HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Visit Report PLANNER 10/28/2008 FINAL INSPECTION FORM Final In!p'ection Case No. . IJ fU.)Cfft --f[JJ13 Inspectior Type: ,fi nul S I r{ - I1i1iJ Date: If) "~q, ()~ l I Final Inspection Complete- ~ Reinspection Required Temporary Occupancy Allowed D No Temporary Occupancy D Comm(o~;nARrt o-h1/iranr tMdlJi on\ VI1.1fi1d -1V !qP "'"-(]) nc;:f(jJ1tl r- VVVl.l n ttLli1.lVL " { I:Workflow processeslPlanning Forms/Final. Inspections Form 2-12-08 Date Received: 10! 2S /0 ~ Planner: LM fD I ~/vv --- S;f~ {isd~: /-f-tm L.:rlplefL Site Visit Conducted on October 10, 2008 (requested by Buck Wright on 10/9/08) iDnditiDn 1: CQncrete wheel StDpS are required tD be shQwn .on the Final PlQt Plan and shall be \/'installed 2 feet back from the front .of all parking stalls and truck parking areas. Vehicles shall nQt encroach intD the required planted setback area. (NQt cDmpleted) CDnditiDn 2: ND autQ .or truck repair shall .occur .on this prDperly. (OK) CDnditiDn 3: ND stDrage .of autQS, trucks Dr autD parts shall .occur from this properly. (OK) CDnditiDn 4: NQ parking .of mQtQrized vehicles is permitted .on the unpaved pDrtiDn .of the lDt. Only the stQrage .of truck trailers is permitted. (OK) CQnditiDn 5: The Final PlQt Plan shall shQW a clear 24' fQQt driveway. 0.0 nQt shQW the three V- Haul vehicles in the driveway area. (OK) CQnditiQn 6: Provide a Final PlQt Plan shQwing the required 5' landscape planting strip between the fence (properly line) and the parking lQt with the required street trees. Street trees shall be from the species listed in the Engineering Design Standards Manual 6.02.2A List .of Acceptable Street Trees from the sectiQn entitled "Planter Strips - 4 tQ 6 Feet Wide (NQ Overhead PQwer Lines.)" (See attached) - Street tress shall be shQwn .on the final plQt plan at a minimum .of 30 fQQt intervals and are required tQ be a minimum 2" caliper. ExceptiQns are as fQlIQws: Tress shall be 5 feet from an alley intersectiQn, driveway, water meter .or .other utilily fixture. Trees shall be 10 feet from any utilily PQle. (OK) CQnditiDn 7: Sight .obscuring screening must be provided fQr the trash enclQsure and the unpaved stQrage area. The screening shall be CQntinUQUS tQ at least 6 feet abQve grQund level. The screening shall be .of a subtle cQIQr tQ blend with surrounding vegetation. (OK) jV'ditiQn 8: One three space bicycle rack is required. (OK) . /CDnditiQn 9: The handicap space must beshQwn .on the Final PlQt Plan as 9' wide with an 8' wide adjQining access aisle in .order tD meet ADA regulatiDns. (Vehicle was parked in the hricap access aisle). JDnditiQn 10: N~ vehicles which are fQr sale shall be parked in the 6 required parking spaces fQr custQmer and emplDyee parking. Access shall remain available tQ these spaces. (Three vehicles with sale signs in the custQmer/emplQyee parking space and anQther vehicle dQuble parked in front .of the spaces. AIsQ a V-Haul truck and detached trailer were parked in the right-Qf-way area in frQnt .of the lQt. See phQtQS belQw). ~~itiDn 11: Filtering inserts shall be placed in the existing stQrm water catch basins (see attached infQrmatiQn). (NQt dQne) ! CQnditiQn 12: A site visit by the Cily .of Springfield Traffic Engineer indicated limited visibilily .of traffic cQming around the curve frQm Q Street and heading nQrth .on Laura from the driveway .on Laur,\ Street due tQ the large semi-truck tractQrs parked, facing the fence alQng the e:~; !"lJ; / ( Date Received:~1 0 Planner: LM .. .., - , SQuth-west perimeter. BeIDW are three DptiQns tQ chDDse frQm .one .of which will be required tQ meet the criteria tQ alIDW safe access QntQ a public right-of-way: a) Provide an evaluatiQn dDne by a certified professiQnal traffic engineer regarding the driveway visibilily. This evaluatiQn may restrict parking .of vehicles .on SDme PQrtiDns .of the site; or b) ClQse the curb cut and driveway. This WQuld require curb and sidewalk CQnstructiQn tD Cily .of Springfield Standard CQnstructiQn SpecificatiQns and an Encroachment Permit; .or c) Brackets were approved as a methDd tD remQve gate access tQ Laura Street while keeping the curb cut in place fQr PQssible future use which may nQt have large trucks parked in this area. While this use remains these brackets must remain in place and the driveway ?fu Laura Street shall nQt be used. (Bracket is nQ IDnger there has been replaced by V chain with lock). I I _4.. -.,'- Date ReceiVed:d(fj In ( Planner: LM . . . ~ " ~ '"'~- - "- " -, l-...! .... "' Date ReceiVed:.JJbl/nf Planner: LM