HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendation Sheet PLANNER 10/15/2008
Notice of Decision - Master Plan Modification - Type I
Project Proposal: This is a Type I Master Plan Modification application which proposes to: change the
conceptual intersection design in the current Glenwood Riverfront Plan District at Franklin Boulevard and
McVay Highway approved by the City Council in 2005 (Map 1) to be consistent with a conceptual
intersection design in the same area approved by the City Council in 2008 as part of the Franklin
Boulevard Corridor Study (Map 2).<
<The Glenwood Riverfront Plan street layout in Map 1 that approved the intersection is the conceptual
street layout for this Plan. The conceptual street layout shown in the Franklin Boulevard Corridor Study in
Map 2 is not meant to depict a revision to the approved conceptual street layout in Map 1. This staff
report applies to the design of the intersection only. Any potential conflicts regarding these conceptual
street layouts will be resolved during the Glenwood Refinement Plan Update process currently underway.
Case Number: LRP 2008-0012
Project Location: The intersection of Franklin Boulevard and McVay Highway, just west of the
Springfield bridges, Assessor's Map 17-03-34-44 TL <
<There is no tax lot number because the subject property is within the public right-of-way.
Zoning: N/A - Public right-of-way is not zoned.
Refinement Plan and Designation: Glenwood Refinement Plan. N/A - Public right-of-way does not
have a Plan designation.
Density: N/A
Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: N/A
Application Submitted Date: 09/25/08. This application was accepted as complete on 09/29/08
Decision Issued Date: 10/15/08
DeciSiOr: Approval, with no conditions, as of the date of this report. This is a Type I review process that
does no require public notice as specified in SDC 5.1-125. The review contained herein pertains to a
Minor Master Plan Modification only.
Associated Applications: LRP 2004-00031 Metro Plan amendment; Glenwood Refinement Plan,
Subarea 8 amendment; and adoption of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District (SDC 3.2-400).
I pranner III
: r:n1ft:e ~fanninq
I Gary M. Karp
: m~t~7
City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Sprinqfield, OR 97477
Uate Received' /0/ / <;,10<;;;
Planner; GK _ .. '
Master Plan Modification
",_1,-; "',,,:eived:
;'~.. GK
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Master Plan Modification
Other Uses That Mav Be Authorized By the Decision: None. However, this staff report and Map 2 will
be used in lieu of a Final Master Plan until the Glenwood Refinement Plan Update for this area has been
adopted. ' ' " ,
~~ I'
Aoolicable SDC Sections:
,. ,
SDC 3.4-210A. states: ','GR Plan District boun,daries. The GR Plan District applies to all property
within the boundaries of "Subarea 8: The River Opportunity Area" in the G/enwood Refinement
Plan. The GR 'Plan District is located in northeastern GJenwood."
Staff Response and Findings:
The Glenwood Refinement Pian, Subsection 8 bou'nda'ryshown in'.M<:lp 1 demonstrates that the
conceptual intersection design approved in 2005 andthe conceptual intersection design in Map 2 at
Franklin Boulevard and McVay Highway are both within the Glenwood Riverfront Plan boundary,
SDC 3.4-215A. states:'
"Proposals that are substantially consistent with the Glenwood Riverfront Plan. Developers who
use the adopted GlenwoodRiverfront Plan as guidance shall not be required to submit an
additional application fora new Master Plan, or Master Plan Modification approval, However, the
following standards shall be addressed concurrent with other necessary land use applications,
including, but not limited to: an annexation application and annexation agreement, where , '
applicable; Site Plan Review; and/or a Zoning Map Amendment:
1. Streets, alleys, pedestrian access ways, bike lanes, drainage facilities, open spaces, and
riparian corridors shall be located in conformance 'with those shown ih the Glenwood
Riverfront Plan; and"
Staff Response and Findings:
While the Director has determined that changing the design of a conceptual intersection at Franklin
Bouievard and McVay Highway is substantially consistent with the adopted Glenwood Riverfront Pian, a
Type I Master Plan Modification application is necessary to provide a review process for this change. As
shown in Maps 1 and 2, the,conceptuallocation of the proposed intersection will not change,
SDC 3.4-215A. states:
"2. The location of land uses may vary from. those shown in the Glenwood Riverfront Plan
depending on developer preference and market conditions; 'however, the proposed land use
allocations are as follows, based on the findings of "Market Position Analysis for the
Glenwood Riverfront", Zimmerman-Vo/k/ZHA, June 2001:
a. Residential: 3Q;-60 percent of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan area with an overall net
residential density of at least-:' i unitslacre, based on the definition of a node contained in
b. Commercial Office/Employment: 10-30 percent of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan area.
c. Open Space, drainage facilities, the riparian setback area, and public right-of-way normally
will be 25-35 percent of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan a~ea."
Staff Response and Findings:
This Type I Master Plan Modification application pertains to,the change in the design of an intersection
only. This application does not affect the location of previously approved land uses, percentages of
previously approved land use limitations or open space. Therefore, Subsection 2 does not apply.
. .,._.,;.'.'....-J.~, DateRec~ived; loj/J'lo0
------ -,,,:., ~,". '"';' Planner: GK
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Master Plan Modification LRP100B-OOO /1 3
SDC 3.4-215 states:
"B. Proposals that require modifications f, ) the Glenwood Riverfront Plan. In order to allow
flexibility in development options, the G/enwood Riverfront Plan is considered the equivalent
of a Master Plan, without the 7-year eJC oiration restriction. A developer may choose to use the
Glenwood Riverfront.Plan as adopted, or use a new MasterPlan or Master Plan Modification
process, to be reviewed as follows:
1. Type I Review. Those modifications th It do not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the
Glenwood Riverfront Plan and which are not 'cietermined by the Director to be similar to
Subsections B.2. and B.3., below shall I be processed under Type I Master Plan Modification, as
a decision by the Director.
2. Type II Review. Those modifications tljat are significant but do not affect the basic underlying
assumptions of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan as determined by the Director shall be
processed under a Type II Modificatiol1 procedure as a decision of the Director. Examples of a
Type II Master Plan Modification are as follows: '
a. A change in the street layout that reqJires a local stieet,alley, easement, pedestrian/bicycle
accessway or utility to be shifted mor~ than 50 feet in any direction, as long as the change
maintains the connectivity established by the Glenwood Riverfront Plan;
b. A request by the City or applicant for ~ change to the size or location of public facilities;
c. A request to integrate improvements tb nearby transportation facilities;
d. A request initiated by the City to imp/~ment newly adopted State or Federal regulations, or
adopted or amended City plans;
e. A request by the applicant for a one-ti, ne extension of the approved time limit for up to 3
years. An extension will be granted provided the applicant has made reasonable progress in
the implementation of-the Master Planland public se;vices and facilities remain available; and
f. Other requests by the applicant that the Director determines to be similar to the modifications
specified in Subsections B.2.a.-e., above., ,
3. Type IV Review. Those modifications that are significant and modifies the basic underlying
assumptions of the Glenwood Riverfrt,nt Plan as determined by the Director shall be
processed under a Type IV MOdificati6n procedure. Examples of a Type IV Master Plan
Modification are as follows: I I
a.. The modification affects an area of 5 ~cres or larger.,
b. A request by the applicant to alter significant natural resources, wetlands, and open space
areas as prescribed in the Glenwood irliverfront Plan';
c. A change in the street layout plan that requires a street, to be eliminated or to be located in a
manner inconsistent with the Glenw06d Riverfront Plan; .
d. A change in the 'GR Plan District building design standards or guidelines; .
e. Any change not listed under the Type lor Type II MO,dification in Subsections B.1. and 2.,
above and '
f. The request shall be processed as a new Master Plan and shall comply with the Master Plan
submittal requirements listed sp'ecifie~ in Section 5,13-120 and the following:
i. The application shall illustrate the proposed street layout, open space, pedestrian
connections, riparian protection, and bther infrastructure alignments necessary as determined
by the Director for the entire 48-acre ~ite. The, requirement for written consent from multiple
property owners specified in Sectionl13-110B. shall not apply within the GR Plan District.
ii. The applicant shall address the applio,abi/ity of the development standards in this Section to
the proposed Master Plan. The Plannipg Commission and/or City Council may determine, that
the development standards in this Se, :tion may not apply, if the purpose and intent of the GR
Plan District is satisfied.
iii. The application shall be prepared by ; I design team that includes, but is not limited to the
following consultants: an architect, a landscape architect, a civil engineer, a geotechnical
, '
engineer, an acoustic engineer, a certified arborist, a transportation engineer and a qualified
person to address riparian issues. I :
4. Supplemental Submittal Requirement~. .In order to allow the Director to determine the correct
level of review, the applicant shall submit findings demonstrating how the proposed
modification: ' I' .' , '
a. M?intains the. transpo. rtati~~ a.n.,~,"Ju.#i~"t'~d.al connectivity established b. y. the Glenwood /
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'Master Plan Modification LR '1008-000 /1 . 4
b; Furthers the design and access concepts advocated by the GlenwoodRiverfront Plan,
including, but not limited to: pedestrian access, bicycle access, and public access to the
Willamette River;
c. Demonstrates how the proposal does not adversely affect the objectives of the GR Plan
District as specified in Section 3.4-220; and
d. A voids physical constraints, or protects 'significant natural features including, but not limited
to, trees, rock outcroppings, wetlands, or to, adjust to existing property lines between project
boundaries. ' ,
'5. Review Authority, The Director shall have the authority to raise any review level to a higher
review, for example, that a Type II Modification may be raised to a Type IV Modification,"
Staff Response and Findings:
Modifications to the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District must be processed in accordance with SDC 3,2-
215B" which establishes the applicable procedures to amend the Plan District. Modifications that do not
affect the basic underlying assumptions of the adopted Master Plan and which are not determined to be
similar to SDC 3,2-215B,2, or SDC 3,2-215B,3, are processed as ministerial'deClsions (Type I) by the
Director. The Director has determined that the change in the design of this intersection is a Type I Master
Plan Modification because none of the situations listed in SDC 3.2-21SB,2. or SDC 3.2-21SB.3 applies
and, therefore, this application does not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the adopted Glenwood
Riverfront Plan District (LRP 2004-00031).
Regarding the supplemental submittal requirements specifit,in SDC 3.2-21SBA" the Director has
determined that the change in design of this intersection does not rise to the level that requires the
supplemental information listed ,in Subsection B.4. ,
Finally, SDC 3A-215B,S, does not apply because this is a Type I Master Plan Modification application.
SDC 3.4-265A. states: "Development proposals that utilize the Glenwood Riverfront Plan as a
Master Plan shall use the streets cape cross-sections illustrated in the Glenwood Riverfront Plan. "
Staff Response and Findings:' .
This Type I Master Plan Modification does not affect the streetscape cross-sections illustrated in the
Glenwood Riverfront Plan (Map 1) because the proposed change in the design of the intersection will
occur within the same conceptual location and the conceptual streetscape shown on Map 2 will not be
addressed until the Glenwood Refinement Plan Update for the area is approved by the City Council.
Criteria of Aooroval:
There are two sets of approval criteria applicable to this application: TheMaster Plan Criteria specified in
SDC S, 13-125; and the additional Glenwood Riverfront Plan District criteria specified in SDC 3A-220.
SDC 5.13-125 states: "A Master Plan may be approved if the Planning Commission finds that the
proposal conforms with all of the following approval criteria. In the event of a confliCt with
approval criteria in this Subsection, the more specific requirements apply:"
SJ<illB.e~p'o.!!.se ~!1d.F,in.c!irlg: ~lG':',
, ,:'11:) ;"~'1flf'l,':.
The Director has determined that this application isa Minor Master Plan application as specified in SDC
3A-21SB" and therefore, requires only a Type LDirector's decision, rather than a Type III Planning
Commission decision,
"A. The zoning of the property shall be consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable
Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District l1Jap, and Conceptu.;i/ Development Plan;"
Staff Response and Finding:
Thi~,TYP~ I. Ma,ster Plan Modification does not a,ffect the zonin~rhP.wBinthEl,QJil.nw09g.!t'{ertl?1)~lan
District because the proposed change in the design of this intep~!fu~~/!Rwi~:,;.. ...~~J.~~ ~~blic
Master Plan'ModifJcatian LRP100B-000 /1 ,Ianner: K 5 '
right-of-way which is not zoned and therefore will not affect the Metro Plan diagram or, the Plan District
map. There is no conceptual Development Plan applicable to this application,
Since this application does not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the adopted Plan regarding
zoning, the proposal is in conformance with Criterion A,
"B. The request, as conditioned, shall conform to applicable Springfield Development Code
requirements, Metro Plan policies, Refinement Plan, Plan District, and Conceptual
Development Plan policies;"
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification will either conform to applicable SDC criteria specified in Section
3.4-220 (addressed below) or a finding will be, made that the .criteria does not apply,
This application will still comply with revised Glenwood Refinement Plan, Subarea 8, River Opportunity
Area Policy 14 adopted by Ordinance 6137 (Case Number Lf~P2004-00031) because the City Council
conceptually approved the intersection design concept in March 2008, Policy 14 states: "The
Franklin/McVay Highway intersection illustrated in the Glenwood Riverfront Plan is conceptual
only and not an adopted alignment. Development proposals that affect the intersection shah
coordinate with ODOT and the City, until such time that an intersection design is adopted by the
city Council." The specific design will not be formally approved until such time that either a developer
proposes to develop within the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District or as part of the Glenwood Refinement
Plan Update, currently underway.
There are no Metro Plan policies that specifically apply to this application, There is no conceptual
Development Plan applicable to this application. This criterion will not require any conditio!1s of approval.
Since this application does not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the adopted Plan regarding
zoning, the proposal is in conformance with Criterion B,
"C. Proposed on-site and off-site improvements, both pJblic and private, are sufficient to
accommodate the proposed phased development and any capacity requirements of public
facilities plans; and provisions are made to assure construction of off-site improvements in
conjunction with a schedule of the phasing;"
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification will not affect capacity requirements that were previously applied
through the review of the Glenwood Riverfront Plan because the modification involves only the design of
the intersection.
Since this application does not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the adopted Plan regarding the
provision of on-site and off-site public and private improvements to accommodate proposed development,
the proposal is in conformance with Criterion C. . . ; .
"D. The request shall provide adequate guidance for the design and coordination offuture I
phases;" Date Received: /0/ (f! of?
Planner: GK
Staff Response and Finding:
, ,
This Type I Master Plan Modification will not affect the Glemivood Riverfront Plan regarding the design
and coordination of future phase standards that have been previously approved because the modification
involves only the design of the intersection,
Since this application does not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the adopted Plan regarding
phasing to accommodate proposed development, the proposal is in conformance with Criterion D.
'. .. ~.. ,,~ .
"E. Physical 'feat!ires, , ificitJding, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic
conditions;,areas. witiVsii'scep'iibility.of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrub~;
Master Plan Modi{lcotion )!~J :lSnnlii:{iipl008-000/1 6
watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; other riparian
. areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3'117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and,areas
of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS
97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in
State or Federal law;"
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regarding physical
features that have been previously approved because the modification involves only the design of the
Since this application does not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the'adopted Plan regarding
physical features, the proposal is in conformance with Criterion E.
"F. Local public facilities plans and local street plans shall not be adversely impacted by the
proposed development. A Master Plan 'may be approved if the Planning Commission finds that
the proposal conforms with all of the following approval criteria. In the event of a conflict with'
approval criteria in this Subsection, the more specific requirements shall apply." '
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification will not affectthe Glenwood Riverfront Plan regarding local public
facility plans and local street plans that have been previously approved because the modification involves
only the design of the,intersection.
Since this application does not affect the basic underlying assumptions of the adopted Plan regarding
physical features, the proposal is in conformance with Criterion F.
Section 3.4-220 states:
"In addition to the Master Plan criteria of approval specified in Section 5.13-125, new Master Plans
and Master Plan Modificationswithin the GR Plim District shall meet the following objectives
established during the development of the G/enwood Riverfront Plan. Where an objective does not
apply, the applicant shall address why that objective does not apply. A new Master Plan or Master
Plan Modification proposal shall:
A. Establish a mixed use development pattern that will enhance and complement the adjacent
riverfront and that is consistent with the nodal designation for the GR Plan District;"
. . I I
Staff Responseimd Finding:,
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests a change in the desigh of the ,intersection
and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regarding a mixed use development pattern that has
been previously approved,
Since this application does not affect this Plan objective, Criterion A. does not 'apply,
B. Provide transportation linkages between the Master Plan area and the surrounding
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests a change in the design of the intersection
and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regarding transportation linkages that have been
previously approved,' ,
Since this application does not affect this Plan objective, Criterion B, does not ~te Received: /0// r /06
.....1.... 'C.)...:':'.. ; Planner: GK
. C.,. Incorporate access to transIt mto the deSIgn of the Master Plan area; "
MasterPlan Madi(JCatian)~8 ;"ii1nfll.lq lRP100B-OOOI1' , 7
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests a change in the design Qf the intersection
and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regarding access to transit standards that have been
previously approved.
,Since this application does not affect this Plan objective, Criterion C, does not apply,
D. Incorporate design and streetscape amenities into the Master Plan area which promote bicycle
and pedestrian transportation opportunities. These amenities include sidewalks, bike lanes,
and pedestrian amenities, with a focus on the edges of the Master Plan area, for example,
Franklin Boulevard and the Willamette River;
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests a change in the design of the intersection
and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regarding st(eetscape amenities that have been
previously approved, .
Since this application does not affect this Plan objective, Criterion D, does not apply,
E. Establish a multi-use riverfront path;
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests a change in the design,of the intersection
which is not located near the riverfront and will not affect the (:;Ienwood Riverfront Plan regarding a multi.
use riverfront path that has been previously approved,
Since this application does not affect this Plan objective, Critbrion E. does not apply.
F. Identify open space and appropriate connections to ~pen space. Public op~n space shall be
designed to provide active and passive recreation opportunities for residents, visitors,
employees, and pro.vide visual relief. Streets sllall be designed as view corridors, 'in order to
open the site to the Willamette river;' .
Staff Response and Finding: .
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests a change in the design of the intersection
which is not located near the Willamette River and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regarding
open space and appropriate connections to open space that have been previously approved. '
, "
Since this application does not affect this Plan objective, Criterion F, does not apply,
G. Implement the objectives oj TransPlan to increase densities within the GR Plan District.
A verage residential density for resici,ential components shall be a minimum of 12 units per
acre; I
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests the change in the design of the
intersection and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan 'regarding density standards that have been
previously approved,
Since this application does not affect this Plan objective, Criterion G. does not apply,
, H., Reduce,reliance;on ,State Highway 126 (Franklin Boulevard.) for local east-west traffic through
--''''-a sirateg;:iO'resolvi/'and reduce access issues within the GR Plan. D.ist~.iC..tboundaries7' I /"
It. .."...',',., ' , Dat@ R,::~."ivcd: 10_ II' 0""
Moster Plan Madiflcation LRP1008-000 /1 Planner: GK 8'
Staff Response.and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests the change in the design of the
interseCtion and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regarding access issues that have been
previously approved.
Since this'application does not affect this Plan objective, Criterioril H, dO~S not apply.
I. Provide a connected street pattern that faciiitates internJI circulation, promotes walking, and
that minimizes conflicts on Franklin Boulevard; I
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests th~ change in the design of the
intersection and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regafding a connected street pattern that has
been previously approved, . 'II " , "
Since this application does not affect this Plan objective, Criterion.!. does not apply.
J. Facilitate a storm drainage system for the master plan th~t cleanses and treats the runoff prior
to discharging into the Wi/lamette River, and provides adequate drainage solutions as
determined through Master Plan review; and II .
Staff Response and Finding:
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests th~ change in the design of the
intersection and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regarding a storm drainage system that has
been previously approved. '
Since this application does not affect this Plan objective, Criterior!, J, does not apply.
K. protec't and enhance the Willa'",ette River's water qUaliiAand habitat for endangered speci~s
and other indigenous wildlife through environmentally sensitive development. .
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only req~ests th! change in the design of the
intersection and will not affect the Glenwood Riverfront Plan regafdi~g the Willamette River's water qualify
and habitat that has been previously approved, 11
Since this application does not affeci this Plan objective, Critedo~i K does not apply.
Conclusion: ii
This Type I Master Plan Modification application only requests' th~ change in the design of the
intersection and wilf not affeCt the Glenwood Riverfront Plan rega'fding the basic underlying assumptions
of the adopted Glenwood Riverfront Plan or the objectives approJed as part of the Glenwood Riverfront
P~n. 'i
Additionallnfoimation: The application, all documents, and evibence relied upon by the applicant, and
the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspectiort:and copies are available at a cost of
$0.75 for the first page and $0,50 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225
Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, I! '
'iI '
Questions: II
Please contact Gary M, Karp at 726.3777 if you have questions regarding this process,
~~~~r:: -;2 ~
Planner III
Master Plan Modification
Date Received'
Planner: GK
/0/ (J /0 &
LRP100B-OOO /2
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