HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/28/2007 .~. <;:- -"~; "';Ilr.., , ~;:::. ../. City of Spriilgfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 SPRINGIFIELD ~. Minimum Development. Standards, Type I :>:::"II:~;-'" : ::~ ~ .~~' I. : .'~ ; .~i ..,'.' . .,... ,...' Applicant Name ~6 M n..1...E ~ (f; i1.ot.J{) Phone S~ -qqg - B 5"Olf Address (\1..174- PA-Sl'J-It;:U<.c ROAb MA R.l!..lH_A _ 0 R q,'4-5'1- PropertyOwnerNamejluUE Ll/~i;TT"t! ~6.~hone 541- fLt5"tJ..-1 q51 Address Ig~S L,.UA.A ST-n.s.r I SpI'</~GrPIEL.~ ; QR Q14-17 Developer Name ~ Phone Address Property Address ~3 LJkJ n.A . :5.;f-tt;t;;-r ; Assessor's Map No. 11 0"3 oz., \ 0 3900 j . . Zoning of Property ~.~ Cc Size 0 f PrOpeJ1y Existing Use ofPropeny V"..~\~ :5O~"'E.P{G:&..D; biZ.. Tax Lot No.. 3Qoo <tll:17 Square Feet or Acres Description of PrO' po sa I O"l5'tl...~ ll61llu-A!f S'A<t.e$ J QFF/C ~S t>P TR~CKU.JGo ~a"'OI\~1 AhMIN\c;.'T'f,tA-r.IJE' ~r:IU;Sh,e ''/he... . /J'/, LLtfl GktA./J , .~ .; Nil <i t'lJ /fA i<,. E oJ b1?; 561 . The I!~dersjgn~d acknO\~'Jedges that the information in this application is correct an~ 1\CCurate. ~ . Applicant ~'igJ~ature' ~ tv\~ ~Dat~ 3 ~~7~:"07- (fthe applicant is other if-t;'e ;ner, the ""ner hereby ~rants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf' Owner Sign~t~r+#/~~;P d;4?/f: Date .3:2~- O~ For Office Use Onl\': Joumal No. (])!<.r'UD1- o:t:e I _ Assessor's Map No. \'1,o~<l1-LO Date Acc~pted as Complete Received By Tax Lot No: { I/VL._ ~~OD ,. D,ate Received:]ll$/ O/-~- . . t'fanner: LM " ,I MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDA~DS (Ref.SDC 31.010) PURPOSE , ,> " f" '-- ",.;.... Minimum Development Standard,s CMDS) are.int~~ded to support economic development by minimizing City review for minor additions or expansjons~ or changes in use as specified in SDC Section SDC 31.0 I O. :MDS will ensure compliance with specific appearance; transportation safety and efficiency; and stonnwater management standards specified in the Springfield Development Code and othen.vise protect the public health, safety and welfare. APPLICABILITY "J\1D~. aRP~ies:\ ! " . i;- ',. ~.. ,.d .:". ; ; I ~~.; J. i ]. .. To developed properties' that do,not require either Site Plan Reviev/as specified in SDC ,Section .. . I ........ ' ..- ,., ", ....,,' " . -, :fl' ."... . _ 31.020 oE Sile Plan J\1.odification as specified, in SDC Secfion' 3 1'.100; ahd ..' . I .. ..'!' j . A: ,,::~ M l'~ ....~" ;i, ~~'\;,..i... ':,.'")~~'~' 1.#.-' 2, \Vitl:in.Sprtngfi~ld's city limits only; ?,nd ~ .~ . f ~ '~. -: ! J ' ': -.:.: ..,-- \. \ ~ . "\ \ J'\ ' ~ ~, : '~:' ", " , " >. ~' 3. \Vithin commercial*, industrial* and public land zoning disu.jcts only, where there is:.<\ ~,~ r., " -.,.-' . A. An addition or expansion that is: , J " j ~ i. ~ :50" perc'~llt'br'l~ss;ti1ari the 'existing buiiai;,g gros~' flopr'areaiand/or jmper.vio~slsurface area; DC.... "';. I.' r_ v- \., ~. II -. ~ Ii. .:. /-. . t I ii. 5,000 sq~are fee~ or less of additional building gJ"oss floOJ~an~~, ~nd/~r.jI21peiiious surface area, whichever IS less. :.' . Hi. Multiple exp~nsjons will be limited so that the standards specified in i: and ii. are not exceeded in a ~.year ~e!'iod. . .. 3 ..'. . ",' J_j~_< "-,_~.l;:'l'':' ..~ >S~.j', :....'~ 'to! i ..~, f.~ .t-r.!'l') A 'change in,u,e of a building or Rroperty. - > ,'" . , ~ 1 -.. .: ' ", '-.. .. i ,-' ~ 1 "I' 1 ',. .... ...,.. I -, .... t 1~'.,...l~_'~ll,J I.~.'''' . i:~"d~'l! i....... ;..,'~/~:,"jr':",-,'11 MDS also includes the placement of manufactured homes as offic~ u~es in commercial districts.' ~ . . and industrial distri.cts; and as night watchman's quarters in applicable ind~.stl:i~i disii-icts arld'the' .'- '- QMO district. . ~'B, \ APPLICABLE ST ^""DARDS OF APPROVAL ,.' '. ~ " , \ ., I 1\ . \. " ., L A five-foot wide landscaped planter sti-ip, including street trees, with approved ilTigation or approved drought resistanJ'plants as specified in SDC Sections 31.1,30 and 31.40 must be installed bet\','een the sidewalk and parkiilg areas or buildings. See SDC 31.0 I 0(4 )(a) I. and 2. for exceptions. . 2, Trash recep.tacl~s and outdoor storage areas tnust be scre~ned by a struc~re or enclosure pelmanently affi;<"'ed.to.thqiround.as specified jn.;;pC S,?ctioi13.' .160'/ .'; :'. ..' ~)..: 'f ' . Bicycle parking spaces Ihust be added to meet the numeri~al standards for the approp15ate use or ~pgraded to meet the standards set in SDC Sections 31.21p and 31.220 of this Article. \' .; Parking and circulation areas must be paved and striped and wheel stops installed as specified in SDC Sections 31.170 and 31. I 90. Required paving and other iinpervious surfaces 011 the site mnst comply with on-site stonnwater management standards as specified in SDC Section 32.110. , 3. .4. 5. Access to lhe public right of way as specified in SDC Section 32.080. I ' Concrete sidewalks must be inst;li~d where the site abuts 'a curb and gutter street as specified in SDC Section 32.040.' ' 6, 7,' Streetligh,ts ~1Ust be installed as specified in SDC Section 32.060. _ ....' ,~....:-.-o-. -"': t'.' "'." .,;t:, . '," ;"'~ l~.h ,:.':'\ ;ft.),:" 2 311 0103 _... CASCADE ," TITLE CO. .--. ,~~. ....c- 'I ','._ ',U", ",_:__''''''<'''':-'_.''''",''_:'', _.':,". .- -_::,:-.~:'--:->':: <-,:,':,,-,'-:,,':-:-' -. ._,..--..::-..>.-,'_.,,-..- PRELIMmARY REPORT "'~'R ..--..... .... EVTElo/Eo' ____ & A.CCEPTEO ~ CASCADIi'ESCROW . ATTN ,{.Ji!t:i:E BUSH 81.l.;WILiJ>.i.iETTE STREET EUGEmfiioR<97401 JUNE 07, 2004 CT-241401 EU04-5722 wRIGHT N/A Date: Report No: Your No: Seller: Buyer: ......'.., ~RELIMINARY REPORT FOR: Mortgagee's Policy with Ext. coverage $150000.00 ,....-.,. "::> PREMIUMS: Mortgageels Premium: ALTA Endorsement: Government Service Fee: $747.50 $50.00 $25.00 We are prepared to write a 1992 ALTA Title Insurance policy (CHICAGO TITLE) in. the form and amount shown above insuring the title to the following described premises: (ATTACHED) VESTED IN: ALICE LYNETTE WRIGHT, Trustee of the ALICE LYNETTE WRIGHT TRUST DATED JUNE 12, 2002, as restated by DECLARATION OF RESTATEMENT OF TRUST DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003 DATED AS OF: MAY 27, 2004, at 8:.00 AM Subject to the exceptions, 'exclusions, conditions and stipulations which are part of the policy form, and to the following: u~~~KAL EXCEPTIONS (Standard Coverage Policy Exceptions) : 01. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. a. b. Proceedings by a- public agency which. may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such.proceedings, whether or not shown.by the records of such agency or by the public records. 02. Easements, liens, encumbrances, interests or claims thereof which are not shown by the public records. a. b. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained' by an inspection of ,the land or by making i~quiry of person~ir~ ~I ^~__ possession hereof, Date ReceiVed:4-f-1.H~ Planner: LM continueq- No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued and full policy premium has been paid. MAIN OFFICE . 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401' PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE. . 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH: (54J.) 997-8417 -- --_.~-- -....... ............ .......,,~ t.:. Our No: CT,241401 Page: 2 03. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 04, a. Unpatented mining claims; b. Reservations or" exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; c. Water rights, claims or title to water; whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the public records. 05, Any lien or right to a lien, for services, labor or materials heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 06. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Company, by instrument recorded April 13, 1948, Book 371, Page 323, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 07. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, including the terms and provisions thereof (but omitting any covenant condition or restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin unless and only to the extent that said covenant (a) is exempt under Chapter 42, Secti~n 3607 of the United States Code or (b) relates to handicap but does not discriminate against handicapped persons) in Deed recorded December 06, 1945, Book 304, Page 353, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 08. Easement ~or roadway reserved by Lillian L. Veden in instrument recorded December 10, 1945, in Book 305, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (In road on South and West) 09. Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within streets, roads and highways. 10. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted City of Springfield, by instrument recorded December 18, 1974, Reception No. 7453177, Lane County Official Records. 11. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded June 19, 1979, Reception No. 7935808, Lane County Official Records. 12. The terms, provisions, rights of the beneficiaries, and powers of the Trustee under Alice Lynette Wright Trust dated June 12, 2002 as restated by Declaration of Restatement of Trust dated December 01, 2003, and any amendments thereto, under which the.v~ste~ herein holds title. A ~rhP of the . trust agreement or an adequate Cert1f1cat1on of Trust must be furn1F.f dio our examination.. . S 12. or Date Recel\le1: - Planner: LlVI continued- "~''''::.'::'': 13. prior....to.writing an ALTA MORTGAGEE'S policy, Cascade Title Company should be furnis~ed~with a statement as to pa~ties in possession and as to any constructiO'ii'/:.alterations or repairs to tp.e premises within the last 75 days. We also regGest that we be notified in the event that any funds are to be used. for constrUction, alterations or repairs. Exception may be taken to such matters as,may be shown thereby. NOTE: To.the best of our knowledge the address of the herein described premises is.:. 1863 Laura Street Springfield, OR 97477 NOTE: TaXes; .Account No, 0228161, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 27 1 0, #3900, Code 4-00,2003-2004, in the amount of $2,263.92, PAID IN FULL. JUDGMENT SEARCH has been made against ALICE LYNETTE WRIGHT, TRUSTEE OF THE ALICE LYNETTE WRIGHT TRUST DATED JUNE 12, 2002, AS RESTATED BY DECLARATION OF RESTATEMENT OF TRUST DATED DECEMBER 1, 2003, and as of MAY 27, 2004, we find none. No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued and full policy premium has been paid, Very truly yours, CASCADE TITLE CO. sc/Title Officer: Jim Higgins "'/ 2 cc: Frontier Home Mortgage ATTN: Ron Smith 1200 Executive Parkway, Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 430 ,1te Received:3.! fB ! or ',;~ner: LM :;,:.,. ... " oUr No: . Page: 4 - CT2,:~41;40r.:. . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Al:1.'..:Ofi the following described parcel of land lying North and Easterly of the C.ountyRoad No.3, The West 257,0 feet of the following: Beginning at the southwest corner of the Jacob Hallstead Donation Land Claim No. 47, Township i7 South, Range 3 West of the willamette Meridian and running thence; North along the West line of said claim 486.12 feet; thence East 397.59 feet; thence South 486.12 feet to the South line of said Donation Land Claim; thence West 397.59 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. .EXCEPT the North 100.00 feet. "ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at a point on the West line of the Jacob Hallstead Donation Land Claim No. 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the willamette Meridian, which is 486.12 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof, thence East 257.0 feet; thence South 120.0 feet; thence West 257,0 feet to said Donation Land Claim line; thence North 120.0 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the West 40.0 feet lying within the bounds of Laura Street. ALSO EXCEPTING the North 100 feet thereof. ALSO EXCEPT: The North 40 feet of the following: All of the following described parcel of land lying North and Easterly of the County road No.3. Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Jacob Hallstead Donation Land Claim No, 47, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the willamette Meridian and running thence North along the West line of said Claim 486.12 feet; thence East 397,59 feet; thence South 486,12 feet; to the South line of said Donation Land Claim; thence West 397.59 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT the North 120,00 feet. ;'1te ReceiVed:~ . "ilr1iier:. LM , "...." '\'.':"::/ -:';-:-::-:,:'::':-;: ~ ......;;.. 2?/.4:Z' ......-:~;, ......~~ .....~ j . *~ 1 ~ I- \ \ai:J'.,.r~H'N' ~ ~ _\ -n. <41.7' -..:--... . c ~eU/ _./ ~ . , :::> ,p ;m~N:-".....................:..... JJ'~f!~' ~'dW S1.'P 2600 ~-'~~2 -'.,. ..-~. ...,,::',:,:,-;,-'-',=<-- - ....'-.-:...":".--.'... - - .......'l84~/j'E'~::.. .... East .. 7~~ <;,85. ~, c. 5.1. 20 1'ie5>~ -------- $);('7~ _ EAg,T- 1fA.~1' ~st _<.-10.33' -- --.-- 7700 _ 2700 .... ~ 2800 ~ - 3000 ~.. ~~ ...'1 r-:---- -~ -- A . l. 2~."/ ~~ L. . ~ r I-"..,.~ cLJ'-#~~'.F.//' ;.. ~::t''''J' /"- ~ ~ 9300 ~ ..... . ~ .#D. ~ _ _ _5,>US~'~T"L _EA'?:>T. =- .~<'..:i!r."!';?"~ - - --: ~' I . f .....,O"~_ ~/7."" . . /_~ wI '1'1" ICO.33 , . 100.'';;'1'' 'i\ ~ 3901 3700 3 t.: 's) - '0 ' 3802 ~_" 3600 3500 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~ j w~,~r 2n'. j.. 4::. \ r --.;;,.;::.z;;-- 1" ~ .J I~ 3902 h 39~E..1 . ~~~~:'>-2~ I : t.- .f>~/o~d Ii? l 3800 ;.s-.....~-?',~_~~~ ~\ ,\/ .' 4000<)1 <'d~." "'" ~ () "s.-~, ',y- <'<b.~ ~ '\ I I .!l. R.J.s: . 41 00 """So-~, ~/. I SW Cor. "''i>~~ '. , ' ~. ...;>~~ '2.78 "".7' ",,'3~' Jaco'b H""~~te" ., ."'..:"'1 .- \-..,. .''''~", ...,,~ ~ _ ,f ___~- ~--v- -&.. D.L C, No, 47 "'- late ~eceiVed: b/ullo;-- ,>tanner: LM ' , ~ 2900 ~ 277' ,^,~T- ,t9.QQ' '83.~~' 34-00 3001 :to \..ll: ~. o~ ~- Z77' , 3200 I 6"'~ I EASt. - ?7.9.~ , ~e'9 WP'T . ~ 38.21 . -~.....,.-~ ~ Of . ~ <0 , :t Ol " . ~ Q) " ~ ' '" ~~ ~?t V)'j ~ oj ~. ~ , ~. . 100.1;'7' . -,0"""'"'--:1 l: '3400 i . If , ~ ~. "( ~~- '? ~~~ ~....,."s: ~ds 00 '" ~ 100.67' ...J.. \ f) --01;-'2./) - \ THIS MAP IS TO ASSleT LOCATING PROPERTY. THE COMPANY ASSUMES -. ,. . _,nlLAU\ItflT .cDeu~ OF : . .' Jti06 W15~Uoo .b.L./... UOA1 . .~o I~. lA5E . Ij) .- ,~ / ~~ . ;~ 'r q g <'l I , I . ! . , y4f). r- .I~~" f n . ..7 'Q "0.:0,., ..., ~ .8 q ." - - ~:~ . ~~. 0, -<t .' .:8 ;.. . ." tnto" ::n !: i ~;~1 .l..iee"&.;'.4C'~' -,'7- ~ - ftii'.. '. . . '__C(_ .:61J.w " ,'. .' @); @), "Qf) cID $,'~r~hrit\c^ - I . .;l!.:;.J ::z ~'d:) -'VCI--- - /- ,', '!,.:-- .. 5e.eo 0340"EJ .2:.11.00 351.5'" .", ~ Q~ a,o'. O. " --. -,. "-' ~ '. ". - ." . U4~\t>-b~ 0/)............ ,.'~ "0 . ~. ~QJ; '. . . i . QS)j' ~IV ". 0 . ~~~,<7S.9S ul :1 J . ~ . 'SOtJtu -~~~:~:~ a= . Jo,cot> ~ia.D Ou..~ uar fOOUO . ;? 00 If) .~ !- c{) / 'if .' :) .' . , - "'"::""':::~ , ',+[;' UD~1\.l. l. ~eer0&4Ct\V .' t . 5l.ALE.: '''= '00' . ." ~..', i) "~~ \ljoI \lJbt::i(:t)Uee. (.~ \\fY'IO .lJcjJ~,q3t>. . ., . ", . i) :5UQ:l1e(~ 5Cl\tlWf l.&U \lo\Aq .,jD~ AreA ,~~"ral '51"eU (.SA \&1\ - . ~Ml~, \'11lI- Date ReceiVed~(Or Planner: LM. . I' I I i ~-j 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone c....' of Springfield Official Receipt b~"elopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200700000000000176 Date: 03/28/2007 II :43:32AM Payments: . Type of Payment Check Paid By THE M[LLER GROUP Item Total: <":heck Number Author:ization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 681.00 34.05 $715.05 Job/Journal Number DRC2007-00021 DRC2007-00021 ' Description . CTY Minimum Dev Standards + 5% Techno[ogy Fee . Ij [027 In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $715.05 . $715.05 ; Date ~eceiVed:~6r Planner: LM cReceintl Page [ of I 3/28/2007