HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/7/2007 \, , \ >;--< City of Springfield . Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street ' Springfield, OR 97477 . Land Division Application,. Type II Subdivision Tentative, Partition Tentative Subdivision .Tentative: '. . -. . . . . . h ' Jerry Casarez 1 USA Real Estate 11611 Lawnridqe Ave., Sprinqfield, OR 97477 IStaCY~alla-daY' ." "', .-'... 1 Branch Enqineerinq, Inc. .. 1 ?l? Fif.t~ ~t.,_~p~n'i1field, ,'OR 974 ?7e. , _ . or, '.. . " ~ ... ,.'q'l.~ . 'f ; . " l-, . ' . . ,_ ........ IJerry Casarez IUSA Real Estate 11611 Lawnridae Ave" SPtinqfield, OR 97477' Phone: IFax: I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 Applicant Name: Company: Address: Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: . i ~~one: 174~'~6;3;" I Fax: 1746-0389 Property Owner: Company: Address: . ~-': " Ip~one: 1741-8721 !Fax: 1747-5401 " ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-31-24 TAX LOT NO(S}: 11800 Property Address: 475 3'5th St., Sprinqfield, OR 97478 Size of Property: .47 Acres [g] Square Feet D Proposed Name of Subdivision: Casarez Subdivision' ." ,,_ ", ,c' .',' _')::',._" ,'. Description of Proposal: This proposal is to create a 4-lot subdivision. Existing house to remain with an Irrevocable Private Joint Use Access & Utility Easement to the proposed 3-lots. Existing Use: Residential. # of Lots/Parcels: 4 Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 5,000 sf Density: 8.5 ')'.~";:~. .:~.,"' "'.-".;--'- '-", ~ .:." ':"'- .:,~".'. I dujacre I Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits D As~ociated Applications: . ~ ' ,u , . -,.; _.;' , "' '.'~. t ... ' Pre-SLibmitt,jl~ _ .. Case No.: rIUiJ07-0007rDate: Case No.: Date: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ TOTAL FEE'S $ Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban ,Growth Boundary D uhf 01- . . Reviewed by: Review,~d by: Postaae Fee: ?!.~ 1 $ I I J P Q;SJlj)l1XfJl1-- Revised 12/4/2006 Brenda Jones <.'~i Steps in the Process: 1. .The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submitta(Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatorY: Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package must conform'to the application completeness checklist attached to this forni. You are r,equired to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conduCted every Tuesday arid Friday between 10: 00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seyen working days bf receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the 'owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and, the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 ininutes, The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting speCifying the items"required to make the application completeCif it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submitt~Land a<:ceptance b~ the City. 3. -Applicant Submits a ,Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee w.ill be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review. the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resqlution before the final land use decision is issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and sUbsequent- complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be ac!=epted. }" . - . Date Submitted: 1//, , The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal!\1eeting. Owner: ~ ("\ lignaD Jerry Casarez Print -....... () Date: II/t, I DI. Revised I 112012006 Brenda Jones , . , , ". L'~"- A- Land Division Submittal Requirements cheH<iist *If you feel'an item does not.apply; please state the. reason why and attach the explanation to this form. 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation for-mula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. ' 2. Copy of the deed arid a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is no.t the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. 3. One additional copy of the Land Division Plan reduced to 8'A"x,11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet: 4. Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (qDOT) facility. 5. StorlTlwater Management System Study-four copies of the.study with the completed StormliVater Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the 'Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. " 6. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer'in accordance with SDC Section 32.020(1)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. ..A TIA must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportatio[1 policies and objectives. 7. Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copies of the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal " All of the following plans must include the scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detaiLof the plan and related data, such as 1"'= 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation. All plan sets must be folded to 8V2" by 11" . and bound by rubber bands for submittal. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions . " . [g] Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Arch(te'ct or Engineer [g] Vicinity Map . .' - [g] The name, location and dimensions Of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly ,indicating what is remaining and what is being removed " [g] Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain on site " , . ,0\~ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bankof all watercourses and required -riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ :1 Revised 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones ',' ~ .~ . . ~:.,' [g] ThelOO-year floodplain and floodwaY,boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance RateiMaps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision . [g] The Time of Travel Zones, as speCified in Article 17 of the Springfield Deyelopment Code arid d{;!lineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department [g] Physical features inCluding, but not I,imited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet.above the ground, sig,nificant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian . areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings " . ' [g] Soil ,types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of-- Lane County, A Geotechnical Reportprepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Tentative Land Division Plan [g] Prepared by an Oregon' Licensed La'ld Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 [g] Location of all existing and proposed, easements. _ , , [g] Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensio'ns of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes' to scale '[g] Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting [g] Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedication's or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division [g] Location of existing an~ required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox' units and similar public facilities [g] Location and width of all existin,g and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails '. , ' N\ ftI Location, size and type of plantings and streeftrees in any required planter strip . [g] Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater nianagement systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cableTV, .Indicate, the proposed connection points - - - II Phased Development Plan required ifredivision is proposed. The plan must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivision. Any redivision must. progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between thE: various phases of .the developr]1ent ar)'d accommodatin',g other required public imprOvements, ' c.Grading and Paving Plan , . [g] Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer -, . , '., . ~\rn Planting plan p'repared by an Oregon Licensed' La-ndscape Architect where plan~s are proposed as part of the stormwater'rnanagement systelT) [g] Roof drainage patte"rns and discharge locations .-" [g] Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns . [g] The size and location of stormwater management systems compOnents, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; .stormwater . quality measures; and natural draina.geways to be rEtained ' ~ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for ,,,.,,,..-Iand with a slope oiler 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 ~oot intervals) vro Amount of proposed cut and fill", ' Revised 11120/2006 Brenda Jones " WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR THE JERRY CASAREZ TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION, This application is a proposal to subdivide the property at 475 35th Street (Map 17"02-31- 24, Tax Lot 11800) into four lots. Currently, the site is developed with a single-family house on Lot 1; this residence and attached deck are,to remain. However, the driveway will be relocated directly in front of the structure it serves, not at an angle, to allow adequate space for the . proposed 18' driveway. The fence along the existing driveway will be removed or relocated. In conformance with the Low Density Residential classification ofthe site and surrounding properties, all lots will be developed with single-family residences. It is not necessary to . dedicate any land to the city. Since 35th Street is fully improved, no off-site improvements are necessary now or in the future. We anticipate removal of one tree will occur during building construction on Lot 2. The Irrevocable Private Joint Use Access easement will be 21' 'wide and will meet fire code. No fue turnaround is required since proposed Lot 4 Will be deed restricted so that all permanent structures must be equipped with an internal. sprinkler system as noted on the tentative subdivision map. A Joint Utility Trench along the proposed driveway will connect sewer, storm, water, cable, telecommunications, and power to Lots 2 through 4. The existing residential' structure "viii continue to receive utility service directly from 35th Street.. Overhead power located at the Northeast comer currently servicing the existing dwelling will need to be relocated underground. The guy wire will need to be moved during construction of the driveway. The Lane County Soil Survey shows the site as having Awbrig-Urban Umd Complex (6). Pelmeability of this Awbrig soil is very slow.'The Soil SUrvey indicates that 'a high water table is a depth of 0 to 12 inches from November to May. The existing houses in the: neighborhood and the house on site were not recently constructed and none of these houses show indications of adverse impacts from the soil. For this reason, no Geotechnical Report was obtained. This project does not require any additional pla!J!1ing applications. I;, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2007 -00077 475 35th Street SITE Map 17-02-31-24 Tax Lot 1I800 North -+ 4' I W,II ~~ Ir_' 'Ii ~~, ",,'.'It ri.,i:~ .'I..r.~ii~i:,: # !~;;I ~ <: _I;::,:' : '( / -'..;I~ \' g;~i5'" ,\ '1', I~' .,.-t,I, \,' 11;,[: .. ,,~~~.. I' j;WR,W":;""" "T;")~'{8:R;'II'~'~ g~YRE'T&lfEl) ~ l, I I' } ~I 'I 1t,'11 /S'r OTfiERS. I N 39'""'''''" ~ ng_n IZ' .1>' 01111' r ~ \ '.1_""" . / ~ ." --. r ~ ~If.~~ ~~S]9Z )",,_c:~; "l" 'I I - ~~ . I l,.. ...........651'<"T"<"<"! "'1' .. ,. (:.~- - - -;w; \.....~ I I ~ 11. r '"14S9;7!; ~~i.;' 'I I "'_ .~s--:;:--- -AC PAVWG""""""- ~...:' -'" :: ~ s' ~ 'j FXI8TNG " ' . ~ ,~ \'tl,! l..~ 'fg ~.- ~J ~ '" "!!~.. ~,*......._BHID9LIIE rr- '-1 '..JUT/,', . 'tIT ~_-:j:::!;..~_. ( "<!:~"'~t.1' r.......f -4L"'~t. ~ ". ~_ ~.,~ro(..'~"l~'h>.>..J. ~-'-'------ ~ Y II >:!!! '*0, g't1.J:!.i:"--' -,' ,1 :::.J~~ ~ ' ~~~"'- J ---~~- - ------r ~ \ f~WR~JENCC 7"8 I \"~i~' . n_____ _J_-:~:~---- - ~_I.L 1 ~_ ,x"... I X \. ~"!- ~ I~~)W-\~W',,! 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'",...,;,;.rX;GAs.,,""""'"EXlI'IJRrNATlI1AL'&lS ---"-01(11' ~=~."1IiJ'ClIl.EI __JuT_JONTU1IJTYTRENCH BfftJETAL -i'i,1i' EJQS1l.o&1ECCWfOlfl8 ~, <>-+ o C2=:J ~ _..<...._"'_W~ EX/51l.oAtDl'RCII'05ED [OJ flOWAAADII' -SAN_( ~rf~IlYSElIm m I'IIO"OSED STOR.If!OER '" f'I!llf'OIaI [ASSENT .. '" fflCl"OSiD EDGE OF ~S"J/Al.r PAVNJ q. ,X 0Jll1l.oSPOT aEVAIJ(W!I <' GEl S.E. E)(1S1MJAIA/fl:IlE DlS1UlPOlI'f1lraE Il'lIJl SrnEET WIT PROPERTYCORl'ER DlSTNGcaDlCTE /IILIJ~1lLE AIlEA ""'''' OECKJ~tRrE: [X1IlIm WArn; AEIDl rnsTtlGffL&lDotRlSfR EJaIlTJ/GfUCJm;METrn DrlSTJ,;;IIAl.60X OIlIfmGAS~ EXlSTMF1IEIIYMANT ffi~ ~')(lI'llAW Fl.rm NLl1lAlltWllASN lifIDOAL 1lf8 OOf. 2'wt/iOCl(~ JERRY ScASAREZ ~,~om I /n~"~.. 1~~~:;.,~(:" :me EC. ~~;;SO;:ON Jr. ~:~~ ~,~ ," "~l", ....'.,,~. .",r{~,~t';;it;~"it!~~~r~iir, f'e!F. P1'E 1lRAf'I'EIJ'WlTH"--;'.;'(f,<.;,'<' l~ir0'?ii~'!":~,~;;.'..:J.I"~""-,"SfRlCllIlAL WAU.lf NOVEMBER 8. 2007 ~~~ ~":c ~ rJM~i1i~/ /1~~~~!i~~~1~~~~;1~g~~~t~;,~=:,~~ wt r3" AC PAVING 8C4f.Ir: 1- . .. _: / "",;_-:"'"'i-~~T"~'~'~!;'-~';.\~:'~\"" Ul'EII, I 6" STDRAlIVAI'ER FUERFAIBC /lB-GlI.O€m PN/fJ TOUA/lllCtE Ul'Ul EWINGllOL "....9=';"'.. '.'~iKf~t~~ {~:\&~~:.r\::':':(-;;:>.~:, SA/nAIlY ~~~~Nb~ ,.... SAND FILTER. DETAlL_,_ NOI IO'~CAL.I:. 8'J~~CIlIIfIE~~~Gl~ " ""''''' ~ t ~.:. '_,', ":;"r,,~;O;';;;~;;i,,li ".1; /" '\' '" I""lm-' " /')( ~~(:~i;)0 i~:il~f;t~1;i~~~jI8;~;;i~~;i:ii~ " ~=us ~~-';~:fl((I( ~~~' ,I <<~ VALLEY GUTl'ER DETAIL ' WlNIl/UII($!:, nnat.COMPACTED I 1/2'- Il" ClIUSHED usr ROCK .-- TYPICAL JOINT UTIUTY TRENCll DETAIL "'....,~ NOT T(J li(;Al~' -- NO CUT OR FILL IS PROPOSeD AT THIS TIME. ) ~, ~~ ,..f .. - /,!~'~~lll ,. PROPOSED LOT 4 WILL BE DEED RESffilCTED so THIl T ALL PERMANENT STRUC1'lmES MUST BE EQUIPI'm WITH AN WTERNAL SPRI-R<LER SYSTEM. 2. THE DISTANCE FROM TIiE FIRE HYDRANT TO THE' FURT/-EST POINT OF A STRUCTURE ON LOT 3 (NON-SPRINKLED! IS ~a9' AND LOT 4 IS 459' (SPRINKLEDI. 'p "! " b.... Ii " ~20F2 PROJECT NO. ;07./23 fJle'\2007\07-123 - Jerry CQsQrez.\07-/23 TENT SUBDtvrSlON,OWG 1'._ '.' ..' , ' 't . OC {i , JUAN IGNACIO .8.A!:-.INAS Gl'l1Iltor'.'1 Name and AlIdress GERARDO CASAREZ 1611 LAWNRIDGE AVE. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Gnmtee'.'1 NlIIDe and Address ~mN'LliID TITLE COMPANY 875 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD E.UGENEc OR 97401 Unti1 a dtange is ~ lID tllx statements stlall be sent to the roDowiag address. SAME AS GRANTEE Division of Chief" Deputy Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and RecOf"'ds 2001-021484 1111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 $31. 00 00902265200700274840020022 04/24/2007 02:37:37 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln:4 CASHIER D2 $ID.DD $11,DD $ID.oo, g ~ l= '~ :5 lB a: i ~ '" '" if g. TITLENO.ELT-52B1O ESCROW NO. ~07-13398 TAX ACCf. NO. 0120632 MAP NO. 17-02-3i-24-11800 WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) KNOW AU MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ThaJ JUAN IGNACIO SALINAS AND MARY FRANCES SALINAS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TENANTS BY.THE F.ll......u..o:l hereinafter called grantor, for the' consideration herettuifter stated, to grantor paid by GERARDO CASAREZ and CARl CASAREZ, busband and wife , hemlUlfter etdled grantee. does hereby gronI, bargain, seU and convej unto the said grontee and granree.'s heirs, successors and assigns, that certain real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, situated in the County of LANE andStal~ of Oregon, described as follows, to-wit: " SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE To Have and to Hold the same unto the Said grantee and tnmtee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. , And said grantor hereby covenants to and with said giantee and "grantee's hem, successors and assigns, that grantor is lawfully seiud in fee simple of the above granted premises, freefrolll aU encumbrances except Subject to any and all easements, rest1Utions and covenairts of recon! and that grantor wiD wa.rrruu and forever defend the said' premises and eFery JKU1 and parcel thereof against the lawful claims and demonds of all persons wltomsone" except those claiming under the above described encumbrances. The troe and ~ consideration paidfor t~is transfer, statellin terms of dollars, is $ 160,000.00. . $However, the aaual consideration. consists oj or ilu:~udes other property or Wllue given or promised"whid is (,he whole/part afthe) consideratum (indicate which). . (The sentence between the symbols $, if not applicabk - should be 'd,leJed. See ORS 93.030.) In construing this deed and wMre the context so requiTes, the singular inCludes the plural and all giummadcal clumges s1uzlI be implied to mob the provisions hueof apply eqaaIly to corporations and to individuals. ~Ji . In Witness Whereof, the gramor has executed this instrunJenl this (..., day oj 4.n ...-: .: . 200;; if G corporate grrunor, it IuJs caused its name to be signed and seal aDued by its office~horiz.ed thereto by order of its board of directors. " BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSmRRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABoUT THE PERSON'S RIGIITS, IF ANY, UNDER CllAPTER 1, OREGONllWS 200S .~T MEAstlRE 37 (2004)). THIS INSIRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPKRTY DESCRIBED INTIIIB INSI'RUMENT IN VIOLATION OF AFPLlCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNiNG OR ACCEPl'lNG nus INSTRUMENT, THR.PHRSON ACQum.LN"G FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD co:ECK WITH THE 30.930. APPROJ'IUATED CITY OR COUNTY J'L,.L~G DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED US1"~ TO DKI'ERMJl\'E ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FORFS'I' PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND INQUIRE ~OUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS IF ANY UNDERCHAPI'ER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). , ~C/..-.A. ;=;;:;;;';u"a _J ~ JUANIGNAClO SALINAS --m...,~, ~/ . MARY FRANC~AtiN,;F r --s SIATEOFOREGON,COUNTYOF ~ '!IS , THIS~Sl'RUMl!NTW~KNO ED BEFORE ME ON Y ~ 7 MARY FRANCES HUSB WIFE, AS TENANl'S BY THE &.~ ~ ---. MY""""""'. . '0.'-" O~/'3'*/JO NOtsry PUbne for OftgOR ,20.Q2,. BY JUAN IGNACIO SALINAS AND _ OfRClAtSEAL :, IEN BDY8T , , _PUBUC-_ , COMtmSlOHNO.<05271 II'ClllaSSlOIlDlllEllMllIJ,_ )) il r ,. ..... ,.'< .... ."', EXHIBIT "An LEGAL DESCRIPI'lON . Beginning at a point 281 feet South of the Northeast comer 'ofBlock I, PACKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in Book II, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; running thence West parallel with the North line of said Block I, a distance of279.3 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of Block I, a distance of14 feet; thence East parallel with the North line of Block I, a distance of 279.3 feet; thence North along the East ' line. of Block 1. a di~ce of74 feet to tb~ Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. . ~" v' " NOV. 2.2007 12:23PM ,eVERGREEN l.AND TITlE CO ,j NO, 0775 p, 2 "r-:- ,', '4 ,~ ~. ~ ~11 ~X~!g{~~ '''- TITlE INSURANCE SERVICES . ESCROW CLOSINGS - . J . 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGfiELD, DR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.1961 FAX: 541.741.0619 875 COUNtRY CLUB RD, . EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10217 . EUGENE, OR 97.440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 November 2, 2007. ' Our Order Np.: EL T-52820 4fi1 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT USA Real Estate 1611 Lawnridge Avenue Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn: Jerry Casarez Dear Jerry: We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated,based on this preliminary report LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning at a point 281 feet South of the Northeast comer of Block I, PACKER:; SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in B.ook 11, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; running thence West parallel with the North line of said Blode I, a'distance of279.3 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of Block I, a distance of74 feet; theIfce East parallel with the North line of Block I, a distance of 279.3 feet; thence North along the East line of Block 1, a distance of74 fectto the Ppint ofBeginnihg, in Lane County, Oregon. ' Showing fee simple title as of October 30, 2007, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: J GERARDO CASAREZ AND CARl CASAREZ, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the tenns, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy fonn. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. '. CONTINUED '-"IN OUR BU5INESS; YOu MATIER MOST" ___ WlW.'..vergreenlandtitle.com NOV, 2,2007 12:23PM "VtRGREEN LAND TITlE CO NO,0775 p, 3 If ELT - 52820 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments 011 real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons ill possession - th=~ ' "3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing.the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. , 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other fucts which a correct ~urvey would disclose.' . , 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. ' CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6. Taxes, Map No. l7-02-31-24-l!800, Code 19-00, Account No. 0120632, 2006-2007, a lien in the aplouut of$I,175.39, now payable, 7. Easement for Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance of Public Utilities and access to same, granted to ,the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded March 14, 1963, Reception Nos. 3049, 3050 and 3051, Lane County Oregon Records. (Affects the Easterly ~4.0 feet) '-''''-,- ' 8. Easement for Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance of a Stonn Sewe~ and access to same, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded October 5, 1967, Reception No. 608, Lane County Oregon Records. (Affects the Southerly 7.0 feet) 9. Easement for Construction, Reconstnlction and Maintenance ofPuhlic Utilities and access to same, granted to the City of Springfield, a mimicipaI corporation, in Lane County, Oregon" including the terms and provisions thereof, by lnstrument Recorded August 17, 1979, Reception No. 79-49411, Lane County Oregon Records. (Affects the Westerly 5.0 feet) CONTINUED NOY. 2,2007 1223PM /"YERGREEN lAND TITlE CO NO,0775 P. 4 I! EL T - 52820 , Page 3 :1 10. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Gerardo Casarez and Carl Casarez, husband and Wife, as Grantor(s), to McCarthy & Hotlhus, LLP c/o Katrina E., Glogowski, as Trustee, for the benefit of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS) as nominee for Fieldstone Mortgage Company, asBeneficiary, Dated April 12, 2007, Recorded April 24, 2007, Reception No. 2007-027485, Official Records.ofLane County, Oregon; given to secure payment of a Note. for $152,000.00, " 11. Deed of Trust, including the terms and proviSions thereof, executed by Gerardo Casarez, as Giantor(s), to Evergreen Land Title Company, as Trustee, for the benefit of Jua:q. I. Salinas and Mary F. Salinas, husband and wife, as Beneficiary, Dated April 24, 2007, Recorded May 8, 2007, Reception No. 2007-030974, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment ofa Note for $25,307.47. 12. Judgement against Gerardo D, Casarez; in favor of Barbara L. Casarez, ente~d March 11, I999, Lane County Circuit Court Case No. 15-98-18206, in the amount of$588.00 per month for Child Support, plus interest, beginning February 1, 1999, and modified to $409.00 per month forChild Support, plus interest, beginning October 14,2006. ' . NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 475 NORTH 35TH STREET. SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97478. ' , NOTE: As of October 30, 2007, there are no liens for the CityofSpringfie1d,. -. . I NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIENiBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) CARl CASAREZ, and as of October 30,2007, none were found. INFORMA TI0NAl.; NOTE; The vesting deed and changes within the last 24 months are as follows: WARRANTY DEED RECORDED April 24,2007, FROM JUAN IGNACIO SALINAS AND MARY FRANCES SALINAS. TO GERARDO CASAREZ AND CARl CASAREZ, HUSBAND AND WIFE, RECEPTlON NO. 2007-027484. WARRANTY DEED RECORDED July 28,2000, FROM LARRY P. FRAZIER, TO JUAN ' IGNACIO SALINAS AND MARY FRANCES SALINAS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS lENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY, RECEPTION NO. 2000-043417.. ' CONTINUED ;., NOY.2,200712:24PM eVERGREEN LAND TIM co , NO, 0775 p, 5 IJ ELT.52820 Page 4 ,NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPPATE REPORT. Very truly yours, , EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE )j;lw~ By: Jeffi:ey K. Walker Advisory Title Officer CC: Branch Engineering Atln: Stacy (Fax No. 746-0389) , NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMnJM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON TIIEREPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CH.4.RGED. .,'l ~p . IFOR ASSESSt-JIE\lTI I AND C-~~[~.iiOi" I 'l1... I k~-L:~-!{ Of:~{f---- '<~~G'I" <OS! "\ _ _~. ~(JQ ":)I\\- Q ~\<;) """ +- "'" I ~ ;,~~ "'" -~. .... ~ ..,.,.... ."" M '. ,-~- "'" ~ "''''' ;; ~ o ~ -~~. I tn. Ell: C::","-w. ~~ cnnrtR' n 1WI:P D.L.e. !'.> ......L\L.(l.. 1i7w '7900 U '" ..J 0. ~, ,.,,, .. ti " "." " .",. ''"" , , ~" l ,~ "'" , "'. ;%--' 7""'4'1 , ...' l "'" ; '. .....' 7'U>a , ~ ",,-,<' 1 : 7rOO ~, !;: ......,. ""', ,/ _..7'.- ..'" ; G~ ; r + , ~~~~ ..~'53CD..~, -\.. /- 'r~.: !II ~:!.DO " .~ ~~',f~ '~~~I ~ . ~. d 1:1, ..'" ..., .. ~ J= D6~. " '" 8700 .. '"'' ..~~ ~..,.-~......., S[f"~ 1702 :t121 ~ ~ -"------__ f ~ ~ -'~--,~",' ~~. "_ u.= .~=~~ 1300 -~- ~1I ~ i 1401 O::!.o.:. ... ~7Dr 1m '" 2100 ~ I d ;: ;:~~ ~ ) ~:u:. r ~ 2:...... .,~--1I'~~l''"\r ~,;;;~ t" ,~Ii ':,--?~t~:~':s.::: ''''''''f;.", . : ~ '- M '{ .~t,. ,.~ ~, +JLL:;j'...~_' L_ __..: ,;: : ' E' (J\.>~__. STREET ' '"'' i:i~.'i'l:I.... I... I S I"'; 1...;: I.... f ,.,. j~"" , "~"~l"'''':r; --. I ' W, I I I J I .,,~, I '!l ,k,'n ..= Ii ,,",:"7'<" ;'; I!~ 1'1 'O?,p~ I I I j....... E~ro~!~w~Jf:~~\1'~ ,Ii Iii i} ir'li Ii ir,~~~~"~~: ~ D.Li-~. IDL~I'1 ..1 ~ 46 I 4~ ~4 0 ~ 4."1 ... I 40 ~..!r !r""L!~J ...- _"W. . . ....... 0" IIUlr ~-....-~ ~""'." ....-J> ',"/" r..~_'1~~"'1" ,.. loeoo., ,1efJD ,,~'....... ~_.....~ ".... r . " 14<0,]1 r I'k ~.,......,,'3 . 1UOO 1 ~:'1, !r.:_F<L;~1l , JIlin 111~~ ,. """,U'Ul><:'- -, 1" l11t1~ ._,' -. I ,_ J1I"-'. ,tTHIS MAP IS 10,. SS.Sj ~: !,::;.(. IDCATlNG PROP ERTY ,- E COMPANY ASSl MES t.;, LJABIUTY FOR INACC JRACli.:S. ~7 02 31::0UmS'tOF W + E EVElG............ -* 00 S 741-'VllI SJ~~i/4 N.V,".i/? SrC.3i. T.17S. R~2 W_W.M. _ '-4- ;",..k~ir,-n:-:-__::.-.-,~:,_,;,:' -.:vll.-._.~~ .~~w- '-~a- . ~ - . - , LANE COUNTY SCAlE l" _ 100' - t:; 21QIt '" .. c: '''''' '... "' ~ f~ 87GD '700 .. -' .~., l' '~--~ . ~l' I I tlI"l I; .. ..., JlCo " " """ """ ~ ~500.- ~ " ~ "00 "'"' " ,. "'" 3<0, ", " '"'" ""', " ~ "'" "00 " ,. """ "'" ..J' -"'~. S[E II#' 17 (Iz.;,t:u .lr200 {ffUGI ,~ , kJl~~ ffl~~ " -' , _....j .. ~.' oU' ,--.,~ .--,;s- '2-4&1'- :"oo-l ,--. 'wo, r :I:",,,, 1-- G)~ ."..-- ""'- -I-em. =. '- I 17 0'2 31 24 = = :< fWJ 83/91 ~ ~ = = ~ ~ " ~ -po, ~ s:: L , , 1 "("1 <: ,.~ = = = ~ c~ = , ,- :>>- = = --I " --I ~ ,~ ~ '" ~ ~ = ~ ~<<~ ". ,- ,- ,.~ ,~ ,- .11llol II"" ,,- ,,- 1'-10<1. ,- ~ .. - - ~ .. .. - ~. .- w = - ~9- = ~ -~ ~ co ~ NOV: 2,2007 12:24PM " ,eYERGREEN LAND TITLE CO NO. om P. 7 ',I Privacy Policy Notice As adopted July 1, 2001 Evergreen Land Title Company Private Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Grlllllri1..Leach.Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal infonnation about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and pnictices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom'it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this docUment, which notifies )'OU of the privacy policies and practices of Evergreen Land Title Company. ' .... -, .,.~., We may collect nonpublic personal information about y6u from the followingsoiltces: · Information we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms. · Information about your transactions we secure from our fLies, or from our affiliates or others.' . Information'we receive from a consumer reporting agency. : · Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal infonnation will be collected about you. ' We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by lilw. ' We also may disclose this information about oUr customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services On our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: · Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and insurance. .' Non-financial companies such as envel9pe stuffers and other fulfillment service providers.' , WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPDBLIC PERSONAL lNFORMA nON ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMlILlolJ BY LAW. . -, ~........". We restrict access to nonpilblic personal information about you to those employees who need to Ioiow that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physica~ electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your uonpublic personal information, ' (1 NOY, 2. 2007 12: 25PM eVeRGReeN LAND iITLe co NO. 0775 P. 8 IJ Privacy Policy Notice Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company of Oregon. National Land Title Insurance Company, ArkansasTitle Insurance Company, Charter Land Title Insurance Company; LandAmerica Companies: Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industrial Valley Title Insll1'ance Company, Land Title Insurance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Title Insurance Company of America, Transnation Title Insurance Company, TransnationTitleInsurance Company of New York , PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE ,Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal iiIfonnation about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. ' In compliance with the GLBA, we are providingY9U with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company of Oregon, National Land Title Insurance Company, Arkansas Title Insurance, Company, Charter Land Title Insurance Company; LandA.merica Companies: Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industrial Valley Title Insurance Company, Land Title Insurance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Tttle Insurance Company of America, Transnation Title Insurance Company, Transnatioll Title Insurance Company of New York. ' We may collect ilOnpublic personal information about you from the following sources; . Information we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms. . Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates or others. . Information we receive from a consumer reportiog ~gency. _ · Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless itis specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic perso~aJ ' information wiU be collected about you.' We may disclose any of tbe' above information that we collect about our customers or former cuStomers to our ' affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted bylaw. ' We also may disclose this information about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: . Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and insurance. . Non-fmancial companies such as envelope stuffers lllld other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL lNFOFMA nON ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPo.SE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW. " We restrict liccess to, nonpublic personal information about you to those etnployeeswhoneed to kuow that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to ~ard your nonpublic personal inform~tion. .'A'I) ." " ".'o"_"'.,.'~"'~-="""",,,~ ,~""'."""",.,, r STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND , DRAINAGE STUDY. - ,... ".-~ FOR JERRY CASAREZ SUBDIVISION Springfield, OR ' ",,~,-;p'-'-<"""-"'~= . - """".-"=,,,'"":....,.,-,,..',,,..,. Novenlber 6, 2007 , PreDared For: Jerry Casarez 1611 Lawnridge Avenue - Springfield, Oregon 97477 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 0 7 2007 Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (5'41) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 . ,""''''''t'<'~__'q",-,~,.",,=. .._~_......._. '-~=",r,;.",.'__""t<"""",,."""'_"" @Brancl~Engineerin'g, .Inc. . PROJECTft07-123 /"'.;, , - - Storm Drainage Evaluation Jerry Casarez Subdivsion STORM DRAINAGE EV ALVA TION Jerry Casarez Subdivision SPRINGFIELD, OREGON This evaluation was prepai'ed to summarize the drainage system proposed with the Jerry , Casarez Subdivision (See Appendix A} The site is located at 475-35'hStJ:eet in. Springfield, Oregon (Tax Map:. 17-02-31-24, Tax Lot: 11800). The site storm water 'designincludes a sand filter and piping. ,,' Existing Conditions , The lot is currently 0.48 acres with 2,066 sqmireJeet of iinpervious area. The impervious area includes the driveway, house and deck. The lot is proposed to be partitioned into a total of 4 lots with the existing structure to remain. Runoff from the structUr~ drains to the surrounding landscape-(See Appendix A for Existing Conditions Site Maps). According to the Soils Survev of Lane County. Oref!on, by the Natural Resource Conservation, Service, the soil at the site is Awbrig-Urban Land Complex (6). Tllis soil is poor draining and has a high water table (Appendix B f6r Soil Information). ' Proposed Drainage System ' The proposed three new lots will share a driveway that.accesses 35th Street. The runoff from the driveway will be treated with a sand filter (See Appendix C for Drainage Basin Map). The sand filter will be located on the southern side of the driveway near 35th 'Street. The sand filter will both infiltrate the runoff-and convey runoff to the City of Springfield municipalstornlwater system during the water quahty stornl event. Larger storm events will be captured by the emergency overflow drain and piped to an existing manhole located near the, southwest comer of the subdivision (See Appendix A for ' Tent~tive Subdivision for Jerry Casarez). The sand filter is sized for the water quality storm event (0.83 in124 hr) and:the emergency overflow pipe was sized for the 25-year stonn event (4.8 in/24lu'). The depth of water in the sand filter duriIlg the water quality stornl event was modeled with an infilt~ation pond model. Since the sand filter is 2.17 feet deep and the percent void spaces for sand and gravel is 33 percent, the depth of material in the sand filter was divided by three to model the sand filter as an infiltration- pond (See Appendix D for Sand Filter Detail), As water percolates through the sand filter a portion of the water will infiltrate into the ground and a portion will be captured by the perforated pipe on the bottom of the sand filter. The perforated pipe is needed due to the limited permeability of the soil (See Appendix B for Soil Infonnation). The depth of water in the sand filter during the water quality stonn event is 1.9 feet (See Appendix E for Sand Filter Calculations). A depth of 1.9 feet in the sand filter provides a ,free board of 0.3 feet. The minimum ,pipe ,diameter needed to convey the entire driveway during the 25-ye'ar storm event is 0.49 feet, therefore, a,6'inch diameter pipe is proposed (See Appendix F for 25-Year Pipe Capacity Calculations). Branch Engineering, Inc. - Page 1 '. , APPENDIX A l l 1":1 i 1 ~ ~ ;",:~,~:'1/~, ,,', I '1 _ coOf. I ~,I ,: ill to ::."J. :i,E,:::ll 'J..:,CJ 1-.' i ,<,,~ Lca.1!!:t ,I, " '''j'' I ... I~ '. ~ J I IL~'!' i ,\ ("'1 j,'\ f.?:l'il 48"R/W .. ~ " I ., , 'I ' II..,' 'I'j - !i' \ U:~: ': N B9'11'DO~ E 279.0 1-( 1W ~fMMtt:j !"~~3~;-rclrr ! I II 1 X ;:.'-)<pX ((Y'>lfO FL S'.- J69.75 ;:-~ ...., X:,r '::I ~ EXISTING I / ff 1 ~I~ ~ ~~, ',: "'>' " ", ".' ," 1,i;:,li:1~7 .x'" I SHR"'L.-t( 6' WOO! FeNCE ',I I ',-l\< " I..,T'I- '--"O~-'N8Q"1l'().FJ ....::"l." 111-0 I ( TO REMAIN I :::.... I i Y.> ':I. ~. ~ .'.". ~ ~ , '.\ " ~' " 'X ; (' , L H \'tt:~.~,:!::>:,.,>.~~-. '.,~~-'" '~> "I ....X '::I"). loi- I -~-EXl w- c-=..9)<f"5 {21~~'_ ,~-~ .-~.-.:~ :~YUx",r--,;"o~Z-:"-;')i-::j !.:~ ;:.":J' L;:' 11 ~ I;:.... I ~~ I ~.' -),' S <~I f' I .(.c."' \: I: Cl ;- ,~..:."'9.>"? Xi ; " ,;:.":J'P .,( J _5, ....;-.'. f i !.~ . it :"': ?:vl - -..;..;...exIST. DECK ... X ( .... '12\) STOftM SEWER, MH 1; ,"'.' ' ~ I'~ S'L--- TO REMAW l (1 ': ',....I',i 1 RIM ELfV a 474.J2ir,J'-:~ ~ ~"'" I~~EXISTING (~',j X "'-.....,~_ _ .' : i j Ft. a 465.42 I ~'~. X I;.....RESIDENCE V/ 19'. (;) .... (~ "1"-.: il'.,. / ~,!l~:' '~~ 1~:tb5Ri:lTl'WST'(',:!II"""', ,;),. :0'" ~ ,h.. ~ , " , / . Ii" ~ "",X y;, I ,-~ (B I ","" ________ ,,/... 1)1 - >"=I--"'-~~ \ \,.,".. 33' l-:~<'~ >~,;l ~".~ r-:;; ~3::: I ..;,.5_______~--'-.,----- '--,- ..~'''' J II -! l<.{~'T ....~-r \ l!~ Iff \~! X~ & . C l<t:f' I....V'\l<. -:->~..../ ~' ;"Rf t . ..tCS'. \ l,~ I I&)~'))'}',<;VX:'Y,X'>) Ot;).:j ~ ,,~''\''...,'" ;. c' I ,Of- Ir- -~ "'<;; --;~:;-'~- - EX, GAS-X,> --;rn:rr---; .QC ~ T" (,')> I..... ;t ","? ;;l... ~- EX SAN""/." ~".. "" .,.. -~" .- EX SAN....'..} 1 ~",. I!~\~ '~I"4.~,-- .s_IT~--li1'f'~ _'" =-' '--- lJiB_D..... ('" {I), ~ ~u It~."., -__ --- -.....--"' - -= -- NBii"11'OO"E 2790 I { :: ~ "?'~I / i ~t1=::e========~~~~T~=====-?:-~=~~~:---==:'=-==--===-===';::~;-;T;:::-=-::-=-~~ tj\~~I~l" k~C. ~I t" iij:~,j~ \TOR~\""ER MH _,,,,/_/e -----,:t------~I:-----------------~~~m~A~J<\\ '''.' , 'fIf"~ I Inbi'I' RW, ELEV a 47460 _--- '\" olO:::! , '\ ; "."' 32' PAVED ~ .'11 FL - .ol655a,'--~' 0ll.... EXISTING MH ,,~ , f.b~:r~- WIDTH ;;:--itCl:~ I (;iF-.. '" .....G' , i~:[ -I' :2' UW-i i'~i;~I'll, \-"'-t\ " la~ ~. :., A,,'" , ." II.' 'c.,;' '--..J :'c:."'j '\.' I., x.",1 , ' , II X, ! 'i , , \ \ i ~ ' \ o:l.l LBGBNn_ alSTING PROPERTY LINES DOSTNG MB EX1STIJG~~ - -EX W- EXlSTWG WATERL.IE .."- .....EX SAN'-' -- EXISTWG SANTARY S~WER - -EX 8TM- '='" EXlSTING STORM WATER ~ """"EX GAS......, 0=.- EXISTING NAMAL GAS --- -OH\V~'- - ~~lf p~~ ~S CA8W -.... 502.".-------. EXISTING SITE CONTOURS EXISTING flOW ARROW EXlSTm SPOT ELEVATJOA'S\ ,:, ,~ I> I' " L'" ,1 ~ ----::...._--- ~ IlJ '" ..px .-............. '"' [OJ ~ {; ~~ ....... Cla ,...,'" ." . -:.< ' c., , >,;'llJ....1i- \ . u,I~.-:.... ~'-,C,n .,.., €'~c, TAX MAP 17-02-3/-24. r TAX LOT 1/800 1 EXISTING CONDITIIONSAND-'-SITEASSESSMENT FOR JERRY CASAREZ S.E. 1/4. N.W. 1/4. SEC. 31. T.17S.. SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OCTOBER 29. 2007 R.2.. W. W.M. OREGON EX1S1WG MAMKlL~ EXlSTWG PO~ POLE IWTH STREET LJGHT BeAU: 1- = 20' PROPERTY CORNER EXISTING CONCRETE ~XISTlNG DECDUOUS TREE ) ~ -~ ~ EXlSrWG WA TER MtTER EX1STWG TELEPH9f'E RISER EXlSTNG ElECTRIC /ETER . EXlSTNG MALBOX .'.-- ',- . paBTWG GAS MITER '.txlsTWii F1RE HYDRANT . U? r.'~-u----' o 20 ,,# " ,0\ " ,,, ~. :> 6' WOOD F~NC: / TO REMAW ,~ v.w..., 'It APPUCANr: JERRY' CASAREZ 16/1 LAWNRJDGE AVE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SJ.TB ADDRESS: 475 35TH ST. SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97478 ~.a.u.h~ fJSB: SINGLE F AMIL Y DWELLING ....6)....&"". ~.avN: TAX MAP 17-02-31-24 TAX LOT 1/800 EUlVATIONS BASBD ON: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DA TUM SQUARE IN TOP FACE OF CURB AT SW CORNER OF INLET AT NE CORNER OF INTERSECTION WITH CUL-DE.SAC. IN FRONT OF HOUSE .563 8M .47/ (RECORD CLEVA TION . 473.901 ZONING: LDR - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (THIS INCLUDES PROPERTY WITHIN 100 FEET,) . .Illl'lRO PUN DBSIGNA770N: LDR ~ LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (THIS INCLUDES PROPERTY WITrjN 100 FEETJ ,# , " ir"' IfAmBCOURSBS '. NO WA TERCOURSES OR RIPARIAN SETBACKS ARE LOeA TED WITHiN OR NEAR THE PROJECT SITE ACCORDING TO THE WA TER OUAlITY LIMITED WA TERCOURSE MAP. ". FLOODJfAY: BASED ON FIRM MAP NO. 41039CI161 F. EFFECTIVE DA TE' JUNE 2 /999. THIS PROPERTY IS IN ZONE X AND IS OUTSIDE THE 500 YEAR FLOOOWA Y. SOIL TYPES ACCORDING TO THE SOILS SURVEY OF tANE COUNTY. THE EXISTING SOIL IS A WBRIG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX (6). THE PERMEABILITY OF THIS SOIL TYPE IS IN THE RANGE OF 0.2 - 0.6 IN/HR. ;: AND HAS A SEASONAL WA TER TABLE FROM 0,- 1.0 FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE. . ~:"" -... '17IIIl' OF 77U.l'XL: THIS PROPERTY 18-/0 YEAR < TIME OF TRA VEL LINE. I' EXPilES ()ECE.~R 31. ~'OO7 i i' ~ Branch- Engineerin/1;, Inc. ~~i(th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-0637 FAX (541)746-0389 brancha~@branchengineering"com Civil' Structures. Transportation' Surveying - :'1' , I J Lr~ TYSON ?ARK~''''i;V 'f{l'e, , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~:.$:' Lr~, j~ ~ j ~~ I- f-- f--..J I- f-- " M( -t; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OST r ~ ~~n~J~ ~ - DQT~- ~- L~_~~';{ ~~rs I~f8rn::::tJ D_ ^eJU ~~~ [ , SI~IflPCJ~~ P~6E / OF 2 VICI}.'1TY MAP - PROJECT NO, 07-/23 Fl SCALEI NONE file'\2D07\07-/23 - Jerry Casorez\OY-123 TENT SUBDIV/S/ON.DWG ~ ; I i &!(J) ~3l< )I,,!i xrli Q ~. ~'o"" '00;. !!.:jl; l.IJ~:q!:i: . l.D, ;',' I. ~"J' ii';~:ll CD ~w ~(;S . !pc..~ ; \l~" r~','l~ ~~ ~i.~~~ "J~~ CO -~ I ! t( ) )'. '.J~ " O"'l.&JC:l....' ~:t ~! ~ 1m ~ ff~~o:tSf: ~ 6' WOOD FENCE - ~l> ,\i,.-;; '\ rl<.J.T - :>~...I 170 REMAIN r~ 0" j i\ l<-~,P N[~~ ~ - '~4B'RW " ,I 'GUY WV<E TO q 2'. ~Tll Cr'~~' 1_0fHW f lIMH\-oHwJ}~,,~l, I.. /~~ ~~~~~.TED -'--:'--6o.~,~~','.1:0.0:.~.~~~..o r ..,\"J I A r. ~ t:>~ -"" I ~~Nljt!!46:;~~ ~I~j; t"~~"",;;,,,'~'';'''~''-''''''I'~I~~~~PA~~~ n "1"""s"~"'''9'''~'''''r'''''''' I ~f- --;XISTWG ~ (f~;-, I I ~ I \ __.:-,Ji:ii ~ F C><~/-"Z'L'i:IT. ,.~~.A7&-) ;~ --JJJ: ~, I"~ JUT'" ~SHRUBW It-; -'JUT~-" IUT'I,,.".~t/, /SL'006'l~\r' J .."c~. 'j ". ,. ~./S'.006'!".L, ,14704 (6'WO_0~tENCE:o ~ -l',;-Ex11 W~\VC><">~I~I.'~,'~,'~li ~I~ r S ~ G~~,~~t1t)~'~.;!":''':'':+I'' ~:/Ir: [V:::~~T~: ~t J1'I ~X~C>V~- T - ~'~:c - -II ~fX lOT 4 L~,~' TO R=MAII i ~ I . ;~ ! ;':.16 I I~'~/.......~__ ~to. BE REMOVED 9,'\ ~ SEE DET~.IL THJS SH, I I ~ f\ i . f:-~ l \. J~"",.i~' !. ~~~-:,~. {li - -EXIST. DECK . hi I ~~ I I~ 506B SQ. FT l .~ ~l lJ ~ ~1.:::..J;'1' ,STORM SEWER', MH C.:~ ' I J...,,? ~_ '~:J-- Iro REMAIN LOT 2 ". LOT 3 i X;..., f ~ 5 ,'J' f. RIM ELEV - 474J211 ,-' 3:: i' I';:' ~.-::.xIST/NG 1"(1 . - 5J06 SQ. FT. N..... 5/06 SQ. FT. ", _ ~. I I "1:' fFL 46542' IJ:. X .,TRESIDENCE h-JI'~;::: ~ ...." <:" IV --. I ~ ' ~T:ill 'J ' j, II~"-'~ I /~TJ;-:~~;~NJ ~~tlPR~5JfJNST'2!_." I ~"j ~... ~.......- I \ /' I 11 d:'r;~!~ 1 II::' ~ 1 33' 'It.?i;lloT I ~I' I ,,~ ~ ! I '....1, ------i~ -470'(.,;.-----(" -,.,...... I '1 1 !\<"':, 1 (:'-+- I L:><' I'-PROPosro $t 53S6S0Fi.~~: x'" 1" ~ ~7f~ \.. ~...!" ......~s/J ~CJ~-'k- ~~#~~ J~I~I~~~IL~tEr' GA~-~~> ----:~)yl~-=-^=.>>:Q}(~'lf;;~'! L _59~ -.!'riJ L'''~~~.- _59~ - - ':-L ~ S _ ~......' , I ~ ~ "r..,,~ t-:-t1 1"--1 EX, SAtJ~~U'.,..... -f" :::;- ~..- EX. SAN,l 69' ~R' l I ~ \. 31 c.. ~ :' .\0 -I w _~ J - -~----- _ - /<:q' _ _, _ ( ~i -: ~ 4 ! I""",;. --4,7..:::....~--~----------____ NBg'lIDO e 2.$0 I -- ( ~ ~ ":l~!.Ii I i~l1.:;- ... _b<..--. -=- -.. ___ - ~"STM -0<;:.:::-------------------___ ( ,. I;' / I~ -'.....i -- ..-- t.X 30 . -"" ~- -~,.---~ -...~~ --------------____ -:\D f' tz::tl ,f, '/1 -- . ~.,----------------...:..-::...-___ -=-- --- -=---........... ~~ -- .._~ '-. - .~ _____ -ex. 36' STM _ -="" ,F;:- xx ~v ~ ~61' \ \ 6'9.0 _.-- --------------________ --.." --.. -.--.~ ' "'l-oa, 101 I' 1~'I~ STORM\~\YER MH ___~"'-J;,r-....-..-.-- ,,0rJ~ ~t --------------;.p;ROxw,rr.7,"'\', l..il.1 0') to '11 RIM aEV . 474.60 __--- - ~.;: W LOCA TlON OF '., :M__32' PAVED-l-~~" FL. 46558---- ~~ EXiSTING MH ,~ , \- Ii j WIDTH '...:" lillJJ" ~ I'- , .:r. '\ .._. 5Z'IIW ;.' \ 6'. '\ "J' , '111-jI1 " ",\ ~iV~ I ~~ I" I (\\~ ~ ':- \\ I~I l,,~ "1'\'1 "\. \ III~ x'<\'1 \ ' II XI I ! \ \ \ lJ LBGEND EXlSfflG PRDPfRTY LIES PROPOSED PROPERTY LIVES ~lSfflGct.RB DaSTWG FENCE -E:X w- oasTl.'G irA TERLNE -E:X SAN- ~ EXlSrnG SAflTARY SEWER -EX STM- ~ OISTN; STORM WATER -EX GAS- - 0IS1WG NATLRAL GAS -OHW~ - ~~ fltfJE~ "M,S CABLE> JUT- ~TJf}fY TRENCH {t ~ ., f. ~~.~::-0;':'-j ~-502---~---- fX1S1WG SITE CONTOCfiS C~ ~ , ._"'-.-~- [;1] iD [D '"" IlD 9- I~.~I -SAN -< EXISTING AND PROPOSED FLOW ARRD'tI fllRf"d58:H-WfARY SEWER PROPOSED STOW SEWER PROPOSED EASEMENT PROPOSED EDGf OF ASPHALT PAVWG exJSmG SPOT aEVATIONS ,s}X -ll' '," TAX MAP /7-02-3/-24. SiI. TAX LOT 11800 file'\2007\07-/23 . Jerry Casarez\07-123 , EXlSTWG """"-E EXlSfflG POWER PatE II'ITH STREET U3HT PROPERTY CORNER D3ST/NG CONCRETE: B!lLDABLE AREA EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE EX1STJJG WA TER METeR EXISTING TELEPHONE: RIseR EXJSTNG :U:CTRIC METER E>3STIN6 MALBDX eXlSTNG GAS Jk.rER . exJSTM FRE HYDRANT PROPOSro 3OXa' SAN[) FLTER IflTRATION BASW SEE OfT AL 1HS SHT. \="1 ......,- 2' M:N. ROC/( RfBE:RVOR ~cl.9tr.:kfr DIlAI/II1H. j .;"(~~,~~::~b~~R 74 ! . :::j:::~,,~::~;'a~ '~~,-';-,<~,,: ~~~-~~:f,:.~;~,-- \'i~~~;~.' ((:):~., .:~~: _~t}!.Ll:l:t,:~.-'fs:~:,)'~r.~[~~._,~# '~.' ~;,:..:- ::-.'':;.' "':::.~;" "'i~'; ",~. .;,-'" A ,\.('I'~,"",V--,._,'.(~-<{;.<:..:.:,f.',<;~/.."';.t~,,,-; , . ;~~, p ~;;:~. . :;~'-; ./:;...~ ,,_.::>,-_:;. ,.:~ ~~>?~;~.;'!V;,~v"'~.--.~-:" ""...,.",~,--,-,.;.:-.;,.::-...,,:, 6 X6 TEE. PROVIDE 6' ~_-:~'":- ~w- 1'"ir"CI-IC<-)~' ):.:.'>.' ~""RF. PIPE WRAPPED WITH "/-"-".:;~~/':;, ~i"--+-""'-c'-._^':\..); J)'.:J,.'STRUCMAL WALLS ~~1~~ := e~ .:~~~~~~) ~gg;~lf~g~f.f~~~~t~~ii;~~2'SAM) IS' LW r------- ' 1;,:t.o?d,'~os~'Gt''''i~-::;;'':>~,' ""/'8' mAVEl LAYER , f . <'P~C"q1!.9~C-".~t>~~.~~~"t~:'-:-':..: /" ~,-/"-y..,.-.."" ...;,p- ....."-,~ . ..-'.0"'-" ~.. ' , ' 6' STORM WATER FLTER FABRX SfB-GRADf OR PIPING TO MANHOLE LA YEn 03STIJG sa. 1:-;'.~'" ~"r S.E. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION FOR JERRY CASAREZ 1/4, N.W. 1/4, SEC. 31, T.17S., R.2., W.W.M. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON NOVEMBER 6, 2007 ,SCALB: J- = zoo 3' . AC PAVING Ir 12' "" I I I 9' BASE ROCKJ /~<:~:::-;~~_ .::<iRENCH" ':'_ ';', :'~~:"-/~<'>;:'''''I ~ SUBGRADE ("~<~';:;i;' B....CKFlL~L ../2' : ~,.' - .,:< . :~~<~.,. ~ It ~':;; ~i~it;: ::!ri'-':oo);'I~[ ~: u T '~16l~' ~"~':'~':,;':~ s' MIJ. .~?;)'::'X:~:'~0..:~-'& SANlTARy8=ELA4~;:ts <,,;(,~:"\(~;~:--,-,:}-;(,:. ,;..<:' SCHEDULE 40 PVC SAND FILTER DETAIL .NOT TO SCALE ,,' t , TYPICAL JOINT UTIUTY TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE: 8- THICK.CONCRITE PAVEMENT 3500 PSI RllD STRENGTH AS SPEClnED " 1~' 'i!~,~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~1 ..,.,".',",<<,..,' "'J~""'f"",<'ol' . <AV'S ,.j."", "'u".".'..'I..(."'.,,~,.(." /.' ~-::';-~,-~.>>:"7,,.;...-.:;-:';.,..<~: i;:"'.;'-}- :,<\;.~.::::<.,>~,-./~~.,,: .>.:i>~',>~-:::j'.;:" ,..; : ">~~":-/l-.' '>;:;y:';~.'~';:;~;~;.>:,~~-,,: :;;.'-;:. ).';.>.,-V-~:::... '" .;)~-:.~-),: , , #-4 REBAR IolINIWUl.l 9- THICK COWPACTtD . r THICK CLASS '8' GEortxm! . COHTINUOUS 1 l/r- O. CRUSHED BASE ROCK ASPHlolT CONCRETE. FAflR1C VALLEY GUTTER DETAIL .INI.U~B:: THICK CO.''''''En NOT TO SCALE 1 1/2 - 0 CRUSHED BASE ROCK ,. JWml I70RK NO CUT OR FILL t. T THIS TIME. IS PROPOSED ,,0. " ,,, ) ~ 2, Y -. NOTES: , " I, PROPOSED LOT 4 WILL BE DEED RESTRICTED SO THA T ALL PERMANENT STRUCTURES MUST BE mUlPPED WITH AN INTERNAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM. THE DISTANCE FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT TO THE FUR THEST POINT OF A STRUCTURE ON LOT 3 (NON-SPRINKLED) 1$ 389' AND LOT 4 IS 459' (SPRINKLED), If r-~~...'-----' o 20 [REGISTERED 1 PROFESSIONAL _'" LAND SURVEY?R ~ ,~ If ~C/ OREGON J SEPT. 23. 19TI JAMES A. BRANCH 1131 / ,/ {/ EXPIRES DEC. 31. 2007 EXP/RfSIJeWlSERJt 2DOl Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-0637 FAX (541)746-0389 braDchadmin@branchengineering.com Civil. Structures. Transportation. Surveying r PA~E 2 OF 2 PROJECT NO, 07-123.! I. TENT SUBDIVIS/ON.DWG . ~: APPENDIX B , . Physical Soil Properties Lane County Area, Oregon USDA Natural Resources ~_ Conservation Service Tllis report shows only Ihe major soils il1 each map unit. Others nlay exist. Tabular Data Version:5 Tabular Dala Version Date: 12/22/2006 Page 1 of 1 6: Awbrig Urban land Map symbol and soil name Hydrologic group ,D q USDA Natlll'al nesoUl'Ces ~Ii!l ' C,JIIservalioll Service Water Features Lane County Area, Oregon Surface runoff ThiS repOl t shows only the m;'ljor soils ill each map uni!. Olhers may exist. Tabular Data Version: 5 Tabular Data Version Date: 12/22/2006 Page 1 of 1 L \veb.ead,anl.gov/resrnd:datacolllporosiry.htm. 3 TOTAL POROSITY 3.1 DEFINITION , , The total porosity of a porou!, rnedium is the ratioiofthe pore volume to the total volume of a representative sample of the medi um. Assuming that the soil system is composed of thTee phases -- solid, liquid (water), and gas (air) -- where V, is the volume of the solid phase, VI is the volumeofthe , liquid phase, Fi is the volume of the 'gaseous phase, VI' ~ VI + Vg is the volume'ofthe pores;' and Vi = Vs + VI + Vg is the total volume of the sample, then the total porosity; of the soil sample,j,;; is defined as tallows: . !\. = .;r' = I"~~. " T I":. T V-. + [.-'''" ! F-. T V ! ~ (3 1) , Porosity is a dimensionless quantity and can be reporied either as a decimal fraction or as a percentage, Table 3, I lists, representative total porosity ranges for vmious geologic materials. A more detailed list ofrepresentative porosity values (total and effective porosities) is provided in Table 3,2, In general, total porositv values for unconsolidated materials lie in. the range of 0.25"0, 7 (25%-70%), Coarse-textured soil materials such as gravel and sand,tend to have a lower total porosity than' fine-textured soils such as silts and clays, The totai porosity in soils is not a constant quantity because the soil, paliicularly clayey s.oil, alternately swells, shTil1ks, compacts, and cracks, ' .. ___.____........_____ ____. _._____.._.__._n...____'_..T_________ ,_. _.~__._ _~___n.. _._..._._____..._.._________.___...._____n. :~~:~!3.S~}}J3n~~~J~~~S!i)~~~1~e~_~==~, Soil Type . Porosity, Pi ': ,. . __.-___..___ _ '-~_.. ..__.'_____..__ ,. .______._'___.._ .____~.___n' __ ..T_______ ____. __ .....______ "--,, --.-.. .--'-' <l!nc()E~?1ida,t_e:~ ~.~E?~~t~_ : . - ---. Gravel : Sand 0,15 - 040 :1 =---==:--::-==--:::::=':::'-:-_" .:...- ,-,=-:::,= ::.~=-==:-=-~-~--::-==--=-":'~ " - I ;: 0,15- 0,50 : Silt ... ,---.-. .------------~, -- ._._--~-_._---_...----I~ , 0.35 - 0,50 ,.____ ....mn_...._'..._..._____._ ___.__ .._.....____ _u__.___ --..------,,---.-.- ______. 'U_ .-.___.._._...~___._____ -____. -_.__ . --------.....-.---. ,;.s!~!:=~=::=c.=~===~-_=__=~..-, __O,4Q :.D. 70 _. i:Rocks .--.....-----....------n-..----.--..--...---' .__._. .__ . _ .___n____.T_.______ ___, ___. ______,.. ._.n.. _____ .__ ____ --- "~ rEt~n;~~~~~~~~o.==-~=oc=._~c2;g5 ~_O:i_O_: 'Karst limestone : 00' - 0 '0' .' ==.:..--=-..:='~.=-._-:-::::=:..=;-;:-~.--: .;:.:=----;---=.:..:.~--:~.:.~.--:-}~=:~.,,;-----"";,:;:;--==-::--~. ,~~~l~s-toll,e~=cc=:_=,. ===,=.. " ~~OL,?~_~.o .~: , L.imestone, dolomite 0,00 - 0,10 ;' I :-:c~--=--.:=:.:;.:-:-::.. ----:~-=:':_:..:..~.::__::.:::..____:::-=:..-_.:,,: -- -. - ..;.--.==-:.=_::-.;:;:::-=--=:=::"-:7: .; ~~:;~ecc=.=,'=o:c=.~=...~=,~c=.~.,':,~~.s .~2.L~J: :I~El~~r;:~~,~~~:~:11i].;~r~~1~,.,'.m . ,==~~,~2,;. ?;~cJ Dense crystalline rock 0,00 - 0,05 - - - .----------.--. .._~--._._._--- ,---.------ ------ ,,--.---.-.-------.--. ----------- -.-. S~'llr~e~. ~~.e_eze~a;;tS~~~=0.~l~t==,,", .-.+ ; 1 ]/1/2007 801 AIv[ " APPENDIX C - " ~I, . . R.,. i 11'( .' !:f , II Ii;. i ! r; i ittj, i ..-.---_'.1 ;~:~':1 V' tJ;j ",;, , PROPOSED ADDITIONA.L lli\;;"':1 / [;'.1 SAND FILTER DR4LVA.GE BASn\T 0.09 ACRES il~.!! / II ftt J, ,:',1" , ill_ Lt;'';J . I / ---:-:--1 I!. ,'; ---jqj :1 ; i : : " , "'7""'";":: , [ , ,~:~ ~-;~"'C.""~'~~"'~'~'~/'c':'r';'~~ ",,,,:,"'.: , , , , , 7';~-:'T7\-:I'" . ....., !: I: i 1I';:l:'" I ( /? ;(.~' ,I. -<.. j" II.. .~_L,,' -:- " ,,' 'l ~;'l :~~." , ~~~~~:~~~~~_~~~~~ , ~ K', I ,,--. -__________u__', 1 I I I ! -.i f- -;-:-~ I;:::: ~""'::I ::E f':->O{>( ::-x':.)-'<~..v,,_:I'>6_;; I , " ' '--I I ':;; I'" 0(1, . I' - 1 ~1 . I I - j'''-'''' 0.' i [< " , t-.l, 1/ \'>~" t'2"1~ ~J ! I i I N1 i V( , ~ / !~:; j~i I , . I cLh ;! I.:: ,/_,j~~ &-,',; 1 iff;1- ! I' '. i . -.."---..---1, I ;-I'~" \ I:(-f'~. .f/ !r': ~;! I ~~ ; ; '; ... 1 "",V---/-' ~~ ~'r~ ~::;'+,- ~~I~:":'(":"?'>';V:~! L _ - - Ii 1 L''', 'I - - ~ i :,,'1 ,,! !I;:l .... ,~1"+ -'.- ~- "-, -- .--. -"' L- - - ,I 'r.:ll ,I ('~':' I "_______.. , I ~ ii-~.: J..._.-=-~~_-,:, --. .-,--~.~.-._,...---,------ ___" i I l:f:l ! 11"j']C;i(- ~ - - ---------'0:----------- j' ~ /1/ ~~~.;{'i -\- - - - - --=- ----:::__-/~.-;-~---~~---~-~-="'~.-::: --~~--=- _ _ _. -- --=-- -=- - -=-- -=---:- --0" .~ ~: II if iki!' --C;~:CTION TO PUBLIC - - - --- - -, ;'~\ FRI! \,niL STORMWATER SYSTEM \~.\ ,~ f N LEGEND GRAPHIC SCALE EXISTING PROPERTY LINES PROPOSED PROPERTY LINES EXIS TlNG CURB EXISTING FENCE EXISTING WA TERLlNE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM VIA TER EXISTING NA TURAL GAS EXISTING OVER,LJEAD WIRES (POWER, TELEP,LJONE. ANO CABLE) JOINT UTILITY TRENC,LJ SEE OET AIL ----'-'-502~,-....c~-..,_ ..EXISTING SITE CONTOURS - SAN -< (;l ~ !- ..~ ) , , 30 0 15 , '~ .' - ~_rJl!J!iBa:"ji.1H1.'II- ..!I ( IN FE~T ) 30 { -EX w- - L.: 60 ~".=J -EX SAN- - I~ -EX STM- -EX GAS- ~~~I 1001 ~f~i~~ CORRECTED ~ I .."...OHW -JUT II ~jr IU "'+-: '1: ~ -> ',' ~ EXISTING AND PROPOSED FLOW AReow "' ~ ... '" '" '" '" '" ... ... '" '" '" ... ... "' -' ~ ! ] ' ' !n.,____- 1-'..... II 0<1 ; I, k IJ.-:I ,i' "/ rGl . '1:,' 'i ~. '," I I I 1 , I '-' ~ .~ 0 = -. 0 " ;:; -d. . ~Q t c.. QJ; , ~ .. c. " = ..~= .- 1'- t'-...... " .... ~-" ..~= il '" "'~. '" "'-= .s - -0 - .::: =:><;::: 0 QJ; 0" 0 Q, ..., ~r:.. 10 . - .. ,Q " - CJ""t'-~ d ~ :"OC':l .. - ~ .0'= ... .c ''00 E :5]rb-g . '-' '-.....~..c '0 r: ~!:..Q - ;;:; . o'~;; ~ - 0 ::::::l: C;,.jje.E . ~ ~ " ;: 5 EXISTING MAN,LJOLE PROPERTY CORNER EXISTllVG CONCRETE (I') Zo... 0<( j:::~ C5z Z- 0,(1') u~ ClL..J L..J<.:> ~<( ...... 0:;3;, ~ 0-<::( --, 0:: 0:: ~ o...Cl a.. BUILDABLE AREA PROPOSED 3'XB' SAND FlL TER INFIL TRA TION BASIN SeE DETAIL T.'iIS S,LJT. PwliR, POSE;D, SANlT AR Y SEWER . H CL_AN-QUr . Cj ;:: >:: peOPOSED STORM SEWeR PRO,DOSED EASeMENT peOPOSED EDGE OF ASP,LJAU PA VING DeAINAGE B,ASIN BOUNDARY ,- I ! -=- '--r i ." -...." , " , , i :~ " " ........ r) ., !i 'i";, ! j , ',' 1 ~ : SCALE DRA WN .,B.L DESIGNER C,LJECKrD BY PROJECT I NUMBER SH[ET NO. " " " OATE .. z o i7i S; - ClZ COo ~<.:> (l')L..J NO:: L..JO 0:: , <7i5 C3G: :Z: <.:> g >-Z a.. 0::- ii: . 0:: 0:: ~' L..J CL L.J ~ (I') c.. ". ,::; .:.-; ~ tj ~ '" ,- c;:; 11/1/07 JDK MLB 07-125 1 " , 2' MIN. ROc/( RESERVOir, PlAFRGFNCY OVFRFI.oW _ 6' DIA. GRA lED AREA DRAIN W/TI-I 16" DIA. CQNCFlfTE COLLAR RIM SET 2 BELOW TOP OF SAND FIL TER C'(('<~~\j"<<<>~j ., \ 14~40 ')1 tB. ' ~i~ ... ..:;',< ..... >~,'~r-~->t , 6' X6' TEE. PROVIDt 6" . -----<::::: ::5,,'di PERF, PIPE WRAPPED wml /~<:>>:</:'< ' > ' ,.', ',';,". " " GEO TEXTILE FABRIC ENTIRE ;',:,>:?>:,/)<> , LENGTH OF BASIN ''c''((-'<:<,,> < '",,' ') , , ',/ _:'- ""/':/ j.!:~: -~) '''. () > ; / ">X5:1:t;;;;;'" PROTECTIVE ROCK LA YER 2 WITI-I GRAVEL SPLASH PAD EW SLOPE 474.7 ': / 'DRIV_ AY .;~ .,;.:l....:..~:,~.~{;',~,~"i ,)":,,:',',f,.:,..~i.:~,z:,,,(,[':.,,:,.'_' _ :(,~~_",,}:(,~'~;:<~I. ,/'i,':/"'. < /. ^ -,.. ~~::<:::~~)-<~~~),;:~~~~~~~<',~~::95~S;;-~2;~:/'~ STRUCTURAL WALLS SAND IS' MIN, S' GRA VELLA YER 6' STORM WA TER PIPING TO MANHOLE , FJL TER FABRIC . LA YER SUB-GRADE OR EXISTING SOIL SAND FILTER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE -~ APPENDIX E.,. .' ' , I RUfloff.4,rea Soil Infiltration Rate ~imenSion1 ';,desh;lDeX:11 6 Too W'idth (ft) D,mension2 I ~desJQoex:11 o IToPWldih{ft1 I (minI 300.00 1310.00 L 320.00 r 330.00 340.00 350.00 360,00 370.00 380.00 3!1G.OO 400.00 4EJ_OO j 420.00 I ~430_00 I 440.00 I 45000 1460.00 I 47000 I, r 48~.(JO I 1490.00 I 1500.00 1510.00 I 1520.00 I 1530.00 I. ~ ~~:~~ I 560.00 570.00 ISBD.OD 1590.00 1500,00 sum (1) (2) Storm RlJrlOff refs1 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 OOG 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.0', 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 C,OO 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sand Filter Calculations For Water Quality Storm Event r ff ~ 3,951 IL,..,,,,"",,,= 90 I 0.016 S I 0.02 mit1r 2.3E-04 ft/s inches I WQ STORM EVENT 0.83 IN/24 Hr Ibott~m width Ma>: ponl'd Deeth (ft) 0.72 I A,""."..;= 10.0 lbottomwidth (3) In:rementar Inflo'II' Volume (4) IncremenlaJ Depth Increase. is) Cumulative Depln Increase .1ft) 1,4', 1.49 1.55 1.53 1.70 1.78 1.86 1.94 2.02 2.11 2.19 2.30 2:42 2.53 2.69 2.84 3.14 3.60 3.83 3.99 4.10 4.22 4.33 4.41 4.48 4.55 4,64 4.71 4079 4.86 4.94 0.62 -~~ 8 (8) Horiwntal Welled area (ft~) 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 '24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24,00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24,00 2<1~OO 24.00 24.00 2':.00 24.00 2.'...00 24.00 2 4 ~ 0 0 2<:.0C' 24.00 (!.t)__ 1\------- I. . , \ -r , (7) M" Outflow (cis) 0.01 0.01 0.D1 0,01 0.01 0,01 0.01 001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0,01 0,01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 (8) Inflow- Outflow 19) Incremental Jnflow- Ou:fJow Ief}' .1.64 ,1.64 -1.64 -1.64 .1.64- -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 -0.57 -0.57 .0.57 0.38 0.38 3,69 ;,82 2:24 0.38 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 .1.52 -1.52 -1.52 .1.52 -1.52 -1.52 .1:52 -1.52 (10) Stored Volume JC.f) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.77 4.46 12.27 14.52 14.90 14.33 13.77 13.20 1,.68 10.17 8.65 7.14 5.62 4.10 2.59 1.07 I (11) . CumL:latil'e Depth .(In) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.38 2.23 6.14 7.25 1.45 7.17 6:88 -S.60 5.84 5.08 4.33 3.57 2.81 2.05 1.29 0.5! Maximum Runo~-------E~9_J:.!_~)_ Icfs\ 0.00 D.OC! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Depth of Water in Sand Filter During Water Quality Storm Event 500.00 1000.00 Time (Minutes) eN (11b) Cumulative Depth ,....~ -~----_. , 98 I It>.ctua, IMAX(ft) I 0.621 (12) M" Allowable Depth Iftl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 C,OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.02 0,03 0.19 0.51 0.60 0.62 0.60 0.57 0.55 OA9 0,42 0.36 0.30 0.23 0,07 0.11 a.O! 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0,72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 C.72 0.72 I 0.72 !' 0.72 I -- 0.80 O 70 ~~ . 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 ---- 0.1 0 T-----~-' 0.00 0.00 Time .. - .:= - .s::: - a.. C1) Cl (ef) Iftl 1.6~ 0.07 1.69 0.07 1.59 0.07 1.69 0.07 1.69 0.07 1.9(3 0.08 1.96 0.08 1.96 0.08 1.96 0,08 1,ge, 0.08 1.96 0.08 2.77 0.12 2.77 0.12 2.77 0.12 3.72 0.15 3.72 0.15 1.02 0.29 .1.1~. 0,46 5.58 0.23 3.72 0.15 2.77 0..2 2.77 0.12 .i.I' 0.12 1.82 0.08 ,.82 0.08 ',.82 0.08 1.82 0.08 1.82 I 0,08 1.82 I 0.01' 1.82 I 0.08 182 I 0.08 0.001 ~..:.~~~I~~_~Ep_t.!; ': '1----------'----- I -r---- i -,----- , I .1'----- ! i ~ Water Depth __~ c=~\-=n ~----. + T-o!,,_~f Sans!f:iIt~{-= ------,\ ,I \ I -, -------.-- I 1500.00 ~ Since the depth of sand and gravel in the sand filter was 2.17 feet and the porosity for,grave! and sand is 33 percent, the depth was divided by 3 to model the infiltration of runoff through the sand filter as an infiltration pond. To determine the depth of water in the s~nd filter, multiply the depth inthe graph above by3. ..' _~, 0"0 ".' ~ .0' .. 0 . _ "'., . 0 u ;'_., "0" ~ ,'-"APPENDIX F r- ' Sand Filler Infiltration Basiri Mih.imum Emergency Overflow Pipe Diameter During 25-Year Storm Event ' Client: Jerry Casarez Job Number: 07-123 Project: Jerry Casarez Subdivision Location: Springfield, OR SANTA BARBARA UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Input Data Pervious Area Pervious CN Impervious Area Impervious CN Drainage Area 25-Year Storm Event Time of Conc, o ac N/A (-) 0,09 ac 98 (-) 0,09 ac 4,80 in/24 hr _.10.0 min (Ass~med) Computed Results Maximum Runoff ,O:lOcfs HAESTED METHOD'S FLOWMASTER Inpu.t Data Slope 0,005 ftlft Manning's n 0.011 (-) Discharge 0.019 cfs Computed Results , Diameter 0,28 ft Depth 0.28 ft Velocity, 1,62 ftls Flow Area 0.06 sf Critical Slope 0,0082 ftlft Critical Depth 0,19 ft Percent Full 100 % Froude Number Full (-) Full Capacity 0,1 cfs Qmax @O,94D 0,11 cfs 11/1/2007 8:19AM Z:12007107-123 - Jerry CasarezlSTORMWATERIEmergency Overflow Capacity , ' MINIMUM PIPE DIAMETER-CALCULATION TO CONVEY RUNOFF FROM ENTIRE SITE DURING 25- YEAR STORM EVENT Client: Jerry Casarez Job Number: 07-123 Project: Jerry Casarez Subdivision Location: Springfield, OR SANTA BARBARA UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Input Data Pervious Area Pervious CN Impervious Area Impervious CN Total Site Area 25-Year Storm Event Time of Conc, Computed Results Maximum Runoff 0,20 ac 80 (-) . 0.28 ac, 98 (-) 0,48 ac 4,80 in/24 hr 10.0 min (Assumed) .. ~..' . .--. , 0,45 cfs HAESTED METHOD'S FLOWMASTER Input Data Slope Manning's n Discharge 0:005 0.D11 0,45 , Computed Results Diameter Depth Velocity Flow Area Critical Slope Critical Depth Percent Full Froude Number Full Capacity Qmax @O,94D 0,49 ' 0,49 2,36 0,19 0,0072" 0,34 100 Full 0,45, 0.48 11/1/2007 8:20 AM ftlft (-) cfs ft ft ftls sf ftlft ft % (-) cfs cfs , , Z:\2007\07 -123 - Jerry Casarez\STORMWA TER\Site Pipe Capacity iO/J0/2007 11:00 FAX 541 73P '021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD-PI\" 141 002 < -",', PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineering Division Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT SYSlEM SCOPE OF WORK .i;i,i:~;j1-j~~~~~;:k~ ,1.~a~,~lo,~~~'~'~i~:;;:/::ir::::;;:r:o::~w~t!f~~#'~~i~~;;'~~~~~~"~1~~;~~,1~j::i~'~!jl Project Name: Casarez Subdivision Applicant: Jerry Subdivision Assessors Parcel #: J 7-02-31-24. 11 800 Date: 10/29/07 Land Use(s): Low Oensitv Residential Phone #: (541) 741"8721 Project Size (Acres): 0.48 Fax #: (541) 747-5401 - I A"p'p'r,~~.~p~r:v.!!'~~A;~~; 0.22(exist :p.u"".ed) , " Email:,__ , '" ,I r : ~; ,I .! .1 !! ,: ~ ~. !! ~! ~!: '!<~~~~~!~!! t!'~' 11 !~'Ii~~ ~!' !~!>~ '!!! I~, " ~,< '4' ~ -"" , .1,,, , .<: ::; ; I ,: ;I,n:;; :~!: ~::! .~:!~;:: :: ;;~! ::: ;:: I:;: :;, :;::::, ;::;, :~:;:.;~ I: ~:, .'1 i;::; ::~;: ~i: ~::: :::1 :!~" ::~.~:::, :111 ~!! Ii;::,;:; ;:~: I: ;1 :: it..;; ;1'1>: :JI; I; . Illl;;1 :1[;1 ~I~:i ~ .,,' lll~ I.~ '1;1' II. " ~ .11 .1 ,I' II'II!! II ,b ij 'I' ,', '''' .'1111 .,'" ~ "'IIII'II!I.II<~ ".' ,I '" Project D~riptiol\ (Include.. copy of Assessor's map): A private drive is proposed for o.Jour lot residential subdivision. One lot exists and three more are proposed. Dl'llinage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge loco.tion(s), etc. Attach additional,sheet(s) ifnecessary: The four lots along the proposed private drive will drain'into an existing 36" storm line. The proposed BMPs to treat the runoff from the private drive will be through a sand filtered ~rm drain. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practic~: See Attached Plim :!i':::,!lf!j~~~1!:~!:~i:!i[i:~i,::~;:rAf'am:~im~~~;t;~th;~;f:'~:9;~~~~a~:t;;1f~~~~~~~;;~:;g~J~I,:;i':i!',:i:'!j:~:~.j";::, "," ::'::':,:::;::',:":;,,,:,::;;::;;:, ;;:;;for, ,~app!lCafion ,10 ,be compleleior'su:bm,tla~oltlu>"gh,:otlier'r~'f1IcrerrJenr~ may,be :lIecess,ary,", 1:1"" ';, :,': Drain....." Study T'1'e fF;DSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note. UH mo." be substituted for'Rational Metbod) ill Small Site Study - (use Rational MethOd for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydr6graph Method for calculations) o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: ~ Wellhead Zone: 5-10 "fbAf.... '1"'r.>v.Nfl7TME. III WetlandlRiparian: IJ/-A:' fiI Soil Type:: <c - <1w ~J Uck.^, I.NI) Downstream AnaIvsis: _ ~' i! N/A o Flow line: for starting wate:r surface: elevation: o Design HGL to use: fOJ starting water suIfaceelevation: o Manhole/Junction to take: analysis,to: ~ Hillside Development: Ii FloodwaylFloodplain: . Other 1urisdictions: "v...t tlHt. Return to Matt Stouder r/i) Citv ofSprimmeld, email, ms.!!!!'derilUci.surineiield.or.us. FAX;, (~1' 736.10Z1 Revi>ed 12/4/2006 Brenda Jones i ".."- I I ! . 10130/200i 11: 00 FAX 541 iJ6 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PIT QJ 003 ,. COMPLETE'ST-lIDY ITEMS .,..,..."'''I".f,or,otfid8Jd~.Q;,jl:.t~:i:::/1 " Based upon Ihe irformation pravided on the front of/his sheet, Ihe follrYWing represents a minimum of what is neededfor Q1l application to be complete for submittal wilh respect to drainage; however. this list should no! b. "",,ed in lieu oflhe Sprihgfield DINelopmenr Cock (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design ManuaL Compliance with these requirements does nOt constitute sile approval; Additional sire specific informatiOn may be required Note: Upon scoping sheet submitiai, ensure compleledform has been signed in the space pravided below: Interim Design StaDdar<bIWater QualitY (EI>SPM Cbapter 3) Req'd NIA {j 0 AlI nOD-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces sh.n be pre-treated (e.g, muld-cblll!lber'-.d catchbasin wloil . .. filtration media) for stormwater quality. Additionally,.. miDimulll of 50% oftbe NBR impemoussurface sball be ' treated by vegetated methods. "" ," o Whete Tequired, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with interim desigu standards (EDSPM Seetion 3.02), set furth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS)., ' , o For new l\'BR impervious area less than IS,OOOisquare feet, " simplified design approach may be folJowed as specmed by the BES for vegetative treatment. .. o 1fJ If. s~.","""", treatment .wale is proposed, submit ca!culations/specifieations for si::ing, velocity, flow, side slopes, botlom'slope, and seed ttri" consistent with either BES at CWS requirements. o ,~Water Quality ca]culati()ns as required in Sectio~ 3.03.1 of the EDSPM , , o ~ AlJ building rooftop mounted equipmen:, or ()lber fluid cOntilining equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with sec()nda!')' containment or weatber Tesistant enclosure. . fj f.! , General Stlldy Requirements (E,DSPM Section 4.03)" ' ii, 0 Drainage study prepared by a Profussional CMI Engineer licellJ;ed in the state of Oregon. o * A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological stud), map. " 0 Calculations shQwT..n.g system c..5Ifacit~y fcot a 2-=)'ea:: storm eveut and Oye..."fltiW elfeds ofa. 25~y;arstorm event. $ 0 The time of conoentratl()n (To) shall be d~termined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03,4.(:) , o III A do,,== drainage aualysi;as descnoed in EDSPM Section 4.03A.C. On-site drainage shall be governed b)' the Oregon PlumbL'g Specialty Code (OPSC), ' , o ~ ElevatioLlS of the HGL and flow lines for both cj~.llIld pnvate' s)"stems where applicable. Design of Storm Systems (EDSPII1 Section 4.04) .. a 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations. pipe tjpe and ,izes clearly indic:ued on the phil] set [] 5, Millinmlll pipe cover sball be 18 Inebes for Teioforeed pipe and 36 inohes fOT plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper .,gine.ring calculatioIlS sball be provided when less._The cover shall be sufficient to support ell 80,000 10 load ",thout failure ()fthe pipe structUte, " o fi Manning's "t1" values for pipes shall be consistent ,,~th Table 4-] of the EDSP. All storm pipes sball b. designed to achieve aminirnum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full besed on Table 4.1 .. well. OtherlMise tiI 0 Existing and proposed.c9n!ours, located at,one foot interval,. Include spot elevations and <itegr..deg .howing how site drains ' . I 0 Private sto/mwater easements shall b. clearl)' depicted on plans when private storm"..ier f10,,~ from one propert)' to another o I!! Drywells shall hot receive TUDofffrom llIl)' slIrf..e 1"(0 being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential buiidiijg roofs (EDSP Section 3.03,4.A), Additi()naJ provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the w~bsite: 'w'\,vw.deo.mre_oLll<;:/wD/p'mnndwa/nichome.hcm for more information. o ~ Detention ponds shall b. designed '0 limit runoff to pre-developm<mt rates for the 2 through 25.year stollU events *ThiJforltt shall be included <<s art attachment, inside the f1'(Jnl cover, ojllte stQl'mJ4'tI1er sillily I,',', , , ,. . . - , . . . . I ' . · lMPOR'JANl':EivGrNEERPLli1SERE.4JjBEioW~SlGN! ':":':11 ,:'J ~:' ::~!-:::,;':',::' As the eng;.neer of record, I bereb)' certif"the above reauired items are complete and ineluded with the su, bmitted stonnwater ' Ii 'I. . study and plan set. / 7' M' , . .,/? ,i. . -" ,!; SIgnature: t,. ,~. /, ' --------' Date: //- ,{.. d'7 /I 1/ Revised 1114/2006 Brrilda Jones 225 Fifth Street SpringfieId, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone / of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department PubIic Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200700000000000741 Date: 11/07/2007 11:21:4IAM Job/Journal Number PRE2007-00077 Description CTY Subdivision Tentative Pin Amount Due 336,90 $336.00 Payments: Type of Payment Check Item Total: Lheck Number Authorization Paid By Received By Batch Number Number How Received CARl & GERARDO CASAREZ emm 1350 In Person Payment Total: . Amount Paid . $336,00 $336.00 " -~ ~- cReceiofl , Page 1 of 1 11/7/2007