HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 5/21/2008
(541) 726-3753
FAX (541) 726-3689
May 21, 2008
Mr. Joe Bruns
6406 B Street
Springfield, OR 97478
Mr. & Mrs. JeffBomark
87746 Blek Drive
Veneta, OR 97487
Re: Joe's Truck & Trailer Supply
2750 Main Street, Springfield
Enclosed is a copy of the revised Final Site Plan addressing the conditions of the
Minimum Development Standards decision DRC2008-00012. As per the decision, the
next step in the process is the signing of a Development Agreement by the property
owner. I have enclosed a copy of this agreement which requires a notary to witness the
signature. We have notaries available in the Development Services Department. Please
give me a call if you would like to set up a time to have the agreement notarized in our
The signed Development Agreement and the remaining condition (#8), a copy of the
ODOT Permit to Construct, must be submitted to the City by June 30, 2008.
Subsequent to this date the improvem~nts must be installed by September 30, 2008.
Please give me a call if you have any questions regarding this process at (541) 726-2301.
Sincerely, .
Liz Miller
Planner I
Date Recelve~: 5/1.-110 t
Planner: LM
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H) The development shall connect to public utilities as specified-in Sections 4.~105, 4.3-110
and 4,3-120 of the SDC and comply with the Springfield Building Safety Codes, where
applicable. Easements may be required'as specified in Subsection 4.3-140 of this Code.
X Complies as Shown on Plot Plan
l!l Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met
Timelineund Conditi?nS o.r Approval: JH~:W8~J',m':{',~~-!;~~d!or applicant has 30.da~s from the date
of this deCISIon to subnut a Fmal Plot Plan (tlie'FmaH!lot,Plan'must be to scale and IndIcate the scale
:ithe Ian) a~Ih~ffif'jiriiiii'"'li~~tWiih1t1i~'folit'Wiri""Cii'~diim~~f'A'"":m;~i'~
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f' Condition 1: The applicant proposes a 42" tall decorative fence as an exception to the five foot
;,1 wide planter strip. The final plot plan must show a maximum 30" fence in the vision clearance
~! triangle areas. SDC 4.2-130 prohibits any physical obstruction over 30" tall ina 25 foot vision
~ clearance triangle at the intersection of any. str~t and 10 feet at the intersection of any driveway.
~ The entire fence along the property line could be 30" tall or could be stepped down in the vision
f,. Zle ance triangle areas.. .
~ on 'tion 2: The outdoor storage yard -shall be screened so that it provides uniform sight
?1 ob . g screening on all sides.
~ . 7dition 3: A minimum 3 space bicycle parking rack shall be installed per SDC 4.&-140.
g Jondition 4: SDC Table. 4.2-2 requir~ a minim~ driveway throat depth of 18' ?,om the face of
iii the curb to the first parking stall. ReVISe the submItted plot plan so that the parking stall
~1 beginning point is not within the 18' depth. Show the curb location on the Final Plan. A
il reduction in the number of vehicular parking spaces required has been approved in consultation
. it wi' the Transportation Planning Engineer in order to achieve safe access to the site. .
~.:. zvton, 'tion 5: The required disabled parking s. pace shall be shown as van accessible with a 9 foot
~ wi stall and an 8' wide clearly marked access aisle along with required signage. .
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~\ on 'tion 6: To comply with SDC section 4.3-110, the existing storm water catch basin on the site
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1/i sh upgraded with a filtering insert (see 'attached information sheet).
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&'. Condition 7: : The Springfield Development Code requires a 200 foot separation between a
11 driveway and the nearest intersection curb return on the same side of the street for commercial
~ uses on arterial streets. The driveway on 28th Street nearest the intersection has no separation
~ from the adjacent curb return and left turn move;"ents from this driveway cannot be made in a
.~ safe and efficient manner. This driveway must be closed and replaced with curb, gutter and
.~. sidewalk per SDC 5.15-120 E.1. Please check.with the Public Works Departmentfor appropriate
~ permits and construction standards for work in the right-of-way.
U~ndi~on 8: Provide a copy ~f the approved O;OT access permit for the approach on Main
~. Street (McKenzie Highway). . I /
'~""',.- Date RecaiVed:& )... { or
Planner: LM .
MDS - DRC2007-00070 6
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The construction of the required-improvements shall begin within 90 days of the date of this decision. If the
established time line cannot be met, the applicant may submit a written request for a time line extension as
specified in SDC Section 5.15:125. . --
The Director may allow a one-time extension 'ofthe 90-day start of construction time line due to. situations
including but not limited to, required permits from the City or other agencies, weather conditions and the
unavailability of asphalt or the unavailability of street trees. If the time extension is allowed, security shall
be provided as specified in SDC Section 5.17-150 of this Article, The time line extension shall not
exceed 90 days.
If the established time line is not met and the applicant has not requested an extension, the Director shall
declare the application null and void if the property is occupied and the property owner shall be considered
'in violation of this Code, If the established time line is not met and the applicant has requested an
extension and that time line has not been met, the Director may require the improvements be installed as
specified in SDC Section 5.7-150.
. All new sewer taps will require permits from the Public Works Department prior to connection.
. Sidewalks and driveway curb cuts and closures require permits from the Public Works
. Building permits will be required for the construction of the building and the paving of the parking
. An LDAP permit will be required for all grading, filling and excavating being done.
. Sign Permit-NOTE: Signs are regulated by the Springfield Municipal Code Article 9, Chapter7.
The number and placement of signs must be coordinated with the Community Services Division.
The location of signs on a Site Plan does not constitute approval from the Community Services
Additiooal Information: The application, all documents,' and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and
the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for a fee at the
Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Str~et, Springfield, Oregon.
Appeals: This Type 1 decision is exempt from the provisions of ORS 197.195, 197.763 and 227.173 and
therefore cannot be subject to the appeal provisions of SDC Section 5.3-100, Appeals.
QuestioDs: Please call Liz Miller in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at
(541)726-2301 if you have any questions regarding this process.
Date Received:slE( of
Planner: LM
MDS - DRC2007-00070
City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Development Agreement
This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, hereafter "Agreement" is entered into this day of , 2008
(the "Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, hereinafter "City" and Robert and Jeffrey
Bomar!<, hereinafter "Applicant," in accordance with the Springfield Development Code, hereinafter "SDC'
5.15-125 and 5.1-125.B.
WHEREAS, on the 12th day of March, 2008, the City approved the Minimum Development Standards,
hereinafter "MDS' application submitted by the Applicant for the purpose of the following:
CITY CASE NUMBER DRC2008-00012, Type I MDS application, requesting approval of a Truck and Trailer
Supply business. The property is located at 2750 Main Street in Springfield, Oregon (Assessor's Map
17033641, Tax lot(s) 400). .
WHEREAS, in consideration for MDS application approval, the issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance
of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in SDC 5.15-125, the Applicant agrees to comply with all of the
standards in the SDC and the Springfield Municipal Code that may be applicable to this development project
unless specifically modified or excepted by this Agreement, the Develo'pment Services Director, Planning
Commission, Building Official or their agents, or Fire Marshal, which modifications or exceptions shall be
reduced to writing.
WHEREAS, in consideration for MDS approval, the issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance of an
Occupancy Permit, as specified in SDC 5.15-125, the Applicant has agreed to comply with the following
specific conditions imposed by the City as part of the MDS approval:
1. All improvements must be constructedlinstalled or bonded as shown on the Final Plot Plan, dated
5/12/08. .
2. All conditions as specified in the MDS DRC2008-00012 Decision, dated 3/12/08 must be fulfilled prior
to issuance of the Final Occupancy Permit.
1. FINAL Plot PLAN. The Applicant has submitted a Final PlotPlan in accordance with SDC 5.15-125.
2. STANDARDS. The Applicant agrees to fulfill all applicable standards specified in the SDC and the
specific standards listed in the RECITALS prior to the occupancy, unless certain conditions have been
deferred to a later date in accordance with SDC 5.17-150.
. 3. CONDITIONS. The Applicant agrees to fulfill all specific conditions of approval required by the City
listed in the RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certain conditions have been deferred to a later date
in accordance with SDC 5.17-150.
4. MODIFICATIONS. The Applicant agrees not to modify the approved.Final Plot Plan without firS!t I
notifying the City. . . " { I flV
'. Date Receivad:.5...1-- ~
5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The Applicant agrees to the following: Planner: LM .
a. The buildings and site shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the SDC in order to
continue the use.
b. It shall be the continuing obligation of the property owner to maintain the planting required by
the SDC in an attractive manner free of weeds and other invading vegetation.
c. Undeveloped land within the development area, if any, shall be maintained free of trash and
stored materials and kept in a mowed and attractive manner. Undeveloped land shall not be used
for parking.
d. Parking lots shall be maintained by the property'owner or tenant in a condition free of litter or
dust, and deteriorated pavement conditions shall be improved to maintain conformance with the
7. In addition to all other remedies which may be provided by law or equity (including but not limited to
penalties provided by applicable State law or City Ordinances), the Applicant agrees that the City may
enforce the Applicant's responsibilities by withholding the Applicant's Final Occupancy Permit and
terminating any Temporary Occupancy Permit which may have been granted.
8. Any Final Plot Plan approved becomes null and void if construction does not commence within 90 days
of the MDS DRC2008-00012 Decision.
.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Applicant and City have executed this Agreement as of the date first herein
above written.
STATE OF OREGON, County of lane, ,2008. Personally appeared the above named
of , who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act.
Before me:
Notary Public for Oregon
My Commission Expires
STATE OF OREGON, County of lane, ,2008. Personally appeared the.above named
, Development Services Department Planner . who acknowledged the foregoing
instrument to be his voluntary act. Before me:
Notary Public for Oregon
My Commission expires
Case No. DRC2007-00082
Date ReceiVed:.5J.JJ/ ~.
Planner: LM 2 of 2