HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 7/24/2008 , " ".'; \\ \. " - . .....' TABOR-GRIFFIN CLUSTER SUBDIVISION Response to comments by Syb and Wendy Eagle Wolfe 1. Going from one home on the lot to eleven is a considerable increase in housing density and a considerable decrease in lot size. Are there no rules to prevent such substantial changes in density and lot size in this area? The City of Springfield has adapted a zoning ordinance which allows up to 10 dwelling units per acre in Low Density Residential (LDR). The property is zoned LDR and is proposedfor development at 8.9 dwelling units per acre. 2. It is concerning to have this proposed subdivision planning a change from the current one story home to eleven two story homes. Our bedrooms and yards are on the south side of our lot and this represents a substantial loss of privacy for us. How can we maintain our privacy in this situation? . . Two story homes now exist in and around the neighborhood of 5'h and T Street. Each circumstance for protecting and maintaining privacy are individual and specific to each location. Trees, fences and vegetation, obscure glass and screening elements are examples ~f how each resident can choose to maintain their privacy. Futher, a 10- j 5 foot wide strip of open space is profosed within the project that would abut the adjoining Tax Lot 2600 (2103 N 5' Street). Landscaping will be added to this open space area to augment the existing vegetation to remain. View from windows facing north on Lot 1 will likely be obstructed by existing and future vegetation. if this could not be obtained frosted or similar window glazing will be used. Other options include window placement height or location by vegetation screening to minimize or eliminate view into the neighboring area. ' 3. How can we determine roof ridgelines for lots 1,2,5,6 and 7 to determine solar effects upon our property? Prior to City approval of a building permit city staff will review the plans to ensure compliance with solar access requirements and standards. 4. We need to see elevation drawings and drainage plans to be certain that this development will not flood our property. 2095 North 5th Street is currently a little more elevated than us; but, they currently have considerable grass and landscaping to avoid run"off. A drainage study has been preformed by the applicant's engineer which incorporated vegetative swales and connection to the existing city storm sewer located on the property. Also, the cross, slope on the proposed driveway is downwardfrom north to south, away from the north property line. ' . .111.~ Date Recelved.- Planner: SH , t \, ' '" -- . 5. The submittal describes having at least three 12' streetlights with a plan to have the development driveway adjacent to our bedrooms. How can this light be shielded from us? The proposed streetlights will be a non-glare light pointed downward. Further they. will be located along the south side of the driveway, thus having minimal, if any impact to neighbors to the north. 6. A driveway close to our fence line is sure to create noise and additional light from headlights., What is the plan to minimize this impact from out property? All abut/ingproperties to the north have 6' high woodfences, with the exception of Tax Lot 2600, which as a 6' high chain linkfence along the east IOOfeet of the common property line 'between Tax Lot 2600 and the project site. In addition to planting vegetation in the common area, the applicant would install, with permission from the owners of Tax Lot 2600, vertical slats in the chain linkfence to further minimize visual impacts to the neighbor to the north., With respect to noise the low traffic volume entering and leaving the site will nor result in excessive noise beyond normal ' residential activity. Traffic noise on 5th Street will be significantly greater due to higher volume of traffic traveling at higher speeds versus a low volume of traffic at lower speeds on the proposed driveway. 7. Is it anticipated that creation of this development will effect our fencesllandscaping/property directly? If so, what will be done to restore the property? Based on the plan submit/ed no construction is anticipated to occur within 10 feet of the property line of Tax Lot 2600. Therefore, it is not anticipated that there will be any construction impact or restoratio,n required. 8. Is it the ihtent that the proposed dwellings be owner-occupied or rentals? . The intent is to sell each unit and that they will be owner occupied. However, renting will not be prohibited by individual owners. 9. Lacking garages where will the new residents store their things? How will the clean appearance of the neighborhood be maintained? It is anticipated that storage, other than vehicles, will be provided inside each dwelling unit. Residents will have attic space and storage lockers planned into each of the units. In addition, there are commercial self storage units within walking distance to the project. Finally CC&R 's will include requirements related to maintenance and aesthetics throughout the development that would prohibit permanent storage oj" personal items other than vehicles, outside the dwelling units. Date Received:~ z.4- Planner: SH ~. ,. . Requests I. It would be preferable to have less dwellings built this close to our property. The applicant believes that this townhome development will become an asset to the neighborhood as well as to the city and is ideally located for higher density due to its proximity to commercial centers, storage facilities, bus stops, bicycle / walking corridors. With these conveniently located commercial centers and alternative transportation modes available to fuiure residents, reduced dependence on auto travel is encouraged. The proposed development meets the current density guidelines established by the city and the, metropolitan area. 2. . One story dwellings are preferable to two story dwellings as this would better match to the homes currently on place and to our home on the North side. Both one and two story homes are allowed in all residential districts in Springfield. There are existing two story houses, apartment complexes, and duplexes in and around the 5th and T Street neighborhood. Further, two story structures will result in a smaller buildingfootprint reducing storm runoff and allowing the creation of more common open space for the future residents of the project. 3. If these homes cannot be single level homes please avoid any upstairs North facing windows to preserve privacy. The applicant understands and appreciates the desire to maintain privacy for adjoining neighbors and intends to supplement existing landscaping screening, apply window glazing techniques and / or positioning of north facing glazing to maintain the privacy ofTL 2600. 4. We request solar protection for our property. Applicant intends to build dwelling units that will not infringe on the neighbors solar rights. 5. We request sight obscuring privacy fencing and vegetative screening as specified in section 4.4-110 and 4.4~115. Please show us your plan for this which will protect our p~ivacy while providing solar protection. Sections 4.4 -100 and 4.4 -115 do not apply to this project. As stated previously, applicant intends to landscape the common area along the north edge of the site. The applicant is willing to have vertical slats installed in the existing chain linkfence with permission from the owners of Tax Lot 2600. 6. ' We request installation of a noise attenuation barrier any necessary site modifications as specified in section 4.4.110 to protect out property from traffic noise , DateReceived: Planner: SH 7/~4 - . anticipated from the proposed driveway near our bedrooms and adjacent to our southern fence line. . Again, 4.4 -100 does not apply to this project. However, city code does give city enforcement personnel authority to control obnoxious or unacceptable high levels of noise. It is anticipated that since this is a residential development versus a commercial or industrial development that quiet evening hours will be desired by future residents as well as neighbors. Modifications to the existing chain link fence or replacement of the existing chain link fence with a solid wood fence is planned with the approval of tile owner of Tax Lot 2600. 7. We ask that the development process not impinge upon our vegetation, fencing, or dwellings or property in any wily. Project construction will be contained within the applicants property and will not effect. neighboring fences or vegetation without prior approval by the abutting owner(sJ; 8. We request that there not be street lights near our property as this development is parallel to our bedrooms and additional light would negatively impact our sleep. As mentioned previously; street lights will be non-glare lights and positioned along the south side of the driveway away from Tax Lot 2600. 9. In order to maintain an attractive neighborhood we request re-vegetation of trees and plants being removed. City code allows removal of up to 5 trees per lot per year to all residents of Springfield Five trees are plarmed for removal. Applicant's layout and design included preservation of the tree cluster located near the middle of the property. Applicant intends to preserve as much of the existing vegetation as possible which does not conflict with if!frastructure and dwelling unit construction. Significant vegetation planting is planned within the, designated open space located along the north property line. No new trees are planned within public easements as required by the city public works. >"""1',. c'Jece,'ved' :....._,::.;_~;.! f\. Planner: SH 7/l- t ,- .. . Tabor-Griffin Cluster Subdivision Applicant Response to questions I comments by Mr. Bill Carpenter, etal 1. Public Notice It is the applicant's understanding that the city provided proper written notice of the pending project. The applicant posted the sign facing 5th Street where thousands of peopledrive by daily versus orienting the sign to the bike path where only a few hundred might pass by daily. 2. Duplex The term "duplex" refers to a single structure with two dwelling units on one lot. The proposed cluster subdivision does not include constructing duplexes. Although duplexes are a permitted structure in cluster subdivisions per 3.2-230D, the proposal includes constructing attached single family town homes and detached single family dwellings, which are also permitted in cluster subdivisions. . 3. Front Yard Setback The code reference is exacting and states that the front yard setback shall be determined from the nearest single family residence. The proposed front yard setback meets the exacting requirements of3.2 - 230 F 1.0. The project abuts the, 60' wide EWES bike bath to the south. Therefore, the closest single family residence is the abutting residence to the north which was used in determining the setback. 4. Parking Seven of the eleven dwelling units will have 2 parking spaces each. The four dwelling units fronting 5th Street will have six spaces total. The request for a reduced number of parking spaces is based in part on the convenient and available alternate modes of travel at this site. A bus stop, bike path and sidewalks'are located within 170 feet from the front door of these four dwelling units, not to mention that two commercial nodes and two storage complexes are located within walking distance. It is anticipated, and supported by parking studies, that at least a couple of future residents will have less reliance on the auto and will only need one parking space. The additional benefits of reduced parking include less hard surface, more open space and less storm runoff 5. Structure Height I Privacy The city's solar ordinance will protect solar access for residents abutting the project to the north. It is the intent of the applicant to comply With the city's solar ordinance. Date Received: Planner: SH 1~z4- ,"I, . . With respect to privacy, all adjoining residents to the north with the exception of 2103 5lh Street, have 6' high solid wood fences. .The applicant is proposing to add landscaping along her north property line to provide additional screening. Further, the applicant will consider window types, height and location along the north facing second story of each structure to maintain neighbor privacy where practical and appropriate. The applicant appreciates the comments received from the neighbors and will attempt to address as many of the concerns as possible in the final design of the project. Date,Received: Planner: SH 7~24--