HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 8/13/2007 \4...... ~' \,' j '-Gity of Springfield . ~- - ~..- >---~- Memo To: Buck Wright, Representative of Alice Lynette Wright Trust Joe Miller, The Miller Group From: Liz Miller, Planning Division cc: James Donovan, Plam;ing Supervisor Date: August 13, 2007 Re: Items Remaining for Completion of Required Conditions for Minimum Development Standards Review Case Number DRC2007-00021 Thank you for submitting a copy of the site plan, pictures of the installed bike rack and fence lock and bracket. After signing the attached Development Agreement, the items left to be completed within 90 days of the signing date are the following: . 1. Condition 4 - Street Tree installation - Contact Mike Risley of the Public Works Landscape Maintenance Division at 726-3615 for location approval..- Street trees are required to be placed at 30 foot intervals along the linear length of street frontage. See Condition 4 for details. , 2. Condition 5 - Sight obscuring screening behind the residence on the fence for the trailer storage area. 3. Striping of parking spaces, handicap space and aisle (details Condition 7) and installation of wheel stops. . 4. Catch basin filtering inserts (condition 10). Please give me a call at 726;2301 for a Final Site Inspection within 90 days. Date Received:5-11 3lnY Planner: LM I ",' MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ,DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, hereafter "Agreement", i~ entered into this 13-~y of August, 2007 (the "Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, hereinafter "City", and Buck Wright representative of Alice Lynette Wright Trust, hereinafter"Owner", in accordance with Section 31.010(5), and Section 3.070(3). RECITALS WHEREAS, on the 1 st day of May 24, 2007, the City approved the Minimum Development Standards Application submitted by the Applicant for the purpose of the following: CITY JOURNAL NUMBER DRC2007-00021, Type I Minimum Development Standards for a change of use from a bait and tackle shop to heavy truck sales and used auto sales. WHEREAS, in consideration for a Type I Minimum Development Standards Application approval, the issuance of a Building'Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applicant/Owner agrees to comply with all of the standards in the Springfield Development Code and the Springfield Municipal.Code which may be 'applicable to this development project unless modified or excepted hy the Minimum Development Standards Development Agreement, Development Services Director, Planning Commission, Building Official or their agents, or the Fire Marshall, which modifications or e,,"ceptions shall be reduced to writing. WHEREAS, in consideration for Minimum Development Standards approval, the issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.010(5), Applicant/Owner agrees to comply ~ith the foliowing specific conditions imposed by the City as part of the Minimum Development Standards approval: . 1. All improvements must be constructed/installed or bonded as shown on the Final Plot Plan dated August, 2007'and completion Memo dated August 13,2007. 2. All ~onditions specified in the Notice of Decision, dated May 24, 2007 (listed below) must be fulfilled within 90 days of the signing of this agreement. Conditions of Approval: . Condition 1: No auto or truck repair shall occur on this property. Condition 2: No storage of autos, trucks or auto parts shall occur from this property. Condition 3: No parking of motorized vehicles is permitted on the unpaved portion of the lot. Only the storage of truck trailers is permitted. Condition 4: Provide a Final Plot Plan showing the required 5' landscape planting strip between the' fence (property line)and.the parking lot with the required street trees. Street trees shall be from the species listed in the Engineering Design Standards Manual 6.02.2A List of Acceptable Street Trees from th~ section entitled "Planter Strips - 4 to 6 Feet Wide (No Overhead Power Lines.)" (See attached) Development Agreement Journal Number DRC2007-00021 Page 1 of4 Date Received:.1l ~ b~. Planner: LM - Street tress shall be shown on .the final plot plan at a minimum of 30 foot intervals and are required to . be a minirnum 2" caliper. Exceptions are as follows: Tress shall be 5 feet from an alley intersection, driveway, water meter or other utility fixture. Trees shall be 10 feet from any utility pole. An' alternative to the placement of the street trees may be permitted in the public right-of-way area between the sidewa\k and fence. Please contact Mike Risley in the Public Works Landscape Maintenance division for permission and location approval at 726-3615. . Condition 5: Sight obscuring screening must be provided for the trash enclosure and the unpaved storage area. The screenirig shall be continuous to at least 6 feet above ground level. The screening shall be of a subtle color to blend with surrounding vegetation. Condition 6: One three space bicycle rack is required. Condition 7: The handicap space must be shown on the Final Plot Plan as 9' wide with an 8' wide adjoining access aisle in order to meet ADA regulations. Condition 8: No vehicles which are for sale shall be parked in the 6 required parking spaces for customer and employee parking. Access shall remain available to these spaces. Condition 9: Wheel stops shall be shown on the Final Plot Plan for all spaces fronting a sidewalk, alley, street, planted area or structure. Wheels stops shall be not less than 6 inches in.height and six feet in length, set back from the front of the stall a minimum of2 feet to allow for vehicle encroachment. Condition 10: Filtering inserts shall be placed in the existing stormwater catch basins (see attached information). Condition 11: A site visit by the City of Springfield Traffic Engineer indicated limited visibility of traffic coming around the curve from Q Street and heading north on Laura from. the driveway on Laura Street due to the large semi-truck tractors parked facing the fence along the entire south-west perimeter. . Below are two options to choose from one of which will be required to meet the criteria to allow safe access onto a public right-of-way: . a) Provide an evaluation done by a certified professional traffic engineer regarding the driveway. . visibility. This evaluation may restrict parking of vehicles on some portions of the site; or b) Close the curb cut and driveway. This would require curb and sidewalk construction to City of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications and an Encroachment Permit. THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT, CITY AND APPLICANT AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. FINAL PLOT PLAN. The Applicant has submitted a Final Plot Plan in accordance with Section 31.010(5) 'ofthe Springfield Development Code. 2. STANDARDS. The Applicant/Owner agrees to fulfill all applicable standards specified in the Springfield Development Code and the specific standards listed in the RECITALS prior to the occupancy, unless certain conditions have been deferred to a later date in accordance with Section 31.01 0(5)(b) and Section 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. 3. CONDITIONS. The Applicant/Owner agrees to fulfill all specific conditions of approval required by the City listed in the RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certain conditions have been deferred to a later date in accordance with Section 31.0 I 0(5)(b) of the Springfield Development Code. 4. MAINTAINING THE USE. The Applicant/Owner agrees to the following: Development Agreement Journal Number DRC2007-00021 Page 2 of 4 Date Received: (( Planner: LM l~DY (a) The property shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the .Springfield Development Code in order to continue the use. (b) Oil/water separator catch basins, if approved by the City, and other drainage systems are required to be checked and cleaned to remove pollutants as needed (at least once a year, usually in September). All waste material must be disposed of in a lawful manner. The Applicant/Owner must document these maintenance activities and have the documents available on site for the City of Springfield to inspect and review. 5. In addition to all' other remedies which may be provided by law or equity (including but not limited to.penalties provided by applicable State Law or City Ordinances), Applicant/Owner agrees the City may enforce Applicant/Owner's responsibilities by withholding Applicant's Final Occupancy Permit, and terminating any Temporary Occupancy Permit which may have been granted. 6. Any Final Minimum Development Standards approval becomes null and void if the improvements are not completed within 90 days of the date of the agreement, unless provisions have been made as per Article 31.010(5) of the Springfield Development Code.' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner and City have executed this Agreement as of the date first herein above written. $' -/~ -/3 '7 Date OWNER(S): B~~A/Jl ~$ il~~~-'___""'>~3 ~) ~ OFFICIAL SEAL , '11 (~):, BRENDA JONES I j!1 \,~iJiIjJ NOTAR'IPUBLlC.OREGON .j l ""'~ COMMISSION NO. 379218 i [~_.~~ss~:~:r.;~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STATE OF OrfiJ,671 . County of ~. _ .' . ()J)'ff!:.' (7). - 21Jf:h. Before me appeared DIt,IJ1.r~ tNVl~(rU . who being swo did say that they are the Representative(s) of Alice Lynette.w.tight Trust., and that the seal affixed hereto is its seal, and that this instrument was voluntarily signed and sealed in behalf of the corporation by authority of its Board of Directors befo:/fe. . I ri1lJl/IW/ duI Notary P~bl~C for t)}~(J11 .U My Commission expires 7fvr/J1.J", n '}{JzJ i u Development Agreement Journal Number DRC2007-00021 Page 3 of4 Date Receivect:J .~ Or Planner: LM I ' CITY ffmr. 0, }(Ja 1 Date BY: 11l\uhtiLM. r ill{ j A --- S~TEOF OREGON, County of Lane '. . /J:>, , 2007. Perso ally appeared the above named .' . . 'li1..uMJt/l Wtd,121 , who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: i;~~-s6~">S<"~;F~;~;~L: = : ~ 1t 7 W r~ '. BRENDAJONE~i Notary Public for Orego~ I ' ffi .. NOTARY PUBLIC -OReGON',. I:.) r . i' ,::!F" COMMISSION NO. 379218 j ~>-~3s'~~'~~f9~E,~~~~~~~1 My Commission expires . ~ rt, JOT . Development Agreement Journal Number DRC2007-00021 . Page 4 of 4 Date Received: ~' Jl.ifr Planner: LM , I - -.. ~i ') '\ ") I I I I ~ ~ ~ ,p / ~ ~'1\"'iOl 'i a ,R.> .1'1 '" ~., ~1 fOI~ c:~ <f'l('"'- l~l~ ~,~ - . J. -WI' I .' IIUI. ~' k..J,.. \~~ VI 'l.i 6-. \>J ~ ~. 'V. ~ 0 f ~ ,. ,t,... ~"/'. \/ ~t'{':"J ~ 'ii:/;:r; ~ ...,,/<-11t,:'. . ,~;(y, ~\r~i,\ ;:i'" hl . ....~;' ;1' \ 'j .. Jt."I~:~' \L , ~,;,~r. d r\Q . Jp' ~'I) h '<'- ;__ _ Lt- . , W -, .~1) le~~; J:; !I ~ L~,," 1~ 0 ~ I I .... t t:J L ]~~ . - ~- , I' i . . .. a< ~, y~ jl --- . .j: I , { Date ReceiVed:~ Planner: LM , .. Date Received: rt Planner: LM -s/fr BUCK WRIGHT'S WHIl.t\VATER GUIDE SERVICE YEAR-ROUND e"'~ 1-6 Day Fishing Trips "-. it',. __~ . Whitewater Raftin.g & Scenic Trips ~" e- ~~.. . Full Moon DlOner Floats Sp"ng & Fall Ch,nook / ~ ~ 'l~-~~~ --- River Boating Instruction Summer. Winter Steelhead . ' "'" ..~ J' (Discount for catch and release) Nat". R"nbow TrOUl Oregon Licensed Guide & Outfitter' Certified by Outdoor Ventures Registry 660 Level Lane. Springfield, OR 97477 . (541) 654-1957 o . '. . ,~ ' '~". ~ .~~ OJIo<iVf ~ S:o--: .J/M,kJ '.'1f.tA-6Z.~C~!J (!;rLAd~ I~t j#'l/O~["'--..~#"4 'f)l~ i::~'f{A-'~ - 4 i-\ fWi.D ~ -f-~ ".). tJi:!!;J'~p6 IN ~!t4-dEJ:> ~($.J7)berf1~f:... ,q..l/IJi AI (- ..s m oeL flM t!~~ - 3. "'&"9:d< q "vb,~.,,~ /~ ~ .,F,c;z" Nt"i-f ~ ~tl/~~? RIH'lp- Date Received: Planner: LM z 3/b-r . - '..) r 'f 'f,'''' '''' , _,., w,.W' ~'Jf,l" J' / ,/ GA1'~ ' ~ J::'-lU ! \~..:;( '. I ." ,,' i~' I. _ 0:>... ,g"j.- 0 !1 " I 1!~Yiil~I{ ')1ft; I' b /;;..~ . J" ,(ll ~\y\ k~_/ . .&~"'I ., ,,~- . ~ I ~~~I. I. ~ ~ ,,' -0; i Wl.--~,. ~ OF"O' .. r ! ~: Cft/-fll(l:r :- ~ 0 u: I . ~o' I 'PMK .I~ I PMK ~ S140P I. .. "IV<"- i' l~ ,7- ~'l( 'f-"-"_u ., ,F/I<K ~ ~ . -. ____ _+_~rL ~__ ,01~f~~c.': \'1 .'!,S"' --- -- ~ .-- \) / / <'.. ti .... f/ J \~ . i f I 0/ /It, . 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