HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/12/2005 City of Springfield ,-c' Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 SPRI&FIELD ::,1, Property Line Adjustment Application, Type I '1V-"'~""\..L. <;;,I-\-Lthl\(, M1\~t;;t *' Applicant Name WI l\)15 1-\ DJDu.:>-rn.II\L 'X>~>>QnF\.{EAlI e,"'YPhone: 4J3S - nOD Address "Po m'>c: ,47_.13 E:1.l!S>F.A.::rE'. o-R- eDt/Of Specific Description of Proposal -i<::l !,<b"jU<-" ~ LeM.u.lOLJ.' P.;.ou).,l."....12..\' ~nuE~ ~'I- LOOT ,l!,. \"2.00 ~ -3iaJO ~ ~ ~_ l2.€."::>UU"'II-Lrl Cf:>t-lIO-Iu.Ut2.A.-1'IOt-l OF- 'Th\iz.- P~l.h Id ILL. ~D""M Ob~ ~ '1l\iz. -,?TlLVCfVYl.E..S l2-EO U l ~~ +==-'~ _ Pl2-D PD-'=>P",," U"'>l?_ ~ ~ ?lX?J\u... Pl2D"~r'( \.,. Property 1 Property 2 Address N/A Address NJA Assessor's Map 18- O'3-0'3-H Assessor's Map 1~'O~-O'3-I-\ Tax Lot # \200 . Tax Lot # 3r.a:> Owner(print)UI'LIII~U '1Xl~LlS'r, DI2lJEL,(Oi:-\> Owner (print) WI L.'llIS; tl. ~l'Ill5f. D8\ti;:L. Coe? s,&""'"" ;;f?~~~'OO::::~~:"';O~~d Address Address SA- M. E A<;, ABov tZ: Phone Phone Please attach the name, address, phone number and signature of any additional property owners ~ A-"'-\~Or\'U'c\ I\.Vy\\ LQN\t~ /JllLJ. " J,,-"^<'"S A.. W:\c:\;s4,1\'e:siO'i'At+ . uJIIA:d, ~S.ln--:a\ \koc(dh".('rc'l' For Office Use Only: Journal No', ~(J lb2-/Y)~ -(X)olY Received By~A, f1J/~ Map No, I [J)" 0 3 '03-11 Tax Lot No, lLDO / 3!,.,'(YJ Date Accepted as Complete 8/20/03 2~~ Fifth.S treet Springfield, Oregon 97477.. 541-726-3759 Phone RECEIPT #: 5/12/2005 ~P.,.RlNGF.. 1fIL!>~.'.";." ..JA T . . -~. .' City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 2200500000000000576 Date: 05/12/2005 Page 1 of2 1l:21:40AM Amount Due 449.00 449,00 151.00 1,786.00 $2,835.00 Amount Paid . $492.00 $1,677.00 $492.00 $174,00 $2,835.00 Amount Due 449.00 449.00 151.00 1,786.00 $2,835.00 Amount Paid $492.00 $1,677.00 $492.00 $174,00 ' $2,835.00 Amount Due 449.00 449.00 151.00 1,786.00 $2,835.00 Amount Paid $492.00 $1,677.00 $492.00 . $174.00 $2,835.00 Amount Due 449.00 449.00 151.00 1,786.00 $2,835.00 Payments: Type of Payment Check . Check ,;, Check \. CreditCard :,. .~ ,. 5/12/2005 RE( PT #: Paid By WILDlSH SAND & GRAVEL WILDlSH WILI)ISH THOMAS POAGE 2200500000000000576 Date: 05/12/2005 Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Re~eived emm .emm ' emm emm Page 20f2 351158 351156 351157 003307 In Person In Person In Person 003307. In Person Payment Total: 1l:21:41AM Amount Paid $492.00 $1,677.00 $492,00 $174.00 $2,835.00 .:'1 / L..:.... ii' 0 '" ) 0 , . } CO ~ i ... \ ~ :::E w w [(l -, ~ J .:r-- --- r:) o ( 0" ~ ""~. ' . ~,ii '1'0- (~ ,i \If'! f :"@ l,I J~325' ; () . ~-~ -- ~- - "" ---- " ____.J .CITY OF $PR~'GFIEI:.D 18-03-03-11 tL I' 0 3600 -3900, ., :O/li v- Isa 11' - ~~\\ ) '. 4~i;;s" :: ~~~ :1: ~"? + ,'. Sf!9":i 7'35"E 51?... . t ! 183.25' m [ : f - ,cp !) ~ -~ N ~ $.36926 i'i i ~l. ~l , I Ii. .... 'g: 1200 r~ z:2.17 AC.' I , I I , I I / , , I / , , . ., " / , I , I / / _ _ _c___ ~. : , , / I , , / / I ., / / , I , .1 / I ,. , , / ., , , I / , , I / . ~AST - 5.01CH = 330' EAST - 2.5 CHS '" ]65' . : - , , .. s e9"57'J~. 2.21.44' , , ;. ~, a;"'b ",,0 N ,. .__..,......._.l. ~ "' N '" o g o SITE ~ w :. '" ~ g o Z' iD ci ~ , .. " , , '. '. ,",EST .2SLOI' (S.36926' I POSS.IBLE OVERLAP 3600 4.13AC ;. ~ a; ~ I ----------- .---- I U '" <D oJ SITE L I ~ " o z /?~'" ./,;~'.\. ,,("1 " .'1 :1 -'1 .ryll :! -! I Ill!.. ...; it !! 1,'.I! Ii- /i !! 11 l.~ 11'-''---'-1 \i. N '\\ J,.' ""';:-1 r' .'~~/ ~'. i.J ,.......--., L..._,/ II f // li ~ iff'~:~." I ,I "-..<J , .' ,- -- I. ~ ! ~': 1r.; , 'j / i 40UU 9 , ,.! 4600 "J '. II~ ;m ~,.... iii ~l ~ I:; l ~':3: , , (,g I !~ / ~ . i i~)~ , . , (i I 'I .l) : \0 i ,~ I ~ C\I..-' ~ f".. I 5 . ~I' (;~rJ~n_JL,='/~i': ~) (I) t\\ ,,,,,-,r ",I "~I r,;--------- '" '.;uv u u ~" I 'If.) : ~ EAST -( i'--' -- --i7icH-"'-24a82:----.=r-;ig~ lco (I..ol) " I;:: () I 4700 '" I-Im ' :r:r I; ~ I J 1-1 .. ~ I" \ ~\ a I ) ~J~ \ ~1&~_ '\t, /~ f1\1 ~ 1 < '-~".~" . ..J J'l C' \ ~ "f ,.... ~~b 1!'11'.~:~. ~ \of:i . " S, ',.- - :J ~" ......"'1;)- \ .... c2-~ ~.s.-, ~'" - ~ . v ('~",~........ ,....1 '~%~ ~ r- ':' - .... -, '} \;~, '- ,...L~ t,. " ~ ~ )- 8 ,\ " (J " (} 149.87' 589"57'3'5"E ,5800 3700 , 6 I , , / I , I , , I ~~~ , , . / /, I , , I / I , / , I I , , / , I , / I , , . ~,' /-l"'\ ~ I jj ",.,-".' ,.~~ I( )\ \, \ j.,1 .~ ~ \ , , , """"",,.'.., ._'- - ~ < - . ~'J>(tJA GE.". ENGINEERING & SURVEYING. iNC. Narrative for Froposed Property Line Adjustment for Wild ish Industrial Development Corp. Assessor's Map No. 18-03-03-1-1 Tax Lot No.'s 1200 and 3600 Glenwood, Oregon April 29, 2005 The subject properties involved in this application are designated LMI (light-medium industrial) by the Metro Plan as well as the Glenwood Refinement Plan. In addition the subject properties are designated LMI (light-medium industrial) on the.City of Springfield Zoning Map, Tax Lot 1200 is currently vacant and while there are no structures located on Tax Lot No, 3600 it is being used as a storage yard for the PVC pipe manufacturing plant located on the abutting property to the southeast. The subject properties abut similarly bMI zoned property along all borders, The purpose of this application is to adjust the common boundary between tax lot no. 1200 and tax lot no. 3600 to accommodate the improvements required for the proposed use of tax Lot No. 1200, The Springfield Development Code specifies a minimum area requirement of 10000 sq. ft for lots within LMI zones. Currently, tax lot no. 1200 contains 96141 sq. ft. and Tax Lot No. 3600 contains 186,672 sq, ftu After the proposed adjustment Tax Lot No, 1200 will contain 150,709 sq. ft. and Tax Lot No. 3600 will contain 132,104 sq. ftu Both of which are in compliance with the minimum lot area requirementsJor the LMI zone. The Springfield Development Code also specifies a minimum lot frontage requirement of 75,00 feet within LMI zones, Tax Lot No. 3600 has 50.0 feet offrontage on Newman Street and qualifies for an exception to the minimum lot frontage standard under Article 20.030(2)(a) of the Springfield Development Code, Tax Lot 1200 does not have frontage on a public road however the property is served by a recorded private joint use/access easement in compliance with Article 20,030(2)(d)(2) of the Springfield Development Code. The applicant is the owner of both the dominant and servient estate of the existing access easement and with this application the owner , is intending to modify the location of the easement area serving Tax Lot No, 1200, Currently the easement area provides access to Tax Lot No. 1200 via 19th Avenue, 'f.he applicant is proposing to relocate the easement area to a position as shown on the accompanying tentative plan so that access to Tax Lot No, 1200 will be via Newman Street. A draft copy of the proposed easement modification has been submitted as supplemental information with this land use application for review by the city planning department. CIVIL/ ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 0 SURVEYING P.O. BOX 2527 EUGENE, OR 97402.0152 990 OBIE ST. 5411485-4505 FAX 541/485-5624 WWW.POAGE.NET DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT Wild ish Industrial Development Corporation (WILDISH) is the owner of two contiguous tracts of real property referred to herein as Tract I and Tract 2. WILDISH is setting forth this declaration to set an adjusted boundary line between Tract I and Tract 2 to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of ORS n.190( 4). . The Tract 1 property is shown on Assessor's Map No, 18-03-03-1-1 as Tax Lot No. 1200 The legal description for the Tract I property prior to this adjustment is contained in Exhibit C of a Property Line Adjustment Deed recorded February 15, 200 I Reception No. 2001-008432 Lane County Oregon Official Records, The Tract 2 property is shown on Assessor's Map No, 18-03-03-1-1 as Tax Lot No, 3600, The legal description for the Tract 2 property prior to this adjustment is contained in a warranty deed recorded August 31, 1951 in Book 444, Page 419 of the Lane County Oregon Deeds and Records, By and through this instrument WILDISH does hereby set forth and declare its intent to establish an adjusted property line between the foregoing properties as described above, The legal description which depicts the adjusted property line is described on attached Exhibit "A", Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Tract I property is described on attached Exhibit "B". Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Tract 2 property is described on attached Exhibit "C". The true and actual consideration for this conveyance is $ NONE , . THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LA WS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES, DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT Wildish Industrial DevelO1;l.ment Corooration After recording return to: Wildish Industrial Dcvc100mcnt Comoration P.O. Box 7428 EU2:cne. Oreeon 97401 Until a change is requested, mail all tax statements to: Wildish Industrial Develonment Cornoration P.O.Box 7428. Eue:cnc. OR 97401 (Declarant) \~,.. . 'J;j //1 O~'P"t J es fl., Wild ish, President "dish Industrial Development Corporation STATEOFOREGON ) ) ss, County of Lane ) On 6/ V ,2005, personally appeared before me the above named James A. Wildish, President, \vildish Industrial Development Corporation and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed, ["~=~ ~ ~-~~;F~<<Tr.~~'.N~~--=. 1: , .,..) NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON.I \'. ./ COMMISSION NO, 351183 ! ~u__~~~~S~~ ~~~.o~~~.~.:'~] Witness my hand and official seal. ~~~u;7S~~, Notify Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: / ~ /2 "YO So' EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REVISED BOUNDARY LINE Beginning at the most westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 2 of Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book, 56, Page II of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 36'06'25" West 273.98 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being 30,0 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to the centerline of the Ashland Line ofthe Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION REVISED BOUNDARY OF ASSESSOR'S MAP No. 18-03-03-1-1 TAX LOT 1200 Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot I, Block 2 of Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the west line of said Block 2 South 00002'25" West 512.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said west line of Block 2 South 00002'25" West 281.96 feet: and along the arc of a 382.24 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 16000'50" East 211.41 feet) a distance of 214.20 feet to the most westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving the west line of said Block 2 and running South 36006'25" West 273,98 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being 30,0 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to the centerline of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; thence along said northerly boundary of the Ashland Line ofthe Southern Pacific Railroad right of way North 53054'33" West 148.48 feet to a point marking the intersection of the northerly boundary of Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and the east line of the CoB. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38 in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the WilIamette Meridian; thence along the east line of the C.B,Sweet D.L.C. No, 38 North 0001 0'26" East 619.22 feet to a point which Dears North 89057'35" West from the true point of beginning; thence South 89057'35" East 221.44 feet to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION REVISED BOUNDARY OF ASSESSOR'S MAP No. 18-04-03-1-1 TAX LOT 3600 Beginning at the most westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 2 of Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 36006'25" West 273.98 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being 30.0 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to the centerline of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; thence along said northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way South 53054'33" East 506,26 feet to a point marking the intersection of the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right ?fway and the southwesterly projection of the northwesterly boundary of Lot II, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving the northerly boundary of said railroad right of way and: running along the northwesterly boundary of said Lot 11, Block 2 North 36006'25" East 284,96 feet to the corner common to Lot 7, Lot 8 and Lot II in Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence along the southerly boundary of Lot 7, Block 2 and Lot 6, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts North 60052'50" West 324,46 feet, North 52042'35" West 50.00 feet and along the arc of a 382.24 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 42023'20" West 136,96 feet) a distance of 137,71 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon " DECLARATION OF EASEMENT FOR ACC!=SS, UTILITIES, AND PROVISIONS FOR MAINTENANCE RECITALS: A. Wild ish Industrial Development Corporation (Declarant) is the owner of two contiguous tracts of real property referred to herein as Tract 1 and Tract 2 and being more particularly described as follows: See Attached Exhibit "A' B. The Tract 1 property does not have frontage. on a public road and is currently served by a private access easement and maintenance agreement recorded March 7,2001 Document No, 2001-012394 Lane County Oregon Official Records C. Wild ish Industrial Development Corporation was the Declarant in the aforementioned access easement and maintenance agreement and is the current owner of the properties served and burdened by the aforementioned easement. D, By and through this instrument the Declarant does hereby intend to modify the location of the easement area serving the Tract 1 property to a position described on Exhibit B attached. The purpose of this instrument is to create a mutual access and utility easement and a maintenance agreement over the area depicted on Exhibit B attached hereto, The easement granted by this instrument is intended to be appurtenant to and benefit both Tract 1 and Tract 2, E. Upon recording of this instrument in the public records the Declarant does hereby extinguish all rights and privileges granted in'that certain access easement and maintenance agreement recorded March 7, 2001, Document No. 2001-012394 Lane County Oregon official Records DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: 1. Easements Created. Declarant hereby creates and grants the following perpetual, nonexclusive easement as described on "Exhibit B" attached over and across the Tract 2 property for the benefit of the Tract 1 property, AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Wildish Industrial Development Corp, P,O, Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401 2. Easement Provisions, The terms of these easements are as follows: 2.1 PUrPose, The easement is for vehicular and pedestrian access, driveway use, utilities, and maintenance of the driveway and utilities. This easement is intended to benefit both the Tract 1 and Tract 2 properties, The use of this easement shall be on a regular, continuous, nonexclusive, non-priority basis, benefitting the current owner and its successors, assigns, lessees, mortgagees, invitees, guests, customers, agents and employees. These easement rights shall not lapse due to failure to use the easements on a continuous basis. 2,2 Use of Burdened Propertv, The owner or occupier of said Tract 2 shall have the right to use their property, including the area described in the easement, for any purpose provided the owner or occupier does not interfere with the reasonable use of the easement as granted by this instrument No building, shrub, tree or other physical impediment shall be placed within the easement area by any person in such a manner as to interfere with or preclude its use as access for Tract 1 and Tract 2. 2,3 Private Grant The easement created by this instrument does not constitute a dedication or grant for public use, 2.4 Maintenance and Repairs, The cost of normal maintenance or repair of the access roadway easement shall be apportioned equally between the owners of Tract 1 and Tract 2. The cost for exceptional or unusual maintenance or repair occasioned solely by the actions of the owner or occupier of one tract only, shall be borne exclusively by the owner or occupier necessitating the repair or maintenance, The owner (or the owners agent) of each Tract shall have the perpetual right to enter upon the easement area at any reasonable time to maintain and/or repair underground utilities on the condition that the property disturbed by the maintenance andlor repair shall be returned to the same condition as existed prior to such maintenance and/or repair. 2,5 Real Propertv Taxes. Real property taxes shall be paid by the fee title holder. 2,6 Matters of Record, The easements created by this instrument are subject to all liens, encumbrances, easements, reservations, restrictions, covenants and conditions of record, 3. Enforcement If any suit, action, or other proceeding or appeal therefrom, is instituted to enforce, compel or clarify any right or obligation created in this instrument, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the adverse party, in addition to costs and disbursement, an award of reasonable attorney fees to be set by the trial or appellate court. DECLARA nON OF EASEMENTS FOR ACCESS, DRIVEWAY AND PARKING, AND MAINTENANCE - 2 4. Successors in Interest. Recordation. The provisions of this instrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Parcels 1 and 2 and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land, This document shall be recorded in the Real Property Records of Lane County, Oregon. All the provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens, are binding on and inure to the heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, and personal representatives of all parties who own either Tract 1 or Tract 2, 5, No Meroer. The easements created by this instrument shall remain separate from the fee title, so it may run with the land and benefit the heirs, successors and assigns of the owners of the benefitted properties, This instrument and agreements herein are not subject to the doctrine of merger. 6. Construction. The recitals and all exhibits attached to this instrument are incorporated herein by this reference. Whenever required by the context, the singular shall include the plural, and the masculine shall include the feminine, and vice versa, / I/v L-z-,.-,_ Dated this ~ day of / I ~_ tJ 2005. DECLARANT: :, '~WVh/J)J Ii) Qjj lame . Wildish, President Wildi Industrial Development Corp. STATE OF OREGON) ) ss, County of Lane ) On '11Jr{..4 ~ , 2005,' personally appeared before me the above namecOJames A. Wildish, President, Wildish Industrial Development Corporation and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed, Witness my hand and official seal. ~:/cJ~~ Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: /0,/ Z .rcJ.s~ : - ----.- - - ~,J:~cELJf~;="l I.", NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON ~. I \../ COMMISSION NO. 3511B3 J=-'::"~O~~O~~~~~~~~ DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS FOR ACCESS, DRIVEWAY AND PARKING, AND MAINTENANCE - 3 Exhibit "A" Tract 1 Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the west line of said Block 2 South 00'02'25" West 512.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said west line of Block 2 South 00'02'25" West 281.96 feet: and along the arc of a 382.24 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 16'00'50" East 211.41 feet) a distance of 214.20 feet to the most westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving the west line of said Block 2 and running South 36'06'25" West 273,98 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being 30.0 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to the centerline of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; thence along said northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way North 53'54'33" West 148.48 feet to a point marking the intersection of the northerly boundary of Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and the east line of the C,B, Sweet DLC. No. 38 in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along the east line of the C.B,Sweet DLC, No, 38 North 00'10'26" East 619.22 feet to a point which bears North 89'57'35" West from the true point of beginning; thence South 89'57'35" East 221.44 feet to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon, Tract 2 Beginning at the most westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 2 of Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 36'06'25" West 273,98 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being 30,0 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to the centerline of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; thence along said northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way South 53'54'33" East 506.26 feet to a point marking the intersection of the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and the southwesterly projection of the northwesterly boundary of Lot 11, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving the northerly boundary of said railroad right of way and running along the northwesterly boundary of said Lot 11, Block 2 North 36'06'25" East 284.96 feet to the corner common to Lot 7, Lot 8 and Lot 11 in Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence along the southerly boundary of Lot 7, Block 2 and Lot 6, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts North 60'52'50" West 324.46 feet, North 52'42'35" West 50,00 feet and along the arc of a 382,24 foot radius curve right ( the chord of which bears North 42'23'20" West 136,96 feet) a distance of 137,71 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS FOR ACCESS, DRIVEWAY AND PARKING, AND MAINTENANCE - 4 Exhibit "8" Beginning at the most westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 2 of Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 36'06'25" West 273,98 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being 30.0 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to the centerline of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being the True Point of Beginning; thence along the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way South 53'54'33" East 506,26 feet to a point marking the intersection of the northerly boundary of the Ashland Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and the southwesterly projection of the northwesterly boundary of Lot 11, Block 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving the northerly boundary of said railroad right of way and running along the southwesterly projection of the northwesterly boundary of said Lot 11, Block 2 North 36'06'25" East 36.00 feet; thence North 53'54'33" West 506,26 feet to a point which bears North 36'06'25" East from the true point of beginning; thence South 36'06'25" West 36,00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon DECLARA nON OF EASEMENTS FOR ACCESS, DRlVEW A Y AND P ARKINO, AND MAINTENANCE - 5 , . ~. W,' :t- 'I lLJ '" -'.", . L t- . J , 'i - ,-' .c 1 'j 1 , ,~ . j J -. 4 f , 1. , I OJ , ~. . a, >t .. : ,.. :.!~l'?O BARGAIN AND .SAtE''DEED------'---. - ..._~-"-'._----:--- .:...-_-;-- kNow ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That THOMAS c~ WILDISH, also kn,oWJl as'T. c.~ WILDISH, and .VERNA. E. WH.DISH i husband and wife, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) to them paid by WILD ISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORP9RATION do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, its SUccessors and. . assigns, all the following real property, with the tenements,' . hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 11~67 chains South and 5.00 chains East of the intersection of thfr.center- line of the Springfield Henderson County Road with the East.line of the C. B. Sweet and wife Donation Land Claim No. 38, in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and run thence East 3.77 chain~; thence North to the'South line of land deeded to B. Davis by Deed recorded in Volume 31 at Page 151, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence West to the Sauthwes~_~er of said Davis Tract, thence North to ~he ce~-line of said County Road, thence Westerly along the.center line of said road to a point directly North of the place of beginning, thence South to the place of beginni.ng, 'in .-Lane' County;".OregorL ALSO: Beginning at a point in the West line of Claim-.-No-,.'63. +Gwasllip III SGU-th,~.;) .W-€st of the ._ _'__' Willamette Meridian 13 chains South of the intersection of the center of County Road No. 443 with-5aid West line of said Claim Nq~ 63, run East 5 chains~.North 1.33 chains., East 3.77 chains, North to the Township line between TownShips 17. and. 18,' East 25 links, South to the North line of R~ilroad right of way North. 54!' West 11.07 chains along said .right of way to its intersection with the West line of said Claim North 2.86 chains to the point of beginning~ in the McVey Donation Land Claim in Lane County, Oregon. . ~.. ~ I , 1 ? . I ~~ ., " ALSO: Beginning at a.point in the cen~er qf County Road No. 433. said point being 12 feet South and'1l7S,6"feetWest of.th.....lI=theas1:. co.u~. err-" Section 3, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridia~ ftom said point ~~~~ ~0~~IJ 640 3D' West along center line of said road 109.7 feet to the true point of beginning of this tract and tbe Northwest corner thereof, run thence'South 147.1' feet, thence' East 49.5 feet, 'thence North to the center line of said County Road No. 433 and thence South 64' 30' West a10ng said center line 5~:85 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ,: ALSO: 'S~ctton 3, Willamette' Beginning at a point On the North line of Township 18 South, Range 3 West ol.the Meridian, 1158.8 feet West from the Northeast -1- ,. _1 f r t~ l~_ .----.-r;. II :: , , I. I 1-' , , t "" t: I' , \ .. , . .. \~~ '~ f~" ~ ~ 1J1 ~ " t- '!!; it:, ~ .~~ .,>! ~ ;-~ >/; ," ~1 }.~: i'r .f;), ;e :?:, 0:'. ~:; ":l ;:'1 ".' ~:; ~~ L- ~ .ff,. ~J '~.i '" .~'i. ;it iJ.!;" .. , .. i~ '.-~.. .n 't ,. "", Y.i ,. :.2:2.170 . cor.ner of said Section 3; thenc-e-"~outh O. 04,' West 582.1 - f..ee.:t..:.to -~~rn~:c-o-f,.- a--l-a-ne fence, --~;........ ~......... point 'of b.e~.innin.g..;. from' sa.id true beginning point run _SQYth O. '04~l West along the existing fence, 1184.8 feet tel the Northeriyright of way line 'of' the Southern Pacific Railta;.!:!',' thence South 53. 58 f E8.sta1ong said. \ NortheI]Ty...J."lne, 1:95.6 'feet; thence cont,inuing along ~ said'~rtherly 11ne on the arc of a spiral taper' curve . "Pght (the long chord of whlch curve hears South 50. '46,' Eas.t 154.76 feet) a: distance of 154.9 feet.; thence continulng alOng said Northerly'llne.on the arc of an 849.02 feet radius curve right (the long chord of which curve bears South 42" 25' East 62.27 feet) a distance of 62.3 feet; thence South 89. '49,' East 421.1 feet to an iron pipe in a fenc~ corner,; thence North 50 11' West 535.6 feet to an iron rod set in a 3011 fir stu~p; thence North 60. 54' West along the existing fence 773.0 feet to an iron rod set in a fence corner on the east side of, a lane: thence Nbrth o. 04,' East along the existing lane fence, 535.5 feet; thence' North 89. 49!' West 16,5 feet to the true point of beginning', and in said Section 3J in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: Commencing at a point .in the center of County Road No, 95, 4.19 chai.ns North and 75 lin~ East of the quarter section corner on line between Sections 2 and 3 of Township 18 South, Range 3 West of Willamette Meridian; thence South 40 50' East .acl_g...Gea.t<H'-.-<>-f.. said !'Gad 5..85.. clH.i.ft5-to . th" ..Northe-&st--.... corner of Teachouts land, thence West 7.30 chains to the Oregon & California Railroad right of way, thence .Nort~27,. W.es.J:. "long said righ.t. of...l'iay 6.58. cnains...tO- the Southwest corner of Lawson Llggetts land, thence East 9.71 chains to the place of beginning, in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of Willamette MerTdian, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: Commencing at a point- In the 'cent-er of County Road No. 95, 56! links Eas~ of a point 6.43 chains North of J:he quarter sectiop corner on line hetween Sections 2 and 3 of Township 18 South, Range 3 West of Willamette Meridian; tbence West 10.69 chains to East line of the 0 & C Railroad right of way, thence South 27~o East along 8a~d right of way 2.52 chains; thence East 9.71 chalns to center of said County Road; thence North 4. 50' West 2.25 chains to place 'o'~ bEfgllirflng- I all in the 'COunty' -of Lane, State of Oregon. . '\ ~~bject to easements and rights of way of record. ..i; ,~, \.)~ 'Y"' 1f f~ ~~~ I:~ ;~ "" ~~: "" " ',~., ?, '!: r ;~) -.5' :~, ;:, F~ ;j :~i ~t- '" ;: .,.; '\-' .' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above described and gpanted premises unto the said WILDISH. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORA- TION, its succeSSors and assigns forever. D IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We, the Gran~ors above named ~ , -2- / / / , .L---- .. '--"-~ --.. ---. '", .~j/ ",. \ I 1 . " ~. , .t.-- ..... ~~17{) 21'S;' th s _ ' - day. of / j hereunto set their .bands and seals 1963. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this (~)."'l.f day of June, 1963. before me, th~ undersigned J a Notary }luO'lle in and for said County and~State, personally appea'red the wi thin named THOMAS C. WILDISH, also known as T. C. WILDISH, ana VERNA E. WILDISH, h~sband and wife, who are known 'to me to be the identical individuals described in and who exec~ted the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily. _ . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereun~ my hand and 0fficial seal the day and year last above written. .....---..., , STATE OF OREGON . County of Lane \, . "', Q';-"--" 0; A ~~";$;lt ~ ('-' J .: - -.- :"V"~ :,;t\\i= ;'''.!'u B \...\V :1...! :'::. ",;.~..,,~..:,.,: "'" ~ i\o:'S!li':;".;t\ .,.' . ""'~ ,.i~':;~.\J"'."," . . """lIhl'ui;"olI'.' -". "". ~ ) ) ss. ) June"", - IJ , ", / _ff;:/&J.fAL.d. . ( , ' (SEAL) 1/ .iiPLA ~ D/ d Pc ~ L (SEAL) Notary Pu!tHc for '6.!l~ My Commission expires: /{(~ I]{q(" r--" :~:1 ."~ 8i ,. ~i .~ ."" . di ~ ~ . tJ 1 -~ ~,~ '~rJ .Z' '~; : '>" I '. I ., cl ~~ I -, ._~ ! l~ , ';-';.../ . .,: ...t \ 1 ~ , , Iii j,.,.;;,..-oi I I I ,., , , I I . ,. ~ I I j , 1 . i .~ 1 '-'- , . , i -d":' , , " ......., ',r -3- \ , "E ~ ....,., ..j .~ ') ill ~.~ (~ ,J;A "{ . .) . Vi r ~l~.l70 , C, I' ';.1 " .;.!../.. LI -I- /' --< r. 7' " .' cJ - '; ',__1" . :\ . , , 'b Slate of Oregoo., County of Lane--s.s" . I. Ina R'llndolpb, CouDIJ Clerk and ex- ~ffido Recorder of Conveyance. i.n and fur ~id County, do horehy certify that the withln Ul51rument WD.Ii received for .rec:ord at 1963 AUG 16 PM 4 56 / , REEL r J S- D )>:;}~~~j;=- (10-0"-0. . - //Deputy. ; - \ I '., j" i i . ~IDDLESBARGER & PEDERSON i ATTORNe:yS AT L-AW c..o.llCAOlt DUIU)lNGI - 1110 ."lItAft1. IlTRI1IIT EUGENE. OREGON , \ ! j' J .. \ ""~ ~, i ~~~_~:~~.~f.~~~', :-~;::3{-~~~::"7'~~~~~~"~'~i;~; 67630 WARRANTY DEED l ';;::: 1 ("__ I~ ~ I ~J t\ ~ "';;~~';-::'.,n_ :tf.f~" ;,;&r::.~~'-":'~:::;? For Value Received 1R"L" T;--SHELBY", . a singi-e-~rse-n, l' the grantor I does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto T. . G.. . WIL:QISH C9. ~ _a partnership compose.d .of. the Estate of Thos. C. Wildish, Deceased, and L. A. Wildish, the 'grantee ,the following described premises, to wit: r1J .. :!;.. < !ii '" :J Z '" > ~ Commencing at the intersection of the East line of the C. B. Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 38 in Section 3, -Townshtp. 18 South of .Range 3 West of Willamette Meridian with the center line of the Springfield Station County Road, thence run- ning South along said East line of said Sweet Donation Land Claim 13 chains, thence East 2-1/2 chains thence North 14.19 chains to the center of said road thence South 64_1/20 West 2.78 , chains to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Subject to easement for County Ro'ad along the~ North line of the premises. ! TO. HA VF, AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their" appurtenances unto the" said Grantee , its succes 3ors" m.ila: and assigns forever. And the said Gra'ntor do es hereby covenant to and with the said C rantee ,that tte is the owner in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all iT, :umbrance3 '\....' WIll warrant and'~fen~e sa:me~from ail ----- '..j "/ 7 ,~}9~. _\~_~..(SEAL) n_--'SEAL) ~- ~'" N, COUNTY OF LANE,::t day of ~ 0._,/ . 19 . me, a Notary ,Yubllc in and fo ,"",; -:-.. ,,' 'j and that ~ "'=::, Dated, ,. h ~ ." " : single per so: .., ~~ the identical peuon ~wa - the within insb-ument -~#f. 'he executed'the' _ ,C!w.i U3eli "snd purposes U f:;:J: lseal this day and year laat 'Of <:'","'11 / '~";(wi deeV Nota I "f,; 10' on;::: My Cornmillsion exprru "S..p i . a '-' {q 6 d . lawful claims whatsoever. ~_ 2Ld:] ~(SEAL) {SEAL) , r c U o c ~. ~ " 0-' _ 0 0,," u c - , . 0 ,;;L> ~ . >- II ~ ".0 <0 .~ ~ :1 '0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t t.l -c :;I ~ -c . l-. g;~~ II> :;I"" . -c Q C ~ {6UE-c - u '0 .~ I-< .g ~ ".. ~ 0 C ,0:: oj u III __ II ~ III ~oZz~ ~~:';;j.2 -E.5!~"'1:l ..:~-c~~ III c ... .- 0. ft! "i:: ~.. 0..= ~ :r:: 0"".-= . ~ 0 u "" U '" :.;"\ ~ " .... < U ~ ':l ;;: ... ~ :J-' 0 ... "8- ;; '::J , 0 L> :::;. ;) u c -, 0 . '" '" " ~") '1 v "jO V ~ g V P , i.AN'E ~OIJ.oNft1! COMPANY, EUGENE. OREGON . " :: ]" '0 V . 2 oW ~ol) . . C~ o , u ~ u 0.'" ,,- 00 , Q ~ ~ ll'l ~ E ~', ~ 0::;:: a:l . C < ~ J. ,Z OU ... ... - '" L> ;.;:; r.7G 1\ r '\ I ~,,:.c, " ~"" ';":~;' '.'0,: -~ ! ~. ' :!'l ~! ~ r " p ~. "~: ~ 0 ~ Oi \ ~ , ~ - < .~ ~ .. .J "l .~ i ..>>,'L. ! ~ " III '" -'lJ '\ _.:...._,~.. 7 G7631 BARGAIN AND SALE OEED FOR VALUE RECEIVED, T. C. WILDISH CO., a copartnership "-composed of L. A. Wild ish and th.e Trust of Thos. C. Wildish, Verna E. Wildish, Richard E. Wildish and James A. Wildish, Co-, .trustees~ as Grantor, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CO~O~TION, an Oregon cor- poration, its successors and assigns, -as G?antee, the following described premises, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of the East,line " of the C. B. Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 38 in Section 3, Township 18 South of Range 3'West: of Willamette Meridian with the center line of .the Springfield Station County Road, thence run- ning South along said East line of said Sweet Donation Land Clai~ 13 chains, thence East 2-1/2 chains, thence North 14.19 chains, to the center of said road, thence South 64-1/Zo.West 2.78 chains to the place 9f b~ginning, in Lane County" Oregon. SUBJECT to easements, conditions and restric- tions of record. TO ~VE ANP-TO HOLD the above-described and granted- premises unto the said Grante~e, its 5uchrs and assigns forever., DATED th,s.~ day Of~P/t, a,'1. 1966. T. C. WILDISH CO., a c9partnership .4'---/. , ) '/7 ,tl By ~~~~~ L. A. Wildish, Partner By Thos. C. wildish Trust, Partner j '1 e /,/.( I'" By ~',_LA'~1.-1L C,: W...vl ~ Verna E. W~ld~sh, Trustee ..... -;/ . By_.r:.::/" 7"'--./...,;1; {- ~cnard E. W~ld~sn, Trustee By~. 01, ll0jld~ James A. WildlSh, Trustee '~,jL-" STATE OF OREGON 55. SL 1966. County of Lane i (. k !' Ii rl 'O~ Notary ~ul;iHc tor Grego!),. . My Commission Expires: lUAU{ I ~ 116(' -1-" . ::$:~';'_ Personally appeared the above-narned L. A. .. _~._.;Ledged that he is a.' partner of ~<~~S?ip; and acknowledged the f "'" , ~y act and deed; Before me ;or t ':\; WI:LDISH, and Co., a co- ent- to be his l7 -'~'f -+:-., ,.-,:.-< , ~, ;.:;i. . ~ ~ '.' 1 lit ;:'"r..; ..;.I. ~,,: .~ -~ 1 ~,-J l'" ~ '~ ~B ~ f ..-, ~ o. ~ ) ;';: ;; ,It & r I ~ ~ G ~. .~ ~~f'''';:--'iU~~J;-:;':'':~,'~;;::::~:;c' ,,1,-' ..,. ',,!i"', _.........-".::E:,~:-_...:.:.,:\~;~~ r;)tWI'&!/,{ D;,/ ' 1966. Personally appeared the above-named VERNA,E. WILDISH, RICHARDE. WILDISH and JAMES A. WILDISH, and acknowledged that t}:1ey are cotrustees of tJ:le T~os. C. Wildish Trust, a 'partner' of T. c. wildish Co., a copartnership, and acknowledged the fore- ,,~?~~g instrument to be t~eir voluntary act and deed. WH"",'""", '{~lhJ. Before me:.' }.!..tP~';;',l; .vt.'~pl4 Y_~~:t~f?" '~J- .. ,.*', ~';.l"l "/'~~j~i.~' -I Gr/~~)~ ,i. '/""'j~,:.";<<..":",,,, _._L_... -~ .G7(i3t STATE OF OREGON ) )- ) 55. County of Lane ,I . ~d?{JJa.!"'~ Not~rY ~~-ror Oregon My Commission EXPires~~ . .' J ::'I :i ,. ~I ~ I !lJ ~1 .]' I 7, fQbJ J. ,,~ i ~ ~. .. is ~ \""' <'$ -1/ .~ it "'1 ,"; ~ Ii 'I " '~ ~ , ! ~\\:.-:.i.tll~1r.,.:"~ ':'1;~9.7~1\'" ~'~1<\'.,~'1""''''''''''''o, " . '..'..':':'~:'L"~~,,":~>L'..i~''''' ~ ...J ':t.;:~.,." '-'..:J.' \'''j~,~!l'l"!i.~,":1~.,,,_ nM~IJiN}'1mM! l)fJ ~) d 7 () " " ~ " I \ '.. 1 " c /' . / ; . ,,/,..!.. J h.. :i C-, () ) I;} /j,l,.:"( (1'k!> ./."",,;:;,. I , . I II j.-A /./..)./1 ~ .. ,- i , ",I,.,.-r;.,.".L tJ..vv.J-. State of Oregon. County of L3!"'e--ss. D I. 1n<\ Randolph. Director of the epartmenl o{ Rccordsand Elections, In a~d fOr the,said County, do hereby cerll.fy that the within in5lrument was re<:elved [or record at .; .;'~' J..... J .,:2 45.3 R..4 if- Va t: LilQrCOunty OltF'lCIAL ReCOrds. JN~ RANDOLPH . D . D1rector oE the epartnlent'of Re<:ords & Elections. By -iJ-~~)- CH-08J_05 ~<........./ Dep~ ,;,#-p!t4<.1:i.-o I. .', ,) 'rd"~Y'w".b .J ~'2.. . ~7b . "7fI'O/ --_____~. _.'i'" ~ , l-~, . " '" ." '! 'r~' ;~;'",.,'\'Ii:l?f;ur~.~4i.JlIr'XW.I""'"'~~'ftffiIi?1 '~r':i.~" ~""c;'~~'. h_....."_~...,- 1.d;:.J~~iil. '. ".t' i. ...r--' . --:::'~~i'","-:-~--;- .,--,-61513 . BiIB,GA~N J.ND SALE DEED FOR VALUE RECEIVED, T. C. WILDISH CO., a copartnership cOmposed of L. A. Wild ish and the Trust of Th9?. .<;:. Wildish, . VO;:.1.Uc;l b. 1"f.....J.U..l..;::)u, l{~CIlara ~.e. VUJ.dl.sh and 'James A. Wildish, Co- trustees, as Grantor,' does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, an Oregon cor- . poration, 'its successors and assigns, as Grantee, the following described premises, 'to-wit: Beginning at a point North 64-1/20 East 2.78 chains from. the intersection of the West line of the Daniel McVay" and wife Donation Land Claim No. 63, in To~nship 18 South, Range 3 West of the Wi11amette Meridian, with the center line of the County' Road South 14..19 chains East 2;5"0 chains, North 15.38 chains and thenc~ South 6471/20 West 2.78 chains to the_place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. SUBJECT to easements, conditions and restric- tions of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted premises unt.O" the said Grant~.e.' its succesR.~ 5 a~d assigns forever. DATED this';;{' day of LbJ'".J'..l.1.LJtf/,Ll966. T. C. WILDISH CO., a copartnership By ~#)//~~ L. A. ~}ldiSh, P.ertner By Thos. C. Wildish Trust, Partner 4 By r/~ t:,W~~ . V~~~_~~diSh, Tr~~tee . . JlT~/ ~ ~ L.,.-J.. d' J ~:irdE:. Wild.i.sh, Truste'e~ ~ BY~.:. r;l~\ .9..J'.1 ~mes A~ Wi ~S, Truste~ CUr~nJLA ci,{' ~,'1966. STATE OF OREGON ) ) ) .,s-s-. CC?unty of ~ane ._~-y'ls'ir Personally appeared the above-named L. A. WILDISH~ and .,ledged that- he is a partner of T. C. Wildish Co., a co... hip, anq ack~owledged the fore n . rument to be tarv. "'<t:.,illlJ. d_ee,d._ jJ me: Nota~p ~~__ ' My,""mmi5&i-en FM.J#res<1"M1-' f.:JZl~y;: + "_. ___n,i,J~~:~ ''1'# ,,-..;,JA~a c"'= .. .~~, "~ =~ -..,~'--.<-"'''''''''''~".....~~ ~ ~~~:~,.:.. . :.j' Z1. ....... - .- .. C ~;,: ..~: ,\ ~/i'i-' '. j! 61513 .. t STATE o.F o.REGON " ) l--..ss. ), - - \.'\ .' .. n ~'YO.l~ --~- -~-----_. . -'~-',~--"-, County of Lane '<..1 " 1966. . f ~ i r, ~ : " Personally appeared the above-named VERNA'E. WILDISH, RICHARD E. WILDISH and ,JAMES A. WILDISH, and acknowledged that ;.1......J .......... ..:....;..........."';.........,. ....:..tLl. Thos. -€.-::..:.:3..:....L :-......rt..i...a--.L"''-_':.~4__ _f---- ,(1'~. C~ wildish CO.. I a cOIYartnership, and acknowledged the fore- .- .:. ~~\'..~\"t)~iJ#'~t'~q 'instrument to be their' voluntary ct and deed. <:'r(.':;'.~{;~;~{~~~. Before me: . "."~l"; " \liHtf.lI/jI'/'4"~t. '. :':; .,,\\ n ED' .,.~~ . . "" . \. u .." ::':-,~ :;.., ....."...11 (J ., /~;.:?'..:~i{:,'iP:-~1Jf.~.:.t~.1o . ';;;':'~O\AFlY'",;.;, . !','I\->!~~~F~: I \ ".;PU B ~)4': <> t. .... .p .';:~~~''':.l; ..,.'~" /.; ~...;; I"~"'.'~-",:.~",., ~ ,.'~' "'" "1." 0 l ~ ".." 't"""';I;'II~~\~.:~" ':~~:rN~~::";c~:", . My for oreg~~ . . EXPi.res:U~ il, 1%9 ~~tJ;:~:::~'!E!~~~--..~." '-~::::~:":--:-., " ....-"..-- ~ 0' .... . .. -'---'-'"-.~-_. - '--- '_ _. _____.....n1-----:.........._ ~ -2- " j._A''''''''''~-''-'"''''"~''''''''~'''~J?;!'.tl-~-~~~~''''''''''''''''''':''"';:'t$Ill~q-,~..l';r.l.'t::ii;'l'tl!' .. ~. ,.,,:: t" , " 'tV' >g, u!. "l r- ... '" .. .., '" "I' N 'N , c: .:. ~ , i I jl " .... fl..: .... ,- .- ,:i " , , ., 317(;-0 ~ ,.\ ~ ."1 >';" ~.: 0' c ~.~."., ........"..._,<l..,...,""~,.. " iWliiii.~" .. ., "":~f"--'.'"'''''''.''''''''' ,.,. " ~ (;1S!;j - ,qluJo{L~~ t~. i; .' . !~ Jj ~ JcA....~ ;t~ '/./d'c!<~k. ". Th.I'r<. '-~ -4 IJ./ "'7tlL_~..<tL;4k !!,,,~<T~<L r ,- , I 71() 7fJ w~~ J~u<J~r.t7:! . .f: J.J~ -LLcW'~. II , ; I;' 1:' ~. 1 r:o, i~ 110(. T. "" n n.;(".J - ~ '.' (. 1~1l-;-.. . , ,,\,<1;01 .i:, 'j,' iJ V State of Oregon. County of Laoe-----58. I, ll1a Itandolph, Director of the Department of Recordfl a.nd Elections. i.li .and for the said County. do hereby certify tha.t the within in.strument was I'efeived (or record at ~ \~c9 (.,;.: 'a ; ! f':,! '2 10 2 R~el f! 6 3 -;2. L,ne County OFFICIAL Records. INA RAN H, Director of the ~,.. Dep<l.rtm t Reco}:9 &. ;:lection.. By .h,.'/ L/~ch . ~ Deputy .\:'2.9-08]-05 l J fTC-' ~ , I .1 .I~ - Z~~~ ~~ '!\f1i ~";IJ; ~~ : I lit.. ~~1'fr ~ili.. iiH ~: H4946 BAaGAIN & SALE 0, 1 .. FOR VALUE RECEIVED Elmer B". ,Sa.J:istrom and Harvey A. Sch.affer, a part,- nership . . herein referred to as grantors. hereby grant. bar~. sell and convey unto ,. _ \ Wildish Industrial Development Corporation, ~n Oregon.~orpor_atidn ~-~ ~ herein referred to as ~~~:;;;;~~-;~es~~ ~~-p;~p;:ty:-;;~r:n~~nt&;~heredi~~--.~~---i-., , aPEurtenances. to wit: ~--_._- ,-- - -- --- - ~ ~ .,' . Out-.Lot 34 'of Glenwood Park, as platted and recorded" on Page 481 of VOlume T. Lane County ,Oregon Deed Records, exc,ep.t that certain tract conveyed to Southern Pac.ific Company a Corporati on by Dee~ Recorded at Page 8 of Volume 61, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lan e County,. Oregon. C ALSO: Beginning at a pain;t North 64~" East 2.78 chains from the intersection of the West li~e of the Daniel ~cVay and wl.fe Donation Land Claim 1'\0. 63, in Township 18 SOLltrh, Range 3 West of the Willa-mette :,>!cridi.3n, with the center line of the Coun't)' Road South 14:19 chains East 2..50 chains, North 15.38 chQins and thence South 64~o West 2.7H chains to t~e place, of begi.nn~ng, in' Lane County, Qretjon. .. i I i I I Subject to easement for COll:1t~i Road known (IS 19th Stre~t. " i , "The true and actual consideration for (hi~ transfer is $ ..9-rO.l~..74. ,...--"'., Da.ted ..,..S..ep.t..emh"L.J..Si!.:",.. ..:. 19..6.9._, . --- "" -. ..",{..t-",,,,~....,c..-( ~~) M_......t"'?.,.~,. (S.~) ...."'. (Seal) ...... .(Seal) ~_ ,"1"~;(llj'..Q~N;County of Lane. 98. Penlonally apPeared the abo~e named ~.......... "s.?!lj""i"j{--:;.'c.:.oo.... -~. .~,..,._---.--_._-_. .. ..--.--.---~------------- .... '0 .r""~er B. SahlstrolTl and Ha.rvey A. Schaffer .~.~./. \e foregoing instrument to be -t-h.-e-i-rv<?hmt&ry act and deed. Before me:' ~~Z..7~s9:..;.~m?:,_mn A.D. 19..."9.~;~;~n_m~'''...h.... ," d,.. N-;t..ry Pubf . _ '~'''th'~U~\.''-' "tJ. ~-::.,~,~-l' ~ - ~ a ~ , OLI U' I ~ .c.. ~~. o . <' "(I)!:: t) .V).... .... "'- . (I) \ - ""e- +.2: .0 "\' :;;c.~ , , '=' i . '>-- =H' -'" ~'h ""4: ) ~~.~ .~~ IW , ~ .~ c l:'~ ~ Q~cc' ~~ ?j.; -.ii 5'~ ~ ::x'.i '-::-;, r ! ~ ~ ~ ~ 1(. ~ c" c ~.. u c-..J 0 I: ....... II " " l~ tv ~ : j o:,~.~ = ~ 'I " ,l;::--.. Joo fIl Co .. .. o. \:) ,~o'O ..s." ""1...., ~\"{', !<;:-y'O>. .S3"'~. ~ '~l\s<JC .....loo".~> ..::s oS c: -- ......., . ~ 0 a.. 01 t t. '-') .........l~" OCClU -.. ":::-.. ,'\(: _. _"' Cl... u ... . ajH 8 =.n > 1~ ~ 19 - "lhiAJ;lO" () ':j' r- 'l- Q ... ... Q "l co . (\j " - "-.- ~ - 0 . ~ '" ~ .., < -, 0 N, \ ;;; >- I- .. u 0 Q 'J) ~ ,. '::J.. .. " 0 u T . . . .. .'" .., U ~"E""''';' o'l , ~ "\ ,". ~-.---cl .;., ~-r ,'i, . Personally appeared the above-named L. A. WILDISH, and acknowledged that he is a partner of T. C. Wildish Co., a co- . 11\11111111/ partnership, and ac;:knowledged the foregoing -instrument to };le ,,,,:,\\It_U'{'(,l f~"~~~_,~yoluntary act and deed; . , ~ ..'\. ~;..~.:~() '.. , ...., ~.- 3<:)." ""~ -it'," "., .~::-.'~i ~,_~...~1,:l;,-'" Before me: -, .-t :(~p " . ..,:'~~. ..ol'-~~'''' "'" .1' ~ '~.;...~~i.'" ';j '\. t';$" . "" -r E..- Q 1, ..''', ."."'111111111\1\\'''-\' , ~ ii' ~.t r "- -: lI' S4945 .. ...-__.....""'-v...._---- BARGAIN AND ~l-U.-L 'DE'E:'B ~.......-.." ..._._,~,. .~'.....-...~.".-.>:.-,...-... FOR VALUE RECEIVED, T. C. WILDISH CO., a copartnership __. _:_~posed of L. A. Wildish and the Trust of Thos. C. Wildish, Verna E. WrraT-sh, Richa:r'd.aE:"Wi-ldish--and'-J-a..'Reg.-.A.....-Willji".:'l:J....CO::,:,- ---. tr~s~eesl as Grantor, does" hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELqPMENT CORPORATION, an Oregon cor- poration, its successors and assigns, as Grantee, the following descr~bed premises,' to-wit: out-L~t 34. of Glenwood Park, as 'platted and recorded on Page 481 of Volume T, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, except that certain tracf conveyed to Southern Pacific Company a Corporation by Deed Recorded at Page 8 of Volume 61, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. SUBJECT to easements, cond~tions and restric- tions of record. unto TO. HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted p~emises the said Grantee, its success~ and assigns forever. DATED this iq, day of \U./.U.L&/~1966. T. C. WILD ISH CO., a copartnership By ~;t///;LY t.-~. Wildish, Partner By Thos. C. Wildish Trust, Partner By 1,/.uwu... S', cu;"i.L~ Verna E.. .W:ifdish, Trustee By .~ <::->)c J(' f. L~chard E. W~l~~sh, Trustee ~-." ('l ~lcP:1 . es _~~ ~J..ldJ..Sh' Trust.ee __~____....__ Y.__ -- - ",,-' n..._ --- STATE OF. OREGON QL/JdL, , 1966. SS. 0,/ County of Lane No My -1~ ,-r ~~ ~. d '..-iJil FI I'~ .~ ... - ,.n -:4 ~ .)~ ... ~ jj ')"~1 ',:;; ,.-, i-~ " ":-1 ;G ,A= ~- I::t== '.:.i. ~. ~; I I '. I ",----.----., -::''''~i;--:-: !1' H4~J45 1 .....-~."',-~..,. -..._,......-:-:->. '.___r"_~-z.,...",..,..:..- STATE OF OREGON') ) County of LaDe ) ~LIlA 55. Q,L, 1966. n____..._ . Po""''''n'1a.ll::l._apP~_9.-_~_~SL ~tle above-named VERNA E.; WILDISH I RICHARD E. WrLOISH and.JAMES A. WILDISii,"and'"cKiiowleugedclia'E'----" --, they are Cotrustees of the Thos. C. Wild ish Trust, a partner of T. C. Wildish Co., a copartnership, and acknowl~dged t~e.fqre-. going instrument to be their .voluntary a and deed ,~;'ll~",-i;r,~;;;;: .. ..",~. ~ \. 0 E liS...... .' ~'. .."".... (J" :.~~ .'>J.... . ',""r', f-:-.i',(O~ARY\. f ~/~}':~~~i'_~~. '.-", . ~.~ ., .,"'V-". . \0, '\")}<~~'~"~ I......~; ", ..t............ ~\. """," (~o f \l:. .'11111111''''''''''- Before me: :lA'''' ~ for r5re~~A. Expires 'P'tf I?, 1'1&( .- i J ., ! ~4t~....." ".~" ............- ...-.....-. ~~...:;~, f ------ L '. ~~~. -.-........:.. ... -- -. . -. _._.-----~- ._.._---"._-'-'~ ...:........._'.,....--.:....._,- "4= . \ '...... '. ) ) .:. ~ . /' ~. ) ". " ~ '" '" I '" '" '" ... '" '" .'f' -.,.-1 '" jl.l . 1~..IH ,.. ili '~ .. r ~ I ~: t ., ,,' , }' " -:~'~?~}i, I .~ ;-, I,: 347crO wj l ~J. i''M. ;)~ Jl" ,A".J7t.'Uf,:;".L .! r ;!i i':i,I.'>1'L(~,.1 . \ .; ,; ;; , 0 ..-....'1 ' ~ flJlJ,~ J O_-jJ-:' ~ (,\ /'!:, I f'.6. -ELt I{CJ(.,-~~~ ~~~~qN.C)1 - ..._._.,~.........-" - . J . .. . H4~J4S .1 . . .:(070' 1 /' i !. ~ .I i t1..,l:J /(,. ,.'>1: ,I .l I. ;<07J State of Oregon, County of Lanc--ss. I. lna Randolph' . DeparClnent of R . D1reclor of the . in and (or th ~carcls and Electionli e Sclld Count . l;crtily that the withi . y, do hereby received ftfr rt"t:ord :Ilnstrument was 1%9 OCT 21 AM " 28 2' '" Roo' <-I- S7 -If Lane COllnty OFFICIAL Record8 INA RANDO PH . Departm't R' Dlrector of the ecor Elections. By CZ9-06J.05 ":l. .'\o) . Deputy ! I': . . .....~~i.,H~T~j~ i: . j ! . ~ ! .! ! \ ~ .; " V ~ '~. jO- ,o- Il - .. , Send Tax Statements To: After Recording Return To: Wi]dish Industrial Develonment Corn, Wilrlish Industrial Deve]ooment Corn~ P,O. Box 7428 Eu~ene. OR 9740] P,O. Box 7428 EUQene, OR 97401 DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, an Oregon Corporation, is the owner of two adjoining parcels of property referred to herein as Tract I and Tract 2, WILDlSH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION is setting forth this declaration to set an adjusted boundary line between Tract I and Tract 2 to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of ORS n.190( 4). The legal description of the Tract] property prior to this adjustment is contained in a deed recorded June 6, ]969, Reception No. 67630-67631 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records in Lane County, Oregon and shown on Assessor's Map ] 8-03-03-] ] as' Tax Lot 1]00. The legal description of the Tract 2 property prior to this adjustment is contained in a deed recorded October 21, 1969, Reception No. 84946 of the' Lane County Oregon Deed Records in Lane County, Oregon and shown on Assessor's Map 18-03-03-11 as Tax Lot 1200. The lega] description which depicts the adjusted property line is described on attached Exhibit "A". Following this lot line adjustment, the description of the Tract I property is described on the attached Exhibit "B". Following this lot line adjustment, the description of the Tract 2 property is described on the attached Exhibit "C". An illustration of this property line adjustment appears in County Survey File 36926 as recorded in the Lane County Oregon Surveyors Office, THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRlA TE CITY OF COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES. - - The true and actual consideration for this conveyance is $ NONE (J~dJ/JJ~J jJjmes A. Wildish, President L/Wildish Industrial Development Corporation STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) On O'Z..-lO:; ,2001, personally appeared before me the above named James A. Wildish, President, Wildish Industrial Development Corporation and'acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed, I o- r'. UiFI'~I:f..~- {(_,__ ',;".. LINDA:. ::.0",;; \'~-.~1J) I,O"l:'.r;Y PUGI.:::: - Ol:.~:':~l ~ C(l.~livilSS10N ~jO. 30~: :J MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCToeE~ 29, 200i ~~/u /fL,---,-, ~;lr;/~ublic for Oregon My Commission Expires: /DIZ.~ ~ EXHIBIT "A" Commencing at the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 2 of Wi1dish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page II of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the west line of said Block 2 South 00002'25" West 512.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving the said west line of Block 2 bearing North 89057'35" West 221.44 feet to the east boundary of Out-Lot 34 of Glenwood Park as platted and recorded in Volume "T", Page 481 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon. EXHIBIT "B" Beginning at the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 2 of Wild ish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the west line of said Block 2 South 00002'25" West 512.00 feet; thence leaving the said west line of Block 2 bearing NorLh 89057'35" West 221.44 feet to the east boundary of Out-Lot 34 of Glen wood Park as platted and recorded in Volume "T", Page 48 I of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along said east boundary of Out-Lot 34 and the northerly extension thereof North 00010'26" East 407.52 feet to the south margin of 19th A venue, being 30,00 feet from, when measured at right angle to, .the centerline of 19th Avenue; thence along said south margin North 64041 'I 0" EaSt 243,99 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. ' EXHIBIT "C" Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot I, Block 2 of Wild ish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the west line of said Block 2 South 00002'25" West 512.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said west line of Block 2 South 00002'25" West 281.96 feet: and along the arc ofa 382,24 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 11006'25" East 147,80 feet) a distance of 148,73 feet; thence leaving said west line of Block 2 bearing WEST 251.01 feet to the east boundary of Out- Lot 34 of Glen wood Park as platted and recorded in Volume "T', Page 481 of the Lane CoUnty Oregon Deed Records; thence along said east boundary of Out-Lot 34 North 00010'26" East 427 J 5 feet; thence leaving said east boundary of Out-Lot 34 bearing South ,890 57'35" East 221.44 feet to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. . <, , c-i 1-" (,--oO)t:. (; i- I .~'::. o..Fe 'j "\ .. ..~ " f. I !'.<' ~ Gl. CASCADE TITLE CO_ PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT AMENDED WILD ISH ATTN: RANDY HLEDIK P.O, BOX 7428 EUGENE, OR 97401 February 25, 2005 Report No: 0244275 Your No: Seller: Buyer: WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT T/C PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR: Owner1s Standard Policy: $T/C PREMIUMS: Owner1s Standard Premium: Government Service Fee: Temporary Billing: $T/C $25,00 $225.00 We are prepared to issue 1992 ALTA title insurance policy(ies) of INSURANCE COMPANY of OREGON, in the usual form insuring the title described as follows: CHICAGO TITLE to the land (A T T A C H E D) Vestee: WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AN OREGON CORPORATION DATED AS OF: FEBRUARY 3, 2005 AT 8:00 A.M. Schedule B of .the policy(ies) to be issued will contain the following general and special exceptions unless removed prior to issuance: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments ori real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Easements, liens, encumbrances, interests or claims thereof which are not shown by the public records. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of pe~sons in possession thereof. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct surve~.would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records, No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued and full policy premium has been paid MAIN OFFICE' 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401. PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE . 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307. E-MAIL: info@cascadetitle:corn .' FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 .:'. .,-. '.: Order No. Page 2 02442', 4. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) Water rights, claims or title to water whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the public records. 5. Any lien or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law not shown by the public records. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 6, Access restrictions and slope easements co~ained in deeds to the State of recorded March 9, 196.6, Reception No ,3931(9, and recorded March 27, 1968, 1/ v. Reception Nos, 18822 and 18824, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. Oregon 7, Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Eugene, v . recorded August 6, 1969/ Reception No. 76323/ Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 8. Power line easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, g~anted the City of Eugene by instrument recorded May 3, 1965, Reception No. 01735~f Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 9. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, gra9ted by Thomas Judkins, et aI, to Eugene City Canal Co., recorded March 28, 1878; in Book L, Page 388, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 10, Easement, including the terms and provisions ~l;ere'of, granted the City 'of Eugene, recorded December 15, 1967, Reception No. 8194", Lane County Official Records. 11. Easements, including the terms and provisions thereof, contained in instrument by Wildish Industrial Development Corporation, recorded July 16, 1980, Reception No. 8034816:' Lane County Official Records. . Easements as shown on the recorded Plat~f Wildish Industrial Tracts. 12. 13. Wildish Industrial Park Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions recorded February 29, 1996, Reception No, 9613731YLane County Deeds and Records, 14. Access easement and maintenance agreement, including the ter~s and provisions thereof, recorded March 07. 2001, Reception No. 2001-012394';/ Lane County Deeds and Records. 15. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded December 14, 2004, Reception No. 2004-095229, Lane County Deeds and Records. " ", Order No. 02442, Page 3 NOTE: Taxes, Account No; 0581296, Assessor's Map No. 18 03 03 1 1, #1100, Code 4-78, 2004-2005, in the amount of $1,061.74, PAID IN FULL. Taxes I Account No, 0581304, Assessor's Map No. 18 03 03 1 1, #1200, Code 4-78, 2004-2005, in the amount of $988,83, PAID IN FULL, Taxes I Account No, 0581551., Assessor's Map No. 18 03 03 1 1, #3600, Code 4-78, 2004-2005, in the amount of $3,771.32, PAID IN FULL . Taxes, Account No. 0581569, Assessor1s Map No. 18 03 03 1 1, #3700, Code 4-78, 2004-2005, in the amount of $1,889,20, PAID IN FULL, Taxes, Account 'No. 0581577, Assessorrs Map No. 18 03 03 1 1, #3800, Code 4-78, 2004-2005, in the amount of $1,021,53, PAID IN FULL, Taxes, Account No. 0581585, Assessor's Map No. 18 03 03 1 1, #3900, Code 4 -78, 2004-2005, in the amount of $934.32, PAID IN FULL, Taxes I Account No. 0581593, Assessor's Map No. 18 03 03 1 1, #4000, Code 4-78, 2004-2005, in the amount of $934.32, PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No, 0581742, Assessor's Map No. 18 .03 03 1 2, #700, Code 4-78, 2004_2005, in the amount of $2,958.81, PAID IN FULL, Taxes, Account No. 0979243, Assessor's Map No. 18 03 03 1 4, #201, Code 4-78, 2004-2005, in the amount of $451.61, PAID IN FULL, Taxes I Account No. 0582385. Assessor's Map No. 18 03 03 1 4, #1300, Code 4-78, 2004-2005, in the amount of $1,590.47, PAID IN FULL. This report is preliminary to the issuance of a policy of title insurance and shall become null and void unless a policy is issued and the full premium paid. Cascade Title Co. :J -~ /j, / ;Elit/~' . C By: se: Title Officer: BOYD STEELE ee: CASCADE ESCROW ATTN: CHRISTIE SHORT 811 WILLAMETTE STREET EUGENE, OR 97401 "", Order No. 02442~ Page 4 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lots 3 through 7, Block 2, WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS, as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon, ALSO: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS as platted and recorded in Book 56,page 11 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Recordsj thence along the West line of said Block 2 South 000 02' 25" West 512.00 feetj thence leaving the said West line of Block 2 bearing North '890 57' 3511 West 221.44 feet to the East boundary of Out-Lot 34 of GLENWOOD PARK, as platted and recorded in Book uTII, Page 481 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along said East boundary of Out-Lot 34 and the Northerly extension thereof North 000 10' 26" East 407.52 fee to the South margin" of 19th Avenue, being 30.00 feet from, when measured at right angle ta, the c~nterline of 19th Avenuej thence along said South margin North 640 41' 10" East 243.99 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS, as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page Il, of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records j thence along the West line of said Block 2 South 0,00 02 I 25" West 512.00 feet to t'he true point of beginning j thence continuing along sa~d West line of Block 2 South 000 02 2511 West 281.96 feet; and along the arc of a 382.24 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 110 06' 25" East 147,80 feet) a distance of 148.73 feet i thence leaving sai~ West line of Block 2, bearing West 251.01 feet to the East boundary of Out-Lot 34 of GLENWOOD PARK, as platted and recorded in Book "T", Page 481 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along said East boundary of Out-Lot 34 North 000 la' 26n East 427.15 feetj thence leaving said East boundary of Out-Lot 34 bearing South 890 571 35n East 221.44 feet to the true point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Out-Lot 34 of GLENWOOD PARK, as platted and recorded on Page 481 of Book "Tn located in the Lari~ County Oregon Deed Recordsj thence along the East boundary of said Out-Lot 34 South 000 la' 26" West 948.31 feet to a point on the Northerly right-at-way of the Southern Pacific Railroadj thence along said railroad right~of-way North 530 541 3311 West 291.40 feetj and along the arc of a 500.00 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 020 521 21" West 777.55 feet) a distance of 890.76 feet to a point on the South margin of 19th Avenuej said point being 30.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to the centerline"of said 19t.h Avenue j thence along said South margin of 19th Avenue North 890 591 02 n East 277.32 feet to the point of beginning I all in Lane County, Oregon. continued Order No. 02442. Page 5 Property Description continued- ~LSO: Beginning at a point in the West line of Claim No. 63, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 13 chains South of the intersection of the center of County Road No. 443 with said West line of said Claim No. 63, run East 5 ch~ins, North 1.33 chains, East 3.77 ch~ins, North to the Township line between Townships 17 and 18, East 25 links, South to the North line of railroad right of way North 54 ~o West 11.07 chains along said right of way to its intersection with the West line of said Claim North 2.86 chains to the point of beg~nning, in the McVey Donation Land Claim, in Lane County; EXCEPT all that portion lying within the Plat of WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS, As platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon; ALSO EXCEPT all that portion lying North of WILDISH INSTRUSTRIAL TRACTS, as platted and County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, the North Line of the Plat of recorded in Book 56, Page II, Oregon. Lane ALSO: Beginning at a point of intersection of the East line of that certain parcel of land described in Deed to T.C. Wildish recorded August 31, 1951, in Book 444', Page 419, Lane County Oregon Deed Records with'the Southwesterly line of Lot 7, Block.2, WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS, as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page 11, Lane County Oregon plat Records i thence South 600 52 r 5.0 II East along said Southwesterly lot line to the most Southerly corner of said Lot 7;' thence South 360 06 I 2511 West along the most Westerly line of Lot 11, Block 2, of said WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS to the point of intersection with the East line of said Parcel of land described in Deed recorded in Book 444, Page 419, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence North along said East line to the point of beginning, all in Section 31 Townsh~p 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon h\~ 4J \8-u~-o~ II FOR ASSESSMENT NE/4 NE/4 SECTION 3 T.18S, R,3W, W.M. AND TI'XATION /" LA~ ;~~~TY ONLY ..~cfr /'" 'i~ S<:EWP11 03 J.04-4 '\ ij::""'''''''''"'";a' 4"~ ; " /' ~'I \ t c......_ '<,- -: \,Jo.ifk ~/ I "",", .,--."._~w . ":"?~ ~ ./ _____1 /----l' C.8. SWEET J'~~::';'~ ___ ~ D.LC.38 ~f~ +'!!- /""~ - f: .: -aoe. ="i..~. /.,,,,,,,'" , i,: f' 'I -~..- ,;......=- "" ~ .', :LOON:. 2.~AC ... I ~,.~ P<:l...2 4300 r ~~:i'i;:. ''''''":'-1 -l 180303 11 NAD 83/91 " c .J "ol"""!"- , i '-, Ii '(,; I '-. "4000 " ~i /.eb~.:';."'r ~ 'I ., ~ ;J ~U"6 " 2 ~ 11 . I ;i,.\1D~ ~ m i:! - ';.' ,~". / ,. I !- '"' ......... .,,1"'"- '"'" .. -- , ..tJN:. ........-.~/ If~~ Ii J ......... ..~ --'~,".- -..""...., \/ -:;.."':~':':".......... '-:>0 -.......... " o ~ . ~ m ~. '00 1~ i~ ,- ~ '"00 - - '00 00' ~, I ~~. ~.. ~"" x-p'.,.,:o.... "" .' ~'..>7 j;- ~\~ 'l SEE:1lW' 18 OJ OJ 14 '--'- -:i:::~' l::f / \" )!>Ar ) 8, 0'3- 03- )2- FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION ONLY NW 1/4 NE 1/4 SECTION 3 T,18S, LANE COUN1Y R,3W. W.M. ~~ ~-;. 1';J"_1 ..1. 18 03 03 1 2 ,AO 83/91 Q " Q . rfJ)'fJJ ~([J 'f:b~~ ~ q-~' (?~,;') '~i ."jj _.t--+------+-+___+ 1\ llilr<4i'="'~ ij.f-if- 1\ '.' ~~~jo-.......... _~",.~ 1_ 'I,.'~,' f :~ 3500 ..;..;~ ~:' -.~ ~ + ~ - ~i~ f.' am>--I r~~ ~ .. ~~---~':"--~- ~'~I:l2 _ ,''">>-.,,';1,' .,. ii~' _.J!.....l.I....,!....'iii~' ~ !':-"",,-'" ' I r ~ .,.. _......... .,,,, ! ! ) I I' 1- .~'-'!-, ..' i~ I~ ii'. .. .......... i0J "~~~ '" CD, I~~~\f~ ..... -,~,JOO II, ., @'I! ~J", !~."'OO "" "00,' . I ~. I ,'IiP ,....;L"b, /~~fl ~' ,,!,' m.... I 1''0./__ I ~\ ,,,,:. _~,i.:. _ " .. _ _ .. _ . i--------~--+-- ""~-_;;~+_, ~-f', ~ ,1800'1 - 'I _J'~~! - .... t _ _ ,_ "~ .l ~ 1,,- ! ~ ,ml ""'" "., ,.'" "00 j'oo .,~ ~','9OOI Ik I I!' A I \ ,""",,1'"';,,{1 (f';' ~.. ,. ;,;, I:,;; :r.. ,~ ! II, "'JI "00 I ~ """I""" r Utii4f,.1 (5 t::\[)> ,"- .: .1. 2'100 I I tNL 3701 Ci?l..tt3 ~.... ;:Sf 2100 23llO ~, 1 N'> ~'" M;. rR\<:Q.! ..r~ "te I DC ""i~ - I ~,O . ~ t.,1 r".! 1$ " PCL. 1'C6)'8I'/;~1 , . 0.' 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(/ ", '\'" \, \,\ ,.,- Mw \ 8,03-03 --. I~ SE 1/4 NE 1/4 SECTION 3 T.18S. R.3W. W.M. LANE COUNTY SCALE: 1- .. 100' 1""'1 ......- ~i:;:;;;;ZE;.~-.::~ ~_:n_'_. ~"'" '400 ,...".., _~~,T""' ~";. '- ~> ..:7'... .. 1.500 " '. " ...... .. H " . ((Jl ((Jl d ~ 0Ul .::. .;~ :~.~1:~ \ I - - ; 800 2.00N:. '~...:_'!;: '" \ \ \ \ , "::.E \ '. ~~ \\~ , i . ~O~H~N--=-..;;~RI~GflE _ E V BONNEVILLE powER . .._'>-~. - - - -- LU'_~ ----------,;:;;:-" SEE MAP 18 OJ 03 -4 ( PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR 1. D. 3 T 18 S, MAP NO. 18-03-03-1-1 LOT NO. 1200 AND GLENWOOD, LANE COUNTY, APRIL 20, 2005 AREA CALCULATIONS ORIGINAL ADJUSTED SQ. FT. SQ. FT. 96,141 150,709 186,672 132,104 '. , '\, a'~ALCULATED POSITION '> OF THE NW CORNER . ' DANIEL McVEY D.L.C. No. 82 .--/ ~ ;oER REF. 4 ~- ~ - Q> ~O\-, ~ ~~\i;i\j' ;< g / j~O \1.Cl'l. ~~ m. ~ P.K. 0 ,,' ~ FD 5/8' N (,:) L ;; ~ /, - . 0<0 FD 5/8' RFRAR IS 89"59'30' [ 747.14'1 REF. 2/, IH?-L4 P.C, 0 /' II i<EBA.~, BENT . 2, ~ 11 l 5~OO p.O.Tl (N 88"38'21" E 747.21') REF: I - / 31 nt.LO' z . \.. i:Q N 0.10, W 0.05 0 ~ FD. 5/8' REBAR 'HELD' _ --l=- _ _ _ ----p N 89'59'~2'~4~21~ _ ~ _ _ -, ,.-/' o"".\\~ ~ 1 ~, '!II c/>.P STAMP~D~:-- ~ 89'59'02' E 13,05.51' IS 89~59'30' E 1305.51'1 REF. 4 19TH A VB, -_\. "1",.9 "'I I' FD. 5/8' REBAR GUILe PLS 472 ~IS 89'59'30' E 697.86') /' / 1 N 89'59'02' E 277..32' Jh"N 00'10'26' E ' Lt. 4200 'HELD' 1 PER REF. I R'F 4 V' /' \.-l";; i l - . . 0 ..- ~\C I i 6.77' I T L I 10 gS~ F~. 5/~' i<EBARYp.C.\ "\)'/ EAST L1NE.i 60.0' SEE b 4ioo ,,~ ' 00::' PeR RcF. 4 /' - ~ op.\)~O\l ,--OUT.LOT 34 ~' . NOTE 3 ;; <:), I, ~ ~t}.'" /' <~" \"~ .,1 D' 0 2 ,'V :-;..,. 1"" ~p. ,~~ GLENWOO PARK , W T L b ~ ~'<Co ~:- Z Ou -c.* I .r P::R REF. 4 b. 7 :. .. 3 o' ~ s:. :: s ,,\". / : ~" 1100 __ ~o ,"_ \~ . '----1! Q:2 V) .... <"',( ~ ~ ~ *,^,Jlo.. I I g~ I..<.'! .. g:) i. : '" ::: i ~ ~ , m SIR' REBAR :~ 1 z ~5 i ~~ ~ I i 80' ~=======~=== C:====;1~-------------: ~~:,~~~~~===: ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 "t~g. N3~~5M,I' Ai~~i~;6' ~ Co ,1, ,q,I",,,, F , ,~I ~ ),o~o t'~ 110 ~ g 9 6 . 102004'24' ~ ;; { aLl:4' ( ~ ,..V I Vl ~ lXl r--. <0 : 1 3= .c.....').: I r...: '<T ~ ~ 4 ":;~... :1 ~ - <0::>:'1 ~ I 18-03-03.12 ~ '" ::> ~ ..;;,<:> ....: FD 5/8' RE:lAR T.L. 700 w ~: ::g ~ ~ 5 g' T.1. ~II 'HELD' b. RO-ATED ABOUT ~~: ~ i,~ 3900 ::",' 500 ~Q:Lr>W ....>--.'8 ~ 0 : io [S 89057'35' "] _ ROW go,,' N T .L. 1200 b'1 [l83.25'J -:;;: c; . z 0 (V ACANTl 00 ;> ~ ~ w~ 1,0 tn~Z ~ 0 '~2 T.L. 3800 ~~( o z , 0 .' b o~i ~ ~~. TL 1200 3600 ! . I; CSNTERLlNE JI t'" S.P. RAILROAD , _ BY SPLIT Of THE \ Z TRACKS t:I:l LEGEND . FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED. o ~' . " .V II , SET S/8' x 30' REBo~R WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC I.D, CAP STAMPED 'POAGE ENG. & SURV. INC: COMPUTED POINT. NO MONUMENT FOUND OR SET. DENOTES A LINE NOT TO SCALE '-.. \ ~' ,~ ~, '~ ~ CENTERLINE J ' SP. RAilROAD 3Y SPLIT OF THE TRACKS o ~ C.S.F. COUNTY SURVEY FILE DATA OF RECORD PER REF. 3 DATil OF RECORO WITH END NOTE CORRESPONDING TO A REFERENCE NUMBER AS SHOWN. ADDITIONAL COURSES SEGMSNT BEARING DIST ANCE RADIUS A.L. DELTA I 5 11'06'25' E ~ 382.24' 148.73' 22'17'40' 2 5 27'09'39' [ 65.39' 382,24' 65,47' 9048'48" 3 S 16'00'49' E 211.41' 382.24' 214,20' 32'06'28' 4 S 42'23'19' E 136.97' 382.24' 137.71' 20'38'32' 5 S 61'06'00' W 152.59' T ANGSNT 6 S 14'23'48' E 34.98' 70.00' 35.36' 28'56'25' 7 S 44"53'25' E 38.57' 70.00' 39.07' 31'58'50' 8 S 30025'12' (: 70.97' 70.00' 74.43' 60055'15' . ~ OWNER/ APPLICANT WILDISH DEVELOPMENT CO. P.O. BOX 7428 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SURVEY ~ W. NE 1/4 SEC. ASSESSOR'S TAX C. R 3 W W.M. 3600 OREGON REFERENCES I. C.S.F. No. 36926 OAKES 2001 ~~"'.".a-s7."" ".. .... . ... . > ..-.. .... . ".. ,., .....,... ., ... .... ...-... .p- .-.... ..- '. "'- .... ... ,.,.... .. .... .., .. . ....<f':o.... SCALE I. 200' 2. DECLAA TION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 15, 2001 DDCUMENT No. 2001-008432 LANE COUNTY OREGON OFFICI.~L RECORDS. 3. WILDISH INDUSTRIAL TRACTS BOOK S6, PAGE II LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS NOTES WATERLINE El>.SEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF EUGENE GRANTED BY AN INsmUMENT RECORDED Oee. 15, 1967 RECEP. NO. 8194 LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS , 2. 6.0 FOOT SANiTARY SERVICE LINE E~SEMENT GRANTED WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE EASEMENT SHALL TERMINATE A T THE TIME A PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IS A.V AILAaLE TO THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE EASEMENT, RECOROED "'.. JUL Y 16, 1980 RECEP. NO. 8034816 LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS 3. ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE ,lIGREEMENT RECOROEO MARCH 7, 2001 RECEPTION NO. 2001-012394 LANE COUNTY OREGON DEEDS AND RECORDS. \.. 4. PROPOSED JOINT ACCESS EASEMENT ANO MAINTeNANCE TO REPLACE EXISIITNG ACCESS EASEMENT GRANTED UNDER NOTE NO. 3 r REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL Lr\ND SURVEYOR 8 ~~iOUJ, ZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES ARE CURRENTLY ZONED LMI LlGHT'MEDlUM INDUSTi<IAL WHICH COINCIOES WITH THE METRO PLAN ZONING OESIGNATION FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. OREGON JUL Y 13. 1984 JONA THAN A. OAKES 2105 , ; EXPIRES; DECEMBER 31. 2006 POAGE ENGINEERING &: SURVEYING, INC, p,O, BOX 2527 . BUGENE, ORBGON 974.02 . (H1) 4850-4,505 JOB No. 3lH, DWN. BY JAO\31HLLA.GCD, DATE: 3.05 PAGE 1 OF 1 ./