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Permit Correction Notice 2008-12-8
"l'~~~'~~~~~,,,'~\iI~#;I~~;~:~.f~~~~~.,*,;;'~~~A'#~~~W~~~~~~'P;P,"#'iW.~~Jt.~~r-_~,"'..:."~~%)\'~ijt'-J-t:'2~'~llJ'~","fl-'\""~.'~flj{;.~r~'r' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 22S Fifth Street TO: --(,Av,iM (pvl...v G/~dYl;. . II) (')" ..410. ~&P~RINaFIELD. [uJ rtl'-'("",," I"Ji Date: 12/~.J 08 Job# &8 - q'iZ Address:. gZ.O F;/'~~f trr Inspection Type:_hl/1,v{ Ii /ccfv/~ A1eCIJO,/Z:t10JlJ-Vtul-{/l/,"(. FI-ex WtrS m".'//.) J4.fPI""\}. L-,,:e r;d lI('use Y':l?kur:- /Ylfe- 1&tJ,q: DkCf"~ nnlll(~ t()",J."Io,,~ 1>'1 Wll""llr.l ~/<,x .J: a.Wl /o'7rrr---n,.J ~l....-I /Ai II: <.' 1"10 f ~j,t1U"II'. I' I~cf J.t: Yt: h /ar' 4Jtft.. (fp f'!'/'" tk"-5 "'ClI~/ , . F 1"'V 'AI,,+- Inov!",IJr/} Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within -;; V "~Iendar days. 12 r;: Callforreinspection[2Syes DNa Inspector r:?IVfI" J2"[,f/..v!Shr" Date: -u~OR" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769~~~~~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~