HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/7/2008 FEB - 7 2008 City of Springfield , Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 Date Received: Minimum D~velopment Standal1:fl~inal SUi':..."..LL_____.,;..._ . , . A equired Project Information (Applicant: comp'ete this,s.ection) Applicant Name: J~~\,L,. S ~~JtS. Icompany: "SlJl{.;s"T w<:-\t. ~ . -r "'....,L..r IAddress: 1-1S D St- . IAPplicant's Rep.:' IcomDanv: Phone: Sell-,"Ib' Ol."\~ Fax: S'1I-l'1L-Oil..Z qi'"\l1 I I. Phone: ,Fax: I Phone:"5'''\ [- q 1,5' - S ISO I Fax: Owner: ~ ~lVK. Icompany: 1..~, T \ IAddress: \'\~ ~\<t-k \)." IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 11- ()~- ~(.,- III ITAX LOT NOeS): Llbb,' IProperty Address: )l)o l'V\C4111 ~+ '<;?""'~~' dJ.. 9''177 ISize of Prope~: '\\,\"CI,~.\f _ ' Acres 0 S~uare Feet ~ I %;~~01ftiJtW1!1Jt,~:ki:m\Rt0@$W4i1a;JfJiJ*i$;.~~\0')l5..'0;i;;i20ffY3Sitr.1i;1iiNi@i41#J4iJ9.i4'yq.,^G"!t"2f%}J't_;ffr@i1!f,.;;:L'S:0iJr4IT1;;MiiWlwjjlr!tMh<0W.jH1i0G~&'==fig~ji:;ift!Ma\i.if';';~;~;;;';;00:04P!4~~1 ~ Description of If y,ou' are filling in this form by' hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Proposal: l\;...... M. "" ~\~ Ct.."",\U; CI1ll Con"",')"", l.. k. \",,,k "-"". -k> IExisting Use: . ~(>\.\ o.J/ \fII10S- ; fr",k..~ ,..kt."",^~~ k,-<-: bik,. fN..K. .uk ~ nand rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next . -. . ,.... '* 0~C4\6'- "1 US-<- ~ UJccR. zPvlode, /+ryC-J -to IY'Vc.k. ~~~Le,..- a.(~'\-0 ) SeyJ:'C-P ~ re.p')....y..- lLi~U-- OA WcuY a))prO{{Ch-- PJ!W1:1' \u.bm'+tecl.- . \ G, 0 0 -, ~., to OOvr' Revised 1/1/08 Moiiy Markarian ~ " _.J."'" Signatures {'~-i: .~"... ~l.<' "."l.( The undersigned acknowledg~~ that. the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: ~+~ Signatur,e ~ '. '~'f05wh' S ~ 5 Date: ),- ~ -D1' ,. "'print " Owner: If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby' grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. . ' .. - - , ~ <::iu- A-\k..U sU Signature , Date: Print Plot Plan Preparation: I certify that I prepared the attached plot plan and that it contains the information specified in the submittal requirements checklist. I certify that the piot plan is accurate based upon fieid locates and the best available information. I understand that City staff will rely upon the plot plan in making any decisions reganding the Minimum Development Standards app!ication., I accept ,full respo,nsibiiityand liability in the 'event that there are any omissions, mistakes, or inaccuracies in the plot plan. , . , \\..\ . \ 0.: Wh- Plot p~rer 'Signature J Date: J--~,6'l -r67.tp~ S' B(VI\s' Print '.' " -, ':' ;~". , : , , " ~l ,u , ",,,,,,. ( , . " , ," '- Revised 1/1/08 Moily Markarian 20' 6 V, 08/~O/07 --" . THU 09:56 ~~ 5417Z6~689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~OOl .' City of Sp:'~gfield Develo?ment ,Services Depl,rtmeLt 225 Fif:b Stree, Spri;lgfidd, OR 97477 P;lone: (341) 726.3739 Fax: (541) 726-3589 Minimum Development Standards, Type I SPRINGIFIELD -; Applicant Name ~\.1:s.~ ' i'3 V' (,>InS ", Phone -( ~ V - 5D4( Address li4oij"'fl./,d>f;r,:e..ef--::.3'r':'n;hj-hdd Ole. cn4'1f' Propert)' Owner Nalue :.lea "\- k\VI'\. f.:lD\'V'\.GlV"L Phon~ (?Z..ll) q~S -51 '/)D Addles., "h11"\l.. ~~ l2r. . DevebperNllme JOl-~" Phone 11' -'41.- 01.'14> Address Properly Address ?l'Sl) Mt;l.\V\ strct.eJ- S,,'Yil1"l-h'dd.O.e.- Cf7Lti7 ' Tax Lot fi'o, 400 A.sessor's Map No, -'3 - (,l, - -:<; G - LI , Zoning of Prop'ertv (" C. Size "fpro~erty ,~\ :, -I.. ~ Existing Use ofProptrr). '1'''''tk- ~ 1I/t\,I.v- Description of Proposcl \'- ~ .... ~ ~ >'\0 ~~..J- t."""-...<.9Ji' -\." , .CM~ .Jl'~A -L, ~11l:",,~~k'~ C"""~\ ~....v-,,,,\ :...M,,:,:,.r-h""" ~~,." I I:-rl.L r <>.t-k ~k.}1 . t;;:e Feet or W'\i~ ~<;<Vl{>f "- ~,,,,r Acres ., ~ VV\",,L. "'~\-\r... MDS Tht un(jf:rs(gn~d acknoh-lel1ges th:U me Information in thlj application ill C:(II'.r~t !tad tCl:uratc.. Applicant SignalLLre ~'1.~UN..--- Date \-lJ,-bt Ir ~I' appll",o'" other tho. tll:~... tn. 0;"'" 11mb)' gr.." perml,,;o. for <h. appll.:ln< to." In hiS/hiD'half Owner Si:n.~JJ'e -4;:;.....~~,~~tf _. Date \ - ~ 0 ~~ g \. \' -or Office n,. Only, Journal No. Assessor's Map No. Date Ac~epted as Complete Received By Tax Lot No. uate r\l::~l':Ii1lc>d: FEB - 7 2008 Original Submittal ~ Minimum De~elopmen~'!;tandards Application Process As stated in SDC 5.15-100, the minimum development standards (MDS) process is intended to support economic development by minimizing City review for minor additions, expansions, or changes in use as specified in SDC 5.15-100, MDS ensures that such development, however, complies with specific . appearance, transportation, safety and efficiency, and stormwater management standards specified in the SDC and otherwise protects the public health, safety and welfare. I ' ' 1. Applicant Submits a Minimum Development Standards Application to the Development Services Department . The application must conform to the Minimum Development Standards Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-5 of this application packet. . Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Minimum Development Standards Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. . . Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff, Conduct Detailed Completeness Check . Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of, " ' submittal.' , . ."Theassigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. . An application is not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. . Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process,and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision . This is a Type I decision and thus is made without public notice and without a public hearing since there are clear and objective approval criteria and/or development standards that do not require the use of discretion. . Decisions address all the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards. . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or' denied. . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. . The decision issued is the final.decision of the City and may not be appealed. Date ReceiveQ: Date Received: , Fr:f) - ~ -0--'1 . ,_.,,} .. , (.,.... -.'. J FEB - 7 2008 c:";;-.'., ''I:: ;::.:.::~,t:Grft;'~'~:~.:. ~."-"'--" ,- Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of6 D ,E] [J ""\,...~ EI ~1' o Minimum Development Standards Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. D I Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedul'e is available at the Development Service~ Department. Any applicable application, t!!chriology, and postage fee~ are collected 'at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. ' o Minimum Development Standards Application Form Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued \'ithin the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. I Right-of-Way Approach Permit Applicatio~ provided where the property has frontaC"e on an Oregon Department of Transportation (0DOT) facility. ,. . I Date Received: , Detailed Written Explanation of the Proposal to Include: o Project name FEB - 7 2008 [J Size and location of property I Original Submittal o Zoning and plan designation of the site and, adjacent properties o Proposed use of the development area and 'scope of proposed development I ' [] Access ,',,' I ' o Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.), , I ' o Current use of the site and any existing improvements , o Special site features (i.e. wetlands, watercoLrses, steep slopes, etc.); a general statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions D Estimated quantities and type of materials irvolved if any fill or excavation is propose j o Number, type, and size of any trees to be removed o Explanation of any land to be dedicated to t Ie City [] Proposed modifications being requested D Additional planning applications required for proposed project G Justification for proposed MDS exceptions o Time line extensions being requested Five (5) Copies of a Plot Plan Including the Following Information: D Proposed buildiQgs and/or additi~ns: locatioh, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height o The ~~ale appropriate to the area involved ahd sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' o North arrow _ I . o Date of preparation Revised 1{1{08 Molly Markarian 40f6 ,I G All existing and proposed easements D Location of proposed or existing fences, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs D Location, dimensions and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; , including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers, directional signs and striping [] On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation [] Access to streets, alleys and properties to be served', including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts propose'd to be closed D Location of street lighting , D Location, type and number of bicycle parking spaces o Existing and proposed landscaping Q Connections to public utilities " Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 Original Submittal " Revised 1{1{08 Molly Markarian 5 of 6 , '0 z,f'} '- ~ oJ J ~ ~zl ~ ~", , 0- -1-, " ~ c {~ 6~ 0- ~ "?; ',~ <.L .' 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L;; . r .~ ~ ,.i"-- J, :2:.. ~'~ '1:' ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ Jl:>' 'r t =-3 - '\(. 9. <-{ I cSl , .,l , . 4.)' r if ~fl; ! Revised 1/1/08 Molly'Markarian "t Q: , .., , C ., ~ ~ ~ .. J; ..;:: ~ ~ , "; ~ c 1: "" ., ..I- :" ~~4 ! l I I . ,sb 1 D~ . I ~.iS , 0 l- ~g~ I I I ".__w____ I " I " ':f: ~ ' '~, ~Jl" .; Ill, , ,< "- U~ "" I . m~n ( ,., J f' '-. i 'sJ t .,' 4< ''l I , ... p it ~ (11 1 ~ ~ j '1;+' l-nl-,s-' ,"",' ',:.:J' , '0,.,1../., o 6~ .~,"'-~ . - 6 of 6 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00012 DRC2008-00012 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl . ("-." ar~; ~~ .,.'," ,. ,'...c.",.........,., ,""'. .. --'ty of Springfield Official Receipt tJevelopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: ' 3200800000000000093 Date: 02/07/2008 Description CTY Minimum Dev Standards ,+ 5% Technology Fee Paid By JOE'S TRUCK & TRAILER SUPPLY Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How H.eceived tj 1292, In Person Payment Total: Page I of I 3:40:53PM Amount Due 705,00 35,25 $740.25 Amount Paid . $740,25 ' $740.25 2/7/2008 ,,/ FEB-06-2008 11:57 SUNBURST (PHCIFiC HOUSiNG p.01/08 . ' , " "\' .;.~.\- . ../'-- Western Titl.&Escr... W"utGm Title So Eserow Company of Lane County 497 Oakwav Road, Suite 340 Eugene, OR 97401 Office phone: (541) 485-3588 offite Fax: (i41) 485-3597 Kimberly aomsrk 87746 Blek brlve Veneta, OR 97487 Oate Prepared: February 05, 200a Report Number: 4go0 Lot Book Service: $200.00 Local Government Wen Seerch: $JS.oo LOT BOOK RePORT We heve searched oyr Tract Indices as to the following d""crlbed real property: SEE ATTACHElP EXHIBIT "A" and dated as of January 31, ZOD8 et 5.00 p.m. We find that the title is vested In: Kobert L. Bomsrk and Jeffroy A. Bomark, not liS tenants In common, but liS joint tenants with riahts of survlvOI'lIhlp we also find the folloWing epparent en<:umbrances prior to the et'lectlve date hereof:, 1. The rights of the p~b~c In and to that portion of the herein described property lying within the limits of roods and highways. 2. An easement created by Instrument, Ind~dlng the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: November 21, 1985 DotIJment No.: 85-42206, Lane Coynty Records In Favor of: The City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon 3, An easement created by Inslrument, Induding the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: April 29, 1991 Document No.: 91-19394, Lane County RecorQs In 1'8vor of: The Clty of SprlngAeld, a munldpel corporaUon, In i.ane County, Oregon Nole: Taxes paid In full 'or the year 2007-2008 Original Amount: $1,439,76 Tax lOt No, : 17 03 36 41 00400 Account No.: 0332476, Code 19-00 Lot BQok J;{eport page .., 3 ......'""'-, Western'"""""". Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 Original Submittrol '-.. FEB-06-2008 11:57 SLI'1BURST (PAC I FIe HOUS I NG P.02/08 , Lot Baak Report Order Ne,: 4900 Thill rapo" 15 to be utllizell for Information only. Any use of this report as a basis for transferrIng, enc:umb"rlng or foreclosing the ",01 praparty described will r&qUir. payment In an amount equivalent to Bpplicabl.. tltl.. insurance premIum 85 required by the rating 5Cbedule en fila with the oregan Insurance Division, The lIabilitv or western TItle &. Escrow company of Lane County ... limited to th" addre81u.e and shall not u:cellll the premium paid hereunder. AnY questions concerning the Lot Book Repc;rt should be dlrec:ted to Jetrllyn Eggerat 541-431..3110, Qr emall at i8Ga...ctnwact9rntitle.com. Lot Sook I'.e~ort Pege .or 3 ,~ Western T"""""'"'' Date Received: FEO _"7 '~f!O ~:) I ...:..;....-J 0:\;:r;i'1! ~~..-J{JrrrH~;:.'....-..~~_ FEB-06-20138 11: 57 SL!~BURST (PAC I F I C HOUS jfjG P. 133/138 ....' Order No.: 4900 LOt Bock RopO'" Exhibit "A. Beginning at a 1/2 inch Iron pipe marKing the Initial polnt of the SeCOND ADDmON TO NICHOl..AS GAROENS, as platted and recorded In Book 12, Page II, lane County Oregon Plat Record.; thence South 1222,61lleet and North 89' 44' West, 100 feet to an Iron pin marKing the true point of beginning: thenCil South 125.00 feet to an Iron pin set on the North r1gr,t'of-way line of tha McKenzie Highway, being 50 feet Northerly from, when measured at right anglos, to the center line of said highway; thence South 89" 44' East, 100.00 feet 8101'19 said I1ght-or.way IIna teen Iron pin set 01'1 the Westerly line of Emery Road; thence North, 125,00 f~t along the West right-of-way line of ,;aId emery P.oad, to an Iron pIn; thence North 89" 44' We.t, 100.00 feet to the point of beginning, all In !.ane County, Oregon, Lot Soak Report P'O. 30f 3 ~ Western ,,,,,.,,,,,,,, Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 Original Submittal <",.,' ~ :5 '" ~... i:"~ ~ililll~ \il:l:i~ iall6;!ll <o~~,~g...B !$S ~i~~li~~ ~ll:' 'Ii! "8 ~~~~g ~~..~ UiU~.i~ 1! ~sM!~~t;"'~.5 ~~~O~~~ll:~~ !~9 -:~-H-J:e-a-._. ---.- . Lc" ---"'_ _ _ _ _ __ - - -.,..- ,- - _t__ ,151$" FEB-06- 2008 11 : 58 . .. ~ ~ o <> II> g .. gli ,...~ ) \i' ' <S.. ;. ) ... '0 ;..::. 0- " ~ "..... ~ 1.- y '(' .~ H1S tfTIm~<~-:I~~~-=. _oJ I ! '~;----lt---- ~ ':-..--- --,,---- . -----, 1----- .lCl I . . ______1 _ .__ >- F II ; : ~;~~~., n ~ +i:.bl :r. -----1 t------ e,:l <t I .t----~ ~ J :I: ~ I ~--_. . . I !; I Hi..---- '. . . ;:-----r12--- i~' ;-.;----i iE)-- ~' .~. ____ _J I-~_ I .' :;---~ f-~ . '1~~1---~ r l-t: j L'~_-_J:"'---l ~ ~,--...- ~~- r-r ---- ---- ,- I I 1 - ~;----I r--- . ------1 1---- :.'" Ei . ------J ~---- SLI'IBURST (PAC IF! C HruS I NG ~E i:O LL cm'l 33S ,'~ ... o ~ o Iil o ~ 1( k . .";.'. . I ........" t ."IN'''' Q . " l ,'!In_ t I I I I I I I I . I I I '1-\/ I . ~:l I , oj ."" I. I ..., .wu.t 2.'tl:,DlI ..It.a.lI....Ill..ll!l1o H19Z o o ~ Cf1 'r= F'i:.l~= . . ~ , 1-1 L:J- 1.1.1 Q:: <> I- g C/) ,; ~, P.04/08 Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 Original SU~lIfl:tt[;i, FEB-0S-2008 11'58 SUNBURST CPRCIFIC HOuSING I i P.D5/0S ~ ~ Western Title & Escrow WESTERN TITLE IS Esaow COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY l'1lrv ACY POLICY NOTICE lUllI I, 1005 I w.,elm Titl. "E,eraw ComplUlY ofLallo ColUlty i. dedi6ated In providUli a basis ortnlstwi!h you, our Cllli~omer. and tho pu.blio w. serve. Wlt'n rC5pecl tC' ~he iprincy ~xp.ct&tlonSl or todays ~nsumc:rs, end lt~ roqui_ent, of nppJi;nbl. prlvaoy law., tile (Jramm.lAlaeh.~liIIY hel (QL,BAl has bl'. .,,""led 10 p~ot.el "'. plivley 01 nonpulllio p.,..nsllDl'mmaliOn rellldns to can.Ull'IO" 1l>l4 eu.tomOTS. GLBA ieDOrally prohIbits IlI1Y f1nancial illstitllticn, directly or lIIrangb Its sffilioteS, flOlIl shlrioS .onpulllic personlllnformatiod ,bOUI ye. with I 110llSflilllted third pIny .nlcs. lb. inslit.tlol\ provld.. yOll with ~ nocice of ItS privacy pllllcics lUle p_ti..~, ' We are provldin.g YcnJ with thi, cloeumtlnt. whicb f'otlflt! ym.1 ofaur pri'vacy Ilolicie.a &lid pmc:1ioo;. We I'f'sel'Y! the right to cho,S. /bi. Friv..y Polley Notice 110m limo ,. rime """",11:0' wl:ll aJlPlIcallle prlv..y law., I In tIl. eau"" of cur \l1l.si..... WI may ..1I01ll"".pu~llcpe,""".1 iafolDldo' ebollt you llolllllle fcllowlnll'ourc<::< . Infcnuarion we rr:=e.i"o fram you. SDd\ as)'Our ;ociDJ ~Iy number m:ld informndon f10m .pplicu.t5ong or ot!ler 1'0_ ",e ,""eM 5onm)'O. or )'Our &DIbclri>ed ..p.......dYes; . lnrOTDlOnco .boul y<lut _,"eno. we ...... fiom our liles, 0: ~ our .ffilil... or olb...; . In1'orrn.li011 from ~... oil>tr llltemet ",eb 11tas: I W"ormarion we iccci"D from. cDnRUnor rwponi,ag agency: iDf(lt'mluiDn we recllv" from others htvalved l~ yo'Iolor t1'3n~ction_ !:ueh BR tne teol OIItat~ asent or lCl'lder; . ~~ormadon from the public recDrds maintained by &lvemmontal tnri:;e; that we either obta.l1l directly from those entirie-5. or from QUI affiliates or otbel'Sl. ! WfJ may dh;c:lose c.y of the above Lnlonneaon mal. wo eoHll/;t obollt oW' CllGtomel1l or loaner c:\l~'tOm=-rs to our .mlia... or to .onaffiliated ,hIrd parties as permittod ~y Inw, w. 01.. may shar. your pononol in!l>road..: . '" "llCllrs, lendtts, brclaml or repn...to:i... 10 pftlllid. yo. wlth me &.".1"", yo. ""I_fOel; ..d ' . t.li'Jnl-pany coctroa011 or .......lee prollidcls who pftlVido ..""... or perfcnn morkcd,& cr olber functicn. ca owllelllff. I ' In .,.ldl"Q1I, "'c wiJI disclo.. yOIll' p<11I0DlllnfcnnD!lctl whll1 ~ dircc:l or gn'C Il.I pormi..ioc, ..tOD ... In! ""l1lired by Inw to do '0, lIf wlnm we !"I~r,et fr8\1dulont or crimiaaJ ietlvJtias. We allo zm.y di!l~IQ" YO"JT perlional inf;)rm3tiol:l ",:ben olherw~~ ptt!1nined hy applicll.ble ",rlVD.cy lawl lIu::h as whe.n(dltClo;urIl is ceedod tD enrDr~c ou.r rights uilin[! oul of ..1 ogt'OOlllont, mnsocticn OT relatlollJhlp with you. I - We tllStrict DeCDS5 tOO r10npubllc plU'Jonal tnfomultion obout YOD io those. c:n.p!oyec~ who need 10 b'low tbat information i:'l. order to provido ptOdU0f8 OJ' sOl'\'icu to YDU. We m.alnto.(n physiclIl, ehl'tr01t~C':. BDd proceduJal ..r.l!"'rd.lh.. comply with [celom rocclollcn$ t~ gu"d yeur .onpublic information, , I I OLB".WOt: DiIcIOIW'f 1\Cl'\'.05101/0S Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 ('\"~/'i: ,-.~,! :-:;, l,"'.if i':}:: ~ _'ii~.I',;.." ,.~~.wl !.t._..<< FEB-06-2008 11 : 59 SU,BURST (PACIFIC HOUSING P.OIY'08 A. LANDAMERlCA PRIVACY POLICY NonCE DcarLandAmerica CWltomer. The Filumcial SlllVices Moclemizslion Act reeeatly eoacted by CCI1JI"'SS bas brollght I1lllIl)' clJaDgcs \0 the finalleial mvlces industry, wwell includes inswance companies ' and their agents. One of the changes is that we lIfll now ""4Wred to ~plaiD \0 our customers the ways in wblcb we collect and use CWltOlll8l' iDfonnallon. lb. stalelDent attllChed 10 or on the reverse alde of tb1s lBller i. the privacy policy of the LarldAmerica family of compacies, lbe Ihree larllOJl mcmbe18 of tho family - COJIllllODwealth Land nUe wurance CompllU1Y. Lawyers Tille !rl.sar&llce CorporlItion. llDd Transnation Title Insurance CompallY ~ lDIlY isb.... policies and handle red estate closlngs in virtually every part of the coUlllly. A number of other companies ill the llamily provide other real estate SllI'<Iices, and some operate more locally. You may review a list of LanclAmeOca companies on our web5ile (www,IUldaIII..=l, Yg'Q may ~ visit our web.site for all exphu:JattOll of our pOVllcy plllCliCilB relallng to eleclro'ni.c commUlllcatioa. Our CQncem with !be pl'Otaclioll of YOl1l Informatioa lw b_ . part of aUf businesS sinee 1876. when tlle campally !bat is nOW Commonwealth Land Title Illsumnce Coll1pany issued 11$ ;tln;l pollC)'. We will cominUe to pro1eCllhe prlvacy, ace=y. and secwity of customer infDmlllliOll given to us,, No response 10 tbis ooll"" is requ!rN. bUlifyol1 ba.e '111"'UollB, plll1lSo write 10 us: LlllldAmerica Privacy P.O. Box 27567 RicbmOlld, V A 23261-7567. LaadAmeric:a ColllDallies TUl./~ ~.....""'t,' COIn/DODwWlh ~ T\ll. __ ~l. eo......woollb Lqd TIIie -.. Cllmpony afN... J....,..liidiimol vaii;y i~I.I_ ClIm_. Lon~ TitI.......... 00r0l'1Ill)' LaI\)'OrO TllIo _ce COIpaftlIJ>.. Till. h".,,,m" CcIra~U\Y of AJneriea.. TNnsnlliGn Tille In!:DI'IrICZ: CcmJIIJl)'. Transnatioa Titlllllllmttinm Cel~ af'Sw York /111__'111\."'" M'''r!!~: Comlllllllwallh lllolocllllOll ......... Cll3 p.....iaI6cril""" Ill.. t._.rieo .......111 S....leiJlS, loo. ffili!iel"i' ""'lln'ntle .'.'#.' ,ATACO....., Allluq_T1!l.C._, AlII1l1icTfd. a ...-..ee.npony, Brighloo TlU. ~Col1lplll). ClI'ilol Ci'l' TI1lo s....i....In~.CPSTllle"""'"""...._.Crar1"""" TIlloAI"'.y; ChInorrdJ.eo=- of FCl1 'Send. OI.lVISWfi, t.rld 9v.aul~; Commo_ SctIlcmlla. lA~. ccmmoawealdl Land nuc: C::e.tn~D:r.. com=oa.wWtft LG1d l1Ue Canlp"'Y .r Au,tin. Doll... Fe" W.l1h, li.."".. WulUap.. eon.... ,,_ C.,,'. Conl....,n.ll.=~..u.: TIlle, Olmbcrl..d rille (;WJpaD)'. f:1Ji11 ltl14 ~"'~ In;.,. C.Mf' Atlllllric" HuDoIU ritll. HI.~ Titlll AalUtllY. LaW)'ClI'I Tlclc CmIlpl,TI.y; LlW)"al Tle!.t ef Ari:M.s. 2.l Paso, Oalvl:nonl Nc:vada, hQlo. SIICI MlCmo, L..W)'... TIU. SGetllent. CaIPpDfty, Won Abstr.=. Lonpw1h IT.sI.t~ ..oiS'rill. TIU. A....... .rccnl:lll Ohio. LaRlo C.\IIuyTltlw C._. WI nUl ABOllCl'. NW La"'ll'" TJd. "8_, Orqon Till'. Pork rill.. PartMB Till. C.mpllllY. P"", PAll TitI. S...i=.Il.EIAtIl"" Tlu. "11IlC)\ Ib!1Il>r TIll. C.m~y. l\c.Id:ml.al At_, ;.Cl.idsntiQJ ,nue. lUo Rancho Till, 'I'txIJj TWo COltijlUl)'. otiUo TImlIfuStn'ict. !.PlI., Tl"Il\iObio R.dideftt2a1 Thla A.&t!fIC)', TrnlISEIlltion Tlllo <Ie S-w, u.,.. TWc ......0)'. u.1vcrllty Till. SII"I,,,, WIl... Tl~c C.mJ>lll.l' ~.1 0114 AMiJ/Q", SeJ"Ui=u, LaadAmerfa OdeStop. Inc. FORM n91.r. (.'Air 2fl(\I\ Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 Original Submittai FEB-f.)6-2008 12' 00 SLNBLRST (PACIFIC HaJSING P.07/08 LANDAMElUCA PJUVACY POLICY What /d.w af informal~n we ."llecl. Mort of LandA.metica's business is title iDsuRllCC, bul1here arc companies ill our family that provide other real estate. services to co== We collect infollll&UOO about you, (for iostallCe, your 1llItIlIl. addIes.:I, telcphcae =berl. BDO infonnatioll about your transaction,. iDeludiJ>!1 the identity of the real property that you ue buyillg or fulanciIlg, We obtain a copy of lUly deeds, IlOteS, or mortp&es that are involved i.c the 1%amaCtioo. We may get this iI1funnatiou from you or from th<llellder, attorlley. or real e$lte broker thai you have ohosen.. Our title InsUWlce COlllpacles thell obtain iIl!OlDl&lioll !10m the public records about the property so that we ellJ:l pI"Opate a title insurance poHcy. WhelI we provide closing, escrow, or seltlemelll services, mortgage IllIldins, or mortsage loaD servicln& we may ;et your social security Ilumber, ancl WI!: may receive Qddlriona.l infCrmlltlOIl from tbird parties incllllliiDS appraisals, cr.dlt reports, land surveys. escrow IICCOWlt balances. IUlll ""mClthnes bllllk accoUllt l1UllIbers to facllilat<: the 1rllIlSactiOo. If you are COIlOCltIed about the ilIfmmatlOll ....!lave collected. p1eSBe write to \lS. How W. lIS8 (his informatlol'l The CorJlFlllIY tivi.llS 01: specifically adopq this IlOtice does not ihare yoill' iniotlll8lion with matketen oulaide il:! o~u tllmily. Thfn's 110 IIted to tell us to keep your ilIfo-'.l~~ to ourslllves becllU~ wellhare your in!omlSllon o!l!y 10 provide the service'requestell by your or your lender, or ill other ways pesmitted by law. The privoey laws poallit some slwiDg withoul yollt approval We may abm'e i!llcnmlly and with Donaffillalcll tbird parties ill ortlst to oarry out and service YOIJf trmsal:lion, 1Il 1'1'0= llSalmrt fraud or UIl8lltllDrizd !l8Iloaetiolls. fur institutioI13l risk centrol, ami to provi& illfotrllaliollto gov____,; aIld law emorcemen1IqlOl:lcles, Companies within " flltllily tllJI.y share eertllln informlllioD !IlIong themselves in order to iclelltif'y SlId warbl thelr own produc.U> that they tIlI.ok may be use:fW to you. Credit iDfomlatiOD about you is shated only to facilitate your 1rllDSaCli0tl or for some other pulPosc penn.ltled by jaw. How we prolo&l YIWT InfiI/71UItUlll, We restrlcl aa:ess to nonpublic ~_........1 infO!lll8liOIl about yoa to those CIlXlployees who IIUd the l.ntotrllatiOIl. to provide products or services to you. We m.Ilintain ~sic:al. electronic, and procedlmll sofeguazds that comply with law 1Il guard your I1Ollpublio petSol)a\ infol'lJlation, We rc\nf= the oomp!lllY's privacy policy with Ollt ~loy&llS. . Ager.ts tJuzr may be ,omed by t/ri.r policy. Often. yOW' tnmsBcUOD iOeS throllgh a title inflUllllJOe agellt. AgClltS that are part oftbe LandArneriCll f'al:lli1y are covered by1llis polley, AglllCII tllat.re Dot part oftbe L....d.Americ:a bUy lIIay dpeel1lcally, ill wrfl1Il8, adopt our policy .tatemellt. I'ORM 3J~1.6 (Mil)' 2001 j Date Received: FEB - 7 .2008 Original Submittal FEB-e6-2008 12: 00 SUNBURST (PACIFiC HOUSING P.08/08 ------- Western Title 8. Escrow WESTERN Tl'I'Lli 8c llSCROW COMP AA"'\' OF LANE COUNTY PRl'VACY POLIC"t June 1.10OS Till. V t\f t"~ U,hmm-Luch.Bl1Icr kl ((It..SAI &one:rally rrnl11bil. :in). nn:lncU\ InJillnllPIQ. 51ir~llr ar tllmQlh il'; nffiJia.!{!!t irom shlltloS I\OI1puhUe ptl<llnnllnful1Illlilon aIlaul. ._or willi 0 nnnllfllllol<d .hird p.ny unl...lhc Inm;l"'l"" provill<< Ill< COI1!Wtl\Cr ",'j1h a ni>tice or IL'I pthrucy pulie~and prucliceL .llc:h as Lb.!! lypt. (,)(inrtlllMlkm dun Ii. wllccl5a~Ou\ W: con.';Ufnc:r Mnd Ill. c:ucgnrie, "r per>;on' or enll1lel; Il' ..nom illllllY l>o dilldoml "';nllOl:l;.1 ifllllillollJ.bu& atn ;nt,lludc Illll!' tnr:aMlru:t.: cumtlonicu IhlD Itl~'Uraa" 19.ntJ;, CIU'\.'C1 ((.unl'unlu. l;1nomoy*" :Jppr~~cno. nnod canlifi'll;O!1 1'"" Idafll. and lither ptf.1...\~lgn:,ar Mlltl.m'PI ~'r.'h:lllil ~" roll'identiBl ([JiJ1UCliollS. In l:ompH:l.DI.:l: ","'IIJI tbe OLDA. 'kG daMt shm nu'l'lJjcblh:: pti'sollll1 lJlCumllLliup aboul It CVIIJUtflgi' with '" nmatIlUatcd lbird pOlly, unIc.. all~ by I.w, I. compU.".,. wilh lbo QLlIA. oW' pri"O'Y pl1I<ll... "'Sardlog I\OIlpublk pmonal fUllll1cllli inrOntlllOon (If ~:\liumtJ' and cllWlomar!t 1M aettncEl by Cn.U^1 are: "14 r"UOWII, ,a'rljlCl (a vny u('erll~nl as pc:nnt\Lcc.l 1-1 Ilw . W. proloe. nonpuhllo pusonAllnfllallllilon ur ell1~tllCllI an~ .I"W"""', We allow QOCe!JS;on naed. Ul tnuw b3SiS IJDly. O!:ll)' _""'1<'_" ......".._..1 whu nel:ld Lo."Il:nnw enD i.1Cces'i~1\I: Ihformallon.l:"lIr.\pb m.y In;;11UH IGODIln.\Ini I'etMnfleL LILle er.amlnel'Jl. \lr1; ~rwrilor J""oO"ll'lll. wdiJ.Dn, l!'l,.n"..~lMl!f"i IU'lC :.hell aniJUlnl~ fIUU\IP1l=1 ,emn'l"IllQftDCI, and d.lrM ~1;Ud in,"clItiSifllM llfA'll.nel! inclllalnl hut urn Iimilet111l Mltir.cd C\lullllel . Wa DllUl\ \:U!llOMlrli end t:tln..pmc~ III r,,'leYio llKlir nunrubl1.,: ~'nIll il\t&'1n"tdnn Uul1 we hll\'t enl~tl1 ilnd we IIn,,,, \h::m ll'l ttmvldl: uS wilh n:l)IMJU '~Ir umcndmltl'll M daktlfgn Clr J'JCn Inrnrma~m. to ,,'hieh \\'r:, w;ll rtll~"ma1;lIy tCllr;mnd, . Wit nqu1re tU~fienl l'mm:l J'lrnr;:l f'i11'~' 11'111", ll"ln~..~.lllln III J'T'l,\lde IK.\nj'luNlc j'Qrf;\lr:::It InfclT.llll,on rcl~Ung Lt.' u:cir U'IlI,..ctiOll, Which Includes ell","" \tUI\sa<~OllS, ill W. mllnlilin J'hy.:iClll, elcttrutllc. .11m;! ;no~edu~ w.ecurds mA~ curnpl~ ",i\h llW 10 r\luull.l\c n"jllp'.lblic l'C~al !nrn! ~u.tiun, We .Uaw cml)" ilUlhurtzeti pe~ctUlell\l rcvl~... the: infolTlUldon. aM we I:tllfl clczi .IUasln VltUrc '~l.ml.'O, ~Ilh limited ll~s.. ur WI! tlOltllM n1l!11 WI C\l"'l'mllfll11h. Jlmilcd J'Il"~UII1n! u(II/'!:~ . 'We ~:nI,..tJSl1y do no\ "-"'Op ;",p111'l Qr ~.w.i, rgporu. IMll eppllMdOM. Hnd IIX rnum.~ OD. tOMUmu~ und c~ftrN", . if we !ihare !i~" Litl\:i"ronmuiuD. t,l,I(I dt'ln'1 ~ I'ICInflllh"~ ptN.1n1!1 inf<tmt.ukm.l,j:nch Ii'! glt,: price (Ul'll.~~ it is rublic Illform:1tlonl. policy num~cn. c:t luntlUrn lI[ Lmurlln,. Oft n\l.'nc(s polte\tlii tRued to CUllom~. t We Ulln't sh.arc nnnpubtic pOrlOnaJ Infurmation. lIuch Hwncllll s.eclJrlly IllJmt'l~CI{ ilTJd bank ,.ccnun\ idtlmltlll(ln. 11~ lJIIar bu ~htl\V~ rln RfilI.lll\"llro nf tnderlnh>', tn)llflJcttl'ln' 10 CIl:ft,.1'A:, M~'ll1c.y M rm" itl~' by" prlnC'lpsl.lnder. b'~cr or real C,La!1l 8(:en1- . 'i.'c~,,'ldiC'~n) Ilil"MI'"'p.!nwllhlltlh.ndCl""l\-lllL1 . We i;Mn'l !>tnu"Q rumpubljc panonMl ;nrrrrI'l1D~len ~hh I ".:!8'fI!ndcnl COatrJClUn, unlcu Ihl,)' nun: II nr:1:.d in Lbl: ptUcculnljl ~." [111.: lnahllCliUI~ ~ dluwczd b}"I;".. nlll~: Jt;no l. JOU~ W.;al.Cm Till.: & :E1Ic~t\W COI1l"any ut Lan~ Counl) OLD".WOl.l'rhill;"l ....~l."\ 1';c:\t:6'11l~ . Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 OrI01;,.;:;5 ~.L~;!r\~i.:.:.L."_..____ TOTAL P,0Ei F'EB-[t2-2008 16: 46 SIJHBLRST (PACIFiC HOJS!NG Western Title & Eserow of Lane Co. 296 SW Columbia, Suite A fiend, OR 97702 (54l) 309-5751 Kimberly B:ornark 67746 BleK Drive Vene"Ca OR 97467. Contact: P.lJl...'03 Invoice No: 0006419-IN Invoiee Date: 02/01/0e Customer No: KBOMARK Order No: 50-4900 ------~----------------------------------------------------_._------------------- AMOUNT SALES CD D~SCRIPTION -----------~-----------------------------~---~-~------------------~------------- 50~0~0 50H50 504160 504160 Lot Beok service Government Service Fee- Eugene Bomark, Jeff.rey , Robe.t L, Oe~eription:2750 Main Street, Spfd, OR Please reference our invoice number with payment. Thank YOl.;. 200.00 15.00 .00 .00 NET INVOICE: 215.00 ...----------- Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 ." \ "'1\--""'" 1 ,'_.'" - Onglnal ~::..., :1 .;,t...'. ,,,--- FEB-02-2008 16=46 .', r C"1:~f~)i "".,;t;'ij . '~'I"lf1 ,,';:i{:':~li "",1,1.1"" ',',1')' ,J) ,:~~, :, " ,:,;,,~Ii~,,' "") " "'~ . '''.'t'' I ':';"'\ ,,"""'1 ''''~'' .,.~ ' " ,.,.; ~".",' .:.<~I,~. ,..':.".' . ;, ,,~, ;.. ,;',::",:"" ,'", I '- SUHBUR~T / .",/ 9119:194 ~ ~ THtD 111""nlPlt MDI ud .1'1...... i.to tht.' ~ 14111.' '...,f~ by .n. b'w", J...".'" eo-+ ...' It. \... ~ (lEFf SQIlA.,K i ~. L. .~P.l1 ~ AS It M .( " T 11.03." 01 MJlIj \"''''~!''' ".' lUI~11\!1t:8r RfcT"'l'td to as t.fnI CnnWI'I and'1ift CITY OF SPRIHI3F!~LOI ",' lI'Qn1ctp,1 !;O~ew,'hD". tn LIft. Cgl,lnt1.~ Oregnn, her'd.lf. rofetTO:d to II thl;! Grfuitoe. lflitllSSEflh I~ CiDns~d&ru.tOi1 of t.1e ~;apU\'lc1i ~ Gl"bnt.llt and: tho nit of ho'tll'i~ of nid eusnlllnC fol'" p1'8tiint vr nlturi ~lJb.lh: IiICl by CrantUI ~"'nton, h."~~t'.."t, btlr'uafl:t, lull fnd l;GI\Ya.,V l.)ntQ ~. QrllntGll, a 'l'trpetu..~ t1plmllnt, to'9lthlT' w11fl tI Msht to 110 lIliJOfl llll!. tasclllltnt IMI M1"I~naf"" Gtl~nbtd. tol",p~' cf C;lI.ltl'\lct'll\9 e m.IIlr,tahlng I ~l1t cU\'"b. glitter .n4 !Ja~llt Imu:tlJra. . 'IIlISWUIf, .. . 11:1 1M!; iran J4ic "~I chi Inl~id Pl3tnt QI ~I 511~MO 'AM)l'IQIl 1:ft, Irf'l:CHOW MIlDIII, ~.,,:l.lCtd aNl"IIC;f~t4l.tt. look ~:, '&&111 11. LI". coJl.ac, OI'ClIDll 'lat. 'atao141i11 t'hr;nca Soda 11l~.a~ t.., .n1l1iaWl1l. e,-."l '11'8", 100 rUI;,'tl\CIIca SoUD its.cO her: CII tt.'lI "Oft. dpHI..".,. l:i"" ~f' tb_ ~lIlWl i:la'WaYI b.I.'\8 ,D rnt thn....'d,y tf'\lt.l. \1\\." .....\1..4 <<1: rllJhl en.1M r:Olch' Utl!:ll: 1;1,1111 olll"'U ~I tM-net. SCMI'" "tl'l,~1 , aut. lOO.ao Coot alJmi..'4 d.h.~ ~e va)' ;&,w '0 eb.t .....ted)' Jl.. I)! ZB~h Strut lI.M tM c;",o pc.iit.t of \l..l!.AdnIU ~ha':UI WC'll"tb GD-o!)' .I.C atOM nid WaDt :U.%ID !4.!e t;n:! ch=co' > .!.llt':Iifta lieU V4Iat :J.'M 10..11 I\l~ tDII.~ v,_"4'",SII v.r. U..~, hit; to In_ aro'",I~.;il kn11'11.ilw 01 tho HlIlttUIl.b ~"n ah'HG IlW;U n,~,1 'bn AUTll ~ yarra U,M e.58 fn' Ct:I ttl. .Il'NI -,.i:lt: ofkl1ttl\Ul.l1n. IptStilfitH. LII1c CNatj!j Or-Pn w c,aC,.ll.b;iIl8 41' 1ll,Wl.P lelt. '1!!!iAPft.2f"U1119EC ' 15.00 !!lil\PI.2!'_F\IHO '13.1ll .,1Cl.ltOFE MO TO tlC!.b th..~OYfl tllJlCl9nt 'te t.ho sa1c16rzntoel ~t, illlCc:lIIoOrli ~J1d aulgns forc~'t...' . . " ft. Gnn Ol'l 4bD~" nf.l1l!d h.", hllrr:\Into set their tiMId. Ind sa." ,tbh I l't!...l ~K,") (SiAl.I " ~l ~ ,S-;AT! OF C1REGctl, CCUR\V of ~ ' IIi '1~1l6' 1,)' a;tptlre~ tM Ib-OVC nlilfd: and !ckrlOlf1Rclged t.he :fot'l9Dlir fiiitfll!1lftt to M ~Q. ~Dlunn", it;ct. 41't4 4ftcl. ' ~rorelllO' - -. " DIlt,. ~ 'U) A.D.,l5i!L. Q""... tz.. Ie. .. NDUf'Y t"W'I1c ni'!, dl"89Oft' I.~I ~1!ISIll. o. 19$4- I'IY \oOftIIIl~'lo;all UJh"':J - ',"',. 1"\" ;:' Date Received,: FEB {~2008 Original Submittal ",,-, .''-' " ,.- ~' j FEB-02-2008 16' 47 SIJ.,SLPST (PAC r F j C H()JS r NG P,(JJ..'03 TOTAL P, 03 ~ t; N ~Si~ ~1I t OF SPRINu...~....D VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00012 2750 Main Street ~ :II lrl N MAIN-S SITE Map 17-03-36-41 I Tax Lot 400 North + I .. I I II Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 Original Submitt;:ol ~J~$' ).T50 V'r1o.,,, 'Sf ~ 11- O~ -1,1,,' l\l- 61166 T~ loT" 0,,",00 7Jn lv1~ C. L... ?rq'~~_ c.~ fr, CcMplJ "'~ M1l5 La{ -'1-L \ \ I ~ ~9 rt- So -- La/- COV~ WI. ,0 ~,(J,~ A1p~aft 1/1 6l .0 OkillR1" ' . --- . T eft &m.....-l( ,~lll\t. \?,12.1L 1k V~,~ "\1,,\'Dl \ Onlj ChMOf-5 {o 5d-e. 4re. +u Complj WI*"" M \)S. ~o afhu- CO>'17-\vVuhM or 4M''\'M~ c-r" p"'>\V\"-~. D€tof,,-h"<. ~'<- rrr.-t5 -1t, !x.. L./J." 'T.,. 1/ II \\I'\\MlJ""Ll~V{,\~ Stc.",J...n!.s Plot PI~V\ ~ , 5+orc.'J<- In' gV'.I6-''''j \ 1"11.. f./- S'j, ,f""'<L - p ,- "" p -- o . ilyp<'O"'-'-' 5+-+ l''1''* ....,. 'H' ~ 1 G":b"1L / l:o.~<k . },~'<~<k f,,,d', COVLrul W..... II......... 0/- so-~.~ Nt tl P.,i P...v. Ih~' ~r~ . () 5+,..+ L"l.,.t (' ,~Z~ ,lk~ ~ ).~+~ Sf- , rr~ ~(.,....+\V.. ~<4. , Ii Wj IJ-t.," \1'11('<'''1 u~tE Received: FEB - 7 2008 Sf- ' Qrigina\5UbmittaL " . ......-..-.