HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/1/2005 , ~ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Application, Type II Application Type (Applicant: check one) Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: D Subdivision Replat Tentative: D Partition Replat Tentative: D . .. 4B5-907n 1~-j'38~L . -. Applicant Name: ~",p lA~ Phone: ~m~~ I~ ~~~~e~~:_..___I. .'JO/ .:.(0 ~h ~~.....?ff!~, ()R. 97477 Applicant's Rep.: ~...,+- &k~v - ..-.~-I;h~n~:.1345-l;~2.. Company: Robn.+<. .'5DI'Vt!'-I:"''' X",,- !Fax: '1 ;45- ':i,J.I.~LI I . v ~ I Address: P.O. P>o'lL 7/!it{" E:\.JEI~"''' DR.. 97'+01 ;;~~~';'; O~~~r;. si:..~~'Warkt1 h~~ -; ~ ~k~.~~"l~ .. oT~h~~~:.I'4.g~' - 9 D710'1 Company: . ~. I Fax: 12B4 - t 384- I Address: 1110 I J~t!:1 .<;~. 6d'Jd (,)R. '974'77 ._ .. ..'__.0 _....0_.. '.. "'0.' __~_ _.......... ...._ ... . .,.. . .... ...._..._. ....\ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17- 03 -25.34 TAX LOT NO(S): ..2lO0 Property Address: .J1<7 JRU1. CJ-. SaEkLnR. 97'177 I Size of Property: qq4 ~ I Acres o Square Feet ~ p~()I'~s~ct. Na!11e .0Ls~~~!vl!!ion: . ^ u.__..., _.'_..'-"'___ ___ Description of P""r4:-Hoo"" trClC.-\- 0+ )q....c:l ,..... ~t:> 2 pc.;uIS .{'ll>r Proposal: t;: "'~ Ie. -Fe. m; 1'"1 PI....>(.".. "C1 ~ " Existing Use: ~.k 0 \ .t!'. ()f. !-C)ts.! J'ar..~~!s:n 2.t'."g~ LotI P~!"cel.~!3~:.::';1'!~ . -. Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits r8l Associated Applications: . ~---",._--~"--' .-.-..............., .~' ~ - .' -...-....- . ~._- ---.. --.... - -"._-' -.- - ----.,.._---,--~~~.........-., --~ Pre-Submittal C N D, 1,.---7 .r>--..'- _ KR>-.. C?o ase 0.: rL u:lU, IJ,.)UO Date: /2-/ / /oC;- , , Reviewed by: .L (initials) -I~ Reviewed by: I (initials) T~M~M~ DEe . 1 2005 Case No.: ~~p-I~~a!ion .F~~;. Date: 'I'~s~age_ Fe~: ~G~ I'L/ed 0 S- . I I 0', G\::) Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory but there is no additional review fee for this service. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review.' Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am ~nd noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives' from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 . copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day' calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed tothe applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of th.e pre-submI' I Meeting. ~. G \ \ I Owner: ~ U~L.' , . Date: \~ \ l()~ Signature 0\i\u.~~ '\;)~ ~-\-E0-\X:{, Print Land Division Submittci1\equirements Checklist *If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. the application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. . , . L Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If Jhe applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. /' 3: One additional copy of the Land Division Plan reduced to 81f2"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. n/o.. 4. Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. ~ Stormwater Management System Study-four copies of the study with the completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance .with SDC Section 32.020(I)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIA must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. /, 6. (I,rI'o 7. Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copies of the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All of the following plans must.include the scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1"= 50' or 1" =. 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation. All plan sets must be folded to 8112" by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Dyfepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer ' 0'yiCinity Map . G'The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed ' ~Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain on site . 0 The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the. Development Services Department "/<'1 ~~e 100-year floodplain and f100dway bo~ndaries 0.. ~he site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment ..0f"Letter of Map Revision ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department '!j 'jL'-' 1.-<- of ;,...~..I [B"Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 Y2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings Ei Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County, A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted . concurrently if the.Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Tentative Land Division Plan r1' Prepared by an Oregon Licensed'Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 ~Location of all existing and proposed easements Cd'Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building /site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale [3 Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting ~Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or /other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division ~ Location of existing and required traffic control devi,ces, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities G'Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails E!'Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip o Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including. sanitary sewer mains, storm water management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points Phased Development Plan required if redivision is proposed. 'The plan must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivision. Any redivision must progress in a sequence promoting ,street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements. c. Grading and Paving Plan o Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer o Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licen'sed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system o Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations o Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns o The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, .catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; storrilwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained o Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) o Amount of proposed cut and fill . , I 8. Additional materials that may be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR . THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31.030: o Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement o Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC Section 16.100(3) . o Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present o Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay district . . 0 If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC Article 38 ' o A wetland delineation. approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property o Any required federal or state permit must.be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review o Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a' Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the land use application o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of Provisions as specified in SDC Article 10 or 11 . "' ! .~ : 1 50 North 7th,Street Springfield. O~e'gon 87477 (541) 988~1 86-2 HIGA.BURKHOLDER." I A8ScrOI'AT.E,E).,L.LtJ J I...ANC,USEPL,ANNiNG IC!V1k' eNGINEERING Tentative Small Drainage Study For Wartenbee 18th Street Partition 1447 18th Street, Springfield, Oregon Prepared for: Shane Wartenbee 1101 16th Street Springfield, OR 97477 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 1 Z005 !?repared by: Higa Burkholder Associates, LLC C/o Todd Powell, P.E. 150 N. 7'h Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 988-1862 November 30, 2005 1721 HewittAvenue . Suite 401 Everett, Washington 88201 (425)252-2826 Tentative Small Drainage Study For Wartenbee 18th Street Partition 1447 18th Street, Springfield, Oregon Prepared for: Shane Wartenbee 1101 16th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Prepared by: Higa Burkholder Associates, LLC C/o Todd Powell, P,E. ,150 N, 7th Street Springfield, OR 97477 , (541) 988-1862 November 30, 2005 J EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study discusses a stormwater management plan for'the submitted Tentative Partition for the Wartenbee 18th Street Partition. The project site is located at 1447 18th Street, Springfield, Oregon, The 0.23-acre property consists of Tax Lot 1700 with an existing single-family residence and associated driveway, The existing home, driveway, and a few selected trees will remam, The proposed. development is a 2-lot partition zoned LDR On the new lot, Parcel 2, the roof downspout will be tightlined to a new weep hole at the top of the proposed flare for the new driveway curb cut. The existing home, to remain; collects runoff from the roof and conveys it to an existing weep hole in the 18th Street curb line, This existing weep hole will remain or be replaced during development. In addition, the proposed driveway will be sloped towards 18th Street at 2%. To the maximum extent feasible, the yards on Parcels I and 2 will be graded to allow yard runoff to sheet flow to the new privat~ drive or 18th Street. Stormwater control and water treatment arc: not ,required per the scoping sheet submitted to the City of Springfield, Existing and developed flO\y calculations are shown in the Appendix to this report. APPENDIX Tax Map Drainage Area Map Soils Irtformation , DrainageCa1culations MAPS I'-f~ 100 ~... :r)1".o\;'" ". ." ~ I 2DO J 4IXl ~..- dlS 7: 100 9~ ~ ~ ,~~.~ : ~ ~ ,.~ ,0\ '~ JOG ~'(: 'S:;;)\ } I Lr 3_" t. '::,: ;':' })... __ '11 i I, _ _ _" _ ... ROAD ... ; 'f -.!,..- ~onT ."~ ~-r~1 \ 1 4<Of-A Srfe. ---J j~'" . ,,;0 ''''' 1300 UOOi"OO l000r /1 < ~ .... . _ . J ...._ t 1/_ --------......._______. '1'000 .2000 .... I 1 . ; :; 1~ . ~ ,~~ TAX LOTT~D ON "'A~ 17-03-l!5~4-3 t j . . I . .~...... _@-_ f . ~n_~_ .i~n,;~'__._">'=-~_;.~~ .. L - n.... r"_"'~ IMM ~ _ I( --' 'II I -~-:------~------ ti~ ,'23cO -.. jmi ~ . LLI l I l; :. I !; l~ ''llJ: ~!; J! . en -- . '_'_' I !J 'f':..:''::-.J '\:: o ~ ------------------ ~ 2900 ';;;"'-]:';00'200..00 "I>-'l'I .... . . .. ..... . . -'''~'ooo-.~ ,;';: , ,""" l ~oy\\ .. ';.r..:.~r]G l:. i' l! i , '-. -<\0\ I; .,..... .. '. . . + STREET t#J?.i1i;; + ..3" - ' \\ -',- ~; ,~L' "r" ~~~ -.~\>~:~ (;;00--- ._.-..,__n____,,_; /- l..oo' = 1""'.rrtIMPE ~ " ~ J , !' ~l , t,"_"'OT '-. ~g n ~ l3700- , i i ..-.......... ~ . ~ -~"'"-.. _' I 'u__";::;';:nu_n' ." ........"'"') -, i~ -..... ~ ____ -~--------~lJ ~ _~.... II ~'!!"Q"__.4__~~~ I -........ ~ 3500 _ ~(~TENNIAL ~~_-,:-:__ .~ ~..."" _. ....__-_~~~. . . ~ r -~-- r-,o; T'iiT}i:;O~~ .200 - 1:-- r ~;;, ~: ! 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N a i "'--- ~ . 17 03 25 34 SPRINGFIELD , ATCH BASIN m- J :!M = 461.34'" ST -,T , 1 , I , I , I ! ~ !I CD, I:~ I 'I ~f~ ::r~t.40VED) /: ~~~~~gRAlNAGE 'I ~ "~6~1;,- "l ~~ W'~~J.AOVED)k CHERRY CLUM~ I' ~ . ~~~~.=e';O.23AC fofo ,," . "'/ <{?' /' . I' ,,'Y (TO BE REMOVED) . '';} . . ..'\I..'" , I ~ _ · "z-x X ," X-~" x-x "":-x~" -x x-:--x: _, ,-.X-X-X-X,:....X.-.Y->f. -1'-- :~- ;~',_~-r ~-.'G~..,~--~. : '';'_._- " 1 . ~I I /~ I'~" , h ,.', -)l~lilll A.',. '1 ~,2% ,n \ 1 I ~ /1' 1..:.' - C' "",,-,H<fl''''i ",.~ 1- .,,=.,' ,.,,,,., " "- "",," X . 11. ~r '.", Eii . ,::'.~."">~,, ..-. c~"" "" '. .: - '1 '\ , s S~?' ~ IS. l' en 5 ~ S S ~ 5 S ~ 5 S - S - 'S'.5" <;. ~"-.:........:. - s S - 5 S -'$ 5 - S S _ 5 S _ S 5 ----;':; S _ I EXISnN~ / '..'. . Y .. - / I I ""I ROOF'9RAIN~i~ ~'__'':__:_=L_ q~___.__...;.J;)~-'::...____,_i: In !'~ ~'b__ .__!\-~I I / ,\Ii - \ i '" 'v \ 'lI': / 10 ',CHERRY Vl COl}..' ...'0;1 I Vl / i" , "'-.--': I X~~ ~ EX. GAS 6'.1' (TO REMAIN) " 1.-' ~ X , I,..,~ll '\ ,'" STUB?, / ~. .,_..' i --------'~ x I I ! ~ ,,~~ ~II EXISTING. I .,po,~'" ~ " I ^ ~ WAT~ I : HOUSE 10. CHERRY r= PARCEL #"2. : , I rg~h" ,,~" (TO REMAJN) -{. MAPLE. " -4500 SQ. F1J I I / I I J ," / (TO REMAlN) ""I I , : ",~~I\t ,~-tl -~, x III ...", /PARCEL #1 .,p"'~'" \, /" I Ix "'~ 1 ""V j ,~., ,;:;,,~ t ,,::; 7,,~t .7:.] ;a 5443 SQ. '\~. x --.' v6'<?,s __ >( "t<b ~ / 'I' . I ' ,.,..' ...., , . , -.J '" 1 '... r; I .1 'I ~ ;,-- '>::--~"':GRA~Q[tL:.1 ",,?" x'" 1\ '\~,;,! n /: ':~1-: ,.; ,,' '-AR ,. _~'-I __ ~'O > \~." 'I j '~I-::\:~~~ -'>~'_,..~_-;-{_..~~~--~i r;.'Q"':> ~~~~IC "\. 463--,~\,-//'\'1 /~. I~ ~ / :'. .:t ;,.; -....',:,:..;-:'" 'I / ./' ~'" , "1-" ,.1 ~ /;:" :}:;Q'. :~,.". ....::.c_,] /"./' ,,,0,' ~~ ,,'" ".....~I 'I "'~~"'i//~ ~ ~'"",,,, ?Y' x ,"0, ,,,0,' . . - J 36.0' CURB TO c6:;C'/ \~ .._~:::--"xx_X_X_x_x_X__;'_x_x,X-x- )OE-;,-x-._x-x-,-X-., -'j., (EXISTlNGjl I ~,-\............., I -0- 0> 0> 0> , , , , 0>, , . , T~ . STREET. ~ UGHT ,'-<. . I ' 0>' , , , " , 0>, , , , , 0>' , , , , , 0>, , , " , .. . , 0> , , , '\< , 0> ' , , , o>i~ ~ Z :0 z " ~ rr ~ ~ u i?: in ~. 'k] k] ~ V) ~ 00 '" --(S)-' ,j]jI!J CATCH BASIN T'" RIM = 461.38' ~ ~EX. STORM SEWER '" MANHOLE @ 18TH ST. AND CENTENNIAL BLVD. RIM = 461.96' I.E."" 458.51 '(N-S) I.E.- 453.56(t-W) I WARTENBEE 18TH ST PARTITION DRAINAGE AREA MAP l ~ ~ - N ,:J SCALE: 1".20' C:\Land Projecls 2oo5\WARl\dwg\WART-T.DAM.dwg, 11130120053:51 :11 PM, Copyright 2005 Higa Burkholder I>ssociales SOILS INFORMATION SOILS TEXT INFo,RMATION (from Soil Survey of Lane County) 32.Coburg.Urban land complex. This map unit is on low stream terraces, Slope is 0 to 3 percent. Areas are irregular in shape and are 5 to 100 acres in size, The native vegetation is mainly Douglas-fir, Oregon white oak, and poison-oak. Elevation is 300 to 800 feet. The average annual precipitation is 40 to 60 inches, the average annual air temperature is 52 to 54 degrees F, and the average frost-free period is 165 to 210 days. ' This unit is 45 percent relatively undisturbed Coburg silty clay loam, 10 percent disturbed Coburg silty clay loam, and 30 percent Urban land. The components of this unit are so intricately intermingled that it was not practical to map them separately at the scale used, Included in this unit are smaB areas of Conser, Malabon, Oxley; and Salem soils, Included areas make up about 15 percent of the total acreage. " . The reiatively undisturbed Coburg soil is deep and moderately y.,eB drained. It formed in silty and clayey mixed alluvium. TypicaBy, the surface layer is very dark grayish brown silty clay loam about 18 inches thick. The subsoil is dark brown, mottled silty clay loam and silty clay about 35 inches thick. The substratum to a depth of 65 inches or more is dark brown, mottled fine sandy loam. ' , Permeability of this Coburg soil is moderately slow. Available water capacity is about 10 to 12 inches. Water supplying capacity is 20 to 26 inches. Effective rooting depth is more than' 60 inches, Runoff is slow, and the hazard of water erosion is slight. A high water table is at a depth of 1.5 to 2,5 feet from November to May, The disturbed Coburg soil has been covered by as much as 40 inches of fiB material or has had as much as 30 inches of the original profile removed by cutting or grading, The fiI,1 material is' Cv~muvuly from adjacent areas of Coburg, Malabon, Salem, Conser, and Oxley soils that have been cut or graded, The characteristics of the disturbed areas are highly variable. Urban land consists of areas where the soils are largely covered by concrete, asphalt, buildings, or other impervious surfaces that obscure or alter the soils so that identification is not feasible. This unit is used mainly for urban development. It is also used for yards, parks, and open areas around and between ~~ ' If this unit is used for urban development, the main limitations 'are the seasonal high water table, moderately slow permeability, and low soil strength, Ifbuildings are constructed on th~ ubit, properly designing foundations and footings and diverting runoff away from buildings help to prevent structural damage as a result of shrinking and sweBing, Roads and streets can be built if they are designed to compensate for the instability of the subsoil and if a maximum of base rock is used. Landscaping plants that tolerate a seasonal high water table and droughtiness should be selected if drainage and irrigation are not provided, i This map unit is not assigned a capability'c1assificatio,!, : DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Bent by: MCKENZIE FUNDING ~eoelY8d: 111 7/ca 10:00: 11/07/2009 01:21 FAl se! 731 10aJr 15412841384; 11/08/05 1~:27j 641 798 1 O~, - ~ IICItr~I& ~Ul III '~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW IItFa 11621 jpage 2/3 I PIllA liI FRllI'I :-=-<'0 !!lJRUE'I'YNG tIC . "'Ill)( I'll.:: 1 i10Ga Noo,., 84 a!&5 llIlil: I.AM ' 1"1 Pimuc WOIlXSI DEPAllTMllN'r 1...........1JlviIlon FIX: (541) 73~1021 STORMWATBk MANAO'MBNT SYSTBM SCOPE OF won -,.,....~"-/IIW_. _luorl) -- . '. ~~.""JlI'r'.CI/lPlIf.~~"""""'~1 r ~:::''nIoI.''''-':'__'UI.J ....N'lQIUlS. . :~' , . ,"......... ~'" l,e,).oo."~"''''bl!!t- "'flJJlrmPullalNr 1,1DO m.y. /7",,>~2S'.;.J4- Ddier. Q....:I 2!1i,.2'Wf(' Lud1Jel(1): '~l " --.:.......... 4-R!i .9fi7^ ~....... (.-.1I :t"";' W43.~'~..L." II .1'114 _, i'4 . ....10 r.1l1fi1 U J .\nL '. 1'-.1: , I\.oJ." D -....IiI(JIIIlla4uoawotA" ,,,',, ,;n.lt' . .L PIli/ale. l....f.o 2 pare" s i"..'... ~ul~e...4-l",1 ...Le" eJ ..,-......, . . : , , '1 '.1....,...,... ~ lIIIIll1IIldao(). did. r--~aD{J)." "-* " , \,': " 'ell..) If, ,",,",,~I "~."5e. ~p,... ..,,,,ic..o- ..u....":'8'" C...,.!l ....lIcf ~.le5. . . . J .... , ", r. ,n J ...""'... Rat )6-'nJJa_ PI. ~ In - . -~""-~~-.-"""''''A,,,..i,,~~-; (AI.Jlht_-~~",.CIDr... jtMIIJ!'IIWtftN,..&WIIe ,.IrttNW .""" .j~,;I",,'tJ"'''blH T.""-;.wIlr4rt"!!!!!lh'''''''''''.,.bI.. ".\): ~~ j'IpIPM........... ~...1lB~... he.oll-lld "'~"I:1J! ~'V' Ij) .1iIrIIII1IIlD....-(_..~-II>II~.....'!.,,;, II), " t o fl(Y.l.4md DewllG.,... ,J 1ta4y-(LIOIlURk~""""",__"",) o P'IlIl~""Pove1."",... SN4Y-{-Oal~Hl"",,,.U..lht>d.....,...Iotl_) , .1 Ira.i._ ~l"--~illIt.d-: I ,1 I W......~be: 2-S '1"...,.... 1'ii. 1Ol\Ml___1 HIUiIdeDavclOf'lll'lnt: ,,/14 w~: eAt.. .. PIcIoctMrIF'~IIiD: We W~: 3.z.-L.,,~ u.t~~: '. ~.Jarilldl~: ... ;DMIm1l1llnlll... ,,_~ U "'. . . N/A : . I a Ji'JDw Uu ibr lIlIIItiIlIJ __1IUdW e1~: ' [J DelIla HGL to VIe tar Ifartiq WliIIer~ .,.. I, .1." llftl o N-.......JJlmcIioA lio lab anaJym lD: .. . : -..... 1!:fI ....., A. I I . , . -Dr Ilil\ CIIo>~IIerII~. ........ '...,. l..wGlcI......_.............II'.x. t.I4" ~lal , , Bent by: MCKENZIE FUNDING ~'O'lV.gl '1' 7(05 10:08; 11/07/2001 Oe:21 PAl 141 T3. 1011 15412841384; 11/08/05 i~:27j ,IS., 7ae '01l1 .~ IIOK'e'NzUi """ 'Me C~'1T OF SPRINGPIELD Plf - .... ""0 #621 jPage 3/3 . P.o." IiiI003 COMPU:1'E STUDY ITEMS r FcrOlllalol lhaOalJl: .11JI-f , "lie... 1M ~,.".4I/U dOl o..frtmt t#'t1dI...~ .foUqwbltl...-- II III,,*,.. lIf.... ~ rII1GIMtt/tlr.. !,.,...,.,..... r/lHCfOIIlpI.."/..~IIl""'b.._~ "-r"kllltlt''-W_bn,8dmlillllqfr/ril. .. ",r, .,,' J; . ,I,." ....c.-tS'D(JlIr".C/DI'.......,..DGrtpliflllllHrl. c"...,''-'''''''....~..__lIilwtult. ',",."" .!;A.u..'"._t!r..~ ./...,.... .MI:lJIH"'fI/lMIl NfJt6: Lt-.ICUIfI"""'-"". -~WM./DrBIII.u-. #JIHII"'."'P/lI""rI~w: " . li.!. ;, 'i, ad ." ., ," . t -lDmlo, J-.ed M _ibir 1armva1.. fDoIlIde IJICIl e11V1llcms aoll.. sndo. abo'*tc bow .. draIilI Privsle, ..... ,.. "... ..t""~ IbIIDbec_Iy~OIlIpllmaw!lca.~ ......111. "II,... fto1InJli1=-JlII'ils>tl~to ....1.... lIhlIlI_. ... .:. I\lIlOlflhlolllrll'....: . ~ wlo ~ tmded by 0110 cr __ BMP.. d 1I1"'W~'lIOtresf4amlal lIaildlllS l'OGl's (J!J)SP SecldaIl U:J.4.A). ...~, prcwlllliaupply to tbilla. ., ".".J lJy tba D:sQ, "lID dlo, "j, ,., "- _"'-I _.L-L' L ".... . '\ .' """-~"""',ar.__~ftfft-~----~- . -.,..1Dore1D .l.. ,,'ill, 1".:, o ~JIlIIIda IIIIaII be'-, 11l1lO IfmlJ l'ItlIO!',. "V*JlIJ*__Iilr.. 2l1lnRt&b :ZS.,.. _ ~ r......... ......,..,...... QlIaIIt1.. :." ,I" ,'.! Qa,. 3) : !!f'tI NtA ." o IIJAh~ll101lDp~ ""..... "!l1lI;".."\....:.1lI1111'be.,,, "'C....III1IItI-.,,..... A--"',;ow/oil6llrllzlGll 1IIIIdM) tor ~......... qqaI&y, AddltIGIlIUy,. ......_ otSO'l'of.... ~ IIIlpu-vilRllll1rilco IIbIlll be IIIlUIl4Ily l'l..I.";"':wt~D'.. '. . o iji'91hn .....~"..,' VII..... '''' " , .... ~ 1!lllIJ1Nl ~WI&Il.lullab,,1lIIudanIa (!DSPM SelltioIlJ.02), IIIl llIrdI by tbIlll1lNs orfil ~. "'.. ,lIIlII Scrviaoa (IIU) 1If a- "fI1lt1lIr Scrvil:eI (C9IS). i o li'OI'IlIW NaB. '-:,-r fioas..... aaalS,ooa 8~'" II ""Hl~IldIlSi... "".. "'.,,_ be tollo-! IlIl1p1CiW by 1IIe USt'or.,~.I"", lilT ~ . o l!lihtu".._..... ......., -.u phIpOI~ SlIIImIt~~ tilflllfDa. wlllClll;y, tIow,ldde&lapea, boamm "opo,lIIIlI"'lIlill___wtda"B:eaar~ ..".......IIIIlIl, B 1iI"fI_ QuIIIlty ft.._...."'" III '*llllNd Ia Soc:iie. ~.OS.l at... EDIPM ., !8.w.....,.....lOlIftGp-"'f"ll ., .:"...lIIIf,orlllll,dluld-"...",.. ..~... .,1 IoGDd o..jdur1lle ho'lld... &ball be JI'IWidId WiIII........."Y 1lOIl""'uD_ \IIr ~., '. ".. ... eadolllre. , : I I a..aJ~....."..... ". ~1..."".,J""4.Il3) : . ~ ~DnIllIa&f_pnp8fedltyllfrdolllli'lllllCMH""':"'" l'--JilllbutCoot'Orqcm.i , A ClltIlJI-llnIIIII.Ila t4ady, all ."..w ..11a~ S1atic1114.D3.1,1ac111ili1la II 1l)IdroIo$k:llll Sllldy 101IJl. . c;.I...I"".....&bowl.la IJ'IIIeaI ~ tor.~;_ eveatlllllowdowllll!llcDl otll25.,.or &lIOIm....... 1he - ot . '.., ''''''.. ere) sbaJJ be dIIlamiIl~ ~ II 10 llllIlalO alIIt lIIIle tor dewloped baiae. ....11111' . " " .., ,. . SJ*8 (IDSPIl:l.... ..oa.4.C) ,: i o ~A.,. II......... .....-.IyIIsI8~iaBp9PMI!l~4,03.4.c. o..a~DlJblIfl\'Caed1lyt1le ClIepa Piwlhtas SpeolIJ\y CadI COPSe). , ., . ' " . o ~ ollie HGL - Bow IiIlIls far boIIo ~ IIlll prlw. &)llfema wIIIno WII....I>lIJ. : it~~?rl:'=~:~e~Dtr.'~~ia~_....pl.._! .' J pipe _.w bo 18 ill"",dor~pIpoIn311llld1ea torpJIllIIC.,. . " II1IIIpIasdc ~ ~ or prepar..... =~ ~ abalI '" pnMdIIl f;IIe less. no 00"" IIIIaII be ,.,..., tel '"'1,''''' . lID 110.000 III 10111 ~ lbiIure at_ plp.~, '. ; : o ......... ''II'' lIDbIe/I faIoplph IbIID be ....,' : ,..,.whIl Table 4-J ofdae 1UlSP. AD _ pipes shall lie <llilipiDd ID IIllIdeve · ..""..,...., \'eIociIy orllll'lle (3) kp.r tIIOIllIdat:O.5 pipe filll ksed OIl.Tolll. 4-1 as weD. ' . . r *ftII.t-~hIIH" . 4d.,. --rJV-"'" ".,...../tNI""~..II/._., ..' ...., .... / .lMRNt7~~'I.1UfE~-'OFANDsiGNI J . : I Atlllt..,;.....of-d.Xberolrycm;i;lIellboV. ..,.~..lilllllls.. ' \~. ~ .; ~Ta . .......IIllIIsJu.hrilhllltl\lllmJltotllatarmW.lllUllld)'llIldplaser Sf", .... .1.--: _'Oml , '. I V ---___ _ F_ VIIlIIoa 2: MOIIIb 2004 Appended on: 15:28:01 Tuesday, November 22; 2005 EXISTING Event Summary r E~e~tIPeak Q (cfs)IPeak-T (hr~)!iHYdVOI (acft)!IArea (ac)ilMethodTRaintrpe' 116'~Q~TH!1 -.O,0038_J '.j~go=. . f. ~:g2~o~' ;12~2i~6 }~B_uHji\?'~1::,\i 112 YEARiI0.1000 :1 8.00 :1 0.0377 :1,0,2286 'I SBUH 'ITYPEIA !f iiX~AR!1 .=O,'1763=-j[8:90~: .' 9:0636- -.Cg~22~~ JLS~UHjTvPE,iA: Record Id: EXISTING ---,--'. --,-. ". -.'.'.-..--- -............- -, ---- 11))~s!g.!J"~~h'Ol!_ ,...JI . .~BL!!:I .!I~ahl!all type .._ !I!I'y~"n_tv _ -]I lQ:OO!!lin..!I!,ell:~ng.!actor. il 11__._. jli\bs~r:ac~~nC..!'eff il!~r~!ous ~;~~-(~~~2)_ .....1 .O.2O~e.il!>CIA __ '__' l~ervJo'!.S_~N_ .1..~?,oQ,JI!>c ~~ ~_.. "___ I"'ervjoll.~~(;_ !I 10:00 D1in !I~C!~ _ _ !~= ,..'. _.. .. . I)~~cription ,pef!iOU~ ~~I~alc Su.b.i\rell.. _ ... - - i 1=" =. _ _ ,. ~eadow or Pasture. t: 0,20 ae i L ., .!,~rvious (;()ml'()si!eq C~{A~C 2L.. I'"," I i1:!}'p~.t . "~escr:iptiol!. : il!,i~e~jl "I i!..,._. .-- .-_,._ I~ Ii ill... _ ..".." .._ , . "!>jrectl}' ConnectedC.N Cal~ III _. . _ _!>~scripti.on_ _.. III..... . . Ifl1pel"ioll~. surfllse~(paveD1e.I1~s, ro()f~..eteL_ iil~__- _ ~g..CoI11P.().sitedSl'i(AM.C,2L i j; . ,. _. ... I>!rec.!'y c:.~nne.cte,!T,Cc.:alc _ ,.__...,. ...,.._... ;.,... j .'fypetl. I>escripti~lI. !ILen~th :1~loPI! II C()ll.~f !Il\fi~cil TJ:' I i Fix~d. jl~.O()F !lliD.(]~VE!:p~!VE._ J . _.._ ..._. .. !I.I o.OO.l11ill_..! ...',. ..r)ire~tl:(.<::onl1<::et~~ Tc;_ _ J IO,OOrnin ~ JL TYl'EIA . _.jl...48_~.02 . .il 0,20 [I 0,03 ae ; .~- ,_.",-..', -.- . ""-'-'~~" ._ i1.._.~8:.o0__. il 10,OOrnin ".--- .! .",.~ --. ..j .-=.::=-- i1.S!'.!, i:1! .II. __ ~~02. ii, ___ ~~:OO u_i Pervious TC Calc -.,.- --..-.. . --. .,"" '-" .- -.,._" -..- IL Lengt..~ .L~loJle 'ICoeff 1. Misi: II. }..T' 11..'. . ~ _:. '_. _.II!O,OO rniIJ, }>en'ious!C" ...._ .",.., 11.. 10:29 J!lin,=J . ==-j" , ..-- iLSu!,~reaJ Sub.cn II ~:.,,:~~~~~ :J :3g~j Appended on: 15:26:45 Tuesday~ November 22, 2005 DEVELOPED Event Summary . ._. .____ _." ... - . ~.._. ._n __ _. _ __ t E~en~...IIPeak9 (cfs)iIPeak.! (hrs)il~ydVol (a,cft)iIArea (ac)iIMe~ho~ilR.aint}'pe !16MONT.IIJI 0:9.478.!1 8.00. II O,Q.18~~ .11. O,i6?9..'i s~!llIJrY~EI_A 11_2 Y];~ JI... 0.2909 !I 8.Q0.. II. 0.!Q?3_-,- l 0.4670:IS~!JHJTYPEIA,; 1125 YE.'\J3.II._9..~48o_1 . 8,00_ ,l~:.. 0,16)9._ iL O,~67olS~YH..1ITYPE.L~\i Record Id: DEVELOPED ':',.I]),es.t..gn.M""e._t.,hod :,,',1'1 I . _ _~BlJ!:I i liaillfa!!..typ~....,..; TYPEIA T!lYi!.Intv...__ ___ ;1 !0~.20 ~I~ il~eak.i.nllF:actor .__ L 484,00.; :r _, .. ... ._ ...il, IAb~t!.act!()n C_o.eff . ,il.. 9,?9.. .... il~ervious.Area(i\MC})," _ ..JI.O:-'.?a<:......I~qA.._ ..,.". ,J _ ._O}2..~c_._ il~erv!o_lIs c,~.. ._ ...,... ..JI. . 86:o.~c._.'i~g. CN _..... il. _.~8:00 _.. iIP..ervi(jlls Tc, ,.. ...II. I O:o.o.m!~JD=c.T-:.<;: ___ _ JI ~}O ~n i r. Pervious C~C~1c ill 'i .. ..D~sc!.ipti().Il '~,', II I _.9pen sl'~<:.es,-'a~~par~~ (>75"(0 gr~sst: III ._.. P:.rvi<:>us.goniposited CNi~g 2} il .,~;.I I' _ S..uEAr,ea '..~lIb c,n 'I _ 0.15acJ=~6:9Q. " ""'C'-=,,-. ..' [f,86:2a. , JI Pervious TC Calc __._. . ""."....i._ :! 'I'ype.L D~~criptio.n : il!,~x~d ..11_ , ..t.. ,.-.-... iI. .. __ '_' _. ...Directly (:onn.e.cted. CN Calc . ...""._.... ..". ._ II .. ])e~cription:_.. JI_ SUIJ.A:!.eail Sill> cn. il Impervious slJrfaces (pavements, roofs, ,etc) .. JI 0.32 ae '] ,..98:.00..- II__,...___._~. ..pc ~<:>mp,o~ite?_c:N_(~~ 2L. ___ c- . ...., ..n.11 ..9!}:20.._.ij ---"'-'.'~- -- .-- - - ----- -.... -~--- - --~---- --11 II ., _ "... "~"" . _ . _.. _.])ir~c.tly C~nn,e"cted TC Ca!~.. .. .. . ... _.. _ ..,_ iLType ...iI_ D,escript1o.n._ II L~ngth I. .~lop~J~~oeff J Misc il TT' . !I!,i,x~d .1... ,_ ,m;l. ill 0,.00 mi~.. . L. .'..._.-. Di~~c!ly <::<:>nne<:.t,ed,:r<::.,. '::':' ,,,.,,.~o. II,. ,WOO~~11 iL Lel!8th JL SI()pe_JI CoeffJI ~!Sc J T,! I '.. :~~rvi~iTC:. ....~ ~=o ...~.. ~.~...' -'-..jr~~~*~:i~_,. P- W2400 I" ~ . I0&oI ~' . .0:: ~tJ:: 'Cf) IogeEl ,-----~---- ----- -1 .1- .1"" .1,' . ((] ~J (9) ,=--~ f: ((] ~ oj . , .... , J." - - - - r .,."\ . J I . , 5900 ------'-- ~.I' - - ''lb' . . " 'Ill '-" .&'1'. ~ ~~~.~s~.: '_ --------_--~"!.:..--------t\ ..~',~ /50.18' .~)~, <,_,I. &0.7,' .. J . ,", '800 41r-c. 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NIl"!I"'$7'JfI<< ..' ,.,r.,,, I ($r"'~~7";'1'.'84-99 - ~ /..J:~' " 2300' ~ . , .~ ";::;"~'\'.::; ~('i;t:"g:~ ._..'.._,',.'..j......", ".;' .,~,!Ie" :!g;2i~g~t:i~ {~:~~ ~ IIIl l/t."7 /.s-s:.... ~ .. - -. """,' 1 j< .\ 230 I7~M' /4"$.~.. 2500 ~ -~ ,. f&'....Q" .'().2.'N._r"7'N. . 1",""".'4 'N.~03-C. . j"/:5..fiC-.-f : DLC N..49 . < , If> 27e1 'W h 90' f------------~. 2800 2700 0,25 AC. -,>, , 2901 , ~-- ,::-/f'Pff.::;.""'"...';!i' ~ ~~@,',;".";,,..'...,c; ,\.~.J;;.?': ,\'~h too i1tt~?~~~l2i~.j.;.:~j;;.';};i;;~,~;.I::;tif;. tJvtI 3735 2600 . UN . " ,- .8 .- ~ r, 1ft - . ~ ' ...........'0' " ",' . '2 2 L 3600 3772. t \ 35'00 ,+ ' STREI 1TI~ ,"I .G -,- \~~ ~ ~ , '~3401 ;, 3402 '.l: ~ ~ . ~ t ~~.~ , ~ 2 ~ ., ~ " . &;J.~ d&d:_:: ~:. MI~:..:.,~..! l r . . · - E rvJpr:: H3406 3405 ' ~; . p r .~: 24 23' - . "........~,.';.,~ ~~\,,"'O"~::".:' .- S8'''-''''~E 1-J . ~ . ~ , i .... 1~5."a' . . 3700 tJYvl 1-74/ ~ - ~ . . (";,....: ......~}......... "". 7801. ..' . ~ ~ t ; \ /.i 5 . ~ . /4(7 ~ &04' 7600 7800 "- .. .. ;., ~ ~ . ~~ ,",' <0' ":Ill' '7$' STREET~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' 17 -03"25:.34 TL 7100. SEE MAP '17 03 36 21 . ~ LEGEND . ~ -Ss_ SANITARY SEWER LINE WATER LINE lDi ~-O-\ ~.- -ST ~.~ -V- OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE x------'- FENCE >1 SllTARY SEWER "'.wHOLE >1 RIM = 46206 IEI=454311Wt '>1,/ > ~ :~ :~:~NN~ '>1./ l' ~ I /~~w~O~) > i ;"'-/"~~"- I ~ :-.\/1. ~ LE 0- + . '" ~~ Ul1~~~' --- - 1 > /~\j~' AND I",~..--' ..~ ,-, , "AND lmW-o,- E--t .. b '" t ~ ' ~ _u,__ L > ~ ; ~ ' I I::""t "WAn:RIIl 0 , rt) ~"~ b r . ~ : ',:~_ .____, >1 co_. , ... GRAVEL I AREA I :>.\~wrc r : . - - - - - - - ;:Y'~ 75.60' r 36.D' CUR8 TD C;R8 /;::-,..i::'-'-'-'-'-;89';8"0;"'W~i'138:~0' > 1,//' I I ~,~ > ----' I ,---- ~W-o; STORM SEWER LINE lIT. " - -7- Wo-~~~- - 0 '.;~ffi~~ (TOREWJH~b ~~N)D b 3 PARCEL #1 --35443 SQ. FT. . ~ . ~ , ~ , ~ , FIRE HYDRANT -Q-g~+~RO~~~~ LINE " o N "- wi 15i ~i '" r 1 i 62.50' < x~x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x~J PARCEL H2 4500 SQ. Fr. b z , N TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION PLAN OF TAX LOT #7100 ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-03-25-.34 (CITY OF SPRINGFIELD) LANE COUNTY, OREGON FOR SHANE WARTENBEE/MIKE MILLER BY ROBERTS SURVEYING INC. P.O. BOX 7155 EUGENE, OREGON PHONE: (541)-345-1112 SCALE ,. = 20' DECEMBER 1, 2005 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE . RIM = 463.82' 10" LINE I.E.=-454.671W) 's-s s-s s-s S -5 5---OS 5 -'-5 S_55 _~_""'\54.82 (t) .....-- .09% SLOPE ~ NOTES 1) EASEMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 11, 1949, BOOK 403, PAGE 240 IS BLANKET IN NATURE AND COULD NOT BE LOCATED ON THIS SURVEY. THE SANITARY SEWER LINE THIS EASEMENT WA5 INTENDED TO COVER IS SHOWN HEREON. ~" 2) EASEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 9, 1953, REEL 100, RECEPTION NO, 94026 IS BLANKET IN NATURE AND COULD NOT BE LOCATED ON THIS SURVEY. THE SANITARY SEWER LINE THIS EASEM"ENT WAS INTENDED TO COVER IS SHOWN HEREON.' 3) TI1ERE IS NO HOUSE DESIGN FOR PARCEL #2 AT THIS TIME. CUTS AND FILLS WILL BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM. 4)'Tl1ERE IS NO STREET LIGHTING PROPOSED FOR THIS PARTmON. 5) Tl1ERE ARE NO DEDICATIONS PROPOSED FOR THIS PARTITION. 6) UTILITY LINES WIL\.. RUN UNDERGROUND EAST FROM PROPOSED UTIUTY POLE. . 7) Tl1ERE ARE NO STREET TREES PROPOSED FOR THIS PARTmON. 8) UTILITY LINES CONSIST O~ POWER, TELEPHONE .AND CABLE TV. r 1 ~ ------ J REGISTERED PROFESSID)lAL LAND SUI!Yf:YOR l OREGON JULY 15. 2ClCl3 KENT8AKER '59885 EXPIRES 12~31-2005 , I , ,se'n(t.~y:. MCKENZIE FUNDING .;' Receivetl: '1 J 7/05 1 t.. 11/07/2005 09:21 FAX 541 736 1021 15412841384; 11/n0105,~7; kffilA....#621;page 2/3' 541 736 '02' .;.> UCKt:N: I="U. ; page:2 CIn' OF SPRINGFIELD F" Ii!J 002 .,'7. ., FRil'l : ""-""='" "" SURUE'1'l NG I NC FAX NJ.. Nov. 04 20EI5 lie: 1 SlFlM . f'1 PVBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT I &gineorln. Division Phone: (54l) 726-3753 FlIX: (541) 736-10l1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK - ~ bttI"" t{urlUrfl/l1J6Ii/Jfl/6y -"""'lcnn,) --- . ~"""M.""'@Cb.Y~~1WIlIc ,.....11".. ...,...'IIs Flld7:Jf.lfJZ1."'-'t 136-11J$J l'injed Namf::' AppJiC8ld: $~..,",.. l,Jor.........bt:' "'_ As8I:IIllon l'aftel t: 71()O fflq,. /7....,"~2S.:.J4 Date: a~_' , 25, 21>"0" LazldUte(8): . ~:..J " -..:..Phoae##: 4-85.Q070 Projeet SIze (~);}j"....:, .~43.~_L~L-Fas N: 2.AA.. -l~ Approx. Imptnlioa8 Area. " ElIIlIil: Project De8a1ption (Include a copy of ~_~.'& II1lIp): . P''1Id.c. ,..,-1-0 2 part:..I"f",,~ ~~ide..40:",,1 .;.le'OJd..f'e..........~ Dni1lllge Propoul (Public condlllltio/l(s). dillCllarg" Iocstioo(s)... AIlBch arlditioaal ahllCt(a) if ._....",.: Pi' ~C:r'je. -:$.Iv,,... hJ,,:fc..<r ~""'O"';'8 t.. Cl#('!:> .....e-e.f ~olt:s. . Proplllled SeoJ1llwater Ikst Maaag__ P'lo...d:ierl: ...:- ,,AU/J bl!low t6k Il1u R/l':i~ bv tIN Cw JBJd.li " .J."~' \~ 10 Ih~ AnIIII.-...JIH) _ ' (.U Q lIIini1mDr1. all bt>>tes ehected.,., C/O! DII"'" front and bad of this sh<<I6hall k 1ltIIHIt/tNd flJr atI <f1IIIlleaJIMI to be C<~, Jtltl!p ~1IaI. irlthofjgh ntlrer "'I1UiI'em_. mtlY be~.) Dnin- ~ ~ ~PM SedJall 4.OI.1~tNnte. 1JH llIav be Su',.,,: .'"',, II fop RatIonal MCJd!!!D Ii SlnI1I~Stwl.y-(aIlORluiOlllll~forAl~5) . o MJd.LeveI DevclopmImt Study - (_ Unit: :.:, ,~.;II MeIhod for cakll1at~) . o Full DreinlIge DcveItlpmem Study -(_ UalliH) 1 ."",,11 Meih..d1lor""....llItinos) Javil'DBmellltal Cmutder;oti/)ns: D W"II......<t Zone: "2 -s 'r..~ 17..vEl.~ m Hillside Development: ~#- ii W~: /J/to.. '. : ril F1ooclwayfFl~laiD: NA< Vii Soil 'tYpe: a:Z-- u~ Lt nu.. t-.& ' S Other Jurisdictions: ... Domtstrealll ...........ls: U ~. , .Ii} N/A, CI Flow line for slBl1iog watclr 5Ul'fau e'evati~: D Design HGL to use fur startinS water surfac:c: ele:vation: o MBDholclJmK:1ion to take lUlalysis to: , I RIotn.. '" Matt S*-der foil OW ofS&I'Ii........ ".all: llistt>lI"el'@R""pri"i!tlelilll\f..~IIlUlntllIMQlfb2'1 - I --- I t 1\1.. \ttJ1)~flftf, ~f; Fi~';- _ DEe . 1 Z005 - ., Sent -by:. MCKENZIE FUNDING :r . t1eoe:~ved. 111 7/05 1 ,5; 11/07/2005 09:21 FAX 341 736 1021 "'\ . 15412841384;, 11/OQ/05~7; 541 738 '021 .> MeK~~ ,F~G CrTY OF SPRINGFIELD PW J~#621 ;page 3/3 Fage 3 ~003 COMPLETE STUDY .I. uldS I FarOflicW U~Only. J1.,.,-! .. Based upon the ir(tJTma#OII prtNided "" thefr"rIl ~ IltU 8h~et. wID/lowing r"l"es.ms a ",inim_ of what i. rJI!eIkdfor an app/iCDli."" /" be Q(Jmpletefor su/J",trral willt 'osp.'" to ~.: h(1Wuver, rili.r ll.st .1rould 1/0/ b. us'"' in Ii"" "I<he Sp. ~"" :.:'3 Duvdopmml Code (SDC) "r <he Cify'" Zngineer-inr Design Mtmllal. (;omplianc. with th",e ri!qUireme>lts dDes ntJr 'ao>lS1ibde Kite app1'waJ; AddinonaJ nt..<p~ tIf()7mDtirm ""!)I be required Note' Upon KC"ping shea s:ubmitlaJ, t!1/SW' cornple/edfo"" has beell signed ill the 'P"" pl'tNldeJ below: . Iuteriln Pl!5ip SlaadardliWaler Quality (iDSPM Chap~r 3) ~~~ . . , o ~ All DOII.building rooftop (NB1l) impeMollll ~ shall be p.. ~ _~ (e.g. muJti..cbamben:d car.cbbaSin w/oil tilm1IiOll wedia) for S1..~, ~~_ qqalilY, AdditiatWly, 8B1iuilllum oC50% oflht: mil impervious sunacesbaJI be lr~ by veg-.d melbods, . fj. When required, vegellltivo S1Q11JJW11/f:t desi&n slla)J be CODSiste.rt wid> iw.rim dosiBD .t..."buds (m>SPM SectiOIl 3.02). sel filrtb by the BUreau of&vimomcmlal Scmce. ~) or c)""" Wator Services (CWS). lIil For new NBll. impervious areale5s lIlaD 15,000 sq)I3le filet, 8 simp1i1ied design approach IIIlIY be followed as >r"-:':..J by the BES for vegetative natlDOIIt. .' !ilIf a stomlIl'ater tre_ owale is proposed, submjI..."".l.rl....."'spCcificatitms for sIa:lns, velocily. flow, side s~, b_m slope, lIIld oeed mix 0<>lISisl<d with either BES or CWS require"".,ts. ~ Wata" Quality calculations as r:equlred ill Section ~.03.1 of1be EDSPM' . . ~All buildiD&.. _:'., QlO~ eqIIipmont. or Olberfluid ......,'.....!l-, ..,...l:IU \oc;rtcd outs, ok oClbe buildiDg, sball be provided wiIh secondl!Iy CODtaimnllDt or ~ re$islaat CDelosure. o o o o o GeDeraI SlVdy lteq~l$ V,...~,d S.dio.. 4Jl3) . I A:I 0 Praimlge stucly propared by a ProfessiODal Civll Euginee,r t:._.~il1lbc slllle of Oregon, i , 0 ~ A campl.ate ~ stody, as r~ed in ED~ Sec:lion 4.03.1, including 8 h)'drological study map. fliI 0 Cal."!...",,. sbOllllng system eapaal'y for.. 2-")'Olll~ evem lIIld o.erlIow effects of a 25.yea:r storm ewnL o Eij-lhe tiwe of ~ (Te) shaJ) be detamin~ llSille; alO minute SW1 tiJne for developed basins. Review Df I. . n."...l&ID SystaD (EDSPM SOCIioa 4.03.4.C):. . o ~ A dOWllSlreaJll dniinlll:;e aualy.js as destribed ill EpSPM Secti0ll4~03.4.C. On-sift; d!'ainagesbWl MgOVemed by the oregoD Plumbing Specially Cook (Ol'SC).' . o i!tB1evari0llS of the lIGL and flow fules for both eiTij ODd pri~ ~ where applic:llble. ~' otStoI'lli_.,,..~(EDsPMSeetiDD4.U4) , .' : . o Flow !iDes, >lopes. rim elevations, pipe type and .1>4 eleally iudieated OIllbe pI"" set. IttMiDimIlm pipe cover dlalJ be III indJes for reillflll!""'i pipe ad 36 inches for plaiIl t_~_. ~_ and plastie pipe morerials. or proper ""g;.....mg c:aJculatiWlS sball be)>1VYided ~ 1=. n.., CO\lCl" shaJl be suScieDI to '-r. _, .lDlllO,OOO lb 1oi14 without f.IiIure oftbe pipe 6tlUCl>R, ' . o ~'s "II" V3Iues for pipes shaJl be ~.with Tible 4-1 of the EDSP. AD stonn pipes sbalI be desigDod to adiiove .. minilnlDll velocity of three (3) feet pat SCCOIId at.O.S pipe tIlI1 based on-Table 4-1 as well. . , OttlerlMise fD 0 ~ting and proposed ___,_ _ _, located at aile foe:,! imt:rval. Include spot elevations l1Ild m grades sbOwUli: bDW sill> driin5 ~ 0 Private stonl:lwater ~ sbaD be cI.....1y depleted on plans when pnvale stonnwalec flows fro", one propeJty to auotber o !jIoDry<llells sIuill noU"eceive IUOOff fr<.lm allY surliIoe. wlo being ~ by aile or lIllJre BMPs, with 1be e:xeeptiOD ofresidemial building roo!s (EDSP Sect:ioD 3.03.4.A). Addi1io!ia1 provisiOllS apply 10 chis... required by tbe DEQ, lU>fer TO lbe website, www.don.<I3te.or.ll<1wolomundwaluieJ.am..1u= for moni intDnnatloll. o ~0Il poIlds shaJl be desiPcd 10 limit runofl't(l pre-<levdopmeDt rateS lil1' the 2 through 2S-Yellf norm e_ .. I *Tbisf_ .1t1lll1H: ilIcbuk4 ... ""='*-4 1mf4e rJi,Ji'oru ""..... D/ dte sMTItlWiWI muJy I .lMPORTAN1': eNf1LNEER PLEA,SE RIWJ BELOW AND siGN! I ,. . A. tbecDein= oCrerord.; X bOTebycenifytbeabovelllqJJW1items are' \' {~ .. t I ., 'Tit JiIl~ eompleteaod iDcluded with the S\lbmitred stannwater studyaud plan set. Si~OVfl'~~~ 'J)ate~ I Fotm Vmion2; M'arch2004 ., /4 SEC.' 25 T.17S. LANE COUNTY R.3~,. W.f.... J-~'f; '100 . "~.402:~~j::~401 :N'":.-~'U T- ",' ~ .~ lifr ~ ~ · , '- ~ 700 800 900 t I 200 . J. 400 : f. ?- S601 ,2L. 9~ i b ~ :<(\0;J'~ _:. i ~.\'\ \C)}i ~""'., 3_ 1. .,' '";" ,.' to, _ _ '('-._ "it:. ~OTTT-i'i-\~,-,t:- - \ROAD I il 1800 11 IS00 '1400: 1m 1200j 1100 1000 M . I . .' j 111700 i ' 1 ;! t- I ~.... _.. _ \ . I ---.----""""--------.., 1'11800 2000 "';,~"i\', I m.~,- ,. .~ cnm ~~ . : ~:/~. ~ . ~ TAx'trOTTED ON WA~ 17-0.3-25-4-~ , Ill' :f 'I ,. - ~ l~"-' I.",.. - S) 1 ~I . R-HM r: '''':W'' ,-- ", ___.;:, ","u._-:-.;b--'iitiJi_ '~_~..2..:-_ ITO-: ~ --------------- J;:.. ':.::~rmm~'1.~ JiJi_", ___ - -:.-;:-... y I.LI 2400 _ 23OO;i! - 1 ,.,- . ~ ILl I l ., I 2301 'a::~ ~ ~ ~ . 0' ..,. ;31:. 'J' CJ) 2SOO .N,...~:I, f-......-.... I . "SOlc-...t'I~ ~ l>LC:_6I' 1..Fi . , ---------------- '"I 2l-&1W -.~.W- Be 1-' 12800 2900 ,6'._. ~ ~.._;.;; i~ ' .... ~ ~ ,~......, ..., "J r . ~.. I- .. L NJ; STRE-ET- '-T""~~---- - - - ~~. - - - - - - - - , ..~ a t '.:N;:;;' .~~~~_ oJ.. -=:J ..I- l ,......' ,3600 . ....,'~;;.':iL ,....'X" '~';~:,<f"~ ;,~:~~:'.:~~,,:~,~.-:....r.~ '.,.."'"..\L,', 'j'.~'..:~j,",~,.t>;'"'1...". ."ll."".. "'~'T ., ",'. J4GG .~, ,., "'::'0.;., _., ."".. '1t'~,~,;?V+'i"'..c'::i:."";w., '~i !340:i iff. MPr::' ~ .'. !~, I 2 I M - i \ ~ 3700'- ~ i If.. ~:.. _.' .l .' . ~. ; i m::,\t'P~ ~JR-T ~...- J _. r. ~ ~ ~~~8 3405 3404~ .-tJ '~I~-:!~-'lU ~ ~\ 2/DP: . d4.. l, 3800 ~ -~., ,:l~.",'~.c..__.. .__ --...... I: ~ . '" ~ --",.-;.S7'''''_'_ ,. . '1 ~ _s.c.....~JI"~"'-"""'JI_.... , , ;r:. - - ~-_. 1-.,~~r-;.!'.c~!.~~,....-79-; 4501 l6400 if ~..} !r ...... J :iJ; ~ ~!!I ~.~. i- i i,"" r~l ~I \ I .... . l! __ __ Ii _' r . ...... 8600 8700 8800- t '7~OO -~. 17M1" 7600" .... I - I '-k:--' C v .1 7800 BOOO ~ - ...' ."".. ; I ~.~ . < '/1- .8g0D 7000 fJ,'i dl '1 CX)! ~ .~'1f -' ~ ~''''''''t._ u' --iI..C- _. t"""ci ( .~ kws,,1lO'V Ii:C STREET ~ )~" SCALE 1. - 100' ~, &E t.tAP 17 OJ 25 31 '.~x- '. 4200 11 ""~."- :1- ..,,_. c..""""'''OJl'E. lD~o.6.l.' N..7"SP'1fI: 'ZJ:J,<IS' m~c:;,-~ )() .~ :~~~~~~;.~" ~-:. ~::~:;; ___'1':A!.....J' SEE t.tAP 17 03 J6 21 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 1 2005 i; ~ I mnr;,..,,,,, ,OJ. NIl7<0111NfilT<.~ ;:m;;n~7<l---.---r;m,--i;"'. 1= ,.'Lt>I<1. . ,eUH" ~ , . . , ! i -- 'i>t .~ ~t I' i APPROX, 1f4 COR. 17 03 25 34 SPRINGFIELD .~" ~~ , ,{ 17 03 25 34 SPRINGFIELD NAD 83/91 CANCEl.LED 2100 2101 2701 '''0 <000 <100 """ ..00 <700 50' 5<00 5500 "00 5700 5000 5900 6000 6100 7500 7500 0100 :;1 ~ :3 .... ~ l:l '" . . ,.. , ", Se", "y; MCKENZIE FUNDING 15412941394 j 03/~ J5 12:56; JelfiuL.#199;page 1/6 1. ".....1 "~ First American . ....... W45b>m "k",oer T'1t/8 Company DI L~IUJ County jJ division offlm /ifnerican T1tJe Insurance Co, 600 CnuIltly Oub Road Eugeoe, OR ~7olO1 Phn . (511) 484.1900 fax. (5011) '184-7321 ROBE~ GORDON mle OFFICER rmgordOJj@flrstam,com , Hi~~;J~~.~~ED - Western Pioneer lltle Co. of Lane COunty . a division of First American TItle Insurance Co. 600 Counl1y Club ROild Eugene, OR 97401 Order No.: 7191.523445 February 04, 2005 . "-id.,i~ i Ni::D p,N 0 HIiRifiV ACCItPTED PreliminalfY Title Report , l,vJ) \:,'1"BY: vJO ALTA Owners Stond.11I Cove:oge AHA Ownels ExtEOOed Coverage A1."fA Lenders standard Coverage A1.TA ~ Exlt!nded Coverage ~t GoY! Ser;;ce Charge UilbilitY $ , l1ablllo/ ; l1abHltY ; , uabUitY $ , , , 48,000,00 Premium $ Premium $ ","",um $ P=1illm$ ","",um $ Cost $ ~7.60 S~.rL TemUtoto 50.00 We are prep,are9 to issue Title Insurance Policy or li'oli~ies.in the form and amount shown above, insuring tltletotlie:f6UOWlndesc:ribed Iatid:~" .." i'" ..,. :>:.r.....;-~ .i.:,~::,;. ;~~{;~~f~:;~~_4;::i'~~<-C;';~~,,\,~~J~I:';'w' ,;...;"-",, . ; --,. ,-- 0.._....,.,...- iJie'ianil referred to in this report is described in Exhibit A attached nereto. : ancl as of January 19, 2005 at 8:00 a.m., title v~ in: William A, Ortiz and Sabby LJones, not B5 tEjnants in common, but with rights of survivorship i . Sllbject to the exceptions, exclusions, and stlpulat~ns which are ordinarily part of such Policy form and the following: . , x i Oty liens, if any, of the City of Springfield. i Note: There are no liens as of January 19,[2005, All outstanding utility and user fees are not liens and therefore are excluded from ~ovei'age. G) -" The rights of the publi~ in and to that porlinn of the premi>es herein described lying within the limits of streets,roads and highways. . This report ~ for the ~uslve ~ of the pgrties:hereln shDwtl and is preliminary tD the issua!)Ce of. 1itIe insurance policy and _ bec;ome void "illess a polley 1$ iSsued. and the full premium paid. PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO DEe 1 2005 ~~I!'..r'.....,,... 'j .;KENZIE FUNDING / Preliminary Report 9 x 15412841384; 5 12:56; J~#198;Page 2/6 03/: ~ 0r0..- No.: 1191-5:l344S Page <.ofS .'-r- Easement, induding terms and proviSions Fontained therein: Recording Information: October 1~, 1949, Book 403, Pagae 240 In Favor of: The City Qf Springfield For; sewer Easement, induding terms and provisions fnntalned therein; Recordillg Information: January 9; 1953, Reception No. 94026 In Favor of: John H. McLean, et ux For: sewer Deed of Trust and the terms and condltJ0n5 thereof. Grantor/Trustor: Grantee/BenefiCiary: William A.; Ortiz and Sabby L Jones AamesfiJnding Corporation DBA corporat!dr None shol'-'n $64,SOO.oP . April 30, Z003 2003-Q3Si99 Aames Home Loan, a Trustee: Amount: Recorded : Recording Information; I i The benefidal Interest under said Deed ~f Trust has been assigned to Bank of New York, as Trustee for ONABS Series 2003-BC3, by Assignment recorded June 10, 2004, as Instrument No. 2004-044033. : ' By instrument recorded June 30, 2004, Refeptlon No. 2004-050182, First American Title Insurance Company was appointed SiJcces!sor Trustee under said Deed of Trust shown above, , , Notice of Default and Election to Sell and tjie terms therein Recorded; June 30, 4004, Reception No. 2004-050183 \",,-~,. ";-'-"~:""'.<-"4~~~~~~i:~1,;;.-::;"/~'~' '~ Affidavit of Mailing, Trustee's Notice of sal~, Proof of Service and Affidavit of Publication, Recorded: ' septembef 17, 2004, Re<:eption No. 2004-072746 x x A Judgment for the amount herein stated ~nd any other amounts due. I Case No,; 12 02 256PO, Judgment No, 001 Entered: May 6, 2OP3 , Amount: .$lJ582.69', $397,00 and $979.00 , plus interest, costs, if any Creditor: . Ford Mot~r credit company Debtor: Sabby L f.nes , A Judgment far !:he arTlOl!nt herein stated ~nd any other amounts due, Case No,: 16 03 1231)1, Judgment No, 001 Entered: July 9, 20~3 Amount: $]35.14 ard $122.00 , plus Interest, costs, If any Creditor. Ray Klein,: Inc., dba Professional Credit Service , Debtor: Sabby Jot . END OF pCEPTlONS - ! FU!itAmerican Tdle I ,. .- .:.,tr:~'" .~.~-". ,. . .j;1f I 3/ . . /;KENZIE FUNDING 154128 1384; 03/8' '05 12:56; }etI'aL#198;Page 6 I .' j'l'relimlnary Report; Order No.:.7191-523445 'I . ' ""g03of5 I ., ~ ! NOTE: We find no judgments or United Slates In~al Revenue liens against Shane Wartenbee or ! Michael P. Miller, Trustee of the Michael P. Miller q:omblnatlon Prototype Pension and Profit Shaling I' A~. . NOTE: In order to insure a transaction involving tl\e herein named trust, we will need to be provided a Certification of Trust pursuant to ORS 128.232 thrqugh ORS 128.246. , NOTE: Taxes for the year 2004-2005 PAID IN FULiL Tax Amount $1,152.12' Map No,: 1703253407100 Property to: 0212314 Tax Code No.: 19-00 Situs Address as disclosed, on Lane County Tax Roll; I 1127 18t11 Street, iSpringfield, OR 97477 ! cc: Shane Wartenbee cc: Michael P. Miller cc: William A. Ortiz THANK YOU FOR CtfOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! , WE KNOW YO~ HAVE A CHOICE! ; "', ,,,,;!~ ..... '~~*l.';1f*. .'~I.l;<;!'J< f;";~w'",.li,>O<-'" 1<;'.', .""";~~. ,:_,;0""." ':, " ,_ ;'" t.-,.,., l."",~:'i!t~~1;'1-~~.~=,~~,I),!~~~;F<1; "'~"'''~~'~\''41. '" .i ,10 '~~~.~~':~~7~~~,~::"1 ~,.,~_!O ~~~- . '\~Y7' ' ! FirstAfi1eri<anTI/Ie . -;..;. ~: ,. ,.." r itJ'/ 0/ I ,/ \1 "11111,,11111 .' r Division o( ChJe( Deputy Ct~rk Lane County Deeds and Recc~ds 20~~.~ ll10J $36,00 ~ ~~~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111'" III 00.6930420050'117630030034 RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Sln=6 cAg3~~~/~O~5 02: 19:49 PM $IS,OO $11,00 $10,00 After recording return to: Western Pioneer Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: Michael P. Miller, Trustee 3330 Hayden Bridge Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 File No.: 7191.523445 (csl) Date: February 10, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED. William A, Ortiz and Sabby L. Jones, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Shane Wartenbee and Michael P. Miller, Trustee of the Michael P. Miller Combination Prototype Plan, Grantee, the following described real property free of liens and encumbrances, eXcept as specifically set forth herein: See Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference incorporated herein. This property is free from liens and encumbrances, ~XCEPT: 1. Covenants} conditionsl restrictionsandjor easements, jf any, affecting title, which may appear in the publiC record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey. ! THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN V'IOLATlON OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAmCES AS DEFlNED IN ORS 30,930. The true consideration for this conveyance is $48,000.00. (Here comply with requirements of ORS 93.030) Dated this 10th day of P"bruarv 20.....Q2..... Page 10f3 .1 .:rr: ;:.c.- .. j -',I / / ./ APN:0212314 !V~d ~ William A. Ortiz STATE OF Oregon County of Lane Statutory Warranty Deed - continued File No: 7191.523445 (csl) Date: 02/10/2005 spiA ;< Sabby L~ Jones ,)~L W-..d.. d.szl Pj<-{..i~r ) )55. ) .--' /-"",(""-,,,- as attorney in ,20M fact for This instrument was acknowledged before me on this _ day of byWilliamA.Ortizandc~ indiV(!allY' and Sabby L. Jones 17 AIlAfJ..t!' CindyLeary - Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: r.?i"?'~'h'''ii/i}~Y~:'\';'':' " 1.."......,"".." I. oi,ic,;i;;Al-' ~"IJDY ,.,y ," NOTARYPUBliC.OREGON COMMISSION NO 364069 M'i COMMlSS~N EXPIRES DECEMBER 29, 2006 .- ~.'i . '1 ;; . Page 2 of 3 .".::, ,." J:' ", , APN:0212314 Statutory Warranty Deed -continued FileNo.: 7191-523445 (csl) Date: 02/10/2005 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE SOUTH LlNE OF THE ALAN SON M. POWERS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 69, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, 817.9 FEET SOUTH 890 38' WEST FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CLAIM; THENCE SOUTH 0' 10' EAST 144 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 00 10' EAST 72 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89' 38' WEST 138,1 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 10' WEST 72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 890 38' EAST 138.1 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF 8EGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. ,.' ':-''''';'' i~~_~,~itj!.CY:?,.';-~~{f'i~ "~'., . ~"7"':-- - -. "T.HYC ~-~t5'il'. ?'" 'f-' Page 3 of 3 ''''':'.: 225 Fifth Street S~ringfield, Oregon.97477 '541-726-3759 Phone '.' , Job/Jo~rnal Number PRE2005-00080 Payments: Type of Payment " Check ,':, , .i: ~ ., . r . , *. ;:' ',. .: ~ , , : . ;.- '; . . i " ". T ~i -' i :t .1' 12/1/2005 ?,' . RECEIPT #: Description CTY Partition Tentative Plan Paid By SHANE W A TENBEE Lua.r~ ""~R'!"!'!PIIlLO,'._:'''' "'i" . v -', . ai:'-""'*i. I, ,.-. if" i: / : -.~-''".....".~-'',-_.. _. City of Springfield Official Receipt UevelopmentServices Department ' Pnblic Works Department 3200500000000000677 Date: 12/01/2005 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tj 1320 In Person Payment Total: Page 1 of 1 2:17:24PM . . Amount Due 500.00 . $500.00 Amount Paid $500,00 $500.00 ~"~I HIGA.BURKHOLDER r . " ASSOCIATES, LLC ,; LAND USE PLANNING / CIVIL ENGINEERING 150 North Seventh Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Telephone (541) 988-1862 Fax (541) 9BB-1B63 1721 Hewitt Avenue. Suite 401 Everett, Washington 98201 (425) 252-2826 Telephone (425) 252-9551 Fax CATCH RIM = EX, SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM = 462.06' I.E.=454,31 '('/I) I.E.= 454.46 (E) I.E.= 454.51'(N) (', , --(SF- -'TIllll CATCH BASIN -f" 'lIillIJ RIM = 461.38' ~ ~EX. STORM SEWER "' MANHOLE @ 18TH ST. ANO CENTENNIAL BLVO. RIM = 461.96' I.E,= 458.51'(N-S) I.E.= 458,56(t-W) I BASIN Ill- ) 461.34', S T - _ T v~ ~ ~I '- >- ....: w '- z '- :J '- z ~'i :> "ffi '- ~ '- '" '- u ~"'~ :> ..... ","':r 24- MAPLE VI '0",. '/ f~ (TO BE REMOVED) ,," --l "v '/ ' ~ C(THERRY CLUMP ) ,,<b -0'0 ~. j I "/ ..;>. ."",. ~OVEO ~..,. N89'38"00"E, 138.10' .,,"/." NOT TO SCALE > i ' ~ -'~-,_:~ -., -'- ..-- :...:~.----------;.~----- --H--"-l . 1i::~~I'f"W'" _Ti "1-\\t,, SI(~-r~-- ~ -- ~~~_~V~-:~___I____H_-_j_L'~":::: _,0' ":;___-,,-__ tr~~~~i) ~ '- EJ(ISTlN~ / \ ~ r" '-...-:: )' I '~\I - . '.09% SLOPE UGHT ~'I ,,' G \ I ~ '- ... ... ~ '" ~-~ I " ROOF 9RA1N , \\. VI 'Q ., '" " '\ (()...... , C / \/ . ,'~ / 10.'CHERRY ~ ,,'\-' .. . :> " c:""""-t '^ I x~:-- Y6' EX. GAS 6'"J ~TO REMAIN) ~X' X 00 '\ v, A_ 'OJ.. STUB'; _ _ J" . I, \. k1 "' '.,;~ ~ L . I ? ~ r EX SEWER ' ~ ,i.~ I '" \ N ~ STUB~" k , . ~ ~ .~~~~; EX SEwrn E~bSJ~~G). .,,'\-' Ir~ >,~ h .. "' ~~il 8: STUB,,, 1~ 2~~\ ;r: ;,C---\ r,1 ~ >j T"" EX. V J ~" " ~ ~ ,,~ X >: ~ ~, h ~ / ',:iv':1:~'i::~t~;'(iB#~~0'';:cj ,,'fP /'\-' ~.....:(l Ix I "'"' / t'~;;:}:\;,;;.P;ji!;i1>#~:,ti":1 - ~ .~ .~\ ~.~ 1\ I -....; / :~'t~2~~;~;:~t_:t~?Iti~;:;~~..~~.:~~P b,'O"'J ~ 5Wi:"W'C \ 463 ~ I x ~ ~ /'i:f>~~}:';';~;;':;!i::;;>;~,(..::;i / ........" ".-," . ~ " "I ", -l / ~'':'",-~'''L:.m. -:.:'-~<":~~:-<""">:"::;J b~"""""""- ...'0 ~ ~ J ' " b-;'J->-//~ ~.~..:.; .......-'=..;~.j~ X tJ<b"V ...'O'\. "6'j J > '- I ...b~_'~ ~ "..............- _ -x-x-X-.......X-X~->><-. x-x-x,"*-x-x-X-X-X-'l-..-'/... '- "'v/ ","".., x-..><-"""....:'i...x-x-x-x X __ 1 __ __ . '- ~ /, -- ~ -- -- I S89'38"00"W. 138,10' ~. 36.0' CUf B TO CURB ~. "- ~\I " > ~ (EXISTING) I 4" I ~ ,,~".~~ 410 100-YR FLOODPLAIN & FLOODWAY BOUNDARIES ~ .v-'-1 > ~ "........' I I ~.,,~ ~ ifo'tr-o-I~ -1 LEGEND ;< ,~ i' rf " SITE / ~. / I :;; C''1I ,,- -on WARTENBEE 18TH STREET PARTITION SITE ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING CONDITIONS @ @ CQ EXISTlNG STORM ORAINAGE MANHOLE OLYMPIC~EET U t;; t;; LLI .r, ~~ I-UJ ~ C) lZ)li; ~e: --I C) ... NV):<c ('o..J l::;;'ENrENIIIAL BLVD .. IS J STRm05 U "'I :S1 Wl:USIREE:.T ~ ," U ..... I:l:::: I~ - EXISTlNG SANITARY MANHOLE - EXISTING WATER METER ~ ~ 'I - PROPERTY LINE - EX. FENCE *,-x-x-x-X MAP 17-03-25-34, TAX LOT 7100 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD L!,-NE COUNTY. OREGON ~ ~ "' UT EX. UTlLlTY LINES (TV- TEL -GAS, ST. WW, W, - EX, EOGE OF PAVEMENT I STREET ~~ G STREET" 100, r ~- Z "'''' OHP) / / / / / / / / / / /, 28- MAPLE (TO BE REMOVEO) I VICINITY MAP TREE PRESERVATION THE EXISTING 24" MAPLE, CHERRY CLUMP, ANO 28" MAPLE ALONG THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE ARE TO BE REMOVED, ALL OTHER EXISTlNG TREES TO REMAIN. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA N ,:] 1400 SF (0.03 ACRES) . EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE TO REMAIN. EXISTlNG HOUSE TO REMAIN > SOIL TYPE & EXISTING VEGETATION SOIL TYPE - 97% TYPE 32, COBURG LAND COMPLEX. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP C WATER TABLE DEPTH - 1,5' TO 6' DURING ALL MONTHS. PER SOILS STUDY OF LANE COUNTY OREGON SOIL TYPE - 3% TYPE 5. AWBRIG LAND COMPLEX. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP D WATER TABLE DEPTH - O' TO 6' DURING ALL MONTHS. PER SOILS STUDY OF LANE COUNTY OREGON NO SIGNIFICANT VEGETATlON EXISTS OTHER THAN THE TREES AS SHOWN. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN AN 'X' ZONE, AS SHOWN ON FIRM MAP 41039C1161F, EFFECTlVE OATE OF JUNE 2, 1999. fi L C '" I " I!' .!. ~ .Ii c '" JOB NO, ~ 1912 ~ ~ ~ Xl TIME OF TRAVEL ZONES WELLHEAD PROTECTION ZONE: 1 TO 5 YEAR TOTZ TO "Q" & 16TH ST. WELLHEAD. ISSUE DATE: DESIGNED BY: ORA WN BY: PLAN CHECK BY: PRE -SUBMITTAL: 1ST SUBMITTAL: TOP, KB, GJF GJF, TOP, KB TOP, KB DECEMBER 1, 2005 UTILITIES NOTE EXISTlNG OVERHEAD UTlLlTlES MAY CONSIST OF ELECTRIC. CABLE TV, ANO TELEPHONE. C:\Land Projects 2005\WARl\dwg\WART-T02.dwg, 11/30/20054:43:56 PM, Copyright 2005 Higa Burkholder Associates TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION PLAN OF TAX LOT #7100 ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-03-25-34 (CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD) LANE COUNIY. OREGON FOR SHANE WARTENBEE/MIKE MILLER BY ROBERTS SURVEYING INC. P.O. BOX 7155 EUGENE, OREGON PHONE: (541)-345-1112 I SA.\JITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM = 462.06' LEI=454.31 '('/I) >\/ . "' LE.,,= 454.46 (t) / . 5 1.4= 454,51 '(N) ,,/ > ~ I I >\/'~"c; ~k~OVED) .~ ~ /1/ N89.38"00"E. 138.10' > . ~ ./'4. p x x- -X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-Xl /1. ULfTY ~ /'< I.;, ~~S P LE_ p- 62.50' ~\ SANITARY SEWER :10 >\/ ~O \J\\\,!f\',j-l ~. ---- . MANHOLE > /PRoPos ~~ ,x\ RIM = 463,82' I ).\: __~:""-;-s' , s - s 10. LINE LE,=454.67'~W) UTIUTY ~'\J---- S s - -5 S -$ 51-S 5 -5 S -5 S -$ S ---,.: i S -$ S -5 S -$ 5 -5 S -5 5 -$ 5 -5 S _~-=s"$54.82 (t:) POLE -0 :,- e.... ~ SlUB ~ I . ,09% SLOPE ~ J. ~ : ~.9 ~---i-i1o-~~~~~-.b: 8 > J ~ I t / ~ ~ ~ ~)O::EMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 11, 1949, BOOK 403, PAGE 240 IS I;;""t ~ WATER Ie 0 10' CHER + 3i I'fo~CsEoL FT#2 L.J BLANKET IN NATURE AND COULD NOT BE LOCATED ON THIS SURVEY, tI) -I METER b (TO REMi>JN) b ' , < THE SANITARY SEWER LINE THIS EASEMENT WAS INTENDED TO COVER I b ~O~~N) b b8 l IS SHOWN HEREON. ...... ~ Z ill I 2) EASEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 9. 1953, REEL 10D. RECEPTION NO. ~ -I " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ~ 5P4A4R3CSEOL. FT#,' ~ b(f) I 94026 IS BLANKET IN NATURE AND COULD NOT BE LOCATED ON THIS > I;;""t _ ~ SURVEY. THE SANITARY SEWER LINE THIS EASEMENT WAS INTENDED TO , CO ~ I . ,'. : COVER IS SHOWN HEREON. > i ;"1~f;~~l$j~~~~;lj~? :~~1*~~ ;~~~(~:1rrf~~~~~~i(~i:i~;~~i;~~~:;~ ;;~.-... . t 3) T~C~SE ~7Lt~t~~~~ ~~S~G~I~~RU:'ARCEL #2 AT THIS TIME, CUTS AND U.,....',~...c;,...:._..,...~'~,:......,:...r,'.'.,.~.;..'...,.',...:..c.,.;,.i.:.~,',;""....~,;.r..~.,..,4,.::.,.'.i>:.. ~.,. ',,, ""',',,'. ,.,,,,,. .,.. .<c, . ,,""""'.' c;",,<~,= -.-,,' ~"". ",,-'1.,;/'< 62 50' '< 4) THERE IS NO STREET LlGHTI~G PROPOSED FOR THIS PARTITION, . :.~ .' . --::. . '.'.. ,: ~.( .:r::-,~..;,{'t,;:':(:1:~'s:'1:,~-' '?--~'- .~-\J~'..'.'~ .....- / 75.60' . J "" ~ .,,-."'> ,i'~",- -~-.",~,",'-.. "-~:":.'-" "'11. -\.\... X ~x X x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x_x_...,., ) '"''''{'''''''''~''~''.'' ',~,'!,,''i;Y;,;?'0'''''''''' , X--,,",-,-X-X-X-X-X-X-X- --I - - 5 THERE ARE NO DEDICATIONS PROPOSED FOR THIS PARTITION. ~~#IT;;'~ I < ~,'O '"" 'J7/</"<- S89.3~oo"W'1'3B.10. :: :~ ::::::: ,~::"::~:::::: ~::: "'~ .........'< -I .,......... 1 8) UTILITY LINES CONSIST OF POWER, TELEPHONE AND CABLE TV, >1 ~', ~ ~ UTIUTY --: POLE -0- . . -I REGISTERED PROFESSIO~AL LAND SUfJ)o'EYOR ~ ~ OREGON JULY 15. 2003 KENT BAKER " #59885 EXPIRES 12-31-2005 '\ ~ - -I LEGEND { ~ -5$- SANITARY SEWER LINE -I 1<>/ w- WATER LINE UTlLfTY -0- POLE ~ . - S T STORM SEWER LINE -Ir I~ -v- OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE :< ~ X FENCE > -I N > SCALE 1ft = 20' DECEMBER 1, 2005 2!'!' MAPLE (TO BE REMOVED) > of ~ -I ~ -I Ul -I FIRE HYDRANT . 125' +/- FROM -9- SOUTH PROPERTY LINE , ~ <J LLI c.:: ~ ~ a:ll W ~ LL/ c:n Cl . LLI c.:: a.. .. ~ = ~ - , , T ~ . ~tJC~ ~~~1.~8' ~ ~EX. STORM SEWER ~ MANHOLE @ 18TH ST. AND CENTENNIAL BLVD. RIM = 461.96' ~~ ~ I.E.~ 458.51'((N-S)) ~ I.E.~ 458.56 E-W ~} ~ I PROPOSED WATER :> " w I METER (PARCEL 2) " z > :J ~ RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY <, ~ ~ APPROACH PER CITY >' 5' I ~ STANDARD DETAIL 3-9 :> ~ w I. " ~ ~ C _ 18' WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT, '; ~ ~ iii MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT, :," 5: AND UTILITY EASEMENT 28" MAPLE (TO BE REMOVED) -1 <0 ~ <0>,'" ~6 ~Pk~MOVED) ~ I ~ " SITE CLEARING NOTE :> ~. I FL=461.61 , ~ ,0'> > Ii , CHERRY CLUMP~" ~~ ~~ EX. SANITARY SEWER ~ ~ ....v;, I .~"'. .~"'~. (TO BE REMOVED) .~",. N89'38"00"E, 138.1 0' .~'>' .~'>' WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE EXISTING HOME, MANHOLE :> c' I - x x-?,x- _~ x x-x >x-x~ -x-x-x x-x-x-x-xx-x-x.x DRIVEWAY, AND TREES TO REMAIN, THE RIM = 462.06' >, .......'/. ",'^- - _L A~x~_ ....._..' . ..:::::-- .'" ENTIRE SITE IS SUBJECT TO CLEARING. SANITARY SEWER I.E.=_454.31'('!') I, ~ ~ ~"i ~- ;-'-=-';-~ r-cb9 r- ~'~ --\ -:,. " _________ -: " PRIVATE WATER '\ MANHOLE , I.E.- 454.46 (E) ~ ~ ~ i; r f( .~, 'I'/V ,E . \" I ;;'- ~'-<IFL=463.541 SERVICE STUB EX SEWER RIM_ = 463,82 I.E.= 454.51'(N) :> ' ~/ ~\ / ' -\' ; '. -;- - " ./ -.\ '\./ '" ~ " . XI r MAIN TYP I E.-4545.6782('!'()) I~' ~;\'I, "'I.V "'" "-(.1\ t-" \tFL~463301 ./_.' 10" LINE IE.~44. E 'I FL=461 51. 5 S ;/-.", SJ~ ~IS i...,.--5 S -5 S -5 5 -5,5 --yS 5 -=--5 S --$ 5-15 S -.$ 5 -5 5 -$ S -$ 5 -* S -$ 5 -5 5 -5 $-S S -$ S -5 S-S S _Rt_. S 5 riri',W-o ", ., EXlsnN<! '/ ',j \ I '.:.A V " '- :; '. / . \. HFLH63.541 "II .. .09% SLOPE ~ l~ h~IWFE~~16HR060LOO~~,\ \ \5/--L~~';:~~~I----~UBOAS ;;0''''~7-7-~~~1~1~~~C:-_~' ij /'>~'O /'>~ '$ LEGEND. ~,',' lfL- 1. I: ~,\ 0 . 0 f :-~EX SEWER 'N , /, . . I I r-- 's' - EXISTING STORM DRAINAGE MANHOLE :>: ~ . l {t~ \ \ ~ EX SEWER EXISTING j0 + ~ FL=46272 STUB '~'>~"I~I '.~o' ; _ EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE .; ~ ~^ w" J!:-0'1 STUB HOUSE r-- 3" ROOF DRAIN TO PARCEL #2 . "'~ h -l WAlEI I j . L.. 10" CHERRY y- , rp~ EXISTING WATER METER MET" I Ol'~ (TO RE....N) - WEEPHOLE@1%.....--4500SQFT"'0_-. :> >,"; I (EX~ NO). 0 .'0",. EX. SEWER../ ~ / 6" MAPLE f' EXTEND 10' INTO \' .. "I b VJ ~ /; lib x STUB ...{,^, (TO REMAIN) P PARCEL 2~" I .~,>'o" < Ul - PROPERTY LINE , ~ ,~".,o',~" z - ~ lTII '" PARCEL #1 ;' .~'>' ( \ (x :,1 x ^~' " ~lO /~, ~ ~ b,lO X ~I' - - EASEMENT :> ~ ~ I ."v / :.~.. \.....,. _ _ _ -! 5443 SQ. FT. b "" yO' < . ~ h ~ ~ ~~t )~~l,~~jg~trf~~;; ,," .~'>~' z r ~\ "~~ Il x-x-x-,x-x EX. FENCE :> ~ ~ JA ,;d.~~f~\ij.~j!jt<tl~l;t~ .~'" - ~~~1RIC .~~ ~~" x r ~CEVS~~~P \ 463~~'~,'v lit ~, EX 21' CURB ~ (. ,.>.;,./i'~ "';','.e;::';:":;:'\;J~~ .~ .' ~~ ~'> ~ ....J .1 :> ~ CUT 'TO f;~MAIN I b<ro~~//:t;/ /"'" _.~-= --~~..~ ,x ''''x .x~ )X,"'ro'\-' ^_X_x_x~~_)':_Y._x_x~~,_"" J '" '\'"' / \><!.. X-~-Y.-x-x-x-x-x-'"-"X-~~AI'~' . __ 36.0' CUF'B TO CURB ~ '--A~~ -- -- ~ S89'3800"W. 138.10' >I~< (EXISTINGj I ~~ P~OJECi NARRATIVE / GENERAL NOTES I ~. ...,,;~ ~,,:p I :> t~~,,"< ~ .v"~""---- ~I '"v I '1. SITE DEVELOPMENT SHOWN IS CONCEPTUAL ONLY. INDIVIDUAL LOT ....----. I 20 40 DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO CITY REVIEW THROUGH THE ....---- BUILDING PERMIT PROCESS. I ~ <~....---- ,_ EX.. 1/2 R/W UTIlITY-o-I'.< . ~ 30' I 2. POLE >1 CATCH 'BASIN RIM = 461.34' Ill- S T , " , ... ~ <: -0- ~ . N ~ ~~ HIGA-BURKHOLDER .BMij ~~U~9LA~~~~~L~JGI~!;~ 1721 Hewitt Avenue _ Suite 401 Everett, Washington 98201 (425) 252-2826 Telephone (425) 252-9551 Fax 150 North Seventh Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Telephone (541) 988-1862 Fax (541) 9SS-1863 WARTENBEE . 4" COMPACTED ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 18TH STREET PARTITION 2% ~CLASS "B" BASE COURSE PLACED 2%~ ./ IN 2" LIFTS PER SSD 3-2. f!l GRADING AND PAVING PLA:. (",,)f~~f~~;~~f{4~~~il~~{~~~~~~~c~~;~~~1 u CRUSHED ROCK ~ lJ.J u> q ....u -- ~ '"'- 12' PAVEMENT ~ = N .... TYPICAL PRIVATE ROAD SECTION (DRY WEATHER) THE 0.23-ACRE PROPERTY CONSISTS OF ONE PARCEL AND ONE EXISTING HOME WITH ASSOCIATED DRIVEWAY AND LANDSCAPING. THE EXISTING HOME AND DRIVEWAY ARE TO REMAIN. 3. ROOF AND FOOTING DRAINS WILL BE TIGHTLlNED TO PROPOSED 3" PVC PRIVATE STORM PIPE LOCATED SOUTH OF THE DRIVEWAY. THIS PIPE WILL BE CONNECTED TO A WEEP HOLE AT THE TOP OF THE PROPOSED FLARE. FROM THE NEW CURB CUT ASSOCIATED WITH PARCEL 2. PER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SCOPING SHEEt, STORMWA TER CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY IS NOT REQUIRED. SEE ACCOMPANYING TENTATIVE DRAINAGE REPORT BY HIGA BURKHOLDER ASSOCIATES, LLC., DATED NOVEMBER 30, 2005. 5. NOT TO SCALE :.JT EX. UTILITY LINES (TV- TEL-GAS, ST, wvi. W. OHP) !Jill] - EX. AREA DRAIN / / //// / ////, - EX. EDGE OF PAVEMENT ESTIMATED GRADING QUANTITIES CUT, 60 CU. YO. FILL: 120 CU. YD. (THE QUANTITIES OF CUT AND FILL ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE SHOWN ONLY FOR THE PURPOSES OF OBTAINING A GRADING PERMIT AND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONTRACTUAL PURPOSES.) ISSUE DATE: DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: PLAN CHECK ~ o ..., , ~ I!' .!. ~ ~ <5 ,. o "..., ~ NO. ~ BY: TDP, KB, GJF GJF, TDP, KB TDP, KB DECEMBER 1, 2005 JOB 1912 f ~ ~ X; PRE - SUBMITTAL: 1ST SUBMITTAL: C:\Land Projects 2005\WARl\dwg\WART-T03.dwg, 11/30/20053:07:29 PM, Copyright 2005 Higa Burkholder Associates