HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/30/2007 ~, <lI) City of Springfield Developmt;nt Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 Minimum Development Standards, Type I Applicant Name \.<.l'lI-l'f.}..l-r'S :t+h'Hl..-{ ~~\':-n.\ Phone 14-l,- 1Z-1? I Address I~"'iq PIOJ~ V*W~ } /;>Pf\1D6t-1Gl-1, 0'1--. Q"14-'11 Property Owner Name '?i1f'1 G Phone Address <74M';; Developer Name .., ., ?ArAf;, Phone ... .-.' Address '" "40~'t' Property Address 1 ~i ;'o~rA ?-fJ. 0PP1Jvft~Q O)t- Assessor's Map No. \ 1- Q~. ';0 ~ 4z.. Tax Lot No. ~ Zoning of Property r'\\t\i0 V'-!r. C~'1I'11J\1.t.'4'V Size of Property .1t;O'h 0 Square Feet or Acres Existing Use of Property UJttV!C~t.o:n.. I 4\H1:I UP41a... Description of Propos a] C:oiJ \/t;/l.'f" (h-'1M((/.{Iflt..- Mrt)- ~~ (,JI~O'.Jb 1'1 ~L-- ~\?'f I AOO,Jf- NIO'Io-\ ~: \I-tV II.; 14'., ~ r:rtv1...J~ ~("l1Ij....J(, . CVf...J?,qp.f'(l-oq-C-/ ,t.ftJI)''-'{, t.-40-05tM,j.Jt The undersigned acknowledges that tbe information in this application is (:orrect and,accurate. Applicant Signature L. /? /-4 I .: Date ..r -..10-0 '? Ki, ~ . ::::P::::::~:~'ber th:( owner;7Z:Y grnnu permi~ion for tb~:~:lic.;o_:~n:~~; ~b.lf /)"1-' . /. v v For Offiee n.e Onlv: . Journal N:DnjJ-{frr-!'tJr\~( 0 Received By 11 ' 1J.A JJ. Assessor's Map No. \1'03'~Lf-~ Tax Lot No. -6'-1-00" . Date Accepted as Complete . . . "-~ii)>;',.il.rL- Date Received:;' I ~I'wl(n Planner: . LM ,~-; '_ -. .- Orevon~dl , "',.' "," r ~PLlCATION AND PERMIT TO OCCUpy OJ!" PElt 1M OPERATIONS UPON A STATE HIGIl"~'~Y ,...",.,,', ,.....,.,.......', GENERAL LOCATION I05M38961 See Oregon Administrative Rule, Chapter 734, Division 55 I CLASS : _ 95 \ KEY# PURPOSE OF APPLICATION (TO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE/MA,NTA'NI D POLE I TYPE I MIN. VERT. CLEARANCE LINE N/A . .TYPE HIGHWA Y NAME ANO ROUTE NUMBER MCKENZIE HIGHWAY (126) HIGHWAY NUMBER I COUNTY 015 20 = LANE BETWEEN OR NEAR LANDMARKS' r-IIURIED LJCABLE 7TH ST. 'AND HWY. REFERENCE MAP I DESIGNATED FREEWAY 58-36-8 DYES IZJ NO APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS HAYDAIINVESTMENTS LLC ATTN: JOAN HAYDN 1859 PIONEER PARKWAY E. SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 I FEE AMOUNT D ~g~COMMERCIAL $0.00 IV1 MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS AND/OR FACILITIES AS ~ DESCRIBEO BELOW \7S"_:~'!" "':;~~V ':::"u.,-:'(',??'-'-:" "'FO~"()[)()TUSEOtlLY';', ?,>C""";;\\" :-" :BONDREClljiREO'("'cREFERENCE:" 'AMOUNT OF BOND .;IZJ ;y'E's;"t;;j\~,~Oi,~t~~:~:~;; h;':CfI.;;'\$':!';SOO.OO INSlJRANCE.REQlJn'IED.REFERENCE:.- SPECIFIED COMPo DATE (541) 746-4251 'iZJ YES D NO ~~~,~34.55 1/01/2008 DETAIL LOCATION OF FACILlTY(For more space attach additional sheets) 8TH ST. . IIN u.s. FOREST DYES IZJ NO PIPE' D LINE N/A TYPE N/A MILE MILE POINT TO POINT ENGINEERS ENGINEERS SIDE OF HWY DR DISTANCE FROM STATION TO STATION ANGLE OFCAOSS1NG :ENTER OF PVMl RIW,L1NE - BURIED. CABLE OR PIPE SPAN DEPTHNERT. SIZE AND KIND LENGTH 1.90 1.90 43+89 44+09 LEFT VARIES VARIES xxx xxx xxx DESCRIPTION AND lOCATION OF NON-COMMERCIAL SIGNS OR MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS FACILITIes PERMIT IS FOR REMOVAL OF ACCESS AT ABOVE LOCATION. SPECIAL PROVISIONS (FOR MORE SPACE ATTACH ADDIT'ONAL SHEETS) TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED - OPEN CUTTING OF PAVED OR SURFACED AREAS ALLOWED? . IZI YES 10AR 734.55.0251611 D NO . D YES (OAR 734.55.100(2J IZJ NO (OAR 734.55.100(1) . AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK, THE APPLICANT OR HIS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE AT TELEPHONE NUMBER: (541) 686,7626 OR FAX A COPY OF THIS PAGE TO THE DISTRR:'r .....,,,. ...: N/A SPEC'FY TIME AND DATE IN THE SPACE BELOW. . A COPY OF THIS PERMIT ANO ALL ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE AVAlLA8LE AT THE WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION. . ATTENTION: Oregon Law requires you to follow roles adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. ~Those. rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952..001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center al (503) 232-1987. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-332-2344 COMMENTS, ODOT USE ONLY PERMIT & PERMISSION TO REMOVE EXISTING ACCESS WITHIN ODOT RIGHT OF WAY. WORK TO INCLUDE REPLACING ACCESS WITH NEW SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTERBAR. IF THE PROPOSED APPLICATION WILL AFFECT THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT, THE APPL'CANT SHALL ACQUIRE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFIC'AL'S SIGNATURE BEFORE ACQUIRING THE DISTRICT MANAGER'S SIGNATURE. '. LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL SIGNATURE TITLE X I ~ APPLI~ANTJIl3NA TUR I APPLICATION DATE TITL~., q#J X"' llJrrL---'- ~~ 1/16/2007 lJ'" 1JJ1U1A.4 ./),'" 1/1#11ur. When thistlPl,a.'hon III IIPP v~ by t~(lportment, the applicant 18 subject to, accepts IInd llpprove. DISTRiCT MI\ftAG~- R - SE7T TIVE the term~oo proVllIlOM contlllned 1Ir/f attached: end the terms ot Oregon Admlnl8tnltlve RuIe_, Chapter 734 DIVISIon 55, which IS by thlll roference mlldllll part of thtt permIt X ~ :_/;f? -. ~~ '. 734-3457(7-00) -/' PAGE ...aOate Received: Planner: LM SF ":IAL & GENERAL PROVISII.. ,S . . I ", HA YDAnNVESTMEN1fS, LLC SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION MCKENZIE HIGHWAY (0'15), MP 1.90 I. . . I.... '. '..", .". "APPLlCANT/PERMITTEE SHALL BE. Ri:SPONSI.B.LE .AND LIABLE FOR (1) INVESTIGA TI.NG PRESENCE/ABSENCE OF ANY LEGALL Y PROTECTED OR REGULA TED ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE(S) IN THE ACnON AREA; (2) DETERMI.NING ANY AND ALL RESTRI.CTIONS OR REQUIREMENTS THAT RELATE TO THE PROPOSED ACnONS, AND COMPLYING Wl.TH SUCH, I.NCLUDI.NG BUT NOT LlMI.TED TO THOSE RELAnNG TO HAZARDOUS MATERI.AL(S), WATER QUALITY CONSTRAI.NTS; WETLAND, ARCHEOLOGI.CAL OR HisTORIC RESOURCE!Si, STATE AND FEDERAL THREATENED OR ENDANGERED SPECIES, ETC.; (3) COMPL YINGWI.TH ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS, REGULA nONS, RULES AND ORDI.NANCES, WHETHER ENVl.RONMENTAL 'I.N NATURE .OR OTHER, PERTAI.NI.NG TO THE PROPDSED AcnON, AND OBTAINI.NG ALL REQWRED AND NECESSARY PERMiTS AND APPROVALS, I IF APPLlCANT/PERMI.TTEE IMPACTS A LEGALLY PROTECTED/ REG~LATED RESOURCE, APPUCANT/PERMI.TTEE SHALL BE RESPONSI.BLE FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCI.ATED Wl.TH SUCH I.MPACT, I.NCLUDI.NG, BUT NOT UMI.TED TO ALL COSTS OF MmGAnON AND REHABIUTAnON, AND SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS ODOT FOR SUCH IMPACTS AND BE RESPONSI.BLE AND LIABLE TO ODOT FOR ANY COSTS OR CLAIMS THA T ODOT MA Y HA VE." I I NOTHING IN THI.S PERMIT IS I.NTENDED TO GRANT RIGHTS OR IMPLY APPROVAL NOT FALUNG Wl.THIN THE AUTHORI.TY AND JURISDIcnON OF ODOT. I.T IS THE RESPONSI.BI.UTY OF THE APPLICANT TO DETERMI.NE THE NEED FOR AND TO OBTAIN SUCH UCENSES, PERMITS OR OTHER FORM OF APPROVAL WHICH MAY BE REQWRED BY OTHER STATE AGENCIES, FEDERAL AGENCIES, cmES AND/OR COUNTIES OF OREGON, UTILITY OR RAI.LROADS. pAR 734-055.0". . GENERAL PROVISIONS ALL WORK SHALL BE ACCORDING TO YOUR PLANS & MEET ("uOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION 2002 AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARDS. I I TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT "MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, 'USDOT & OOOT MANUAL,' OREGON TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK, MAY 2006 AND A DETAILED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THIS OFFICE FOR APPROVAL. FAX TO LYNN STUCKRATH OR AARON KETCH AT (541) 726-2579. , . I OOOT REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START OF WORK. SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 (OF THIS PERf~\T) FOR CONTACT INFORMATION. A COPY OF THIS PERMIT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS (TO'INCLUDE ODOT REVIEWED TRAFFIC CONTROL PlANS) SHALL BE ON SITE AT DURING WORK HOURS.. I. . ANY DAMAGE TO ODOT RIGHT--OFWAY SHALL BE RESTORED TO THAT CONDITION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND TO SATISFACT'ON OF OOOTREPRESENTATIVE. . SPECIAL PROVISIONS GUTTER BAR CUTS SHALL BE FULL DEPTH CUTS. JOINTS SHALL BE PINNED TO NEW SIDEWALK AND CURB PER OOOT STANDARDS. . . I .. ALL JOINTS/CUTS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED, (ODOT QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST), MODIFIED POLYMER ASHP, \L T SEALANT. (CRACK SEALANT). I". RAMPS AND SIDEWALKS TO BE CONSTRUCTEDI.REPAIRED IN Fl!JLL PANEL SECTIONS (SEAM TO SEAM). IF PANEl. IS PARTIALLY REMOVED, CRACKED OR DAMAGED IN ANY WAY, PANEL IS TO BE COMPLETELY REMOVED PRIOR TO REPLACEMENT. I SIDEWALK TO BE CONSTRUCTEDI.REPAIRED AS PER OREGON STANDARD DRAWING RD720. 4 INCH MINI~,UM AGGREGATE BASE REQUIRED. i . . . . .. I RAMP TO BE CONSTRUCTEDI.REPAIRED AS PER OREGON STANDARD DRAWING RD725. 4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREG\TE BASE REQUIRED. I. ..... . IF CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT ADHERE OREGON STANDARD DRAWINGS, DRAWINGS MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR ODOT APPROVAL APPROVED PLANS WILL BE SIGNED BY AN ODOT REPRESENTATIVE. ANY CHANGES TO PlANS ARE Te' BE . . .. ..... SUBMITTED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION: .' . ~ , Date Re,ceivedt Planner,:'.ifWI':';/ . . ," 'li I ' i .....:':.:~A l- ,.......-.. ....-",' .,...' _. f) '" ~v~ j ,~.:,d ~.> , ~ 'PAGE d OF ;) .~'" t .1', : : f:-,Y[),c\.; rf-J"\..rr-:ST_ LLC H\lVY 015 "'. ~ , ~r-. ~-.;\_r. i. 7_,: OREG. . DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPv';'ATION 644 'A' STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (541) 726-2552 . FAX: (541) 726-2579 OREGON DEPARTME.."Jr Or- rRANSP()frf~TION DISTRICT 5 P~RM\TS DEPARTMEN I TRAffIC CONTROL PLAN REVIEW PAGE -L OF 5 REV'E~~/ ~ o M. SPAETH #Jff7;:;Y~ lfs M.raE 9'~ 1 /' WORK IS BEING COMPLETED UNDER: ,/ . PERMIT#05M38~ a \ REVIEW EXPIRES ON: 1/1/08) o MAINTENANCE: - ~.."- --._--. ~i;i.7~.~ .-... ..~._~~._...- .. "~<<..."'''''<'''~'-'- ...,.-.... - -. . - ~..,'.,:-.:,~~~~.~::~~.~~C.;;,:.t.~ THESE illON sTANDS ARE ' ILLEGAL PER ODOT STANDARDS AND .SHALL NOT BE USED ON STATE HIGHWAYS. (EXPIRES ON: o OTHER: (EXPIRES ON: DATE: Februarv 13. 2007 TRAFFIC CONTROL PROVISIONS: 0) THIS TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IS TO BE ON-SITE ALONG WITH THE I~UED ODOT PERMIT AND ATTACHMENTS WHILE WORKING WITHIN ODOT RIGHT OF WAY (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ABOVE). 0) IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE THAT THE WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE BE PROTECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS. US DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONS AND THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTS. FLAGGERS MUST HAVE A CARD OR CERTIFICATE INDICATING THEIR COMPLETION OF AN APPROVED WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL COURSE. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHAlL BE MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO THE AnssA QUAUTY STANDARDS FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES HANDBOOK. 0) APPLICANT MUST CAlL FOR UTILITY LOCATES BEFORE DIGGING (1.800-332-2344). YOU MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR DAMAGES. CALL FOR UTlUTY LOCATES. PRE-MARKING OF EXCAVATION AREA IS REQUIRED. APPLICANT SHAlL CALL DAVE PHILLIPS (541-510-9'155) FOR ELECTRICAL LOCATES WITHIN ODOT R/W. .:. APPLICANT MUST PROVIDE 48 HOUR NOTICE PRIOR TO WORKING WITHIN ODOT R/W. _CALL (5~11 686.7626 0) WORK CAN BE CANCELLED BY EITHER OooT OR PERMITTEE AT ANY TIME. WITH WRITTEN NOTIFICATION. 0) NO LANE CLOSURES PERMITTED ON HOLIDAY WEEKENDS. .;. PERMITTED LANE CLOSURE HOURS: MONDAY - THURSDAY: ANYTIME FRIDAY: ANYTIME SATUROAY & SUNDAY: ANYTIME COMMENTS - FOR ODor USE ONLY' WORK WITHOUT A LANE CLOSURE CAN BE COMPlETED AT ANY TIME. NOTE: APPROVED I.e. PLANS ARE INDIVIDUALLY ODOT STAMPEDr {., / ~J.....- pate ~eceived:~~ J ,I .;. Planner: lM 'n- "I . , " , -'\.., -.. -~ ""' "';;~- -!'~:l, ,;.....'- .~_.. -- L .9'6"8'~ W~. 0 .. !It .. .. ~ 1M . .. .. . .. It .' it , .' ii- Ii" IV Ii-i', II; " .. .- .. ~", II'" II .. .. . It It It ',' ~ ...~:: -;:,~ ',-~::" '. ~~' .', ~""q~<t:-~ ,J' .: '!;'\~~ \>-~'\~ ~ ~...., 0 <)~'< ",<t:-~ . . -.(,:,_:,--s ~~' . 9-~" ~~~"" ~.,<\'~ /' -v'f,'1 -< '" '? :<..\,fi' '-:7 (?'f,C>O:S....,~~~(}J0-.:;. II' 0"< 7' o <:J o.~"'" .~ --<.:,.... ~/ <?~0 ,. I t t '.. ~I .. - ;~:J. 1.-. :..:- ~ .", . I tit Work . (N6n~~ Shoulder reeway) J % % % :~ii --- . T . ,< ruck-mou t ...... J' Att .~ . n ed --:-13 ; . -" enuator , '. Ufter (Optional) . , -r LJ3 . _t , . . A ~-~ t B ~- ! * Useasa _ ppropriat e.s ee Table 4;-2 -0 (J) ,~ :2 (J)...;J o. Q) W a::::(J)' w'.c;' ~_; s:::~- co~mt ..,.,',- ",,:..0,: . .- J Posted -J S: I r~~~f s':c:~~ (fl) I Bufferl . I 30 -:-:- ..1l_1 (ft) I or less 100 100 ISO:-I 135.40 1350 100 145.55 1500135012501 500 1 350 1 D' lag ram N 0.210. or InitialWa . mlOg Sign \.-it:..r..... .. '~:~~~~~.:~ ~~~. , . ~ ,~"If...-: " .. ,~ ,-. >_ ,J .'_' ;:.< ... ~ '.:( "", , ".' i:'} rr;,!)/ .(J~Gf ._-~ '.;. ,!;~::NS~'C~: ......: UI' ,--f-JAR(Mc" -/'/ '(:(\1' ~ 4/\-, f}r-- (L-''Y:- 1,- !.II", ~ t.?".- '':~~ ("\ ~ d.' <i~~ \~ ') '\ (.\ ~- = -- ."-::.> ' _\v) ~ -0 .~~ al-/ o (l)t.; OCal al c: _c: lll.!!l 00.. - -.'"' . ~lt .,..' l l 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .' . .'1 'I t t . , t . . 41 41 41 . f 41 I (I 4.210 Work on Shoulder Diagram 210 Diagram No. 210 covers stationary work with work or parked equipment on the shoulder. This diagram does not cover work on a freeway shoulder. See Diagram No. 710 for Freeway Shoulder work. 1. Vehicles should be parked as far off the roadway as practical. 2. Use truck-mounted high-intensity rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobe warning lights with 3600 visibility on all work vehicles. Foradded visibility, truck mounted arrow panels or PCMS in the caution mode may be used. 3. Arrow panels in caution mode are recommended for work on roads with posted speeds of 45 mph or greater and high traffic volumes, greater than 2000 average daily traffic (ADT). Requirements for signs and devices are shown in Table 4.2. Table 4.2: Device and Sian Guidelines for Shoulder Work 4. ~~~ '-/:~t' , ~~~. ~~l~~~tm~~!~1~~ _c, , \~Mafe,than'" ,.,. ~~~1BetirncftBa?rr ,'''>Ih,:'t~'~'''-~lo'-''~_'t&.'::<f':''''o''"li'' ~X"'i:liGuardrail, t;;J:~,<:i~:~~,~,:,"i~~:~1~;:'~~,{;_~ Advanced warning signs and devices are optional. One advance warning. sign is required and two signs are recommended. Cone taper is required. Cones along the edge of traveled way are optional. r Advanced warning signs and devices are optional. /"/' " '" -'.'l. ., "!:-~ ""'-}; '''':~ .~ t968fHSO p " .. 'It ,. .. 'It . . .. . . . . . !lit !It . .' . .. - !It '" '" '" - ,. . III '" 'It OREGON DEPARTMENT OfTRANSPOflTATION DISTRICT 5 PERMITS DEPARTMENT TR.&.FF'C (;ON1'"OL PLAN REVIEW PAGE ~ OF.s- . ..-. - -~_,_ _".,,-!~~.J"~'u"'."""~=!.:' .......,~-,. ~.. . . -~.....; Shoulder Work with Minor Road Encroachment -~ !.It. [ Posted Sign Saeed Spacing (It) Buffer I (mph) AI B (It) . I 30 - 50. A 100 100 100 . or less 135-40 350 350 250 . 145.55 1500 500 350 :~ A- (Optional) . . I .~ '-0 ~ ~. . Truck .; ~. Mounted Buffer -0 Attenuatar ~:2 (Optional) L · .- -l ~ ~ I Q)t; .. O:::QI 10' . QlC _C minimum . l/3 111..!!! . a 0.. . '. A , .' ... ~ (Optional) B !.It~ j Initial Warning Diagram No. 300 Sign ~~\ "'~"!>~ (\ ~ 'Y OREGON _ D.:D/~oT' ' . .JI<::- . ., ME2-'-' . ~ 'v: q'l~"'- ' __I'; .. if: i....) , --,..., vi.) Pl::O~'1 ~ !"'l4NSp,.-.."". . " 4~r:-,~, -.' !':':J'l'c- ~'E L-V: I/.,..;../'t..t. . .' "'(..... _ " f '_' L.Jpll -. ~...t'~.,IJ\l - .r..dd-'-".,.." .., "RT"E"'J. . . ,. f'1 1\1' '';I' . '.~~I REv/ '. P4Gt S- _, EW '----- Ur-:. S-- '"-'-___...r___ Elil!:iIIB.h.'. ...:......_ ..._..._._... -~~~',.<l.IIo.' ~~ 4 4 . ~, . '. .~- --;'" '-VJ...: ..", ,~'-:l',.--"., -:':'-'~~'''~~'~--':'<<--'''-~''~~'~:'_ -,',...~_. ~h_."..,..,,'...:., "-,;"'-_'~"~r "'~,"" 'f""w_''''''l1''';'~' I ,~1J~,99i~~~e~Ji1~r~~gt~(~ttIUMlft~r~~,~~ct~~~~Si;B,~E~m~Qttilll;~~*~ k~~~1f~~};~~~~!;{S;~~i~:~;~~t~~~f?i~*Jt~t~%~~~~:~~t~~~~,~.~;~iJ;1:f:i.gJ~'gr~m;~.Q!J.,~~] I I I I I I . . . Chaoter 4. Section 300 Work on 2-Lane. 2-Wav Roads Diagram No. 300 covers work which will extend into a travel lane not on a freeway when the work space will leave at least a ten foot lane. If a ten-foot minimum travel lane can not be maintained or when traffic can not safely pass by in both lanes simultaneously, use the appropriate lane closure diagrams such as Diagram No. 310 through Diagram No. 350.. A lane closure may be appropriate for conditions such as high traffic volumes, high speeds, and inadequate approach sight distance to the work space, or heavy equipment adjacent to the travel iane. . 1. Use truck"mounted high-intensity rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobe warning lights with 360. visibility on all work vehicles. For added . visibility, truck mounted arrow panels or PCMS in the caution mode may be used. 2. lIthe speed is 45 mph or higher, opposing traffic lanes should be separated by a line of cones or tubular markers. Consider . channelization for opposing traffic whenever traffic volumes are high or the travel path is curved. 3.' Cones shall be placed along the entire length of the work space. 4. If a protection vehicle is used and work is in place one hour or iess, the taper and tangent devices may be omitted. 5. An arrow panel in caution mode or truck-mounted PCMS with SHOULDER WORKor other appropriate message may be used for higher visibility. . . . I ~ ~~ ,..(j \1) -0 ~~ 'iD -I 0.. 0>.... 0:0> C o>c -ttl ttl_. 00- } } . , , ,,':~~;~~,~,>;~ ~fT~~ " '. ~..' ".,., .; .~' ;~/""'; ';,:>- " ,"< r<l .,., r<l r<l o r--- 0. C :2' '" '" (j) "---... <( V .~ ~ """'" -- 0 , -J I .ld I , 0 ~ . . I o' I SO' I " I~ ,ps' _...,;,1 31' ..' ,J 51.5' 'It.5' /20 ' -- A ~ .. 41 ! .oJ;,' 4" 119. 4900 . -, , \\\< /79 (l 47' 1 'f.7 (/\l-'If '-) ) 10" I',,' ,,z." IDa - 5100 I 53:)( 5400 " I ' \~\'-> ..'.'..,,:5'f, <'/ . '0' I,~\V' MA I N ~\ <7 .~ ,00 5000 . . 11I1'" ,..,,' '00 '0 , , ~ , ~. u'l zz'l 20' 30" " .~ I { m' 8400 I- ..~ f'- ~': - - 23..' ~L" f -S'ITE \ , ." 0 , ~ . ~ ,\\-IJ-G ev . 120 .I IB,,' s '.J1l..J,l' S"~<>;:'c.. 00' a.. Q.s ~ SOUTH ,0 . ,\,\ (( "^ , 0 /Ir. ?e~h;... 4~ "1 "3_.q<J 61.8.6$' P S. ! I :):)00 . ~\r?- . C)\ ' I .<( PARCEL 2 I g\/ L- S. 35612 . S.35806v..rt I \J--j>. t(, ,\0' I '\ . .- -'_..J 3illrlr~~ ',f<'/--' I'" \'\\t ..- 80' _~4d'__, 101 9'18 817 i 4500 4400 . I I I . :~~ . I k, y) V I I 1-1'0 5500 . i.,' ..,,,L .:' ,..I,L L .,~ .... I . I II 3illl ,,1211313114 , ~ ., Q\" lA\)' ~, I )- ~o::- T 7300 72 ,r" \ ~ _I \ 101)' .. , IZO' 8700 ~: _I '~ J!.'- ~O..:- _ ~s~ I ~'8800 ~'Z'~: , 60' /ec.L . T4':Z;'S730 ~ _~ T-;-~2;;;.;;;' A~~~ :;:!'~ " o ~7"".L"'y ~.'9' ~...,~. ",,79.$8~ . , 3' .-vOa..4;"<tS'w PARCEL I Sr::e Mopl? ,. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. . '. '-'~?~~-35~~2_:r~. 840~_c7~~e Received:6fu ~ '}-'. Planner: LM ""', h . ~.""-~ Division 'of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Ret Is l~~D.~~l~~1 II 1111111111111111111I11111111 IIIIIIIIIII 111111 $26.00 l0 ;7199720060092857001001512/29/2006,09:19:32 AM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=8 CASHIER 01 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 WARRANTY DEED -"STATUTORY FORM BRET H HUGHES, Grantor, I' ;. i conveys and warrants to HAYDAI INVESTMEnTS,LLC, A OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY and, Grantee, the following de!3cribed"" real pr_operty, free of. encumbrances except as ~pecif'ically set forth herein;, to '.wit. Be"ginning at: the....SouthweBt~..comer-.of .Block 63 of Springfield In:vestm'ent and" Power Company's Addition, as platted and recorded at Page'306 of Volume 25, Lane County O'regon Deed'Records, run thence North 0' 23' 30~' East along the East line of 7th Street 97.75 feet. to the South line of a 14 foot paved alley, thence South 89' 48' East along the South line of said alley 132 feet, thence South 0' 23' 30 n, West 123.00 feet to .the South line of said .Block 63, thence North 78' 48' West along the South line of said Block 63, 134.32 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Account No(s). 0317998 Map/Tax Lot No(s): 17 03 35 42 08400 This property is f~ee from encumbrances, EXCEPT: All those items of record, if any, as of the date of this deed, includfng any real property taxes due, but not yet payable. The true consideration for this conveyance is $340,000.00 . BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMEnT, 'THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANYr UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMEnT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERT~ DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMEnT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMEnT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD. CHECK WITH' THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY' PLANNING DEPARTMEnT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO.INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF'ANY uNDER ORS 197.352. Da~ed 't~is ci1f!2.... day of December, 2006. . . h/J~ ~ A4:,;,/.-:- c. BRET H HUGHES tt:/ STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF. LANE ). SS, {Notary Pub1.J.c.,:.(0;:Or~ My commiSSion.e~Pires..:-.X"~ /./q ,After recording return WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW 497 OAKWAY ROAD, SUITE ~UGENE, OR' 97401 to: COMPANY 340 . OFFICIAL SEAL LISA DE AN LEMONDS NOTARY PU8L1C . OREGON COMMISSION NO. 395791 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 26. 2009 OF LANE COUNTY Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be Sent to the following address. JOAN HAYDN /85q 1}6?UM1b/{W(iy C ~t.nJ~ Ie!, Ot- 97477 ~ITLE.NO. 50-0377106 E.SCROW NO. 50-0377106 . Date ReceiVed:S{~O( Or Planner: LM .."......,,,....'''"....,:;........:.~~.....-"!iJ!~_;.;-4.J.1;-.....4':.-......:........-.-..._......_ .f-. , \ WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY EUG )FACE- 497,OAKWAY ROAD,SUITE 340 - PO BOX 1096C ;ene, Oregon 97440 (541) 485-3588<< FAX (541) 485-3597 eQ&ene@westernt~.com " DATE: October 16,2006 WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY ATI'N: Lisa Lemonds 497 OAKw A Y ROAD SUITE 340 EUGENE, OR 97401 Report No: 50c{)377I ci6 Your No: 50-0377106 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT STANDARD OWNER'S POLICY EXTENDED LENDER'S POLICY PREMIUMS: STANDARD OWNER'S PREMIUM EXTENDED LENDER'S PREMIUM ENDORSEMENTS ALTA 9, 116, 8.1 GOVERNMENT SERViCE FEE $340,000.00 $306,000.00 Re-issue rate $77250 $388.60 $100.00 $50.00 We are prepared to issue a title insurance policy by Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, in.the form and amounts listed above. This report is preliminary to the issuance of a policy of title insurance and shall become null and void unless a policy is issued; and the full premium therefore paid. The land.hereinafter described is situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, and is described as folloo,ys: SEE ATIACHED EXHmIT "A" VESTED IN: BRET H. HUGHES Dated as of October 9, 2006 at 5:00 p.rn. Date ReCeiVed::" I ^ -lor Planner: lM b.f.J1J, ~".- .' Order No. 50-0377106 Page No.2 Subject to the exceptions, exclusions and stipulations, which are part of said policy, an~ to the exceptions as shown herein: ' I. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public record; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easemen~ not shown by the public records, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, conflictS in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any lien, or right to lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter fumished,imposed by law and not shown by the public reCords. 'NOTE: Exceptions 1 through 5 may be modified or eliminated from the ALTA LENDERS EXTENDED POLICY, based upon receipt and review of the following: . A If a survey is not required for loan purposes, Western Title and Escrow Company will not require' a survey. B. Proof that there are no parties in possession or claiming the right to be in possession other than the vestees herein and that there are no existing leases or tenancies. C. Proof that there are no statutory liens for labor or material, including liens for contributions due'to . the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for workmen's compensation, which have now gained or hereafter may gain priority over the insured in the forthcoming policy. 6. Unpaid taxes for the year 2006-2007 Original Amount: $3,538.13 DUE Tax Lot No.: 17 03 35 42 08400 Account No.: 0317998, Code 19.00 Unpaid taxes for the year 2005-2006 Original Amount $3,460. I 9 Unpaid Balance: $1,153.40 DUE, plus interest 7. The rights of the public in and to that portion of the herein described property lying within the limits of roads and highways. 8. An easement created by instrumen~ ihcluding the terms and provisions thereof, Dated: May 5, 1959 Recorded: June 15, 1959 Document No.: 70486, Deed Records In favor of: Northwest Natural Gas Company, a corporation of, the State of Oregon Date Re~eived: S/...sn! 01-' Planner: LM Order No. 50~0377106 9. Trust Deed, to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby: . Amount: $220,000.00 Dated: November 16, 2004 Recorded: November 19,2004 Document No.: 2004-089377, Official Records Grantor: Bret H. Hughes Trustee: Laurence E. Thorp, Trustee Beneficiary: Victor R Alfonso, If. and Joanne A. Alfonso NOTE: We fmd no judgment liens or tax liens against Joan Haydn or Tamara K. Daily. NOTE: There have been no vesting changes in the last 24 months. NOTE: The property address as shown on the A."essors Printout is: 722 S A STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 Page No.3 Any questions concerning the closing of this transaction should be directed to Lisa Lemonds, your Escrow Officer at (541) 485-3588. . Any questions concerning Preliminary Title Report should be directed to J errilyn Egger at (541) 431.3710. cc: DICK SAGE REAL ESTATE 112 NORTH 49TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Attn: DICK SAGE Ph: (541) 747.5230 Fx: (541) 744-2498 NOTE: For copies of exceptions, please contact our Cnstomer SerVice Department at (541) 284 - 8011 or emaiJ your request to e""ene@westerntitle.com Date Received:6)JO! O-r Planner: LM Order No. 50-0377106 E1U:1WIT "A" Page NO.4 Beginning at the Southwest comer of Block 63 of Springfield Investment and Power Company's Addition, as planed and recorded at Page 306 of Volume 25, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, run thence North 00 23' 30" East along the East line of 7'" Street 97.75 feet to the South line of a 14 foot paved alley, thence South 890 48' East along the South line of said alley 132 feet; thence. South 00 23' 30"WestI23.00 feet to the South line of said Block 63; thence North 780 48' West along the South line of said Block 63, 134.32 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received:5 ?j) In r- Planner: LM . II ," :: : cr." i'P '" . . THIS PLAr IS FOR YOUR AID IN LOCATING YOUR LAND WITH F REFERENCE TO STREETS AND " I OTHER PARCELS. WHILE THIS PLAT I IS BELIEVED TO BE COR- RECT, THIS COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS BY REASON OF RELIANCE THEREON. WESTERNTlTLE & ESCROW COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY / / / / ,,< "-- ,~ ----- ~ ---..... 1==' (J) J F l.. f Wi ~ ~I 111 121 ; 3j 141/15 i 16; II 5500 I " I @ I 17: lBi 1 tol :: ! J l 68 ! 5~OO: " ~ ;,. I : r I I ! l : : . _ (1('72.1 i! i i' 51:00 i i i -~l '8P I II I I I r / 100 \. \' ~ : i i i i ! i I : \~\~ !! I! I : I I I ~\"",\. __ ea'_ L-..4o'"-. 1- I 1 " _ . _ _ _ _ _ /\\0) \J v ""-SO -- ... --- ~ 1200 _~_ __ ~ \\" - -_ _ MAI~ STREET . 2" r 12,;----.- --r--.--.---- _ ~,~0f> I I 30 /4' 1S'12.<4' 211' JO. (F~Q."--------...... 8110P g 8 !o 0 0 ~ I I , 0 C> I!? 0 0 7400 .' 1 I f'. ',- to (() ~: : 00 :....... r-.... ....... , , ' I :,' r I I ' I , ' , , ' , I ' ! ! : ~ .' ~. 'f: cO(J's,e __ ~": s__/, SO' -.' "" _'_ UTH "04-;;-' _. 30' 30' ~ ; ;" ___. S~ ~ I .:J " :t' 00 ----.....L::. RE:E:r --_((<< e:. /. C. '" -___..... ,--_...~. r.:e"130- ;;! __ -__ <:.f196,!r __ .... 0" - -.-... . ---..... -- -1Il___ ... -!-L.(.~ -. ____..._ ----<-<-<-r.x:_~ - Q) c:: -mJ9 00. ~ ----- , 5000 5100 k~~~} ~)o \.l! 0 : t<) : l() I , lIe;. 32. 100' ". " ~ h , c: t ---...... .;:-.:1' <,,'~ ,-"'J \V~ \:- 5400 101 ~ i . I ' 1 ~ 6"J 5; , .3: , 4: 9! 18: ~ t \~~~~~:------ ..-;;~~-- '-;~~3o'- - -~ - ----" . . 0.18 AC. 0.33 AC." 0 '" ~ " . ~~ IBS. ..~ ~ ~H~"d ~~h ~ \> 87~W.d ~~~,W ig 0,21 AC. IJ ___L ________ _ ___ j f 8800 .. '0..3.3 AC. 890 .0.4.3 A . .~'7101~ ! YJ'll,AIt.JI.t"'l:.ll W,lJlI Il'J:'il;:! r;;;;:;\2" I~O' ig __~ I o~RO?c r' ., !<' ~/ -0 eo,. ,0> -=<:>1 00 Sa/,5:- ~ Ih0'3'- .J ,.,:} -'. 1 Qu' ~~~tf ' ',' ~Q-: ~D'-" -'-. \' :: -...... .. , ..' . -\ , . -;'}~I < ,"'i " -., ~.'I;':!; ~~~~~ ~t. ~.".. ~ J 'i JUO ~:, nrnQ. JDDD:-j '1~ W~~; UJ){~ ~aB '_. ,omi -fTl] ..~~~~~-~ :~UCJJ:,o.,~.[i: 'W':'1J'~;DD[J' J /., wo. ... ~ ~ .. . .. '2 .. ..~!:" ~...;. r I _ ,.,,- - -. T '1 : '. :J.U t - t ~d, ~ t '._.<~-..::..-~:-.....i ~ . _ ' ,._. ~ ' ~'... ,,~"N'h' ..:.t l .' -. Y[];;:?'r1 ; EF, ,p-;. ~lJ'f~,Jl'~i .~ . ", _~. _____ ...--1. c:J l=1= v r1 ;.,,-J)~I'k){!..J~ ' I ~D D . ~ .......It'~i'll.....:- ,_ . . . D.,. ~it7. "(-.:~ l':::;li "'J"~J ~t<. i, . . . ;-~l:l... ~~~.'h.kl'&!~l ..< , ,r'" : ~l ~~~l~i;:~~",- -; \ I, "r'~ 1 "t1 .""~""'~'" "'i~~. -.;- -II j(,""'J.?.... -4 ~ i'fi~J1~~;. ;1J:Il.i 1,'" .,j =F q.r:. ~ ~ . "'-"Ic.f~:...s"..."l)'IIop. ..~ =1"\ , 3:) ~ I" r1--t ~BlI{~j~Jl~!;.i.~ 1 ~ 5 ;r ~jll ~~,.w ;uc~JdJf\"'~'-'- ~F? 'I.. .-- ,_.-:}J~ifL:~~~~d:-5 ~{\ I~ '1/ . '.~ . Planner' LM, , ~ ~l t.. ':. . '., ~ . v' .;......!: 'c' t'll' i f: ~r ;' Ii--' i I ~ I ~ ~ '1 I , I!) '" ~ )~I.> , ~~. ~ <-<" . , I . ...... ~'1 ':::,. . 1 , ~. .~ . '" 't . I _.._...... .n. .,' ;~;::;~'f~~.:;::r~z;-~~{f~~~=;,c;..~"'::. ...... r. ,. ~ .J ;,g"-Q ,., ~. ... iu Q ~ i'>.., " 1~ " ilq''-' II j ... 't'( Q . r--.~ . .' I:>. . I i I ! _..,~ ~ ~. --~,. [ ~" l':~ ~~l'<\ t<'t.j' ~ ;::./ "~ -.l1~ ~ ;"ol~:-;i '!~~}tr.s: !h\(~ i r,' ..!..., _"!Lf _ ':'i.~:~':-lJ~.... }:::!~ n: ~ L~'" 1'f~ ~;.j ~ r:r- :J":M~h",l(J~~{~f'S.~ 7.~~..;I j ,01 r"r!~.j1 ; .-"H~~H !?-'"!\l:~~ tr~.. ~ Ot:. fN; . :1' :, ,t '-t J':: :... ,I ! ~ . . t~) . 10-"..... ~ ... 'iI '",,- '<l..."lI!.I'<.;i"I' ,...~.. a ,p"..""r t.....~ : ~~l.. l i' .,!......., ,YH'l;''iq~ ~.rt ......-:: "'~ -~!.::..J'd"'~'d .r1Jn'pj!~~...:t.l\t~~~ ~~~~q ",1. ~".",: ~IJ.I""""~-l.t..!o.: ;~~~ i..... ':'\ -1";1" 1"~~~J. 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O~ ~ , _i~EJ Dull B' m8.':: ffiBffi~1. ~ ~IUW ~.. ~EfftSHtlBL " ~n :"~' r.lmr:1~ ' LLJL:J . ~ 1'; laBL.:J ~ '. '.." -- ---.- ---- _nO " , " I v , .' , ~ ~l .. ~. '. .' ~~ " -:1 .' ':"'i ~} " .~ ~: OliS ~.: . ~ l~ . : , , I" , \ .- ....~..~. "'-~T~~'.~~~ . ~ , . ooul'I511ifr' " -;- 'I>ate'Re;;;i~ed' : .' 0 Planner; -LM' .; .1,\ 1" '''f'"" EAS!ltE;IT ::~:[r.- /l!), ~:j~: ~r 7:':;";8 ?;1~~;ir.1: ~Lit Jiiclsen L~ Pollnrd lInd Zls1e l!. P';)1l:"rd, ';,:!'''\."t'1d .1rd 'r<:f~) r'()llnt.~{ n: !..r:ne-, stntr! of Orerron, nerll::'lftar r.elled ~r,'ntor::;, ~::!" Ll~(~ \.;1 cnn~;~'.lcr"lT.~O;\ or th~ ~lt"':l of One Dollar, to thri p~id b;r l:orthT!'f:!st 1:~tllr::!1 'ILlS ':0""\;'-"'1:::", ':lcorpor.'!tion of tho:! 3tnte of ()re~on, hereinafter cA1)ed :jronU'!,=" thr:- 1""C"Cf!1pt, Ot' wh.~ch i~ hl)re"'Y nCkno"lpd:,:cd, have p;rant.cd, bc.r- r:E1,n~~r\, ;.old r.n.~ r>vnvt'y~d, :1ml t7 thc~H! T"rcoent~ do ~rQ.ntJ barr:nin, ~cll.nnd ('Qnve~~ untO th,' r,1id :Jrantol", 1ts :lU('cp.S9or3 El,nd aSBian3, the richt of way nnd ~~~~~"nt to 1~~, n~int~1~ and orer~tp. 8 two-inch (2~) ~A9 ~1pe11ne and 8ppur- ......c1'l,:mc.:';. in, ~l''''':1-:J \:.~')r: n~.:'l :''''MSS T~x i('Jt 8-1 l.n Dlo~k 6) or t~e Springfield In~str:'lent n;:rJ p,,';n:lr SomrY'l.nv Aridition t.o the city of Sprin~field, Lane Cl)unt:/, ('r~-~on, p.,,, !.,~,:tf' ;')~ :"l~~rt ~r1~ plpeltne beinl~ more p~rt.icLllarly described as f"'low.:::;, to-....~t: !if:! ':~!'ln ~n-: ~,. fl. no1 r.t J feet, ~!;Outh of t.nl'! nr,rth,.est rt)~.::{':"" .,f t~'ln :,,"\'.lt~ on~~:31f of said 210ck 63; thpn~e f"'~t(">rl.;: -.:r; :.~r,t t.o ,1 point 6 re~t snuth or .the nor+'h ":~" ,..,:' ~.-:,~ ~..,~:t~1 ,~.._h::lf I)f :'l~~k 61;t.I-zp.nC'~ nort,l, .",>!'t., -:1] ;1;. .q:',,~\ "'1 drR.lfl:1e ::>1' A9-i~JL7, attAr":hed :. --: n...: 1.., t." i t: r" 1""r~:;::'c:1n:\e 8 part. her~o f. ":""'.'~!:-!~~ .,.;~~: t: p ::1 r:'"!t t,] "?nter ':.Jpol1 sairi prf'1:!1SC5, t/."l l::\y, repair, r":"'I~1"'" ::":. 1'''...:-.''.n .<:.'"'.: ~'::.'r.~i:." rl;:d C1n!"'~:rt~;;,'f1r-p.s.. ::.-", .. ," . \,. :~'" "":',"1"; ~'.., i'['~ ~ t...'). I"~~t! -:-o:~ 0r 1"0;;:;':, 1--.~1'J;"" ~~~ .<:'lr- ; "..j ""''';::-'l:!:'1_~:-:f':' ;7,,;,;-,....... ~!".-l tr.~ ~\~rf:-r:~ 0: t~~ -.~'.,'.ln~ r.~'.r-~.-,~,-.~ t..:> :'\"'r:> r:...l:1u~ti~~; !=:I--:<" ";"fa:; i~ ~ri?r to :"1C r~' ::'.:"'f!':, 'v' '. ~:::"' :::-, ,,' ..~ :,,', ~ :. .' ~ . "'- I"',~,,"".\,~-',',i"'r: -..' ~.~'n ";"~it.i.'1'~'<~ t,;.!~ n;,;O::I'!7.C'nt. ~t ,:; ,:~,:.,:...':.:t~..~,,~.~_,~:l_~:"'.';._,M;~.,~Cci~ ;.., !.~.... .;......; ':"'.~v""':-':~'~:-"':: --:,,'~~~ r;~?;. :,'1 t:'r '7:-'7!)~ .i.:-:.::""I"' .:::>t::'.':i" ..'- _,r__.. c.!.(,~C;i.''''....:.:.'':'~~.~'.'.!.'.:'''j.:;t.,..-~. \::-.,:: :Y:(~'~:',.:.:i: r')."'.~0r,t,:.'~!1 ~ti\-J.:1CC notic-I" 0: ::;uch US~, 5hall ~f';-::"Y<:' ,,' "':':---.. "';:.1"',";.. ,;--:::: I ~lrJ;tf!rt::. 2':: .,,-:'".... --: i'n: " 'I"~c Grn:>t.o!"3 !-la'/~ h~:!""~'..l!'11:iJ s~t their hands and rl:l:' ')1 ~ I , 1959. 5~a1~ t..:..,: ~. ~ :e:f?~~ Z~J h1C:dt~ -.... '-.-.. ,. ST!~:?: ,,~. :,!D2':"/'lr: ) )S~. Co:.:nt,.\' (If L',~ ) en this .~ t~e (l.....f)ve~~ml!!'d 1~C1S~r: 1... f'orF.''::l")~T\C; <~:l::;~.T""li~C!nt to hp. rlny f'>f ~ , 1?S9, person&l.ly Qppeared Pollard nna ~LSI-A b:.. .Po tlArd and acknoll'lede-ed the t.~""~ r volunt:lry oet and deed. ~rore roE! t. ~X6 / / . Ijotary .F\Thl1e lor ureeon 'r.~ lly Commiii,;1on expires.;" "....:12 .a..~1> .:~~ . ...:*,;,: /'~ Date Received:JS ~O 0 .' >ii~ Planner: LM , ','. . ,,::~ "~ .' -, ..;.:'1 ;~;'..l'1 ., , ! ~ 'I · i { ( A,.f.':,./.' I /'.j I . .:.~ I I , I i I I ! . ',. ,. " .- " " . '. " .' ~ . :". I:,':':::'.:.'/:'h:~~:\.'7- .~ ,. .' "., w,.,' ~,.. .. .,-. .'. "..- ... {-. I . .~. . ,,' ~I..~'..:" ',: ,7~", ...... .',," .' I : :: ~ ,\ ". , "..:':" . -1 .- ..... I ' . = ! .' , ! < , 1'\ ~JtJ.VL i ! , I .' , . " '/11 "u..,PO~~LAND GAS. & COKE. COM~A~Y L ~. :::;;"'n~ '1" ?f"...Sl..- ',"'..fM~f{T"'P,JM N.L..I'')Um''~ .l..~./ __. , hLK ~~ ..3....r:-./-ICF"IEJ...L IIVV_.....;..-rAlCNr'r'O~.~,." '::0 ""DIT'/~ON . Dl{Aw~9 0 f :SEC. $5' T./7:;. R...!W, LANE: C"':~;;'':;''rIN;;.~ICI'4,()..C , ill, 7.1 . "'-. .. .."0 . o. . Vate Hecelved:' . Planner: LM c... $CAl..f - I":~O' APP DAn:. 4 - 30-$3 -"-'. -'. DETAILED WRITTEN EXPLANATION Wynant's Family Health Foods, to be located at 722 S A St, Springfield, (15,030 sq ft site, zoned Mixed use Commercial, surfounded by properties in same 'zone designation), proposes to convert the existing vacant auto-body and repair shop at the above address to a specialty fetail grocerylhealth foods store. Existing access is taken from South A Stfeet and the alley, and th eaccess is proposed to be moved to the 7"' St side of the property. No off-site improvements are planned. The site is currently vacant, but was used as a Kendall Auto detailing shop, and most recently as a sign painter's wOfk-shop. The site is paved, with parking and lighting, all public utilities, and some landscaping. There are no special site features. Soil type is identified in the Soil Survey of lane County, Oregon, as Malabon silty clay loam, with moderate shink-swell potential and moderate permeability, suitable fOf urban development. Excavation fTom the site will be about 120 CY, and fill will be about 80 CY. One stfeet tree is to be removed at the proposed approach location. No land is to be dedicated to the city, and no modification of the MDS is' planned. Date Received: .s l1) O'Y' Planner: LM '\ MDS DATA FOR 722 SOUTH A STREET - SPRINGFIELD APPLICA TION I. Property do.es not fequire a Site Plan Review Process 2. Site is within City of Springfield city limits 3. The site is within a commercially zoned district Ai. An addition is planned that increases the existing square footage by over 50% Aii The total new impervious surface does not exceed 5000 Sq Ft Aiii It is not a part of a serial expansion B It is not a change of use per OSSC (commercial B at the time of construction is an M occupancy at this time, and both uses were identified as B occupancies at the time of construction) APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF APPROVAL I. Planter strips are provided 2. Trash receptacles (see NE corner of site plan) are screened. The existing encloure femams 3. Bicycle parking has been added 4. Parking and circulation areas are paved and striped 5. Access to the public right-of-way is currently taken from South A Street. ODOT has approved a relocation of this to the 7'h Street frontage. City Traffic Engineering is in favor ifthis and is proposing to approve this during the review process; Access is also available from the existing alley, and this will remain. 6. Concrete sidewalks are in place, and will be restored where new the new approach is proposed. 7.. Street lights exist. 8. Connection to public utilities (water, sewer, electric, gas, telephone) are in place at this time, from the previous use. Date Received: 5 3IJnY Planner; lM 1'7.o?O OQ ff ?69? OQ ff 216'7 WJN fWOR ANO '7:?O 50 ff MeZZANIt-.l' VN (!6 CON5mxfW IN 1972) VJ7 ( 2007 0500 ~ (MOMOnV!' :'C11Vl:e !6 1Ie000~~W IN 1971 0550 M (lJ'fNc !6 1Ie000RIr;eO IN 2007 050<:) ) CONV1'R~ON Cf MO.lJ'cArW 5HOI' I?UIWINCi fO 5PWfl-,-y IJ'fAlt. M ruU?lNG COIX Ar M fiNl' Of CONSfflXf1ON 'UOM'O 1\-f PUrO 5l'RV1a i'5 A 0,1. /oW M <tfAJ\. i'5 A 0-2 INf~mNG tW.f ~S \\1aJ: ODeS = INCl.'" A ~~ Of OCClI'~ .. _ \ OLJWlNU ANi:> ~11' OArA ... . . 511~ NiXA ~LJWINU NiXA ( eXI511NU) ~LJWINU m!IIllONfl. NiXA eXI511NU CON1ill:llON 1YPI" PROf'OoW coN5mxnoN 1YPI" ~Xl511NU OCCLP.AJoCY Cl.A55 PROf'GOei:> o((LPANCY Cl.!65 17!'0<:~Pll0N Cf WCM. PA'iKINU m:A 1J'G1JIIJ'I;fNr5 <trfJ" F"DDR m:A OFFICc m:A I;fZZil'JINl:m:A SfOCK ROOM HU "ICYC,c ~/'a5 R!:OlRlW 4 Ol:YCl.C ~/'aSPROVIOW 4 PUrO ~PCCS R!:ou<ti:> 14 NJro ~PCCS ~oeo 14 (~) SfOOJ,W^"ol! IU-tf [ fl-cey fCCc55 fOR 11115 ~11' o ; .~ (~)6"am 'lb;E;~~~ /f)O\JMPSf!'R~~~ / /E)(..'6oW:1H1 '0 / d O(E) PO>\W'W: (E)6"ClJiP N9!l''1S'~''W 1'2.0' ~ ~. (e)CAfQi~"5IN' ------------ r (6V.-u.eva.'nl'R ~ 4200 ;OFf 200 ;0 ff SXl ;0 fr 1460;0 ff ---\ 3: " ~Q~~ I ~ I i ~. ~ ~ ., .1 I I I I I I~' ..~- ,~.-c.........;; '0.-'-'_:'"_""', ~-"-_"'-'.'-:;'r-..:::. I I I 1";;-= l<;";.....,..~:r._-;-;;:.:::"';.-: ~~..::;::.:,;;:,.,_-;. '-." I I I I~"':';.-;"- I".''',:"':.~",:::":,,:o;,:;:-,.':.,::,:,..;..,,,.;.:._,,"..,.:; I I' I I"'~- L -- Mt:l5 srANDNa?S M Kf;Q-fO VItf~ [:ILJL.t1I~ fOO\l1CN 15 Ovt::.e ~O" a' t:.X15~ FL~ H?t.A MV 1..E.55 fHMJ 700J ~ ff CJf t-EwOO\..~ H?i.Am 1.w'E.1?VICUS SU<fJa5 (NO t-fW I~WIOJ5 5lRfKES.A1X CJ;l:A'ff:O) eXl5fN::iAlCf'^~ (:.X1SilNU5IO!;:Wfl.K --- ~ .,....-:e)L}.oQJ1.ON 0/ m:~f.m.'" .......-... '- SOUTH A ?TREEr I!) WAfEJi!/o'ltt C) Date Received. c... /.!{) / ~ '1..!--- Planner: LM .~ Il;;::~;;,-;:,;,;_.m_~;,;* K t A TIN G 1188 WEST B ST.. BLDG P [PROJECT NO 07-111 BY ~:':;;:~'_""'';;;':;;:;~EN' GINE E' RING [SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 lo.ATE . . 29IMY07 !i "Oirf.I"1~'ji''''.'-'1~ . . - . -. . SCALE 111..20' I - f:;;~;=..,":'~;~:;:::J . 1 VOICE (541) 726,9995 . DRAWN BY CJS/ 'OK I - ~:"';::;'._'d_-':';:l L Lei FAX (541) 726-9996ICHECKE:D BY 'OK I EXISTING CCND1TIONS PlAN SCALE: 1-"'20' '~ PROJECT TITLE WYNANT'S FAMILY HEALTH FOODS REMODEL OF EXISTING AUTO SHOP AT 722 S A STREET - SPRINGFIELD REVISION NO. DATE SHEET NO. MDS1 .' -- ---- '"-- ~ P~flA< c.A1f.wAYL~,If',N;~ ,,"", -J (~) 5fO" %N -U- , ~ ._-.....-.-:-:.~.-. .-...., . ".....-. ~. SITE' PlAN . '0 SCALE: 1":20' --. , --:.... .'. L ~U9,.AW~J>N:;; ~ 0 (E) Pov.cwcu "--[~ D- ce) 6"ClW , ~ ~~~;f;;~' I 1;:;'V.C.r. " --~------ . r1?\ ~ -....\ ~ \j\ ~ ~ '" --\ !~:'Q I ~'" I '" 10 I "vi ~IUri~ .10 I~ G/~' I P+1'\l:I'L-.;__- ~~U I ~ ! I~ ~~ I,,~ 6""'1'-"""~' !t.. ~ :]1 " ""ur,) I~ ~I I 1__ (E) Snu:f (life fO ~ a::""lfif-17 - .-'-'0--~-' -"'4"7:~' '1'~;;5;~~-~.";~~~'" --. W6'ClID\t2.1) ~~ N98~7'':O'W 1~D' . . -.. '" ;,,-,,;;;;~, --- OG\.rAW' - -2i::::=-:':.::t:-:: .(::."'~_~i eel 05.'1 ? NEW OS 10 UROLINtJ Bf5lt/ eXISnNU CB " . L5JoN-5JoN-5JoN 7,'..qj" - - , ~ ;; ~ ~ fU'tII~ l7M\.ACtt7 IV C P^V1~1':' 1'NI/a::-5fr'i.-L-/lif~ pA\lJN(.;wr i ! i r p ,. 1: r PLM:rE1?I7 :JO\:J SO~~ A STRfff PROJECT'TITlE WYNANT'S FAMILY HEALTH FOODS REMODEL OF EXI9TING AUTO SHOP AT 722 S A STREET - SPRINGFIELD 6"EXmvwClffl I I REVISION I NO. DATE I I I I iM1n:auw ..tVlHlti I '" t::XlST11\11:; Roar t/fZAJNA:::<E IS CQ,\tl.rreO fO Sf~ 5YSreM INI{.U~Y 7771ANN VK,fNf m.~~ L _O(E)f~~ /f)!7IWi'5"feRet-(l.~ / /elUSIJt-reR / d - .O(=:e I I l ~ l . .'D!' Q !I Ui I" 'I 't INSiflLL- 4'.' F'VC so--ED40 rJWV ?IPI!\tA CON~,fcreo fO tXISfIN:A ANt7 RC7l.IrtO fO eXJS11N(A 5fN 5t\;\n~ cONNECl1ON IN fU..r;y ~ I ~ I ~I ,~, ~I ~ 'f~f~~t: U, ' ~~.~~ j~W;'('::: ;-... J.-~',~ '/0 ~~ [~.., t' /// '!;Wh.~; ~ ('~ ___wa<~ eAVL"" ~ ..\. .-;:.~ ~2xropm:;lt-t< ~';';il1f~ : Ubi .,'.'..'U l"H';"~' ~, :';:::r:,~)'~ . ~ ,~;~i~l\~ . {,'"';:,;X '''~fj'I,',,':'' ft. ;':i~J~() 578:!>8'0:I . ~~: < _'Of I~.~, ill~~c~ 1KE: RACK LOCAllON 8 ~ ~ e " ~ (EJ...."",..; rODf~~1J E)WA1l.R1tf. ..... Date Received: Planner: LM -'''-.--- fr!;j:;,:;:;;7-:~:",~ K EAT I N G 1188 WEST B ST. - BLDG P IPROJECTNO 01-141 BY~';'",~..".:,~.",.'.:',".""'~,"'.",'~~:~""':;,"."~: ENG'IN. EE RINGf:5 P,RINGFIELD, OR 97".47710 ATE '.29MAYO: I i-. '~,n!:l'-''''.':',1:('r,..).. .... '. . - leCALE. 111,:,20 . - );:;;;;;:::"'0:';;;::;:'; , . , VOICE ' (541)726-9995, "RAWN BY CJ5/ 'OK - f";:::::~;",_:,,::'M L I.,: C FAX (541) 726-9996!CHECKEDBY 'OK rn/>,\,OlN WON( flLLO'I~ , \ . -~ SHEET NO. MDS2 . IK2Yloo 10m "N1Ci'L N!Wt I COMMON N!Wt I MIN. 51Z" IcOMMf'1Vf5 J . Sfndefre~., I"" 12 I Ar"..-njbrtm 'SOT$en' I Scald, Sentlnd M,,.,Ip. 12" C~. Innu-hlno IImb,..duow=;r0l.6f't. .J UrCl.>lcU/Nf,'f5a-JVIM5 ra:-- I ~ I r .,l-""~;lSlff 'Lrmf';.-;I.' I S!T";MllVl (o\",,;e~ 1\ Q.-.} I mr-lf""'hIM r,JI ] Shrubs (Some ccnt.alner 51les locrease:d. 24" hit. m1n. note added l:o shrwb ~d In screenil'tl a-eas. 24" ht. m~l, roi. .:r,'al[.d,k In law (Tawl~ 5t:l1"Cles) ll3fr. 17 !3P.rbm-15~r'111'(.rlm<.onPUaTlJ' tlwiTf.L:Va1l'!51~{h'+""I'Yl1 In.-'ll m'ff.-hiM ~JI - I (f I A - "(hlll<;;) tJ"ma1.."3 ~J.IC'1t1 (JravlfJ So =I ~fhlM full 7.4" ht. mIr1. E( I?~ ;;,.-.,11.-;011;1 mmc:d,"] (,,","-Yr. E"cel~la ~ f.l.'li. I ""'lffh'M J,~I 74" [,f. rrHn I ro I q Crnu'-' sWaliferfa I i?d-oo;ler tJaaw'ad r I Qal. I malmlm ~~I 24" hI. mln II?? - A ?':"'t!,'J c6.d~i1 I tirnd-?; s",rl'!.:l Ilf.I:l I mnlr:h:M f,)1 IA" ht mJn , ~ MOUNDNG I\Are ~ ~.~>,/ ~4'5rALL~IKERAa"RAI?IU5PIP'''OI1EO / ~1-I/2"rIAPIPl'RAa '/./ ',F. . ,"/2XI2"5PIKE;0I1'PPRo~r : ~ /. /~51Tl'PAVNu(') /~ '/. --r1 'TI . PL-ANllNC< L-WCiNtJ o 5fWi, mb o .. CONlmOU5fiJ'b i;>>,:.,'::c] Sl'wwOI1m Iffmo-N ORNMlWrAL fiJ"5 '0 o SliW5/ GRGiNOWA'R 5HW5 C<~N~RAJ.. NOfe5: I N,W Iffmo-N mP6 ro B' SI''''''' \~lH rrx ""'" M1X1lE &Y HOBBS & HOPKINS.' L ft?, 2IX1511Nu 5mBr r1(l', Pl_R mA 10 B!' """'''' \\I1115P1'ClfIW sew MIXm. . ?IffNJo-N mP6 10 B!' FALl"""',,, 10 f.Al:ILlfAre aRMNAfiONN-IIJ '5rMI"tWl'Nf " ;i~ PROJECT TITLE -6" tXmJOW fQf'-5Cf CURlJ/I'M'l srOP. 6' LONG -?" A/CPA~N<:; B" COMP.Al:rerROCKBAO'l' ,';'-. ''/. <',..,....'" '., -., "~-- '"---'.11........... '----i J ._0._' I --I lli~~lD]'~;lni~m~f~:iITI" : """"I"c..I..I,'.h.",.."-.-',,I,!-cl :f"-,-:J_'_ ~.,-;U_, '1,-;"..' !_";"7'~! _..t.~. I .j . ,~ C) , PAVING,oETAILS. SCALE: 1"=1'.0" o BICYCLE RACK ELEVATION SCALE: 1" =1 '-0". WYNANT'S FAMILY HEALTH FOODS REMODEL OF EXISTING AUTO SHOP AT 722 SA STREEj - SPRINGFIELD ,~: :) ~, (PP~(U_.._~~~.~"M ~ r\/~' >N, , ~ - " (4) EC @2!,I?'V.C..f" C2.1 ;;. . .. h"<;" ..... ,.,:," 4e)otiV'smer-u~ ~ W\5MeTf.~ ) _,I. 0 I U I m POA'!'iYCt.f '-.---, i i I I ! (f)6"Q.W .-.,.....--.- --- \e) V;UfYGLlf1~>: (f) c:...rC11!MSlN (to) 51lYerm:t:fOOCffWOVCO I (8)l?S I ! i i i I Ii II II I: :l Ii ij " II !J ~ I' .I I; ,I ,. 'I II b 0) '!'\~ (}J . . _ rd}).Q~(f' x"::. ~\ I':> ,. oN' .y (>0'- ~:~:'="",,?;,," {..f I /~ , I ;~ .,' ~ a/.'OVtA/CPAVt.l':;/'UJ INsr"U~Xmvet7aJ1J'fGl:~mA a~~cv.vt~5fO^tm>JHCfI6" MJl1l9l'mlM'1;jf~ I!l1l4'.ncN 5I'S1EM rf~t7 ~1N5t'R.U:I1 --("5).'W (4) er;::. G\ ~' ())Cf (E)5'rlA:MWAreRli'J..Er o LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: 1"=20' IREVISION I NO, DATE I I I Date ReceiVed: Planner: LM fk:;';'--:'::-~-'-;'~~ K tAT I N G lBB WEST B ST. - BlDG P !PROJECT NO' 01-14 I BY ~~-'- :_-",,;;~;":;;:' ENGINEERING SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 IDATE 29MAY011 H" .1.'I".I!"M!'1 - I I~CALE 111,..201 I t:.~;,..,-...':"'^~:':;~ yorCE (541) 726-9995if1RAWN BY CJ5/'OK I ~~:;;'::;':::=_c'~:~1 L L C FAX (541)726.9996ICHECKEOBY ::Rl MDS3 SHEET NO-. '" 1e31 . TI3~i' ~,r " ,;~,~):,::~ ;T-iUljTI ~I ~_!:!, h.::. ~; i:iK~:,",.~~~ ~~~ , :'.:{JII=-II~==II'-:' f;.'.~~.:' ~~~..::: ,Y/'.", - ." .I)..>/'.v,-~ YYZ<((,"Y(':< ('((/:C(<<'<<<::<<~ :(/-:Y:-<(A' .-'(< ;;~::>~~X); ):'>;'>>>W).?>>:I wj0'i;;>/~, ;JBwm ~ ~ ~ CONPn:nlll0'5OIl. (eeWN ROOf l'I'LL.5 QM...\() o TYPICAL TREE PLANING SCALE: NONE 9'-011 <';> EX RES 6.30.07 24'_()I' o PROJECT TITLE C)'-nll ~ ~ :'OY..UM" ~JLOl"lC.~coa Of r'W>1'-)I;;{i/ ~:- .~~<, ~s\ {iJ{W,Kf. o I' o o o o :rNf.SM5f'Wf';f.!I - tve~ypPa (2) EKHCRNA..V,ENfK.-/CCNft~l~::!.: (,)tkJf5f-Wil"1IifE o o ',0 :X1v1Olf BUa;.p fROM rCf 1/' Cf ROOf i7/'ll. <c ,VJ..l(}lA5::PEcrW(Z" G-E.ARAfrta.l.'J::) IIti:HRiN(.VVlfrl5P;.o.::O Wee: Ar!..~tvN5 (SIZE /155f'ECtF-fO) ~ .,G ,,15,:# "'Ii" SfrCFIW . ~5fK"\l(;"!7" = S: @ 0'1' -PLI'NrINUS:.:?t- o o 2'ifl~V;"'7" r</J!'I."A" '''o.c. 2.6" 6"0.C. ;7.2" 8"0.( 8,9" 9."O.c. '7.8" 12"o.C lOA" I?"Q,C, I'D' ."fb(Wf."D" 'IB"O,C. 24"o.C. ;.X)"o.c :i6"o.C '15" D.C ~Qt! "A" 1;;.6" 20,8" 26.0' :xJ.0" ,11.7" o - GROUND COVER SPACING DIAGRAM SCALE: NONE o . CIW . PAVeME'Nf . SIDEWALK - ClWCur RAMP . SlOE RAMP -...,'~ ,_,~S-,124~ " "::---- '----, " '::----, ". 2% cness '~~ ~,~ ?-. .......;-- ~ ---~----- . ----~ ~ '"'-- -"""-::::::_><.:::""'-- " ..-/::--::.~"'--.-- ' . ~ ..--c~/::------. '~ ----------- ~---------- ..I . ,.,''----- -----------5-1.24 ',I-"'-~-.......~' . ---.."z_ :--- ---- ':::---.. -, . '::---"~ ClWCur RAMP .~ .......",. 4' y. W y - hi (12) hi - h.Z/ 24 HANDICAP CURB RAMP (TO BE USED IF PRESENT APPROACH REQUIRES MODIFICATIONS) SCALE: NONE WYNANT'S.FAMIL Y HEALTH FOODS REMODEL OF EXISTING AUTO SHOP AT 722 S A STREET - SPRINGFIELD I REVISION I.NO. DATE I I I ir:::i"~'",';:,~-.~ K E A T I N:G,1188 WEST B ST. - BLi:)G P IPROJECT NO 07+1 I BY, ~=~~,. EN' G'1Ki'r:E'.R', 1,".'1 G' '. SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 DATE 29MAY071 t 4i1l1)(,W"illllr!l'"t, I ~ c.; F~ -. . , , . SCALE, '" 20' I -.___~""""''':Y.W :.., .'M., "VOICE (541)726-9995 _ ..:... - , L"""'---'""'~~I: '., . DRAWN BY CJ5/SI: I -;:=~~._"";:;,L L C IFAX (541) 726-9996 CHECKED BY' SI: I MDS4 /75IUN@SiAlLf--fAO (;6" 111.m SfOt' MOUNr~uNSAf 60" ro12" ABOVE 5ltleWALK,AfeYi:-Wft:L " " 6'-o"fOR2SfALLS " /18'-0"Fa'ISrjlj,t.. ill!! / ~ t~!~.- PARKING WITH D.t.4.V. DISABLED PERMIT ONLY V10U TORS SUB..ECT TO TO'NING UNDER ORS 811.620 AND FINE UP TO $250 UNDER ORS 811.615 ~GNMt Af fl'N7 Of tf(H 'i'A[t AIf.AQ-ftJ ro pae OR O!1-f;R P,RM:WfNf Sl1lJ:nn I \CSY~ -- [', " c::'J" '-"") --:l PAVEM,Nr SlI'I-U \\lill' 147" 4" PAViM,Nf SfRlPS. 12" O.c. iJLU!' BKKUROUNO PND BLUt-P~N11'D OW OPnCWl. lil'ICAL COlN'l'Cf StALL OM-L Bt' 7',6" X I?'.O" CONG \\1111 IWffL 9rOP LGeAlI'D 2'-0" fROM ,NO Of SrALL use OIMf'NSIONS SI-'OI'.N NXN, fOR fU.L SIZeo StALLS HANDICAP PARKING AND SIGNAGE DETAilS SCALE: NONE -'0l'8" fOMAfCHPNTINCOR GI%5 Nl'ASI-5 ,-",riD -('1--'''1 ',-~."-_. I '1 1-- , I ,- .-, ,1-'- 1 ~ - ~I ,-- I 0,-rr Jl1- ;r'Y ''-./' ~,,-<,>)...',-,,'/'''''/) ;):/'" '. /) I-Il.!., ,--J i BOffOM1 Cf PIPING /" /,/ ~ //.,., -, 3 I'PI'ROVWBI'CKfllL I'll ""~(,,,'.!;,,::.<:->.<<v<,:-;/ l'I/BWtJfDINCI1U:tI'O ___ ~- '""Y/\.'/ "".;/ ,/,,-"/'- '-J'\_ ::-..; //>//,//://)~,/..-'//'~-'/'- ,1 SlONe -j ~'" ,',\;/,-',/"/-.'./...,.' 1;.-: "'"'O=''^'N~N _,I '/"~'/"'-/"'\.,,"'.;>/"""/"":' /'1_ II N--fV~ vr~ 1_ ;~/\/ /'0-// .,..// --//,//" _I -- /...r,//,-~ /.,//'-.//\ '/:" _, I"';':~<' y'-'....,J::-...\('-" 'v/- ! I ,,> /;.">;<>,,,;/j-y/,-'%,-'/; II- I=- (/(~<<', <~<O" "'/ ~:/ ~ ~" CLeAN CR\.J5f-ft7 '1.1 11~1 SfON, --..... ~;~,',. .: - ..' ., I,l-I I 1::1---" .'. . .:,.. . =1 :" . "~ ' . '." II: T~i"II:o.'::'l il~11 t:::::III::::::IIIr-~;::::;;~~W9rfa, (;\. PIPE TRENCHING DETAil U SCALE: NONE ;;; I s,} (07- Date Received: "Pfclflner: LM SHEET NO. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2007-00036 DRC2007.00036 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cReceintl " RECEIPT #: 3200700000000000356 Description CTY Minimum Dev Standards + 5% Technology Fee Paid By STEPHEN KEATING <;heck Number Received By . Batch Number emm Page 1 of 1 -~ity of Springfield Official Receipt "..>evelopment Services Department Public Works Department Date: 05/30/2007 2:57:35PM Item Total: Authorization Number How Received Amount Due 681.00 34.05 $715.05 Amount Paid 315005 In Person Payment Total: $715.05 $715.05 Date Received: ~ 2{) \ bY Planner: LM .5/30/2007