HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-12-10 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit . PERMIT NO: COM2008-01754 ISSUED: 1211012008 APPLIED: 12/0912008 EXPIRES: 06/10/2009 VALUE: $ 149,184.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Single Family Residence SITE ADDRESS: 1633 S ST 1635 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1703252402400 Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Single family residence TYPE OF USE: New Phone Number: 541-954-8636 Owner: BILL ROBERTSON Address: 744 VAN DUYN ST EUGENE OR 97477 Contractor BILL ROBERTSON ANGEL FAUSTINO ORTIZ AN~U~;" 174821 ACE EQUIPMEl'iT_41rWtN!'I!~);~i~154093 €.\-I"\'IOI'!' - O"{B~~'i'ro'.drr:iilID\fI N p.\'I lesad r, 111.'11"''"'''11'"11 r I \0\10~ (U cen\"'" 0 nlOUY - ~ \ne (U'~" . , # of Units: \-IO\\\lca\jO .00\-00\ '~liffl't9'f& \e\e\lno~e t\ I Primary Occupancy Group: In Ojl.?' - llIa~ op\a\ . "~ ~i\';l;@-\\o 16.00 Secondary ,Occupancy GrOuP:0090',~ ne cen\~; \If\ _ 4).orced Air Electric Primary Construction Type cal\1 \ot \ne, \ll II pe: Electric Secondary Construction Type: IIUllIP cen\9t \S Range Type: Electric # of Bedrooms: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building:' Contractor Type General Mechanical Plumbing Frontyard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Notes: I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION. '" .'- License Expiration Date Phone 541-954-8636 541-653-0297 541-729-6221 03109/2009 01/2412009 nla Lot Size: 6,778 Sq Ft 1st Floor: 1,316 Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft GaragelCarport 393 Sq.Ft Other: Occupant Load: .~.. , , I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATWN I REQUIRED PARKING 10.00 Overlay Dist: 5,00 # Street Trees Rqd: . 18,00 Paved Drive Rqd: .e~~~.Yes 13.00 % of Lot C~~ '" ~,~" ~"n,80 O,O~O't\t~" \~~ S~~\..;, 'n\\S 'I'~~cn ~.... "t\\\V~~~Mjl~~~NTi-1 . ~1J^'AlIII~~L\:.~ - P.\\)V. ' Partially \lIUlnln,' Gf>.'i 'l't: '. t>.~'i li! Storm water to raingarden. ' Total: Handicapped: Compact: 2 Sidewalk Type: Downspoutsffirains: Pa~e 1 of 4 '. Status Iss u ed 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541_726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Description TVDe of Constrnction Dwellings Garage V Wood Frame Garage Fee DescriDtion *** SDC ANNEXATION CREDIT -Mech Iss 2+ Appliances- + 10% Administrative Fee + 12 % State Snrcharge + 5% Technology Fee 2 Baths One or Two Family Addressing Assignment Bnilding Permit Dryer Vent Exhaust Hoods Fire SF Fee - Residential Furnace - up to 100,000 btu Heat Pump Plan Review Major - Planning Plan Review Residential Sanitary Sewer - Improvement Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement SDC MWMC Administration SDC MWMC Improvement SDC MWMC Reimbursement SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin SDC Transpo Improvement SDC Transpo Reimbursement SDC Transportation Admin SDC Transportation Admin Storm Drainage Impervions Area Vent Fan Willamalane Single Family Total Amonnt Paid , . .~" . >. ....-. ~ . ' .,:\ '", . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BuildingfCombination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01754 ISSUED: 12/1012008 APPLIED: 12/0912008 EXPIRES: 06/1012009 VALUE: $ 149,184,00 I Valuation Descrintion I $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $105,00 $28,00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 1,316,00 393,00 12/0912008 12109/2008 Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project $138,180,00 $11,004,00 $149,184.00 frrll." l'~~irl.1 Amount Paid Date Paid . Receipt Number $-532,58 ' $42,00 $126,80 $141.90 $69,68 $289.00 $37.00 $828,53 $8.00 $11.00 $85.45 $15.00 $15,00 $211.00 $538,54 $504.88 $663,96 $10,00 $1,009,17 $97,90 $146.41 $147,91 $888,98 $201.54 $63,28 $63.35 $1,351.36 $16.00 $2,513,00 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12110/08 12/10/08 12/10108 12/10/08 12/10108 12/10/08 12/10108 12/10/08 12/10108 12/10108 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10/08 12/10108 12/10108 12110108 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 , 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 2200800000000001730 $9,564,06 Page 2 of 4 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01754 ISSUED: 12/1012008 APPLIED: ]2/0912008 EXPIRES: 06/] 012009 VALUE: $ ]49,]84.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 54]-726-3753 Phone 54] -726-3676 Fax 54]-726-3769 Inspection Line To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769, All inspections requested before 7:00 a,m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a,m, will be made the following work day, I ~p'\lli,lpr I,\~,nections I ' Ufer Electrical Ground: Install ground rod at footing and call for inspection in conjunction with footing and/or , foundation inspection, Footing: After trenches are excavated, Foundation: After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. Post and Beam: Prior to Iloor insulation or decking, . . Floor Insnlation: Prior to decking. Shear Wall Nailing: Before covering sheathing with finish matecials, Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved, Wall Insulation: Prior to cover, Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete, Perimeter Foundation Drains: After gravel and filter c10tb is installed but prior to backfill. Underlloor Plumbing: Prior to insulation or decking: Underfloor Drain: Prior to cover or placement of concrete. Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. Water Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. Sanitary Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. , Storm Sewer Line: Prior to filling ,trench, Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. Underlloor Mechanical. Prior to insulation or decking and including required testing, Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete, Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Paee 3 of4 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 54\-726-3676 Fax 54\-726-3769 Inspection Line CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. BuildingfCombination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01754 ISSUED: 1211012008 APPLIED: 12/0912008 EXPIRES: 0611012009 . VALUE: $ 149,184,00 Electric Service: Approval required prior to utility company energizing service. Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete, By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety, I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all ;Z;?~.. Owner or Contractors Signature Paee 4 of 4 /.2;IIK' Date 225 Fifth'Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-01754 COM2008-0 1754 . COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008"0 1754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-01754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-0 1754 COM2008-0 1754 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cReceintl RECEIPT, #: Date: 12/10/2008 2200800000000001730 Description Plan Review Residential Fire SF Fee - Residential Addressing Assignment Plan Review Major - Planning Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer - Improvement SDC Transpo Reimbursement SDC Transpo Improvement SDC MWMC Reimbursement. SDC MWMC Improvement .** SDC ANNEXATION CREDIT ... SDC MWMC Administration' SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin SDC Transportation Admin Building Permit 2 Baths One or Two Family Furnace - up to 100,000 btu Vent Fan Exhaust Hoods Dryer Vent Heat Pump -Mech Iss 2+ Appliances- Willamalane Single Family Storm Drainage Impervious Area . SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin SDC Transportation Admin + 5% Technology Fee . + 12% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee ,~ Paid By WILLIAM ROBERTSON Item Total: t:heck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How R~ceived djb 08140B In Person Payment Total: !':age 1 of I 11:1O:07AM Amount Due 538,54 85.45 37,00 211.00 663,96 504.88 201.54 , 888,98 97.90 1,009,17 (532,58) 10,00 147,91 63.28 828,53 289,00 15,00 16,00 11.00 8,00 15,00 42,00 2,513,00 1,351.36 146.41 63.35 69,68 141.90 126,80 $9,564.06 Amount Paid $9,564,06 $9,564,U6 12/10/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER: NAME OR COMPANY: LOCATION: TAX LOT NUMBER: . DEVELOPMENT TYPE: NEW DWELLING UNITS com2008-01754 Bill Robertson 1633 S ST 1703252402400 Single Family Residence I BUILDING SIZE (SF: 1709 LOT SIZE (SF): I. STORM DRAINAGE DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY STORM SYSTEM 1 IMPERVIOUS S,F, x 1 COST PER S,F, CHARGE I I 3788,00 I $0.357 I = I $1,351,36 RUNOFF ROUTED TO DRY WELL DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CITY STANDARDS I IMPERVIOUS S,F, I x 1 COST PER S,F, I x. I DISCOUNT RATE I 1 .1 0,00 1 I $0.357 I I 50% ~ I DISCOUNT $0,00 ITEM I TOTAL - STORM DRAINAGE SDC $1,351.36 2 SANITARY SEWER - CITY A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: 1 NUMBER OF DFU's I x 1 24 1 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: / NUMBER OF DFU's 1 x ! 24 1 COST PER DFU $27,67 I COST PER DFU 1 $21.04 ITEM 2 TOTAL - CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC = I $1,168,84 1 TRANSPORTATION A, REIMBURSEMENT COST: 1 ADT TRIP RATE 1 x 1 NUMBER OF UNITS 1 x I COST PER TRIP 1 9.57 I I I 1 1 21.06 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: 1 ADT TRIP RATE I x I NUMBER OF UNITS I x / COST PER TRIP 1 9,57 I 1 I I ! $92.89 ITEM 3 TOTAL - TRANSPORTATION SDC = , $1,090,52 4 SANITARY SEWER. MWMC: A REIMBURSEMENT COST: /NUMBER OF FEU's I x ICOST PER FEU I I I $97.90 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: INUMBER OF FEU's I x ICOST PER FEU I I. I I $1,009,17 MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE ITEM 4 TOTAL - MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC = , $584.49 SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3, & 4) = I $4,195,21 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: x INEW TRIP FACTORI I 1.00 x INEW TRIP FACTORI I 1.00 1 = = 18295 1 I~ 10 jO I~ /~ -' C/) a ~ $1,351.36 11070 ,I $663.96 $504.88 $201.54 $888.98 $97;90 $1,009.17 1091 11092 I 11093 I 11094 11054 I. ($532,58) 1054 . 1055 $10,00 I 1056 , 146.41 1079 I $63.35 11078 I $4,404.97 I -,_,_11- I SUBTOTAL I x I ADM, FEE RATE 1= I '$4,195.21 . I I 5% I TOTAL SANITARY ADMINISTRATION FEE: TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE: CHARGE $209,76 Ben Gibson 121912008 TOTAL SDC CHARGES PREPARED BY DATE DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUIVALENT == DRAINAGE FlXTIJRE UNITS (NOTE: FOR REMODELS. CALCULATE ONLY TIlE NET ADOmONAL fo1X11JRES) NO, OF FIXTURES II DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS 6 o o o o o 3 o o o 3 o o 3 o 2 1 o o 6. UNIT FIXTURE TYPE NEW' OLD EQUIVALENT \sATHTUB 2 0 3 = I DRINKING FOUNTAIN 0 0 1 = I FLOOR DRAIN 0 0 3 = 1 INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE / OIL / SOLIDS / ETC. 0 0 3 = I INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH / ETC. 0 0 6 = I LAUNDRY TUB 0 0 2 = !CLOTHESWASHER / MOP SINK 1 0 3 = ICLOTHESWASHER-3 OR MORE (EA), 0 0 6 = IMOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (1 PER TRAILER) 0 0 12 = I RECEPTOR FOR REFRIG / WATER STATION / ETC. 0 0 1 = RECEPTOR FOR COM, SINK / DISHWASHER / ETC. 1 0 3 = SHOWER. SINGLE STALL 0 0 2 = ~HOWER. GANG (NUMBER OF I-lEADSl. 0 0 2 = SINK: COMMERCIAURESIDENTIAL KITCHEN 1 0 3 = SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR 0 0 2 = SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY 1 0 2 = SINK: SINGLE LA V ATOR Y!RESIDENTIAL BAR 1 0 1 = URINAL. STALL / WALL 0 0 5 = TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 0 0 6 = TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION 2 0 3 = MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NUMBER OF EDU'S 20 = TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS o 24 ."EDU (&luivalent Dwellin~ Unit) is a dischar~e equivalent to a single family dwellinJ~ unit (20 DFU's) set at 167 MUons per day MWMC CREDIT'CALCULA nON TABLE: BASED\ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE I IS LAND ELGIBL,E FOR ANNEXATION CREDIT? (Enter 1 for Yes, 2 for No) IS IMPROVEMENT ELGlBLE FOR ANNEX. CREDIT? 1 (Ente, 1 for Yes, 2 for No) IBASE YEAR 1979 I CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) VALUE / 1000 CREDIT RATE $100,68 . x $5.29 = I $532,58 I YEAR ANNEXED I BEFORE] 979 1979 1 1980 I \981 I 1982 I 1983 I' 1984 I 1985 1 1986 1 1987 I 1988 I 1989 1 1990 I 1991 1 1992 1 '1993 1 1994 1 1995 I 1996 1 1997 I 1998 1 1999 I 2000 I 2001 CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) VALUE / 1000 CREDIT RATE moo x .m 0 TOTAL MWMC CREDIT , $532,58 = 2~ Willamalane t'\vj Park & Recreation District Job. No,t?~..z:t,.f'-t:1I?5"~ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET FOR 2008 NAME: $It..? ~~N ADDRESS: 'J'tt'I Y'H~ /?In'AI PHONE: 9~lf- ~J::. CITY EIlt;C)./t:- STATE:,?'1LZIP: 'j?'hJ LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDING SITE: Street Address: /(,>3 . s' J~ . Plat Name: Tax Lot Nu~ber: /1~J 2f]'i tf).'itJO 1. DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Check appropriate dwelling(s). Dwelling type definitions are on the back.)' . A. Sinale-Familv Detached NO. OF UNITS I X $2,513 per unit = $ ,n ,,4> ;)sl;/ -- B. Sinale-Familv Attached NO, OF UNITS X $2,726 per uriit = $ C, Multi-Familv Aoartment NO, OF UNITS X $2,323 per unit = $ D, 5)inale Room Occuoancy . NO. OF UNITS , X $1,162 per unit = $ E, f-ccessorv Dwellino Unit NO. OF UNITS X $1 ,257 per unit = $. WILLAMALANE SDC $ . 2, SDC CREDIT (If applicable) SDC payer must furnish proof of Willamalane Credit approval.) $ 3, TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED (if SDC reduced for Credit) ULd;~ Development Services Department CitY of Springfield $ ;2~1 ~..... ;').... I ~, I ~y Date 5