HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 3/4/2008 FW: 02/28/08 Access Application Meeting (Bruns App 7602, 2750 Main Street) Page I of2 MILLER Liz . i' From: MCKENNEY Gary Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 8:34 AM To: MILLER Liz Subject: RE: 02/28/08 Access Applicatien Meeting (Bruns App 7602, 2750 Main Street) , Liz, .1 I spoke with Jeff Lange this morning. He agre~s that the driveway on 28th Street ciosest to Main should be closed, Jeff will contact you to coirlirm what will be put in the decision. . Thanks, Gary . From: MILLER Liz Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 2:15 PM ' To: MCKENNEY Gary Subject: FW: 02/28/08 Access Applicatien Meeting (Bruns App 7602,2750 Main Street), Gary, ' . Let me knew what yeu think. I'll Call Jeff Lange erMike Wilbur te see hew leng the additienal data research will take and then prebably held .off en the decisien until we hear back. It seems like they support yeur take en the . 28th Street driveway c1esure. ' Liz .' From: LANGE Jeffrey R [mail(e:Jeffrey.R.LANGE@edot.state.er.us] Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 2:02 PM To: WARREN David; SANTOS Dennis N; WILBUR Michael J; MILLER Liz , Subject: FW: 02/28/08 Access Applicatien Meeting (BtunsApp 7602, 2750 Main Street) . ."- - . - , . " Attached are my meeting netes from this mernings meeting and the crash data I pulled fer, the intersectien. <<Crash Summary. pdt>> <<Crash Cemprehensive.pdf>> <<CityPletPlan.pdf>> . ," ' ., From: LANGE Jeffrey R Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:~8 PM To: 'brunsfamily@comcast.net' Subject: 02/28/08 Access Application Meeting (Bruns App 7602) , A access meeting fer the Bruns applicatien #7602 was held in the District 5 ODOT office en 02/28/08. In attendance was Jeseph Bruns (the applicant, brunsfarnily@cemcast.net), David Warren, Dennis,Santes, Jeff Lange and Mike Wilbur. . " ." The applicant has an existing carge and cam~ trailer repair & supply business at the cerne'r e~ MCKe~erWY 1& '( . '. Date Received: L{ o. . '. Planner: LM I " 3/4/2008 FW: 02/28/08 Access Application Meeting (Bruns App 7602,2750 MainStreet) .' Page 2 of2 28th Street. The City .of Springfield is requiring him te ge through the Minimum Develepment Standards process te bring his site inte cempliance with current standards, Liz Miller is the City Planner handli~g the MDS applicatien. The applicant stated in the busy seasen he has appreximateiy 30 vehicles visiting his site per day. ODOT expressed .our cencerns with the lecatien eIal1 three accesses lecated en the preperty frontage due te the 28th Street intersectien. The applicant explained the censtraints .of the existing site develepment and nature .of the business and feels he needs at least !we approaches fer site circulatien. ODOT agreed thal'ene 28th Street appreach and .one appreach te the McKenzie Highwayweuld be needed te reasenably serve the current use and that we weuld recemmend the' 28th Street appreach c1esest te the intersectien be remeved'in its entirety, ODOT will need te de additienal intersectien crash data rese~rch te establish if any' mevement restrictiens .or' mitigatien will be needed in order te permifthe McKenzie, Highway approach. Please let me knew if I missed anything .of impertance from teday's n:eeting. Thanks, Jeffrey Lange ODOTAccess Coerdinator (Jhone: (541) 744-8080 htto:llwww.ereaen.aev/ODOT/HWY/ACCESSMGT, , , . , , 3/4/2008 , . o~~e:Received:iliLI6 i Planner: LM