HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PLANNER 11/17/2008
Meeting Type:
Staff Contact:
S P RIN GFIE L D Staff Phone No:
C I T Y C 0 U N elL Estimated Time:
November 17, 2008
Work Session
Development Services
Bill Grile 1 Brenda Jones
30 Minutes
Conduct interviews of the Planning Commission candidates: Mr, Sean VanGordon
and Mr. Garold Ropp,
There are two candidates for one position,
Incumbent, Terri Leezer resigned October 31, 2008 as Planning Commissioner. Ms,
Leezer was elected to the City Council from Ward 3 and will be sworn into office on
January 12,2009. Ms, Leezer's now vacant Planning Commission appointment
expires on July 31, 2011.
I , Interview Agenda
2, Interview Questions
3. Applications
4. Planning Commission Roster
The City received two applications for one vacancy during a one month recruitment
process, .
Mr, Sean VanGordon resides at 2327 Clear Vue, Springfield and is a supervisor with
the United Parcel Service on Nugget Way in Glenwood.
Mr, Garold Ropp resides at 4691 Holden Court, Springfield and is employed as an
architectural designer with McKenzie D & D Inc. located at 4691 Holden Court
Springfield, OR,
The Springfield Planning Commission is a seven member volunteer Commission
appointed by the City Council. The members serve four-year terms, Of the seven
members, two appointments may live outside the City limits, and two appointments
may be involved in the Real Estate profession, Positions are "at-large", and do not
represent specific geographic areas,
Currently one Planning Commissioner resides outside the City limits, and none work
in Real Estate.
The Council decision on appointments is scheduled for the Regular Meeting of
December I, 2008,
Date Received: II /11! 0 g
Planner: BJ
Agenda - City Council Interview of Planning Commission Candidate
6:00 - 6:05 Council review and adjust interview questions
6:05 - 6:15 Interview of Sean VanGordon
6:15 - 6:25 Interview of Garold Ropp
6:25- 6:30 Council discussion/deliberation
Attachment 1-1
Date Received. Ir ((1/0 ~
Planner: BJ
Planning Commission Interview Questions
1. The Planning Commission generally meets two evenings each month and
additional evening meetings are sometimes necessary. There are also materials
to be reviewed in advance of these meetings that may take a couple of hours to
read, Given your work and/or family demands, can you fully participate as a
Commission member?
2, How familiar are you with planning laws and policies and the purpose they serve
in Springfield's land use decision making process? If your experience with these
laws is limited, what actions would you take to become familiar so that you can
function fully as a Planning Commissioner?
3, Many of the land use laws applied by the Planning Commission are state or
federally mandated. During a Planning Commission hearing how would you
reconcile your own personal opinions with the applicant's interests when those
interests do not comply with the land use laws?
4, What is your general understanding of the relationship between the Planning
Commission and City Staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council?
5, What roll do you think the Planning Commission should have with the
revitalization of downtown?
6, How would you recommend balancing the community's need for attractive
commercial and industrial development with the rights of property owners?
7, The State of Oregon is performing the first comprehensive review of the Oregon
land use system since adoption of Senate Bill 1 00 in the 1980's, It's being called
"The Big Look," If you had 2 minutes to testify before the statewide task force
charged with performing "The Big Look" what would you advise them?
Attachment 2-1
Date ReceiVed: II III / h V
Planner: BJ
City Manager's Office
225 FifthStreet
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 726-3700
. Please print or type:
foe a OCT 31 2008
City of Springfield
Citizen Advisory Board / Commission i Committee
Board 1 Commission 1 Committee applying for:
PI-b..... rJ "..I G fl.", m WI ,!> e, II"..!
(A separate application must be completed for each board I commissi~n I co~mittee)
Home address: z.,3z.. 7
Middle Initial
~ GoI!.DO~
. Last
of!.. 97J177
Day phone: 5"t/I-1.;ZJ-~Qota
Evening phone:
, ,Do you live within the Springfield city limits? ~ Yes c) If yes, how long? .1 1/7_ 'I~c..
DNo c)
If.no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth
boundary? ' .
, Ward number (city residents only):
Are you a Springfield property owner?
o No
Are you a Springfield business owner?
Are you a registered voted
Occupation: .5uFl!:eill~e
o No
Place of employment: tJrJ .1'"CD ~'-- 5r;fY1U
Business address: l'llD NrJ/~(~E"'" W(>....j
Education: I'Y). S.
(Over, please) ,
Date Received: II /11 / 0 ~
Planner: BJ
~..:.:..'~ APPLICATION for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee
.page 2 .'
- "
..... . "
, ,
please prlntor.~ype: . I '. .'
l " , ' , '
1. Whai experienc!lltraining 1 qualifications do you have for this particular board 1 commission 1 committee?
I Hl>.1/1! '{xP€f2.JlE,.JCc, wolZk:.J1Jb ;i,.:J A 6(2.0lJP~ DEr t!4SION S rrDA:TiluJ.
wl-l€N 1 ItJS17iJ--L. %.c.fJ.,.,Jo,-oc,,-!. I Bt",,€"'E -r14.15 WI~ 1-l~L-P
mt ;Jb ,r,o/l.X. L;U /'11-l. blZavP.$ ~/!'iJ/l..r>C!..L>mpeol??lsE: + .5oi.:.u110,.Jt;..
2, What specific contribution do you hope to make? ,
.JoB b"OUYr~ 'N-n-lt!" flrr-{ IS ,1.pJ~t:P, ANt> CAtJs~P
PLANtJ/~(.j, I WAr-l'C, 70 ,~~. ,4t--i 1,.'pV&cA7E u'ff>
(",.JI!/{;:{&,J fI1~,.Jr: /)? 6&;wffl.
By .-;....,P
'3, Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement
, will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration,)
..5 ~ IN & ~I1;L.I? Y''>"1tJR Ir_ CDmfYl/5iIO~
'4, What community'topics concern you tha! relate to this board 1 commission I committee? Why do you want to
become a member?'
b~w-rn . -r $PRt,Jbf'leL.-D 'PowNU>~,J
RtrN (f."":'A.I-.
5, Most boards 1 commissions 1 committees meet monthly, Subcommittees may meet more frequently, Meetings
generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommenr;led YOu attend a meeting before submitting
the application, Check the times when you could attend meetings,
o Earty morning (6:30-8:30 am) 0 Noontime (noon-1:30 pm) J21. Late afternoon (4-6 pm) % E~enings
6, How did you hear about this vacancy?
o Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 Radio/TV
o Board 1 commission 1 committee member
~/o_ '
. 4' - Applicant's signature
o Maii notice 0 Word of mouth
~ Other wt.f!hrrf
~ Retur['l this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Sprirmtill!P~~Jl~477 I, j
For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 Planner: 8J ea:_lI, /"7, 65(
. Prinred on recycle.d p~pe.r 0
Supplemental Questions for Planning Commission Application
. .
I, What is your personal interest in applying for the position?
I am interested in continuing my participation in the community. I enjoy being
involved, working with people, and learning more about the process of
planning. .
2. What is your vision for Springfield's future and how can you, as a planning
commissioner, help to realize that future?
Springfield's future is linked directly to our ability to deliver pro-growth policy.
As a commissioner, I will be able to work to promote development of urban
lands that will make enough offICe space available for job growth.
'3. Describe your experience working'as a member of a group that is charged with
I have worked on several group driven projects. It is common for me to work in
this type of group when I install dispatch technology in UPScentefS. I usually
work in groups that consist ofplilflt engineers, technology support, human
resources, and operations. .Ifind what makes groups successful is
communications, solid goals, and a willingness to comprc!mise.,
4, Describe how you would balance the need for economic developm~nt, infill or
redevelopment for example whim those actions challenge the equally importance
values of neighborhood preservation or environmental protection?
I believe that what we need is a balance between economics and environment
While I believe strongly in the importance of growth for our city, I believe we,
need to encourage communications with neighborhood groups, and ensure the
environmental impact is measured out. I believe balance comesfrom a
, willingness to compromise and make changes to plans. '
5. When a y.v;vsed development is inconsistent with an adopted plan or the
development code the planning commission is frequently sought out by both sides,
of the dilemma for a solution; what do you think is the .I"V.I'''' role for the
planning Commission when these circumstances ocCur?
First, a commission always needs to be an unbiased participant in the
conversation. Second, we should be willing to aska lot of questions. Third, our
goal should be for the parties to come away feeling like they own a solution
instead of solution beingforced on them.'
Date Received' II ( 1'1/0 t
Planner: BJ
6., Do you have any specific ideas for change that should be made to any of our ,
adopted planning policies or development review rules or Iiow we review the
development rule~ online?
I don't have any specific changes to planning policies. I (fo want to work to
streamline how the commission's work is presented on-line; I thinkit would
improve c~mmunication, and improve transparency. ':
7. Can yoti commit the time necessary to be an effective pl~~ commissioner?
Yes, it would be a priority for me, and I would commit en6ugh time to be
~ro~ "
Date Re,~ived: H/n/()~
Planner: 8.}
OCT 24 2008
City Manager's Office
225 Fifth Street '
(541) 726-3700
City of Springfield
Citizen Advisory .Board / Commission I Committee
Please print Dr type:
Board 1 Commission I Committee applying for:
7u::..t--.l"-l\N G r'DNI.~\:.sS\D,j
(A separate application must be cqmpleted for each bo~rd.1 commission I committee)
'Name: G A.l2.DL.t:.
Middle initial
Home address:
4109\ 8(')LS,eN c.r
~N~AeLU '
Day phone: S11- 14t..- 10 S9 (" ,
Evening phone: 'S~
Do you live within the Springfield city limits? , 13 Yes c) If yes, how long?, S. '1~~
o No Q If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban groWth
boundary?' "
[)Yes '. 0 No,'
Ward number (city residents only): 4
Are you a Springfield property owner?
ftI Yes
o No
Are you a Springfield business owner?
1ZI Yes
o No
Are you a registered voter?
o No
Occupation: A-a.~ITEULlAPL. De::tc.Nt:lt Place of employment: l'\A~ue D.rD \ NG.
Business address: 4'1o'f\ \-.\OLUSNCT . 'S~t-}(.j'Flab ~ '1j41g
Education: GIlA~UA.TE" FlU:JM
I N~TlNiC OF TB:J-i ,.JOIL>G,Y , P\4Ot::-NI)4 P;z..
Date R,~<;,ved' llll1f () i
Planner: 8J
(Over, please)
APPLlCA TION for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board I Commission I Committee
Page 2 . " ,
Please print or,type:
1. What experience 1 training 1 qualifications do you have for this particular board' 1 cornmission 1 committee?"
As; AN AlU-l-\rTa:rV~ ~""'r>.N / ~1c:.NlfQ" , ll,-\~\I~ WQP-u,""D \N I~ '
"1l-\~ c..1-N OF'S.f'I2ll'.JCJ.Flb"l../'\ _ EUc.EN': fE- LA\l6' to ~(2" P-. i I2..SI~ Rkw.'~l.. l;-
'. . .
~ ISSueS. I 8a.IEVi= yv.'f exPoo~ v.JCLlLD C:.IJt:' THE" ~t...\IN<...,
COM MlSSlc>rJA- U~...,HG.0E ~ I"H.14~'r1=uL i;)ez.sPEi::nve-.
, ,2, What specific contribution do you hope to make? " ,',' ' ,
1M'" ~PE \<S,NE ~UE' I !.PNisQ.\NbWlLLI\A",-IU-- A-'bIFF'H-u<N~
, -
IIJ' CJ."N ~U.j6 . ARtlcJA..T10N~fOo.._t.l~ ~~iNS'E:!'5~.lb J.O ~\loJ.\L A.. Llnt..t;;
lDl)~DGT'HE' '2o""FbolL 'SCUJT\cfo.JS ~p.:r CO""''''LJWI-....J''r 5~\N4!=-1ao ,'A.l..;UI:?S..
3, Briefiy describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. '(Lack of previous involvement
, will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration,)
fu\;;MPeL l!:>P '"h..IE= SR4~c.F=I~ ~p.;p...'T. \M..E'IM&aLOF 'SPl!..lt..1C..fF.ISl..i:'l
, . I'
R...\-n-\ leN.~
4, What community,topics concem you that relate to this board 1 commission 1 committee? Why do you want to
become am~mber?
",^". Cl'lNLel2.N i~ T'o,^^,"k...o..l ~~G!.a:..u("~o,,,J I":;:. S:L\i"~It..lC~ ."-HO -i-l-ls
,'?l.:...l--!t-J\~r., f'2.ocg".":. ANO jl\.P1'L..\C,J>....-f\or...\S, Ft,l2- N~ ~~.
, 5. Most boards 1 commissions 1 committees meet monthly. Subcommittees mayrneet more frequently, Meetings
generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting
the application, Check the times when you could attend meetings.
DEarly morning (6:30-8:30 am) , D Noontime (noon-1:30 pm) 0 Late afternoon (4-6 pm) .~ Evenings
,6, How did you hear about this vacancy?
o Newspaper ad D Newspaper article D Radionv D Mail notice I8J Word of mouth
D Board 1 commission 1 committee member D Other
Applicant's signature Date
q RetUll>1thi~ aPPliC~tion to ,the City Man~ger's Office, 225,Fifth Street, SPringfiel.d:..~~,.~747~ ( 10
For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 Oat€:, -,' .,'Ved..J!.i11. ~
, '. . PI:!lOhAf; BJ ....
: F;1,;~ed on re.cycled paper '- I
Supplemental Questions for Planning ComlI!ission Application
1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position?
2. What is your vision for Springfield's future and how can you, as
a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future?
3. Describe your experience working as a member of a group that
is charged with decision-making.
4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic
development, infill or redevelopment for example, when those
actions challenge the equally important va.lues of neighborhood
preservation or environmental protection?
5. When a proposed development is inconsistent with an adopted
'plan or the Development Code the Planning Commission is
frequently sought out by both sides of this dilemma for a
'solution; what do you think is the proper role for the Phinning
Commission when these circumstances occur?
6. Do you have any specific ideas for change that should be made
to any of our adopted planning policies or development review
rules or how we review development proposals in Springfield?
7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning
Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with
,several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus
occasional joint meetings and rotating with your fellow
planning commission members in attenditfg City Council
O t "', 'ed
a e hF",~"",V :
Planner: BJ
Ie (11/0 !('
Supplemental Answers for Planning Commission Application
Garold Ropp
1. My'desire is to be a part of the team that shapes Springfield into a place
my kids wants to live after they grow up, Land use decisions,
developmental code and working with the staff on the metro plan and
urban growth boundary are ih our best interest for the future of
Springfield's values.
2. I envision Springfield as a safe place to raise a family with plenty of
opportunities for business growth, One of my goals is to help property
owners, developers and builders make the system become more user
3. My experience is working with previous employers in policy writing and
troubleshooting issues.
4. I would raise the question to the other commissioners and or applicant.
"How is this project benefiting the need in Springfield without straying too
far from our developmental and economic values?" The key
considerations in planning and development for our citizens and our
community are good judgment, objectivity, flexibility and balance, ,
5. We as the commission should take into consideration how much
inconsistency the proposed development has. With objective judgment
and flexibility, suggest a feasible solution, always keeping in mind our
purpose as representatives for the citizens and businesses of
, Springfield.
6. I'd like to see development proposal reviews made easier and more
efficient for builders, developers and property owners. I believe I would
bring a different and useful perspective to the commission. '
7. Yes
Date ReCniVad:-1lD/.fi
Planner: 8J
Page 2 of2
Brenda - please validate (1)
c:::onnie - please validate (2)
Mike - please produce the map, i,e.,8.5X11 PDF map of annexations that fall into this category, with a table showing data and area
- all on top of a simple base maps with City Limits, UGB, rivers, major street and rivers,
We'll go over it in more detail tomorrow. , , , I need to go ride my bike home now . , . in the dark.-
Brandt Melick
~ GIS Program Supervisor -
Public Works -- Technical Services Division
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Phone: 541-726-4645
Fax: 541-736-1021
Email: bmelick@ci.springfield.or.us
[GIS Home Paoe] fGIS Standard MaD!;] [GIS Maooiha Extentsl rSewer Maos1 [Platsl [Assessor Maos1
Date ReceiVed:Jjn!C(
Planner: BJ '
City of Springfield PUBLIC
, Planning Commission
Frank Cross Chair Home: 5/4/2004 5/4/2008
2580 D Street 521-2909
Springfield, Oregon 97477
westcrosslalcomcasl. net
Johnny Kirschenmann Vice-Chair Home: 2/5/2007 215/2011
1159 S, 68th Street 726-0798
Springfield, Oregon 97478
Bill Carpenter Home: 4/20/1998 5/412004 5/4/2008
680 T Street 726-6286
Springfield, Oregon 97477
wcaroenterlaliac, om
Lee Beyer Home: 04/16/2001 10/2/2006 . 1 0/2/201 0
951 "S" Street ' 746"5889
Springfield, Oregon 97477
leelbever.lalcomcasl. net
Eric Smith Home: 6/18/2007 7/31/2010
1351 Lawnridge Avenue 744-9521
Springfield, Oregon 97477
e riclalaou i1aand oriscillas, com
Sheri Moore Home: 6/18/2007 7/31/2009
1955 16th Street 654-0184
Springfield, Oregon 97477
sheri, moorelalcomcasl. net
Note: Springfield Planning Commissioners serve four-year terms. Two'members may reside
outside the Springfield City limits and two members may be employed in real estate.
Representatives to the City Council are on a rotating basis
Bill Grile, Developmeni Services Director 726-3671
Greg Mott, Planning Manager, Planning Commission Liaison 726-3774
,Brenda Jones, Planning Secretary 726-3610
Edited 11/312008 BJones
Date Received:~1 d
Planner: BJ