HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence LCOG 5/17/2005 (4)
From: DEFOREST Ashley [adeforest@Lane.COG.OR.US]
Sent: Tuesday, May 17,20059:36 AM
Subject: FW: wildishglenwd
Attachments: header.htm
Good mOrnlng everyonel
The attached email from Randy outlines what trasnpired yesterday regarding the Railroad Easement at the
Williams Bakery development site, I also received a voicemait message from Turf this morning confirming that a
formal vacation application would be necessary to abandon this easement. Hopefully this will not effect the
proposed development in terms of timing-there are no buildings being proposed within the casement. The only
impro~ements consist of a driveway and sidewalk extending out to Nugget VI ay. That being said, I :vill do my
best to get.the application processed as expeditiously as possible.
Colin-When do you think I could get this item on Council's 'Agenda; I know they goon recess sometime during
the sununer?
Ashley DeForest
Lane 'Council of Governments
(541) 682-3399 .
-m-Original Message-----
From: HLEDIK Randy (SMTP)
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 4:03 PM
Subject: FW: wildish glenwd
Ashley -
Re: Railroad Easement- Wildish Industrial Park
Here is verification from Cascade Title that there is no private easement attached to this dedication.
I spoke with both Tom Drechsler at the county surveyor's office and to Turf McTaggart aboutthis, and I
believe everyone is in agreement that the City of Springfield should process the vacation application we
have filed. '
As always, your help in expediting this action is most appreciated.
From: Boyd Steele [mailto:bsteele@cascadetitle.comj
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 2:06 PM
To: Randy Hledik
Page 2 af2
Subject: wild ish glenwd
May 16, 2005
Mr, Randall S. H1edik
Wildish Land Ca.
PO Bax 7428
Eugene, OR 97401-0428
Re: R.R Easement as shawn alang the westerly lines afLats I through 9 and the easterly lines
afLats 10 and II, Black 2, Wildish Industrial Tracts, as platted and recarded in Boak 56, Page
II, Lane Caunty, Oregan Plat Records,
Dear Mr. H1edik,
As we discussed by telephane last Friday, the easement was created by Wildish Industrial
Develapment Corporatian, the land aWner, by the dedicatian an the recarded plat, .;. 'we hereby
dedicate to the free use af the public forever the s!feets and easements as shawn hefean far said
purpases respectively,' The easement is shawn as RR EASEMENT an the plat and I do. nat
find a legend ar furtherexplanatian. Variaus widths are shawn for the easement.
As we discussed, I reviewed the title repart and Cascade's tract baaks and we find no. recarded
grant ofRR. EASEMNT ar RAIL ROAD EASEMENT aver the area in questianby separate
dacument. '
Since this is a dedicated public easement, to. eliminate the exceptian fram title reparts and
,policies, the easement will need to be vacated by the proper governmental autharity. The
property is within the baundaries af the City af Springfield and the City shauld have
jurisdictian to. do. that. '
Call me ifyau require additianal infarmatian,
Cascade Title Campany
Bayd Steele, Vice President