be a different kind of use than the uses of nearby properties. Tobar-Griffin Cose No. SU8?OOB-00029 4 . Does not involve a use which would result in the introduction of new conunerdal or industrial traffic on local roads in a residential neighborhood. Table 1 Name # Sf city zip Date I JoeAnn Pansay 2126 6TH ST Sprinqfield 97477 . July 2 I Michael Heckard 605 Northridqe Ave Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 I Geoffrey Tyson 623 Northridqe Ave Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 I Frank Tennefoss 637 Northridqe Ave . Sprinqfield 97477' July 2 I Chen Hon Lam 641 Northridqe Ave Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 I James Adney 655 Northridqe Ave Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 I Shari Hiatt 663 Northridqe Ave Sprinqfield . 97477 July 2 I Arthur Ireland 883 Northridqe ,Ave Sprinqfield 97477 . July 2 I Chen Qinq Linq 641 Northridqe Ave Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 I Lori Hansen 637 Northridqe Ave Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 1 Nicole Heckard 605 Northridqe Ave Sprinqfield . 97477 July2 1 Racey Adney 655 Northridqe Ave Sprinqfield 97477 . July 2 I Richard Adney Jr. 655 Northridqe. Ave Sprlnqfield 97477 July 2 1 . Vicki Wanner 628 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July2 I Sue Stoneburner. 629 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 I Georqia Wesner 640 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 1 Rex Meisenheimer 651 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 1 I Arthur Ireland 652 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 I I Selma James 675 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 . July 2 I I Avra Bostick 676 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 1 .1 Pam Caples 680 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 1 1 Elden Shields 693 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 1 I Andrew Arens 607 T ST Sprinqfield . 97477 July 2 I I Bill Carpenter 680 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 I I Nancy Arens 607 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 l 1 Norine Arens 607 T ST Sprinqfield 97477 July 2 1 Syb EaqleWolfe 1430 Willamette St#195 Eugene 97401 June 30 I 1 Wendy EaqleWolfe 1430 Willamette St#195 Euqene 97401 June 30 I SDC 5.12-125 Tentative Plan criteria The Director 'shall approve or approve with conditions a Tentative Plan application upon determining that all applicable criteria have been satisfied. If conditions' cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Di..c~~v. shall deny the application. In the case of Partitions that involve the donation of land .to a public agency, the Director may waive any approval Criteria upon determining the particular criterion can be addressed as part of a future development application. A. The request conforms to. the provisions of this Code pertaining to lot/parcel size and dimensions. Finding: This is a residential cluster subdivision and the lots range from 1,463 to 2,186 sf. The reduced lot size is allowed by the cluster subdivision regulations contained in SDC 3.2-230. Tabor-Griffin Case No. 5UB2008-00029 5 Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.12-125(A). B. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. . Finding: The site is within the Q Street Refinement Plan. It is designated for Low Density Residential uses. Conclusion: The proposal complies with sbc 5.12-125(B). C. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. : The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Finding: The applicant has proposed a new 8 mch public wastewater main with service laterals branching of~ to serve each lot within the development. The connection of this 8" main to the existing public system is located' on the east side of 5ti'Street and connecting to the existing manhole at the intersection of 5th and "T" Street. Plans should be revised to include one 4" lateral for serving lot #5 that does not appear to be shown on plans. . . Finding: The applicant has indicated on the plans the proposed 8 inch wastewater pipe to be a private line; however, the Building Department (plumbing Code) will not allow one single private main line serving multiple lots unless it is a public line. . 1. Condition of Approval: Prior to approval 'of the Final Plat, the applicant shall submit a revised plan showing a new lateral servinli: lot #5. 2. Condition of At)n~oval: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, revise the subdivision plan to show independent private sanitary sewer pipes extending to each individual lot or one single public 8" sanitary sewer pipe. The plans must also include updated private or public easement information. STORMW ATER MANAGEMENI: Finding: To comply with Sections 4.3-110.D & E, storrnwater runoff from the eastern end of the subdi';'ision will be'directed into a water quality bio swale prior to . discharging into the public system located in the driveway/private road. Both the bio swale outlet and remaining western portion of subdivision will discharge to a private 6" storm water pipe located in the private driveway/road and connect to an existing storm manhole, then to the public system running east-west in an existing public sewer easement. T a~or-Gr;ffin Case Na. SUB200B-00029 6 Finding: Plans indicate that the' storm water is being collected along the south side of street at the east end of subdivision via a gutter system however, the gutter system ends abruptly where storm water will discharge and shed onto the st;reet surface at the street location 'of the "Emergency Vehicle Turnaround" which is not consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures ManuaL 3. . Condition of Approval: Prior to approval of the Final Plat submit a revised stormwater plan showing a system that collects and discharges storm water into a complete !!:Utter and/ or pipe system in lieu of discharging and shedding across the street pavement surface. WATER OUALITY Finding: Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water Act (CW A), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), theCity of Springfield has obtained a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit A provision of this permit requires the City demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution in urban stormwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Finding: Section 3.03.3. B of the City's EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by that development Section 3.03.4.E of the manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quality improvement using vegetative methods. . The water quality grassy swale satisfies this requirement. Finding: To meet the requirements of the City's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the City's EDSPM, the applicant has proposed one private water quality grassy swale. ~e private grassy swale will be locatedin a proposed open space. An" erosion control" seed mix has not been provided. r'lans should include a . see? mix and application rate specified. Finding: The grassy vegetation proposed for use in the swales will serve as the primary pollutant removal mechanism for the stormwater runoff, and will remove suspended solids and pollutants through the processes of s~diinentation and filtration. Satisfactory pollutant removal will occur only when the vegetation has been fully established. 4. Condition of Approval: Prior to apProval of the final site plan. provide a maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the 10nQ"-term maintenance of the proposed water aualitv bio swaJ.lo" Th~ !?]an should desil!llilte maintenance responsibility for maintaining the svstem and should be distributed to all Propertv owners and tenants of the site. The CitvofPortland stormwater manaQ"ement manual , mav be .c.fc..cuced for theinaintenance plan. 5. Condition of Approval: Prior to Final Plat approval. submit a Proposed seed.mix for both the private veQ"etative water aualitv swale and the public QTassv swale / detention pond. The seed mix shall meet the reauirements of the Citv's interim design standards Tabar-Griffin Case No. SUB200B-00029 7 , as reauired in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM.The Citv of Portland stormwater management manual may be referenced for design" 6. Condition of Approval: The private vegetative water aualitvswale shall be fully ve\,etated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of the Final Plat. Alternativelv, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion cantrall water aualitv measures acceptable to . the Public Works, Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. PUBLIC STREETS. SIDEWALKS & IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS Finding: The applicant is not proposing any change to the existing 5th Street frontage that is already fully improved; therefore, there will be no need for conditions regarding . street improvements. UTILITIES. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY Fiitding:The applicant has proposed a 7 foot public utility easements along the frontage. of 5th Street, satisfying Section 4.3-140.A of the SDC. Additionally, the applicant is proposing a 5' right-of-way dedication along the 5th Street frontage. Finding: The applicant has proposed a private street section of 3" ac over 9" crushed rock . . In accordance with Springfield Standard SpeciJ?cations, Standard -Drawing 3-1, the minimUm cross section required is 4" ac over 12" crushed rock This cross section W:i1l also satisfy the required 80,000 lb fire truck load. , 7. Condition of Approval: Prior to aporoval of the Final Plat. the plans shall be revised to indicate a street section showiru>: conformance to the Springfield Standard Specifications. Standard Drawing 3-1 that r'eauires a rrUnirnurn 4" ac over 12" crushed rock Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal complies with SDC 5.12"125(C). D. The proposed land division shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. . Finding: This is a cluster subdivision which permits Changes in dimensional requirements by reducing lot size, setback, street width and other developmental standards to allow more flexible design than is permissible under the conventional subdivision process. Finding: The applicant has submitted a response to the written conunents regarding compliance with the SDC 3.2-230. That response is made part of.the record by reference here and is attached to this report. . T abar.Griffin Case Na. SUB200B-00029 B Finding: SDC 3.2-230 requires certain design standards for dwellings in cluster subdivisions to promote neighborhood compatibility. These standards include front setbacks and building height tran.Sition. As proposed, the lots do not prevent future dwellings from complying with these standards. During building permit review, these standards wilI'be verified for each dwelling. Finding: The proposal complies with the cluster subdivision requirements contained in SDC 3.2-230. Specifically, the property contains at least one acre and the lot size and parking standards have been reduced. This will allow more flexible design than is permissible under the conventional subdivision process, preserve open space and create an irmovative residential design that emphasizes affordability and home ownership; Finding: The maximum density of the LDR zone is 10 dwellings per acre. The proposed density is 8.9 dwellings per acre. At least 20% of the site is open space. Finding: Solar protection for abutting LDR properties north of the proposed development is required. All new homes must comply with the solar requirements in SDC 3.2-225. This will be verified during review of the building permits for those homes. Finding: The site is adjacent to a corridor owned by EWER This corridor contains a 115kv transmission line. The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) has specific setbacks related to electrical corridors. According to the conunents from EWEB, a two- story dwelling constructed on Lots 4, 9, 10 or 11 may encroach into that setback. As requested, EWEB will be notified when building permits are submitted for dwellings on these lots. Finding: EWEB has requested the CC&R's.for this subdivision include.a sta!ement that prohibits dumping garbage, grass clippings, etc. on the EWEB property. 8. Condition of Avoroval: The CC&Rs shall include a statement that vrevents the landowners and tenants from dumvinlr Irarbalre. l!J"ass clivvinlrs and other solid waste in the EWEB vrovertv (electrical corridor). Finding: The applicant has indicated the entire property may. be developed in phases. This will require multiple subdivision applications and each phase must comply with the cluster subdivision standards. In addition, there are drainage and fire access concerns related to phasing this project. . The applicant is strongly encouraged to . construct the entire development in a single phase. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal complies with SDC 5.12-125(D). E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic coriditions; areas with suSceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock oU;..vyyings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740,760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Finding: The WQLW map, Natural Resources Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, the Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, and the list of Historic Landmark Sites were T abor-Griffin Case No. SUB2008-00029 9 consulted. The site does not contain any steep slopes, regulated watercourses, or riparian areas. No historic or cultural resources have been identified on this site. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.12-125(E). F. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular. traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential. areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and coinmercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on . arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Finding: The applicant is proposing 2 parking spaces for each of the 5 single-family detached unites. This complies with the SDC requirement of 2 spaces per house. Finding: Table 4.62 of the SDC reqUires 2 space's per dwelling. The 4 attached' townhomes will have 6 parking spaces. The standard is 8 parking spaces (2 per dwelling). Because this is a cluster subdivision, SDC 3.2-230(A) and (B) permit changes in standards to allow more flexible design than is permissible under the conventional subdivision process. The request for reducing the number of spaces is supported by the Institute of Transportation Engineers parking generation calculation (3'd'editiori), which has determined the average peak period parking demand for a townhome is 1.46 spaces. Based on this eyidence, the 6 spaces is ~dequate to serve the 4 townhomes. 'Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.12_125(F). G. Development of'any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be . accomplished as specified in this Code. . Finding: The entire property is included in the proposed subdivision. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC'5.12-125(G). H. Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its' development as specified in this Code. Finding: The adjacent properties are developed with single family dwellings. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.12-125(H). I. Where the Partition of property that is outside of the city limits but within the City's urbanizable' area and no concurrent annexation application is submitted, the standards specified below shall also apply. Finding: The site is entirely within the city limits. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.12-125(1). J. Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the following approval criteria apply: Finding: This is nota subdivision of a mobile home park. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.12-125(D. Tabor-Gtiffin Case No. SUB200B-00029 10 DETERMINATION: Based on the eVidence in the record. the Director determines the proposal complies with SDC 5.12-125(AI-IT)' subiect to the Conditions of Apuroval attached to this report. What Needs To Be Done? SDC 5.12-140 states: The subdivision Plat pre-submittal meeting shall be held within 2 years of the date of Tentative Plan approval (the date of this letter). The mylars and application fee shall be submitted within 180 days of the pre-submittal meeting. If the applicant has not submitted the Partition Plat within these times, Tentative Plan approval shall become null and void and re-submittal of the Tentative Plan shall be required. A Final Plat application is charged upon submittal of the complete application and all required documents, and after all conditions of approval are met, including the construction of public and private improvements and extension of utilities required through this <:iecision. Upon . signature by the City Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the Plat mylar may be submitted to Lane County for recordation. No individual lots may be transferred until the Plat is recorded and the mylar copy of the filed Partition is returned to the City Survey~r. SummarY of Conditions of Approval . To the extent necessary to satisfy the approval criteria of Section 5.12-125, comply with all applicable provisions of this Code and to mitigate identified negative impacts to surrounding . properties, the Director shall impose approval conc;litions. All conditions shall be satisfied prior to Plat approval. 1. Condition of Approval: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall submit a revised plan showing a new lateral serving lot #5. . 2. '. Condition of Approval: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, revise the subdivision plan to show independent private sanitary sewer. pipes extending to each individual lot or one single public 8" sanitary sewer pipe. The plans must also include updated private or public easement infonruition. 3. Condition of Approval: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, submit a revised stormwater plan showing a system that collects and discharges storm water into a complete gutter andf or pipe system in lieu of discharging and shedding across the street pavement surface. 4. Condition of Approval:Prior to approval of the final site plan, provide. a maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance of the proposed water quality bio swale. The plan should designate rrurintenance responsibility for maintaining the system and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. The City of Portland stormwater management manual may be referenced for the IIlairtenance plan. 5. Condition of Approval: Prior to Final Plat approval, subniit a proposed seed mix for both the private vegetative water quality swale and the public grassy swale/ detention pond. The seed mix shall meet the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM. The City of Portland stormwater managemeritmanual may be referenced for design.' , T abor-Griffin Case No. SUB200B-00029 II ., 6. Condition of Approval; The private vegetativewater.quality swale shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of the Final Plat. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. . 7. Condition of Approval: Prior to approval of the'Final Plat, the plans shall be revised to indicate a street section showing conformance to the Springfield Standard Specifications, Standard Drawing 3-1 that requires a minimum 4" ac over 12" crushed rock. 8. Condition of Approval: The CC&Rs shall include a statement that prevents the landowners and tenants from dumping garbage, grass clippings and other solid waste in the EWEB property (electrical corridor). Additional Information: The application, all documents, and' evidence relied' upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free-inspection and copies are available for a fee at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. . Appeal: This Type II Tentative Partition/Subdivision decision may be appealed to the Planning CommiSsion. The appeal may be filed with the Development Services Department by an affected party. The appeal must be in accordance with SDC, Section 5.3-100, Appeals. An Appeals application must be submitted to the City .with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be. returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. In accordance with SDC 5.3-115(B) which provides for a IS-day appeal period and Oregon Rules of Civil Pr'ocedures, Rule 10(c) for service of 'notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 p.m. on August 22, 2008. Questions: Please call. Steve Hopkins in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541) 726-3649 if you have any questions regarding this process. . Prepared by: c::::---- ~ Steve Hopkins, AICP Planner II Development Services - Urban Planning Division T abor-Giiffin Case Na. SUB200B-iJ0029 12 .., i'. ^, ,'_' ';,".,'1:':'::\ :,~S:~:',;';'''tt'~:''~ '.' ", ",^' : 'j 1,"\ , 'l<'t'l,/.-J',.:,: '. ',Y :~,,!I~"', ,l'1 , t''':;>'\>'_J",,~k''~,(IJt;lil- ~. crfYoF:~p~.IN(mE~~i""';i,,, DEVELOPMENTSERVICES DEPARTMENT , "',-.: ;; )""i~: :-;,'.' ;2'2'5'75' l'h~' "S"T' :.J, '~L,-}:::'~'>i~T: " , , " ~'~1';~ . "., r' .%", :'w~~"'",,,~~';';~ ",! '~'f\:.j1if'~ . SP:RI:~.?\!,.EL~(::~~'\~74~t~~i~;1f.~::S"':t;1~~'1,:g~~~ '-" "~I' . ,}kl\~'...~?':::~~':',f"t~;J!;,itiiJj!ol q,,), Georgia Wesner 640 T Street Springfield, OR 97477 ''',> ~, -~.~ -. - ~, " ."~ ,', ,~~}!;"" .;j:_:~;"'~1'~,:i;;t:~~;~~:J-i:,,'\~-:k~~t..:~~ "," ~WY. ~ :J"..,~,' ".\"~~';;J'~"),:, ,:!,i~}~~L;;~'":"_t\'-?, ~"j CIl)'OF'SPRINGFIEU) "'::,~{:;"iJi~!!" \1 . DEVELOPMEt-n,SERVICESDEPAFrrMENf,:,;"~1~ .: " "'2'25' 5"lh,'ST"'" ",.',;1;:/",,\.,' ", .- ~ - _,' ,,'~ i-;';!'ir..'it.'~ ~'~\~:+~','" ., S~R.I,N~G~~~CD:!2R~7 4JY:~~f;'%Sit~,~, \- ':;{'~.'\.' - .'X,.,::;""j:!: '~<:'.l),i..,...z,,::'~~::>t~~;~~;<~;~~. ~._.- ,...-..... . ...,1.__.11 ..I.. .._,.,'_ Rex Meisenheimer 651 T Street Springfield, OR 97477 ',,'. .... --6" -. ;. ! . f """"':'"~CJCVI:L:.\:Jt"Mt:.N'I:"'::lt:HVllDc:::;:L:J1::t;'ARil:/YIENT~~;.';,;"" - ~',. :''''''.fir'~'~;-'''',i''<,\;1_,_~, ,".- ~ ';1,,/ .-,- 't~'-~-T'tt ~'(,-.~'t~,:'~L'~;}~.""<,~ j ':'\~'A:"~;:':l:3t~'s~~,~d~I~~_iii ~~~it.'?~'~~, r. \' -c- -.. :', .".;>:::<,:,:f~.-;-i.;\r'o~~'\tJ;:~=t\if~:,;ta'M. :-<t.'" __,_~ ~ -.., Elden .Shields - 693 T Street .' Springfield', OR 97477 , "- -'-;::;,. '.' r~' '~~;..,':~;~i~':~~:3;'iir~),~~~:;:~'~~i';~!,;~ "~"" .cliy"6i::SPFlINGFiEi.Di~:j')(~,~~~,;; . , .. ..: .........- ....-..,. .,....,.."r,,....-,,". ," _,., c',, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES:DEPARTMEN,l>."> Q .' .. ,r',':22'525f~"S~~,\:~ t'.1'~'~2,~:/~~~:~:~':;# ","S'PRfNGFIElD{'OR '9l477 ;~;j.'. ""'~'~~~I :'". '. _, ,. . ,1' ',:';'1 _~:I~:.,'" .;/r:::"\:';~:'~'.:~~;..'~)~.~~;"~~:~:.:.r:, :'''':lU''''. ,-_..........._~-" Andrew, Nancy and Norine Arens 607 T Street Springfield, OR 97477 I .~ ,~. . -', - ~ '"i ~';"',J!:~. ~_-';.,~"c-_ .J\, - ,;t<";Y'i-V:;:,tj '-"', ''''''~~i' -"""'n:r!' ",.'", "'" 'P'" '''''1'-' '--,,' ~ .,' 't;,;-., .,:' Y:'_::::"'~,~,~'"itf~,;,;t~~t\~\:::,:~~", ;';~:;.1t:"'~';~1~ :'~~~~~' CITY OF SPRINGFIElD .''F",'';i,''l~l';' '~l ,', . -', ", "',;:.. >--',..,''''.-'--'''~'~,(;,'.~..".._~,..,,-~{j,-f.'.,,;,,!,!,l,~"":R: 'DEVELOPMENT SERVICES'QEP,ARlMENl;' . !,-, ,', ,."" ., ':",: ",. ,".;.,f/;:,b;h.:r,,,,' ii:-",:,<' _;:~-. '. :,'"., ;:225 5th,ST, I""', ,';"""', ".',~',i,i" i, -c,,',.,,' , ,,'" ,"~ .-~;~." '''''":' n ,,_ [if~ -, _,',' " :SPRI N G FI ElD ,'OR, 97~Z7 ,.~:",,:,~I;?;i.' ':~:;:E.r"I:.~"~',~V'~~"~~~i'~"~f~~~~~\;~,~:t~-i , ;~ <,,' I ~ '-~I,I Bill Carpenter 680 T Street pringfield, OR 97477 .' :: "l:! .:-,; -- .'.;,. J" YJ;''?_c:;'" ~- "'.,.<', >;r;'~~'~;;~~1ig;~~'; ~,r1ll~"~=~~1(.~~:~,' , I- ," ,,'. ~i'r:",j'1'>-"''", ,~.",." . ~!:"'""..,J'l,",;".(I ~~,:iit,,,, ~ :;,.-.,I..,r~ ,:,-':, 1<:[,; Ill. ',;y.' if, ">1i;;'-j 1',' J."1:;/O'J\'~ ....;~:;,.t.S'.~':; '\{~~::.i;"i> :t-.t'-4't",::'~1%;;~~,. j,,:~:I.:,/*~.lP .. ':. ....'.,..;.:;~CITYO~'SPRINGEIEL;DI;,'l: ",' '" "",'" ...."""' I)~," -'~.." "'"~'''Cl.'''' """"'--!>'{"(';;-"~-'''-Ji'\' .I'....~ , : .:~' DEVELOPMH;JT SERVICI'jS,DE?I~,B:r:M~J'ff;.i;"'" I" r~' <;"", /,' n.t I' 5-h'ST,,1"""</t" ""~'~'fl\.,~,~lP'"I\''' - '~" ';' "~ ;"~"}i~~)"2~5~,~~! !k~J!\J)j1j.::~~~',!",f~'iJ~J.~{,~~p> , .;-: ":sPRfNGEIE~D'OR 97,477 ,.~J'~;,,~\'>!)~'~ "!? . ':- Ie. ~', ,!I", :";,I,,"j'''lv'~~ rJ"'\r"l'~ j(t~'")'J . ',' (I.: < : '. '.i: "....~/::t1'il-~\~6}Jr~.~....'!' ,",',-; ,,$.I,.. ~ '" ,_ , .. J , ! '..'" .. "" . ,. . . _ " , -, Syb EagleWolfe Wendy Eaglewolfe 1430 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97401 Apt/f19S . 'e,3, ~ ',;'4; "1) ,"J' '. ,- " .' C'!.;f",' "",DEVE~OPME~T'SER0q~s p'El'ARTM~Ni:':)~(~i.,,[.1 ..,.:." ,"225 5th STi'" -' : :'-,h..... .""1J,! , ~' ',~ \ ,r. '''~~'''r. '>lj"'h-"J:'h,.;;\.~_" SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477'~..'7""i.'" "i"::,I\ ~,' . , !'.' d ,1':t- ,,'\: -'''\..~~'i!..~i"~.;.l:',, ':,;1 J, ~ : ,;, ""'; "'.:; ,r "".~;~"':;~~,5:A: "'\r,'{,f' ')..~(Ji'~:~\:!t!4,,' .1.111.,111 :. 'I,.,' ..."010" .;.-------- ,........".... ~. Arthur IReland ~::;,;,::::::o, 97477 ,'/- . '"' ",_:c'~::",;, ;~' ,~ ,,:.~,,~ :'.~ ,", ~ '.': ,~i~ ;.~~~. ;~~~;i~.;J';t;>~3~i~;~~(~"~!i -~: ' :'."., CITY OF, SPRINGFIEIiD~;'r;i~r;!i"" ,i "",C'- :_-_, . ',', ',..-~' ", ~" ", ,'f..,."'~_~~ .$ , 'DE'!ELOPM~NT. SEB\!,ItE8IilE.fr~~Jiry1,E~T:;~,:: . ,'" '225"5th"Sri'." ""!t,F.,,;; '''~;i,':,'' . . -' .,hot",_".."- " .. ''';~.-,."V'';''''C\l,I>' {!lI,...., "",f'J"''-''''\ \.' 6'ti, " .SP" RI"!GFIEl[);:,OR;~7,4n')'~".fliJ~".'f..':';;'; . ,,',". " '. 'I ---N, ""1;'" '; , ':~"~,," , '~"1....,.. " - -"'"~~""l.-'i",,,~ ''''1 ~.".,~l,.L<.,,_ ".-~ ".,';.....' .1,',t",..I, j."'_, ". ' ~ ';'''':",,:. ,)1 _~:'. " ..._:_~ {'."".\,'J!''' ":'~:'\~;1'lfR'~ /''t:~1.;'::'\' ,:", ". .,~ ' "" Selma James 67S T Street Springfield, OR' 97477 ~U:'~'l.i~":':'::' ;'...~ ,~,'. ~....... ,~, '" ~'::-'i;:!:.r'~~:"';~'.~-~":~' , '" . :y,'!.- ..,,~Jf;<.~HWli .\'t--v"~~<"'" -1"~~ ," , l . -"', ::,I-P+:\i\.1 'Y.', ,.;1}.... I /','.1, :",. l".N"""~'$..I-'\', ~(t""f ~)/~"-iil:,..":1;>,,~(l:~..: - J 11' ~. , ~_ r'il,t'fl'I:.'t{~';:'''''' . CITY OESPRINGFIELD ,,)t. """,: :tJ,:.:>.:':':- DEVELOPMENT 'SERVICES'.D,~~~~T0~~t:i{'j~~~:, . ""2255th'ST ,., ....,".,;"'/'t-~i.'.'~I,"'," ,~' ,-. '" ' '," ,;., ~::, _L.~'." -,~ '~'" ,~~,:~",,,~",,;,;,::,., , Sf'RI ~~~IE~D ;~RB ,974XI:;:;. 0)':'i.~rpl . . ,; ;' " ;'i1:,~.'~-t'\":'!"':f:/ ,"I;,~~;;~~~~if~ ~<~~:-;::::~~~':~'\" . -" _...'J-.....:....-...'~'_::-.-;..;:......:.......'.-.'.:.......-_-.-.. -------...IlL__, .. Avra Bostick 676 T Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~ . . . , I . -"....II ) ~''''' ": ~. '!.o::!: l' ',' . . _ .. . ... '.' ,.., .l~~;;;:\:'~)~~l;;:~;-~t;.~~:?~jP"':"~:~ .. ;;.,Cltv.9f~P~I~G.F.!~f.R:;:~;:.'~;~'i:':,~ DEVElOP/v1 EN:riS!=AY:IC~S,,'[)E'p ARTM~~T""r:~;f'~, ' ", ,.,""....,. ,"'1",._ '.'1...,,~,;~, "..l.,'"o ,';.,,4' '~.{('.. .. ,.', '," ..2255t, h ST. .. .,.. ..".;,.,-,..,.... ","''''" ,,,"', " . " _h -", -- "t'" ".,<i",' ':'" ,"',,' ", ~ i.' ~,~ -J v,' .f" ,.. SPRINGFIElDOR'97477':;'~;::'?';i.~';~:,,~,\ ' . ',- :\:'I~ ,","" :-:.",.-",,~,~t>'~,,'}~\~.'>:;~!~>I;~::~1~~t~~tf~~;;;,:;~f:i,; " 1..,,- "'1",. ....'.,,'11 11'1 Pam'Caples 680 T Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~~t"'::ti"-;;..,,~, - ~;-',,~ '~;-ll-''':'':~~~:::;-'''''''''''''' ",.~~~,o.;:!.."! ,",;. ~.," <~""'mtn- ;'"'~~" ~- - );~'~~J 0 ~"t,\.. \tf22S'St" ST1 ;;~.1 W'. ~ 1, " t".,J,."'c~:;:;p' ~l ~ "/'. ~'IlEl~.,,'"t''''J''t-lh'li"" 711(. 1\,' ~~$:;'>. ....:...',.- :'~,G~t+(d1 II . " " 'SPRINGFIELD/OR'974i7:'. Me '.f~" - -'(1:1>,',' ~~-..~~~~~f-\;,\~'f '/l.:~,~~t , " t \ ,I<T.~ "',.. :. t~-S,_~~'fi'-.;"~"';',f.',-,. '::I;~:ht;~1;,' - -~ Geoffrey Tyson 623 Northridge AVenue Springfield, OR 97477 " , . .' .' .:~ '{:;;-';:'~'{',;",~:;,' . . . CITY OF. SPR!NQFi~~D&'":Ft,,,,);, DEVELOPMENrSE/ilVIGESDEPARTME . , "22S' Sth'sf''','' r::;"'ti./, ..' ." _ ,~_ _C", :,' - :~~"i,t;l~~""J). SF:RI~GFIELD;qR9!4n!'I:,d" ' ,1,: '" " :';,: ":, c.~:~\ ~'; >~1~~ ~~~~;~i,:<~~;::\;~~, Frank Tennefoss 637 Northridge Avenue Springfield, OR 97477 " ;".- ,:;,-::,;,"-'f,'~; '::~'~i"\;::',~llJ',~'%J.f~';11'~\t.~,.;tW,:;~{~\~~tin:i~' .' ",,;,' _':~';'"- ;. ; ,p; -. ,~>~:~~:~,~ 'r~;-;;~' ttlt~~~~~~':i~:j~;'~.i):'" ~'~~ . CITY OFSPRINGFIELD.;/~~"jJ DEVELOPMENT SERVicESD"EPARTMENT'; , , . ".:' "",,, _I," .,.."'>. . . 22SSth'ST,; ',";' .". . "'" ", '. ' 'll_ .:, ",,-'1';",;;>0 ",Sf'RI.NGFIELD..0R'974'it7,. " {::' "~': ,,:;~:,~~:.'!l~;?:)i:~f~:;~~'~~,r<J'I-" ...~, I, " II Chen Hon Lam 641 Northridge Avenue Springfield, OR 97477 ,,'. - - ,,' .' ,'. ~:" 'Qt':' -"''j'''lw1liJf--"\'':>~''' ,; ".:"!,; ",:..,~:)(;ti':~;:~~~~~~ :.. ..".' .' ..CITY;c)(S~Ri@FI.~L~;~;~", DEVELOPMENT SERVICES'DEPARTMEN '::,: '22S'Sth'Sf."'''i{! SPRINGi;iELD:OR'~74'j7 . . . " , -'. '.~'r'"rj,':1~~: .0:~~~~t~3;\~); , ,'"l''' ,')'~."'..'~" .;1'~1~:!t\,,~-:, ...' ..... ....... James Adney 655 Northridge Avenue Springfield, OR 97477 , :: '>:;(~:A'i.~., :,';:ra " , . ,~ OJ .~ , - ~'_ -:-:'=};":;;:~'l-~:";;';:-;O:-;7~~':';::7, -~~-:p~:;,:'~;';l:."": '.:~i,:'~7./ ;..\.i,,"i.~' "$/'-,'; -:: . ", .~.f"22SSth,ST:. ~,'," "'. ''';.... . I ,. ..., 'f;IELD.OB9?,47;7:!.(>/~~,;";~. ' .,::l~ ~ -,". ,<':"}.-:~"'" _.t, ;f~~~.',?~:;~2:':,;"!::f~~~~~'~: .\ ~< ~ l ! III!It ~ Cris Tabor-Griffin 1048 Randall Street Eugene, OR 97401 ".1 " "";;',': ". .;' ">I." ',.I,-~',;~.~'; ~.':,"'.'.., :'1':1:>&,"): '\;~> ,"J',.. '!"1W",:~q'ff~~-<:"r."~~:: -J ,t, ,.~> ,,(';f."_J,,: W~~:, ',k ~'_~"'~'(~""~'rt~;'~'>:",:~"'_,l~,,~~,:tj"'r~" . " "D~~ELOi~~~~;~:~{~~'~wJiP~i~~~~1tt~ ' ,,;; ;'~/',;~~" . '5~~:l<I "';"S"." ';:"'!.',-r~I;\"i~f.,\;'\.1'.~-t ~~ l),/~:,~ .., , _ ,.r':':<Jf?-,.?..Ut T,ll' ,~ftG,>.i'Il1;rJr" _",/,,'~;<\l !J.,', I( , , ,SPRINGFIEm):0/il.97~7i;<:.,,'~;i;:;':~ ?l;:~~";;;' , ",.,',"; "-;r' ";~r;'~'l'iUI"l~""l'''i< f.'';';A.''~~t-''':y'-'':;q1?;Yl'i;oo . , , ,,:'~ . ".~~::~':-' ~t~f ,,"'ikttV';~'f;';, "~ l-:~t~; :~:~t\,;~,~_!~ '~,~~~jl~~!~~;'_,~,,_~it. ", it"" ""1 ~- Jim Branch Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ... :. .. :~.~:, :.:0;;':':.'~~;~t;~~t~~Jji~;~~:~~t~~~~;~~~~,4.'{~:~i' "'- ','CITY OF.SPRINGf:fEtb,..";;~;g1' , ',' I , . """<~':~'.,-t;J.'p .DEVEL~~M:;~T~~;~~~~t~, ~,~:~~~J~~' J .. SPRINGF,IELD, OR 97477;.,~--":jI; ,;"";.],. . - ~",\I "~ ',,'..'~-}1j'': f:~!~' ;t::'l\'_ , .~. Ji' I I" '" t.""" \~ )1;-',' rr" ~lii'iW "',~.~.o: It ~I . ~" 1 ".' -'f"", ~ '.'i'::'"-!vfJ!'";j,;j1 .. ~',':' II--;"f..: ..~ .... .. "~_, ....,IIJ_~ JoeAnn Pansay 2126 Sixth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ,.. '.. u ~ "--,:',, ,~:~::r t. ; ,,~-~,,~S ,~..:~~:::,~t';~~(iY~"~';,VKV~"Sj ~ - " '.... ",,' ",' l' "" ;'\:, ,~,~ ~" ." ;'>ii4?r.P~: ~\, i>'ll'~\J;l,-,'~f::litfi~;{b; ! " ' '. ':' 'l. I :,. }l' ';-'1.' ",~'.~:~':,','ltlt,lt~~'.:$',;j,'-'^~,(~.f,J. '-;;J;:j;~~, ',,, ;' ; ..r,; ';,.,CITY"OFSF!RINGFIELD"':.;;, o ,..,,' ,____..;~_,~. ..:.h::;.;'.,:....' 1'W.1"~'".,~,.:"....H -tV"'- ." JDEVELORMENT;SERVIGES'DEPARTME . -.~,' '. ~ - "i""....'i-.,i,.-~f,'.' ,,,,," ,,,','. -.... -< ".,.".'-- .,,,. '" ~, (-,~.;d"f''',. '" . '.\ ,{y.) " '. :'r, '._'~, ."- I fl~t'225~'5thjST.':;)-"~~;,i':~"-,~~,~t.. . ..., ,:;, . . . SPRINGFiEtD~8Rj974*~Jlt:;> .1'_1f ..";' 'i:'l",.~,.' ~". ..,:e:':~,,,;; ~.~ '\.tW1~',' 'h,\'i.'r;~~ - ~''- <, (. -{_~ ":, ""."'"':. .j,~~~-,1(, ,...\~~~. ! r ~ , , 11,..__- .' Michael Heckard 605 Northridge Avenue Springfield, OR 97477 ~, u --.---.....-..,,--....___.__......,....._..,. .,1'; '~, <f. :$~~~ "~'" <{'1-,rt.:rW;,,'i::'?""'P2'2"S"S't'h' -So Y-r;i';', .~ ," :',.;j1,i ~'l.i, :". ,r ~.. ,''4 f\ ~ , , C . ,. ;1'. ".~ ~ ~ 1, .'" ., '" ~ . ',' '. 'SPRINGFIELD:,6."" ., 'i:s.;~;;:tt<,,' ,'1:.,..:' '; i.....I' ,t ~"'/> ' ~ . ;4J./.ki:',: ,:1":[ ~:~^: ~ .' ',~ "!!I,r.~.,,, J. L !I~ .. ... i . ., ._.oJ. '.......... . i ~, -- -- ~ 1 l . , I ! , , . I . ,.\__..........1.-. . ~ .~ - :t1 ,. ) . l,~ 11,,';1 Nicole Heckard 605 Northridge AVenue Springfield, OR, 97477 I,.' ". "~. i;;"'. ,"'.'.),;"''''';o...{,~"','-.~''11..:~'-WJ~_.!j~A~,~,r~1 "'.;f ~:;: ,~.,,!~ .'.'~' ~.:'" ~,~, .~~'~>\l';:t~'(;., "'1",,1,"-'~.t, ~:,,,,,,~,~!,'''1'1,,~~?t'i#-~i!iI . :/-':~PI ".',~~~l7 ~~: :.\t'. ,,;: '.,;.~:;.':~\~~:'~.;.~~:~,-~tti~:~;t<.0i\~~~ , , ". C!nOF;;$,~Rl~q.F,IEL:p J:t'.':;'J>t.';\f! ~E ., DEVElOPMENT:SERVICES DEPARTMENl' v,}", r ." '. .~. ~,A. . .'- ,",':iJ,'" .~"";i{;;.'~j\",,'Ll#''''. . ,- .!. ::.1 ;,~", .~,.;'i'$:~~225 .'5th' ST;~:; :'t'~~:" :;~,-.s.~~:~ '. ." " . ',': - \ -,-. "i: T,",__~'. .;>._~,.._'.. "'.kti- ';.".i{ ,. 'SPRIN,GF.IE~P: 5m~!{~?;,:t'~" . ',,'1", .\ 1~f"'Jt,'''''~~,:jl~I-'', , ' ,. _"" ',. '.. r~_,.. ~ ~ '\ "..-" . Racey and Richard Adney 655 Northridge AVenue Springfield, OR 97477 .~ 'I'> '.'.~"'~' :':: l'~~;,:::'~-~~~:\,};.,:~(;~~~t;;.~ia;;:1~t::~:..~ . '. .'Cl.TYO(SPRINGfIE~DhJ;.~~:ti;~:,;,:~~: DEVElOP~ENT. SERylqE~,p~P;t~X~~~T.1::,::;;\';;; , "." 2255th STI'tt; 1.r\,!,,.:,J,"_'l'i1'~'_ , SPRiNGFIELD:0R'9:i4:1!{"r:'r~t, , ,.' ~"" '11f .'1lt~r...,...~!7:j~~~"::",~.~1;>;,'. 1'" ---..' Vicki Wanner 628 T Street Springfield, OR 97477 ,< '. c"~ :~~:;~.i'{~:'~;!~~.;~::~,~.~~_;~:'~~~: , _,1_.._.. -, ..f~{~"",,':>~'~'fi;;"''fwlL~ .CIl)'"OF,SPRINGFIELD"i1,t<:". DEVELOPMENT SERVICES bEPARt'MENJ;J';'~~~i 0, ' ,'",','" 225 5tr'-ST;;("~/~}"~'""t~,,~';,'~,~ 1,], ~l ;, . "J. '.. '_~":Il;" ~-~~ l~;~';:i:"'~",~ ~( SP81NGFIELDI~ORr?~477<' ~:Jf~~":;;{':::,f'~ r .'. \:,'H(j"'\'d~~;~./[~;~",U'1}~t~~ ~ _ . ',__ _. .... ,"~ .'.'",._"_ + ~ '1'", . \\""""., "~, ~";"'~: ...,.........ILJ;; ~"""...., ~~___ ~ _ ~. _ ~ . '" , . Sue Stoneburner 629 T Street Springfield, OR 97477 " .~ , , ~i I : .; .,)' j .' t,,,...... ~: t. t~ J.: 'i, , . .f.",,,, ~~-'";~'}:-, :",,;::~\:",1'''''7~;'''' ':; ~_;~ \ '. _ , . '(<:~ I "'5: .. 22!?t,5th~T.""~\'i!p,g ,,';' ~ .;) ~"<<'!\' .PRINGFIElD,OR'97477:'" 1 "',. ',~"':" ~., ... '. .'~ ,~:I' '-,,', ~\i1';-"'L ,,'. ,#.;' .-:11 , 1 ~.... 1, ,-rl, --..t . . ~, .- i' . ".'. ""'i' i. 1,->:. ,...;,1" M_.'-."_"~ Shari Hiatt 663 Northridge AVenue Springfield, OR 97477 ',.' ..~': "'~" ~ ~" ~~~':~~~,:.- :'--"'.f"';;;c~;}'~)~:,~'~.'Vl;:,j, '~~,:::::~:~~': S~;~:}~~:!f , ..,.dtv OFSPRINGFIELD";;r,i,;;" . .:t/:, , . ;~," .,01- . t' ;"",.-. .", '","""~'~'.. .., ___, t. ,~ ~ ~ '"~ .' ,t .. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT".. ','. ,. !~. !T"" ~~,-.t'".Pt 'i' il~ "'I''' . , '.. 22S Sth ST'. "';''',;", '. '. .., , ." , ~"l '. ~/.;l, ." !~.~ .. .'.. :SPR.r~GFIEl.D;'O:~:9:?,~7'7"" '7<>S":' ~'::, ,; . .' ~...~.~ v ~ ';,.' ':~-,~ -;'/~~~f:'~"i"<'j:":.',;..~?-~k:'it~~~":'~ . L _M_"'_"~ _1.1, ..~ ~ .....~. ..1..... .Iil...."._."'......,';- w.,j",,,,,,,, Arthur Ireland 883 Northridge Avenue Springfield, OR '97477 , _, ';(~:,1:'~,..:~:' ,':"'.;i,~,.~,~~:;'_;~~;i~:~~~~:;;~~~:t. i'. ,CITY: OF,SPRINGFIEIJD'~: .' ", .", - ,.., . ,.,. ,'-,-- . ~ .;'''_ '. ..,.,.".." ". ."", c......!"'. " DEVElOPMENT,SERVICESDEPARTME "I;:~ 4'!J,';;~!;'225\5th'..si'~';'~~'i,~j~~.'l't",:;:$ .i.'~, 'L", ""'\~"" 'L~"-'~ ;..,,;~)/!i.~,fi{,,}';j~''-' ",. SPRINGFIELD;'OR974Y7'fj.:'?; ,"~ ',L ,'. " l' ',>> ')""':'I(1:+~,~~~,!.':'~!'~;;;:'?i~~:~;~:(\~~~~,:I:~. Chen Qing Ling 641 Northridge AVenue Springfield, OR 97477 -~ ~ . " . '. " i..,:t~?}':(m~,L~,::,i;:,:g~;ftf;!J:~~~~~"'~ '. ,..,' .j 911"( PF ~~R!NGf!;~~.,:~".tI,,:.,(- . . DEVElOPMENl SERVICESDEPA~JMENT~': ' ..)~. I;"';. .1~"\;' :""<22S'5th'-$T'?1,';:\,lj~,'{~::::ti~;,(~~.t",; , .' SPRINGFiELD; OR'9i4yi,'::"':'!i(:ijW:';~~ "", "", ,: ~.;: ' k ' <<~:';~:~~yrl::;;'<"h'~~:i', "..; --,.,l- Lori Hansen 637 Northridge AVenue Springfield, OR 97477