HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 12/3/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DISTRIBUTION DATE: December 3, 2008 TO: V": 7 ~ \7 \7' ~ '7" Current Planning Staff: G. KaJP' ] Donovan, L Pauly, T Jones, L Davis,M Metzger, L Miller,(A Umbird\ D Reesor,S Hopkins, M Markarian Jeff PaSchall, Supervising Civil tnglneer, Public Works Department Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department Matt Stouder, AlC Engineering Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Richard Perry, Public Works, Engineering Kristi Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department . Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer Jon Driscoll, Transportatioh Planning Engineer, Public Works Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Ufe Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire & Life Safety Department Greg Ferschweiler, Maintenance, Public Works Department Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and. Recreation District Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board Lynn Detering (Stuckrath), ODOT . Dave Puent, Building Official Will Mueller, l TO Norm Palmer, Quest Communications Tom Boyatt, Public Works Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor Celia Barry,(Shashi Bajracharya) Lane County Transportation Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 ' Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, Public Works Director Len Goodwin, Public Works John Saraceno, Springfield School District 19 Joe Leahy, City Attorney George Walker, Stormwater Facilities Planner, ESD John Tamuloilis, Economic Development Mgr. Courtney Griesel, Planner 1 (EDM) Bill Grile RECEIVED D~~ '-' . -\, ~ "0"8 tI r..'..nJ By: Di;t// fJ~ A Development Issues Meeting will take place on Thursday, December 18, 2008 @ 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the DSD Conference Room 616 @ Springfield City Hall. Please review the . enclosed information, and come prepared to discuss this application with the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please contact Andy Umbird @ (541) 726-3684. . Revised: 7-21-08 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING ' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT , . SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 616 Meeting Date: December 18,2008@ 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. 1, DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING #ZON2008-00041 CIT:\' OF SPLFD PW Assessor's Map: Martin Luther King Jr. ParkWay , , Address: Portion of Martin Luther King Jr Parkway, from approximately Flamingo Ave area south on parkway to just south of Prasad Court area on parkWay, Existing Use: Martin Luther King Jr, Parkway Applicant submitted plans to discuss the annexation of public land along the Martin Luther King Jr, Parkway and surrounding areas, Planner: Andy Limbird DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us December 3, 2008 Richard Perry City of Springfield Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: ZON2008-00041 (Martin Luther King Jr Parkway) De:velopment Issues Meeting - Applicant submitted plans to discuss the annexation of public land along the Martin Luther King Jr Parkway and surrounding areas,. . Dear Mr, Perry: Thank you for your Development Issues Meeting submittal. The following meeting has been scheduled: TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 1'1.1' 1 n STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATErrIME: Thurs., December 18, 2008'at 2:00 ~ 3:00 pm CONTACT PERSON: Andy Limbird If you have any questions, please call me at 541-726-3684 Sincerely, Andy Limbird Urban Planning cc: It\ N G", ' "q'\\II///"'" 125~~ \ -" / o~~ .Q!;Go . PROUD i-IlSTOIlY Bill G 1-1 T ~ U T U Il E ~ City of Springfield Development Services Departrnent 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Annexation Development Issues Meeting (DIM) 2 Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) (! I7f/ gj: J;Z/;U kPtz_/J Phone: Prospective Aoolicant Name: I Company: IAddress: I I Prospective {J ,; 1 Aoplicant's Rep.: )-1//5L;G !UOlC:j-:S_ Icompany: /1m/. R(Yo./Kk!JJ #/Z/Z-i/ IMdre~: '. / I / I Property Owner: La.0r; {JUA.I/Y /(~/Y Icompany: / IAddress: I Fax: E-mail: Phone: t//rs~ Fax: E-mail: t'p af~, / Phone: Fax: , E-mail: IAsSESSOR'S MAP NO: I Property Address: . &r. kr;;4/ I Size of Property: I I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Proposal: ' I Existinq Use: ITAX LOT NO(S): JjG5C.~/fftON Acres D Sauare Feet D I I I I Proposed Use: City Zonina: I Prospective Applicant: Metro Designation: Population: &fi,~-:I% ,IL 1k~ Signature iT {J U . ke-hndi J. U;~ Print I' Date: Date Rec~ived: DEe - 2 2008 . . . Original Submittal , , ~ . Case No.: ZONJ..oo~-OOOJfI Date: I~- d.-- 08 Application Fee: $ 5 2.-1 ~ ITechnical Fee: $0 Reviewed bY:~1i AJ A~ Ipostaae Fee: $0 " TOTAL FEES: 5:Ll 03 PROJECT NUMBER: J>i<-S2.ro~ - OQe'4,t:f- Revised 10/3/08 1 of 2 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD , VICINITY MAP ZON2008-00041 Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway SITE Map: Martin Luther King Jr~ Parkway North -+ Date Received: DEe' - 2 2008 Jrigin31 Submitt"l ~ " ~, . Memorandum November 21,2008 To: DIM Participants From: Richard Perry, EIT Re: DIM for annexation of public land along the Martin Luther King Jr, Parkway and surrounding areas. The focus of this DIM meeting is to initiate the process for annexing property that is currently under county jurisdiction. The total area of the properties is not latge but involves several small sections, in the MLK Parkway area. TIlls annexation is int~nded to cr~ate 'ownership and maintenance consistency within the new city streets and at this time does not include ariy privately owned property, Should any property owners wish to be included with this procedure, the citY would allow them to include their property but will not compel any owner to do so, I Included in the DIM Submittal Packet is the Agenda Item Summary, the Council Briefing Memorandum, an 8,5xl I map, a tentative legal description and an] Ix]? map that shows more clearly the areas intended.. to be annexed. The legal description is currently being revised by the survey department of the City of Springfield to confmn that zoning, jurisdiction and lot lines are in proper order, A final legal description will be submitted before presentation to the city council. The five (5) key elements to discuss at the DIM Meeting will be: I) Review of the presented maps to ensure that all needed parcels are included in this action, 2) Ensure that the action is consistent with the City Council Resolution, ' 3) Review the public involvement process including notification, neighborhood meetings and who/how will this be handled internally, 4) Review the internal process and set atimeline for completion, 5) Schedule a target date to present to council. " " AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ..... 'Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Dep,u-tment: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: July 21, 20iO,8, " Regular Meetin Public Wor Ken V oge 736-7124 ' Consent Calendar CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION INITiATING ANNEXATION OFLANDS FOR PUBLIC ROADWAYS: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR: P ARKW A Y, PROJECT P20208 The Council is requested to consider and adopt/not adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION INlTIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PURSUANT TO SECTION 5,7 OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVEWPMENT CODE" Annexation of lands associated with the MartiiJ Luther King, Jr, Parkway, is one of , the final steps in completing the 'new arterial link and assuming responsibility from Lane County: This includes all future maintenance and legal jurisdiction within the rights of way, ' A TT ACHMENTS: Attaclunent A: Council Briefmg Memorandu~ D,ISCUSSIONf , FINANCIAL IMPACT: Attaclunent B: Resolution Annexation transfers legal jurisdiction within the rights of way and public property to the City of Springfield and 'allows the City qf Springfield Police Department to investigate and track accident reports, Also, any citations issued would be processed , through Municipal Court rather thah Lane County Court: , ,J , The annexation of the rights-of-way for this project may create islands of un- annexed County land within the City limits. The City has no recent history of unilateral annexations and there are no plans for unilaterally annexing any of that territory, but State law gives the City the authority to do so, With, the exception of public staff time dedicat~ to the annexation process, there are no other significant financial impacts associated with the initiation by Council Resolu,tion_ If initiated, the proposed annexation ordinance would be scheduled to come before the City Council at a public hearing on or about October 6, 2008, A secood reading and adoption of a proposed ordinance annexing the subject area could occur on or about November~, 2008, r ,J MEMORANDUM To: Gino Grimaldi, City Manager City of Sprin~eld , Susie Smith.; Public Works Director Ken V ogeney, City Engineer \J"-' Jeff Paschall, Supervising Civil Engineer Date: July 15, 2008 COUNCIL BRIEFING MEMORANDUM From: Subject: Annexation of LandS for Public Roads: Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway' ISSUE The,City Manager requests pty Coundl authority to sign. the application for annexatlon for, lancj.s associated with the Martin Luther King, Jr.Parkway, as a part of completing the new arterial link and assuming '~'l'uuSibility from Lane County, ' BACKGROUND In February 2003, the City of Springfield and Lane County executed an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for the use of Lane County Community Development Road Improvement Assistance Program (CAP) funds to design. and construct the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. In this agreement, it is stated that the project roadways will be City streets and that the City will be responsible for maintenance. In order for the City to assume maintenance '~'I'u,.sibility the City and County agreedth.e streets would become City right-of-way and be annexed into the City limits. MUch of the MLK Jr. Parkway right of way is within City limits, through annexations associated with the PeaceHealtb, RiverBend project; however, over half still needs annexation, In addition, there are segmen~ of Pioneer Parkway East and West, Hayden Bridge Way at the roundabout and a small portion of the BeltlinelGame Farm Road in1ersection that the City Engineer and County Engineer have agreed should also be traIisferred, for a total annexation of 11.34 acres, DISCUSSION Properties proposed for annexation are limited to street right-of-way and City-owned lands only, There are no privately owned lands proposed for annexation with this action. Annexation of these lands may create islands of un-annexed County lands within City limits, State law gives the City the authority to forcibly annex lands in island within the city limits , without the request or consent of the affected property owners, The City of Springfield has no plans at this time to forcibly annex these island areas; and has not exercised the authority to do so in the recent past, It is likely the creation of the~e islands may cause some concern . among property owners within the islands. City staff Intends to send letters to property . .. ., Annexation of Lands for Public Roads: Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway Page/ofil AttachIDent A Page 1 of 4 owners within the new islands to explain the City's inten1ion not to annex theselands without a request from property owners, or to comply with statutory requirements concernrng development of land or providing public wastewater service in the event of failed septic systems_ The letter would also confum for these property owners thauhis annexation action is strictly to create ownership and maintenance consistency with the new City streets_ Figure' I shows the islands that will be created by the proposed annexation. '; .' ';.. h' , " Annexation afLandsfor PubltclkJtids: Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway Page 2 of 4 Attachment A Page 2 of 4 Figure I - Map of proposed annexation and islands created .".-....~.."'.~---f.~r..... .~\t75......;,'...-"..,.,,;.,,___~:-::'~_: '~~-~m .~;- \. i<__.,, 1~;",':~~'i ;-r\\. ...:--r.:\V;..... --1 -'- -, , ' !' \ .., Y--'\ "'i " . " >\:-; :--.~"t....i.~~...\\_i..".....l_~.," -~~:-.-'r-!_::'~, 1~jl:" \ ~-~ '- ,r 1 (,$..;....:'~.)" ~.~', \'\ \ ~1rl1i~if~~'<:\~L~~~= , ',~"',' ! ~, --.....:~...! j ---......- Martin Luther Kinl Jr. Parkwav . -....:..- 1"1' i ;,' " ,,'F :-""""";'.. . ~ :t "'~" T l ~(/ ~"""-J ili= "/;') , ,f , ; : / ." ! I U ! ~ l -{f;}~)~)~t~:~ . ':l (..., ,--,-" j.:\:~yt:~:~l~5' /"_'(........~,.,-._.,..........."r..",.... ..~ ,;,~:~~)ki~ ::::D~~~~s:; ~ ~~~.}"'"J ~~~~' , '~;~iI :1-;.~.l~ ,- ; \~:';,p , ....~'"""..,,~ ~~~ ,~"t~,..,'\,!:i(;'" !.::~~,~~:".-~~J~~~rr .. .~..-.". -,,:J:\1j~tlj~3-~---11 ~ , .-r'f" L.ri'"'-.~/ t--t.........~ ~-...,.:"'~;- ,~~;Jj~~~i:-~; -'~ ~ -'"~~ t,....~. . ;...;;..; -:.r~, ~-,', ~:.>l;I, r-...J h E;-j . '~:.;: ~.~-." , .~- J,f-i I...... I t ~ ~...___~;~. ~-~. ....;ot~....~_ -....__ , "~<;Z' ~'=---\ ~,f , ; . ~:?~~l_. :.' ~ '""'";'_.~ ~-- --- ", "<---,,',,,~-_ ~;;:;..5;:t7 i ,.. -.:.--;.: "'--!~-"'''"X ~v ) C"""'I$...... Pioneer P8rkway r< ;~~ai,,:::,,~21d (''''..''''''.......... "_:-:-'."~- :~':~ ~tiI~ S2;",:ti:} .j'.., ... ',j ),.;....; ;,~;, Aivrexation ofLandsfor Public Rnatis: Martin Luther King. Jr, Parkway Attachment A Page 3 of j4 ! Proposed Annexation Area er- ~ 1s.land Creation Area .~ Page 3 014 FINANCIAL IMPACT' f. . With the exception of public staff time dedicated to the annexation process, there are no other significant [mandai impacts associated with the initiation by Council Resolution, COUNCIL ACTION REOUESTED The City Council is requested 10 grant the City Manager authority to sign the arniexation' application. " , .' " , . Annexation of Landsfor Public Roads: Martin LuUzer King, Jr. Par!cway , Page4of4 Attachment A, Page 4 of 4 RESOLUTION NO A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PURSUA/I!T TO SECTiON 5,7 OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Section 5,7-125 of the Springfield Development Code to initiate annexation of contiguous property to the City Limits of Springfield, and WHEREAS, the property to be annexed is publicly owned property and rights of way, of the State of Oregon, and WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, is contiguous to the City of Springfield and can be provided with a full range of key urban services including sanitary sewer, water, storm drainage, police and fire protection, electrical service, land ui?e controls, street lights and paved streets, recreational facilities and library, WHEREAS, annexation procedures shall be initiated and foll()wed in accordance with the public notice and hearing process, criteria of approval and ordinance adoption procedures contained in Springfield Development Code Section 5,7- Annexations, ' NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES, RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: , Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfielc does hereby announce its, intention to conduct public hearings to consider annexation of territory generally described as publicly owned rights of way and public property located between existing City limits at the projected intersection of'r Street with Pioneer ,Parkway to the intersection of Game Farm Road with Mallard Avenue as generally depicted on the attachments Exhibits 1 and 2, Section 2, This Resolution shall become effective uponitsiadoption by the Coundl and approval by', the Mayor. ' , ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this_ day of 2008, by a vote of _for and. _against , APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this ~ day of July, 2008, Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder f:EV~EWED 11 APPROVED AS TO FO[1M \.....""j L~,,,,,"", DATE: -, \ ,.., T ~ OFFICE OF CitY ATmRNEY , , MLK An~exatioli Description .. , ' Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot II of Buena Vista, FirstAddition, filed and recorded in Book 20, Page 25, Plat Records of Lane County Oregon. ' Thence South 880 66'40" Eas1 a distance of 26.54 feet along the Northerly line of saiq Buena Vista to the current E~erly right of way lill.e of Martin Luther King k Park:wa~, Thence along the said Easterly right of way the following 5 courses: I} South 120 13'50"East a distance of 1745,70 feet, more or less,to a point of curvalure; , , , , ' , . '. . 2) Thence with a non tangent curVe turning to the left, with an arc length of 259.89 feet, with a radius of 1487,00 feet, with a chord bearing of South 19020' 20" East, with a chord length of25956 feet, to a point; J' 3) Thence South 430 22' 54" East a distance of21.03 feet; 4) Thence SiJuth270 53',20" East a distance of.68,54 feet; 5) Thence North no 39' 32" East a distance of22:45 feett<;> a point on the Westerly right of way of Wayside Lane; ThenCe South 880 06' 50" East a diS1ance of 60;00 feet acro~s Wayside Lane to a poini on the Easterly right of way; , " ", , Thence South 0 i 0 53' 10" West a distance of 1 00,08 feet along the said Westerly right of way to a point of curvalure;' , , , Thence with a non tangent curve turning to the left, With an ,arc length of31:22 f~et, with a radius of 61 ,00 feet, with a chord bearing of South 630 34~ 32" East, with a chord length Of30,88 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way;' ' Thence along the Northerly right of way of Hayden'Bridge Way South 880 05'23" East a distance of 12,06 feet;. ' . Thencdeavingthe Northerly right of way along the match lineoffue concrete-asphalt joint in Hayden Bridge Way South 01054' 37" West a: distance of 83,78 feet to a point on the,Southerly right of way of Hayden Bridge,Way; , Thence along the ' " ' ' ; , , ' , Southerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way North 89040' 34"West a distance of7_96 feet; , . . " EXHIBIT 1 PAGE 1 OF 4 .' Thence Leaving the Southerly Hayden Bridge Way right of way and along the Easterly right of way of Pioneer Parkway, which is also the Westerly line of Grovedale, as platted .__03 T't_:__.J_.J:_ D_,...l, 10 D.......".')" ...l,..i-_.......,.,....A.... nf'T "'......{""....11..."' nTPn-nn ~f'\\1t'h a.L.1U l'\..l;;I,;.VJ.U,.,.U. ll.l LJVUXI.. ~v, .&.l,.l.5.... J;.J, y.....~ ......""......>.A.o.I'''''... A..J.........._ ......_~~.J) ~~-e>~""'" ---- 02000'35" West a distance of3l7,93 Feet;, Thence leaving plat boundary and continuing along the Easterly right of way of Pioneer Parkway South 120 13' 50" East a distance of79.47 feet; tothe intersection with the North line of Lot 6 of above said Grovedale which is the current City Limits line, Thence along the existing city limits line the following' courses: 1) Thence along the now vacated North line of Lot 6 of Grovedale North 880 05' 23" West a distance of 19.55 f~et to the former Northwest corner thereof, , 2) Thence along the now vacated Westerly boundary of said Grovedale South 02000' , 35" West a distance of 166.84 feet to a point of intersection with the now vacated Westerly right of way of Third Street which is was also the Easterly right of way of the now vacated Southern Pacific Railroad line; , . ' 3) Thence continuing along the last said right of way South 12013'50" East a distance of 935,87 feet to a angle point in the city limits;_ 4) Thence leaving the last said right of way and across Pioneer Parkway right of way' along the city limits line, North 880 15' 24" West a distance of 113,35 feet to a point on ' the Westerly right of way of Pioneer Parkway; :. " , Thence along the Westerly right of way of Pioneer Parkway North 120 13' 50" West a distance 0[1404,46 feet to a point that intersects a comer the current city limits; Thence along the current city limits line the following 5 courses: 1) Thence North 120 18'23" West a distance of 82,70 ~eet; 2) Thence North 490 32' 14'~ West a distance of 48.31 feet;, ~. . . 3) Thence North 880 0'5' 23" West a distance of 7.50 feet; 4) Thence North 01054' 37'! East a distance of 81.50 feet;' 5) Theo'ce North 880 05' 35" West a distance of 2 12.64 feet to a point of intersection with the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way; , ' Thence leaving the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way along the Westerly . t _ . righ1 of way of Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway thelollowing 16 courses: 1) Thence North 830 09' 10" East a distance of 39.46 feet; I EXHIBIT 1 PAGE.2 OF 4 2) Thence South 880 06' 03" East a distance of+4,02 feet;, 3) Thenc;,North 820 41" 38" East a distance of37.46 feet; 4) Thence NO,rth 770 23' 02" East a ,distance of 61.99 feet; 5) Thence North'530 34' 34" East a distance of20.58 feet: 6) Thence with a curVe turning to the left, with an arc length of 48,77 feet, with a radius of 71.00 feet, with a chord bearing of North 520.47' 02"East, with a chord length of 48,77 feet; , 7) Thence With a curve turning to the left, with an arc length of 49.56 feet,with a radius of88,00 feet, with a chord bearing of North 160 36' 04" East, with a chord length of 48,90 feet; 8) Thence North OO~19' 55" Eas1'a di~taJice of 52,87 feet; , " ' . ;" 9) Thence North 12013; 50" West a distance,of202,00 feet;' 10) ThenceNorth 170 18:37" Westadistanceof4~_18 feet; , II) Thence North 1'40 55' 32" West a distance 6f 32,04feet;'- . , " . ~ . 'I 12) Thence North 01013' 58" East a diStance of23,65 feet;, 13) Thence North 12013' 50" West a distance of 1601.16 feet; 14) Thence North 14008' 23" West a distance of90,05 feet; 15) Thence North 21 0 18' 09" West a distance of 12,11 feet; 16) Thence North 130 31' 25" West a distance of9,98.feet toa pointof intersection with the Southwesterly boundary of the abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; , Thence leaving the Westerly right of way of Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and along the said abandon railroad right of way, with a curVe turning to the left, with an arc length of 274.32feet, with a nidius of 925,04 feet, with a chord bearing of North 310 34' 37" West, with a chord length of273.31 feet; Thence North 40007' 36" Wes1 a dis,tance of 175.36 feet to a point on the Easterly right. of way of Game Farm Road; , Thence North 020 25' 01" West a distance of98.28 feet along the Easterly right of way of Game Farm Road to a point where the right of way makes ajog; EXHIBIT 1 PAGE 3 OF 4 Thence continuing aiong the Easterly Game Farro Road Right of way South 39051' 38" East a distance of 24,10 feet to a point where the right of way intersect the Northerly line 0ft},~ 8.b0V~ ~~i,; ::!~::I~r1nnf".c1 rnilrn~ri right of way; . Thence le<lving the Easterly line of Ganie Farro Road and along the Northerly line of the above said abandon rail road right of way, South 40007' 36" East a distance of229.01 feet; , Thence with a curVe turning to the right, With an arc length 0030.43 feet, wi)h a radius of 985,04 feet, with a chord bearing of South 300 27',57" East, with a chord length of 328,88 feet to the point of beginning, ' . And also including: Beginning at a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Game Farm Road which bears North 88052'20" East a distance of 65,00 feet, North 1007'40;' West a distance of28,99 feet and North 2024'44" West a distance of28656 feet from the northeast comer of Lot II of Zachary Place as platted and recorded in Book'.75 at Pages 852 thru 854 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence northerly along said right-of-way line, of varying , width., a distance of 172 feet;more or less, to the projection of the north right-of-way line , ofBeltline Road; thence, leaving said right-of-way along said projected line westerly a . distance of 55 feet, more or less, to the westerly right-of-way of Game Farm Road; thence, leaving said projected line along said westerly right-ofcway southerly a distance of 176 feet, more or less, to a point which lays on the same line, when measured perpendicular to the centerline of Game Farm Road"as the poin1 of beginning; thence, leaving said westerly right-of-way North 8JO.35.' 16" :East a distance of 50 feet,more or less, to the point of beginning, . : P:\8300-001.<J7\SURVEYlMLK Annexation Descriptlon,doc' , ' j EXHIBIT 1 PAGE 4 OF 4 City of Springfield MLK Parkway Annexation July 15,2008 _~~rL~ AD ,d ~l; ti KRUSE ~~.. Ii: ~ ;: > .ilAtiAAbiov.i , _ . c"""'~_.\; ~~OA1;' ~."'--'1_ ' ".." ~ !~iEl~'. ".'...,,'., f 1 ,- :.;.:,:.)'-.r;i: ~~, .~:~n'L~~:;., '~:. :> 't~l ,,' - j~;:,:,; ;! :J t,... l~ ,." ""',,. ~,- "Ri" , , , "," ," ." Fg iii',' ai.~~:~~~>:t:}"",~>""::. ~,~, :,:~iJ:-'-~,~~;~"~.~-'~'_'< ~~(:-?;~f;;~~ -, :!J.. I"..,J...... [<.. .' " "'''' <'''..' 1/ ' .,.. .', ...,."'-'.,," ~ ClDveuAJ' ~ ' 'I :'~h, '.'!:I3 "',' ''',5 "", /,:';~' '-c.."''''.; 'C..\,. - '-~ 1.. r I.P a! '. -" :-:: ~'.'~~' -~ -:.>Ti!:"'>\',-:g '<):,: :~~.:.~~~~,;")~~~j; ~~.;~-:.:.) I .,."','.... "'f' .""~ ,,',' .' ,,'tI' ".,,' " "i 1.:.9 I ;~~, 3 i' , lIN~ DR [~t~;i1~L~Z;;' ff:':::-,~~ ;'. J [U I ~7" \ :~.~ ~II:, ~ \-~ 'LC~~ \\ J \ " lOCHA.VEN A.V!: - - ' ~ t ,jf6 ,.., ~ l_~,. I J I r-~~ / ,~ ....,. >- " c " Jr-l 9 ). A Annexation' Area Scam GLEN DR _ BALZHISER &. HUBBARD ENGINEERS ~~ ExHIBIT 2 PAGE 1 of 1 ~ ~ no ~.,. PRIVATE ~ ~ "'-} CABRIOLE CT ., ~ , ~ ~ Mj'.... ~~ MANCHeSTER DR "'.'. .. m io~ , = ' . . . . ! m ~: : "0 ~ c - . . . '" ~ W1U.AKENZlE RD .;:: : ~ % ~ ROuer WAY Co? ~ " I ..... m . iii' 0 "lJ PRIVATE ~ . " m HU -. ., t )C ~ 0 Cl . > 'tl Hll r- ~ I r- 0 c 0 3 III I', Ii!' CD >5 jl ;::;: C. >5 h. III )> <II Uj ... PRIVATE RD .. ~ Cl 1" ~ , '.. CD ~ &fi . )C . p " h III m ~ - ... 0 " O' b . c <'-1, _" ...-."-."..--..-.--.- -. City of Springfield Developrnent Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 .1 .~ Annexation Application Narrative Annexation to the City of Springfield is a land use'decision made by the Springfield City Council in accordance with Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 5.7- 100, Annexations, and other applicable sections of the Code. City staff reviews the annexa'tion proposal and rnakes a recommendation to Council on tirning, appropriateness, legality, and availability of services, The Council then makes a decision and adopts an Ordinance. The chart that follows generally sumrnarizes the process. Annexation Development Iss!les Meeting (DIM) Pre-submittal Process --\ followed by Application Submittal --I Development R~view and Director Recommendation ~ City Council \ Hearing followed by -I Adoption of Ordinance The following steps are necessary to complete an annexation application: Step 1. Annexation Development Issues Meeting (DIM) A Developrnent Issues Meeting (DIM) is required prior to the subrnittal of an annexation application (SDC 5.7-120, Developrnent ISsues Meeting). The purpose of the DIM is to give an applicant the opportunity to discuss his/her annexation proposal with City staff responsible for reviewing:and making recommendations to City Council on annexation decisions. The discu'ssion can be general or specific, depending on the level of detail provided with the application, The goal of the DIM is to: 1. Review the annexation proposal and provide general information to an applicant related to the current capacity of surrounding public facilities and availability of key urban services in the general vicinity, 2, If adequate services are not available to serve the proposed annexation, the City will determine if an opportunity for an Annexation Agreement exists. 3, Convey the submittal requirernents,' initiation rTlethod' and criteria for annexation approval contained in SDC Section 5.7-100, Annexations, 4, Provide application forms and prepare the applicant for the pre-submittal process, I "More than half the owners of land in the territory, who also own more than half the land in the contiguous territory and of real property therein representing more than half the assessed value of all real property in the contiguous territory,. (SDC 5,7-125.S,2,b,i) Revised 10/3/08 page 1 of 5 " Applicant Submits an Annexation DIM Appli~atio'n o The applicant must submit an Annexation DIM application conforming to the DIM Submittal Requirements Check,list included with your application packe~, o Staff strives to conduct the DIM within two to four weeks of receiving the application based on availability of schedule, DIMs are typically conducted every Thursday, from 1:30 p,m, - 3:30, p,m, . The applicant's proposal is circulated to,'the relevant staff in preparation for the one hour meeting, Applicant and the City Conduct the DIM . The applicant and any member of the applicant's design team who will be doing research 'for application submittal'should attend the DIM, . The meeting is scheduled for one hour unless additional time is scheduled. . Staff attending the rneeting will be preRared to discuss annexation issues raised in the subrnittal by the applicant: Other issues raised during the meeting rnay also be discussed astime:'allows, The DIM is not a land use decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or ,the City to any course of action, The meeting conveys the status of known facilities and services, The status may chaf)ge over time as conditions or standards change. , , Step 2. Pre-Submittal The purpose of the pre-submittal process is to provide an opportunity for the, property owner, applicant, and the development ,team to rneet with City staff to deterrnine if an application is complete for processing prior to formal submittal to the City, Key elements of the application will be reviewed, including the rnaterials required with the annexation application packet, Staff'will make a determination of completeness at the close of the meeting. A complete::application will facilitate the review process, The pre-submittal timeline and process are as follows, Applicant Submits an Annexation Application Packet for Pre-Subrnittal . The applicant must complete the materials required with the annexation application.' , o A pre-submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, Staff strive to conduct pre-submittal meeting's within ten to fifteen working days ofreceiving a pre-submittal applic'ation, Pre-submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 a,rn. - noon. Revised 10/3/08 .:1 page 2 of 5 , Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre-Submitt~1 Meeting o The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre"submittal.meeting. o The rneeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (B~i1ding), Fire Marshal's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for one hour. o The planner provides the applicant with an Annexation Pre-Submittal Completeness Checklist specifying the iterns required to rnake.the application complete, The applicant will acknowledge the status of the application by signing the checkl,ist and will have 180 days from the date of the rneeting to perfect and submit a comp,lete application to the CitY: Alfernatively, the applicant may acknowledge the incomplete status of the application by signature on the pre-submittal application and request a dedsion on the basis of the current submittal. Step 3. Application Submittal As noted above, an application will be deemed complete when City staff receives an acknowledged Completeness Check with a request for: processing or a signed re- submittal of an annexation application with a request for processing and fees in accordance with the most recent schedule adopted by City Council: Step 4. Development Review Once an application has undergone pre-submittal procedures and is accepted by the City, the application will receive a comprehensive review by the City, During the review process, the Development Review Committee (DRC) will ensure that Code requirements are complied with and will recornmend approval, modification, or ,denial to the Director, who will forward a written recornmendation to the City Council based on the approval criteria specified in SDC Section 5,7-140, Criteria, Step 5. City Council Hearing Annexation applications are reviewed under the Type 'IV procedure, without Planning Commission consideration consistent with the requirernents of SDC'Section 5,2-110, Hearing Body Jurisdiction. Notice of the public hearing is mailed, published in the newspaper, and posted consistent with the requirements of SDC Section 5.7- 130, Notice. ' , A public hearing on the annexation request will be helo by City Council. After the public hearing, the City Council rnay take action on the request. If Council determines additional information is needed, the annexation request can be carried forward to a future rneeting. Revised 10/3/08 page 3 of 5 When considering an annexation request, the City Council must find that the annexation proposal conforrns to the following criteria: ' . The annexation area is within the City's urban growth boundary and is contiguous to the city limits or'separated from the city only by a public right-of-way or a stream, lake, or other body of water. . The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts: . The proposed annexation will result in a bou'ndary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and serVices, as defined in the Metro Plan, can be provided in an orderly, efficient, and timely manner. . Where applicable, fiscal irnpacts to the City have been mitigated through ,an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City , Council. [SDC Section 5,7-140, Criteria] If the annexation is approved by the City Council, the:,UF-10 overlay zoning district (Urban Fringe) will cease to apply and the current City zoning shall apply unless a zoning map arnendment has been submitted and approved by the City [SDC Section 5,7-150, Zoning], If the annexation is disapprolied by the City Council, the proceedings end. If the annexation <;lrea is within a water supply district or fire district, the City will process a request to withdraw the annexing territory frorn the water district and fire district, The withdrawal request will be processed concurrently with the annexation request, If the annexation area is within Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District or Willamalane Parks and Recreation District, the annexation occurs concurrently by an intergovernmental agreement, Step 6. Adoption of Ordinance The City Council's decision on an annexation application will be byOrdinance, The Ordinance will be effective consistent with SDC Section 3, Chapter 5, and Section 5.7-155, Effective Date and Notice of Approved Annexation, The Ordinance will be mailed to the following, . Department of Revenue . Secretary of State . Lane County Assessment and Taxation . Lane County Elections . Affected special districts , . Owners and electors as applicable in the annex':!tion area Revised 10/3/08 , page 4 of 5 Springfield Annexation Processing STEP 1 Annexation Development Issues "__ _ _ nMeetiov_(D.IMl n _ _ _ _ __: STEPS 2 AND 3 STEP 4 STEPS S AND6 Pre-Submittal and ,Development Review City Council Hearing Application Submittal , : ' and Adoption of - - - - - - - - - - ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O[dioance_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Applicant completes DIM .application form, pays fee, City staff schedules DIM Applicant completes annexation application pre- submittal packet, pays fee; city staff schedules pre- submittal meeting t Staff and applicant meet to discuss proposal, which may include contiguity, capacity and availability of city services, affected special districts, etc. Staff from various 'City departments and applicant meet to discuss .proposal and determine completeness' " Applicant follows upon items prior to beginning next steps; this may include an Annexation Agreement with the City Applicant completes outstanding itel)1s and resubmits or requests decision on application, pays fee tCOG: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' L:\8C\200B SOVNCHAMlE TRANSlnON\APf'UCAnON FcfIfS\SPflIMlFlEW\/O.03.Q8 VPO',",EO FORI'1SVlIVNEXAUOIV PllCKUNJlRRAnVE 10-0J. o/'.ooc , , , , , , , , , , "' , , , , -----., I City sends I DLCD 4S-day I 1_ _':2..tis..e_..! Revised 10/3/08 . City Develo.pment Review.Committee (DRC) ensures Springfield Development Code (SDC) requirem'ents are met . City Council holds a Type IV public hearing; hears testimony and considers proposal " , , , , , , , .. , , , r Notice per I I SDC 5,7-130 I 1_____... City Council takes action subject to second reading and adoption " Legal notice published, posted and mailed; City CounciL learing schec uled ~, - " Effective date of annexation per ORS 222 and Springfield Development Code 5,7-155 Director forwards a recommendation to the City Council to approve, deny, or modify the proposal , , , , , UstS.ved:~m~'1,200B t , , , , , , ' , page 5 of 5