HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PLANNER 12/1/2008 .; AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: S P RIN G F IE L D Staff Phone No: C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE: PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT J;lecember 1, 2008 Regular Session Development Services Bill Grile/Brenda Jones 726-3619 5 Minutes ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: Appoint Mr. Sean VanGordon to the Planning Commission, to serve the remainder of former Planning Commissioner Terri Leezer's term, which expires July 31, 2011. The Springfield Planning Commission has one vacancy as a result of Ms. Leezer being elected to the City Council, Ward 3. It is necessary to fill the vacancy. I. Application of Sean VanGordon 2. Planning Commission Roster The City received two applications for the one vacancy during a one month recruitment process. The Council interviewed Mr. VanGordon and one other candidate on November 17,2008 and expressed interest in appointing Mr. Van Gorden. He resides at 2327 Clear Vue and is a supervisor with the United Parcel Service on Nugget Way in Glenwood. Formal appointment by the Council must occur during a Regular Session. Date Received' 12-/110 ~ Planner: BJ ~', , ,,,' \. . &-1",' oI, .II_LD , City Manager's office 225 Fifth Street " Springfield, OR 97477 . (541) 726-3700 'Please print of type: APPLICATION foe a OCT 312008 City of Springfield Citizen A,dvilfory Board / Commission /Commlttee Board I Commission I Committee applying for: Pl-l>...,l/... IIJ b (!.o rrJ ~ ,!> $/",..J (A sep.r.te .ppllc8lion must be completed for e.ch bo.nll commission I commlllee) Name: 6'!1-J-l Arst . Home address: z.,3Z. 7 Mf' Mlddlelnlll.1 ~ &ol!.t:>O~ Last tt.-eAJ!.. Streel 5(i2,IIJ 6~4.l:> city tlUI! of!.. 97J177 . Zip Day phone: 5"t//-'Z;ZJ-~Q{)V> Evening phone: , , Do you live within the Springfield city limits? ~Yes c) If yes, how long? ,I '/-z. ~(. o No c) if no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth boundary? ' ' , DYes DNo F . Ward number (city residents only): Are you a Springfield property owner? ~Yes . o No DYes .~No Are you a Springfield business owner? Are you a registered voter? Occupation: .5uFtt~v't~~ ~Yes oNo Place of employment: L1,... .1"('[;> fI.tlc6/... ~fY/CE. Business address: IqlD NtJ(~(.J':"" t..J<A.../ Education: (Y). ~. ,/[u,HomIU.. (OVer, please) , Date ReceiVed' 12..-/ 1/ D g Planner: BJ .\j ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 { c 't Iiiii- ~ . APPLlCA TION for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory. Board I Commissi,!n I Committee 'Page2 ' ' Please print Of,type: .~ . 1, Whai experience 1 training I ~ualifications do you have for this particular board I commission Icommittee? H.~v'€ {,p< p~fYtE~cL. w~I2:"uJ(,,'iJJ A. 612.t;J~P- O€r €~SIfHJ .c, rtrJP:17/u./. w"U,..J I 1J-J!:>1Al-I;.. --Q..c.;fJ./'J'O/...ObY. 18~"'I€iI& -rM.I!, W/L...L- N€I-P mt -vP . .~tJflX. w rO-{. blZaoJ(!s '"17J ' '/!'iJil-1> : 't!...omikohllsl!! + '.5ot.:.cJ1'1oN>. 2, What specific contribution do you hope to make? . ..loP, F.lloW"T"~ ,t-J'77.U;: (lrr-( IS t..I,.J~~ ArJl> . C.AcJ$~P PL..AI'-.JNt",sh. I WANL '70~"..' Ai-.l ~~ ~ C,.JlItolZtJ m~,.Jr: I')~ 64>~1'7'1. Bi, ~""~ .~. 1'" '3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities, (Lack of previous involvement , will not necessarily disqualify you from consideratjon,) .5Az.I,.Ji::.':/~L.V J.l14~2/r_ C"mmH~/o;J , '4. What:~ommi,"i\i topics concern you .that relate to this board 1 commission Icofllmittee? Why do you want to become a, member?' " . . ", 6t2nw1il +- $P~I.~bf'I&i..P P';~N"rD<.u,..J F?€rJ~~A,L-. , 5,Most boards! commissions I committees meet monthly, Subcommittees may meet more frequently, Meetings generally last one and one-half hours, It is highly recommem;ted YfJU attend a ml!st/ng before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings, .' o Early morning (6:30-8:30 ;m) 0 Noontime (noon-l:30 pm) .$ Late aft!,moon (4-6 pm) % E~enirigs 6, How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 RadiolTV o Board 1 commission 1 committee member o Mail notice 0 Word of mouth ~ Other 1.Jl~ rr.E If) 13, /~ Applicant's signature D.le ~ Returl'l this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Sprinafield, Q.R 9~4.77 1"'/ 1 . . Date I~ecelved' L-- /.10 g . For more information please call1he City Manager's Officeat726~3700 Planner: BJ' em pflnted on recycled pap"f " ..'.:..j ATTACHMENT 1 - 2 .' 'i Supplemental Questions for PJ~nning Commission Application 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position?, j am interested in continuing my participation in the community. I enjoy being' involved, working with people, and learning more about t~e process of planning. . ' 2. What is your vision for Springfield's:future and how can you, as a planning cOmmissioner, help to realize that:future? . Springfield's future is /inked directly to our ability to deliver pro-growth policy. . As a commissioner, I wiU be able to work to promote developnrent of urban lands that wiU inake enough offICe spaCe available for job' growth. 3. Describe your experience working as a member of a group that is charged with decision-making. I have worked on several group driven'projects. It is cOl1lIfJOn for me to work in this type of group when I install dispatch technology in UPS centers. I usuaUy work in groups that consist of plant engineers, technology support, human resources, and operations. Ifmd what nwkes groups successful is communkaiions, solid goals, and a wiUingness to co., '1" "',' ,ise. . 4.' Describe how you would balance the need for economic development, infill or redevelopment for example wben those actions challenge the equally importance values of neighborhood preservation or environmental...u~",,;':on? I believe that what we need is iI balance between economics and environnrenL While I believe strongly in the iRrportance of growth for our city, I believe we. need to encourage communkations with neighborhood groups, and ensure the enVironmental impad is measured ouL I be/iive balance' comes from a willingness to compromise and make changes to plans. - 5. When a y.~yused development is inconSistent with an adopted plan or the development code the planning commission is frequently sought out by both sides of the dilemmaJor a solution; what do you think is the you;'... role for the . pJ~nning Commission when these circumstances ocCur? . First, a commission always needs to be an unbiased participant in the' conversation. Second, we should be willing to ask a lot of questions. Third, our goal should be for the parties to come away feeling like they own a solution instead ofsolulion beingforced on them. Data Received' / vi rld-g- Planner: 8J ATTACHMENT 1 -'3 Co , , 6. Do you have any specific ideas for change that should be m;me to any of our adopted planning policies or development review roles or how we review the . development roles online? ' I don't have any specific changes to planning policies. I do want to work to streamline how the co~sion's work is presented on-line. I think it would improve commun:,..",:""., and improve transparency. 7. Can you Cu.LLU~; the time necessary to be an effective planning coinmissioner? YeS, it would be a priority for me, and I would commit enough time to be effedWe. .', ATTACHMENT 1 - 4 Date Received: I ~I J / J g Planner: BJ ",:'fr, PUBLIC City of Springfield " Planning Commission MAILING ADDRESS PHONE APPOINTMENT RE- EXPIRATION DATE APPOINTMENT DATE DATE Frank Cross Chair Home: 5/4/2004 5/5/2008 5/5/2012 2580 0 Street 521-2909 Springfield, Oregon 97477 westcross2(ci)amail.com Johnny Kirschenmann Vice-Chair Home: 2/5/2007 215/2011 1159 S. 68th Street 726-0798 Springfield, Oregon 97478 iohnnvk(ci)rexius,coflJ. Lee Beyer Home: 04/16/2001 10/2/2006 10/2/2010 951 "S" Street 746-5889 Springfield, Oregon 97477 leelbever(ci)comcast,net OPEN POSITION Home: 6/18/2007 7/31/2011 Eric Smith 1351 Lawnridge Avenue Springfield, Oregon 97477 eric(ci)aa ui laa nd oriscill as, com Home: 744-9521 6/18/2007 7/31/2010 Sheri Moore 1955 16th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 sheri, moore(ci)comcasl. net Home: 654-0184 6/18/2007 7/31/2009 . Steve Mae 3698 Franklin Boulevard , PO Box 847 Springfield, Oregon 97477 intercitv(ci)aol.com (Business Owner) Home 726-7613 5/5/2008 5/5/2012 / Note: 'Springfield Planning Commissioners serve four-year terms. ,Two members may reside outside the Springfield City limits and two members may be employed'in real estate. Representatives to the City Council are on a rotating basis , . CONTACTS: SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Bill Grile, Development Services Director 726-3671 Greg Mott, Planning Manager, Planning Commission Liaison 726-3774 Brenda Jones, Planning Secretary 726-3610 '. f? I I rI Date Received' "II ~ 0 Edited 11/2012008 BJones Planner: BJ ATTACHMENT 2 - 1