HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 6/22/2007 STELLARINVESTMENTS,LLC Grantor's Name and Address . BET)'Y TIlPT;TER I ;).!9iJ.,J;:d~~ "'- +-'- r .. ,0 tf11:!9.. ee's Name wid A:ddrLs Afterrecordin! return to: . COMMERCIAL ESCROW1 !NC. . 875 COUNTRY CLUB ROAU EUGENE. OR 97401 Until 8 change is requested, all tfix sfatemcntssluill he sent to the roUo\\-ing address. SAME AS GRANTEE ... READ AND APPROVED BY. M-. BY TITLE NO. ELT-51576 ESCROW NO. CE06-00574. TAX ACCT. NO. 0313930 MAP NO. 1703353111000 WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORYFORI\I (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORA nON) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That STELLAR INVESTMENTS, LLC an Oregon.limiled liability company . hereif/aJter called gralltor, Jar the collsideratioll hereillaJter slated, to grallfor paid by BETTY TROTTER- hereinafter called gramee, does herebygrallt, bargain, sell alld COlltley unto the said grantee alld granlee's heirs, successors and assigns, that certain r~al propelty, Jvit'" the tenements, hereditaments alld app1l11eflO1lCeS therelllllo belonging or appertaif/if/g, situated ill the Cauf/ty oj LANE alld Stale oj Oregoll, described as JollolI's, to-wit: Lot 8, and the East 7 reet or Lot 7. Block 65, MAUDES'S SUBDIVISION, a5 platted and recorded in Volume 3, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. To Have af/d to Hold the same.rlllto the said grail tee alld grallfee 's heirs, successors alld asstglls Jor..'er. And said grantor hereby covenants to-and with s(lidgrantee alld grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that gramar is lawJully seized in fee simple oj tile above grallted p/pllises, Jree Jrom all ellCllmbrallces except '..\. . Subject to af/Y alld all easemellts, restrictiolls alld covel/allts oj record alld tlrat gralltor will warraflt alld Jorever deJelld tlie said premises alld eJ'C1Y pa/t alld parcel IlrereoJ agaillst tire lawJIII claims and demallds of all persons WIIO;llsoever, except those claiming under the above described encumbrallces. Tire true alld actual cOllsideratioll paid Jar tliis trallsJer, stated ill terms oj dollars, is $ 425,000.00. 'However, tire actual cOllsideratioll .collsists oj or illcllldes otlrer prop CIty or I'allle gd:ell or promised' wlriclr is (the 'wlrole/part oj the) cOllsideratioll (illdicale wlrich). " (Tire sefltellce belll'eell the symbols', ifllot applicable slrollld be deleted. See ORS 93.030.) III cOllstruillg this deed.alld II'lrere the colltext so requires, the sillgular il/cllldes the plllra/ alld all grammatical challges slrall be implied to make tire provisiolls hereoJ apPly.eqr,IOIlY to co/poratiolls alld lo.illdi"iduals..,' /:.' III Witlless WhereoJ. tire gralltOr Iras execllted Ihis il/strumellt tlris;;;LC} day of C7L f?:, 6cv 200<t: ; if a co/porate grafltor, it has caused its lIame .10 be siglled alld seal aJJixed by its oJJicers, duly allfhorized tlrerelo by order oj its board oj directors. ' THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. DEFORE SIGNING'OR ACCEPTING THIS 1NSTRUlIlE~, TilE rERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITII TilE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARnmNT TO VERIFY AP1'I<OVEIJ USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS ,AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. STELLAR INVESTMENIS,.!-LC DY: BLAKE HASTINGS ~' ~ ~. "'-- Illl.'.d.iBE-R > ".:, ;1', Cm~~M~ (: , ;: .' ):..;' IlOlMYPUBUC.- OREGON \.. ../ ' . COMMISSION NO. 405277 ... MYCOMfIlSSIOH EXPIRES APRIL 30, 2010 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF L" L,~Vl C ),~,<;, THIS INSTRUMENT WAS ~NO\VLED~EFORE ~IE ON MEMBER,~ ~CSTME ~ ;-- ::::.--- /~_/ ~/ I 0 . I k ~ ~Iy '0111111;";011 ex,,;m6~' '<<3 1,-; . t(J ..,2 0'- No~y PuIJlic for Oregon L- I Date Received: Planner: LM /O/:lO ,. ..ZV...>o;.DY BLAKE'HASTINGS, AS II1II...... ~. J ,....- ~f '),.... 'lJiJ~i..~ ~~ ;;/1" f-,' . ..;1 I".""; ./5t/:.';,\,:.::'" Dale """'i"~' ~ /i-:.-/o r Planner: ,tiM, - . ,:~t, , - '"