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Permit Correction Notice 2008-12-10
J"'~'~'-, ...~,...i~:";"rl'>jt..,4'} .~~';1'"rilo.~~~".;":j,"~~i,J~'-~'j-l.",~) .--:;...2",".~~.~~;IJY;''1;:~1fll~~~'''~Jrt~~,.4.~~~j"...~...~~.~~._..,~.,~::'t,.~~J~~~~~~-.fp~~W~.J'~':j"'M"' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 0- 225 Fifth Street Date: I Z f I....!!...-/ 00 Job# C Y _ 175"'0 Address:. t ;2" . C- ~-+. TO: I/Of!c/J f5l1'cJ"'-IV1 InspectionType:j',V/J' ~/1'.f.../<- 11I[c--I/tJ.?~)- l1u.A. '>6>l<.w< b f/o....I'I"". 8",,../<.,,, ,;,,('J-//") ,:'" 1~.,rI lc:u<llA/'Y7 11/['2/0,8- &rc'j. ~~(<pl.,,~/c vV/J.-l, lv' t A,d e1$,";/~ ruJ<,d<vvu",/~/"(I,,) Wf;C-~5q : /Vl'if.....O fj''''~L,~ (!,'" I2Cv"'l"K 0>1 f!~.... 4- -(J",....v-( Nte lid, Z 7: F'".., I' Id,.",J'I'r".J,;vo ov\ '70 I, - Pc-< .....-1 NEe Ir/06: 11(') r<fd pie-Ie (71/1 ~V1.( v( 7/; +-lA t t'cr -<.p,!...c 1-( "171''') 101"/ n.-..6 ~vo'v' 1"'".1/ *' '()'$(OJ/1"".-I {;UY~'1-<' (/v/~d, A/[-( 1122.6.' f3,,"I<-'V' 10<1<. OlA..t ~v flgl w,J, v, Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within '50 cjllendar days. Call for reinspection ~es DNo Inspector (jVVl,v, /2" '" """,(J ~ L/1' Date: 12- /t) - t2'i? NNNNNNNNNNNN~Call for inspection 726-3769'NNNNNNNNNN~q~.estions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN , ".'