HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 12/4/2008 FROM : LES SERVICE PHONE NO. : 541 746+9920 Dec. 03 2008 06:56PM Pi .' l)fLC2-00~ -(!)O/2-. A~ l/I L \IYI1 ) II /2- ].()g ).'00 ~ -"SCR.. \S{\A(\S I fO{,> Tlrvt~ d lir~L~ 5: { fP~ S P"''f5 -b-k \ \P~~9.. ~ M-/-e-.<l..~ S~ rg"rrA IVI/ o D6T ?~W\ '-t tv~\<,-j-,j f,{ fGJ'f07U\;.,. 1hC!vt~ 0f'<-"' '. 'edt1ILl/01 Date Recelv :,J- 1 Planner: LM . '... .... .:~~J.~{':. . ~ -- .i~"... .;z~tH(..- PERMIT NO: 53650 :. PERMIT TO OPERATE,MAINTAIN AND USE,~> ;feu .' . STATE HIGHWAY APPROACH,.,...., :;!lliJnw,y Number, 016 .MII.P~lnt: 3.41 Reason!O:rl\eque81: Oregon a.p,rtmg" ~~ T(SO:"""''''' 1 New approach r . I' "tIO iil!!L ;:](1) iil;;o l'Ialntenance of Approach :11D g PrlClfIo perfotmlnQ aAf' .malnl8nJl1IC8 work on tho~; 1'lf1lch. wll irrterfelll with Of rrrtaritJplltlIl1l<o upon .,along the h/gl1w8y, fhe app./loolI! W1aIlo_ apPrlMlI alld neoessary r- - permillIlrom 111. Dlstrlc1 0IIIce. _In Ill1 ~ """'ra lrlIfIJC ~a\a ~ervo been required, signal malrrtananee Will be pOr/<lmIed bY the oreg6n oepaitment of Tr&n$portallon or a. s: ill B8S1gned by a C<. '. ".:.. cOat AQ~. The Pormltlllolareoponalbl8 for mailllenanco 0' tl'UPl'flIlICb Ituoeordrnoe wIII1 ORS 374.319 9- ..' ..... . _ PropertY OWner Information 1::1 "j~ii Soma.k .c::1"-~ -- D 'Ma\tng M:l19U: """" 87748 Blek DrIve Vanelll, OR 87487 USA AppllcaUon id: 7002 Di~i.1ct: oti Applicant 'nfonna/ion '"'j';"aph Brun~ I Cornpar'l)': Joe" Truck & Trallersuppty . MaiMgiAdd"rns.: 2750 Main Slreet SprInglleid. OR 91478 .V.~,. L. Property Infonnallon Addreu: 2780 Main 51...t S~r1nafl.ld OR. 97476 ClJIlrrty. Lana ...-, .""',, McKenzle ORE126 BUS Mil.POIM: EMOIMnnng S1ll1!iIIrl: ~ide 01 t-r.Vy: NIMI fOJelt7: 3.41. 120+00 L N .lsr~l'r.lrk!: . 110"West of 28th Street .1 Ph;5411746.o&48" .' . j-,'-alt. _"_F.M:;;. . 15411746-0768- . Effective PerIod A pennit to opemte. mqlntn.:ln SInd ute. an ~ shan be in effect far iQ1 indefinite puiod CJttime \mlen: 'a) revoked by mutulll conllcntj , . (b}:A.evoked rO:rhilure to abide by tm lemu IInd conditionsl (c) A el1ange of u.e QCC:ure SllIet ~ifh in OAR 7J4...oSMI0f5j (d) Saf'ety OJ' opentloBlll z'" ". ~ ~_'.'f.'fis. AS set fioflh in' OAR 7J+.tl.s.W~S; {It) The hiRhwll11aClllity ill -tipififantty ~~t"". _' _.:c. 10 (nCU claMmc.tion or tbe bigflt'r"aYt highway mornlit)' ltattdl1rds, .pacing slancluda -and i1t.fe~ ctiwia that- are mcon:,jlt'!~lff w:i~ 1be apptoaeh. Mj {:I} Dr other oprration orlaw. FlIilurreof the .pp1lcan, co ccmply. w.ith any of dtt term. MId CG'lIdMonlJ of me peunit thall be .ndfk:ient cause fOl' cllnctllauoJ1 o.f lhe pe.rml.1 ~nd may le1Iolt in.temaVBl Gl the (aeithy by the Oregon Depit!tInent orTranspottarlon. The. Permit h bsuec:llubject 10 the provialOJ'II of Oregon AdrniniBttQtive Ibd.e1134.o51..004iS _ through 734-031;.03,"53, which art by :reference. ~ II pan or thit. ptmUtlllod whkbue in.efftcl-a1 any ,patticulu time in dtc dnmticm of Ibe permit. ..' I Tax Loflnfonn81lon .'. I r_ R=e Soction r....Lot I . .. 17 03 31141 400 I je:li:) 835..6160 l8P.llln: FAX: II CliM1l'S ' <lcpl-P6ll11~_'pprOli__ --'- .'_0 ""1>'11<>11 ~1.BnVlew ':)/:;' .W ,. j-" _1__- 1:-.. :'- .. . r "1'.... ? [<...-~')r- . !' - --~, !..,~: -------- S'peclncallon 1"W1~hjWk 30.00ft I Wing IMdln (;Q; 8.60ft PaMrl"Lml{F'1): .00ft S1l1401j: , ' 34.0Oft cilf1.<m: Oiam: Len: None .001n .00rt SiA Sue Cr$8: 'hk:k~s': 37,5mm .0 AAllre9ate B<lse 11112".0' 16.00in I t9~';.; . 0 Aagr8il~te Bsse (3/4" . 0) '~:ooi~ lM1CrM: rhk:kl"Jeu: Anglll (AJ: 90 CIKt>5dl.\I1k(K): 6.O~ft PaYinQl Lm1 (P2): ,00ft WlllYCne: Plain Concreta. Unltowallad Thicl:r.en: 4.001n ...-..... ~. >/ . 'I' - Iz-/~ ,n. Pnlited: IVJf/'2008 01:17:21 PM '1 II o :1 r m UJ UJ m II C () m '1J I o Z m z p UJ ... ... " ... fJ) + \D \D i\J IS) '=' ro 9 IS) loJ i\J IS) IS) OJ IS) fJ) UJ fJ) '1J :1 '1J i\J . , "tl;:J or ~:) ::Jro :::J ."" CD AI :"!m r-~ S:G'i R- .I\~:~:"... . f'.*-::.... _c_,,' . ,"., ~,::' !:".:: ~:r.;:::." PERMIT FOR ENCROACHMENT:CONSTRUGiriON ON OR USE OF STATE HIGHWAY f':' L". . R...on,~rReqU&8t PERMIT NO; 53650 r"- Oregon D8psrtmsnt 0.1 Trensponatio,n r ;,.:- i", Appllcatlon Id: n6i. Highway Numbel: .lftJ.' . PROVISIONS. . Mllel'olnt 3AI _ approach' . . --- ..--- Appllc.onl: Josoph Bnml !,'. . I .:< C""""ny: Joe'. Truck & Trail., Supply 276.071 Applicarrt shall eomply willlaltlederal, slate, and focal laws; regulations, executive orders and oriliriances applicablalo Ihe work und., Ihis permit, Including, wi1hout limitation, IHlprovlslona of ORS 278.071. If eppllcanl chooses to assign Illler ~rmi\led responsiblllties 10 a consultanl or contrliclOr, applicant ihall infc(m Iha'contractor ofllle requirements of ORS 276.071.' I:.::,' .276,0:72 llPon cl?mp.let!9"-of ~ pennl~ yi9rk.. eppficarrt shall notily ODor and fe_quest Iinal inspection. I'f'al) structures and appurtences constructed . under IIlla pormH.arefcumflo be Iii cOniplIance wi1h pillmitprciVislons and state slarnlilrds, ODOT.wllI aeeept ownership of Ihe permitted structures and 'sppur:tences by wrtllan notice 10 lhe applicant. . 1.000 SP'ECIALPROVISIONS . . .. 2,000 The appncanla appmaen to lax lot 400 en 26th street nearesllhe Intersection Is required 10 be clo~ed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk per Cilyof Sprtngfield SDC 5.15.120 E.1. ' ~ Prior to Ille issuance oIa Perm~ Ie Operale, Maintain and Use en Approach, applicant shall comply wllh all stale and Local jurisdiction conditions 01 approval. ;. , I I. - 1:::... -C.., ---- c::>. ~ J I. ; L. !. I ClW>1P8 . Opl.Jl<""_"-t>: . Pege 2 0/2 Pf1nt.d: 12.10112008 01:17:22 PM '1 ;u o :< 'r m ill ill m ;U c n m "D I o Z m z o VI -" ,... -J -" en + \D \D I\J IS> '" ro o IS> UJ I\J IS> IS> ill IS> en VI -J "D :< "D UJ