HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan, Tentative APPLICANT 10/4/2007 t 6898 MAINS I'Rcl: I' SPRINGfiELD, OKFCON 97478 BL :_D 'lG OW\J:~ G 350'\J & G 350 '\J I I 20 IVY STREET JUNCTION CllY, OREGON 97448 PHONE (54 I) 998-8544 fAX (54 I) 998-4GG7 CONTACT = Jock Gibson A~~C- : - ::c; T3G ARC-IITEL rs & PLA'\J'\J:RS/ NC J 32EA5T BROADWAY, SUITE 200 EUGENE, OREGON 9740 J r~HONE (54 I) G87 -I 0 J O. fAX (54 I) G87 -OG25 CONTACT = Matt Matthews EMAIL: mmatthews@tbg-arch.com CO'lS~_-- A'l-l-S SS&W \JC. - -: '\JG 'JE :~S CIVIL ENGINEERS 2350 OAKMONT WAY, SUITE 105 EUGENE, OREGON 9740 I PHONE (54 I) 485-8383 fAX (54 I) 485-8384 CONTACT: MIchael Cox EMAIL: emall@ssw-engmeer.com SC-f~~I:R + A550C AT:5, __C LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 375 WEST 4th STREET, SUITE 20 I EUGENE, OREGON 9740 I PHONE (54 I) G8G-4540 fAX (54 I) 345-4577 ~ -q ~ o r::: o o G: > 1= ~ o <( 9 c: ~ ~ :5 CD <C c: o ~ (5~ 0..... ..... ..... 1:;<<; o@ ~r- (30 o::~ g,. ~ r'I.~ 0;'0 EO co c: c: 0>0 .5 -0 ~ ~ ow A33~ -:V A --- 0 '1 S Aff AT BD CB CG COL CC~X~ CPT D5 ELEC ELEV EQ. EXIST or (E) fD fE fEC fHC fOC fOf fOM GB GYF HVAC MECH MV NIC OC OfCI Of 01 OPP SD STRUCT SV SIM SNR SOV SS TC TOP TOS TS TYF UON VB VFY VCT VPS WR . W/ ABOVE fiNISH fLOOR ACOUSTIC TILE BOARD CATCH BASIN CORNER GUARD COLUMN CONCRETE CARPET DOWN SPOUT ELECTRICAL ELEVATION EQUAL EXISTING fLOOR DRAIN fiRE EXTINGUISHER fiRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FIRE HOSE CABINET FACE Of COLUMN FACE Of FINISH fACE OF MASONRY GYFSUM BOARD GYPSUM HEATING, VENTILATION, AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICAL MIXING VALVE NOT IN CONTRACT ON CENTER OWNER fURNISHED/CONTRACTOR INSTALLED OWNER fURNISHED/OWNER INSTALLED OPPOSITE SOAP DESPENSER STRUCTURAL SHEET VINYL SIMILAR SANITARY NAPKIN RECEPTACLE SHUT-OFF VALVE STAINLESS STEEL TOP OF CURB TOP OF PAVING TOP OF SLAB TUBE STEEL TYPICAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED VIEW BOX VERIFY VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VENEER PLASTER SYSTEM WASTE RECEPTACLE WITH NOTE: THIS LIST IS INCOMPLETE, VERIFY ABBREVIATIONS WITH ARCHITECT SYM30..S ROOM IDENTIFICATION BUILDING 5TRUCTURE GRID ROOM NAME # (8 DETAIL REfERENCES DWG. NO. (X',. SHEET NO. ~. SECTION REFERENCES DvVG. NO. ~. . . SHEET NO~ REUTE! WINDOW MARK (SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE) DOOR MARK (SEE DOOR SCHEDULE) KEY NOTE WALL TYPE (SEE DETAILS) o ~ o CD V C'l :Y Mp\::> N.T.S. N 8 ) {AW'l G 'lJ :X TI TITLE SH EET A=~C- T-:LI URAL AI A2 A3 SITE PLAN fLOOR PLAN, ROOf PLAN ELEVATIONS CV CI C2 C3 C4 SITE SURVEY UTI LIlY PLAN GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN DETAILS LAN DSCA :>E LI PLANTING PLAN L2 PLANTING LIST L3 SPECifiCATION L4 SPECifiCATION L5 SPECIFICATION _:(jA _ D .:SC ~:>-- 0 \J MAP# I 7 TOWNSHIP 02 RANGE 35 SECTION 32 LOT 053 I 7 . C~e ~OD;'" ODo1 'Q <:ze ;; ~ b MteYVD ~ ./ 4 2007 ~ tW fJW \j7/I0~ ~ 0?5Jrfl . of' t2 ~~ TBEj ARCHITEL I S & PLANNERS liNe 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-1010 Fax (541) 687-D625 /' 2:l ..'" Q 0< CfJ-..J :0- < ~ ., - '--' .J..J .~ ~/ Z< ()~ V)o<j :L:)..c -I-J lJ~ PROJECT # DRAWN CHECKED DATE SHEET . ON ::: ~ O~<9 L" o -- - --- co '" ~ "'- en Z o lJ I-UJ UJ~ ~O. I- "- V"JO L-l UJ . :;:Li: ~v co~ en~ coo... \!:)tJ) - S ~-I= c-- 200710 MPM Jl 10/04/2007 1-1 @ COPYRIGHT 2007 by TBG Aicnitect & .P1anne~nc ;3A5 · 5 o~: ;):5 ~ G\J .l '. '\ b , in .!I~ .r~ b , ~ N , C\.l ~ <b 1 ~ .!I . . " ~ ~ 1 , N N \0 \0 . -.. "4 b , in ~ en , f-.. .!I, ~ o 1 (j) ~ o , <0 C\.l ., ..!Ilo. b , U> b 1 N ~ ~j b 1 f-.- b , f-.. ~ ... ~ ~ -0 ui ..... ro o r::: 8 N o W > i= o <( o o <( o o c: -(ij ~ ol:S ~ <C c: o ~ (!) OE r:::~ 8<::'! N ClO o@) a...... 0::8 a. N o - N~ ~8 co C:c: 0>0 .5~ ~~ Q Cf) AS5E550R'5 MAP: TAX lOT: CON5TRUCTION TYPE: OCCUPANCY GROUP: ZONING: BUilDING CODE: LAND U5E CODE: DE5CRlPTION: I 06'-0" +/- \ .' - \ 52'-6' I, 14'-13'2' I I '-fr..' ~ 34'-8' ~EXI5T 6'-0' FENCE, I'" \ . ~ ~~~7A~~~/:~~/; .~.~i~~~~~~.~.7/A/~~7/X~~A~/7~~~~:7:~~/~~~~~7./~~.:~7(~~7~~~:~/~~:~~7A~~'-?~~~~~.;~~/.'?-/~~~-~~~.~~/:/~r~/_X~./~..~..X'7.\~ f': ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ /(~u~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ - y ~ ~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -.! ~/ ~ yMN6f ER /0/ ~ /~ ~ ~ w / w w /'fN' ~ w w w /' ~ / w w w ~ w / wi w w w/ w w w w w w w / w w w w/ w w w w w w / .:' / / '. . " '" t t , , t I /" .,. . I. 'I ,'r /'l' 4,: '\, 'k 'I' /" 'k / 'if.', '0/ , '0/ '0/ '0/ .y' w / w w w h w / w ~ w w / '" w w w ft w w w / w w w w / w w w. w w w ~ l: ... . ... ,,'" ... ... 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I 8.050( I )(c) 18.050(2) 71-0" PLANTED SETBACK 05317 VEHICLE PARKING TABULATIONS TOTAL REQUIRED 5PACE5 @ I :300: TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED: NC PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE SEPERATOR IMPERVIOUS: BUILDING AREA (B5% ALLOWED, 12,751 SF): PARKING AREA (45% ALLOWED, 16,394 SF): CONCRETE WALK\VAY AREA: 7,500 SF (21 %) I 6,39 I SF (45%) 4,099 SF 2. REFERENCE CIVIL PLANS, FOR ALL PROPERTY LINE, GRADING AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS. If 3. REFERENCE SHttl A-2 fOR flOOR PLAN AND A-3 fOR K ELEVATIONS. \J.;<:S .~ v(\ fJ 4. EXISTING OUTDOOR LIGHTING SHALL REMAIN AS IS UON. 7'-0" SETBACK ABUTTING RESIDENTIAL 255PACE5 25 SPACE5 TYPE VB 18.070 M AND/OR B BICYCLE PARKING TABULATIONS TOTAL REQUIRED 5PACE5 @ 1:3,000: 5HORT-TERM PROVIDED (75%): lONG-TERM PROVIDED (25%): ON-5ITE L1Gt1TING SCREENING STANDARDS 3 I . I 60( I )(a)(d) 3 I . I GO(2)(c) 3 I . I 60(2)(c)(3) 3 5PACES 4 5P ACE5 I 5PACE (LOCATED IN EACH TENANT SPACE) NC - NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL PERVIOUS: LANDSCAPE AREA (20% MIN, 7,286 Sf) 8,441 Sf (23%) 2007 0.5.5.C. (200G l.B.C. W/ OREGON AMENDMENT5) 5PRlNGflElD DEVELOPMENT CODE ADOPTED: MAY 1986, LATE5T REVI510N fEBRUARY G, 2006 5. REFERENCE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR EXISTING AND PROPOSED LANDSCAPING DETAILS. TOTAL SITE AREA: 36,43 I SF ( I 00%) OFF 5TREET LOADING 5T ANDARDS 31.200 (E) SINGLE STORY RETAIL BUilDING ON A RELATIVELY fLAT lOT. PROJECT 5COPE TO REMODEL THE EXI5TING BUILDING fACADE, CON5TRUCT RETAIL ADDITION5 Of 4,GOO 5f, AND AS50CIATED 51TE WORK. COMPACT -::> QZ o \- <..) lLI --1 --1 o <..) ......... \- LU LU ~ \- (j) I: \- OJ '-D NEW REI AIL ADDITIONS NEW LANDSCAPING CONCRETE WALKWAYS (E) PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (E) RESERVED EASEMENT RIGHTS (E) PROPERTY LINE (E) BUILDING OUTLINE CURBS CONC BUMBERS (E) LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN VEHICLE ENCROACHMENT NEW STRIPING STRIPING NEW PARKING LOT MARKINGS TBG ARCHITEL I 5 & PLANNERS liNe 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-1010 Fax (541) 687-0625 /,' a -- - - .... ::) /:) 0<( t/').....J CO< lJ:U ~ ~/ - 7,~ o t/')~ CO..c .I-J lJ~ co l'.. ~- l'.. Q") Z o r-S:3 L.U ~ ~ ~O t;; 0' zuj <i:i: ~v co~ C)')~ co 0... \...0 CJ) . 5 ~~_A'l PROJECT # DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200710 MPM JL 10/04/2007 SHEET A-1 @COPYRIGHT 2007 by TBG Architect & Planner:/lnc oDS TBG 1'-8" I 1'-8" 21-8") (31-4" lit 4~~ ..t. ';'ct .. r 7'-8" 31-4" '21-0" _.' ..'..t 81-0" 12'-0" 10'-2" , .. . . 4t. ARCHITEL IS & PLANNERS / If\JC ~ I DS I . 0 ~ . L___L ~5 1\ ' [~ () ~- DS Q 132 East Broadvvay Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-1010 Fax (541) 687-0625 . ~ = .--...... ~~ STORA~E '\ I ~ 0 I - ~ ~ ~ "15' D: 0 I 0 "'If . . . ~ I o ~~ o DS {) '"' o' I i\b15' f. _ 11 o I in I' I . b I <<J u -0 - CJ 2'-8" -t , t. I ~-.-- RETAil TENANT EXISTING JARI1\.i1ART RETAil TENANT b!15' I i\b" ~ I C0 ~. ~- ~-;l - ~ - I ~ I c0 .1--, - ~" I I I I ~ I I I I ,- I I I I ~ I - ~III,I, o , Nt. I I L -0 G -"11 .tl ~ 4JI · -f- ~ , ....-, w- u -, U I I -~ . A I II I n ._4rl I i ~. . - r ~ ~ I _I__^ _I___~_ L __ _ _ __ I t . DAD GAD ._~J ~ , C0 ~ . r A-- I I --10" /'-0"--1'-0" 1 O"~ ( 6'-6" ') ( 61-6" ) .~ ~~~ ~~ I /'-2" - --/0" 61-6" ') ( I(-lI '-1f I /'-0"- -11-0" I O"~ 31-4" ') ( 61-6" l ~' .Y~' ",.." I "-0"- ') 3'-0" 3'-4" 21-8" -," .' ",. ." .' 21'-0" 10"- 61-0" ) .t.,( /8" 2'-8" ( 31-8" .' .'-,( 2'-8" .. , '" . 6'-0" 3'-8" 3'-4" .' .r 21'-8" 6'-0" 2'-8" 3'-4" .# ",- r 61-0" y, o . 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" 000 ~~ 08 O::N a. _ ~~ ~8 co C:c: g>o '3:"i e ~ oen o A'" PROJECT # DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200710 MP1Y1 Jl 10/04/2007 o (0 @ @ ~ 2~00::> _A " ~ ~ G.J 1/8"=1'-0" CD () o @ @ () o 'A-2. SH EET @COPYRIGHT 2007 by TBG Architect & Plan~lnc METAL RO .~ I CANOFYy. . -___ "Ll-,I,.W !..J, U-I-~..l-J..~ l,J~'HI-I.JJll '~ Y. +- UGHTfIXTURE- ~;[t // / / / / (/ ,-- : / / / "X /~ 5MOOTH fACED CMU- ->. : / / / ?< TRAN51TION BAND- -)0 / /1)( g// 5PLlT FACEDCMU- .~ /:: / "v#'.. ~J ALUM. STOREFRONT If~/ ENTRANCE DOORS I IL- , _~ l __ L_:' // / '7 f / f:-l/// // (/ // ~/-_.) , y~ If/'~X> /~ ! 7~ 1/''><> ~f; ! . --)f/ X; ~/; :; / X # ~jj I: 1,~5MOOTH f~~ED C~U - - .. - · ~5PUT fACED CMU @ CD TRASH RECEPTACLE 5CREENING AND COVER ~. CD CD @ 0) ,~ -1 // //./// /--= l ' j/ Z"x: '7 . 'I~IG~>I '\ ~ I . / X,/ ~ / ~ ~~5PLIT fACED CMU J I~ ,," " . ." f .... "" I " L..-------==.~-----____T""--====-=_.==--=====~i'-. I I I I I -, I -/ '.J I,J 1.,1-.1 .UIH-!' IJJ-l-Il. I I I 1- - I II -- 1 =~ ~ ///.=~7f /~ . /7///r-;==/ //~ /. ij. . =~~~~~.==# ~"" ~ -/~/ -;/==;Y / ;/;/ d/. /'i.::Y? . I /// . 'i. / /, - / /;: /J:':/\~:~::~ /f /::/ )j01 ~ ~L- .: ~. .. (.EXI5T 5MOOTH fACED I v -- --. ..L 1 CMU (COLUMN5) , -SPLIT fACED CMU 10/ I / - I : ~ : ELEC METER J o o @ o o @ 1 SO J-- --:- :VA - 0 '1 Q 1/3'=1'.{)" ~ I.-- j 11/11/1111111111111 // // / - /// / I / /~~_ " / ~~~%~,., ~5PLlT fACED CMU TENANT OFTION ALUM STOREFRONT OR o 5MOOTH fACED CMU 0 2 w:s~~: _:VA --- 0 '1 Q 1/3"=1'-0" /1 ~l . I I I I /: I I J @] n r >- W ....I W ~ l:5 ~ > 1= ~ o ~ c: '(ij ::E ~ ~ <C c: o V) ..c C9E om .....<.0 r-'? o co ~@) ::::;r- 08 g:N ~~ 0;'0 ~o c:c: 0> 0 .5 "i ~~ ow , - -" " , I / / I( .'=i ~ Q @ o Il o @ .~ I I , I I ,/ / ~ I" . I 1//1111/11111/11 t CANOfY-~'~~/r--=- :_ _ _ _ I F--/ /// //=:[: -//> //#/ ""[ ~~~~TOREfRONT- ,:~~~~~ i~: ~/ ~ [ y;; f L / dJ // #j TENANT OPTION ALUM ~ STOREFRONT OR SMOOTH fACED CMU I I / / / / ." '" '" " o o CD 3 :AS-: '- :V A --- 0'1 Q 1/3"=1'.{)" PREFINlISHED SHT MTL CONDUCTOR HEAD If DS LIGHT fIXTURE~ ~ ~ \ 1 j ~ I I i o ........... ~ 1 I I I 1 l1 ! n- ',- I , .: ' -" : I " "I " >: > / . / / / 1 I 'FI _ _, L -" ! - - I - _I '\ , - - I =-= / 1 =d,/ -;r ~5PLlT fACED CMU o G) @ CD 4' 0 ~----:_ CV A- - 0 '1 @ 1/3"=1'-0' --. ~ @ '~ Q l- I TBC~ ARCHITEL 1:S & PLANNERS / II\JC _ " "5' ijJ I N~ ~ 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-1010 Fax (541) 687-0625 t C<> .~ o I " 0 (\j o I Z.o ~ d) I N. ... '. , '.l /1 o - ~ CD ~ I ,-./ , '1 ~ - ':) L:) 0<( tJ').......J :L:)- <( O:u ~ c?S/ Z< O~ tJ')~ :L:)..c .i-J O~ co I'--. """" I'--. 0"'> Z o H-8 u.J0:::: u.JQ 0:::: . I- '- U') O. zuj =<u: ~lJ CO~ en 0:::: COCl.. \..0 tJ) . :X--- ~: .~ . 0 ~ ::VA~ 0 '" 1(''' - - - . ~ ,,) PROJECT # DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200710 MPM JL 1 0/04/2007 SHEET A ~.- -~) @COPYRIGHT 2007 by TBG Architect & Planner:/lnc . + 397.76 + 397.76.T aw OWA:' -6fH @ @ @ ~ 08 .. -EL oG III -o-pp ~ c III DEV Dee ou O/CV . OHIt'. OHK' .x X :~5(J ST ST 'NIl ww . GAS GAS W VI E E V\, ROW ODor '. ...:- .". '. ".. ~., ,. . . . .. .... ." a . ~ . " ' . ;.is. .' , ' .. . 4, ~~......,.:'...'.,...........'.......... . '. ~ ' . '. . I:) .' 0 . th;>.. LEGEND FOUND B(NCHMARK AS NOTED HERON ([XISTING SPOT [LEVA TION [XI$TING TOP OF CURIB OR WALK [LEVA TION EXISTING WATER VALVE EXISTING WATER METER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WASTEWATER MANHOLE . EXISTING STORMWATER MANHOLE [}fISTING ClEANOUT EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING BOLlARD EXISTING TRAf ...,C SIGNAL sox EXISTING SIGN EXISTING GAS VAL Vff. EXISTING TELEPHONE RISER [XISTING POWER POLE EXISTING $ITE LIGHT [)(ISTING f'oWE;ft POLE ANCHOR EXISTING ELECTRIC METER E)(ISTING EL~~TRIC VAULT EXISTING ~lECTRIC CONTROL BOX [XI~TING. TRANt?fORMeJ~ ~XISTING IRRIGATION CONTRQL VALVE EXISTING OV[RHtAD POWER LINE EXISTING FENCE LINE EXISTING CURBING EXISTING CONTOUR LINE EXISTING STORMWA TER PIPE ($lliI AS NOT~O) EXISTING WASTEWATER PIPE (SIZE Aft. NOTED) EXISTINQ NATURAL GAS LINE (SIZE: AS NOTJ::D) EXISTING WATER L1~E (SIZE AS NOTED) EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE DENOTES LINE NOT DRAWN TO SCALE DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY DENOTES ORIlGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXISTING CONCRETE EXISTING GRAVEL EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE. SIZE AS NOTED bJOTE: THI$ 00[$ NOT CONSTITUTE A iOUNOAAY $URVEY AN0 II $UBJ[CT TO ANY INACCURACIES THAT A SUSSIQU[NT BOUNDARY suRVEY MAY DI$CLO$E. UTILl'fY ~OTi:: UTILITY LOCATIONS SHaWN W€f'EON A~~ IAIIiO ON A COMllNAflON QF FliLO $URVty or OQIE;lIVAILI EYlaINce:. UTILrtv CaMPAI!-JY l.OCATI0N' MAPS, AWe) OlJ) ~()N$TRUCTION DRAWIN6S AND ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD VERIFICATION. [~lYATIf)N . bJ.QIi: ffLEVAIION$ SHeWN H~R~~N ARE SA~ED ClN CITY OF 5PA1NGrl~lD DATUM. BENOHMARK USia WAS CITY me:NCHMARK NO. 13. A 3~1/2'" BRAIS CAP U$C&:Oi 110' WIlT OF '9TH STmlfT. 2t.l' Nq~TH Qf OURI AT THE NOKltlW[$T GeANm OF THE INTIRSECTION OF 69TH STREET AND MAIN STREET, STAMPED "WJi2 1943" ELEVATION :;:;: 527.93 "()UNQ^~Y QV~Yi ~~J~ TAikl; NI., RUlulnttrALlNITff ef'lOBP :~" .::.:. ~ . ". ":.,./ .,.. . <",. \ +.' . . ,""1 ), " .'. " ,_ . C1 33.13' 51.,6;32" 30.19' $ 64'50'437 Wi 29.18' N~, L1 L2 L.'N~ TABLi ... .. _ .DI:'AI~lti'~ nlStll Ji.sa N a~~}i ;..;. w ~ 1.~j;~~ SOUTH ~.82' i ~ ~ ~ L " 1 t-- i ,. ~ /..<<:: t--~ . 0 ;!() ..... ~Q CD... 8J q;) .~ fI~ ~~ g ~g I.L. .."0 f)G I coo OlS .S '0 ~iD e~ scii 12- ST. \, 7. ~.. ~'~.J.~1.8T9t!MWAT'R VAULT \ nlM . 5i4.~ . - frf . \ . FL::;516.58 ST V s\. 3 . ~li; \ -;. \j 0 ~ ~ -1 A S - -., 3= . lQ GAS 1- GAS-:,.- GAS GAS -11 I ;J 3t;; d ~t;; \ ~ O~ ~~ \, ~\\.. ~ I ~ SEE NOTE 2 I ~ !~ 5.00~---t 10~ \ \ ~ \ \ \ ~~ i t;; - \ \.. L ~ w w ct: F CJ) ::x:: I F (J) U) u... o J: \ s;~ NOTE .3 \ 40.00' \ ~ ~ \ \~ t;; ~~ \ Ii b; ~ ~'\ sf.i. ",0 . ~ J:~ ~ TAX LOT 5309 LOT 20 30.00' OLD ROW w z ~I w ...... ::z w o o ....J Ii 0 ~ I .. I EXISTING... NASTEW~T~ANJ;OLE - RIM=527,OO FL 10" S.W.=514.36 FL 10" E.=514.35 TAX LOT 5308 LOT 21 TAX LOT 5307 LOT 22 J: ~ ~ W :2 w ~ i i . co p:ISTING WASTEWATER M~HO,L~ . RIM=526.49 FL 10" S.W.=513.99 J:3 FL 10" N.E.=513.98 ww b o o .... WW ~ f<.J'" ~'V, ..p iXtSTIt-lG$TQfi~V(~TE~ ~4TC.H . ~ASW GRATE=525.41 FL 4" IN 5.=524.73 FL a" OUT $.E.=523.79 ~+ n~ ~'f; ~ ~' ~ ~ b; ~ ~' ,'fJ'V ~'" ~. ~'V \. . co.a J: . SEE NOTE J ~ > POSSIBLE LOCATION OF ID<15TING SANITARY SEWER LINE. (VERIFY) /...~- / ,~+ / ~~. / d ~ /,1 / / .'\.. ........ " :,-,:: . ~ ~ 3= \ 'A \ 'A LOT 10 [I ... \ <t ~ :-~ ~f;) "' roo fj)"f. ~~-: #' ~ ~<v ~~.. ~..b~ ~ ..;' ....,. J,.,.,. Y' J,., '.. " ~.' .' -. .'. ". ,- '.' ,. .~, 4~ ~~t ~:<~.: j ~~-~:: ::"~;~ <"; :\(i:~;,: ~:;.': t#~ ~. ~ ~~ i)?~ ~-? ~~... / ~.- J: ~~. ., . . ~.. .- "\- ,?'V ~'V .~'V~' . hOP RA~P _F '? ~. .,--- ---- ,i--;;;~~'=::; ~--- ----. .---- .~OB. ~ ~ // ---- \.2.- ~. ~J;r~ij~WAJEll 4 y / I!\ GRA~525.68 FL 8: It~rlf.W:'.~~.33 FL 8 OUT S.E.:::~3.28 \ \ // ......./.. ,.?.J// t; ~ "/ '" ~~. I .1J ~~-}- 1_.....~~ / Wb i....._.. EXISTING EBUILDING TAX LOT 5317 (j, 'U >' i 3= I . fD (I)' ~ '- Jr---.. \S~;>. I ...."., o " ;..: : ~ &>. ~ > Cll.... ft:>. I ",,'f; .__ -P' /-.'..-- ,I / i i / ~ ____.-.. ~9 97>9---"- -- *'V . "fi> 'r\~ ~ (0"'" ~ :: ':", '?o/ . .1J ~ ..... TAX LOT 5316 LOT 9 . ...~ " I '11 ~ .fr..~ I .,'" 4" /,/' SEf! NOTE 2 I / J:: J . I co ~ .1J .~ ~~ j'-~-- /#~. . " . '. . >.-i ~ . .N ~6' ~ 'To$ .'-\. ~~;~- 'J-,s> "0' 3= ./ ,'" ro' ~q; + . ." . (\'t>. ~'" :. 't1 6.'66> ; I 6.... ~Z Q----~4. <A ~, // ~(:; \ i .....-.--\.--/ \~ <ll ..,.::. ~' 4- i)' #'V # n~ ~~ I ~Cll Ao. ~'" -f x- ^ ~ A'?'" !\' . !\" .,? I'? . ASPHALT ~~ J. '? ~. , ... ~ . ,,:>'V 'i;>'9~J?'J. ,,:>"'.~'t I. '\~ ~. ~'V '0'" ~. ,,:>'V -r 'b Q d tt) C) % ~ Q.: ~ ~ - ..- GAS--- GAS- ~ J: rt. rl ~ I vi C < \ Z G -( WAY \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SEE Nv n:. 1 t-- W W (Y t-- (f) 24.0' PAVING - ~ '"\ l t-- en CD ~ ~a .1. ~ THURSTOua Vi I ""'" . /' m (I it> tJ) ii., fi t() . . .....JLJT ~~,-~.. , SITE:! . ( . ~~y'11,r lh J \0". t) €Ii MI. vmOON ". o NORTH VICINllY MAP - NOT TO SCALE ~~ ~ \ 0 ~-- if " REGlstERE1)' PAOF!S$IONAL lAND SU~V~OR ~'".)...'....',./.'.'.'..~";.'..:.,.''''. . . . " ,',' ... ,'. ' . - ." . . " '. .'. F" . ~':, .': -'. " ,< SCALE 1" = 20 FT OREGON ~UhY 11, aOQQ MIQHAEL R. 9AHREN$ ~, ,'" ~()P~~. q', " RENEWAL: 12-31-2001 '~~ .... ,w~~,'iJ,Il<ll~~~,~~'~u~~~l ".--1 , 'r o 10 20 40 \ \ NOTE~: 'i. RIGHT OF WAY [)[EDi:P TO ODOT ~y WARRANTY DEED RECORDED NOVEMfBER 5, 1997, R~eEPTJON NO. 9775735, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS. 2. AREA DEIC~t~~D IN CITY Qf" SPRINtlFliLD VACATION O~f)INANOE Nc)~ 6057, RECORDEO OCTOBER 26, 200J. RECEPTION NO. 2003-10543$, LANK OOUNTY DEl.aS AND R[CORD~. THE: VAQATION ORDER RE$(fiVES EASEMENT RIGHtS OViR THE VAOATrD AREA ,Q. ANY UTILITIES THAT EXIST WITHIN THe: VACATED ARKA. 3. 40.0e' WIDE STRIP OF LAND DUDEO TO ODOr JANUARY 20, 1931. flJaED eOOK 1$1 , PA~( 591. LANE COUNTY OEIO RteoRDS. THIS lAME STRIP Of LAND WAS RfLlMQUISHED FR6M oIDor TQ THE CITY OF SPRiNGflELD BY DQf;UUfENT AlOQR0fD OCTOBER JO, 1968, RfciPtlON NO. 43$12. THIS RiLlNQUfiHMENT OF TrrUr DOOUMENT R[L1NQUISHE5 THE 40.00 STRIP "ONLY A8 LONG AS USED FOR PUBLIC PURPoses". WHeN TH.( CITY VACATEt:> THE ARP INaLut)~D IN Tt-US Sf_IP, THE FEE TITLE: TO THE STRIP REvERTS BACK TO ODOT OWNERSHIP. ~ Cf.- . TB(~ ARCHITECTS & PLAWW:tllS / I~JC 132 East BfQaa'A'ay Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-1010 Fax (541) 687..Qt.LJ5 CON~UlTANT 2310 Oakmant W~y Suite 1 as Eugene. Oregen 97'4:01 TlEL: (fi41) 488".83B3 FAX: (541) 48~-8$84 JOB ## 07".8617 .....'.~......,..,. '",',... o .... ....... ~ z....,"......~.. b~ fJ) :cJ. .. . . ,. ...J.. ..."......... -r' .' . '.', ......... .......... -< ( -,.- '-' -.JJ ~~ lho(j CC...c: ,"u ... II G$ QO ~ V ~ C7\ Z o d t-LY LtJ~ ~O f--- .... V}O Z~. ...:..J ,. LU ~~ ~u- ~O ~. ~Z ~~ ~~ ~Q.. ~(fj ;:X:S~~ ~G CO\JJ.~ ()~~S PROJECT IF DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200710 NftG MID 10/04/2007 SHEET C1 . + 397.76 + 397.76T ow Owu -&ffl @ @ @ ~ 08 - JD... 0(; m -o-PP ):"{ C fEJ DEV OEC Off D/cv . OHW OHM" .x X .:5C sr Sf WW WW . GAS GAS W W E E ROW Door " ..... - ? .. ~.. ... Ow".... " . ~ . .. ..... ..., ;!1 . lit . " . . ;A..' . . -i . ... IIDI III . ..., .. .. .,.W · ".: .:....,." .....'t :.. ,,". ~. ..... .. ..".: . ; "':"..~ . . . . -e .. . . .-. . . .. .. .. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..e . . . . . . . . . . .........,....'!\ r ; i I I I I ..... i .. L a :I 7' "J.... 'r'" _. (d~ 2'a 0:e- II B~ e .. J. u.. ..'U GO e g.. ....c: ti\PG .11 Jj I ~STING WA~Ih.WATER MA~HOLE ~ . . . . RIM:;:52G.49 9 ~ FL 10: S.W.==:13.99 ~ 6 FL 10 N.E:.==u13.98 ..#~. ' S 89'41'09.tE'.~,~g1.2'.:k'~' , . - , '.,. ~ _ ., .ww-,.' ~. ,.'I.WW,(_,,-:;.:"--_)~ ~ liT ::~~~wtI~~~:~ ~:;'WN~,:$ ~~ ~-\ r\= ~ ~ " .:r--'" "-. '(fl:!_ - ~ . "I .~~,... ,. ._.~,.. ..-. "T" "'~,.',... .""~.,.... ._~ ......~...,. ..".....'.......... ~....2t ". J ~ ... .. 111-..... __- ___ ......_.....__--.. _.r.-o:o____..........._______~_--...~ _ _ ., \.- .:v.: ~'" · " '~., - - .~ . --- ----- ---------------......-......-. -- IlII "2s--....... ../.::'.. "to ...;:. .\;"1. .:~.::....~.: ...~ ~ / ~ t qJp . .....~.....; ',~.:. ...'{::iti.ll.... B 2 ~ ~ wI' ~. ... · ~_:.. ~ ..' .";.:.. "It' ..... ~., 4;.:. ~.~/"tU-..p: /f) ~ \ ~ ...... .... ,'4l ... ..,... .....:\.f~... .' :r:.... ~-~ ~ 4-. .... '- t. ". .... o.... .'" t:.... ....- ). ,." ~ .. .. . I "'-..: ~ . (,;)"":1 . . .:....~~...:...:!:-: .,... ....~.lo...\ '. :.'. " . . ~.:.~ _1_. _ ~. ~. ~~~~..:.."'.....;.:... ............. ....r ,", .: -....:r,A' ...,.,..... "~;..'''' ~.....~'V ~ 1o(p'" I ~" .';;i. ,~W.,L_-:..i~, ~.., t ,r . .' ,t: . "':;:;i,f'i' II .' ~,-./~~ r ...~:~~:;\' :.i~i; ~ J ; \ I ~ II .'::. ~~. r . ...~;"".",~-; ~ n,. 6 t~ 1 2 7 II P> ~ "K:' .' - : ~ '-J' tI,. , ,:... ',. .' 6ft ~? tJ'? ~ . ~ UI ^'r)~ '" ~ II ~ ~~ ~'P~'.' '. ., .~~~ '\il.i'1.'Ar'f.I/!I.rfr;';~":':~:-~~I!1 ::~:,'1'1l~ ,;:,,':",~ N ~. 1 ~ - ,f" ~ISTl~TQR~WmB~:A ~ Q,j . . , . ("'-' _.,~... " .d . ,..,!;,',.;:_...~. 11 ' , 4~';~'~-:~: C~TC. 1-1. B.. ASJN ~l / ~. / '- ~~. "':~'G \.). / .. * ~'4J. / GRATE=525.47 ') / ~ :~.; . I .\ ~ ~ __.. fL 4" IN 5.=524.73 I ~':'~ \ 0- :~: ~'S / \"; ~ / F1, 8" OUT S.E.=52J.79 I'" <Jl. PL. 4.. 11:::'2.4.05 NEW > i ,~ 'S ~ ,/::. / .., POSSIBLE LOCATION / \ FL 1!/'~!523.t;b BUILDINeit:rot 1\ S ''-'''\ :::.11 OF EXISTING SANITARY ,/ t::v/c:rIN'1Z.' IZZ2"ILDllI.L2.,,: .. i~':\:" I 1 t ~ g \\ . tii :.:.:". . '" ;0--- '." SEWER LINE. (VERIFY) I ~ LA ::J I i I.':i.7 I..AI .. 1'1\'0' t.;. ; \ '" ~ + .. !, u-?,); . ~ I '~1 / ce> '.....,. tJ").'\ .::.. G "-,_ NEH E3UILDINf5 \ .r;. / ~o/. ,.., ~'V .::.. ... . [ '. ~ '0 .:<~ I, t "." ::.. "'..J \'~''> .... I ~ <P III ~.' ~"j. '. 1 ~ - t "So.? . ...... . '. ~ ~ct''9 ~.... ~~~~'. ~. ~~ ~v i.;,., _. I \ ~ ' :>-...,<.:.: ' . . . of ". :';'~"~""';~...~./~Y.""i~:;:'~:;"~' ....~Y1::.;;...::.:."':".>'\....:.:.~:/:[^J .~;<:: ~:'~.:~>:.:";';;.:~~::~:.:.~"~'~ "'.';' ""', l~:r.' 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': . ..' ~ .:". 527,81T 15.()O' Py,UQ ~IT~~Y/.'Ir.O... R,M. S~~~ WEMiNT fL S" E.=5.16.26 I ~. ..~ X . ...-7t.' '-527___ ~+cff' ~ 7'- \ \.~ ~~ ~~. . 'w riI L2. ",,;fit tl." ", "':. .... .'~" , 1 REEL 4Q6R,. Rfe~PTlON NO! ~745Q, 6. ..CaN. ~CTOR...."'..TO C, .~...; ~.;,'.,,/NA/~ " FL 12" W =516 OS " .' 1.:1------ -!&,~\- . 21.58 14 ~/ \ (;'~,3 ~. . ib~' E t...ff"'" , lANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS . .... .. ....... .... . .'.... .. ' '"oJ' . .,"';" ~-I' ~<f> ~-_.... ,,I" "~.p ~~. .........,... ,~ ~. .:>.- ~. ~/:fJP i!., ~ '" vi;'; ':os ), TRAfFIC SIGNAL POLE ' c~ rICIN OF NeIt'J WA .,~~ ANO 1ft1J!C /'HIC.... ~~., .~<.J"., -.-:, ~~ ,-.t .~- ..J~q,.. ;... .~" ..r.. . r.' ..' . '''-. ~ '~. ." ",'. '.. ,~. . '. ~;.,..,... ~'l>. j? ::. ." :. . :. .. PJ'" -::-, I . ~ '.' ~'" :(/'.:ta::'~' ;:- 27.m - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Llulm€.. 'A-IITH T'Um tr31~ln: 'AIA.,. :;1Eii AlIn -l' r;:~""I"'I!)//" WAlLlI~ . -=- ~'" . :.'., :":A.,: '. -: .. '. ". . .... : ~':" ..... . ".~' : ~.,': .: ~ .:' .'. . '..' : ,,,: " ". ':0 ~(\5fl..~ " . ,~;.:, :: ":".: .' '..: ' .... .' ~4."., '; .... . -,' . ::...:- ,. ~ .:'. . .' .... " .:. ',' .' 't\~ .'.. .:. ", . .:-.~....,~ . ~' ~----:----:...... . .~.' ;".: '. .'.' ...... 'I',' :'/ : ''''. .. ~ . . . '. 1'(f4.;:J.1'1 I n I n... ~ ~~~I~ Y1M. I .1:" ru"f.J.../ L;l ~u I ,...... V '.. ' ~':;. :,. ': ::.:: :: ,:, :,ti~. ~'; '-;~4t ',,: - ;.- :. '"#f. '>: <"-' ':: :"':: <..., ,. ~<:' <' : ,'J< - ':: '.::.' .; ::.":.; . ': ,;.: ':-. ,'.' '.':Q~". ::<', , ,- '!<~ :." .:.'#-:: . &t':'I'Ii' ': :' ,-~:~,;--,~<,,,,-,,:.-"'" '.' ,~., , BOAfiH) frE.w i:f!JJ AS N1J!C~~y, -8- \V,sf .~1"~ ~ ~". ~. ~.~ ..: st:-;-""7r,;;..:;' : $T w" $f I\~ ." . '.~~"w~ V' .'W ~:. .,' ..'t="<:...-- . IW ~ w.~. o>lw ~ ~Iw'...~'.." ,8' W, W . W.".' w ~<V. .~. ow. W~; ~ORI.l;AJ~ M~Hf)~' ~ W ' W, ". \" w . ... I . (%) ~? " RIM==S27.2.7 8 I ti:lIISllNG $TQ~MWAw< ~TPt1 QASII:l ,,'" ~ PL Q" N.=220.60 ,,' FL 66"=517.17 I 4' GMJ GAS- ~ a.; GAATE=S26.66 h FL IJI" Y-/.=220,52 (VEF<lfY) Q FL OUT=524.76 ~ ~ FL BELOW=517.34(VERIFY) LEGEND FOUND BENCHMARK Ai NOTED HERON EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING TOP Of CURB OR WALK ELE.VATION EXISTING WATER .VAL.VE EXIITING WATER METER [XI$TING FIRE HYOAANT [XIITING WASTEWATER MANHOLE EXISTING ST0fUAWA TER MANHOLE EXISTING ClEANOUT EXliTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING BOLlARD EXISTING TRAFfiC SIGNAL SOX EXISTING SIGN EXISTING GAS VALVE EXISTING TELEPHONE RISER EXISTING POWER POLE EXISTING SITE LIGHT EXISTING POWER POLE ANCHOR EXISTING ELECTRIC METER EXISTING ELECTRIC VAULT (EXISTING ELECTRIC CONTROL BOX EXISTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE EXISTING FENCE LINE EXISTING CURBING EXISTING CONTOUR LINE EXI$TING $TOFUAWATfER PIPE (SIZE AS NOTED) EXISTING WASTEWATER PIPE (SIZE. AS NOTED) EXISTING NATURAL GAS LINE (SIZE AS NOTED) EXISTING WATER ~INE (SIZE A$ NOTED) EXISTING UNDER6ROUN.O ELECTRIC LINE DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY DENOTES OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXISTING OONCRETE :ro . n 1- GAS- GAS- GAS - GAS-, I .~ ~t; ~t; ~ \ \ \ \ \ t; \ ~~ -.- \ \ Ii \ \ 40.00. \ \ ~ ~ \ \~ Vi ~~ :t:~ I II ~, !~ 5.00' ----i 1:oi ~ L:i Ml lii F' 0) <0 ..... o :t:~ NErJ SANITAFlY SEHltFi CA TCH BA~/N ti7fi<A I e=!21J .60 FL 4" IN H.:;::S2S.3Cf 30.QO' OLD ROW - :.. FL 1>"=525.75 (VE~/FY) r w z iil w r- z w o ~ ~ I ~ :s w ~ I (.) i Q.. ;= . co RELOCATED STORMYVAlet< CA TCH BA$IN €iRA I Jt;S:25.€10 FL 4" IN S.=524.&6 FL 8" OUT 5.E.=523.q2 9 ~ 0 ~ 1 I e:XISTIN<L NASTEWATE~ K4ANHOL~- . . . RIM:;;:527.ao FL 10" S.W.==514.36 FL 10" E.=514.35 \~ t; \~ I EXI5TING GRAVEL PROPOS EO CATCH IA51N REl.OCATeD ELECTRICAL M~ER PRQP05iD CURBING PROPO~~() $TORMWl:\TE:tif PIPE (SllE AS NOTED) PR0f'PO$IlD WASTEWATER PIPE ($IIE AS NOTED) PROPOSED WATER LINE ($IZE AS NOTED) b ~o 10. ! ~~ 11'1~ , WW ~h ~co 'Y t},fo ' .. -x=~x . \ --ww PROPOSED CONCRETE ~ t; PROPOSED ASPHALT E)(ISTINS SAN! (AAY ~EW~R SfuBS;.J:~R CITY OF ',:rJRINGFIE:LD 'E Iioi. "~ .X: ",I.AI ~ ~y 'i>" ..... ". ~. fJ"V ~"V S 89~1,'53. E: 4O.0p' NEW 5 TOF2.MkVA TEl<. CA TeH BASIN di7PlA m=!;24./JJS FL 0" OUT E.=52B,45 .: '..' 24.0. PAVING - SOUTH , 41.33' ti . n,.'w :J: I ~ . -t I -I -1 ~ I vi c .< ,\J Z -f G -f WAY ;.. UTILITY FlAN ,.. SCALE: I" == 20'-0" ~ 1 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ 8 ~ ~. 9 ~ /'..... 10 ~. ~ 1 1 "-./' ~ 12 ~ ~ 13 .~ ~ 14 "-./' C. 0 \ S, ~~UC- O\j . . . '40- =..5: ~LOGA lit:: fXISTJNcfJ fLfcmlCAL ~fl:1il:1 SEE c;ONSrnUCTION NOTE 2. .FOR LOCATION. P~OPOflt:v LOGATION FOR. I:LfC/~/(;AL MeleFt.. ME I ef< TO S~W E)(IST/~ WILf?INdi ANt) NEH ADDITIONS. VERIFY PQWEPl. ~liU/~MENT5. CONNeCT NEN 4"~ $ANITARY ~H61< FR01'4lfJ1JILOINW) TO EXISTINe SANITAfity ~ErJef{( !jl~Ulj. 4"~ S=Q.020iJJ MIN. CONNECT NfrJ 4"4J SANITAII.Y '~R F~OM WILOIN6 TO EXISTIN6 $ANITAPl.Y SEHEFi. MANHOLE. 44'~ S=O.020/i) MIN. CONNECT 1112"41 WATER LIN/! F~OM BUILIOIN6 TO EX/STINe ~/rl<. LINE. EXI5TINlfP UND/Zf<.€ffIi@UNOTELEPHONE P?EOESTAL. VERIFY USE FOR. PFi.oP()!J/fO ADDITIONS. F<ELOCATE CATGH6A/5N, SElf CONf3TR.UCTION NO.e IJ FOR LOGA TION. PROPOSED LOGA TION FaR EXISTINe; CA TGH8ASIN. CON61R!.UCT CATCH BA~/N NITH 4"41 SANITARY seHeFe PIPE OUTLET. $EE DETAIL 1/64. 4'" ScO.020B! MIN. . CQNNlHCT 4"d) SANITARY S~HER LINE'TO 4"<!J SANITA~Y 5fgNER. PIPE. 4"4> 5,;;;0.0204 MIN. R.EO/~CET DQWN~P:OUT 4". $TORMWATI5R. P/FE TO RELOCA I cO 6A TCHlf!jA~/N. 4"tP S=O.02ot; MIN. CONfJ1Tfii/.UCT 4"dJ STO~HHA I ell. Pip;;. 4"4'- 5=0.0201};, MIN. CONS/fJt;U(:,T ~f:'J CATCIrI fjA~/N WITH I;f'<p STOIlMHAre~ PIPE OUTLET. slfe DETAIL 2/C4. CON~/~T 1;"41 STO~MNAli:f< !PIPE TO /JJ"<f) STO~M~ fl;:f( P1PE. 6"4> SzO.QI04 MIN. NOTES /. ALL CONS'/~TlaN fMALL CQNFOIlM ~/TH ALL .APPLICABLE .6lUI~MENTS OF 11rli! ,",".. .... '. C~NT INIItRNATIONAL WILI)/~ CODE AN[) gTA It: OF OQtiiQN PLUMlaINli 51PECIAL 1'( CODe, INGLUOINtfP ALL A~IJPLICAl-SLE ~/SION6. 2. UTILITY LOCATIONS ~HO~ HERIlON ~ BASfO ON A CaMBJ/NATION OF FIELD LOCATJONJiJ AND UTILITY COMPANY .Ga~ AND ARE !3US,JEC T TO V1!~/FICA TION. J. ALL UTILITY LoeA T/ON9J MLlf!T fJIlf FIELD ve.:~/F/f.o BY THE GON~CTOI!lt.. THf ENt1;INefR. ~HALL. BE GONeJJL ~o .~HfN FIELD VIER/riCA TION DISCOVfJIi!3 51$NIF/GANT OIFFH~NC.ES .FOR.M THf PLANS>. 4. /4 (i;1)A6E IN~LA lED TONINt!i ~/RJI SHALL BE PLACED OWR ALL NON METALL/l!; PIPE. MECHANICLLA Y CLAMP AND sHRINK HII.A~ INGULA 11= ALL caNNeCTIONfj. LOGATION TAPE SHALL f3E. LAID OWR ALL NONMeTALLIC PIPES CLEAF<L Y INOfNT1FYIN(i1 THf jP126/F/G UTILITY L YINta fJENEA TH TAFE. TONINtfJ Y-IIP!.E IS TO P3E ACCf'$$lfJJLE AT A4L VALVlES1 RISER$, MANHOLES ANt:) SEfi.VICE 5OXES. 5. ALL PLU1'1I13.IN.. PIPINtfj ~HALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWINdj STANDA~f5, A) O~~N PLUMlJlNtfj 5JPECIAL 1Y GODE AND ~lW/~MIfNTS OF THE LOCAL JUfiSIOIC TION. B) O~@JON ,TA/'I: DlfFApr(TMENT OF fNVIF<ONMf4NTAL lJUALITY. c) O~6C)N HEAL TH DIVISION. . i- TB(~ ARCHITECTS &. PLANNERS liNe 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-10'10 Fax (541) 687-06.25 CONSULTANT ss;: " .~ ~'. . . 7." -. . .~,.~ ~ ''''lIImr SURlVlEYORS fPLANNlEt<S z o ....... ~ ~ Z:J .' ~ 0,' '-J "< -< tJ)-J :t:)." "'.'. - ,..., . '" ;;;;; ,........ ~ I' ., ,... '-'. ..LJ ^....,~. L.&.. o?J~! I,." Z~ O.':"'.~'."'':, trJ,' .",' " .. . :t:).J:: ~ ',' ..,.~....., ~. ., ,. VI '-.I ~ 00 t'.... ~ t'.... . en -Z o h@ LU~ LUO ~ " ~ " tf) 0: Z~: ~~ ~.'''...'~...'.' ,~ ~Q ~i 0' ~. GO(l.. \.Oth 5-:: LJ- :> _A.'.) '..Y j'l' ,I PROJECT # DRAWN CHHCKED DATE 20011 III MAC RvV 10104/2007 SHEET e2, . + 397.76 + 397.76T ow DWM ijft @) @ @ m 08 - ...m... oG m -o-pp ~ <: 11 DlV Dee Off D/CV OHK' eHW )f ;.; ,250- ROW QDOr . -: .....,.;.. ".1o'? .".. .. ~. ".' .. . .. . . '.~ \.,. 4 . tf , " ' . ,A..' " . ... . 4. 5.26~:4 c/. / / '26.64 J21J.64f IDD tII .",: ~:..;. ....r :..... .. .... .. .. ..: .. : ":.. .. . ..., . . .......,.. . . . .. .~..........~... ................ ................. .........~..~..i f iiJ ,;: o , , Q i I.'~ ~ ' , r- i ./' Q 9 KI -,I Be za w.... ~. un!!;. ,.. KifN a >i iL .. 1> "s G o Cii Q)O c: '11 !J LEGEND FOUND BENCHMARK A$ NOTED HERON EXISTING SPOT ELEVA TI0N EXISTING TOP OF CURS OR WALK ELEVATION EXISTING WATER VALVE EXISTING WATER METER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT [XI$TING WASTEWATER MANHOLE EXISTING STQRMWATER MANHOLE EXIITING C~rANOUT EXISTING d~TCH BAliN EXISTING ItOLLARD EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX EXISTING $IGN EXISTING GAl VALVE EXISTING TELEfPHONi RISER [XIITING POWER POLE EXISTING SITE LIGHT tDOSTtNG POWER POLE ANCHOR EXISTING eLECTRIC MnER . EXISTINQ iLI:CTRIC VAULT EXISTINQ E:LFiCTRIC CONTROL BOX [)USTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING IRRIGATION CQNTROL VALVE EXISTING OViJ~H[AP POWER UNe: EXISTING FENCE UNE DISTlNG CURBING EXI$TING CONTOUR UNIE DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY QENOTES OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXISTING CONCRETE EXISTING GRAVEL EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE, SIIE AS NOTED EXISTING SPOT ELEVA liON (MATCH & VERIFY) PRQPO$ED SPOT ELEVATION PR0POSED TOP OF CURB OR WALK ELEVATION PROPOSED CATCH BASIN RELOCATED ELECTRICAL METER PROPOS[O CURBING PROPO$[O .CONCRETE PR~POS[D ASPHALT ~ VlfelETA IlfZD S~LE 12 ,. ~ SIDle ~LOPJE:z3: I LONtfJ/TUDNAL !1LOPE =Q.OO50 TOP' WIDTH ::;;, '"""'0" MIN. 1301101'1 PJIOTH. ::: 2'-0" TOP LENt$1TH :z:f1I'-O" . BOTTOM LlfN(tJjTH.. :z:5/JJ '-0" \ ~ 1 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ 8 ~ '~ 9 ~ ~ 10 ~ ~ 1. 1 '-./' ~ 12_ ~ ~ 13 ~ ~ 14 ~ \ SOIL TYf'c: IO~A-PEN(fjR.A U~AN LAND COMF'LI!X PEFP. SOILS SURVEY OF LANE COUNTY. @ \ \ \ 5.00' ----t \ 30.00' OLD ROW ti ~ In zl f- - ~ co ...... o ~ it ~ GOVIfi~D mA~H ENC;LO~ S !iEE ARCHI'It:CT FOR VIETA'lL.- ~ ) \ \ \ 40.00' \ \ \ \ 2 \ \ \ \ ...... w % ~I lLl ~ W o 9 o I ,~ 'tU i b Q o yo. ,,' - - - .,25.5tf '..6:JT ." .- - . * ., S26.6f --- ., \ ---- \ \ , '526.0t ~.t' .. 1l' -\ I <:9 \ ro~ .,~. ",'V . r -;'T ,)11. I ,1,61 I I ~ . 521.4fJf PI.' . ~ 526.4(,) !O+. ~'? . v.,~ , 1.. t-.~1 ,p'V if. ... "IV 4'. j t. b~ ...'l' ..p' 521>.51 ~ 1 /oj I' F.F = 521.00 525.8l7 24.0' PAVING S25M '.8.14 ..' tV "I)..' b o fB C) z I 0: o ::i ~ \.,..!,- v1 C < \j Z i G WAY eIiAD' .,- . ../ . . . ~'. '. , . :,::." '., r. . ".'. . . r' " , ' ".... . '. . . AND.' 1MA.; ";'. .!M4". ..tIe..,.,,, F'J..;'lI\H ". "..: . .~. " .'~ "... .~... .~. . ;'," ..' /: c.. -,.;( ;",;", .' '::'-'. '. ~;;"<~.,~~. ; ".. _": '. . ." ..... . '" . .' . .~. .:'. . .. . . . ;' " . " . ",' - SCALE: I"::: 20'~O" \ \ \ 5 19...'53" E. 4O.0p' , saUTtl 41.33- J. CO\ST~UC- 0\ \O--S: tre.EMOVE EXISITINtJ; CU~. 5Al^/CUT AND REMOVE EX/~TIN€i ,Af)ffiALT. SU::::UA\ n:::. IZZV'/a.-rINf.G I wl!:iZliZ Iiii!.fiiiiiS /'"ITY t3IZ:AlIllm~.NT"a '~f-'IV V'L, ~^, 3 ,. l & ~~,: "LI'. \."I ~\XV'; ~f""~j , ;:;I. fi(fMOVE EXI5TIN6 CONG~m ltAMP AND SLAB. CON~mtJGT ASPHAi-T PAV1Nf4; 3" THICK ASP"NALT, 1-0" COMF'ACIItO CFWSHED ROGK BASE (~/4U-()). 6ON6mUCT 5>IDEJAlALf< JAlITH THICKEN E~ PI:t< DETAIL 3/C4. CONf,muc;:,T RAMP ~/TH DE~TAaLE NAFlN/~ PICP!. LOCAL CODES. C;ON81t<UCT EX1~ C~ SEE DETAIL 41C4. CONal~U6T THICKEN EDeE CUq SEE D~TAIL 5/64. RfEMOVf! EXI$TINtf; 8OLLAflW. caN6/~T 1'-0" SPILL~Y IN THINKEN eutjE C~, SEE 01: I AIL 5/04. CONSrnUCT AGCeS~/aLe F'APY<INl9 S/~N. SEE OETAIL 6/64 FOR CR05~-$1XTION. CONS r~UC T Vfeltl A TeD ~~LE. SEE DETAIL 1/C4 FOR. Cp?'OSS-!fjECTION. 1'11\ TeN EXI5TINe1 CONC~TE. NO lIES I. AT ALL T/~ blHBN ABU I liNe; NeW. ASPHALT 6QNC~Il= (1\(;) AtlJAIN6T OLD AC, THE OLD AC SHALL BE alT BACK TO ~AL A ~HaULOt/i( OF AT LEA~T 6" OF FIR.MLY COMPACTEO EX/STINer;; fJAf)f! 1'1/\ It.rf!;l.IAL. ANY ED@E$ THAT ARE IN F'OOFil CONDITIONg, SHALL fJEroVfD fiY ~ AlAi /"UI1/11& T'Lltz t%vmndtsn S'MI.!aS'a. J,."rl~V. . J~~. I. PU:;; ~Ar'v~~V ~w'~t;;;.'q SHALL lilE SUITAliALY TACK COATliD PRIOR TO ~ PAVEMENT BlilN6 PLACED A(ljAINST IT. 2. THE SITE 1$ TO tal! (fMADEO SMOOTHLY AND UNIFORMLY IN ACGOIlOANCf y,J/fl1 THE ~~f) SPOT dRAPE ELEVA rION~ UNLess NO ll:tJ orH~/., ALL ~ff, A~ TO BOr 10M OF C_ (FINIHO A~PUAL T tfi1iAD~)~ THlt GONrlf(AC roll. It!!:. tzf)lZZitZ.mAua../Sl' ~ SAm .,a., 'r;l/f..IA!:. :;;I ~~v,~~ plh~' r'v~ ~,:,,~~ ,~~ POSITIVE ~/NA. FLOW TO CA TC,U BASIN5 HITHOUT' C~TIN(jj ANY FLA r SFPOTS THAT WILL. ~9MJL r IN F>ONlJ)INta 01< STAND/Nt; ViA ItcFt 3. ALL FILLS ~HOMN ON THIE Silt: ~1iAI2/Nt!J M-AN OfflER THAN LANDSGAiDE ANIAeP ftldALL fIlE CONS muc 'rl? PPlOM ,muc J'fJfiAL MA/e~/AL AND c;OMP?At:;,ltUIN I};" 5/)lEE t- 18(; ARCHITECTS (~ PLANNERS liNe: 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Of~if)n 97401 (.541) 687 -1010 Fax (541) 637-0625 . S:ONSULTANT r:XPIRES: ~/~/~ Z". o .......... ........ J.III!IIIIII!!I Z:J a~ rJ) ~...J ..~:( lJ:U ~"...:~..."...... ~ ~Z Z--: :( '........ ~ a_~..... fJ) Q(J :C-c ~ lJ~ €X) ,". "Iq- r, ,;r, :7 (5 {J ~ ~~' L.U f.: UJ .- ~( 1-- ' V) C:J -' ..,J ~ LU, ~_...". Li:.';.~~. ... ~- (~ ' . , ~ ~, ch ,~ . Q:) ~L ~. (.n S.~: GV\) "G ^"J ).~ '\JAG: PROJECT :# DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200710 MAC RW 10/04/2007 SHIUff C3 28" x 30" HEAVY DUTY FLA TE BAR eRA TE )J ., ~REA&;E I r<AP W ~ . #' ____ HINe;lCv LID /" L ----, ---~---.-.-t ..J ~ , "l 2'-5" 524.9;5 T.~(fj~ EL~V.~... ...... '~ ~ " . ..., ~ ::: flr _I ::: t'()N- "t _I -:4N ~ _I ('f) ::: ~ --.... .... ~ it ~..... ~ .. ',' ::: ~ 'h , -, --- '2:3.45 INVERT eUN. ~ ::: \t) , -,. ,- " '\...;. " ::: () _I f'\j ::: () _I <'i , -, , .~ ) '\ , ;.r 2 '-0" $6lJARIf t ,. 2 '-0" SGUARi! A n'" .t n I. lfJOX FAS~/CATED FF<OM 10 6A MA/tFft;/AL 2. BIKE PFl.OOF, H/!AVY WTY TFtAFFIO 6PtA It:.,. . SUPFORTS AA~l-IrO 1-125 LOAlJlNe ,. 6/6f.JON MODHL # 6CBIO-3~H6~4 Pet<. D/MENS/ON$ ABOVlE I. BOX FA6RICA I LV FI<OM 10 6A MA IrF!./AL 2. t61l3J5QN HOVEL. # 601-10-1:1812 per< DIMENSIONS ABOVE GATGH BASIN W 4" OUTLET , - ~ - ,\ - -, - - ,- ' '~ ST~HAl~ GATGH8AS/N HI DITCH INLET SCALE: 3/4":z: 1'-0" SGALE: 3/4" == /'-0" / "'\ NOn;s, AT $IM. PTe.Q\IIDE VAN....AGOfSSl8L.E 5/BN COMPONENT b......~......... ',.- -. . ~ .;,. ~ PARKING Ylf..... P.N!V. QI$AfJ - PllMIT&NlY VIOLA .. . ....... S JIJ~CT to tOWff!~ ooD'1 OR$ $11.12Q AM) fiNE UP TO 1~1G U1DER OR8 811.615 ATV~ / ~~/M~.VAN~Actt8SIBlE ) '\ <i ~ ~ i ~ \I) i: 11 t-. ~ l f .t ~ , 3 I Q ..- i o I . o I " i j ,,; .....fi"i. J~ ~, ..' ~.~"~..~..~.:'..~.:dl-<AT\ FOR PLANTlNSS t;, " I " ,~ ., ,,~ "'.. l~'" "' '. ~..........,J\.: '.,4 ~ ...-r-t-I" ..... ,'. . .4,: .A5JPHAL T '1 I. 1- . ''--...\ . ... . .:..-:.: ,..... ~ . . ~ · PAV/~ b rrr~ 114' <t . -~%~, ;~~.~:.~~~:~~\ :~\,\:~~ .. '. . ... 'f~'(;'~:)~~~b$<T~'b$<T~O-~",;)~ " .... . . ".. .' :fYoo{:fd:!~O~c!-"foo{YoocPocCfoo!J~p~~f-P' ~ _ .. 0000.>;00000000 000 oO~Oo 000 000 "";1 ~ .... "4 <t" :PcEfYoorfoo~()!Yoo{:~O~.J09fYoof:P ,. . ') rYJO 000 000 000 000 000 000 00<" - _ =--1' .. ~focO>Oo~o{Jq.o0[,?ffooff;pf--{' ~ , . c, . 4 I gO?-.52.00 oOr>' : II" c:r , ., r~@F~re~ 11AT<;H F'AV1Na kI.. , 7" ., /NlPleAl~. ~~ TO ., , VJ!6Iff A tlVi SHALe. ALL AAOII TO INi '14" v FL-M1i WNTRAGTION ~/Nf$ At MIN. 12' INiJrtf<VALS. HAW/CAP PAFlKINe fllt$N trr'Ff1 OTli()-f)lIl TO alE IM;TAI Iff? t-d< ~ BY WN~CTOR POST, I 1/2"0.D._____ ,sAL V. PIPE PAVING S(}F<FACE ~ lL1 " ~ ~ \J ~m -(~ 1f]<J L\J j- ~ALV. /"Ap.. - ~~ Or"( V .. .:>~ ~;;: . ....::::JlJ1" ~/ ~ #: f;, y~ 4' I~ :/~ jY, , ~../ ~//.//...////'./'l "'/" .~#,..'(' 4.: . ~//...y /. '7 /. (/ /'. ( /" // /~ I:' ~. '!'r~t . ';1/. ~/ . l ~G-"." .~- :~..~.l'll."~'- \.' ~""~-l~t:I- jr1h.- ~<-~~~.$ Y ~ ," .q. l~d-"iJ.:O"" :.J() ;J:H:) ~u 0 .;:00 ';'O~) .;f.} () ~:J._~) <;.0 Ii.. <\ ",1 'J ..... c .01 .It) )~~"l(""'''''pf'''{''-'''f~,-,,,,j<..t"C.;'h...-<""'''''P....,,J'''f'~r'~'''''''-'t.)(,\~r-~'t;",lo{ ~'. . . q r~/;1 (....l.,~<.f) 'j\.,'}.,.ttJJ'.<'kb'o'..JA"'!o.v~"'{i"~":t'4'~-ft)1J .. //. <, ,~~. Y)?.p~~(~' ~~ ;:t;:~~l:'~"p;~)?{:;:l;;~,t); j ~4 ~ "k~~" ,<I )~) ,.'a-._")'.~~"_'%'--~jp"~".J .J"'".'O~?,,'(~Ca"'''Q).; :.... .. . ,~/ 4 ~.. -~ lJ0 <~o() 000 gO() ; 000 ,.K"o d)" , -<I '/~/., 4, ) :i"P 'l(~D ,,'-p r -0 ~".'.p ,,,(..(~()' .. '/ /: _ C9~' ~v~,) ,.,.It.... oo~,., l>;>(l 'n'';,,''-...' ':t.. ~ . . ~ :. /, f\.a ;l:~=Y~E~}l:;!~:.J~E}Y\. _ ~.' .. ~ .~ . : 1.""- ......! I ! -:~::~:.'.l i I:~'::-::~:! II =.-:.!: ".' ". ~ .}, . <t .' 4 ",. 4 4 q. '" 4 <CJ 4 ",' . f.' . ED ::~~ aMIJ @........L.........................4........'...'. , ....'.,'....!Sa ..",<, :.0.:'./1.........::. ....1... .. ..;' ..m.>J;A...1!i!J) ....i.:.,;V.. .f..'. .--'~.~... ~/4.. ....-:'.N. . . tl .... "vv~~~ r.~< .,,~ ;;jI~ " .,.' '- -". " ,'., .. - -. ~-. 64 . SCALE: I" = 1'-0" ::: ~ ~~ ~, -. y rnOY'/EL CURB . f . ,.....;-;;- 3/4" RADIUS MIN. 3" A.C. CLASS ~300 . CONC1<E I t: EPOXYC~ TO~ PAVEMENT A5PHAL T S1JR.FACE , ...: '1'-0". . . . " ,~ ":J://////(/(,//~/// . .: ~ " :~. 4: : ':. '.i:. .:.,. <II '.: ", . '~./. . , " .' 1;" .. A'., 4' 4'.'. .' .. .' ~ . ) . ~.'.;;.~~ : '''': .::' .::~. ~ ~:. A. ~ :~. .~:~ LM1N.I" 3/4"-0" ..': ~.d' ';'~" ,~'~"'.'~',A,': . .{, :..~.':'~'-: CRUSHED COMPAC Trv ROCK A . A II" .<-(..:'. .'.'... ..< 'R :. I. . '. .. -. :.: "'.' - ::: .. , ,'. \5;) '" . . o. " " . "" . '" "" .... . .. .. . .. ~,~:~. 1- MIN. 1'-0" 3/4"-0" CRUSHED COMPAC I cD ROCK 11. /f!J" 4" . A~ .;/- ffi S/~" WITH THIQ(t:N EDiiHE o SCALE: I" % 1'-0" @ ...............;.'................. " 4 \.... '. SCALE: / 1/2" = I i-o" f)(...........'.'.. ...,. e:Ji4JDE.'.". .. .."'. GIJIl8... . p. '." .:. ~, '. . -. .. ~ - . "' - , ..'" " ," ::. - " - " '," - - " .. ,,', - ..-.:: ;" -, -,:;:". ~'-'" ",:-.), ." ""_. -_.,-,' - ,,' '-- ..,,; NOll:::: SElf LANDS<:;APE PLAN FOR VEeETA TlaN. VE€i1ETi,TION ~T 60MPL Y l^JITH EUGENE STORMV4A Il;fc( MANUAL. PLACE ROCK CHECK DAMS (3'-5" DEEP) AT 12'-0" INTERVALS 3"-3/4". ROCK AT CURB CUT 5PILLYiA Y -- THICKeN E~E cuq Jt:.IJTH CUfV3 CUT SPIL~Y 'EE DETAIL 51C4 I ( if :; '-0" ----- PAveO 5>U~FAGE TOP OF Sl^IALE MINIMUM 3 I' ..~ " " ..- . , . . . 12" 5ANOY LOAM TOP SOIL , ;.' 2'-0" ~ . OVERFLOJrJ CA TCHfJASIN AT END OF FAC/LIT( seE 01.: rAIL - 41(;~ nf. l3O, 10M OF 5JAJALE Q'..'A' .. ,mAd14 Q"'Tl~N ;;;w.~~ \J"v~~~~c.;v, I VI ... SCALE: I" = /'-0" TB(j ARCHITECTS & PLANNIERS II~IC 132 East Broad\ivay Suite .200 Eugene, Oregon 97 4~01 (541) €>87-1010 Fcp< (541) 687-0625 CONSULTANT L Q ... ~ Z... 3 .":r ~ ()< fJ) :0'. .., .... .,.,' ...J... . .~ .......... < lJ:U .' ~ ~7 z......... r~': ~ ~~ :D...c: - ... ....,..., 'l.:.~1 r-. ~ '-" ~. 00 ~ ~ I'-.. Q) z 8 I--- UJ,... UJ........... ~;'.............. L,L.J. - > ~ r- .. ..~ lnO z~ ~LU ~'.-.< ~......, " u..- ~o- ~z. ~~ (1\~ C() CL. " \.0 V) · -):~ ~~A. _S PROJECT :/J; DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200710 MAC R\~ 10/04/2007 SHEET C4. (I) MEXICAN 0RANc:iE (&) EMEAALD GFtEEN A. ~ITAE (I) t1Ol.M" AN PII!FtIS ( o o ~ (9) DAVID Yleu.JL~ ..:: ~.::~~.<::> U . ... .. :::> >:- . . . '.. :" ~ @. )1(" ':' .' '.~: . ~ tj . t,. :: . ~.: :"'> :. o:Z . .'. ...... u II: ..l...... ft': - .... ~ ,:.." :'..' I ..". .... '. . ... . ~ .' ('!I) FFtAPE&1 E6CALLONIA -:< ~..~...' :~~~.' ..... .". '\ ~.>:< ~:;::~. . ,', ., ".: : ", '., ....::."...:~ .....:h . -< ~. ': :..': ..: :.~' 'iL. > ; .,,~:.:' ~~:~; "'-~ '. ..' . '" "":', . ., :-~ > (i~\: <:~ :; . :'.. ~ . .... -..., .. '.~ ", ....., ..... ..:y;,. ,.... '..... ". ~'.~ ::..;'" .~.;::: -", .. .;;. .~. ~~ :~'i:.'::;.:: ...::.,. ".::' ;, : :. )pt . .', ..~, .... .i..; ~:.:~; >) \....~ (3) MI66 KIM C ----..... f<.OREAN LILAC /' ...:-:..... ~ (2) MEXICAN OFi!ANa,-:/' ~ " I ~ '\ )( \ .', ' -(3) EMERALD GREEN A~IT AE - (4) CA-JANTICLEER FLOW!RINci FEAR (13) EMEI!!t A ID ~ GFeEN AReOFtYIT AE (4) CHANTICLEER FLOWERINci FEAR -x- ~EXI5T G'-O" WOOD J . .. . fENCE, TO REMAIN X 'l.'~,':""""" Y It ," .... .. .. .... .~ -. " J ' ..... : ..... :::..,:: ....... ..... ..:.......,' :,!":" .., .'/ / \ >',::.~' :,.":.~':::.) .::.).:":.'.:"': >~: .:....:..~ <.: /' .: .,,:;:. "', : :',~ :.::.<...::-..; :.:~<.:;- ::<:::~ )( ELECTRICAL ../ TRANSFORMER ~ TRASH IIX I 9'-G" LOADING ZONE D50 oDS DARI MART STORAGE 10'x24' @ "DS PARKING / LOADING ZONE "D5 EXISTING DARI MART 2,900 SF TO REMAIN Eugene, Oregon 97401 @ -------~ r \ \ 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 \ \ j \.----- SchJrrn.er .~.As59Gialesi: lL€: tAI;I P U,sJiJl ~(\ f:'I N ,IN d;S' r;., . {", '.' A.N.tJ,. tAN O. S.. C.............~......~'..........:.l.'.........R'....'.....'..'...... ,1....J..J,..p...,...E.,...:...~..)..p..;.N. . ........ ....... ~ ':Il...\.qJUJ,~~X Q.~l. 375 W. 4th Ave. Suite 201 Phone: (541) 686-4540 Fax: (514) 686-4577 Web: www.schirmerassociales.com x-r ( x /:; A~ O~ ~~ ~~ ~~ (4) DAYID YIBUFiNUM ~ ~ (9) WHITE FtOCKFtOSE (9) &TELLA D'ORO t:"AYLIL~ :;>.~":,:;;".::~; :::.~~~~. . ". .', ..... ~ i ~ . "'~ ~.:-:. ':" :~., . I.. ",...: ...":....: "\' IG'R. ,'; :.....:. ..~' ~..:':>,::: ~. ..:... '"[''' ". ... '. :.~ ~ ~ ~,~ '''~ :....~,. ~.I >';.:~~:.;\~~ :::.:~.;. '. .. . . ,-. -:. (3) CJ.lANTICLkER FLOWERI....... ^ I V ''"'" PEAR ADDITION 900 SF RETAIL ADDITION 3,700 SF (1) FFeADE61 E6CALLONJA (3) FFtAPE&1 E6CALLONIA ) (&) D~YID YIBUFiNl M 3'-G" R. ~ ll.J 0-)( (3)E4A~TAE \ ~~~: (f2iP)) BRAMBLE N~. · I ~ C'" X ;1 -- (9) TUecAN LAVENDER (J TUr I r::.v HAIR GRAe6 (3) &NOW QUEEN 6.1 L L.. L t..... 2' R. (] /\ U(3) ru&c! LAveNDER' .~ (8) HELLER HOLLY J (2) MEx,cloRANGE A _ (3) lU6CAN LAVENDER' h (4) eeNNEF4JP eLUE 6U9ERIAN IFeJ6 /, I 4 I I I ~0 (51 DAvID Vl~ /:':::.:.----; .. "~ '\- _ _ _ .!'!... ME><ICM 0RANc:iE . .1' (5) l1J6CAN LAVE-lDER / (j '~IKE PARKING ,_ \ (3) SNOW GllIEeN&leeRIANlRi~ - - - .! !...CJ.lAl...:.r1CLEF.R FLOWERI~;, PEAr.C\1 ~:~:y J (3) ru&cAN LAYl<"NDER /;'^ I I ,J , / . G'~' ---4 I ~E <t . 2\ .L\4 :..:;.... .:)'~. (: .' . <I' ." .' 3'_rll R. ~ ...,: =:~: ..=.' 2 '-G" R. " " f~ <\~/ ~ll'; .~. - d <1 ."::~<~~\:~~' "- ~. \'AULT4. . ,..--:;.:.....:.:-.::.. r ... .- - '...... .' . · . / . . .. . . . .'. . . . .: .' ..' '\,:J'. ". .. . . .... . . -' ", / - :' .. "." . . .:' :' ::: : ;:~ .>:'.:, .< ::/ ~":.'. : ,,;.:' ;': ~.~ .:':<": ::'.': :".:,' ;:.<..: :,: .~ ~f~~GE 3 0 ..'; .:> ~:~ ::~.::...~ .~.: .~.:.: :-::':':.-: :..... .:'.:"~: :: :, ~ :..~.< .;:.: ,,''' .; .~ . . ". .'. .,. .. ."" > ,,;. .:. ". . .' .: . 3m:E 1\GK:"": .: ':. '. . '. ..,.. .,.---:- < . '... '..': ,.:, ..;' '.:.. ..... 9;:~ ..' .. (3) WATANABE Yl~ '. . " " '.',,' '. ~ "~' .~":~.~ ':: ~. ~> .-,,; .: ';:' ::. ':>; ::~ >.;:.:.:;\~ ,.::..,: .;. <. ::> ,::::: < ~ .,' :.:;' :':: ;:'::, <::' .\:: ::. :,)..)" ~: >>> :..'.~,'. ~.. ,:. .,' ',.,: ...'. ':.: .....,'..,..'. :.' . " .' ......, . . ...,.. . ..' n'''' " .... ,'" ' . ,.... . ,. .. ' ( . ,". . ,.' ':,: .','.:' . '. .. .. .~ >'....... :. ...... ,.'... ..,,:: .-" : ',' .. '. ." . .. ....,........, ~',".. '.' '.... . '," . .... ",::".:' >:'" . .. '. ..' . , ..... ,.. , . .. ..... '. >.. -,..... .. .'., . ,\",... ....... . , . " .' 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L..t (3) &NOW QUEEN 61eEFelAN IFel6 (4) 6TELLA D'ORO DAYLII:Y II ORNAMENTAL PAVER WALKWAY-- ~ (21) LIL TINci LAUFeA &leERIAN IRIS (1) CHANTICLEEFe FLOWEFeINci FEAR-- (6) DAYID YIBUFiN~) DAYID YIBUFiNUH . (6) DAYID YIBUf'!NUM (3) OCToeER GLOFtY RED MAPLE (6) DAYID YIBUF'!NUM (6) TUec; (3) TlFl'ED I-IAIR GFeAee- ~ I_~;" R. (3) E.G. A~ITAE 1 ~ ("') ~ C <U a: 0> c: '= 53 a: o r- ~ ~ <1 ~ o 1:: co :: ~ ~ o .sa c: .!!l <3 o ~ 11=1 .5 E ~~ ON g~ B~ jj~ o . O~ ~8 co c: .. c: g>o '~ "i ~ iG oU') (3) MEXICAN 0FtANCiE (23) HAl-, 1" DAY6 DAYLIL Y ------ :":; :.~. ~ f; !9 &' (J o ~ 15'R. (!;) eENNEF4JP eLUE 61eEFelAN IFeI (3) TUecAN LAVENDER (3) MEXICAN 0RANc:iE (!;) TUecAN LAVENDE;;t ~~~) LITTLE LEAF LINDEN / --- ~ /'7 -., 'II ~ ~/ 3'-~R. <t (3) SNl QUSEN r~'AN IRIS ./" (E) DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN n (2) HA"( RETUFiN6 DAYLJLY - (12) eENNEF4JP eLUE 61eERIAN IRI6 MAIN STREET (HIGHWAY) (12) WHITE FeOCKFtOee ~ (2) CHANTICLEEFe FLOWERING, FEAR !" ~ / '7 D 0 I' BC~ ARCHITECTS & PLANNERSllf'JC 132 . East Broadvvay Suite 2:00 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-1010 Fax (541) 687-0625 CH:CK 5:T THIS DRAWING IS PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ESTIMATING OR CONSTRUCTION /" o - oee - - Q o \- U lLJ -l --I o U ---- z:) ~~ :0= <( lJ:U Cd o<S ' .. /, Z< O~ t.I)~ :O-e .I-J lJ~ co i'. ~ i'. en L o f--S3 LU~ ~O t;; 0' zuJ =<L:i: ~lJ CO~ en~ COo.. \.0 t/) tu ~ \- <.f) I: \- (J) (j) :l_A \J -- -\J G J_A\J , t" , .J PROJECT # DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200TI0 ces 10/4/2007 SH EET L-1 @COPYRIGHT 2007 by TBG . ., Architect & PlanneT!/lnc NOTES: LEGEND I. MAKE MINOFt ADJU&TMENT6 IN I rr.=E &PACING AS NECE66ARY TO ACCOMMODATE 1l-IE 1)'lC.I'IlI:IGATION 6Y6TEM AS INSTALL.ED. 2. NOTIFY L.AND6CAPE A~ITECT OF ANY Dlec~PANCIES IN TI-IE L.AYOUT OF UJOF;!K PfltIOFt TO THE EXECUTION OF TI-IE WOFi!K. 3. YEFtIFY L.OCATIONS OF EXISTING UNOEre:iFtOUNO UTILITIE& '-1'10Ft TO EXECUTION OF WOPJ<. F'!:PAIFit ANY DAMAGE TO EXI&TING UTILITIE6, PlPE6 OR ~L.Alca..J PACIL.ITIES AT CONTRACTOFt'6 EXr-C.N6E AND IN A MANNE~ Ar',..fltOYED BY TI-IE GENERAl CON~TOR 4. PftOTECT TFaINK&, L.1Me6 AND FtOOT ZONES OF EXl6TINCi TFlEE& TO f;!EMAIN Pf:<<:'H AeRAeION AND COMPACTION. DO NOT CUT L.ft1e6 OFt ~T6 L.ARiE~ THAN 3' IN DIAMETE~ WITHOUT PfltIOR Ar-....~VAl OF L.AND6CAPE ARCHITECT. &. Ir<t:ES AND eHFaJeS PLANTED TOO DEEPL. Y WIL.L. NOT BE ACCEr-' I cD. 6EE TflitEE PLANTING DETAIL.. I' 't. t: ; ", :.- . ". .' :~. ':=-'. PROP06ED L.AU.N ',' ~.' '. . .' " '. . . . "f . TBC; IRRIGATION SYSTEM NOTE: 000 0 FftOPOSED 6l-IRJee o o 0 ,......oPO&I:D ~E6 o EXI6TING'N:E6 TO I"iEMAIN .. S€hirm.ertAss~6Iatesi:.ll~ lt~:~.~~J.~.~~:~;~~~j'4~'l~~~:i~'~'~~~~ ARCHITECTS f~ PLANNERS IIN(: 375 W. 4th Ave. Sulle 201 Phone: (541) 686-4540 Fax: (514) 686-4577 Web: www.schirmerassoclales.com Eugene, Oregon 97401 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-1010 Fax (541) 687-0625 C-I ECK S:T I. I~IGATION SYSTEM TO BE INSTAlL.ED IN ALL. PL.ANT BED AFEAe. 2. IfIlfItlGATION SYSTEM TO BE AUTOMATIC ELECTt=tIC SOLENOID CON1~LL.ED UNDE~ SPfltINKLEFl! SYSTEM WITH FYC PIPE AND FITTINGS, )6ACf<FLOW t-'f'q:vENTION DEVICE, AUTOMATIC CON11=tOLL.EFl! (1Fl!Fl!111=tOL, F'!AINeI~ 0Fl! A.-,.. ~YED), ELE(,...'I'IC ~c.,., I C CON11=tOL. vAl YES (F'!AINeI~ PEB-FFl!6 6EFl!IES OR Af , ,!OYED), WITH pop-UP SPFl!AY 6r-,..:;INKLEFee (F'!AINeI~ let2)tZ) SAM-r-r-:.& eEFl!IES OR A.-.....r<OYEP). 3. ALL VALYES TO BE L.OCATED IN UNDE~ VALYE eox (CAR6ON OR A~r-r<>YED). AUTOMATIC CON11=tOLL.EFl! TO BE L.OCATED IN WEATHEFl! ~ LOCATION. ~ r-~PoeeD ~ COYEFl! THIS DRAWING IS PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ESTIMATING OR CONSTRUCTION '"' PLANT LIST Qty. I Botanical Name ICommon Name ISize I Comments TREES 6 Acer rurbum 'October Glory' October Glory Red Maple 2" cal. Matched, evenly branched 1 Tiliacordata Little Leaf linden 2" cal. Evenly branched 16...f.yrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' Chanticleer Flowering Pear 2"cal. Matched, evenly branched SHRUBS 25 - Choisya temala Mexican Orange 5 gal. 46 Cistus hybrldus White Rockro$~ 5 gal. 5 Cistus ladanifer Crimson-spot Rockrose 5 gal. 17 Escallonia 'Fradesi' Fradesl Escallonia 5 gal. 8 flex crenata 'Helleri' Heller Holly 3 gal. 1 Pieris Japonica Mountain Andromeda 5 gal. 2 Rhododendron 'Anah Kruschke' 24" - 27ft 1 Rhododendron 'Boule de Neige' 24"- 27ft 4 ,2yringa pubescens ~atula IMiss Kim' Miss Khn Korean Lilac 5 gal. 36 Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald Green' Emerald Green Arborvitae 4'-5' 70 Viburnum davidii David Viburnum 5 gat. 4 Viburnum plicatum tomentOsum 'Watanabe' Watanabe Doublefile Viburnum 15 gal. PERENNIALS 131 Hemorcallis 'Stella O'Oro' IStella D'Oro OayJily 11 gal. 21 Iris siblrica 'Ulting laura' lilting Laura Siberian iris 1 gal. 21 Iris sibirica 'Bennerup Blue' Bennerup Blue Siberian 1 gal. 31 Iris siblrica 'Snow Queen' Snow Queen Siberian Iris 1 gal. 35 Hemorcallis 'Happy Returns. Happy Returns Daylily 1 gal. 36 Lavandula angustifolla 'Tuscan' Tuscan Lavender 1 gal. GRASSES I 10lDeschampsia cespilosa Tufted Hair Grass 11 gal. GROUND COVER I 120' ~ubus j>entatobus Bramble 1 gal. -' Plant 18" o.C. L: o - - - MULCH z:) 0:) {f)<( :0= .<( lJ~ a(S~ /,1 z~ ~~ :C...c .I-J lJ~ TFEE STAKES D.P. 2' )( 2' )( 6' .co I'... ~ I'... '0") :Z I:) t~ f-I..LJ UJI~ ~(:). f- "" fJ)1:) Z i:iJ. <(i:i: ~1:.J OO:~ Q')l~ OOI:t. ""If) ~~~ ~ ~~ '.. ~~ I r<r:E TIE6 Grow St.ra feht. or approved " IMPORT ANTs Ftc>ot crown t.o be a mfnfmum or 4' above rfnfm era de. ------- ) ~_A\J- ~G ~O--.:S r ~ o M ~ c: (\3 a:: 0> c: ~ ctl a:: o ~ ~ UNDI6TUFeED OR COMPACTED eu~E . BACKFIL.L. Fm halfway and water t.horoughly berore bac::kf'flUng. . TFeE PEDE6T AL Prepare eubeotl to prevent eet-tUne . ,.... ~~~ :1 'l\ \ . '. ~ o 1.:: (\3 :E r:- 'ta c o .s c: .~ (3 o ~ Q:, ,~ E a~ g~ C:@ ~I:; U')~ o . o~ ~g ~ C 0>0 -~ 'i c!5~ 2x dIameter of rootball ~TE: rr.1:1'10YE TFeEE TIES ATONE YEAFl! WAFl!FI!ANTEE. PROJECT # DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200710 ces 10/4/2007 o OECIOUOUeTREE F'I-ANTINa. OETAII- SHEET 1-2 N.T.S. @ COPYRIGHT 2007 by TBG Architect & Planners/hie SECTION 02320 LANDSCAPE EARTHWORK ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Temperature of mating surfaces of plas fie pipe and fittings to be between 400 F and 1000 F. B. Do no PVC Solvent Welding in rainy weather except under cover. PART ONE - GENERAL A. Place and compact Common Fill Materials in continuous layers not exceeding 9" loose depth. . B. Maintain optimum moisture content of till materials to attain required compaction density. . C. Employ a placement method so as not to disturb or damage work. D. Make changes in grade gradual. Blend slopes into level areas. E. Refer to Placement Schedule for compacted depths. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store packaged materials in manufactu""er's original containers with legible labels intact. Protect against moisture. B. Store plastic pipe on firm, level support; protect against direct sunlight. C. Store plastic pipe cement in cbollocaticn. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 02850 Irrigation Performance B. Section 02900 Planting SITE CONDITIONS A. Locate existing underground utilities in area of work. Provide adequate means of support and protection during earthwork operations. LOAM SPREADING & FINISH GRADING A. Verify that required scarification has been accomplished prior to placing loam. B. When necessary, eliminate uneven areas and low spots in SUbsoil. Remove debris, roots branches, stones. Remove subsoil contaminated with petroleum products. C. Place loam in relatively dry state at areas where scheduled. Place the first 6" of loam and till it into the top 6" of scarified subsoil. Spread loam and compact in 6" lifts. D. Fine grade loam within specified tolerances eliminating rough or low areas. Establish uniform gradients between given grade points. E. Remove debris arid foreign material while spreading. F. Manually spread loam around existing trees to prevent damage. G. Compact materials as scheduled. GENERAL A. Use only new materials; of brands and r'ypes shown on Drawings or specified herein. B. Similar materials must be products of Oi1e manufacturer unless otherwise approved. WARRANTY A. Warranty all material for a minimum of one year after date of substantial completion, or longer if manufacturer furnishes a longer guarantee. B. Correct immediately any failure caused by poor material or workmanship during warranty period. "Immediately" shall mean from 24 to 72 hours, as determined by the Owner's Representative, and at no cost to Owner. DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect materials of this Section before, during and after installation and to protect installed work and materials of all other trades. B. Replacement: In event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary for approval by Owner's Representative. PART TWO - PRODUCTS ENVIRONMENTAL I SITE CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: Verify existing site conditions, grades and elevations prior to grading and new construction installation. B. Weather: Excavation and fill operations must be done in dry weather minimum two days following rainy weather. C. Protection: Protect bearing surfaces from moisture until paving or concrete is placed by covering with impervious membrane, installation of minimum 6" thickness of crushed rock. PLACEMENT SCHEDULE At Plant Beds: Subsoil compacted to 800~ per ASTM D698; Loam, minimum 18" thick, compacted to 800/0 per ASTM 0698. At Lawns: Subsoil compacted to 80% per ASTM 0698; Loam, minimum 6" thick, compacted to 800/0 per ASTM D698. At Parking islands: Subsoil compacted to 800/0 per ASTM D698; Loam, minimum 18" thick, compacted to 800/0 per ASTM 0698. CLEANING Upori completion of work of this Section promptly remove from the site all scraps, debris and surplus material. PIPE, FITTINGS AND SLEEVES A. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Type /, NSF a 'Jproved as per ASTM-D-1784, D-1785, D-2242, and Product Standard 21/70, 22-70. All PVC pipe to be continuously marked with the manufacturer's name, kind of pipe, material, IPS, class, or schedule. Class 200 throughout. PVC fittings to be Schedule 40, solvent-weld type. Main I.nes (constant pressure pipe) 4" and larger connections to be made with "0" ring fittings or gasket€ d fittings. Sizes 3" and smaller to be solvent- weld connection type fittings. B. Sleeves: Schedule 40 throughout. C. Swing Joint Pipe and Fittings: As detailf3d or; 15" minimum "Swingpipe" or "Funnypipe" with transfer barb 90 ells at both ends and a marlex ell below the irrigation head. D. Galvanized Pipe and Fittings: Standard weight, hot-dipped, galvanized and threaded. NOTE: Contractor shall perform work during inclement weather at their discretion such that all warranties and intended appearances are realized at the Contractor's risk. COORDINATION Coordinate other trades affecting and affected by work of the Section. PVC SOLVENT CEMENT A. NSF approved solvent for Class 1245~Br~C PVC, through 4". B. Conform to ASTM 0-2564. Industrial PCilychemical Service Co., Inc., No. 705 or 711 PVC. PART TWO - PRODUCTS SELECT FILL MATERIALS END OF SECTION SAND A. Concrete sand. B. Graded in accordance with ASTM C136 with 100% passing a NO.4 sieve. C. Washed, free of fines, free of organic material and other deleterious substances. CLEANER AND PRIMER Industrial Polychemical Service Co., Inc., No. P-70, or type as recommended by PVC Pipe Manufacturer. IRRIGATION SECTION 02850 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE A. Wilkins Model 950XL T, 1 112" or appro".ed. Models must be approved by the State of Oregon Health Division. B. Models must be designated for operatic n at any elevation with respect to the system. LOAM Imported, natural, fertile, friable, sandy loam with at least 100/0 humus; free of rock, clay, subsoil, clods, lumps, plants, roots, sticks, weeds, seeds and other deleterious material. PART ONE - GENERAL A. Provide all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the design and installation of irrigation system as shown on Irrigation Plan. B. Protect active pipes encountered; notify pipe owners. C. Repair or replace utility lines damaged by work of this section at Contractor's expens~. D. Protect persons and property against damage and discomfort caused by dirt; clean as necessary and when directed. E. Existing Plants and Trees: Protect against damage. F. Other Work: Protect other work against damage and discoloration caused by work of this section. G. Acquire all necessary permits. 1. Rain Bird PEB-PRS-D SE~ries or aoproved. 2. Size according to valve schedule on Drawing. B. Rain Bird Control Zone Kit XCZ. 1. Use mesh filters as per n1anufacturer's specifications. 2. Size according to valve schedule r)n Drawing. C. Shut-Off Valves: 1. Bronze construction, Globe type, 125 psi-rated, threaded connections, with cross type operating handle designed to reCEive specified operating key. 2. Manufacturer: Nibco or approved. 3. Size according to GPM and PSI oJnstraints at point of valve location with velocity not to exceed 5 FPS. D. Drain Valves: 122 M ~" brass manual globe drain valve E. Line Flushing Valve: Netafim TLFV-1. F. Pressure regulating valve: Netafim PRV G. Vacuum Relief Valve: Netafim TLA VRV ROUND ROCK Clean, %" , round water-worn, evenly graded, free of organic and deleterious material. VALVES A. Automatic/Manual Control Valves: 1. Globe type, 200 psi-rated, threc'ded connections, with cross t)l:lJe operating handle designed to receive specified ol(erating key. BASE ROCK Crushed rock, 3/4" minus, free of organic and deleterious material. COMMONF~LMATER~L Subsoil: Excavated material which may be encountered in obtaining indicated grades and lines. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 02300 - Landscape Earthwork B. Section 02900 - Planting ACCESSORIES Filter Cloth: Fibertex, Grade 150 by Weyerhaeuser or approved. Irrigation Sleeves PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Type I, NSF approved as per ASTM-D-1784, D-1785, 0-2242. Schedule 40 throughout. SITE CONDITIONS A. Verify ground dimensions and water pressure prior to construction. B. Notify General Contractor and Owner's Representative of discrepancies before beginning work. C. Irrigation sleeves to be installed by general contractor. ~ t5 <i ;: ! ,g B i 0- U') o ...... C! ..- ~ PART THREE - EXECUTION EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Verify ground dimensions and elevations prior to beginning work. B. Notify Architect of discrepancies between drawings and site. C. Notify General Contractor of defects requiring correction by others. D. Do not start work until conditions are satisfactory. E. Commencing work of this section denotes acceptance of existing conditions. F . Tolerances: Per form work true to lines and grades, and to prevent ponding of water, with maximum variation of plus or minus 0.05 feet. CLEARING A. Clear vegetation, root systems, and decayable debris from areas to be occupied by lawn and plant bed areas; minimum depth of 6". B. Clear site of trees, brush, vines and shrubs only as necessary to complete work. C. In parking islands excavated planting area 18" below grade of finish asphalt. GRUBBING Remove stumps, roots larger than 1-1/2" diameter, rocks larger than 4" in diameter to the following depths: At areas to receive lawn or plants - min. 12" below finish grade. Remove all grubbed material from site. EXCAVATION A. Excavate as required to achieve accurate subgrades, or to solid bearing whichever is deeper. B. Do not excavate saturated materials. C. When excavation through roots is necessary, perform work by hand. Cut and treat roots following approved arboricultural practices. D. Trim excavation and leave free of loose material E. Correct over excavation under lawn and plant beds by providing additional fill material as specified. F. In parking islands excavate planting area 18" below finish grade of asphalt. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Electric solenoid controlled underground sprinkler system of PVC pipe and fittings, with pop-up heads and Netafim drip line. Work includes installation of (1) controller, (1) backflow prevention device, control wires, and new shrub zones. Power supply will be provided under this contract. QUALITY ASSURANCE Contractor must be licensed under Oregon Revised Statutes and have at least two years prior experience on similar scope projects. REVIEWS A. Request the following reviews by Owner's Representative 72 hours in advance. B. Pressure Test and Installation Review 1. Upon completion of main line, with all valves installed, prior to backfilling, and at least one hour after the highest attainable static pressure has been achieved. 2. Owner's Representative will review all pipe, fittings, joints, thrust blocks, bedding, valves and other materials for installation, and watertightness. 3. Repair all leaks, and/or defects as directed. 4. After pressure test acceptance, begin backfilling and/or assembly of zones and all other system components C. System Operation Review 1. After backfilling, completion of zones and assembly of all other system components; adjust nozzles, balance and test entire system under normal operating pressure. 2. Owner's Representative will review assembly, installation, and operation of system to determine if water afforded all areas is complete, adequate, and uniform. 3. Make adjustments to system as directed. SPRINKLER HEADS Makes and models shown on Drawings, man~factured by Rain Bird or approved. DRIP ZONE TECHLINE Makes and models shown on Drawings, manufactured by Netafim. VALVE BOXES and COVERS A. Zone Valves: Ametek 12STD con1plete, each with locking lid. B. Drain Valves: Ametek 6 or 10" Round C. Double Check Valve: Carson Valve Box 'Aith lock down lid, Model 1730-18-3PL D. Vacuum Relief Valve: Ametek 6" Round VALVE BOX KEY Designed to work with locking lid on specified valve box. COORDINATION Coordinate with other trades affecting and affected by work of this Section. CONTROL WIRE A. Provide according to manufacturer's wire schedule for valve specifications. 14 gauge minimum. B. Type AVG-UF, bearing U.S. approval. WIRE CONNECTIONS 3M Brand, DBY. Direct Bury Splice Kit. ~ o 1:: co :E ~ 'co o o s c: .~ U o tf) <I) lEO, ,5 E ~~ D~ g;: C:@ a...... ms U')('4 o ~ D~ 0$1:) EO co c: C 0>0 ,5 "i ~ fO oU') IRRIGATION CONTROLLER Irritrol TC-9EX-B or approved equal. RAIN SENSOR (Moisture Sensor) Rainbird MS-100 UTILITY LOCATOR TAPE Approved metallic brand. IRRIGA TION SLEEVE :all irrigation sleeves as shown on drawings. FILLING) BASE COURSE INSTALLATION, AND ROUGH GRADING DISK FILTER (drip irrigation) Netafim DF075-140 or approved Tl3C' ARCHITECTS ~~ PLANNERS IIN(: S~1i rrmer~~.Assq~iat~s,' ttel t~ijJr,U~SE~~t'" NN J ~1:'Qt .::5Jt ~li~s'fit(~.t' A t:tJ:tl A NPscApEA'K(}H. t .TE~rt), RE} 132 East Broadway . Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-1010 Fax (541) 687-062.5 375 W. 4th Ave. Suite 201 Phone: (541) 686-4540 Fax: (514) 686-4577 Web: www.schlrmerassociales.com Eugene, Oregon 97401 CH:CK SET THIS DRAWING IS PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE IT IS NOT TO BE USED fOR ESTIMATING OR CONSTRUCTION T, o ....... - - z::) 0:) V)<( :0= <( lJ~ -~~ V{.J/ z~. o~ V)~ :O..c .I-J lJ~ co r....... "l(q- r....... ej) -7 A_ () () . r- LU LLJ C~ ~ () tr; c:i" L. .....I LU =< L:i: ~ ~~ CO ~= (j) C~ CO CL \,.,Q ll) 5J:C :CA- O\J5 -. .... . " 11 . ..f PROJECT # DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200710 ces 10/4/2007 SHEET ~-3 @ COPYRIGHT 2007 by TBG Architect & Planners/lnc PEA GRAVEL Maximum size 1': round water worn, free of organic matter or other deleterious material. A. Where possible, allow for 4" clearance between bottom of valve and lalve sump at Automatic Control Valves. B. Clearly and permanently label each irrigation zone valve with the zone number that corresponds to number in irrigation controller terminal. . I13L; BACKFILL MATERIALS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS liNe SAND Coarse river sand. Graded in accordance with ASTM C136 with 100% passing through a No.4 sieve, free of organic matteror other deleterious material. VALVE BOX INSTALLATION A. Installplumb and square and flush with finish grade. Provide as follo\vs at all Automatic Control Valves. B. Adjacent Automatic Control Valves may be ganged together in same box providing all other specified requirements can be achieved. C. Provide minimum 12" deep gravel sump below valve box. D~ Permanently label valve type and zone number(s) on inside of valve box lid. SYSTEM DEMONSTRATION A. Test system prior to demonstration. B. At completion of work provide qualified and trained personnel to demonstrate operation of the system and instruct Owner in operating procedures and maintenance. . C. Individual performing demonstration shall be fully knowledgeable of all operating and service aspects of system. 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-10'10 Fax (541) 687-0625 LOAM Imported, natural, fertile, friable sandy loam with at least 10 % humus; free of rock, clay subsoil, clods, lumps, plants, roots, sticks, weeds, seeds and other deleterious material. PART THREE - EXECUTION MANUAL DRAIN BOX INSTALLATION A. Install plumb and square and flush with finish grade. Provide as follo\vs at manual drain valve. B. Provide minimum 12" deep gravel sump below valve box. CLEANING A. Keep the premises reasonably free from accumulation of debris. B. Remove all excess excavation or backfilling materials from site and clean all improvenlents soiled by work of this Section. C. Remove all debris, equipment, and surplus materials, and leave the premises in a neat and orderly condition at the completion of the work. C -I:C< SET GENERAL A. Irrigation sleeves have been installed under a separate contract. B. See drawings for size, quantity and location. THIS DRAWING IS PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Verify that surfaces and structure to receive work specified herein are accurately sized and located, sound, secure, true, complete, and otherwise properly prepared. B. Prior to starting work, notify General Contractor and Owner's Representative of defects requiring correction. Do not start work until conditions are acceptable. DOUBLE CHECK VALVE BOX INSTALLATION A. Install plumb, square and top flush with finish grade. B. Provide as follows: 1. Provide minimum 12" deep gravel sump below valve box. 2. Minimum clearance from valve sides to box is 6" each side, li" top and bottom, 3" each end. END OF SECTION IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ESTIMATING OR CONSTRUCTION PREPARATION A. Review layout requirements with other affected work. B. Coordinate locations of piping to minimize conflict with other work on this Project and other work previously installed. C. System layout is diagrammatic. If field measurements differ slightly from Drawing dimensions, modify work as required for accurate fit. If measurements differ substantially, notify Owner's Representative prior to installation. VALVE SUMP Provide minimum one cubic foot of specified pea gravel below each valvo. BACKFLOW INSTALLATION A. Installation by professional licensed for backflow installation. B. Comply with all plumbing codes. SPRINKLER AND RISER ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION A. General: Install plumb. B. Install spray head 6" from adjacent buildings and retaining wall or within 3" of adjacent pavement, curbs, header boards or planting edge. C. Flush Mounted Sprinklers: 1. Install flush with top of Loam or Mulch at locations shown on Drawings. 2. Install head wrench-tight. 3. Install where shown on drawings. 4. Compact earth under pipe at sprinkler heads to prevent settloment from pulling sprinklers below grade. TRENCHING A. Excavate trenches with uniform bottom and remove all rocks and sharp objects to provide firm, even, clean base for pipe. B; Allow for minimum 18" cover on main lines and 12" cover on lateral.lines. C. At Plant Beds: 1. Stockpile excavated material for backfilling trenches. 2. Excess excavation: where excavation is carried to excess levels, backfill with specified Sand to Proper levels. D. Water and frost: 1. Keep trenches dry and frost-free. 2. Provide and operate pumping equipment as necessary to keep excavations free from standing water. E. Existing vegetation to remain: 1. Protect against damage. 2. Cut no roots over 3" in diameter without approval of Owner's Rf1/~resentative. TECHLINE INSTALLATION Install as per manufacturer's specifications and as shown on drawing CONTROL WIRE INSTALLATION A. Exterior: 1. Bury wires beside pipe in same trench. 2. Bundle multiple wires together with tape at 5 ft. maximum intt3rvals. 3. Provide 72" loop in wires at each valve where controls are cc'nnected and at 100 maximum intervals between. 4. Make electrical joints waterproof using specified connectors. 5. Enclose ALL JOINTS in specified valve boxes. 6. Use coded and labeled wires for each valve~ ./ o - - CONTROLLER INSTALLATION A. Mount controller as directed by Owner's Representative. - 1. Make all cuts clean, straight, at right angles to roots. 2. Replace any damaged plant material. A. Clearly and legibly write in the space provided in the controii~r8~tr~rllal description of the location for each irrigation zone. B. Mount and wire as shown by manufacturer. C. Run low-voltage control wires in schedule 40 PVC irrigation pipe to I;~" below grade. D. Provide PVC conduits as necessary where turning corners. E. Make all splices with specified connectors. F. Make all splices in a valve box. G. Provide an extra coil of each wire at each splice to allow for contractl'Jn of wire due to temperature settlement of backfill. H. Install, secure, and plumb. z:) 0:) <( t.n......J :0<( L}33 ~ o()/ z<( ~~ :Q..c .i-J V~ co t"-. ~ t"-. Cj") Z o CJ I- UJ. u.J~ ~O I- '- t/) O. zuj <u: ~lJ CO~ Cj")~ COC1.. \..0 t/) PIPE BEDDING A. Mainline: If soil in trenches is not free of rocks, provide uniform bearing surface of specified Sand; 2" minimum depth and free of rocks and sharp objects under entire length of pipe. B. Lateral line: Clean native soil or Loam. PIPE INSTALLATION A. General: Follow manufacturer's instructions. B. Minimum clearances between lines: 1. For 2" diameter and smaller pipe: 2" clearance. 2. For 2 1/2" diameter and larger pipes: 4" clearance. 3. Between irrigation and other services: 4" clearance. C. Threaded Plastic Pipe: 1. Thread with conventional equipment. 2. Plug pipe ends during threading to prevent pipe distortion or damage. 3. Do not use solvent cement on joints. 4. Wrap joints with Teflon tape. D. Cemented PVC installation 1. Follow manufacturer's instructions. 2. Cut all pipe square and remove burrs. 3. Chamfer all outside edges of pipe. 4. Clean and dry ends of pipe to be joined. 5. Apply primer solvent to both pieces of pipe to be joined. 6. Apply cement to both pieces of pipe to be joined. 7. Attach pipe and hold together for five (5) seconds or until pipe wiil not back out. 8. Wipe excess cement from outside of joint. 9. Snake all lines to allow for contraction. PRESSURE TESTS A. Cap off electric valves and test with a pressure pump after installing . ~nd backfilling the main line. B. Maintain 100 psi minimum pressure for at least one hour without leak, or pressure loss. FLUSHING A. After piping, risers, and valves are installed, but prior to installing sprrnkler heads and backfilling, open valves and thoroughly flush piping system under full water head. Maintain flushing for three (3) minutes. B. Close all valves and cap all risers immediately after flushing. Use onlY PVC threaded pipe cap. Leave capped until installation of heads or nozzles. C. Flush a second time after installation of sprinklers. Remove nozzles, flush under full water head for three minutes, and immediately reinstall nozzles. l ,....: o C'j s: en c: o """ B !ij 8- U') o ~ ..- ~ MANUAL DRAINS A. Install at lowest points in main line, set plumb at locations indicated on drawings. B. Discharge directly into sumps of one cubic foot pea gravel. C. Cover sump with 4-mil plastic or asphaltic paper. D. Connect to main using a 2" nipple, elbow, and 6" nipple parallel to pipe to allow for vertical movement. BACKFILLING A. Remove debris, sharp rocks, and decayable matter from areas to. be filled before proceeding. B. If native soil is not free of rocks then cover mainline pipe with 4" specified sand and place specified utility locator tape the entire length of all mainline pipes. C. Fill remainder of trench with stockpiled material or Loam at plant beds and lawns, as soon as feasible after Owner's Representative's installation review and accer. tance of pressure test. D. Compaction of Fills: 1. Compact fills in maximum 6" lifts. Compact to match density of surrounding material. 2. Should backfill show settlement during guarantee period, bring area back to grade with compacted fill, and replace any settlement damaged construction and planting. 3. Do all backfilling necessary to bring all surfaces to finished grades. 4. Wet and tamp earth in layers not over 12" thick until thoroughly packed and settled. 5. Backfill the top 2" of trenches in plant bed area with loam or .lative soil free from rocks 3/4" or larger. 6. Dispose of excess excavation off site. S JEC: CA - 0 ~:3 SLEEVE INSTALLATION Installed under separate contract. Verify. ~ o ~ cu :E t:- 'm o o J!l c: .9l (3 o ~ ii:, ,5 E ~~ D~ :s: a~ ~o ci:S~ o ~ D~ cots EO ~c 0>0 ,5 -g ~~ oU') LINE FLUSHING VALVE (DRIP ZONE) A. Install at lowest points in main line, set plumb at locations indicated on drawings. B. Discharge directly into sumps of one cubic foot pea gravel. C. Cover sump with 4-mil plastic or asphaltic paper. ADJUSTING AND BALANCING A. Adjust and balance the system as each section is completed to provide uniform coverage to all areas. B. Demonstrate to the Owner's Representative that the system is in op€rating condition. ~1.~~-- : '.i \. \ .\ THRUST BLOCK INSTALLATION Install minimum 2 cubic feet concrete thrust blocks at all corners, tees, and stub outs on pipe over 2 inches in diameter. RESTORATION A. Return all disturbed areas to original conditions after installation is cc mpleted. B. Replant or replace any materials removed during construction. ces VALVE INSTALLATION A. Install plumb and square and according to manufacturer's recommendations. PROGRAMMING A. Prepare and Submit for approval the irrigation controller programs: ~ ")pring/Summer, Summer, Summer/Fall. Coordinate programming with Owner's Grounds Supervisor. B. Include: zone start time, watering duration, day of week, repeat CYClE. mode, program mode. 5~hJtm~f'+ ,\s$Qdiates',. u.t~~ l....};'WH:u'lh"r 't;;A: i.'t "j' /,;, .;i;<~:';; ";!~U~&~. t ~,k".:..,...V >....' > ..t;;... .~/:\ ,.,.NN 'il, SJT~: ~.t: i)uJ~ A~,bt^MPS~~pif:'A.~ tHO'~Gt,ti RE'!; PROJECT # DRAWN CHECKED DATE 200710 10/4/2007 375 W. 4th Ave. Suite 201 Phone: (541) 686-4540 Fax: (514) 686-4577 Web: www.schirmerassociates.com Eugene, Oregon 97401 SHEET I. -4, @ COPYRIGHT 2007 by TBG Architect & Planners/lllc I ~L; SECTION 02900 PLANTING ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS !IN'C RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02300 - Landscape Earthwork B. Section 02850 - Irrigation TREE, SHRUB, AND GROUNDCOVER ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE At Plant Beds: A. Protect and maintain plantings until final project acceptance. B. Water, weed, cultivate, mulch, reset plants to proper grade or upright position. C. To ensure healthy growth, spray, prune, remove dead materia', and do other necessary operations. PART TWO.. PRODUCTS STANDARD REFERENCES Quality. d.efinitions, g~~djn9 t~leran?esJ root system condition, caliper height, branching, budding: no less than minimums specified In Amencan Standards for Nursery Stock", published by American Association of Nurserymen, Inc.; latest edition. TREE STAKING A. Stake all trees as shown on Planting Detail. B. At planting, bracing stakes should be installed on all trees larger than 11/2 inch in caliper before the roots are covered. C. The stakes should be strong enough to hold the trunk rigidly in place. D. Place the stakes 3 to 18 inches from the trunk before the planting hole is filled. E. Fasten the trunk to the stakes with canvas tape or loops of wire passed through a section of rubber or plastic hose or similar soft material. 132 East Broadway Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-1010 Fax (541) 687-0625 PART ONE - GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The Landscape Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials for the planting of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers in accordance with these specifications. The species and quantity of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers shown on the planting plan and plant list will be required. The material shall be planted at sites designated on the planting plan or as directed by the Owner's Representative. CHECK SET QUALITY ASSURANCE Contractor's Qualifications: A. Contractor must be licensed under Oregon Statutes. B. Contractor must have at least two years prior experience on similar scope projects. C. Installer's Field Supervision: Require Installer to maintain an experienced full-time supervisor on the Project during times that landscaping is in progress. PLANT MATERIAL A. Sizes, grades, and conditions are keyed on Plant List shown on Drawings. B. Provide sufficient plants no smaller than indicated to complete work shown on Drawings. PLANT MATERIAL QUALITY A. All plants shall be nursery grown unless specifically authorized to be collected. B. All trees and shrubs shall be in a. good, vigorous, healthy condition, free from disease and injury. They .shall ~e hardy under climatic ~onditions similar to those in the locality of the project. C. When speCified plants are not available within a reasonable distanc.e,substitutions may be made if approved by the Owner's Representative. D. Unless mulU-trunked plants are specified, trees shall have a straight single leader uniform trunks' full even branching, grafts at ground level. and well developed root systems.' , , E. Pro~ide quality: size, genus, species and variety of tress and shrubs indicated, complying with apphcabl~ requIrements of ANSI Z60.1"American Standard for Nursery. Stock." F. Measurements: Measure trees and shrubs according to ANSIZ60.1 with branches and trunks or canes in their normal position. G. Do not prune to obtain required sizes. H. Take caliper measuremen~s 6 inches above ground for trees up to 4-inch caliper size, and 12 inches above ground for larger sizes. Measure main body of tree or shrub for height and spread' do not measure branches or roots tip-to-tip. ' MULCHING A. Provide Mulch 3" thick within 24 hours after planting at all plant beds, and tree plantings. B. Hold top of Mulch down 1" minimum from top of adjacent plant bed edges. C. Remove excess Mulch from foliage of all plant materials. Remove 'mulch from all adjacent surfaces. CLEANING AND REPAIRING A. Clear and remove all rubbish, vegetative matter, and miscellaneous objectionable debris from the site. B. Do not bury any foreign material from the construction site. C. Remove any buried foreign material when encountered. D. Maintain sidewalks and paved areas clean at all times. E. Maintain vehicles and equipment in clean condition to prevent soiling of roads, walks, and other paved or surfaced areas. F. Including work of other sections, clean, repair and touch up, or replace when directed, products which have been soiled, discolored, or damaged by work of this section. THIS DRAWING IS PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ESTIMATING OR CONSTRUCTION REVIEWS Request reviews by Owner's Representative 72 hours in advance. The following are required: A. Soil Preparation Review Owner's Representative will review soil preparation and finish grade prior to installation of plant material. Adjust finish grades as directed. B. Installation Review: At time of Completion Inspection, Owner's Representative will review installation of all work of this Section. Installation Review will not occur until completion of enUre area planting as defined by Landscape Architect. END OF SECTION COORDINATION Coordinate with other trades affecting and affected by work of this Section. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Install plant materials and lawns during periods which are normal for such work as determined by the following: 1. Biological season. 2. Specified environmental conditions. 3. Accepted practice. 4. After all major construction work has been completed. B. Installation not permitted during the following conditions unless otherwise approved: 1. Cold weather: when temperature is less than 32 degrees F. throughout the day. 2. Hot weather: when temperature is greater than 90 degrees F. throughout the day. ORGANIC MATERIAL Steer Manure, well aged, composted, ground to a uniform texture. LOAM On site, natural, fertile, friable sandy loam: free of rock, clay, subsoil, clods, plants, roots, weeds, seeds and other deleterious material. MULCH At Plant Beds and Tre.es: Uniformly screened (3/4" minus) premium fir bark mulch. TIME OF PLANTING The following planting dates are recommended (times wilt vary with geographic regions): I. Optimum time Bare root stock: December I to March I Balled and burlapped: December I to June 21 Container grown: Can be planted during most seasons of the year COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Uniform ~omp?sition, dry, and free flowin~, with the following chemical analysis: 20% Nitrogen, 10% Phosphonc ACid, and 8% Soluble Potash; With 8% Nitrogen slow release. /' o TREE STAKES 2" X 2" X 8' Douglas Fir stakes. - ~ - 2. Maximum time Bare root stock: Balled and burlapped: Container grown: November 15 to April I November 15 to June 21 Can be planted during most seasons of the year PART THREE.. EXECUTION EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Verify ground dimensions and elevations prior to beginning work. B. Notify Landscape Architect of discrepancies between drawings and site. C. Notify General Contractor of defects requiring correction by others. D. Do not start work until conditions are satisfactory. z:) oCj VJ< :0= < LJ~ ~ 0(1 /. Z=< O~ VJ~ :Q..c -i-J V~ TIME OF SOIL PREPARATION The following dates are the only times that soil preparation may take place on the site: May 15 through October 31. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver fertilizer and keep it in dry condition. Retain tags showing weight, chemical analysis and name of manufacturer. B. Protect products against damage, dehydration, sun burning, or freezing. C. Coordinate on-site storage of plant material: 1. Cover plant roots and root balls with soil or other accepted material upon job site delivery as necessary to keep moist. 2. Maintain until installation. D. Reject plants when ball of earth surrounding roots has been dried out, cracked or broken prior to or during process of planting. E. Furnish balled and burlapped (8&B) stock with solid, properly wrapped and secured, natural ball. Burlap to be biodegradable; twine at root ball top to be biodegradable. Stock 2" cal.and up to be transported and handled with root ball in wire basket. F. Plants shall be carefully handled so that roots and foliage are adequately protected from freezing, overheating, drying out, sunscald, flooding, or other injury. G. Balled and burlapped plants will be protected if not planted soon after delivery by covering roots with loose soil or organic matter, such as wood shavings, hemlock bark, or compost. Roots shall be kept moist until planting time. H. Container grown plants shall have been grown in a container long enough for the root system to have developed sufficiently to hold its soil together firm and whole. No plants shall be loose in the container. If not planted soon after delivery, they shall be kept moist by frequent watering. I. Plants not planted immediately should be kept in a place away from direct sunlight. PRECAUTIONS A. Protect existing improvements against damage, soiling, or discoloration. B. Repair or replace damaged, soiled, or discolored material when directed by Owners Representative. co ~. ~ "'- OJ L. o lJ f- L.U - L.U~ ~O f- '- trJO zLiJ :(U: ~LJ CO~ O)~ CO 0.. . '" t.J') PLANT PIT EXCAVATION A. Tree pits shall be excavated as per planting detail on Planting PJan. B. . Shrub pits shalf be excavated 3 to 6 inches wider than the ball of earth or spread of the roots and 3 inches shallower than the root coUaL SOIL PREPARATION At Plant Beds: A. Spread 4" organic material. B. Till to a minimum depth of 8". C. Spread 20 Ibs. Commercial Fertilizer per 1000 square feet of plant bed and thoroughly mix into the top 8t!. D. Ra~e smooth and set fini~h gr.ades eliminating an uneven or low spo'is setting grades for positive draInage. Remove all debns, sttcks, roots, clods, and rocks Jarger than 2 inches in diameter from the top 8 inches. E. Allow for mulch at adjacent edges. F. Compact to 80% dry density. ~ ,...: o N ~ U) c: ,g B 1 U') o ~ ~ PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Utilities: 1. Determine location of above grade and underground utilities and public utility easements and perform work in a manner which will avoid damage. 2. Hand excavate as required. 3. Maintain grade stakes until removal is mutually agreed upon by parties concerned. B. Excavation: When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered, such as rupble fill, adverse drainage conditions, or obstructions, notify Architect before planting. INSTALLATION OF PLANT MATERIAL A. Plants shall be placed in the center of the holes, plumb and straight, end at such a level that the roof collar should be above the surrounding finished grade as follows: Trees: 3 to 6 inches Shrubs: I to 3 inches B. All wire shall be removed from the tops of burlap balls. e. Container grown stock shall be removed from container with minimum damage to roots and placed at bottom of hole to assure no air pockets. D. Soak all container grown plants or B & B plants before planting. E. Set plants plumb and faced for best appearance. F. Cut and completely remove twine and other fasteners from root ball and turn burlap down to sides of ball. Neatly cut off broken or frayed roots. . S):C : CA- O'~~) PLANT LOSS AND REPLACEMENT A. At no additional cost to owner or Landscape Architect, replace plant material not surviving or in poor condition. B. Perform replanting during next planting season, and follow these specifications. Contractor not responsible for plant loss or damage caused by vandalism or lack of maintenance BACKFILL A. After placement of planting stock, hole shall be half filled with soil and then thoroughly watered to setUe soil and exclude air pockets. B. Finish filling planting hole to finish grade levels and water again. A minimum of tamping of fill may be necessary to assure that no air pockets are present. C. Thoroughly water each plant and entire bed immediately after planting. ., .. -. .. ... ~~'..: i\ ': \ : e\ ~ o ~ co ::!: .~ ~ o .sg c: .9! (3 o ~ liS, .EE ~~ go g..- C:@ B...... mg U') N o ~ o~ iDt$ EO co c: C 0>0 .5 -g ~ > o~ WARRANTY A. Plant material must be in healthy condition at end of warranty period, or for one full growing season following installation, whichever is later. B. AU plant materials must exhibit satisfactory growth during the current growing season if planted on or before June 21, or that date in the following year if planted after June 21. Plant materials that fail to grow will be replaced within two weeks prior to September. 21 or June 21 and be subject to a new warranty period. SHRUB PLANTING A. S~t out container plants at specified distances and adjust so the plants fill the bed evenly. B. Dig holes as necessary so that mulch will not cover lower branches and so that plant crown will sit at or above the surface. 375 W. 4th Ave. Suite 201 Phone: (541) 686-4540 Fax: (514) 686-4577 Web: www.schlrmerassoclates.com Eugene, Oregon 97401 PROJECT # 200710 DRAWN ces CHECKED DATE 10/4/2007 SHEET I -.- -U :~~!l €~'U~~'M~.~~'~~'ls~~4{ '^~tif,t.~..N' b~(t~P5~~'A ~"~'fjtrlt?:t:tJ.,n~~' @COPYRIGHT 2007 by TBG Architect & Planners/ll1c