HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 9/16/2005 MI:,....JHSHI ~'w,.~-^"\l;~,~J '..-- ", - --.. Since 1935 September 16, 2005 . " Mr. Colin Stephens Planning Supervisor Urban Planning Division City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Mr. Stephens: SUBJECT: Williams Bakery Property Line Adjustment #2 . Case No.SUB2005-00025 In accordance with the conditions of subject property line approva~ enclosed please find the following for your review: 1: A faxed letter dated Septemben5, 2005 from Paul Vandehey, Oregon District Plant Engineer for UPS, certifying that the existing modular unit complies with fire rated wall requirements. 2. A copy of the final survey for review and approvaL 3. A copy of the deed fat review and approval. Should you have questions, don't hesitate to contact me. When you are completed with your review, please return the original survey and deed to me for recording. Very truly yours, Wild ish Indus:ria /;;;();zor;;;, " ~d~jIt~cif. Randal! S H1edik ," Manager Encl (3) P.O. 80x.7428 Eugene, OR 97401 I 3600 Wild ISh Lane Eugene, OR 97408 Telephone: 541485.1700 Fax: 541683-7722 wwwwilrlieh.com An Equal Opportunity Employer Sep 15' 0.5 o.9:49a UPS-PE TUALATIN (503)692~71o.5 p. 1 Paul Vandehey. UP;; - PE . 10800 SW Manhass<t Dr Tualatin, OR 97062 Phone # (503) 692-7122 Fax # (503) 692-710:; il. Randall Hledik Wildish [ndusnial 3600 Wildish Lane Eugene, OR 97408 Dear Mr. Hledik, . . The inside and outside of the South and West Eugene Modular Office Uni walls and windows have heen upgraded to one (1)- hour fire rated in compliance with or permit IICOM2 )05.'()1029. This letterisa supplement to the phone conversation indicating all was completed. [ mad, : a visual confinnation 0 th, work on 9/13/05 and the work hill; been completed as required. . Thank you for your urtderslandingand cornrimnication during the pelmittillg process, and [look forw rrd to . working wi th you in the future. . . .' .1 . . If you have any additional questions or concerns please call me at (503) 69: :-7122. Sincerely, . . ') r1-Y~~~ Paul Vandehey . U Oregon Disa;ct Plant Engineering ~ \ . . . . . . 1.1 ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . , . . . . . . . '1 RECEIVED TIME SEP.15. IOjRAM PRINT TIMf SfP 1~ In.jOAM / AREA TL I 4000 I I 4100 ~ CALCULATIONS ORIGINAL ADJUSTED SQ. FT SQ. FT. 36,650 17,889 36,649 55,410 FD. 5/8" REBAR ~ ,./ J BENT N 0.10 / W 0.05' _\\J~ 7 r ~\' - - l'>'-l~0\/ ~u-' ,,'t~ - 'l.s'C~ " ,{ o \7 _ " S / O. / 0 1l,\\\J \ r-... - e!l.. '(;\ 1 \ '0 T.L. 4300 / \\< \'l.\J'l.1 + ><1 \ ~ / ~':> ~ < '" ~....'v~ ~ ~I' ~ T.L. ~ E-< N f,:Q1 ~ 4200 ~I g V1 FD. 5/8' 1 ~l V REBAR I E :!\ Is ~._______ 53.1' CD \ 11~1 ~ "J,L. 4400 g I T.L. I \\ ORIGINAL o' I 4100~ I PROPE,RTY \ 0 . 0 50.0"1 \ L1N~ c::: I 2 gROW - - 10 , n- ~ 0 1: ~ ~ . II '~~ ~....~'v n;;] I 11l' 59 8 ~ I ,=-' N ~ ,:>, ~ O'l 0 &? I _ I~ .\::)-;J '-' r-... n I ill gl~' ~~ ~ ~ Z '" J-- - ..__J.J~H5~ ----y S~.... ~ ~ ~ Lr, J- --I', S 89057'35" E \' I. ,,~ < N" I .,' "',~. ~ N i C- ,. '\ w"T ,,..., . I !:Q Lr. 0 . ""-' . ,J)i ~ 3= ;;:' r-":~: u-) SEE WON 1::"-.1:,1, :::>___ o : cllJ I c:2 DETAIL :r'1 Z '2 / I N'~' . . o \- Ji) I ' 0 b .2, ~ FD 5/8" ~ ~ I:r., V1 ~ \ "", I , '0 Q:: I ,0 I REB4R . . 0 ~ 0 \ ::?l...j - - ..'- 183.26 _..J - - . . 5 I 10 ' N N \,~_ '~"~ 89020'24" E 1 r ~I ~I;,..:-" ~ ~ tJl / -- I 3 ~'o ~O> ..... - 0 . ~ -!O'Wl- i" l.J}L.f) (f) U"J V'J .ADJU~IED L"'! I' T L 4000 "JJ I .,:. ~ .... PROPtRTY! <D. . . "".. N~ 9 ..... LINF \ 0>1 0> I N ~ - \ S 89057'35" E - ". j lq I I 26.5' T 183.25' I'{: / RAILROAD I -'0 _II EASEMENT 0 I N ~;fi' / T.L.4500 ~ I T.L. 43900~,:> ~ PH 't:'~// c::: i G ~ I ~I , FD. 5/8' 8 I ~~~ r..../III REBAR .;> FD 5/8/ \~- rD. 5/8' 'R, EB. ,'R REBAR ., / 11 I / CD '0 n N '" ,r / i '\ I PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SURVEY FOR W. I. D. C. NE 1/4 SEC. 3 T 18 S, R 3 W W.M. ASSESSOR'S MAP NO. 18-03-03-1-1 T AX LOT NO. 4000 AND 4100 GLENWOOD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 20, 2005 r~' ... . . . .. . ....... '. ",'.,'-. ....,. '. .. . ,. .. .,.. '. ..... .... ...... '.:..,'.' .. ....:., ..... .... .. d. . . ..d . ~-:. '~. ...,,~r.- '''''Y'' .'-:,' ..... . .. .' ." ..... . . . . .. .. ..." ..' '. '. ....... ',.., . ....... . .......(: ." SCALE : I 0 100 REFERENCES I. CSF. No. 36926 OAKES 2001' 2. DECLAA TION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 15. 2001 DOCUMENT No. 2001.008432 LANE COUNTY OREGON OFFICIAL RECORDS. 3. WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS BOOK 56. PAGE II LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS 4. 60 FOOT SANiT.ARY SERVICE LINE EASEMENT GRANTED WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE EASEMENT SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TIME A PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IS AVAILABLE TO THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE EASEMENT, RECORDED JUL Y 16. 1980 RECEP. NO. 8034816 LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS ~t~ '" OFFICE TRAILER DETAIL NO SCALE en N N u. ~ ~ tjo Z .~ ~Ib ;::11 -1i'00' -}- ~ 19~5[3j"_L ~L"'~^ 6~ ls-_~_ -'-j-N-8902014' E ~I- V- "" ;: 183.26' ADJUSTED PROPERTY LINE " / REGISERED. PROFESSIONAL LAND SU~VEY~R ~h~ POAGE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING. INC. P.O, BOX 2527 . EUGENE, OREGON 97402 . (5U) U5-4505 JOB No. 31H, DWN. BY ]AO\31HLLA.GCD, DATE: S.OS OREGON JUL Y 13. 1984 JONf,THAN A. O/\KES 2105 = , EXPIRES: D::CEM3ER 31. 2006 LEGEND . FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED. SET 5/8" x 30' REBAR WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC 1.0. CAP STAMPED 'POAGE ENG. I. SURV. INC.' COMPUTED POINT. NO MONUMENT FOUND OR SET. DENOTeS A LINE NOT TO SCALE o o ~ C.5.F. [ ] ( ) COUNTY SURVEY FILE DA T.A OF RECORD PER REF. 3 DA TA OF RECORD WITH END NOTE CORRESPONDING TO A REFERENCE NUMBER AS SHOWN. ZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES ARE CURRENTLY ZONED LM LIGHT .MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL WHICH COINCIDES WITH THE METRO PLAN ZONING DESIGNA TION FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. , OWNER/ APPLICANT WILDISH DEVELOPMENT CO. P.O. BOX 7428 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 / PAGE 1 OF 1 / . .\~, " DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT , Wildish Industrial Development Corporation (WILDISH) is the owner of two contiguous tracts of real property referred to. herein as Tract 1 and Tract 2. WILDISH is setting f0l1h this declaration to set an . adjusted boundary.line between Tract I and Tract 2 to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and . I the provisions of OR:S 92.190(4). This property line adjustment received City of Springfield Planning Approval under Planning File No. SUB2005-00025. ' The Tract 1 property is shown on Assessor's Map No. is-03-03-1-1 as Tax Lot No. 4100. The'legal description for the Tract I property prior to this adjustment is as .. follows: Lot 2, Block 2Wildish Industrial Tracts as. platted and rec~rded in Book 56, Page 11 . . d of the Lane County Oregon> Plat Records. The Tract 2 property is shown on Assessor;s Map No. IS-03-03-1-1 as Tax Lot No. 4000. The legal descripti()n for the Tract 2 property prior to this adjustment is as follows: Lot 3, Block 2 of Wild ish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records' ., . " By and through this instrument WILDlSH does hereby set forth and declare its intent to establish an adjusted pi'operty line between the foregoing properties as described above. The legal description which depicts the adjusted property line is described on attached Exhibit "A". . , . Following this pi'operty line adjustment, the description of the Tract 1 propel1y is described on attached Exhibit "B". Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Tract 2 propertyi's described on attached Exhibit "C". The true and actual consideration for thisc'onveyance is $' NONE .: THIS INSTRUMENT WILL 'NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRlB'ED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LANDUSE LA WS AND REGULA nONS. BEfORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQU1RING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY Sl-jOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES. , tf DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT. Wildish Industrial Dcvcloomcnt Corooration Aftcrrccording reHim to: WildislJ flldustriaJ.DeveJomnenl Corooration P.O. 80:\.7428 Eue.ene. Oree:on 9740l Until a change is requested, mail all tax statements to: Wildish Industrial Develo'oment Con:ioration , r.O.Box 7428~ EU8.ene. OR 9740] (Declarant) .1 Qzt1711J /J (j )jJiJ Jal1\es A. Wildish, President . .1"./ (J'ildish Industrial Development Corporation STATE OF OREGON ) }ss. County of Lane' } on~"f!J!,t_~JlL-{) /4 ,2005, personally a~peared before m'e the above named Janles A. Wild ish, Presiddflt, Wildish Industrial'Development Corporation and acknowledged.the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. . . i?"~>;:'~-_._-,~~....____ _ M') OFFICIA-LS"c" . c, '.', -='" t\ LI'\l..: 'I LINDA L. HENSE " . . .'. NOTARY PUBUC,OREGON I,' ..> 'ff C COMMISSION NO. 351183 I" ~s"',~,)~ " CWMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 29, 200;( -- -"".'.-- ~"7-=-~~~~~ . . .Witness my hand and officiaL-sea!. k0:jJtzJ.X~- , ) Notary Public for Oregon , My Commission Expires: /O/Zq/d,::,. - ; 'EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REVISED BOUNDARY LINE Beginning at a point on the west boundary of Block 2 of Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded ih Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point being South. 00002'25" West 426.66 feet from the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving.the west boundary of said Block 2 and ruruiing North 89020'24" East 1 83.26'feet to a point on the east boundary of said Block 2 and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION REVISED BOUNDARY OF ASSESSOR'S MAP No. 18-03-03-1-1 TAX LOT 4100 . Lot 2, Block 2 Wild ish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in File 56, Page 11 Lane County' Oregon Plat Records in Lane County, Oregon . ALSO: Beginning at a point on the west boundary of Block 2 of Wildish IndustriarTraCt~as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point being South 00002'25" West 426.66 feet from the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of saId Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving the west boundary of said Block 2 and running.North 89020'24" East 183.26 feet to a point 011 the east boundary of said Block 2;thence along the east boundary of said Block 2 North 00002'25" East] 01.26 feet to the northeast corner of-Lot,3, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence along the north boundary of Silid Lot 3; Block 2 North 89057'35 " West 183.25 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 3, Block 2, thence South 00002'25" West 103.50 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon ' EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION REVISED BOUNDARY OF ASSESSOR'S MAP No. 18-04-03"I-ITAX LOT 4000 Lot 3, Block 2 Wild ish Industrial Tracts as platted ancl'rccorded in File ?6, Page 11 Lane County Oregon Plat Records in Lane County, Oregon. Excent: Beginning at a point on the' west boundary of Block 2 of Wildish Industria) Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 ofthe Lanc County Oregon Plat Records, said point being South'25" West 426.66'feet from the Qorthwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving the west boundary of said Block 2 and running North .89020.'24" East 183.26 feet to a point on the east boundary of said Block 2; 'thence along the east boundary Qf said Block 2 North'25" East 10. 1.26 feet to the northeast corner 0'[ Lot 3, Block 2 of said Wildish Industria,!. Tracts; thence along the north boundary of said U)t 3, Block 2 . North 89057'35 " West 183.25 feetto the northwest corner of said Lot 3, Block 2, thence South'25" West 10.3.50. fe~ttci the point of be ginning, all'in Lane County, Oregon .. ,.