HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 5/15/2007 ~ " :- '" Page 1 of2 , 4, ....-. MILLER Liz From:, MCKENNEY Gary' Sent:' Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:31 ,AM To: MILLER.Liz. / Subject: RE: DRC2007-00021 Liz--- If they propose to not use the driveway off Laura and keep the fence locked, will that suffice without an evaluation ' by an engineer? , ' , ..' If they propose to not use the d(iveway then the fence and the driveway curb cut would need to be ~ermanently closed, " ,,' , . I'm thinking that if one day a different owner came'in that wanted'lo develop a commercial use ,such as the Walgreen's, would they be able to vacate the right-of.-way area and would it be better to place new street trees' now on the outer edg~ of that' area?" ' ' Vacating the right of ~ay would requir~ Council action, 'and it' is' not possible now to, det~rmine whether staff would recommend vacation at some future time, _ There would beother issues to con~ider in additoin to street trees, , Gary ,.,.,' " " -.", " i 4' ','- 'From: MILLER,Liz , Sent: Friday, May 11, 20071:40 PM . ". .' To: MCKENNEY Gary , Subject: RE: DRC2007-00021' . , " . . ~.. '.' . . .:,.:' ": , . ~. . , '. .- '-. . \ .Gary;', _ ,.,,',. , " , If they propose to not use, the driveway off Laura and keep the fence 10cked,:Will that suffice without an 'evaluation by an engineer? ",., . " , , i: , ' -, . " ,Also,,1 have a cal,lin to Mike Risleyabout street trees, Since visibility is an issue, I'm not sure if street tree ,,' , placement,would be better in,the 5' wide landscape strip directly behind the fence or in the large piece of right-of, ' , way closer to the sidewalk,' I'm thinking that ifone day a ,different owner came in that wanted to develop a, , com'mercial use such as the Walgreen's, would they be 'abie to vacate the right-of-way area ana would it be better. ,- ", to place new street trees now on the outer edge of that area? The standards say that street trees are not " permitledwithin 35 f.eet from the perpendicular curb line of street intersections, so it'would be the area 'outside of, that along the Q Street side.' ' ' ' , , - Liz ' ",' .' ,,' . ',; ., "\.. ..... ..,', ~, . -, .' .~ From: MCKENNEY Gary , Sent: Thursday, May 10; 2007 5:04 PM To: MILLER Liz , Cc: KWOCK Gregory ,- S,ubject: RE: DRC2007:00021 ,"'.,.,. ,.... Liz --- Thanks for the reminder. ' , '. ",. . . :." '.. ,-,' 'c' .~ '. " .'~ ~ate~e~,:~'6 "p'Ianl')er: 'LM":: .;:', '. ~'-'... ".. ':", ~.~~ '-'.,'.-.. ~ .",:', ,.:::" /. o . . ry' , . . . ., . . " .. ISO."..:'.; ',1.. . ' '1," " . ,,,..... ".' .....<.. . -. . ~ :.~ .' ~", . ;,>, ,. ,'r._,' ", .' " 5/15/2007 " . ": ;-':. '. .,,~- ",' ,. ,Page 2 of2 ~ . <. . I visited the site 1ast'week and observed th~y already have large semi-truck tractors parked facing the Jence along the entire south-west perimeter. It appeared to me that this is limiting visibility of traffic' coming around the curve from Q Street and heading north on Laura for drivers enteringiexiting the site driveway onto Laura Street. When I was there the gate t<\ that driveway was closed and locked. It is unclear to me how often the applicant plans to use that driveway. We should require the applicant to have the sight distance for this driveway evaluated by a qualified Professional Engineer. ,We may need to restrict the parking of vehicles on some portions of the site. , ' . ' . . " Thanks, "" Gary From: MILLER Liz Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:20 Pt:1 To: MCKENNEY Gary . Subject:DRC2007-00021, '.:- " Hi Gary, ,,' ' " , Do you have any cOrl}mentson this MDS? It is for the truck and auto sales at the corner of Qand Laura Streets. Tuesday or Wednesday is OK too,-If you think you will have comments, : ' Thanks,. " ' '., ' . , ' , , '~ '. "';. ,",- 'c' . ", ,~ .', ; ,'., "..-.... , ..'. "' "., ". . "1'" ". '" ','." ", . '.,. . ..... ," '. ", ',-'.. " " " :-; " -,t- . . ~, .,' "," ""'''...: .' ~-: , .~ .' 'V' . -'~:\ ~ ',,!:-, . ~. _'. -0'." ,_:.;' , ~ ",: ." ':,., '.';. ',' ~- <,.': ... ...., . ,~ ., ...." -. " .,. ,,-,-. P .<";! ,.-'" . , . " ~. ", .?:': " .:- .... -": , ,., .,', ~", .'". " {<, ".;., .::., :' ';- " '" .c..' 'DateR:ceivEi<!.,6 IS' DY' '" plannel\;" LM ',"'., .,~ ,', ,.:, ., "";: \', .",',"'. >;;, -,., -i. ,," ~., ',., .'.,", '.. ~ t,:: ',' :..; "n .',_~'",-: . ;." " , ./.. ; ~" :',,- , '. .'. . '. ~ "'" :." " . ~.: ... ,. :,: .{ . f{ ;"",:-'" ~ . ". .~ .~ 5/1 5/2007 ' '., '!. '. . .,--, "".....r. ,"