HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/20/2007 ~ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 . Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 . Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 PRt:~p~-I'lr\\~ECjD\ NOV 2 (} 2.007 SP,RINGFIELD C Tree Felling Application Type" .. Applicant Name Springfield Public Schools Phone: 'i41-9'i4-h'i?'i Address 525 Mill Street, Springfield, OR 97477' Property Owner Name _ Springfield Public Schools Address 525.Mill Street Springfield, OR. 97477 Phone: 541-954-6525 Property Address 7345 Thurston Road (Thurston Elementary School) Assessor's Map No, '17.-02-35-00 Tax Lot No. 02600, 02100 Specific Description of Proposal_ Removal of nine (9) trees. the undersigned acknowledges thafthe information in this application in correct and accurate. Applicant Signature' Date If the applicant is other than" the owner, the-,owner hereby grants permission for the applica.nt to, act in his/her 'behalf. Owner Signature . Date For Office Use Only: Journal No, Map No. Received By Tax Lot No. . Date Accepted as Complete '. " November 20,2007 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield Oregon 97477 RE: Tree Felling Permit - Application Statement Thurston Elementary School- 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, OR 97477 (See - Site Work Demoliiion Plan, Sheet L-200- T and Site Review Planting Plan L-500- T. for additional information regarding this tree Felling Application.) Written Exnlanation - Tree FellinQ" Permit (SDC 5.19-100'. A. Whether the conditions ofthe trees with re~pect to disease, hazardous or oosafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures or proposed construction. or interfe~ence with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic safety warrants the proposed felling, . . , The nine(9) trees proposedfor removal that are Sinches dbh or greater are either directly within the path of the proposed construction or are' in such close proximity to the demolition of the existing building that significant damage will be incurred by the root system of the tree as to make them h~ardous trees: There are no "streettrees" currently within the ROW .fron~ing this site. We are proposing to plant many new' trees both just beyond the ROW edge to act as street trees (existing ROW is not wide enough to permit streettrees) as well as on the ~ite. See L-SOO~T Planting Plan. - B, Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City Ordinances and pn;JVisions affecting the environmental quality of-the area. including ,but not limited to. the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; volume of surface runoff and water quaJity of streams; scenic quality; and geological sites. The tree removals will be performed under the supervision' of an [SA certified arborist and will be consistent with Stqte s'tandards, Metro Plan policies and City ordi,!ances and provisipns affecting the environmental quality of the area. Tree protection notes, erosion control notes and specifications will be prepared as part of the const~ction document package for building permits and construction prior to any tr~eremoval. ~ignijicantreplanting of trees, ~hrubs, groundcover, and lawn is proposedfor all of the designated landscape areas in the proposed Site Review Landscape Plan. . '. C. Whether it is necessary-to remove trees in, order to construct proposed improvements as spe<;ified in an approved development plan, grading permits and construction ~rawings. . This Tree Felling Application is being submit(ed in conjunction with a ~ite Review package requiredfor this proposed project and at this time no developmefJt plan has been approved by the City, see item 4 be/ow. D. In the evenlthat no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees will be permitted on a 'limited ba.sis consistent with the pre~erv~tion of the site's future development potenti.al as prescri.1Jed in the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent with the following criteria. 1. Wooded areas associated with natural drainage ways and water areas shall be, retained to preserve riparian habitat and to minimize erosion; Not applicable to this site. 2. Wooded areas that will likely provjde attractive on.,.site"views to occupants offuture developments shall be r~tained; .' Not opplicable tothis site. 3, Wooded areas along ridgelines ana hilltops shall be retained for their scenic and wildlife value; 'Not applicable to this site. 4. Wooded areas along property lines shall be retained to'serve as buffers from adjacent properties; Not applicable io this site. 5. Trees shall be retained in sufficiendy large areas' and dense stands so as to ensure aga.inst windthrow; Not applicable to t~is site. 6. Large-scale clear-cuts of developable'areas shall be avoided to retain the wooded character of future building sites, and so pr.eserve,hollsing and desigo()ption.s forJuture<:ity residents. Not applicable /0 this site. E. Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. . A Planting Plan has'been prepared in conjunction with this Tree Felling ApplicationforSite Plan Review submission and is included ior reference with Jhis application. Eight (8) new street trees are proposed just outside of the ROW on Thurston Road. An additional 85 trees are proposed within the site and near the new school. ~ ' " F, Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City. All wood from the canopy, limbs and trunks of the trees proposedfor feeling will be removed from the site at the same time the tree felling is performed '1 G. Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines specified in the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, DepartmentofForestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region., All tree felling as proposed within' this application will abide by the guidelines set forth'in the Field Guide . to Oregon Forest PractiCes Rules as applicable to this site. Hi Whether transportation of equipment to 'and equipment, and trees from the site can be accomplished witho'!lt a-major distUrbance to nearby residents. ,. . The site is easily accessible from Thurston Road, providing efficient transportation of equipment onto the site without disturbance of nearby residents. Work will be performed between daylight hours of7am and 5 pm. Sincerely, David Aulwes Landscape Architect City of Springfield' Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Application, Type II PRE-SUBMITTAL Rh;'D NOV 2 0 2007 . , , Site Plan Review: Ox Major Site Plan Major Modification 0 Applicant Name: Company: Address: Steve Barrett ISpringfield Public Schools 525 Mill Street, OR 97477 Applicant's Rep.: Dave Guadagni Phone: 342-8077 Company: 1 Robertson/Sherwood/Architects Fax: 1345-4302 Address: 1132 East Broadway, Suite 540, Eug,ene; OR 97401 ~:";"\~;-"}W''l<;.n:l,ll\lI1!m'$;m-i.;;:;;:'m:';0Ri3ii'iW''~~~.N'~iiAii~Wiff1,.~>i*,,'i-~~i;\"~_~'''ffl--!_~J~1''';';''~-'0.\ri:;':'~~''~~7~~~1t'~'''P1''.&";tt.-''':.F&~t~~! '. Property Owner: [springfield Public Schools Phone: 1726-3218 Company: , ' ISpringfield Public Schools Fax: 1726-9555 I Address: 1525 Mill Street, Springfield Or 97477 I ~~J{--0:<}>~lfr!i."Jt:&@""~J:0=~j~j;~V!8j'i:j;g~~'*'_mf;."M;1l@t~im:\rmr;h.,~~iJv.:ww,.m"\J4Cru~\D&ti~'W~@0;'_TJ!W;;4"SP'l"it0lf'.i,:J7,~~_1 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-35-00 . TAX LOT NO(s): 02100 and 02600 Property Address: 7345Thurston Road, Springfield Or I Size of Property: 11.40 Acres . Acres xD' Square Feet 0 Proposed Name of Project: Thurston Elementary School . m"AS~""-="''''''''''~~-'4t'''!N'%-~''({'V\:.li;;~ii'~a;mii","<M!.'0i.%li-~,>!t]r:-ii5"$;liif.i~YlJhJ~:;;B&,\;r;klt:tn)i;*8M;:1;Y;"~~W=-*_:~;k~~';1!R=~"'0:<Jtdi:~",&,'1Zl:;~~'::.'~"'=~f:-O:':?\~1 Description of Proposal: # of Lots/Parcels: Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: sf Density: du/acre New Impervious Surface Coverage: .. sf Bldg. Gross Floor Area: sf !0fr]f;\~t~~%BE~~i!T;t:j\~i;f;M:jjQ.~~~J'l~l:iii.1$:d5&~0BE%1i~7d.:t0Ni~il&;.':K~'*'0i4.:O::pi4Bl.~~~;'::t';:~'C;;;iIi:W:lfu;c~',ji;:~~~':"f.j.:2,,:{:~ii;;i1'.&I" New replacement elementary school on existing school site ReCluired Property Information"" :; (City'Intake'Staff:"complete this'sectio-,i)'" Zoning: Overlay District: Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Designation: Location: City Limits 0 , Urban Growth Boundary 0 Associated Applications:00h ~ 1-- ~4 L (D (M ~11\'i%:!~:;0j0$~~~~;:iff~~liit'~i"if~'$'~''%:>i<'~i&'''1B:~~w%:'i'''7~~~ftC~#~~f:2'~~~~~~k!M Pre-Submittal . ,_.. ., Case NO.:VYC/6t:l- 6rX:fZo Date: U {?n,! 0 'f-- Reviewed by: ~ Case No.: . Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postaqe Fee: $ TOTAL FEE'S. $ Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones r V- j .kD 1- - G,Ib<63, .~.. 1r('27 --rL...,...<2.." 10'(0 Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form, You are required to submit Nine (9) copies of the submittal requirement!? packet for pre-submittal review, Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and. noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application,' , 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with'representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes, The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete, You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit .18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. 'When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued. . , . Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process, An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. Case Number:U'lvt ~ _ G9::f{,o Date Submitted: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting. . Owner: A-L\v Signaf~re U . . M, ~0Mi1t Date: \ l/J-O /07 Sk.-~her. 1M. , ~~\f\..-e.it- Print . Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones , I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I 'affirm the information identified by tile City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information wiil not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Print ) v ,. Updated 12/812006 Brenda Jones "ype II Site Plan Approval Narrative for: Thurston Elementary School 2109 J Street Springfield, Oregon 20 No~ember 2007 PRE-SUBMIITAl REC'O , NOV 2 0 2007 AoqlicantlProqertv Owner Springfield Public Schools 825 Mill Street Springfield Oregon 97477 Attn: Bill Hirsh Phone: 541-954-6525 Fax: 541- Architect Mahlum Architects & Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc 132 E, BroadwaY"Suite 540, Eugene OR 97401 Alln: Dave Guadagni, AlA Phone: 541-342-8077 Fax: 541-345-4302 Civil Enoineer KPFF Consuiting Engineers 1201 Oak Streel Eugene, OR 97401 Alln: Mall Keenan, P,E, Phone: 541-684-4902 Fax: 541-684-4909 Landscape Architect Waiker Macy 1.11 SE Oak, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204 Attn: David Aulwes . Phone: 503-228-3122 Fax: 503-273-8878 Electrical Enaineer Interface Engineering 708 SW 3'd Avenue #400 Portland OR 97204 Alln: Chris Larson Phone: 503-382-2266 Fax: 503-382-2262 Project Description: This application is for site plan approval of a replacement elementary school for Springfield Public Schools. to be located in the area now used for fields and play at the existing Thurston Elementary School site, The project includes construction of a new elementary'school and its associated parking, walk systems, paved and soft play areas and landscaping, Included in this packet is information regarding alternales for adding 2 classrooms and for adding covered play structure, ProjeclLocalion: The property is Tax Map No, 17-02-35-00, Tax Lot 02100 and 02600, The project address is 7345 Thurston Road, . Approvals Requested: Type II, Site Plan Approval Allached Information: Type II Site Review Application and Check for PreSubmittal Meeting Fee (1 copy) Preliminary Tille Report (1 copy) Irrigation Specifications Tree Felling Application Storm water Scoping Sheet and Report, prepared by KPFF (1 copy) Transportation Impact Analysis, prepared by Branch Engineering (1 copy) Geotechnical Report, prepared by PSI, Inc, (1 copy) Drawings (5 copies) Refer to second sheet of drawings for index Ttlurston Elementary School Page 1 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Mahlum Architects Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Site Ownership:. . , ~. , . As of this submission, Springfield Public Schoois is the owner of;th - re parcel shown' for development in this site plan review application, Please refer 10 the updated preli ~ary title report included with'this application, Phasing: The project is designed to be done in two phases, Phase 1 will be a Grading Package that creates a workable surface for the Phase 2 construction access drives, staging area and buiiding pad, A Land . Development and Alteration Plan (LDAP) will be submitted in advance of starting Phase 1. Phase 2 will be the building and site packag'e that will follow soon after the completion of the Phase 1 Grading, Package Proposed Development Site Data: Total Site Area: 497,182 SF Imoervious Area Building Footprint 2 Classroom alternate Covered Play alternate Additional Imperious Areas Total Impervious Area Pervious Area 40,050 SF 2;620 SF 4,900 SF 121,130SF 168,700 SF 328;482 SF j;xistina Imoerious Area 156,875 SF Net Change in Impervious Area: Add of 11,825 SF Zoning: The site is within the City of Springfield's Urban Growth boundary and is zoned PLO, Schools are a permitted ;'special use" category, The adjacent lots are privately owned residential properties at the south and southwest portion of the site, Properties to the north, east and northwest are currently iri agricultural use, Site Access / Transportation: Primary vehicular access will be off of Thurston Road with the bus drop off lane separated from the public access drive. There will be pedestrian access to the site from Thurston Road and from a pedestrian alley off of the residential area at the southwest corner of the site, ' Off-Street Parking Facilities: . All off-streel vehicle parking will conform to the standards listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC), The maximum number of parking spaces per the SCD is 2 spaces for each teaching station plus 1 space for each 100 sf of public indoor assembly space, In the full build out (including the 2 classroom . allernate) there will be 24 teaching stations (48 parking spaces allowed) and about 7,940 square feet of public indoor assembly space (79 parking spaces allowed), Maximum vehicle parking spaces allowed: 127 spaces Total vehicle parking spaces provided: 100 spaces Bicycle Parking: Covered long and short term bicycle parking will be provided adjacent to the bus drop off just north of the main entry side, Additional uncovered bicycle parking will be provided south of the main entry, All bicycle parking spaces will conform to the standards listed in SDC, Bicycle Parking Code Required: 500 students require 63 spaces with 16 of them long term'and 47 short term. Total bicycle parking spaces provided: 63 spaces . 16 covered 47 open Thurston Elementary School Page 2 Type II Site Plan Approval Application'Narrative Mahlum Architects Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Loading Areas: The school function, of the project does not require significant amounts of loading or unloading to occur since products are not manufactured or sold at the site, Deliveries to the site are basically limited to office and educational supplies and food products. There is room to accommodated vehicles at the service . court to make deliveries and at the front area drop off zone, . SDC Articie 3.2-440(C) requires screening for truck parking for vehicles necessary for the operalion of the facilily, Since there is no manufacturing or sales occurring on site, this screening requirement is not applicable. Utility Infrastructure: The project site is served by adequate public utilities, The project proposes to extend these utilities on the project site, to provide adequate fire protection and utility services for the proposed school building. All new utilities will be placed underground, Refer to'the drawings included with this application for description and location of the proposed utility extensions, , Stormwater Management: The site is designed so that all non rooftop impervious surfaces stormwater runoff'will be pretreated through drainage swales prior to being piped into the public stormwater system, Building rooftop rury-off . will be captured by external downspouls that connect to the stormwater system, The site is served by an existing stormwater line running along Thurston Street Floodplain: The property is not in area of flood plain, Wetlands: The property has identified wetlands on the site, The Department of State Lands (DSL) has received the wetland delineation report lhat Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc, prepared on behalf of Springfield School District19, The DSL file number is WD 2007-0524, It has been assigned to Anna Buckley at (503) 986- 5321, Based upon DSL's work and priority system, the report has been assigned to a Tier 2 review (greater than 120+ days), DSL Staff will review the report but they are not able to provide an estimated timeline for the review, DSL has advised the District that their review could take several months and has apologized that they are unable 10 provide prompt review of all delineation reports, IJ\(ith this in mind, the . District has prop'osed a development that avoids triggering the need for a wetland fill permit and we see no reason to anticipate that DSL will question our consultant's delineation report, Drinking Water Overlay District: The site is located in lhe unregulated Zone of Concentration, The proposed building is for educational use, The project does not propose to store, handle or use malerials which are listed as hazardous materials except for those conditions exempt from regulation per SDC Section 3,3-200, . The building is being planned to include rooftop mounted HVAC units, These units will be provided with spill pans that will be piped to the sanitary sewer system, ' Landscap~ maintenance is handled by the School District No landscape maintenance materials, inCluding fertilizers, are stored on site, The proposed emergency generator will be located in the service court and be designed with double wall type fuel tank, If a leak occurs in the main fuel tank, a secondary tank with an audible and visual alarm contains any leakage, Fire Protection: The schooi will be fully sprinklered. Location of the fire hydrants and fire department connection (FOG) has been coordinaled with the Fire Marshal. Fire truck access to the buildings is accomplished by a partiallenglh' 20 foot wide access route originating at the soulh end of the bus drop zone and heading along the north end of the building and south along the east side of the building. The route terminates before the beginning of the wetlands and a hammerhead turnaround in along this route, A partial 20 fool wide lane along the west side of the building lravels up the 10 the hard play area where a hammer head turn will be provided, The route will be marked and designed to support 80,000 pound wheel loads, Per meetings with the Fire Marshall Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads will not be required since the eaves Thurston Elementary School Page 3 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Mahlum Architects Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc of the school will be less than 30 feet in height. For Fire Department convenience a lo.op size for a large fire. truck turn around will be provided at the end of the bus drop for'non-fire emergency visiIs, Trees: There are several existing trees on the site. A few will be removed, refer to attached Tree Felling Applicalion. Numerous additional trees will be added per the attached landscape plans, . Building Height: In the PLO zone, "Special Use Standards for Elementary'Schools" restrict the.school to a height not to exceed 35 feet at mid height of the roof. The maximum mid-roof height of the buildings are under 35 feet. Thurston Elementary School Page 4 Type II Sile Plan Approval Application Narrative Mahlum Architects . Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc C~OOlIUW~j!-:.:,:,': o (; r COil: : : 1 gg : ;.iJ,1< : : : ::I:j, MA TCHLlNE -~--'-'-;";"-G~t, - - - ...... ~"':--"'I't., -- - 'I' . ".,. ] . . II 1.',',',' 'I' . /'.j j.',' ,','..- .. '1: I',.',','i'" / -J ;:1 /:<:::};; .' . , ./<:. i:/ /.':-:-:::': '~~I,__< ./ '\ ( /:::::::>>;/.-~;"::>-' ,/'< III . I . '//'./ /. I' ' \ . . . . , . #r'".:,.-'/ /' I I j' \ I. y'. -< ?' ,/ \ ._._--~ .!.'>-..., ..._---;'":7";..././ 1_______ /~ '~l;:,:2~~:'::'k'''' '.\ <\., 0 " "" /-" ',y/' \.,\ <'0, 'n,.;.-' \ " ",/ 0" ---e6 /~, \ /-'-, /" \( \ ~! k :\. ('/'\ / ,,/''''\ -- '. \ f!i u t . I '\ ~....._.___:___ .:i::;:::=c;=O':~T ------ . .. 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" '., '. i~l&'- . . ~l.l ~ I~ ..'t;1A.. )1j~~_,\.~~~j.~~l;;fWJi~~_~~!',-,:__,,"_'~ Fax: (541) 736-1021. .i.1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT i Engine,ering Division STORMW ATER MANAGEVlENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ':;;';',"-~'kl;;'k:k;l~i!?..... _ -, APPlicant:<JerV1tffv-l-h(l1Yl1'4~ Assessors Parcel : I .._ Vf'f).vn2J!1J Date: 11.7{)JQ=1- Land lJse(s): EiawJt(,l~ t::tVlOJI Phone#: V)41 [rRA-,At10'2- Project Size (Acres): ll. . ,Fax #: Q4i lo2L1--,;t:1'n::I ,~!!,~~;,!~~~=~~~~~,"2;21,.~~~~:~~",;>."~~1J;,"""~-,,,,,-,~, Project Description (lnclude a copy of Assessor's IDap):, ' Lo(\~ A ()WJ ~ ftMool 6}J -ttv ~i1V(( t;c0cd l\icpev'~, OYlCb'~ _~ ~ovl Ii, cPh4:/YULtttl,...f11v ;JxdJ1!J~( Wdl bidvno~. . ,l1:lIli3?i;; Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), diScharge location(s), etc,. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: [0t1~-tv pAti0~ at-- a. ffiV{h mAV1~ciDJA~V'?\ on '2:.\0. 11ils loMtlJn f> difaiifd H1 -fu.; ~ 'P\tl.1'I VDftiuJ ~I~ ' . . I' .' Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: . J)rC1l~b Q))dfLs Draina!'e Studv Tvne IEDSPM Section 4.03,2.: !Note, UH mav be substituted for Rational Method.. . ) o Small Site Study - (u.se Rational Method for calculations) o MidcLevel Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) o Full Drainage Development Study. - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: o Wellhead Zone: d WetlandlRiparian: . 0 Soil Type: ) Do,vnstream Analvsis: d o o q ! o o .0 Hillside Development: Floodway/Floodplain: . Other Jurisdictions: N/A Flow line for starting water surface elevation: Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation! Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: Return to l\'laU Stouder ~ City. of Springfield, cmail: mstouder@.d.sPrliltrfteld.or.us. .FAX: (541) 73{l-lfi2l , l 10/24/07 09:51 fAX 5413454302 "{,lBEKTSUN/ SllliKWUUV/ ARCH .1f1:J UUJ COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS 1~'i!:"~JiWt.:*=9!!!ll::??'~~'f':"r'~~;j~f~i'~'t:7..~i';~r#JJi~j :f.":.li;,al';~~J.91111' _' ,~...,i.!,OlJ.1l;\(';'..f~..?-n'i:.:;yI5,~e:j::;~-'--~a;:f' l':;ll",H:"},~,Y.fi.' :~..'l:::u-":.r.",,~:-w~.::'.!".,~....~~~:1=.,:-l~-', .I' * Baseaupon the information provided on theftont of this sheet, thefo/lowing represents ~ minimum 'fwhat is ne,dedfor on application to be complete for submittal with respect to drainage,' however, this list should not be lIsed in lieu a/the Springfield DeveloP'!l!:nt Code (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design ManiraZ, Compliance with these ;equiremenlS does not constitute site approval; Additional site specific information maybe required No~e: Upon scopingsnee.t su.bmittal, ensure. completedform has been'signe4 in the space pr?vided below: . Interim Design StandardslWater Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd N/A D. D All non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e,g. multi.chambered'catchbasin w/oU filtration media) fur stormwater quality: Additionally, a miriim'uin of50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. . o 0 Where required, ~egetative stormwater design sh~l.be consistent with interiII). design standards (EDS.PM Section 3,02)j set forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean Waler Services (CWS), o 0 por newNBR impervious ar~a l~s than 15,000 square fee~ a simplified design approach may be foltowed as specified. by the BES far vegetatiVe trealment. .'. ' . D 0 If a stormwater treatmentswale is proposed, submit,calct1.laticinslspecifications 'for sizing, velocity, flow~ side slopes, . . bottom slope, ;md seed mix consistent with either .BES or CWS requirements. ' D 0 Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM o :0 All building rooftop mounted equipment, oc-other fluid containing equipment located outsi~e of the building, shall , be provided with secondary contail~.ment or, weather resiStant enclosure: .' Gene..1 Study Requirements .lEDSPM Section 4.03) ,.. . o '0 Drainage study prepared by aProf~ssional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. D . 0 A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, includiug ahydrol.ogical study map, D' 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year storm event and overflow effe;:ts of a 25-year storm event. o .0 The time of-concentration (Tc) shaJl be determined wing a 10 minute startti.m~ for deyelopedbasins: Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4,C) )J D 0 A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC):. . . D 0 Elevation, of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable, Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4,04) o 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan. set. o :.0 Minimum pipe ~over.shan be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches fOf plam' concrete_ and plastic: pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shaU be sufficient to support an BO,OOO lb .' load without failure of the, pipe structure. . '.' D D Manning's ."n" valnesfor pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP, All storm pipes shail he designed In achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 as well. Othek-/Misc . . o . 0 Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot ele~ations,and site grades snowing how site drains . D :,! 0 Private stormwater easements. shaU be..~learty depicted an plans when private :'storm~ater flows from one property to another o ' 0 Drywells shal} n~t recei:~e J:1.ifioff from any surface w/o.:beingtreated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EtlSP Section 3.03.4A). Additional provisions apply In this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the web site: WW\i\...d~o-state)):!'.u5h.va!lITotmdwa!llic""(Jn1e_hcn\ for more information. o 0 Detention pon.ds shall b.e designed to limit runoff to pre-.development ratesJo'r the 2 tbrough25-year storm events . *Thisform sIt all Qe included as an attachm,enL, inside iheJront cover, of the stormwater study . . . ~lli~J:t~~Wltwi~i111$1k;1~';t~l~"~t~~~~@1~lt:wr&j~~~~1~~lW~i~@~m~\~~~f~[:t~fHs"fl] As ~e ~ngineer ofrecord,- I hereby certify the above required iterps are complete and included with the submitted stormwater study and plan set - ~ f Si&nature: Date: SECTION 35, T,17S, R,2 W,W,M. ~.,: 17 02 35 & INOEX NAD 83/91 ':-~ ~1 FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION ONLY . " o ~ ~ ;-~; lm~ ~ .~ \ . LANE COUN'TY\ =< " - ';~.\fN-/1--'----'- 1! O,LC.<48.,_ _ ...,.... U \ 1-"APf'llox. /i --~ 1/4 COIL '-N.W. COR. u -~ '\ SEE III.P .... ~'"'- "'." ..' /11,.. ::Jt~ '\17 O~ 3,' i! I . ~ -\ 11 ~2.'~ !] i 175:E2 ::PI1 " ";" A.. WHITTAKER.; " /' : .il 5.S,(. COR. ::~':.' :~ , ~ -. '-.../ . a ~.LC. SJ ''\ :~~: OI9-0~o. . :~tf.' 1,...-_ " ,_:, ~ " ' =~ .- ~ t "'II , ~':\J 'l.': ~ 0 ~" ..~~-{!",~- -:--T==- -~"~~;~~~ZIllX2900 10 ' U..44Ct I 2500 ijl ill __ " i "'I i i . 'l SEE DETAIL I ! I, MAPNOI ,~ ... -'~J>O..--""'--""-" ~ D_000051 -;'-:'" 3603 W.S.W. COR. - D.U:.!iO ....OOl I' ,~ 1NT,[l.L~~ ~ 'z-;-~;7."'i tl.LC.~ IE-N.E. cdR_ M.ElL toft. I I, 'I IDLt. 54; D.Le. 50 ~:'''''PROX., r "~'.. "_ ..; 1l/4 COR. . J -..' I-u&& . T- !,..-!" ~ I I : I '.~'.&P1 SEE I, MAP . i \ 1 y~, ",' I '~.__' SEE j! I 3 I . _' - . , 17 021 5 ,;1 _, ~~. _i7 02 304 Z _____~, ;,~~~-'-" "~"'~602' ~ ..;.,_1. 3605 '-"I" ,_~~ 370~ ~105 r. Iii ;.. ~E04 """"'!~I\ ' , " \ ,I' , ~I. ~ ' I. ""... I i , -:;-ol. fl ~_. ..:a.E SE'EIW'17022B 2726 ) " " /- -.-., " " " " ',--- SEE "'AI' 11 02 ~. 2 2. ;'?!fi;;,:':; j':'O''''''"' _~i~~- iCI :eO' ~ MAP' ~ ~O~~.21~ . "'''". ;:o=umJl. . V"O~ .!l I '~ S(E IUoP R..~.... ..~: I'S 2 .......-...... .~.. .~~ \!4 .....- -,~ I ." ~I -l~'-' S(E MA~~ " - 5.5."'. COR. ~. o.o.V1S I'. ,D.Le. SD I . ];:-:'."=:.. _~','17 ~~......-.: ...~. , l Oi9-00 I SEE UAP '1'02-~s"".i I ~ i' ;#-, I , /~ --f l . . 'I ~,~~ -Gk:f' 1702 35 SEE loW' 16 02. 02 & INDEX ~}~"" ~~. r-f h r'l " :~ ! '! ,~ fl W , ~,i~r:: , ,.""" ::':<. SEEUAP._."o."'~~ '~ ~"~_'~~'''..J-.J 170 H ~ .;ios ~"'A~~... -; 3701 ".4""'i . Po i~! -=-,::. -,4-1 -'------'7", II "t;'L~;::;I<N'PROX. !I I 1/4 COR.. I S.E. CoR. D.Le. M 38 ~t'""" .........R..;+:' SEEJ,LI,P 16 02 0222 SEE1.W'1802.0221 SEEI.W'18020212 ---- ~. ,~ ~: . o " ~ ~ " . " " o ~ ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . VICINITY MAP PRE2007 -00080 7345 Thurston Road SITE Map 17-02-35-00 Tax Lot 2100, . 2600 North -+ . " 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 P.O, BOX 931 . SPRINGfiELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.1981 FAX: 541.741.0619 A. ~ ~ ~~. ~__",~;,,_~., h '" - ,.,~-:;,.m. 1\ gx~~g~~~~ TITlE INSURANCE SERVICES. ESCROW CLOSINGS 875 COUi','TRY CLUB RD. . EUGENE, OR 97401 ", P.O. BOX 10211". EUCENE, OR 97440 PHOr--'E: 541.687,9794 FAX: 541.687.0924' -_.._---~--------.-_.. October 29,2007 OurOrderNo.: ELT-53429 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Springfield School District #19 '1890 North 42nd Street . Springfield, Oregon 97478 AtIJ1: John Saraceno !" Estimated Prernium'for: PARTIAL BILLING. $200.00 TOTAL .,!; $200:00 Dear John: . We are prepared to issue on request and ou.recording of the appropriate documents,'a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based onthis preliminary report, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEEATTACHED EXHIBIT A . . , Shov.~ng fee simple title as of Oct9ber 23,2007, at 8:00 a,m" vested in: SCHOOLDISTRICTNO, 19, . Lane County, Oregon.. . Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form, No'liabilitYls assumed until dull premium has been paid. . CONTINUED ---;___'--__"___'__._._''IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" ..--'-..."--,-------.--,~_..~~-.--..---'-~--~...-..~--.- . ww\,,r.r:\'~rgreen!andtitle,com' . ELT-53429 Page'2 SCHEDULEB GEl'i'ERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which 'are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing. authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shovm by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2, Facts; rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could . be ascertained by an inspection Of the 1a.Tld or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or ciaims of easement, not shov.n by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4, Discrepandes, conflicts in boundary lineS, shortage in area, encrqachrrients or other facts which a correct survey would disclose. . 5; Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or'hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shoym by the public records, ' CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6, The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by virtue of school ownership. The company assumes no liability should the exe'mptstatus be lifted and taXes levied, (Map No. 17-02-35-00-02600: Codel9-00, Account No. 0142560) Parce\I . . I The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by virtue of schoo] ownership, The company assumes no liability should the exernpt status be lifted $nd taxes levied, (MapoNO. 17-02~35-00-021 00, Code 19-00, Account No. 0142503) Parcel II . .. _ _, i . . . I 7. Easement, granted to Eugene-Springfield Land & Water Company, including the terms and provisions thereof, by mstrurrH~nt Recorded April 13, 1936, Book 187, Pages 1 ]8land 119; Lane County Oregon Records, . I " ! NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 7345 THURSTON ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 NO:rE: A JUDGEMENTILIENIBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the naTne(s) SCHOOL DISTRlCTNO, ]9, and as of October 23, 2007, none were found. I I NOTE: As of October 23, 2007, there are-no liens for the City of Sprin~field.' i CO,NTINUED .1 I "'- , " ELI - 53429 Page 3 NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE',REPORT, Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE BTcZ,.,;ft7" '"" ~ \ '. . { ~ .~?/0/t/~/, {/"P~c, Joseph'M, Silence ' Title Officer .. . .' CC: Branch Engineering (Fax No. 746-0389) " '[; . . ' NO LIABILITY IS -ASSUlvffiD HEREUNDER: UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM P AlD. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200,00 WILL BE CHARGED, " ELI - 53429 Page I of I Legal Description EXHIBIT A . PARCEL I: . Beginning at a point on the Southerly right 9fway line of the Old McKenzie Highway 6634 feet South 00 12' East and North 890 48' East 536.6 feet from the Northwest comer of the ,James c. Looney Donation Land Claim NO.,54, Notification No, 7310, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence South 00 12' East 719.Q feet; thence North 890 48" East 313.9 feet; thence North bo 01 1/2" West 769,0 feet to the Southerly right of way line of the Old McKenzie Highway; thence along said. right of way line in a Southwesterly directiori316.~ feet, more or less, to the phiwof Begirining,in Lane County, Oregon. .. PARCEL II: . Beginning at a point on' the Southerly rightofwaylirie of the Old McKenzie Highway 663.4 . feet South 00 12' East and North 890 48'; East536,6 feet from the Northwest comer of the Jame; 'c. Looney Donation Land Claim No, 54, Notification No, 7310, Township 17 South; Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian;:running thel1ce South'Oo, 12' East 719,0 feet; thence .South 890 48' West 50 feet; thence North 0012' West 715 feet more or less to the South right of way line of the Old McKenzie Highway; thence along said right of way line in Northeasterly direction 52 feet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning; in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: Beginning at a point on the West Line of the JamesC, L.ooney Donation Land Claim No. 54, Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West oftheWillamette Meridian, South 000 12: East 1381.40 feet from the Nort.'1west comer of said'cla~; thence North 890 48.' East . . 486,60 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South ooe i2' East 720,00 feet to the center of a'ditch; thence'along the center line of ditch North 670 46' East 29.53 feet;thimce along center line of ditch'North 61039' East 239,.00 feet; thence along the center line of ditch North 52030' East 156.26 feet; thence along an old line fence North 00011\2' West 501.50 feet; thence South 890 48' West 363:90 feet to the True Point of Beg inning, in Lane County, Oregon.' .. , " -r'l-fIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATIN.G PHOPEI'\TY THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES N. COUIUESY OF W -l E EVERGHEEN LAND TITLE CO. . ~. 7<\1-1901 S g, ,5 " u o z :.u z &j x:' <l ..J .' (s~' MAP ~ ,'-;: . CI- 17 02 35 2.3 r .~, I'ML1P' . '-'I' 'cu u.; a: toJ ST t-' (f) ~ SEE I'--.I).c I ----0 ~ ~ -1 SEE I' I' m Af ) 7--. OL,-;5:-0G ~~~I \::;:,~' I . 0'0 I~ b..,~,: ~ 'n'''",,'","' ",' __-~"' .~~ IU\~ ....._____>''"..-'..,o.,~ ~-~...w. . __________ ,,'"' . 2700 - 2800 2600' gs . -; N* . --J I- :~ t0l .t-- "2 N t-- .1- W w a: In MAP 17'0! 2524 '0 " N. l"-i , I / I- Lu w a: 1: ~I--, . 0:: j~ MAP 17 02 35 3 ~ , [~< . "--.-/. . AJ . :o~r '- . ~ t )~rf( :: ~ ~ . < " 1 . o < '" . o . I'!~.\,. \00' \<'\.<"', l-:,~l;";'.~:.; "V": 3603 ~.. ~'l....O. ... ,.s.......,..w. It.l~~. ',~ :: . 2100. . ..J -M .~, .J1l(t ;c' ... / I~P/- ~.~.. .0"---- ...\,j...- . , ____ _ ___~ '1\...", .'_~ ~ --~ ~-:..-~ )~ ~,\}..\.: -1~t.<'I<l\ ~;q".,,,' 3200 ~ ..,.!....nlt /.,.....".}., .."1,..,,"1.... 2900 ~ 0 .~ g m ~ '" N.... f; ~ - o r. ~ .~: ~p.'~ ~i SI - . ."-;.1 Or M , , \O(~SI 'd;LO}.' ~ i. ;.; u" ~~ ~o"".lll' Il-,,' " '. . o . , , ~ r- W,S,'II. " ' '., D,L.C,_ . INT. ELL.~OR.:., /"e,,,' D.L.C, 54 . ',^, . I E.N,E, I D.L.C,' j'h -3-6ee- , I I I. MAP . 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November 16, 2007 Prepared For: Springfield School District 1890 North 42"d Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 2 0 2007 Preoared Bv: BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC, 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541)746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 Project No. 07-235 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR ,~~._~~.~...~....~~..~,~~~ ._~~~_~.~.~._ ~_ ._.h_.... ..,~ ~~._.~. _ ~ .~,- _.~~ . Thurston Elementary School Replacement Springfield, Oregon I~~_ _U~~ .,..""......"..,,~.~~_~..,_~_. ._ _ _~ -~...~-~~~~.~..~~ ~-- November 16, 2007 Preoared Bv:. EXPIRES: JUNE 30, 2009 BRANCH ENGINEERING; INC, 310 Fifth Street ,Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 Project No. 07-235 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION......................:......................:.....................................: 1 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION.........:....................,....................~................ 2 Site Access...,.,..,.,..,..,..,..,.""""""""""""".",,,,,.,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Site Circulation..,.,..""":"""",.,...,..,..,..,..,..,...""""""",, ,.""""""",4 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS ...................................................................... 6 Street Network""""""."".,........,.....,..,..,..,.........,.,,,,,,"....,,",",,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Crash Analysis""""""""",;""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Transit Facilities,.""..,..".,..,..,..,.....,..,..,..,.........,.,,,,,,,.........,,,,..,.,... 6 Non-Motorized Facilities..,..,..,..,.....,.....,..,..,...." ,.""",,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6 4. PROJECT TRAFFiC...................................,.......................................... 7 Modes of Travel.,.,..,..,....."""""""""""""""",..,.....,........,..,.......... 7 Delivery Vehicle Traffic....",:"""""""""""" ,,,....,..,.........,..,. ,..,..,:.,.7 Non-Motorized Facilities..,.",.""""""",,,.,,,,,.,....,.........,..,..,.,..,..,..,. 9. Trip Generation",.,..""...""""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,...,..,..,,.,..,..,....,..,. 9 Trip Distribution and Traffic AssignmenL.......,,""""""""""""""'" 9 5. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ROUTING/ACCESS..............................10 Construction Phasing....,.,...,....,..,..,..,......,..,.... ,""" """",.""""""" 1 0 Construction Staging ..,...".,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,..,..,........,.,."...,.. 1 0 6. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION ..............................:.;....11 . 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I, 1 1 I, 1 LIST OF FIGURES -"'. ..OJ Figure 1: Vicinity Map..........""""...:................................."""""""",,,,, 3 Figure 2: Site Plan""""",.....,.,.:".".",."""""""",."""""".,..".,..,.,..,.". 5 Figure 3: Delivery Circulation Simulation .........".............."""""""""", 8 LIST OF TABLES .....__.......__....._..._.__...H .~.. Table 1: Delivery Truck Traffic ,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,............... 7 LIST OF APPENDICES ........_...-..u_... .~ Appendix A: City of Springfield Traffic Impact Study Scope Appendix B: Lane Transit DistrictRoute Schedules AppendixC: ODOT Accident Data Appendix D: Tentative Design Schedule I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 1 OF 11 1. INTRODUCTION c Branch Engineering Inc, has been retained by Springfield School District to prepare this Minor Traffic Impact Study as required in Springfield Development Code to meet the criteria of Springfield Public Works Department policy S,O,P,P, #T-6,1 and the Traffic Impact Study Scope of Work, dated October 4, 2007 (see Appendix A); prepared by City of Springfield Transportation staff for the Thurston Elementary Site Modification in Springfield, Oregon, A reduced traffic study has been allowed for this project, as there will not be new traffic generated by the school replacement. The primary focus ofthisstudy is to summarize expected changes to local traffic patterns, J. ~ineering,_[nc, ~ November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTONELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION . PAGE 2 OF 11 The Thurston Elementary school site is located south of Thurston Road between Weaver and Billings Roads in Springfield, The project consists of replacing the existing school buildings, improving the parking facilities, and developing sports fields on ,the existing school site, The school currently has an enrollment of 453 students, and there are 53 staff members, The new development is planned to begin construction in Spring of 2008 for building pad preparation, New construction will continue after the school is out through June of2009 and demolition of the existing buildings will occur after the school year ends in Summer of 2009, The final landscaping and site improvements will be completed prior to the start of the next school year in September of2009, The property is identified on Assessor's Map 17-02-35-00, Tax Lot 2600, The site is currently occupied by Thurston Elementary School. Figure I illustrates the location of the proposed development @ Branch Engineering, [nc, November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 3 OF 11 f- " I f- ,," '" f- " Z W Z o L------ THURSTON RD ~ THURSTON RD ~ s\~~ I ~ .: "' f- " / r E ~ ~A ~ c!. J;- ~i~EC;T ~':;;~~ ~ I ETLI - D- jJ I-'- f'. ~ ,.Q ~ D ST _ " . ~(r I ~ c ,~, 'f.1~~ L/: "' f- ~ CL ,R~AST I .. ~ J I -1 MAIN ST g , f- " q z OJ " I f- ~~ ">;Ii rNl\[. " ~cKc . ~TER.J 0' I f- m '" SPRINGFIELD BLUE BELLE CT ( -, . L-- /ST,ER I , [~4LE CEMETERY f- " I f- o " MEMORIAL VICINITY MAP I NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 1: Vicinity Map , l@ Branch Engineering, Inc, November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 4 OF 11 Site Access There are two existing driveways on Thurston Road, As proposed, one full-movement driveway will be dedicated for visitor parking, parent drop-oftlpick-up activities, delivery traffic and staff parking, The other access will be located at the east side of the proposed development for school bus circulation, Site Circulation . The west driveway will consist of visitor, parent drop-offi'pick-up and staff parking, Bus loading will occur in the northeast part of the schooL Delivery trucks will enter and exit the site through the west ? driveway on Thurston Road, ' The proposed site plan is shown in Figure 2, l@J1 Branch Engineering, rnc, November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (f1J :: t;Yl.I'~'(;-\-~1 ,~: .., ,1= -:'(: -'I.-:;'Ft~ _I"': .... "",: 1+-= ~'" ""'. "0" "'''''', ',I' ,i e..""_!Z:2 I 'I- --j : ~, '. liL I. I'''':''' ,- '~~ ~I L 'I ~(;J e,=,: nu1'.....J., r' ~If . 'F:::/ _ " . .. I', - --j ", . ,', ---.-,'.,' n Iii 1---. 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( , ) \ __' I- :) l.-' 'I ,'( --i- r"l L.J '-. , , L____ ~~ ~~ ti t u ^' ('P' -- , I \ L_ I , -eo;.",""'!';"".....H...T ., 1</<..0< I .... ,~: '-"J< 1='t"""'""'Y1''-j''urtl...J.C'R _ ! -~~: ::~~~ j ::~::~~; ;.~;:., "'.....,v......,hlum.'''''' pr""lllnr. . (.'''';''"~n~ - r"nd.ca?".lrch"",,,,,,, WALKER-MAC,! '11S.W.o..t,s.,il~:OO ~n"'nJ.Orqrm9~_'04 p-",,'I€ jOJ_::~_ll:: F<llj0.1_:7).MrJ' . SFRINGfIElllPUBLICSCllOOlS 5:;MlU~ n 5~RJlGi'1H~.OR9U" THIJR:S':"ON aEMElITAAY SCHOOL ;~THURSTONR()A() SP!;INGRELD. OR 97417 FIGURE 2 00 -0/1Z'2OO1' BACKGROl.11O<l''''~S ........ 0/0:;: OESI::=LOPMEN! <SSUI! ~nonf~1l:9' ~...,. ~ ............ p~ """........- -=.:..";,;,~~ srr:;:PlA~ La100~T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 6 OF 11 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS Street Network The relevant roadway for this study is: .:. Thurston Road Thurston Road is functionally classified as a collector roadway; it is a two-lane east-west running street with a sidewalk on the south side of the street (school side) which connects students to neighborhoods west of the school. There are on-street bicycle lanes and the posted speed is 40 MPH. Crash Analysis An analysis of accident history was performed for the relevant existing roadways in Springfield, The most recent three full years of accident data was evaluated (January 1,2004 through December 31, 2006) as supplied by the ODOT Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit. It should be noted, that Legislative' changes to DMV's vehicle crash reporting requirements, effective January 1,2004, resulted in fewer property damage only crashes being eligible for inclusion in the statewide crash data file, During the period of analysis, there were no accidents reported on Thurston Road between Weaver and Billings Roads, The ODOT accident data is included as Appendix C. Transit Facilities The school site is serviced nearby via Lane Transit District (L TO) Routes 8x and II, The bus stop that is regularly served by this route is located on 69th Street and Thurston Road, The current L TD route' schedule is included in Appendix B Non-Motorized Facilities Thurston Road has a sidewalk on the south side of the street in the project area, 1@lBranch Engineering, lnc, November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 7 OF 11 4. PROJECT TRAFFIC Modes of Travel .:. Pedestrians coming from the east and west will access the site through the north entrances on Thurston Road. One pedestrian access is located to the west side of the staff and visitor parking area and the other one is located between the staff and visitor parking area and the bus drop-off parking, .:. Bus drop-off will be relocated to the north-east side of the school. .:. Student drop-off and pick-up will be accommodated on-site via a new re-located visitor parking lotto the west side of the school. Increased queuing storage area has been provided, .:. Staff and delivery vehicles will use the same driveway access as the parent drop-off and pick-up parking area, Delivery Vehicle Traffic Delivery vehicle will be entering and leaving the site via Thurston Road (west site access), Based on school district supplied information, the following table shows the schedules and lengths of the delivery trucks for the Thurston Elementary School. I~BL.E 1,: Deliver,y Truck Tr:afflc Type of Vehicl.e: Day(s) Time Truck Length Milk Tuesday and Friday 6:30 AM 45 It Produce Tuesday (Friday if needed) 31 It 9:00 AM Food Wednesday 35 It 12:00 PM The largest expected delivery vehicle circulation simulation is shown in Figure 3, -@ Branctl_ Engineering, rne, November 16, 2007 I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I ~ , I , F ~ \ i I, ! : n ~ 1.\' I. ~ ,~ 11 '. :: '1 ~ 7; ~ n , I \ 71 I' 71[ Ii :1 II 7\, :1 , !i 71 1 , " II I I ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~' DEUVERY VEHICLE SIMULATION FOR THURSTON ELEMETARY SCHOOL J ~ / ~:~ . m"" 111 ~-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : [ I : [ l___. f // 7,50 33,00 I f ~1:'"OO p~'D' 3,00 12.50 WB-40 foot r 25.50 L ~'@)' 1 8.00 Lock to Lock Time: .: 6.00 6.00 Steering Angle : 20.30 8.00 Articulating Angle : 70.00 8.00 Tractor Width Trailer Width Tractor Track Trailer Track I 10 I 1-.... I o 20 ~J L PRE .:,,,. ~ Bran~h Engineeri.!!g, Inc. . ~J 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-0637 FAX (541)746-0369 e-mail: branchadmineqwest.net . Civil. Structures . Transportation. Surveying FIGURE 3 M EXPIRES: JUNE 30, 2009 -- . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 9 OF 11 . Non"Motorized Facilities One ofthe entrances of the school is for cyclist and pedestrians, It is located south of the school grounds, It takes children down to a small subdivision close to Highway 126, . A proposed bike path and shelter will be added into the overall transportation plan for the school, encouraging more children to walk and bicycle to the Thurston Elementary SchooL Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations will include internal private sidewalk connections to the public street system, and bicycle facilities, Based on school district supplied information, the majority of the students are dropped-off and picked- up by their parents, Fourteen percent of the stude~ts walk to and from the school on regular weekdays, . Trip Generation Peak. hour trip generation values will not change significantly as a result of the proposed Thurston Elementary school replacement project. Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment There will not be any changes to off-site traffic patterns as a result of the proposed school replacement project. ~riJl Branch Engineering, Inc, ~ November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 10 OF 11 5. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ROUTING/ACCESS Due to the location and nature of the proposed development (Elementary School in a residential neighborhood), potential impacts on neighborhood and student safety were considered. Construction Phasing Phase I consist of site the grading package that is tentatively scheduled to start on February 2, 2008 and will be completed May 16, Phase 2 is the building package that is tentatively scheduled to start on June 16, 2008 with the new building completion on June 12,2009, The existing building demolition and final landscaping will be completed prior.to school starting in Fall of2009, The project schedule is included in Appendix D. " . Construction Staging Construction access to the development will occur along the east edge of the existing schooL Contractors will turn west at the south edge of the existing hard play area and the access point will be through the existing asphalt. Contractors will turn south adjacent to southeast comer of existing west parking lot and proceed south along the future driveway to staging area at future parking/drop off zone, The existing west edge bicycle access path will be fenced off andremain accessible for public use during construction, 1@1 Branch En~ineering, [nc, November 16, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINOR TIS: THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT PAGE 11 OF 11 6. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION Transit Facilities The development site is conveniently serYed by public transit. No special transit accommodations are necessary to serYe the proposed development. . Non-motorized Facilities No special pedestrian or bicycle facilities, other than those required by code, are necessary to ,!ccommodate the proposed development. Crash History Analysis During the tJn:ee year period of analysis, there were no accidents reported' on Thurston Road between Weaver and Billings Roads, No accident reducing measures are recommended, Large Vehicle Circulation As illustrated in Figure 3, some areas will require adjustments to accommodate the design delivery vehicle, There appears to be adequate space for this to occur, Driveways and bus loading areas have been evaluated by others, and were not reviewed in this study, Conclusion In summary, the result of this analysis indicates, the proposed Thurston School redevelopment Will not cause significant adverse impact on the operating',characteristics of the existing adjacent roadway system, 1@1Brallch Engineering, lnc, . November 16, 2007 ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II APPENDIX A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY SCOPING CHECKLIST i I' PUBLIC .WORKS"DEPART;lijlEi'-5T ADMlfVfSTRATJOiV E;\/GliVEERlNG DIVISiON' EN\//h'OlVl'vi'ENT4L .SEP\//CES D/V/StOI\! t".Y!jjJfi"mlI1J1liJllfftiiL~fI1iJjffJjr I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I A4AliVTEiV.ANCE: D!VISION TFiANS'PCF?TATiOlJ D!~!IS/ON 225 F/FT'-:' S':F!=ET 01-i-; f\.;i3FlEL0, C.F! .9.7::_;)7 TECh!/'J/G./-)!... :3Ei-:;VfCE8 0iV!S/()j'.f ,,'V~'liil],':C!.spnng i91':'.'~-:: October 4, 2007 Damien Gilbert, P.E. Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Traffic Impact Study Scope - Thurston Elementary School Dear Damien, Enclosed per your request is a Traffic Impact Study Scope of Work statement for the proposed Thurston Elememary School site. This scope is based on our understanding that the project consists of replacing the existing school, parking facilities, and fields with a new schooL parking facilities, and fields on the existing site. Please give me a call if we may provide additional infol111ation. Sincerelv, ~~~ T ranspOltation Engineer AOi\l?lfVf,'STFi/fTfOiV / TECi-;'NfGALSEFi'~/j'CE.s / E/,j(3!NEE/~i!~jG: (:Sl.: 1) 723-27:75-3 ; ,:=). i'vi,i:,fNTENAIVC.'E: (5<1i) 725-3761 " FAX (541) .:"26-36'2il TFiAf'JS::-'()F,;'Ti.iTf(.:}t/: EiV\li.SC'J!Vfv!E/\!T/iL_SEPViC;ES: (541) 726--'3694 ~ ..=:.4)( (.54 -;,1 726-2'309 7.')i:-_ :i_~:.;". ) 736- --; 006 :.::;c~)( ---.-,., . --- -'. -. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY SCOPE OF WORK Date: . October 4, 2007 Consultant: Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Spri.."1gfield, OR 97477 Project'Assumptions: . Spfld - Thurston Eleme,ptary Site Modification 7345 Thurston Road . ITE Code 520 - Ek:mentary School Use appropriate of Target A.rea (GSF) or Student Population Via Thurston Road for staff parking and student and school bus drop-off Ipick "UP, Completion Date: Estimated 2008 . Project Name: Location: Land Uses: Size: Access: General: The proposed development will impact city streets; therefore the SuppOliing traftic impact analysis wilfneed to address Springfield Development Code (SDC) requirements, Because the development is not amiciDated to add significant trips, to the site, a reduced traffic study is being allowed. The smdy should address all the criteria outlined in Springfield Public Works Department policy (S,O,P,P, #T-6.1) for a Minor Traffic Study, modified as follows: Project Traffic: Trip Generation and Trip Generation Assignment: Full trip gen~ration and trip generation assignment is not being required for this site. However, truck traffic due to deliveries and other operations should be considered in the TIS. Include an analysis of the route that truck tklffic will be utilizing to access the site. Include estimates of the volume and tinles of entry/exit to the site, Period( s) - i>.nalvsis Year 2008 (or assumed build year for individual phases) ,S'cenarios Build Construction Traffic Routingllmpacts Due to the location and nature of the proposed development (elementary school), potential impacts on neighborhood and' student safety shall be considered, The TIS should include a sign and crossing audit that addresses safety issues for the area, Include this Scope (1 Work in the appendix o/the Traffic Impact Stll'~l' Page 1 of 1 I I I I I I . I '. I I . I I I I I . I APPENDIX B LANE TRANSIT DISTR.ICT R.OU 1 t SCHEDULES II .' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Thurston Middle School THURSTOI, RD fTJ2:=;=~ .::2:f:JtU I, ~ 1% Thurston . ~ I High School . ~ ~ M M.I\IN STREET _J "ll~;:<-'7&~'~%~~!_~,~ ~ N ~ \ (~f!~ 6 0 ,......1 . i:2 c:: 1..,...~~~_J ~ Wlh V '5Q2redh:ar,l~ ~~.-! Medical Ct'n't'r Lou ~ '" ,df 14th ~ U051otiol1 Kincaid at 74th G~ '" '" u z a: w '" <C Thurston Station ~ 8x Thurston Station ,~ LTD Station Estaci6n de LTD I) UD Park & Ride - AM Routing/Ruta PM Routing/ Ruta (G'J,f:;".~: From: Thurston Area From: UD/Sacred Heart Eugen~ Downtown To: Eugene Downtown, Sacred HeartlUD To: Thurston Area Name: 8x UO Name: 8x Thurston Station LEAVE LEAVE ARRIVE Thurston 69th Thurston Pearl ARRIVE UO Sta. Oak Thurston 69th Main Station at Station at UO Kincaid at Station at at Bay S Main Say A 8th Station at 14th 10th' Say S Mair, 58th AM 6:14 6:20 6:26 6:40"* 6:48 7:12 . 7:20 7:26 7:42" 7:50 PM 3:45+ 3:50 5:10+ '5:17 4:03# 5:30# 4:12 5:40 4:17 5:47 . Ooes not serve bus stops on 13th-Avenue between Pead.Street and Patterson Street. No da servicio alas paradas de la Avenida 13 entre las calles Pearl y Palterson. + Does not serve bus stops on 11th .I\venue. No da servicio alas paradas de la Avenida 11 entre las ca/lesPalterson y Pearl. # Starting at Thurston Station, ch2.nges to express service and onl~," dmps OWC.ustO!TIBrs. Ends at Main at 58th ailer completing the Tilurston 1000. Empieza en fa ,estaci6n de Thurston, cambia al servicio expres y s6fo t1ace'paradas para bajar pasajeros. Termina en fa esquina de fa calles Main y 58 despues de compietar el recorrio'o de Thurston. From: To: Name: Spnngfield.SlaliQ11, Thurston ,,",rea via Main Street 11 Thurston LEAVE Solid Stotron r,4air. ,: 21st 1\l,nin Thw5lon at Station 421'1(1 BayS ARRIVE 6:1th ThUfstGIl at Stiltion I,bin Bay.A From: To: Nam!!: Thw'sloll Area SorinofieldSlalionviafYiainSt 11 Springfield Stalion L[.(\\ft Tnumon Main SlaliDn at Bay/.. 42nd AM 11:33 11:4E 12:03 12:18 12:33 12:48 1:D3 1:18 1:33 1:48 1:58 2:08 2:18 2:2E 2:38 2:48 2;58 3:08 3:18 3:28 3;'38 :;48 3:58 4:08 ,4:H: 4:28 4:38 4:48 4:5E 5:08 5:18 5:28 5:3E=' 5:48 5:58 6;08 6:18 6:-28 6:48 7:07 7:24 7:44 8:05 ',8:25 ,8:45 S:05 9:25 9:45 ,10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 PM 5:55 6:20 6:30 6:50 7:02 7;'1T' 7:~Ci TAB 8.03 8:18 8:33 8''::8 8:0; 9:,8 933 8:.::8 10'03 10,18 iO:23 10A8 11:03 ii:1S 6:51 7:10 7:27 7;47 8:00 8::8 8:48 9:08 9:28 9:4[; 10:08 10:28 10:48 11:08 5:27 5:57 S:23 6:33 6:53" 7:05 720 7:33 7:51 8:06 8:21 e:36 8:51 9:06 G:2'i 9.36 9:51" 10:05 10:21 iO:36 10:51 11:06 11:21 11:36 11:51 12:06 12:21 12:36 12:51 1:06 1::01 1:35 1:51 2:01 2:11 2:21 2:31 2;42' 2:52 3:02 3:12 3:':2 3:32 3:42 3:52 4:02 4:12 4:22 4:32 4:41 4:51 5:01 5:11 5:21 &:31 5:41 5:51 6:01 6:11 6:21 6:31 5:03 5:3', 6:01 6:27 1"':37 5:57 7:09 7:25 7'33' 7:56 8.10 8:25 8:40 f. ~,~ g:1Q 9:25 9:40. 9:55 10:10 1-:):25 10:40 10.57 11:12 11:27 1i:.;2 ',1:57 12:1Z 12:27 12:42 12:57 1:12 1:27 1:42 1:57 ,12:47 1:02' ~:17 1:32 1:47 2:02 5:10 5:35 5:05 6:31 E:41 7:01 7:13 7:29 7A2 7:55 8:00 8:14 8:28 B:44 .'::59 9.14 9:28 9:44 9:59 1D:',4 1[':29 iO:44 11:D2 11:'17 '-1:32 11:47 1"."''' 1-2:17 ,12:32 2:12 .,..,., 2:32 2:42 2:55 3:05 3:15 3:25 3:35 3:46 3:55 4:05 4:15 4:25 4:35 4:45 4:53 5:03' 5:13 5:23 9'~::> 9:4S 10:0S 10:29 10:45' 11;05' 11:26' 5:i6 5:41 5:11 6:38 6:45 7:08 7:20 7:38 7:51 8:02 8:07 8:2, 8'36 8:51 9:06 2:21 9:36 9:51 10:06 10:21 10:35 10:51 11:1i 11:26 11:41 11:56 12:11 12:26 12:41 12:56 10:13 10:28 10:43 10:58' 11:16 11:33 ',1:48 12:03 12;18 12;33 12:48 1:03 5:21 5:45 6:15 6:45 6:55 Main ARRiV:-; at Spild 23ro StatiDn' -.-.) ., ~,:26 5:30 5:37 5:45 5:51 5:5[. c,:05 3:16 6:21 6:25 6:35 5:45, 6:51 655 7:05 6:55 7:01 7:05 7:15 ~:.;5 7:27 7:4~, 8:00 8:09 8:14 8:26 8:42. 8:58 9:13. 9:28 9:4'3' a.;'~' 1:18 1:33 1:48 ::03 2:18 2:28 2:38 2:50 3:00 3:13 3:23 3:33 3;43 3;53 4:03 4:13 4:23 4::>3 4:43 4:51 5:01 G:OS 6:41 6.;51 7:01 7:1e 7:41 8:00 8:20 8:41 S:01 9:21 9:41 10:01 10:21 10:41 7:15 7:27 7:45 8:00 8:09 8:17 8:28 8:46 8:58 9:16 8:28 9:46 9:53 10:15 10:29 1D:46 1D:58 11:18 1',:36 ,',:46 12:06 12:18 12:36 12:48 1:06 1:18 1:33 1:45 :;::;03 2:111 2:28 2:31: 2:50 3;00 3:13 3:23 3:.33 3:43 3:53 4:03 4:13 4:23 4:33 4:43 4:51 5:01 6:0& 5:19 .5:29 5:3~ , . 5:4~ 5.~" 6:09 6:1~ 6:2e 7:21 7:33 7:51 8:05 8:15 8:23 8:34 8:52 9:D4 9:22 9:34 '9:52 10:04 .10:22 '10:34 10:5::: 11:0':: 1',:24 11:42 11:5.l 12:12 12:24 12:42 12:54 1:12 1:24 1:39 1:54 2:09 2:24 2:34 2:44 2:56 ;:l;06 3:1~r 3:29 3:39 3:49 3:59 4:0e 4:15 4;29 4::>9 4:49 '4:57 5:07 5;14 ".5:24 5:34 5:44 5:54 6:04 6:14 6:24 6:34 6:46 f';55 7;06 7:24 7:46 8:05 8:26 8:46 9:06 9:16 9:46 10:06 10:26 10:46 7:2: 7:38 7:57 8:12 8:19 7:37 7:49 B:06 8:21. 628 8:35 2:07 :!:H :<:::7 2:37 2:49 2:S9 3:09 3:19 3:29 3:39 3:49 3:59 4:09 4;19 4:2:9 4:39 4:47 4:57 5:07 5:17. 5:27 5;37 5:47 &:57, ~:07 6:17 6:27 1i:37 6:57 7:16 7:33 7:53 8:14 B:34 8:54' 9:14 9:34 9:5-4 10:14 10;33 10:53 11:13 5:33 5:43 E:53 6:03 6:13 6;23 S'.,., ,6:43 7:03 7:22 7:39 7:59 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10;00 10:20 10:38 10:58 ,11:18 1:11 1:26 1:41 1:56 2:11 2:21 2:31 2:42 2:52 3:05 3:15 3:25 3:35 3:45 3:56 4:05 4:15 4:2E 4:35 4:44 4:54 1::02 5:12 5:22 5:::::::' 5:42 5:52 6:02 6:12 6:22 6:::::: 6:42 6:52 7:12 5;19 5:29 5:29 5:49 5:59 6;09 6:19 6:29 6:39 6:49 6:59 7:19 7:38 7:5& 8:15 8:36 8:5& 9:16 8:27 8:38 3:56 9:08 9:26 9:38 9:55 1Q:GS 1D:26 10:38 10:55 11:08 11::;:8 11:-47 ,1:59 8:47 9:05 9:17 9:35 9.47 10:05 10:17 10:35 10:47 11:05 11:17 11:38 11:55 12:08 12:26 12:38 12:57 1:09 1:27 1:39 1:54 2:09 2:24 2:39 7:31 7;48 8:08 8:::S f:49 9:09 S:36 9:56 10:16 10:36 12:17 12:29 12:47 12:59 1:17 1:2S 1:44 1:69 2:14 Z:29 :::39 :;:49 3:01 3:11 3:24, 2:49 2:59 3:10 3:20 3:33 3:34 3:44., 3:54 4:04 4;14 4:24, 4:34 4:44 4:54 5:02 5;12 5:19 5:29 5:39 5:49 3:43 3:53 4:03 4:13 4:23 4:33 4:43 4:53 5:03 5:10 5::20 5:28 5:38 5;48 5:58 6:03 6:16 6:26 6:36 6:'::5 ::69 6:09 6:'1: 6:29 6:3" 6:51 7:01 i:11 7:29 7:51 1:::10 [;:3c. 8:51 9:11 9:31 ~:51 10:11 10:31 10:51 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:36 6:00 8:19 8:39 9:00 9:20 :1:40 10:00 10:20 ,10:40 11:00 . , Se:vic~ end, at 69tharl-..,'J;n, Drur:-oif D~ly serviCB on fl~air. Street from 69th 5lreello 5Stil Street. E/ servic"-o termrne. e,~ {,1 esqlJl;72 (]f i~S cailN U: ,I' J;f!:in SOJn parilW poia haia] pasaialoE- dU;aFlt~ $I! recorride, ent" Cal/eM2in entre !a~ CJ!ie" 69 V5S. I I I From: Springfield Station From: Thurston Area To: Thurston Area via Main Street To: Sprlilgtield Station via Main St. Name: 11 Thurston Name: 11 Springtield Station I ARRIVE LEAVE LEAVE Main fViain Thurston 59th Thurstoll Thurston Main Main ARRIVE Sptld at at Station al Station Station at at SpfJd Statio"n 2ist 42nd Bay B Main" Bay A B,"Y A 42nd 23rd" Station I I 6:32 6:52 7:03 7:12 7:14 7:25 7-:34 7:34 7:45 7:54 7:53 7:57 S:O~ 8:26 I 8:10. 8'~ ':> 8:17 8:21 8:28. 8:36 8:41 SA6 8:51 9:00 ".',", 8:30 8:33 8:37. 841 8:49 8:56 9:01 9:06 9:11 9:20 8:50 8';:::') < 8:57 . 9:01 9:09 9:16' 9:21 9:26 9:31 9:40 ."" 9:10 ~9:13 9:17 9:21 9:29 9:36 9:41 9:46 8:51 10:00 I 9:30 9:33 9:37 9:41 9:4~ 9:55 10:01 10:06 10:11 10:20 9:50 9:53 9:57 10:01 10:09 10:15 10:21 10:26 10:31 10:40 10:10 10:13 1018 10:23 1032 10:39 10:44 10:49 10:54 . 11:04 10:30 10:33 10:38 10:43 10:52 10:59 11:04 11:09 11:14 11 :~4 I 10:50 10:53 10:58 11:03 11:12 11:19 11:24 11:29 11:34 11:<14 11:10 11:13 11 :18 1123 11:32 11:39 11:44 11:49 11:54 12:04 11:30 11:33. 11:38 11:43 11:52 11 :59 12:04 12:09 12:14 12:24 11:50 11 :~3 11:58 12:03 12:12 12:19 12:24 12:29 12:34 12:44 I PM 12:10 11:13 12:18. 12:23 12:32 12:39 12:43 12:49 12:54 1:04 12:30 .12:33- 12:3B 12:43 '12:52 12:59 1:03 1:09 1:14 1:24 12:50 ~2:53 12:58 1:03 1:12 1:19 1:23 1:29 1:34 1:44 1:10 1:13 1:18 1:23 1:32 1:39 1:43 1:49 1:54 2:04 I 1;30 1:33 1:38 1:43 1:52 1:59 2:03 2:09 2:14 2:24 1:50 1:53 1:58 2:03 2:12 2:19 2:23 2:29 2:34 2:44 2:10 2:13 2:18 2:23 2:32 2:39 2:43 2:49 2:54 3:04 2:30 2:33- 2:38 2:43 2;52 2:52 3:03 3:09 3:14 3:24 I 2:50 2:53 2:58 3:03 3:12 3:19 3:23. 3:29 3:34 3:44 3:10 3:13 3:18 3:23 3:32 3:39 3:43 3:49 3:54 4:04 3:30 3:33 3:38 3:43 3:52 3.:;Q 4:03 4:09 4:14 4:24 3:50 3:53 3:58 4:03 4:12 4:19 4:23 4:29 4:34 4:44 4:10 4:13 4:18 4:23 4:32 4;39 4:43 4:49 4:54 5:04 I 4:30 4:33 4:38 4:43 4:52 4:59 5:03 5:09 5:14 5:24 4:50 4:53 4:58 5:03 5:12 5:19 5:23 5:29 5:34 5:44 5:10 5:13 5:18 5:23 5:32 5:39 5:43 5:49 5:54 6:04 5:30 5:33- 5:38 5:43 5:52 5:59 6:03 6:09 6:14 6:24 I 5:50 5:53 5:58 6:03 6:12 6:19 6:23 6:29 6:34 6:44 6:10 6:13 6:18 6:23 6:32 6:39 6:4Z 6:49 6:54 7:04 6:30 6:33 6:38 6:,43 6:52 6:5,9 6:59 7:05 7:10 7:20 6:50 6:53 6:58 7:03 7:12 7:19 7:19 7:25 7:30 7:40 I 7:10 7:13 7:18 7:23 7:32 7:39 7:39 7:45 7:50 8:00 7:30 7:33 .7:38 7:43 7:52, 7:59 7:59 :8:05 8:10 8:20 7:50 7:53 7:58 8:03 8:12 8:18 8:19 8:25 8:30 8:40 8:05 8:08 8:13 8:18 8:27 8:34 8:41 8:46 8:51 9:00 I 8:25 8:28 . 8:33 8:38 8:47 8:54 9:01 9:06 9:11 9:20 8:45 8:48 8:53 8:58 9:07' 9:14 9:21 9:26 9:31 9:40 9:05 9:08 9:13 9:18 9:27 9:34 9:41 9:46 9::51 10:00 9-:25 9:28 9:33 9:38 9:47 9:54 10:01 10:06 10:11 10:20 I 9:45 9:48 9:53 9:58 10:07 10:14 10:21 10:26 10:31 10:40 10:05 10:08 10:13 10:18 10:27 10:34 10:41 10:46 10:51 11:00 10:25 10:28 .10:33 10:38 10:47.; 10:54 11:01 11:06 11:11 11:20 10:45 10:48 10:53 10:58 11:W 11:05 11:08 11:13 11:18 11 :26~ I ServiGe ends at 69tiJ at Main. Drop-ail only sen'ice on IJiain Street tram 69th Street to 58tti Str8et E! sefl'icio termlrlc en 12 esquina de la5 calfes'C:8 y Main. S6ioparar/i para baiar pasBjeros durant:: 5/1 rec!)!fio'o en IF) Calie Main entre 125 CaNes 69 y SB I 11 ThuFston ~ LTD Station Estaci6n de LTD LTD Park & Ride uJ >- s '"' "- ex:: UJ UJ Z 0 ~ '" "- ...0 .~ N fa " .... ~ .~ ~ ~ ...... \\i MAIN ~ nm_ ,_."._ 4 ,~ ~,.. .... ~=- ,~~~, j "" s~~ ~ ~,- 0 ~~ '. Papa'sPizza . Springfield tr:'D Station Bay U From: To: N.ame: From: To: Name: Thurston Ar62 Springfielq Station \'ia Main St. 11 SpringfieidStation . Springfield. Station Tllurston .l\fea via Main Street 11 Thurston, ARRI'J: ,LEAVE LEAVE Main Majn Imhslor, 69th Tnursrofl Thu:;;ion Milir; Mair; AR?,IV: Sn1!d at at S:2:iD~ 1, StatiDn !Stalior. a' a., s~.nj Statlor, 21st 42no Beis t,/iaj;; ,8a1'F, . Ga\! ~, 42nd 23rd Station 7:48 7:52 7:55 7:-i5 7:48 7:52 7:55 8:06 8:08 8:12 8"'<: 8:25 '8:07 8:10 8:14 E:17 6:30 5:30 8:34 6:38 8:47 p<', 8:30' 1:'.:34 5:37 ,2:50 8:50 8:54, 8:5e 8:07 8:Sp 8:53 8:57 8:01 9:1e 9:21 8:26 9:3, 9:~O 9:10 9:13 0<- 5:2', 9:2Sl 9:35 8:41 9:4;:: 9:5.1 10:00 ." 9:30 9:33 -9'37 9:41 8:49 f;':S5 10:01 10:06 10:11 10:20 9:50 9'~3 9:5, 1O:D1 10:08 10:16 10:2~ 10:2E, 1Q:2"1 '1[':40 10:10 1D:13 10:16 10:23 10:32 10:39 10:44 10:4~ 10:5..i 11:04 10:30 10:33 .10:33 iD:43 10:52 10:59 11:[14 11:09 11:14 11:24 10:50 "10:53 . 10:55 11:03 11:12 11:19 11:24 11:29 11:34 11:44 11:10 11:13 11:18 11:23 11:32 ' 1"1:39 ,1:44 11:48 11:54 12':04 ~1 :30 11:2: "11:38 11:43 11:52 11:5E' 12:04 12:08 12:14 1Z:24 11:50 11:53 11':58 12:03 12:12 12:19 12:24 12:29 12:34 ':12:44 PM 12:10 12:13 12:18 12:23 12:32 12:39 i2:44 12:50 12:55 i:05 12:30 12:33 12:38 12:43 1.2:52 12:59 1:04 1:10 1:15 1:25 12:50 12:53 12:5~ 1:03, 1:12 1:19 1:24 1:30 -1:35 ';45 1:10 1:13 1:18 1:23 1:32 1:39 1:44 1:50 1:55 2:05 1:30 1:33 1:38 1:43 1:52 1:59 2:04 2:10. 2:15 2:25 1:50 1:53 1:58 2:03 2:12 2:19 2:34 2:30 2:35 2:45 2:10 3:13 2:18 .2:23 2:32 2:39 2:44 2:50 2:56 3:05 2:30 2:33 2:38 2:43 2:52 2:59 3:04 3:10 3:15 3:25 2:50 2:53 2:58 3:03 3:12 3:19 3:24 3:30 3:35 3:45 3:10 3:13 3:18' 3:23 3:32 3:39 3:44 3:50 3:55 4:05 3::'.0 3:33 3:38 3:43 3:52 3:59 ~:04 4:10 4:15 4:25 3:50 3:53 3:58 4:03 4:12 4:19 4:24 4:30 4:35 '4:45 4:10 4:13 4:18 4:23 4:32 4;39 ,4:44 4:50 4:55 5:05 4:30 4:33 4:38 4:43 4:52 4:59 5:04 5:10 5:15 5:25 4:50 4:53 4:58 6:03 5:12 5:19 5:24 5:30 5:35 5:45 5:10 5:13 5:1$ 5:23 5:32 5:39 5:44 5:50 5:55 6:05 5:30 5:33 6:38 5:43 5:52 5:59 6:04 6:10 S:15 5:25 5:50 5:53 5:58 6:G? 0,'''' 6:19 6:24 6:30 6:35 6:45 6:10 6:13 6:18 6:23 6:32 6:39 6:44 6:50 G:55 7:05 6:30 6:33 6:38 6:43 6:52 6:59 7:04 7:10 7:15 7:25 6:50 6:53 6:58 7:03 7:12 7:19 7d4 7:30 7:35 7:45 7:10 7:13 7:18 7:23 7:32 7:39 7:39 7:45 7:50 8:00 7:30 7:33 7:38 7:43 7;52 7:5S 7:59 8:05 8:10 8:20 7:50 7:53 7:58 8:03 8:11-- Servics ellds a, 69th a: Main, Drop-ntfQ:1ly S?.r~CE un Mi.in Str~et t,elm 59tl1 Slre'3t to'53th S~,'3st. Ei servicio lermiFliJ en ia esquina de 13S C<l{!es 69 yf,f2in. Solo pJ,arB para baiar::;asajer05 o'lKanle 5U recorddD en ia Calle M2inenu,:: las Cafies 69 y 58. '" ~ >- S 'to .....1 ':0 ?:l ~ i\ Thurston Middle School THURSTON RD f~:=-~l lilKJ Thurston Station I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX c ODOT ACCIDENT DATA 'I "~';;';,'~,~",-----i,'",< "-':---";"-";"":';';":""':7" - - - - COS150 10/22/2007 COLLISION TYPE YEAR: TOTAL rlNAL TOTAL - . FATAL CRASHES - - - - - - - - - OREGON DEPARTMEfJT or TRANSPOI1TATION - TRANSPORTATION DEVELoPMENT DIVISION TRANSPORTATION DATA SECTION - CRASH ANALYSIS AND REPORTING UNIT CRASH SUMMARIES BY YE^r~ BY COLLISION TYPE Tllurslon RURd between Weaver Road and Billings Roml. willl ending infer~eclion, in/near Springfield 1-1-2004 Ihrouflll '12-31-2006 -.- DAY DARK , INTER- SECTION Note: Legisl8livechanges to OMV's vehicle clash repOlling rerJlJirements,effeclive 0"110112004. maY,lesult in fewer property damage 0I.11y crashes being eligible for inclusion in the Statewide Crash Data File. NDN- rATAL CRASHES PHOPERTY DAMAGE ONLY TOTAL PEOPLE PEOPLE CRASHES KILLED INJURED TRUCKS DRY SURF WET SURF - INTER- SECTION R ELATED - - PAGE: 1 OFF- ROAD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Cindy -. -.-=--------,.--.. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: RIFE Christina M [Christina.M.RIFE@odot.state.or.us] Monday, Oclober 22,200712:14 PM Cindy@branchengineering.com . RIFE Christina M . Crashes in/near Springfield aiong a part of "J" Street, along a part of 21 st Street, and along a 'part of Thurston Road CRThurstonRd Weaver-Billings&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS150.pdf; CR21 H- J&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS150,pdf; CR21 H-J&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS380.pdf; CRJ 5t 21-25&Ends(SpringfieidLCDS 150.pdf Attachments: Cindy, Attached are detaiied and summary reports for tile above sections of streets for 1-1-2004 through 12-31-2006 that you requested. Since there were no crashes reported along "J" Street between 21 st Street and 25th Street, with ends, or along Thurston Rd between Weaver Rd and Billings Rd, with ends, I could only send a summary report for each section. <<CRThurstonRd Weaver-Billings&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS150.pdf>> <<CR21 H- J&Ends(SpringfieldLCDS150.pdf>> <<CR,21 H-J&Ends(5pringfieldLCD5380.pdf>> <<CRJ 5t 21- 25&Ends(SpringfieldL CD5150.pdf>>' Christina "Chris" Rife Crash Data Technician Crash Analysis.and Reporting Unit Transportation Data Section 555 13th Street NE, Suite 2 Salem, OR 97301-4178 503-986-4239 Fax:503-986-4249 mailto:fchristina.m.rife6Jodot.state.or usl 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, APPENDIX LJ 11::.NTATIVE DESIGN SCHEDULE I I " 10 t"r- -"-r _~_,J---1~, ti2."l ~51:3 --s"" "\:]3 -'''1'''1 -'1"'1 'T"! -'10---1 ~ --11-1 ~:~=l~.---- I I I I '''14'1 ~5_-l- " , --itl --re:-;- , ,e'-j " I I I I I I I 4-5" ,,- '--47--' 48-", --491 --50"- '.-~~~=1 .....--1 5J I --::'::.T -5'1 -57-roo ----58"1 --59'-'] ":::i 51 1 62! 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Fii'ji:l1ioii" 5 dayS Mon3124108 10-(jays, - Mon3131/0a o days Fri411110a JOdaYI Frl'4.r11:iijj' 'O-ctays Fri4/11108 30 days Mon4f14/08 ~ o!.1iys-- FriS/23f08 34S'days Mon5/26/08 lSdaYI Man 5126108 S2IM.s Mon6/16108 o days Fri6/12!()9 10Wl<s Mon6/1S/09 4 ,,,is'" Mo,,'S/24'/09 Ildays Fri9/1Si09 Task 1::.....:::..___,~=.J Splil '3rdQuarter I ~~_C}~ I..!-~\I,. , 1 I FriS/2/08 FriSI2/0S "Fri"5i16ios Fril/18/08 Fri2J15i08 'Fri'siie"i{iii , Fri4l11/08! Fri2/S/os1 Fri2/S/08i , Fri 3121/08 ! Fn:i/2iioa'! Fri3f2SiOS! , Fri4/t1l08i Fri_4l11/0si -FriS/23io8, .......Fri4;.t'fiosl Fri5/23/0S! 'FriSl23iOS-i Fti'iiii8io9 i FnSlt310Sj FriS/12!09: Fri5J12J09] ; Fri 8/21/09 ! .-ri9118/09i , Fri91181091 Progrus 14lhCuaner __.~",!~:~~!..,:~'OcX".~'" Nov SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE I tstQuaner 12ndQuaner '~rdauarter ...=...}lec -..::I=Jan--"i--F~b:.-r-M~~~:"=~-=~~n'r"--r 'M;";~:=T~=-f~"'::..r~~Jui'~r .~~ .... .". ,"L...~_u_r,a.,~~,?,n...,",L Start i Fi_nis_h _ _ rMar-F~~~ru9'r May 3S days Mo'n-"4Hiliil7'" 'Fii'6/1/0T _._._m__..___.... ~,. 1 diY" Moo 4"/16IOi Mon 4/16/07 ../l,. 1 day Tue4/l7107 TU1l4/t7107 ~411T ldllY TUll4124i07 Tue~/24107 ~4124 1 day 1i/e"d 51'2/07 Wed siiiO'7 ~~/2 1 day TueSISlOT TueS/8107 ~18, 1 day MonS/14/07 MOI'IS/14107 ~51U 1 day TueS/22/07 TueSi22i07 ~:~"22 "~!'S-~_W~d- 5/~~07 '"~._ .!U'itS!~~_~71 C:i':.. ~ ::: ;:: :;:~;~; .T~;r~:~~:~ I 1~29 ....1.." -~~~- Fri6/1/07 ....__,,~~ri..6/~~71 ~~6/1 31 days Mon-6j41G7 MonT/16/07'I 'iI,~" .... ... ..,~ 10rJays Mon6/4107 Fn6/1S107 lr~h ! .1 day MO"6/1Sio7' Mon6/181071 r-~6/18 l0rJays TU1l8/t9/Q7 Mon712f07 ~ a issu'.!'Drnfl F'1a-o;;ing Docume-,;j";" -i:i'days". 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Type II Site Plan Approval Narrative for: Thurston Elementary School 2109 J Street Springfield, Oregon 20 November 2007 , , AoqlicantlProqerlV Owner Springfield Public Schools 825 Mill Street Springfield Oregon 97477 Alln: Bill Hirsh Phone: 541-954-6525 Fax: 541" Arch itect Mahlum Archiiects & Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc 132 E. Broadway, Suite 540, Eugene OR 97401 Alln: Dave Guadagni, AlA Phone' 541-342-8077 Fax: 541-345-4302 Civil Enaineer KPFF Consulling Engineers 1261 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97401 Alln: Mall Keenan, P,E. Phone:541-684-4902 Fax: 541-684-4909 Landscape Architect Walker Macy 111 SEOak, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204 .Alln: David Aulwes Phone: 503:228-3122 Fax: 503-273-8878 Electrical Enaineer Interface Engineering . 708 SW 3" Avenue #400 Portland OR 97204 Alln: Chris Larson Phone: 503-382-2266 Fax: 503-382-2262 Project Description: . This application is for site plan approval of a replacement elementary school for Springfield Public Schools to be localed in the area now used for fields and play allhe existing Thurston Elementary School site: The project includes construction of a new elementary school and its associated parking, walk systems', paved and soft play areas and landscaping, Included in this packet is information regarding alternates for adding 2 classrooms and for adding covered play slructure. Project Location: The property is 'Tax Map No, 17,02-35-00, Tax Lol 02100 and 02600, The projecl address is 7345 Thurston Road.' , Approvals Requested: Type II, Site Plan Approval Attached Information: Type II Site Review Applicalion and Check for PreSubmillal Meeting Fee (1 copy) Preliminary Title Report (1 copy) Irrigation Specifications Tree Felling Application . Stormwater Scoping Sheet and Report, prepared by KPFF (1 copy) Transportation Impact Analysis, prepared by Branch Engineering (1 copy) Geotechnical Report, prepared by PSI, Inc, (1 copy) . , Drawings (5 copies) Refer to second sheet of drawings for index , Trurston Elementary School Page 1 Type II Site Plan ApprovalApplication Narrative Mahlum Architects Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Site Ownership: As of ihis submission, Springfield Public Schools is the owrer of the -acre parcel shown for development in this site plan review application. Please refer to the updated preliminary title report included with this application, ., . Phasing: The project is designed to,be done in two phases, Phase 1 will be.a Grading Package that creates a workable surface for the Phase 2 construction access drives, slaging area and building pad, A Land Development and Alteratio'n Plan (LDAP) will be submitted in advance of starting Phase 1, Phase 2 will be the building and site package that will follow soon after the completion of the Phase 1 Grading Package Proposed Development Site Data: Total Site Area: 497,182 SF Impervious Area' Building Footprint 2 Classroom alternate . Covered Play alternale Additional Imperious Areas Totallmpervi9us Area Pervious Area 40;050 SF 2;620 SF 4;900 SF 121.130SF 168,700 SF 328,482 SF 156,875 SF Add of 1 1',825 SF Existina lrimerious Area Net Change in Impervious Area:. Zoning: . The site is wilhin the City of Springfieid's Urban GrowIh boundary and is zoned PLO,Schools are a permitted ~'special use" category, The adjacent lols are privately owned residential properties at the south and soulhwest portion of lhe site, Properties to the north; east and northwest are currently in agricullural use. Site Access I Transportation: Primary vehicular access will be 'olf of Thurston Road with the bus drop olf lane separated from the public access drive, There will be 'pedestrian access to the site from Thurston Road and from a pedestrian alley off of the residential area at the southwest corner of the site, Off-Street Parking Facilities: All olf-street vehicle parking will conform to the standards lisled in lhe Springfield Development Code (SDC), The maximum number of parking spaces per the SCDis 2 spaces for each teaching slation plus 1 space for each 100 sf of public indoor assembly space, In the full build out (including the 2 classroom allernate) lhere will be 24 teaching stations (48 parking spaces allowed) and about 7,940 square fe'et of public' indoor assembly space (79 parking space~ allowed), " Maximum vehicle parking spaces allowed: 127 spaces, Total vehicle parking spaces provided: 1 00 spa~es Bicycle Parking: . Covered long and short term bicycle parking willbe provided adjacent to lhe bus drcipolf just north of the main entry side, Additional uncovered bicycle parking will be provided south of lhe main entry, All bicycle parking spaces will conform to the standards listed in SDC, . , Bicycle Parking Code Required:'500 students require 63 spaces\vith 16 of them long term and 47 short term, Total bicycle parking spaces provided: 63 spaces . 16 covered . 47 open Thurston Elementary School Page 2 Type II Site Plan Approval Application'Narrative Mahlum Architects Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Loading Areas: The school function of the project does not require significa~t amouhts of loading or unloading to occur since products are'not manufactured or sold atth!) site. Deliveries to the site are basically limited to office and educatiomil supplies and food products. There is room to accommodated vehicles at the service. court to make deliveries and at the fronl area drop off zone. . SDC Article 3.2-440(C) requires,screening for truck parking for vehicles necessary for th'e operation of the' facility, Since there is no manufacturing or sales occurring on.site, this screening requiremenl is not applicable, ' Utility Infrastructure: .' The project sile is served by adequate public utilities, The project proposes to extend these utilities on the project site, to provide adequate fire protection and utility,services for the proposed school building, All new ulilities will be placed underground, Refer to ihe drawings included with lhis application for description and location of the proposed utility extensions" Stormwater Management: The site is designed so that all non.rooftop impervious surfaces stormwater run6ffWill be pretreated through drainage swales prior to being piped into the public storm water system, Building rooftop run-off will be captured by external downspouts thai connect to the stbrmwater system, The,sile is served by an existing stormwater line running along Thurston Street.' . , . Floodplain: . The property is not in area of flood plain, Wetlands: , The property has identified wetlands on the site, The Department of State Lands (DSL) has received the wetland deliheation report that Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc, prepared on behalf of Springfield School District 19, ThepSL file number is WD 2007-0524, It has been assignedto Anna Buckley al (503) 986- 5321, Based upon DSL's work and priority system, the report has been assigned to a Tier 2 review (greater than 120+ days), DSL Staff will 'review the report but they are not able to provide an estimaled timeline for the review. DSL has advised the District that their review coula take several months and has apologized that they are unable to provide prompt review of all delineation reports, With this in mind, the District has p~6posed a development that avoids triggering lhe need for a wetland fill permit and we see no reason to anticipate that DSL will question our con~ultant's delineation rep~:lrt. ' Drinking Water Overlay District: The site is located in the unregulaled Zone of Concentralion, The proposed building is for educational use, The project does not propose to store, handle or use materials which are listed as hazardous malerials excepl for those conditions exempt from regulation perSDC Section 3,3-200, The building is being planned to include rooftop mounted HVAC units, These units will be provided with spill pans that will be piped to the sanilary sewer system, Landscape maintenance is .handleq by the School District. No landscape maintenance materials, including fertilizers, are stored on site. . The proposed emergency generator will be located in the service court and be'designed with double wall . type fuel tank, If a leak occurs in the main fuel tank, a secondary tank with an audible and visual alarm contains 'any leakage, ' Fire Protection: The school will be fully sprinklered, Location of the fire hydrants and fire departmenl connection (FDC) has been coordinated with the Fire Marshal. Fire truck access to the buildings is accomplished by a partial length 20 foot wide access route originating at the south end of lhe bus drop zone and heading along the north end of the building and soulh along the east side of the building. The route terminates before the beginning of the wetlands and a hammerhead turnaround In along this route. A partial 20 foot wide lane along the west side of the building travels up the 10 the hard play area where a hammer head turn will be provided, The route will be marked and'designed to support 80;000 pound wheel loads, Per meetings with the Fire Marshall Aerial Fire Apparatus Access Roads will nofbe required since the eaves' Thurston Elementary School Page 3 Type II Site Plan Approval.Applicatlon Narrative Mahlum Architects Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc of the school will be less than 30 feel in height. For F.]re Department convenience a loop size for a large fire truck turn around wMbe provided at the end of the bus drop for non-fire emergency visits. Trees: , There are several existing trees on the site, A few will be removed, refer to attached Tree Felling Application, Numerous additional trees will be added per the attached landscape plans. ' . Building Height: . .' In the PLO zone; "Special Use Standards for Elementary Schools" restrict the school to a height not to ' exceed 35 feet at mid height of the roof, The maximum mid-roof height of the buildings 'are under 35 feet. J ~ Thurston Elementary Scho.ol ,Page 4 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Mahlum Architects Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc U~" .OO~IIIIII/ .J{::-:,: ," . 00 0'=., , 'I'j (, . <;01 +t-H+ 00: B:I:F~j: : ~ : :i !;1A T<2:L1~ -------"..--. O.iJI:-- -- -- ..... t'.'.'.'I,I.. 'J'. . ./,'.','.',,' /' 11: I', > . . "!" .--: :11 . . .. ", '11 /',','.','1'( /' - '-1 j . . , . "I,> / . I ;': I /: :-> :: <':'i' . --.r " l ' . , , / '\1 />\ il1r:::>:::';:>;I ..' _ /' II /"""'./'V?-i .,./ i , / ' '/"/ /'1'-'1 - - :;,\ /'-<} :.>~::>,' ;//' . /'\, ::,:: ~:~<-:>k': ,.r /' < \ \ K2""-' -, C/ ,^, \ ' -;; ,. '/' ,,, ~ \. ' ("'t.:>, ....0.,.:,/ \ (/ \ ,-' " ~' '\ , , 0 ". '$) /\\ . .' -'17 . / ,~,\ ,\ ~' /', -: \~j. \/ ", 7' a Ii LJ , I , ~~;~f~~~i:'~ ~F:~D'u ,- .18'--"1: '(OrL---.J . . ,";- -,: ~ ',;- &1] ~ :) () I ~ IOI}. I. ~ OUTLINE OF EXISTING : ;I Ii.: ! <3. SCHOOL TO BE REMOVED ( : ) ~ i ~~,',: i J' "J " ^ ~ 'oj '9- ---:~ : ~f n'~ : ~~". U~~d1l- -. u, '~~j ,~~ ~ ~;l~~~~:~~i~R~H~cR~6g~ ~~i:"" ',J~ " .' , . , == ;, I: r,:j I r I; : == I: l~ I:"r. ~ g "=J:C~!~~" f(.:j( ;= II~~. 1,:= = .:. "~ I. Ii I Jf. ,l;J I' f I _.~. .I~~t+t '/ Q:: me?! ,',:', E8 (]I] ~ l{:,: ',:1' . E8 '-c./ I ,.1, i (0 (]I] 0 I f-l, f<-< .':!, ~J', . . .... 6hE~M r::j:i: C' 0 0 rno lL'.J 1':':-:": '0.1 00 0'= 1:',','.J't ...(.1. u -H-+++o:o: :B:I:~",',~", .';. MATCHLlNE []; ; - - - - iiIm! . -;--, . '1':' -..... ~ ~ -- ' . I -. l_J ,I, . r I - - NOT TO SCALE ~ ... II ,'u u ....".....' ~ ~~~ ::::::.... _",.,,"M ........."","'" "M'~"'" "'''''',~'' ,.",,,,..,, ""''''.''''1 - -- -~- I WALKER'MACY JIlur,_,-"", -"'-""" I .n-'>>J-nl-Jm ....,.,.m..." --~ "",wu.-...n ~,",.,.n -""'.,,,..,."""""- --- _OIl."" ~1l>~"'[Jf\O.""1 l"""-fOl\ctlN!S~ ..........,orro_..--.." ;,.,.;.,.- . ....1I1"l_.tlIlllm",!, """"'I.~.ot ~ -==)4 ~~ L.OOO.T 1U/24/U7 UU:51 tAA 54134543U2 1<.utst:Kf~UNI ~llliHI1'UUVI AKL:tl LgJ UUZ ,~ 1- " ~. ~"::"~a'~idbTI!Af/4.~1;itii!tpr. " . lrf&!lOiJg,tff/~ ~.._-r{$8l~;: ~~!..~l!Iijl~i ~~-~~-,. . i PUBLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT! Engineering Division. Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 736-1021. STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM :sCOPE OF WORK, __ J:ti;~i;: ~1~;'L~Tn _ ,;O;i.",,,,:,...L ,;,,~:;Jb~il?,,-~i~<($ ;.-"i;~;.,. Project Name: PiYIVl:~i'~a:l<.-=t0l1f~APPlicant:~;f(r fu(l.E>.l.. 1V>~~ AssessorsParcei7i: [162:'_. ..f'lIJ.CfJ.v()1.JW Date:. 11/701Q='/-' Land Use(s): .E3LIwJ'1t7At'lA ~I ..' Phone#: vWL (1f.I4,.Ljq0'7~ . I Project Size (Acres): ~- Fax #: 1541 [t124-,~. . ~~~==,"~:;~;,J~j,,2f2ijt_''''''~~4'J~1~~,~f;;,.~~~~~~~~ , Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): to(\qMJ- tic (lCUJ ~ry fi1t\Oo/ 611 -tVlv c-t~tl~ ~cd 'I1tfCy~, .( OVlct;~ J~, ~017j I:; toh4frUL.t~,--I11v 4LSh~ ~l' Wdl U~O~, . . Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), diScharge locati9n(s), etc,. Attach additional sheet(s) ifnecess.ry: .to)1nar1P:pA_ki0~ at- tt ciov~vMV\~olO JA:vW1rfu' s,\io, 111,f~ '.loMilUlJ' (5: . difailtdlh ~ ~ 'j)ltlfl VNv);J .'tMc\If1v3S, ' ./' Proposed Stormwater .Best Management Practices: . Dralrogo [lud{(Q,. . . l)railla!'"e Study Tyue !.tnSPM Section 4.03,21: 1N0te; UH maY be substituted for Rational Method; o Small Site Study -(u:;, Rational Method for calculations) o MidcL~vel Development Study - (use Unii Hyd;ograph Method for caltul3tions) , o Full Drainage Development Study. -;- (use Bnit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: [j Wellhead Zone: o WetiandlRipa~ian: . [j ;Soil Type: , Dmvnstream Analvsis: d N/A o . Flow line for starting water surface' elevation: _' o Design HGL to use for starting watcr surface elevation:. [] Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: . 0 Hillside Deve.lopment: .' 0 FloodwaylFloodplain: . 0 . Other JurisdiCtions: I I Return to .t'!12,11 Stouder (L11 CltV.o(SiHingfidd, cm::.iI:,mstourler@_d_sr)riill!field.(}r.us~ .FAX: (541) 73{;':l02:l I I 1 J 10/24i07 09:51 FAX .5410454302 l{L1l:H'':H:~'::lU.N / S,llJiI{Il'U.UU/ Al{CH ,t.eJ UUJ COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS 1;''2~,~;c.''''f@.'-'''~';;;'~\_I*-1~'-?:::~~:~:i~~1'St*f,~'i'::$\lqtJJ!l.~i~ '-~Eor,@ LCl!wNse'lOmf. ""',;,q____",.,,"~.I".,,'~._..,.,,"'..'Y-i'~;;1 ~~,)I~<.tjh~,i:ii~f;:i;;S7::t"~1~B:;h:-ijr.~:.ii);T\ilw~.2~:~i1)~~~~i\[{! i' * Based upon the information provided on theftont ofthi"heet, thefollowing represents a minimum of what is neededfor an 'application to be,comple.lejorsubmittal with respect to drainage; however, this list should not bet/sed in lieu afthe Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the City's EngineeringDesign Ma~'uQl.' Compliancell'irh these reqliiremenls does nM constitllle site appro"a;: Additional sitespedific information may be required. Note: Upon scoping sheetiubmittal, ensure completed!arm has been'signe4 in-the space provided below: ' Interim Desig~ StandHl"dsIWater Quality (EDSPM .Chapter 3) ~~~ .'" D. 0 AU non-buil~ing rooftop (NBR) impervious su;faces shall be pre-treated (e.g. m~lti.charn~ered 'catchbasin.w/oll filtration media) for stonnwater quality, AdditionalLy, a miriimum of 50% of the NJ3R impel'liotls surface shall be treated by ngetated methods, - . o o Where required, vegetative ,tormwater'design ,hall be co'q,istent with interim design ,iandards (EDSPM Secti~n 3,02i, ,et forihby the Bureau of Environmental S.erviees (BES) or Clean WaterServices (CWS). o 0 Fo"r new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 squ'are fee'4 a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES for"v.egetative treatlJ!.ent. '. .' , o 0 If a Stormwater treatment-swale is proposed, submit,calculationsJsp~ciflca~cru for'sizing, velocity: flow;side slopes, bottom slope,?,nd seed-~ix:consistentwith either.DES orews requirements. I'.. . -~. o 0' Water Quality calculations as required in Section };Ofl.oftheEDSPM . o 0 'All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the buH~ing,sh.all be pr~vided with secondary containment or weather re5i~tant'encloswe. . ' . General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4,03) . . : . o ,0 Drairiage study"pr'epared by aProfesslonal Civil Engineer licensed in the,state of Oregon.' o 0 A complete' drainage study, as required jn,EDSPM Section 4,03.1, including a hydrol.ogical study map. o 0 Calculations sh~wing system capacity for a 2-year' storm event and overflow effects of a 25-year storm event. o . 0 The time of-concentration (Tc}s~1 be' determined using a 10 minute ?tart time for deyeloped basins: Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Sectio~ 4,03.4,C) , . '. '.' ).! 0 0 A dOWDs'4"eanl dr<!-inage:analysls as de~cribed inED~PM Section 4.03.4"C. O~-site drainage,shaU be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC): .' . . o D EleviJtions of the HGL and fl.ow lines.for both city ~dprivate systems whe~eapplicable. Design of Storm Sy,tems (EDSPM5edion 4,04) '.. '", o . D Flaw lines, ~lop~s> rim elevatio1ns; pipe type aadsizes'clearly indj~ated on. the plan set.. ' o : 0 Minimum pipe cover s!1all be 18 inches for reinforced p.ipeand 36 iriches-for plain: concrete. and plastic pipe' materials, or proper erigine~ring calculations shall be provided ~'hen'less. The cover shaJI be suffident to support an BO ,000 lb .' loadwithbut failure of the pipe structure.. . '. ' ,.... o 0 Mannir;tg's ."n" ~alues for pipes $all be cons~tent wi~:Table 4-1 of the EDSP. AU storm pipes shail be designed to . achie~e a minimum velocity ofthree,(3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 es well. . . '." _ t 6ili~~~c' ' D '0 ~Existing and proposed contours, located at on~ f~ot intervaL Inclu4e ,spot e1e~ations and site ~ades ~howin~ how site drains . " ' .. '. . o 0 Privatestormwater eesements shall be clearly depicted on plan, when private ,tormwater flow; from one prop~rty to another o '0 pryweU, shall not rec,ive runoff froII1any ,urface w/obeing treated by one or more BMPs, wrth th~ exception' of residentiaL building roots (EDSP Sectiol"! 3.03 ,4,!--) , Additio-nal pr"ovisio'ns apply'to this'as required"by the DEQ. Refer. to the website: wW1.V,d~(],state_("'(r.u.:;/w_g[gJotrndwfl/u.!fhame;hcn~ for more information. . o 0 Detention ponds shall be designed,to limit runoff to pre-development rat~s:far the 2 through 25-year'storm ~vents *This form shall b-e included as an attach~en1, insirle tltefrdnt cov~r, ofth'e stormwater study r;[ili![f,f:~!E~~1'!~fRllillit]fKf[~~~}J#~'~fl~I~\~!fij\f1\f~~ijlr~1tfJJWd~j~f4~!jj~rfrl?t~RJiY(~1m2:~1)lsj@]0~f[\f~~~~fif2:f:;m1 As the ~ngineer of record, I hereby c~rtify the above required lteIjls are complete and included wit~ the s-Llbmitted stormwater study ~dplmscl. , . " . . . , )' . Si&nature: Date: , /.:,; FOR ""-SSESSMEi\j NW T"".XATION ONLY 2- ,. ~~"~'E. 3. ~"7000'W 4_S.80'~'.. , 1;""'6028'(. 7,".90"4;1'[, " .., '" o " ~ w w '" "',' ~ 64,H 3.6SGH. ~ CJCII U7~H ) 174.20' 240_90' B9.'S" 00.42' In.JO' JGCO' .- -.= .." . AT, I _ 17 02 35 & INDEX NAD 83/91 ;.-;~~;:.:.:;r &W:~'.".';.:';:;:''':' -,."_ SECTION 35, T.17S. R.2 W.W.M. LANE COUN~ SEE MAP 17 02 26 1~ - 100' SCALE - ~EM~R i if.."".....,..,..... .~~ /- ( D.Le: 48 ~ Y ..,: .'''''.'' . , H r '. "---jJ. i .,-,., ...." 'I' , '------. ___ '\ '~---=-~. ~'J_ 11:~'b1;,~~'~WDA~~R , . /~ ~~ .. SEE MAP SEE MAP ,,' ___. ,i ~ '. :17023521 i \ .---- .nJi'4 17 02"35 I 2 ~'J Ie 1 ',,0 / " ,g '._uu,...,~. ~,.. (Il 'a: "''''',",0.". "'H'~""~'O' ssw COR ~~ . .;~ <:> "O<u'o"".o. f""<'<>."~""'~ ... . J2: :l'; io ..~L>..... A. WHmAKER JO " '/' 010 "--- \ 0 L C 53 a: '-- . :::l ~ 5.S,E. COR. I CUu,,"y_,- "U'D'''-lr'~ ~:~:~ccg: ~6'9--09 ~:tU2R..'~0:'.53 .,~,_'=,.. =- 1.(,. , 'c I. . ~ ~ "", ,.',,-:~- . i:S, /.- .d'~ "~ '"1'"':'<'.-:- ~ "JF" 0~.~ _...._~~__,I!':.-"tJ" N......"........- -- '_YI""f~ - , ' .c....." ":::;'.' ~"..,-=.,.. :.^::'f'-'''''' 3200 i ;.,..-~ ""..-. tI' _ '. '.- .- ~_......_r.o..'" _ ~ T.L.4402 ..... ~ ~ ...1. "~'" 2700 -, 2800 2900 t 52 -'" I 2 ~ ' 2~~ O~ -vo ~ ~ - ~ ie; .;: = ~ {\/ . ~, -44G+ . I ~ ~ ..';; '. ;:SEEDETAIL I "(:: ~ ~ ~ "",.. ~: MAP NO, I . 0-000051 - SEE MAP ;, '" 4 ' , ,;".>t.. 3603 W.S.W. COR., Ij '-.:: D.Le. 50 S.30802 I; 17 02 '5 213 .. ~ INT. ELL COR~" /._,__._~ ~ o I~~ ~ 2~~~ ....... E D.Le. 54, E.N.~~'C~ ~. ELL COR'I~ . -r= .. ':i I D.Le. 54. D.Le.. 50 , .. ~ : , APPROX. -1-./ .~~z J i "~:~:~,,,; -f!4 COR SEE I,MAP. I " I SEE MAP .J ~I~ 1 .:~: '_ ~....' :J ':: I~ . ti 17023531 ,. 17 02[ 351 41 ~,~.. , ~.." \\~ 17023542~. "~....I-\\.rllN _ , ~'...,.~,..., ,.. ,,., I "'". f\...- , ------= !3;:;?~ ~ JXlO~ ~ ,.t' ,T' ~ ,..., .3602 ~ "~, .. S.E. COR. _ ~ .~..~.,., --..... ~." ..,~.;,....... I, 3605 :3 06 AC ,,,...~ Q,bC. 48 ~ ,.,'. ," -- ... . . :~ ' ~ "n:-=;, ~.. 3702 3705 I ~ H 513604 ::,2;;" M c: KE ~z..r: / -- 'i:~~~~ 6.ooA(:, r ~};A~- J 1; ~! I:,' I 1'~ COR. 4100 ; I' ='~' , MAYNARD I.J.BG AC. ~ "".. d ! P.L-C. >4-4 ":; l ;.1.. ....:-;'.;:. I ; ~ _ :: {..:, "'". Ii... {' ~ .';1 ~ ;. ~ 0 i 9 -00 ~ { q j H j~;:~"l:j; / SEE;;r:~02-35-3-3 ! I U' ,}~:~ ; , It '~J'~""1.i ~ ~'""''' W" SEE ' \"~',~~;'" I ~~~~ i 1\ ; :JIb' ~_o '\ \~{:::~r;,~.,~:~~~. gi~~,,1 3~i:' 5 -=J! .. {M I~II' . if : ".OSAC. : 3 2"----liF"'Il=.,.- -I, -":~I _:.._-- ~I--~-""'-' u '<'::0':;:; <APPROX I I 1/4 COR. \ \ .27 I 26 34 I 35 26 I 25 3;-~6 SEE MAP (7 02 35 2 2 SEE MA1 17 02 35'l I _~n I/"!.~' :::J !I .:csO " C q ii ~ < 00 ~ APPROX. D 1/4 COR. r"' 'TRFFT\l,' (' ~ I lJ SEE MAP 17 "_'u,..""..... "-...\..<;,......'..." "-<-0... .'~~1 ....110.. 3532 ".,~ 0 ......i!..... l:..;; ............ S.S.W. COR. N. DAVIS /D.L.C. 50 ,I----- l;;;.,~" ~r"::IIlHI:_ -"....,,: ~l.I.~""" , J S.E. COR. D.LC. 54 35 36 ~t:-. I '. ,.....:~.:,~.,. '"2Tl SEE MAP' 18 02 02 22 SEE MAP 18 02 02 21. SEE MAP 18 02 02 12 SEE MAP 18 02 02 17 02 35 & INDEX . .----- CANCELLED 4400' 3600 3601 ..." N ~ .., '" o !:: ~ w ~ V> .., ~ '" '" o " !Ie '" W W V> '\11 vr':> ~ " .,' 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD, . S~RINGFIELD, OR 97477 P,O, BOX 931. SPRINGFIELD,.OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.1981 FAX: 541.741.0619 4. $ Il/illfJJPiJltt '" t\ gX~IIg~!~~ TiTlE INSURANCE SERVICES. ESCROW CLOS'INGS .875 COUNTRY CLU8 RD. . EUGENE, OR 97401 P,O. BOX 10211 . EUGENE. OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687,9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 October 29,2007 Our Order No,: ELT-53429 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT 'Springfield School District #19 1890 North 42nd Street. ' Springfield, Oregon' 97478 Attn: John Saraceno Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 'TOTAL $200.00 " Dear John: . We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report, . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showing fee simple title as of October 23, 2007, at 8:00 a,m" vested in: SCHOOL D,ISTRICT NO, 19, Lane County, Oregon Subject only to the eJjOceptions shown herein 'and to the'terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form, No liability is assumed until a full prernium.has been paid. CONTINlfED "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" . ~ \},I\v\v.evergreenJandtitle.com ELT - 53429 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ], Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which rnay result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such a,gency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are,not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of thy land orby making inquiry of persons in possession thereof, 3, Easements, or claims of easement, not ~hown by the public records; rese~ations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; waterrights, claims or title to water. . .. 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage[in,area, encroachnientscir other facts which a correct survey would disclose, 5, Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6, The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by virtue of school ownership, The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes levied, (Map Nb,17-02-35'.OO-02600, Code 19-00, Account No. 0142560) Parcel I The real property taxes for the,fiscal year 2007-2008 are"exempted by virtue of school. ownership, The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes' . 'levied, (Map No, 17-02-35-00-02100, Code 19-00, Account No, 0142503) Parcel II 7: Easement, granted to Eugene7Springfield Land & Water Company, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded April 13, 1936, Book 187, Pages 118 and 119 . . . ' Lane County Oregon Records, . " NOTE: The address of the property to be ins~ed herein is: 7345 THURSTON ROAD, ,. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. ' . NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCRwas done for the name(s) SCHOOL DISTRlCT NO. 19, and as of October 23,2007, none were found, NOTE: As of.October 23, 20,07, there are no liens for the City of Springfield, CONTINUED '" ELT- 53429 Page 3 NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT, Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE BY:d ... . . (_.'---'F~~ Joseph M, Silence Title Officer CC: Br<l;nch Engineering (Fax No. 746-0389) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID, IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CAN('PT T lOn, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200,00 WILL BE CHARGED, . .1 . ELT - 53429 Page I ofl Legal Description EXHIBIT A PARCEL I: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way line of the Old McKenzie Highway 663.4 feet South 00 12' East and North 890 48' East 536,6 feet.from the Northwest comer of the James C. Looney Donation La.Jld Claim No, '54, Notification No, 7310, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willarriette Meridian; nmning thence South 00 12' East 719.0 feet; thence North'890 48" East 313.9 feet; thence North.Oo 011/2" West 769.0 feet to the Southerly right of way line of the Old McKenzie Highway; thence along said 'right of way line in a . Southwesterly direction 316.2 feet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, .Oregon, PARCEL II: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way line of the ,Old McKenzie Highway 663.4 feet South 00 12' East and North 890 48'; East 536,6 feet from the Northwest corner of the James C, Looney Donation Land Claim No.-54, Notification No, 7310, Township 17 South; Range' 2 West of the WillametteMeridian; running thence South'Oo I YEast 719,0 feet; thence South 890 48' West 50 feet; thence North 00 12' West 715 feet more or less to the South right of way line of the Old McKenzie Highway; thence along said right of way line in Northeasterly direction 52 feet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, ALSO: Beginrung at a point on the West Line of the James C: Looney Donation Land Claim No, 54, Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wiilamette Meridian, South 000 '12' East 1382.40 feet from the Northwest comer of said claim; thence North 890 48' East . 486,60 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 000 12' East 720.00 feet to the center of a ditch; thenc.e along the center line of ditch North 670 46' East29.53 feet; thence along center line of ditch North 61039' East 239,00 feet; thence along the center line of ditch North 520.30' East 156,26 feet; thence along an old line fence North 000 I 1\2', West 501,50 feet; thence South 890 48' West 363,90 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, " . rn. Af / 7~ 6'L'-3.'/.-0G THIS MAP IS TO 'ASSIST . LOCATING PROPERTY. THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES. N COURTESY OF W ~'E EVERGREEN lAND TITLE CO. . 741.1981 -') / (<~I f- .-, w W 0:: f- Cf) SEE, MAP t - rl I 170235'3 I I~< '-./ I II s ~ ;J u.' u. 0:: I- m i u . ~ , ex ( .'51---.:.. 2 I~ ~ (f, '" <l ..J~ 'L..J f- 'Ul ..c o . c---0 ,... SEE MAP ~ 17 0235 2 3 v; SEE ;:::-.f) I -0 c ~. I'MLlP . I'J I~I ~~\~II I:;,:;;:,~' I. ". . '-0'0 10S'" '.""'....... .. -. ..r:;;:'.7-!.;,'...w.,...."".w.,,,., "-,.'" .......---:-~..~".....1.,60.\V ""'''-':'~ 0 "s ~ .2 \i. ~",I'I 1\'._lA '.2700 _. 2800 I 260' 0:: Of , co. C\I+ t.........'l.,~~ ""'I' ~a...'1. .. ~".\ o --- .,,\:~. ___. 1'.,,"\ -":.- -~" ~.~..'l.o."'...--~.\"'.l... Wlll_.'" 3200 . ~-,.; 'l'It.";.(\ \; Io(.~'rlt.o. < 2900 x 0 :..: ~ (J) ~ ~ N " < . ~ ~ o . ~ j ---, ~ ~ -44( ~i SI r. e, =x M , , ' a . ~. . ~ ~ . , .0 r_ . i . o . ~ "oJ(.~ .' '\Jj1c : ~::,' , " .. !! '! '0 < " I;t.~' I W~Sf 4~1.O;t.' , ',!. . r , . < 1-' W W 0:: !ii MAPI70~:::524 ";..,' . " 6 . ~ I~'!.:~\' hH" Hd..{,.~' ~O-+.ltl . .0:.'" . '1-1>'".":..... ........ 3603 W.S.W .-. D,l.C, INT. ELL. COR..:,/",,",,, D,L.C. 54 "^' I . E.N.E, I D.L,C,' -i':;~~~i' ~.; '~ 3600 , I' I.MAP.. , ~ I~ I , 7 02(' 351 ,41 I~ " c: N. ..... S~ '!II ~.'1o' , . .~, ~t"w. 11.1.'1' .,. E 2100 *i., ~.~ . >t . '0 ... ,- ~ ~.,':"1":7.'~'. ~ . . ~ .; " . . .' . '''''''~.,'7''''".,::....., "":'A .... S'" ,," .'1'-'- -) ~~"'. '0 ."0 r::' s" i ;j.'" r,;, SEE MAP ~ l \11 ..~ f "A ST \ i. 1,7 02 3.54 2 " 3601 . SEE j\lAHLUM ARCHITECTS - ~PRlNGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AJ~D i\'IAPLE ELEi\'IENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 1 of22 EST ABLIS,Hi\IENl ,[\'IAINTEN.:\NCE 50% DESIGN ,DEVELOPMENT SECTION 32 8400 - pLANTING IRRIGA Tio)'l GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDES A. This Section includes piping, valves, sprinklers,"specialties;, controls, and wiringfor central "satellite ~ol!trol irrigation syste~. ' B. Related sections: .1.. Diyision 31 Section "Earth Moving" for utility trench excavatioll, backfilling, compacting, and'grading,re'quirements. 2. Division 32 Section "Plants" for tree and shrub planting. 3. Division 32 Section "Turfand'Grasses" far ~eedingaflawns'and grasses. 4. Division 26 Section "CorruTIon Werk Results for Electrica!" for providing,eJectriC<'ll conriection.toirrigation controller. . 1.2 ' DEFINITIONS A. Mainline: Piping down"stream from irrigation point of con~ection to lateral zone valves. Piping is under consta!}t pressure; B. Lateral Line: Piping downstream from conu-ol valves to sprinkle~s, outlets, and drain valves. Piping is not under constant pressure. C. The following are-industIy abbreviations for plastic materiaLs: . 1: . PE: Polyethylene' plastic. ". . 2. PP: Polypropylene plastic. 3. PVe: Polyvinyl chloride plastic. 4. TFE: Tetrafluo~oethylene plastic. 1.3 SITE CONDITIONS A. Meet with Owner's Representative and Owner's maintenance staff on site to review scope. of work of this contr~ct prior to ~nstalling any parts of the system. . 1.4 SUBMITTALS A.. Ma~erials List Within 30 'days after award of-Contract, and beforelany irrigation system materials are delivered to thejob site, su~mit to.the Owner's Representative a complete)ist of all irrigation system ~materials proposed to be furnished and installed. Inc~ude. manufac.tu!er's name and catalog number for each ite~: . B. Record Drawings: Provide R~cord Drawings illustrating ~~tuai as;.builtlocations for all irrigation equipment per Divisiori 01 Section "Closeout Submittals." . . " PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400- i i\lAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRlCT THURSTON "AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL '!il \". SECTION 329500 . PACE 2 of 22 ,E~,TABLISHi\IENT i\JAINTE~AN~E 50% pESIC~ DEVELo'PiVIENT 1. During tne course of installation, carefully..'show in red-line on a print of the irrigation system Drawings, all changes made to the irrigation system during installation. This drawing to be labeled "Record Copy", Make available for inspection. Do not use for construction. ,~ 2. Upon completion o'f the work, transfer. all, changes. to a complete'set of the construction drawings. Changes to work draw.n to be deanly erased and new work professionally drafted in proper locations.; Dimension and. fUJte clearly all underground wor~ located horizontally and vertically, Clearly mark each sheet with the words "As-Built" and da.te. . 3, Submit As~Built Draw.ings forapproyal. IfDr'awings are not clear, or information is - not complete, revise and resubmit for approval. Project will not be complete until . As~Built Drawings are submitted and accepted'by Owner's Representative. 4. Submit As-Built Digital Drawings af.ter hard":copy drawings ?re approved, Digital drawings shall be:in AutoCAD 2005 fonnat and copied onto a compact disk or zip disk. Submit at time,offinal examination for i.rrigation'system. , C. Tools: Submit to the O"Yner two sets each, as appropriate, of controller key?, quick coupler operating keys with hose swivels, gate valve keys, air compressor valve keys; valve box keys, wrenches for removal and adjustment of type of sprinkler head, and unique tools or devices needed to access, operate, adjust or IJlaintain the system. Submi~ at time of final examination for irrigation system. D.. Zone Map: Submit a -laminated irrigation. plan sized to fit inside controller enClosure indicat~ngby varying colors the area of coverage ,for each control valve, and' showing which valves are activated by each station ',on the controller. Show the location and valve number of each ,valve and the corresponding controller station number. The valve numbers shall be the valve numbers shown on the As Built Drawings. The' Zone Map may be r.nade from,a'cropped copy of the As~Built Drawings. Submit to the. Owner's Represen~ative at time of fin~l inspection forirriga~ion~ E. Guide Manuals: Submit operating and maintenance guides for the entire system and foi'. each piece of equipment in the system. Instructions for system weatherization are to be included. Submit to the Owner's Representative at the time oUhe final'examination of irrigation system. E Irrigation Schedule: Submit 6 '(six) 8-112 inches x 11 inches copies of an' irrigation schedule. On'the schedule, indicate the day(s)'ofthe week each'zone is watered, and the 'duration each zon: is watered Un minutes). G. '. Testing; Certificates: 1. Certification of back flow devices. 2. Hydrostatic pressure te'sting. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide at least'one person vihi) shall be present at all times during execution of this portion, of the Work, and who is thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being 32 8400-2 PLANTING IRRIGATION " l\1AHLUJ\I'ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRlCT THURSTON !-ND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ',!~, SECTION 329500 PAGE 3,of22'. ESTABLISHMENT j\lAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT installed and' the manufacturer's recommended methods of installation, and who shall direct all work perfonned unde'r this Se.c~ion. . B. Except where more stringent, requirements are specified, con~orm to the "Unifo~ Plumbing Code" as adopted and modified by thejState of Oregon and at} legally'constituted authorities having jurisdiction. If more restricti}1e than those specified herein, notify the Owr:-er's Representative prior to starting work. C. All materials and equipment'in tne system to'be'new and be brands and types as .shown in the plans oras specified herein, or ~s'accepted by the Owner:s Representative. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deiiver piping wiih factory-applie.d end' caps.' Maintain end caps through shipping, storage, and handling to prevent pipe-end damage and to prevent entrance of dirt, debris, and:moisture. . c - . B. Store materials in areas design,ated by the Owner. C. Store plastic Plping prot~ct~d from direct sunlight.- Support to p~event sagging and bending. D. Use all means necessary to protect irrigation system materials from damage, theft and. vandalism before, during, and after installation. E. In the event of damage, immedi~tely make all repairs and replacemepts necessary to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative, and at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITlONS A." Meet with Owner's Representative and Owner's maintenance st.~ff on 'site to review scope of Work prior to installing any parts of the systei];1. B. Interruption of Existing Water Service: Do not interrupt water se"rvice to facilities occupied by Owner or others - unless pennitted under the following conditions and then. only after arra~ging to provide temporary water service according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Ovmer's Representativ'e no fewer than four,_days in advance,'of proposed interruption of water service. 2. Do not proceed with interruption of water service without written permission of the Owner's,Repr~sentative. . C. Locate and identify; with visible marking, existing underground ,utilities in the areas of worL Call Northwest Utility.Notification Center (800) 424-5555. Ifutilities are torernain in place, provide adequate m:ans of protection during excavation operations. . PLANTING IRRlGATION 328400-3 . j....IAHLUJ\tI ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEj\'IENTARY SCHOOL ,SECTION 329500 PAGE 4'or22 ESTABLISHMENT IHAINTENANCE 500/0 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D. Should uncharted piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult the utility, owner immediately for directions. Copperat_e 'with the owner and public and private. utility companies in k~eping t.heir. respective services and facilities in operatjon. Repair damaged utilities to the satisfaction of the utility owner. The cost ,of rerairing charted utilities shall be paid by the Contractor at no,addi.tio~al cost to the Owner. E. Protect buildings, equipment, utilities, sidewalks, paving, reference points, monuments, and 'markers 'on the site. Take extreme caution when trenching at adjacent to aggregate base courses 'a.nd around existing trees and their root systems. No root cutting is allowed without prior approval. Protect adjacent properties. protect wor.k by others. Repla'ce or repair damaged items at no cost to the Owner and to the approval of the Owner's Representative. F. Coordinate with other trades affecting or affected by.Work of this Section. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Warrano/ work and materials in -writing for one ye~r from the date of final acceptance, against defective workmanship and materials. All failures in workmanship or materials will be rep"aired at no additional cost to the Owner,"immediately after J?otification .by the Owner's Repres~ntative. " B. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining system and protecting it itom all damage until date of Final A'cceptance at no additiorial cost to. Owner. This shan include damage caused ~y vandalism or adverse weather conditions. ' 1.9 ONE-YEAR CORRECTION PERIOD A. Repair any' settling of backfilled tren~hes occurring duri~g tbe one~yea~ correction period at no cost to Owner. Include complete restoration of all damaged planting,"pavement, and or other improvements of any kind. '. I.10 SYSTEM COVERAGE A. The, system is designed to provide full coverage, less piant interference, on all planting areas;- It is anticipated that Contractor will e;<ercise professional judgment in location, height, slope of sprinkler heads without measurably changing the system design, .No changes shall be made in the system design without the prior approval of Owner's Representative. I.11 SYSTEM F AMILfARIZA TION A. Upon accept.ance of the system by Owner's -Representative, Contractor shall provide the necessary keys and other tools necessary to operate; drain, and aCtivate the, system. Contractor shall train Owner's maintenance personn"el and provide'written inst~ctions to ensure that the system operation, maintenance, and winterizing can continue'after departure 32 8400-4 PLANTING IRRlGATION , ~ J\1AHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THUR'STON AND MAPLE ELEi\'lENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 5of22 ESTABLISHMENT ~lAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN,DEVELOPMENT 'of the Contractor. Contractor will be liable for all damages odosses resulting from failure to comply with the Wovisio_ns of this Article, ' PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 2.2 PIPES, TUBES AND FIITINGS A. Steel Pipe: ASTM A~53, Schedule 40', Type'S or E, Grade A or '8, galvanize~. with threaded' ends. 1. Steel Pipe Nipples: ..D..STM A-733, made of ASTMA-53 or ASTM A-I06, Schedule 40, galvanized; seamless steeJ plpe with threaded ends~ 2. Malleable-Iron Unions: ASME BI6.39, Class 150, hexagonal-stock body with ball- and..,socket, metal-to-metal, bronze seating surface, and female threaded ends. 3.' Gray-lion Threaded Fitting~: AS:ME l?1~.4, Class 125, galvanized, standard p'attem. 4. Cast-Iron Flanges: ASMEBI6.1, Class 125. . 5. Cast-Iron Flanged Fittings: ASME BI6.1, Class 125, galvanize,,!. Ha~d Copper Tube: ASTM B 88, Type K, water tube, drawn temper. 1. Copper Pressure Fittings: ASME-B16,18, cast-copper-alloy' or 'ASME B16.22, wrought..;.copp'er solder-joint fittings. Furnish wrought-copper fitti!lgs if indicated. 2: Copper Unions: MSS SP-123, cast-copper~al1oy, hexagonal-stock body, with ball- . and~sock~t; metal-to-metal seating surfaces and solder-joint or threaded ends. B. L C. Bronze Pipe: ASTM B584 Alloy C84400 Standard Specifications for c.opper alloy sand casting for general applicat~ons.; -. 1.' Bronzl? Pipe Nipples: ASTM B-43, seamless red brass pipe with threaded ends. 2. Bronze Pipe Fittings: ANSI B~I6.15 cast copper aHoy threadedfi:ttings. 3. Bronze Flanges: ASME BI6.24, Class] 50; with solder-joint end.' 4. Bronze Unions": ANSI B-16.15, Feder~l Specification WW':'U-516 for Type III, Class A and Class R cast copper alloy tnreaded:unions. D. 'PVC Pipe, General: 1. Material used in the manufacture of the pipe shall be domestically produced rigid PVC 1120 compound, Type I Grade I, with Cell Classification of 12454 as defined in ASTMD-1784. . 2. Pip~ shall continuously bear the National Sanitation Foundation',seal of approval for potable water usage and comply with the following requirements for product marking ASTM D-224 I , D- I 785 and D-2665 as applicable. Markings shall include: manufacturers name; nominal pipe size; outside' diamete~ _ system; material designation code; applicable Standard thermoplastic pipe ];)imension Ratio designation'code'(SDR number) or pipe schedule, and cqrresponding pressure rating in psi for water at 73 degrees Fahrenheit. 3. Belled-end pipe shall have tapered sockets to create an, i.n!erference-type fit, which meet or exceed the dimensional requirements and the :minimum socket length for pressure-type sockets as defined in ASTM D-2672. PLANTINGIRRIGA nON \328400,5 !\'fAHLUM ARCHITECTS' SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEI\IENTARY SCHOOL i;SECTJON 329500 PAGE 6 of22 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN DE~ELOPMENT 4. Pipe sizes 1/2 inch and 1-1/4 inch are not allo:-ved. E. pye Mainline: ASTMD-1785, Schedule 40, F. pve Lateral Lin~, ~ressure-Rated Pipe: ASTM 0-2241; SDR 21,200 psi minimum.' G. pye Nipples and Fittings: 1. PyeSocket Fittings, Schedule 40: ASTM D:2466; and Schedule 80: ASTM D 2467. 2. . pye Pipe Nipples: ASTM D.-I785, pye 1120 compound, Schedule 80. 3. pye Threaded Fittings, Schedule 80: ASTM D,2464. H. PE Drip Line Tubing with In-line Pressure Compensating Emitters: 1. Tubing shall be of nominal sized one-half inch low-density, ultra-violet~resistant, linear polyethylene tubing with internal pressur~-compensating, se"lf-cleani:iIg, integral emitters at a specified interval. The tubing shall be brown.in color and shall conform to an outside diamet~r. (O.D.) of 0.60 inch and an inside (rD.) diameter of 0.54 inch. The low volum~ tubing shall be'capable of a discharge r~te-of[.61l(.92] gallons per hour (GPH) and between operating pre'ssures of 7 to, 70 psi for each individual emitter. , _' + ' 2. The individual self-cleaning, pressure-cOlnpensating emitters shall be ~o-extruded to the inside of the tubing wall. The emitters are. constructed- of three individual pieces. 3. Emitter spacing shall'b~ available in th~, foliowing on-center intervals: [12] [18] [24] inches. . 4. Available Manufactur'er: As scheduled on Dr~wings or equal. I. PE Tubing Fittings: 1. All insert barbed fittings shall be constructed of molded, ultra-violet':"resistant, brown colored plastic having a nominal inside dimension (1.0.) of 0.54 inch. Each fitting shall have,a minimum of two ridges or barbs per outlet' All fittings'shall be of same manufacturer as drip tubing and shall be available in one of th~ following end' configurations: a. Barbed insert fittings b. Male pipe threads (MPT) with barbed insert fittings c. Female pipe threads (FPT) with barbed insert fittings. ' 2. Fittings for mainline gate valves, manual drain valves, air relief valve and quick couplers shall be threaded Schedule 80 PVC, ASTM D 2464, with Schedule 80 PVC nipples, ASTM D 1785, pye 1120 compound. 3. All socket fittings for pve Schedule 40 pipe to be Schedule 40, NSF approved and complying with ASTM D 2466.' J. Sleeves: pve pipe under all paving; sized to accommodate required sizes,,'and numbers of pipes and wires, 6-inch minimum diameter, in no case, less than tw~ce the diameter of the pipe being sleeved. . , 1. Schedule40 pye, ASTM D-17S5 or Pla.stic Sewer Pipe ASTM D-3034, SDR-35, . pye: conforming to ASTM D-1784, N.S.F. approved pipe. ~ 32 8400-6 PLANTING IRRIGATION , " MAHLUi\'l ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND i\1APLE ELEi\IENTARY SCHOOL \ " ,,,SECTION 329500 PAGE 7 of22 EST ABLlSHMENT, r\'IAINTENANCE 50'Yo DESIGNDEVELOPl\'IEj"iT 2.3 JOINING MATERIALS A. Pipe Solvent G"eIDent: I. PVC Solvent Cement ASTM D-2564 .2.. 'Weld-On' I.P.S. 705 for, pipe sizes up to 2 inch diameter. 3. 'Weld-On';I.P.S. 711 cement with P70 primer for pipe sizes 2-1(2 in.chesand larger. B. PVC Primer: I. 'Weld-On' I.P.S. P-70, ASTM F-656. C. pve Cleaner: 1. '\Veld-On' I.P.S. C-65, SCAQMD 1168, LcwV.O.c. D. Field assembled Swing Joints: 1. For Rotors' _and Qujck Co,uplers: Schedule 40PVC fittings an.~ Schedule8Q pve nipples as shown 'on the drawings. Size' to match inlet size of rotor head or quick coupler. U~e is acceptable for all flows. E. Pre-fabricated Swing Joint Assemblies: ,I. Class'315 rve construction with leak-proof "O"-ring" seals. Size to match inlet size of pop-up rotor head or quick coupler. Use for flows greater than 4 gpm. Length as required. Lasco triple swing joint or equaL 2. Flexible PE swing pipe flexible riser assembly: Minimum I8-inch length polyethylene piping with black Marlex ~piral barb fittings. Use for flows under 4 gpm. RainBird swing assemblies or equaL F. ElectricalControl Wire: 1. Si!lgle-strand copper, U~ approved for direct burial, A WG~UF type, sized per 'manufacturer's reconunendations, #14 gauge minimum. 2. Use red wire for each control. valve and white for. common. ,i~ Reserve yellow for spare wires, and blue for tracer wir~s. 2.4 GENERAL-DUTY VALVES A. Isolation Valve: FuHport ball valve with threaded ends, minimum 400 PSI CWP rating, forged brass and cast bronze bodies and end pi~ces ~TFE seats and sea.ls, b~ow-out proof stem design, chrome:-plated brass ball, with stainlessstee! handle, 'Apollo' 77 Series or equal. Size same,as pipe on which it is installed. B. Drain Valves (Mainline Drain Valves): bronze, angle-pattern, globe-valve with screw-in bonnet, integral seat, 200 PSI CWP-rating; conforming to MSS'SP_480: 'Nibco' T -3II-Y or equal, 1 inch minimum'" '.' .. PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400-7 MAHLUIVI ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOl; .~. < SECTION 329500 PAGE 8 of22 ,ESTABLISHiVIENT MAINTENANCE 50%'DESIdN DEVELOPMENT 2.5 SPECIALTY VALVES 2.6 2.7 2.8 32 8400-8 A. Quick Coupling Valve: RainBird 44-LRC, I-inch with locking! rubber cover, corresponding key and swivel hose ell. B. Remote Control Valves: Sizes, and type as scheduled on Drawings. 1. Mast7r. Valve: Normally-open brass globe valve. Size and, type as scheduled on Drawings. . c. Backflow Pr~venter Assembly: As specified on Drawings, and shall be approved by the Cityaf Springfield for cross-connection control. D. Pipe Supports far Master Valve and Backflow Preventer:' Standon Pipe Support', size as ., required. . . E Drip System.Air/Vacuum Relief Valve: 'RainBird' AR Valve~~it, or ~qual: CONTROL-VALVE BOXES A. Valve Boxes and Vaults: HDPE plastic boxes. 'Carson Brooks', 'Armor' or equal, with locking top- and 6-inch extensions to facilitate required' depth of installation where applicable. Lids shall be black in color unless athenyise noted. 1. Electric valves shail be instaIied in jumbo boxes. 2. Electric drip system valves shall be installed iiljumbo'boxes" 3. Isolation valves shall be installed in standard boxes. . 4. 'Quick couplers shall be installed in 8-inch round valve boxes.. 5.' Drain valves shall b~ installed in 5-114 inches round adjustable valve' boxes. . 6. Backflow Devices shail be installed in a 24-inch x' 36-inch x 24-inch deep polymer concrete, vault. , 7. Grounding rods shall be installed in 8-inch round vah.'e boxes with black covers. . 8. Flow sensors shall be installed in standa~d valve boxes:, ' 9.. Filter assembly units shall be ins.taIled in jUITI:OO valve' boxes. 10. Pull boxes an~ splice.boxes shall be standard boxes with black covers. 11. Drain Rock: 3/4 inch to 1/4 inch clean and washed pea gravel, no fines. 12. Filter Fabric: Woven or non:woven geotextih~ for use inseparating drain rock from sub grade in valve box installations while providing adequate drainage. 13. Brick or Concrete Block Supports: (2)-4-inch'by 8-inch by 4-inch bricks or (1) 8- inch by 8-inch by 4~inc~ concrete paver at each corner of valve box. SPRINKLERS 1\. As scheduled on Drawings. AUTOMATIC-CONTROL SYSTEM A. Field Satellite Irrigation Control System PLANTING IRRIGATION .' r i\lAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 'SECTION 329500 PAGE9of22. EST ABLISf!MENT'MAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT . _ . . l 1. The control system assembly consists of a <;ompletely pre~assembled coritrol system that is tested for operation and is housed' within a cabinet. The components are pre~ wired in the cabinet, which is _ to be mounted on a vertical surface. The only connections required are primary power,' dedicated phone line, proper grounding, valve station wiring, and flow sensing. All- conduits and \yire runs are to be provided and installed bi the Contra'ctor.. Controller shall be equipped for remote telephone, computer or radio operation from a central control site. 2. Cgntroller Stations for Automatic Controi Valves: Each station is variable from approximately 0 to 60 minutes with percent adjust by program from O~255%_. Include switch for manual or automatic operation of each station. . Timing Device: Adjustable, 6~week sCheduiing, calendar, with automatic' operations to skip operation any day in timer period, to operate every other day, or 2 or more.times daily, as well' as MapTo capability to -permit communication to a.nother field controller within radio reception. Field satellite co'ntroller shall be capable of being fully integrated with Toro Sentinel Central C'Ontrol System. .Manual or SemiautoT!latic Operation: Allows this mode without disturbing preset automatic operation. Nicke1~Cadmium Battery and Trickl.e Cparget: Automatically powers timing device during 'power outages Surge Prot~ction: Metal-oxide~varistor type ,on each station and primary power. Independent Operation: Field Satellite controller shall be able to operat~. independently. of the central computer. ' Ground testing and verification-of electrlbl continuity of communication cabl~s and control wires shall.be completed and. reported after the installation. Grounding Rods: Per manufacturer's recommendations. Ground testing and verification of electrical continuity of c(introl wires sha.11 be completed and rep'orted after the installation. L-Components for wall mounted Controller: . Model No: SSAMN24WS36NS3 SSAMN = Toro Sentinel Satellite with MapTo 24 = Station count WS3 = Powder-~oated steel wall mount cabinet (Srriall) 6= Electric output 24V AC N-= Narrow-band communication S = Sensor . 3 = Surgeprotection,on small wall mo~nt 3. 4. . 5. .~Se1?-sors: a. b. c. d. e. f. .. t - - i Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ... t ~ - i Formatted: Bullets and Numbering 1. Flow Sensois: As indicated on Drawings. ... t - -1 ~ormatted: BuHets and Numbering ~Electrical Control Wire and Accessories: PLANTING IRRIGA TrON 32 840'0-9 MAHLU1'VI ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND i\IAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHO.oL SECTION 329500 PAGE 10 of22 ,ESTABLISHMENT MAINTEN.tu~CE 50% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 1. Single-strand ~oppe.r, U.L approved for direct burial, AWG~UF type, sized per manufa~turerts recommen4ations, No. 14 gauge minimum. 2. Use red wire for each control valve and. white for common. Res~rve yelJow: for spare wires, and blue for tracer wires. 3. Control Wire Connectors: 3M/ DBY and DBR connectors, or equal. 4. Communication cable: Paige Electric cable Model No. P}::-89 (6-pair). 5. Communication Cab1eSplice and Cap: Preformed Lin-e Products'''Super Serviseal" closure with Poly-Bee sealant. Mode! #8006039, 6. Electrical Conduit and Fittin"gs: High-impact S:chedule 40 PVC C.,.2000 compound, UL.approved, gray color, size as required. Solvent-weld fittings.. 2.9 OTHER MA TER1AL A. IdentifIcation Markers: 1. Detectable Warning Tape: Minimum 3-inchwide, 5 mils thick inert plastic tape with continuous layer of aluminum foil enca;ed in the plastic. Tape identification. shall match the utility b~ini marked on all mainline. 'Terra Tape';' Detectable, or equaL ." Valve Identification Tags: Polyurethane ta~ with. ,.integral attachri,ent neck~nd reinforced attachment hole. Tag shall 'be hot stamped alphanumeric lettering 1-118 'inches in height. Christy (T. Christy EnterpriseS), or equal. Control Wire Numbering Labels: Self-adhesive alpha*TIumeric labels; 3M ot equal. 2. 3. B. Concrete for Thrust Blo.cking: All concrete for iprust blocks shall achieve minimum stre!lgth of3000 psi at 28 days. C. Protective Concrete Sprinkler Blocks: Christy Concrete Products, Inc., MOQ.el M30SBA, or equal. D' Drainage Backfill: Cleaned gravel or crushed stone; graded from 3/4 inch; minimum to 1 inch maximum. E. All other materials not specifically described but required for a complete and proper irrigation system instalJation shall be new, first quality of their respective kinds, and subject to apprgval. PART 3 - EXECUTION c 3.1 GENERAL- A. Prior to all work of this section, carefully exami~e the installed wor~ of all ~ther trades and verifY that" all such .\vork is complete to ,the point where this, installation may properly commence. B. Verify that irrigation system may be installed in. strict accordance with all pertinent codes ,and regulations, the original design, the referenced standards, and the ,manufacturer's recommendations. "- 328400-10 PLANTING,IRRlGATION .,' MAHLUi\'l ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SqroOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 11 of22 ES:rABLISHMENT MAINTEN~NCt 50% DESIGN DEVELOPJ"IENT C. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Owner's Representative. Do not proceed with installation in areas ,of discrepancy until, all such discrepancies have been , fully resolved. Start of work denotes_acceptanc~. D. Install materials and equipment in strict accordance with manufacturer's written specifications and recommendations and all applicable codes. E. Provide protection at' all times to keep rock, dirt, gravel, debris, and a!l other foreign materials from entering pipip.g, valves, and other irrigation equipment. 3.2 LAYOUT 3.3 , , A. Make all necessary.measurements in the field to'ensure precise fit of items in accordance with the original design. . B. Layout to follow as, closely as practicable the design as shown on the'Drawings. Stake out locations of all proposed equipment for acceptance by Owner's Representative, prior to trenching. ' c. Full and complete coverage- without overthrow Onto. ro'adways, sidewalks or buil.dings is required unless othervvise shown on theprawin.gs or' as accepted by 'Owner's Representative. Systems shall meet ~injmum pressure at last;^head in 'each zone as shown on drawings. NotifY Owner's Representative immediately. if any modification of piping layout.will be required to accomplish this. Do not, proceed until layout has been'verified in the field with the Owner's Representative. D. E. Follow pipe layout plan making modificat.ions as nece_ssary to avoid trenching through roots of existing trees ,or other obstiuctions.. Take care in protecting':all existing tree root zones. F. All valve boxes shall be located in planting beds. Mainline shall be run 24 inches from the edge of paving, or in lawn areas 24 inches from the edge' ofth_e adjacent planting bed. . WATER SOURCE A. Connect system as indicated on Drawings. Make .arrangements with .the Owner for water .shut-off, ifnecessary., . 3.4 TRENCHING A. Refer to Division 31-. Section, "Earth Moving" for excavating and trenching. B.. Locate existing u!ilities. Trench along'routes,as'indicated on Dra:wings~ PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400- J I J\lAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND )\'lAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION' 329500. PAGE 12 of 22 ESTABLISHMENT !\1AINTENANCE .' 50% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT C. Trenches to be straight and true or conform to' adjacent curved edges, with bottom unifonnly.slopedata minimum 1 perc,ent. D, Provide minimum cover over top of underground piping according to the following: 1, Irrigation Mainline ~iping: Minimum depth ,o,f 24 inches below finished grade, or not less than IS inches below average, local fr<?,st depth, whichever is deeper. 2. Lateral Line Piping: 18 inches, 3, Drain Piping: IS inches. 4. Sleeves: 24 inches under paving; 36 inches under roads,' E, Keep trenches free of pipe-damaging rocks and deb~s. . F. Trench to be l2 inches wide minimum. and wide enough to allow all pipes to lie side by side with 6-inch minimum separation between.pipes. G. Install' warning tape directly above pressure piping, 12. inches below finished grades, except 6 inches below subgrade under pavement and slabs. 3.5 PIPE, I; . A. Do not use solvent cement on threaded joints, Wrap joints with minimum three wraps of Teflon tape. . B. Ensure that the inside of the pipe remains absolutely clean. Pipe ends shall be protected and not left open. Remove all foreign matter and dirt from ips ide of pipe before lowering into trench. c. Lay pipe in accordance with standard practices, on solid foundation" uniformly sloped, substantially supported at all locations, "Snake" pip,e slightly from side to side in.trench.to allow for expansion and contraction. Keep pipe markings visible, D. 'L. . PVC pipe joints to be solvent welded except as indicated on the Drawings. Cut pipes square, debuff, wipe from surface all saw chips, dust, dirt, moisture and all foreign matter which may contaminate the cemented joint. Clean pipe with pipe deaner to remove dirt, oil and grease. Apply primer and solvent cement. Make joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommenda.tions, E. For 90-degre~ turns in ffJainline pipe, install two 45-degree fittings. F. For non-standard angles and bends, install double fittings to avoid stressing the pipe or fittings. ' G. Underground lines shall have a minimum horizont~l and vertical clearance of 12 inches from other utility lines. For lines' crossing at angles from 45 degrees_ to .90 degrees with each other, maintain 6-inch vertical clearance. No.' line shall be installed parallel to an'd directly over another line. H. Provide 6 inches clearance, between pipes. Do no~ stack pipe unless accepted by Owner's Representative to avoid tree roots. 328400-12 PLANTING lRRIGATION MAHLUi\I ARCHITECTS S~RI!~GFIELD SC.HOOL DISTRlCr . THURSTON AND MAPLE ELE~IENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 13 of22 ESTABLISHi\IENT i\lAINTENANCE . 50% DESIGN,DEVELOPMENT I. Do' no s'olvent welding of pipe when raining ,or when temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. ' 1. No fittings are tob.e closer than;6 inches apart. K. Obtain tight, inseparable joints. Allow 24-hour curing before testing. " L. Install concrete t~rust blocks at all changes of direction for mainline pipe 2-112 inch or greater in diameter. Place a minimum of t cubic foot of fully mixed concrete against the pipe and firm undisturbed soil in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. 3.6 IRRIGATION SLEEVES A. Install piping and wiring in sleeves under p~vements, including but 'not' necessarily limited' ',to;' sidewalks, roadways, and parking lots', I, Install piping sleeves by boring or jackingunder~ existing paving ifpossible. B. '- Install separate sleeves for irrigation lines and control wires under pavement prior. to' placing pavement materials ~herever possible. C. Extend' sleeves beyond pavement edge a minimum of 12 inches. Install sleeves with' minimum 24 inches depth of cover to the top of the pipe. D. If length of required sleeve is greater than the length. of the unit of pip~, solvent weld joints. Otherwise all sleeyesshall be of one co~tinuous length of pipe. E. Tape ends of sleeve closed to keep soil out o(the sleeve until irrigation lines and control wire are installed, ' . F. Permanently attach a single length of 14 gauge trace wire above the entire length of the sleeve. ,. G. . Stake both ends of sleeves with a readily visible stake 'extending 12 inches abqve-grade and, below.grade to-the bottom of the sleeve. 'Mark theabove~grade,portion of the stake"' with the words "Irrig. Sleeve", Remove stakes after sleeves are recordedcin As':'Built. Drawings and after irrigation lines and control wires areinstalled and accepted by Owner's Representative." . 3.7 CONTROL WIRING A. Install per manufacturer's instructions with minimum 24 inch exp~nsion loop at each' controller. , . B. All wire. splicing to be made waterproof by using UL. approved wire connectors and sealant. Follow manufacturer's instructions for installation, PLANTING tRRIGATION 328400-13 i\!AHLUl\1 ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRlCT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEl\'lENTARY SCHOOL .SECTION 329500 PAGE 14 of 22 ESTABLISHMENT MAINTENANCE .50% DESIGN DEVELOPi\lENT C. All wire splicing shall occurordy at-the valve or at the controller. D. Provide 2 spare wires, yellow in color, making a circuit to all valves and to controller. Coil 36 inches length neatly in each box. E., Lay wire in trenches adjacent tO,mainline or lateral lines for maximum protection. Place wires 18 inches b<elow grade in eiectrical conduit where there are,no pipes in the trench. F. Pilot wires to each solenoid fro.g1 controller shall' have' a colore'd jacket, and conunon neutral wires shall have a w~ite jacket. . ' G. All valve wiring back to controller to be identified' and Jabeled with self~adhesive labels manufactured for this purpose prior to installation qf the controller and' remote control valves. H. 'Pilot.wires sharing the same controller shall all ~e the same coior. L Provide diffeien,t color pilot wires for each controller installed on the Project. 1. Where t.her~ is'more than one';ontroller, conunon wires shall'be white with a colored stripe to match the pilot wi~e color with which it .is circuited. K. Bundle and tape wires together at -IO-foot intervals. L Provide 24 inches expansion loops at least ,every 100, feet in runs ofmore:than 100 fe~t in length, at ,changes in direction along the mainline, ,~nd at entrance and exits to all sleeves under paving: Provide 24-inch expansion coils at connection to control valves. P_rovide expansion loops in neat ].;.inch diameter coils. M. Master Valve 'Control Wires shall be oran'ge and ~hite .dedicated common wire for tne master valve only, and with a yellow wire as a spare. . . .. . _ . .- _ _ ~ 1 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering ~Flow Sensor Cable: Install conununication cable from flow sensor to satellite controller as recommended by manufacturer. Provide' a minimum of 36 inches of slack conununication wiring in the flow sensor valve box and in the base bf the contr;l1er pedestals and cabinets. Splices between flow sensor and controller are not allowed. 3.8 CONTROLLERS A. Install per;,manufacturer's directions where shown on Drawings. . - ,. I" B. Provide conduits for'all wiring entering cabinet and enclosure. C. Follow manufacturer's instructions for wire hook-ups. D: . Verify organization of zones w'ith,the Owner's Representative., Otqerwise, follow tl1e'zol)e numberi?g as shown on Drawings. 328400-14 PLANTING IRRIGATION " MAHLUi\'I ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELh'IENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE fs of22 ESTABLlSHMENT i\'lAINTENANCE 50% DESIGNDEVEL9Pl\lENT[ 3,9 E. Provide- .~lectr.ical stann protection as specified by the manufacturer to protect ea'ch controller. J-,' VALVES A, General: 1. Install valve boxes plumb to grade in,a ne.at and unifon:n pattern~per manufacturer's directions, and as shown.on the Drawings~ 2. Install valve with 3 inch of clearance,between top of valve and underside of valve . box cover. 3. Install] cubic foot bf drain rock in the bottom of alLvalve boxes. 4. Provide 1 ~inch clearance between bottom',ofvalve assembly and'top of drain rock. 5, Provide schedule 80 PVC threaded nipples and u'nions at on both sides of the each control valve. 6. Provide 'schedule 80 PVC threaded nipples and fittings at quick coupler and ball valves. 7. Thoroughly flush supply lines before installing valves. B. Control Val~es: Follow manufacturer's instructi!=ms and adjust pressure regulating module to achieve optimum.operating pressure for each zone. c. prain Valves: 1. Install manual drain valves at low points along mainline to ens.ufe- complete gravity drainage of all mainlines. More drain valves may be'required than are shown on approved Shop Drawings. Provide required number o(drain valZres at rio additional cost to the Owner. ' 2. Install one drain valve in point of.connection vault immediately ~ownstream of backflow preventer.~ 'I 3. Pipe drain valves into approved drainage struchIres. Install drain piping,with minimum of 18 inches of cover to top of pipe. 4. Drain Pockets: Where no drainage s~ctures exist, -excavate il2 cubic yard of soil material at discharge to drain valves: Backfill with-drainage backfill to 12 inches below gra.de. Wrap drainage backfill wit~ drainage fabric and backfill remainder with <;iinended topsoil. . D. . Quick Coupling V!llves: lnst.all quick coupler valves at 1 OO.feet on c.enter along all mainline and one at the point~of~connection and 'at each trash enclosure. Stabilize quick coupler nipple with one 24~inch number 4 rebar.'stake. Attach.stake to,nipple with two 1/2- inch stainless stee,I worm drive hose clamps. . . E. Isolation Valves: Install'isolationvalves along J.11ainline at ail points~of-connection and upqream of all road crossings. Insrali plumb to 'grade ih a neat anduni,(orm pattern as per manufacturer's directions, and as shown on Drawings. )' ' F. Combination Air Release arid Air and Vacuum Release Valves: Install' at high points along . the mainline as indicated in the Drawings. Install below graddn valve box. 3. J 0 BACKFLOW PREVENTER PLANTING IRRIGATION .32 8400-15 f' MAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEl\IEN'~ARY.SCHOOL SECTION 3i 9500 PAGE 16 of.22 'ESTABLlSHJ\lENT MAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN DEVELOPl\'fENT , A. Install per state and local codes, and as detailed. Ins.tall pipe supports as recommended by the ,manufacturer. Provide di-electric unions to insulate dissimilar metals in backfl9w assembly. 3.11' FLU~HING A. Flush lines with i.vater for a, minimum of 5 minutes each zone prior to installation of irrigation heads. 'B. Cap risers immediately after flushing. 3.12' LABELING AND IDENTIFYING > A. Equipment Nam-eplates and Sign~': Where there is more than,one controller on the Project; install engraved p.lastic-Iaminate equipment nameplates and signs on each automatic controller.' ' B. Install valve identification tags on each autoinatic control valve per "man.~facfurer's reconunendations. ." C. Install control 'wire numbering labels oq each conti,ot wire to correspond with the, valve station number at both ends of the control wires. .Label spare and,trace wires. D. Warning -Tapes: Arrange for"installation of continuous, undergro~nd, detectable warning tape over underground piping, during backfilling of trenches. .'~ 3.13 TRACE WIRE: A. Place ork strand of trace 'wire for all. mainlines, and leave end at point of connection location. 'Tape'wire tO,top of mainline at no less than 36-inch i~terva]s. -:\11 locator wire shall'be spliced together with wateHight splice. connectors. . B. Run,a 12-inch loop of trace wire into each remote control valve box for ease of detection. . n " 3.14 PRESSURE TESTING 'A: Notify.the Owner's Representative five days before ~ress~re t~sting. B. Backfill trenches suffiCiently to ensure the stability oX pipe, leaving joints e~posed: C. Mainline and lat~raJ Jines'may be tested at different tjmes to allow isol~tion;of either D. Supply certified pressure gauge arid force pump during' tests. E. Mainline Testing: 32 8400- I 6 PLANTING IRRIGATION MAHLUi\1 ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND .~'IAPLE ELE1ViENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 1.7 of2? ESTABLISHME~1 MAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN DEVELOPi\lENT 1. Thoroughly'flush piping before testing. C;:ap all fittings on mainline fjll with water. 2. ' Test mainlines to control. valves at 100 psi for 1 hour. . If pressure loss occurs, inspect the entire system, make water-tight, ~n~ retest until no'pressure loss occurs. for the testing p~riod. 3. Pressure test must show no pressure loss for the specified period and be accepted by the Owner's Representative before backfi~l oftrencheswill be allowed. F. Lateral Line Testing U~der Paving: 1. Thoroughly flush piping_before testing. Cap all fittings on lateral lines and fill with water. 2. . Adjust bleed screws to open remote control'valves to allow a downstream pressure of 100 psi. Use motorized air cor.npres~ojas needed'to achieve pressure. 3. Maintai~ 100 psi pressure for 1 hour before and during obse'rvation by Owner's Representative without the aid of air compressor. 4. Installation may not leak or lose pressure during test perio.d. 5. Detect and repair leaks and retest system until acceptance is granted. 6. Thoroughly flush piping before testing and installation of sprinklers., G.. Drip Tubing Testing: 1. Before backfilling, maintain 45 psi pressure for i 5 minuteJ before and' during inspection by Owner's Representative. 2. InstallatioO'may not lose pressure or experience breaks at barbed fittings during test period. 3. Detect and r:pair leaks and re-test system until accepted by Owner's Representative. 3.15 BACKFILLING A. Refer-to Division 31 Section "Earth Moving" for backfilling. B. Delay backfilling until piping is pressure tested and accep~ed, C. Place clean sandor approved backfill 3 inches ~e1ow and 6 inches above aU'pipe. Fill the rest of the trench with approved material, free of rocks and debris capable of damaging 'pipe. Compact to adja~ent soil density in 6 inches lifts. D. Stones larger than, I-irich diameter are not allowed in:backfill m~terial., E. Place metallic, locating tape in all mainline trenches in accordance With manufacturer's instructions. F. Fill mainline with water at appro~imately 25 psi during backfilling opebtions. . t. . " 3.16 IRRlGATION HEADS A. Install irrigation heads after pressure t~st approval. PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400-17 i\'IAHLUi\'I ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT -THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEME~TARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 18 of 22 . ESTABLISHMENT i\JAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT B. Install sprinkler heads of types, sizes,and coverage at locations shown on Drawings. , . C. Minor changes' in head loca,tion maybe necess.ary to' ~chieve' head to head: coverage at no additional cost to Owner. Notify Owner's Represent~tive for approval prior to mak,ing any changes. Document all changes on Project Site As-built Drawings as they occur. D. Provide freedom of movement at all swing'and swivel joints. E. Adjust and. set for optimum performance as shown on' Drawings~ F. Locate heads adjacent to planters,mowstrips, walks, pavement, and curbs with a 2-inch minimum and 3-ihch maximum clearance between head and hard surface. " G. Locate no head closer than 6 inches from building fo~nd~ti.?n. H. Install protective conc'rete~ sprinkler blocks on sprinkler heads adjacent to "ehicular paving where he~ds a~ not protected by curbs as .approved ~y the Owner's Representative. J.17 DRIP TUBING A. Delay installation of drip tubing ,until PVC supply line and header piping is pressure tested accepted, and backfilling of amended topsoils is corri'plet~. B. Drip Tubing Layout Verify existing field diinens.ions of the area to be irrigated with the irrigation plans for accuracy. Begin emitter tUbing layout 4 inches away. from both hard surfaces; (i.e" concret~ sidewalks, curbs, asphalt), a~dJor undefined .edges; (i;e., shovel-cut hea~ers). Mark tubing intervals on the ground with flags,' paint, or some, other markings that can be maintained throughout the installation. .. C. Layout tubing as shown on the Dr~wings. D: Installation Drip System: " 1. Tree,and Shrub Areas: 'Layout tubing per spaHcing and,d~pth indicated on. Drawings. Minor adjustment to the spacing may occur because of plant placement. 2. Connect drip tubing to rigid PVC supply line and exhaust headers. 3, Trenching: Hand or mechanically ,trench tri'the tUbing to depth indicated on the Drawings or in these specifications and backf!ll flush with finish gra,de. Remove all rock l-inch and larger_ when excavating and remove from site, Do not backfill trenches' with rock that will come in direct contact with tubing or rigid PVC piping. 4. Flush the lines to clear the tubing of dirt -and_debris. Installline.t1ushing valve,' air release valve and test fo{Jeaks. Repa.ir leaks~nd retest. " 5. Compact backfill by hand to a minimum'. of 80 percent r'elative compaction. Maintain, adequ?te soil levels as needed ,to achieve the required compaCtion requirement. 6, Following the tubing, installation and backfill, installation of groundcover' may occur. Exercise caution in digging to plant groundcover, avoiding cutting or puncturing emitt'e'r tubing. . 32 8400-1 S PLANTING IRRIGATION MAHLUi\l ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 19 of21<, ESTABLISHiHENT r\lAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT - E. Drip Tubing Depth: Install underground pipin'g horizontally and as i,evel aspossible.to a depth of 2 inches unless otherwise specified. Cover with an additional 2 inch ,of bark mulch as indicated. 1. Drip tUbing can be installed with the water outlets facing upward or downward.. Offset the water outlets to fOIm a.triangular pattern throughout'the tubing layout. In irregular areas, some water outlets may e:nd up too close to. fixed,impfO'yements and. may have to be capped off\vith an emitter plug ring. F. Baibed Fittings: Connect drip tubing to barbed fittings by pushing on and oyer both barbs until the tubing has seated against another piece of tubing or has butted against another portion of the barbed fitting. ' 'f G. AirNacuum Relief Valve: 1. Install the a.ir relief valve below,grade :at the highest elevation within each zone. Depending on the site conditions 'and tubing layout, more than one air/vacuum' relief valve may be required. Install per m~nufacturer's recomm~ndaiions: Place the valve within a round valve box with a locking. cover and a l"cu::-ft gravel sump as shown in Drawing~ . . .' H. Flush Valve: I. Install flush valves below grade at the lo;'est elevations within each zone'Depending on the site conditions and robing layout, ,~ore thim one flush_ valve may .be requir~d; Install permanufacturer's recommend~t~o~s. Plac"ethe valve ,within a round valve box with a locking cover and a I cu-ft gr~vel sump as noted in Drawings. 3.18 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Mamifacturer's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized Taro Septinel service representative to inspect, test, and adjust field-assembled components and equipment installation,including c'onnections, and to assist in field testing. Report results in writing. Represen~tive to verifY that all Sentinel Satellite~related components are properly assembied.and ready. fo'r future Sentinel Controller applications. B. Backflow Preventer Testing: . All backflow preventers shall be tested and certified for prop{:T operation prior to being placed in operation. 1. Original copies of the certification shall be subD1itt~d to the Owner. 2. Backflow preventers shall be .labeled with 'plastic laminated field history tag . showing date and tester information. C. Irrig~tion Coverage Test; 1-. The coverag~ ~est procedure will be conducted by the Owner's Representative only if the entire irrigation'system is completely automated: to includ~ permanent electrical'power. 2. Prior to the coverage test, make all requiie~adjusqnents to the irrigation systems. Testthe ~ystem'to assure that all areas are irrigated completely and uniformly. Change or adjus! heads and nozzles as required to provide ~ll coverage, matching precipitation rates and 'meeting final grades, Do: not ?pray onto pavement or strucrores. PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400-19 iVIAHLUi\I ARCHITECTS SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT . THURSTON AND J\..IAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 20 of22 ',EST ABLlSHl\IENT MAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 3 When the sprinkler iriigationsystem is completed, but prior to planting, perform a coverage test in the presence of the Owner's Representative to determine if the irrigation coverage for all planting areas is complete and adequate. Notify the Owner's Representative 48 hours in adva.nce for the irrigation coverage test. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies, to .tqe;complete satisfaction of the O\vner's Repr'esentative. This s11all include any changes affecting coverage due to a.ny deviation from plans. Operating sequence for all control valves'must match the sequence as shown on the Drawings. . Provide a minimum of two working individuals for the duration 9f e~ch coverage test. Each individual provided by the contractor mllst have a two-way communication device for proper manipulatioh ofihe control valve sequencing of the irrigation system during the coverage test procedure. The lead individual mllst be,a representative from the installing contractor's company. During the irrigation. coverage test, bring keys ,to unlock cabinets af)d valve boxes. Open all controller cabinets, enclo~ures, valve boxes which are p~rt of the irrigation system. At the end of the coverage test for any specified area, a Field Observation Report shall be generated by the Owner's Representative. This report shall serv~ as an Item/Action notification which may require'the contractor to make changes and repairs as noted therein, I . One return site observation~hall be provided by the'Owner:s Representative to . determine whether the items listed in the first site observation repo'rt;have been corrected. After making the corrections notect" in the-Fieid Observation Report, I).otify the Owner's Representative at least 48 hours in advance, and perrorm another coverage test in the presence of the Owner's R,epresentativefor approval. If the items have not been fully corrected or repaired to the complete satisfaction of the Owner's Representative, and as noted,in the first Field Observation Report, the contractor must reschedule another f!eld observation and shall bear all financial responsibility to reimburse the Owner for all costs incurred by the Owner's Representative for the- failed fi~ld obse'rvationperformed.. Any item listed in the Field Observation Report requiring action that is not considered to be a part of the original contract, must immediately be brought to the attention of the Owner. _This shall be the respon.sibility of the 'contractor and must' be done'in a manner as to enable the contractor to correct the item priorto the next field observation. Upon completio~ of each phase of work, the entire system shall be tested and adjusted to meet site specifications.' . 4. 5. 6: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 3.19 STARTUP SERVICE A Verify that controllers. and 'all associated component~ are installed and connected according to the Contract Documents and are functioning properly. . . B. Verify that electrical wiring installation complies with rrianufactur.e,r's submittal and instalhition requirements in Division 26 Sections. ' C.. Complete'startup checks according to manufactt;rer's written instructions. . 32 8400-+0 PLANTING IRRIGATION iVlAHLUM ARCHITECTS. SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND i\IAPLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE 21 of22. EST ABLISHi\lENT ~'IAINTENANCE 50% DESIGN,DEVELOPMENT 3.20 CLEANUP A. Remove debri~ from project sit; upon completion or sooner, if directed. 3.21 FINAL INSPECTIOJ-! A. Thoroughly flush, clean, adjust, and balance the entire irrigation system f~r complete coverage and efficient operation. Set heads to avoid over-spray on walks. Set' up control wires to operate in an organized c1ock'1ise"pattern. Upon 5 days written notice; demonstrate the entire system to the Owner's Representative, proving that all valves and controls are properly operating and that the installed system is workable, clean, and efficient. . . B. Contractor to deliver to the Owner the items scheduled for submittal. at the time of the final" inspection for irrigation. . C. Upon completion of the installation, turn over the"rollowing spare parts ahd-specialty tools to' the Owner'. Include with the following quantities of items a list of each part with appropriate- part nu~ber (for ordering replacement 'products) and local supply. store of , where.these parts can be purchased: ~ 1. (50') ,of L.andscape Dripline tubing for ea.ch dripper interval and discharge rate. 2, (6) Barbed couplings. 3. (6) Barbed 90 degree elbow fittings. 4. (6) Barbed tee fittings. 5. (6) 180 degree 2-way adapter tees, 6. (6) Male adapters with 3/4-inch FPT, 7. (1) Spare V-strainer filter element of the mesh size indicated on the irrigation legend. 3.22 WARRANTY A. Full and complete head to head irrigation coverage without overthrow onto roadways, sidewalks, or buildings is required. B. The warranty period relating to all proqncts, mliterials, and workmanship will b'egin on the date of final acc.epta~ce of the work and exten.dlor the,periodof one year. . c., The Contractor must repair or replace all defective materials and workmanship, during the. warranty' period. The conditions of the warranty applies to all replacement material and repair work ~rom the date such materials are ins!alled or repair work done. 3.23 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide Owner's Maintenance Personnel with system familiarization and 8 hours minimum of instructio'n in maintenance andoperatio'n of each piece of equiprpent installed: PLANTING IRRIGATION 32 8400-21 ,. ~> . &IAHLUM ARCHITECTS SPRINGfIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSTON AND MAPLE ELE1\IENTARY SCHOOL SECTION 329500 PAGE22of22. ~ST ABLISHivlENT i\L.UNTENANCE 50% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT B. Repair settling trenches. 'Include' complete restoration of plantings, mulch, grades, pavements or other improvem~nts. C. Fall, Winterizing Visit: Return to the job site at the beginning of the first winter season to perform a general inspection of the system, test all v~lves', lines, sprinkler heads, vacuum breakers; r,epail' all leaks and faulty work, che'ck 'operation of the system, adjust spray patterns for full coverage, then drain system, blowout drain lines with compressed air and show mai~tenance staff location cif all drain valves and blowout points. Restore all :areas where trenches have.'settled. D. Spring start~Up Visit Return in spring after the flrstwinter season for system check and if necessary, restore system for spring and summer operation. Explain system and operation methods to maintenance staff. Restore all areas where trenches,have settled; END OF SECTION 32 8400 32 8400-22 PLANTING IRRIGATION