HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2008-1-30
January 30, 2008
--RE:1836,South A St.."
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Dear Guy, Robert and Brian,
First, I would like to first thank you all for your time. Next, I would like to present
information to you to clarify my position, '
Yesterday, January 29 Jack Dugger adamantly denied doing no more than
switching-out the heat pump unit. Stating that it was me that did the air ductwork
in the second floor. Please see attached document by Advance Heating and
Cooling AHAC, the contractor who did the work, It states Advance Heating...and
run additional supply and return ductwork as needed to supply even airflow
through out the building,
On July 20, 2007 a warning citation, CASE# 2007-397 I received from The City
Of Springfield in reference to the heat pump (non permitted), Seeing that Dugger
had the work done, I requested that he,apply and pay for needed permits, He did
visit the Development Service Department but ignored offering any resolution.
Please see attached letter from David Bowlsby. I paid for the needed permit.
On 8-13-2007 I contacted by phone AHAC and questioned him, Leonard Loster
about the permit. He stated that Dugger was suppose to get it for both buildings
because he also installed a new heat pump unit on the roof-of the 420 Main
Building. Dugger even admitted to Guy Dixon while using my cell phone
yesterday that the contractor even switched out his heat pump unit with a permit
but could not recall the name of the company, which was AHAC, In his letter
back to me it is interesting AHAC states" the whole job was completed in one
day and there was no new ductwork installed...AII electrical was existing,.. just
switched over to the new unit", See attached letter. I strongly believe both parties
are trying to cover themselves at this point.
This letter's intent was to show that Dugger has disregard in doing things within
the proper framework. Consistently does what he wants. And of course I do not
like to be blamed for something that I did not do. .
,Best re~ards,
Wayne Vajgert.'
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, 223 A Street, Suite D
Springfield;Oregon 974-77,4500 ,
(541) 746-9621
FAX (541) 746-4109
, Joseph J. Leiliy
Matthew J. Cox'
Bonnie R. Williams
Meg E, Kieran, Of Counsel
" ,October 30, 2006
Theodore L. Walk
767 Willa e Street, Suite 208
Eugene R 97401
Our Client: Wayne Vajgert
Your Client: Jack Dugger / Shaker's Bar & Grill LLC
Your File No. 05-087
Dear Ted:
We are In receipt of your letter dated October 26, 2006. However, a copy of the invoice
from Advanced Heating and Cooling which wasto,be enclosed.with the your letter was
not received here at mY-office. If you could f~x over a copy of this invoice from
Advanced Heating and Cooling, I would appreciate it. Thereafter, I can respond to your
letter. accordingly. ' , '
Thank. you for your professional courtesies in regards, ~o providing this document. "
, Sincerely,
Matthew J. Cox '
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shakers A1TN 't1C" Dugger
", May 18, 2006
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"'irfIow tIItouglr Ollt tire buildtllg. w~ wIll.rso itrBMll. _ 5 tmf 15 seer heat " ,,' I' sysb!m to test for
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Advanced Heating and Air Conditionirig 8/13/2007
1212 Crenshaw
Fax # 541-607-6751 CCB# 162838
Wayne Vagvajgert
4355 Spring Blvd,
Cell # 517-7196"
Home & Fax 343-0882,
As per our conversion today, my son had made a contract with
Jack Dugger to remove an older heat pump:and install a new one
with a air handler and heat pump and thermostat at 1836 SoUth A
street, Springfield, ~egon,
My son had some personal problems and has left the company. I
took over operations of the company on March 7th 2007 for the
, , partners of the company"
We installed the heat pump in 2006 to my knowledge and my son
told me that Jack Dugger was the owner of the business and that he
had bid the job to Jack and that Jack was to get the permit for the
job :'\J...Ll the city of Springfield. ,
We removed the old outdoor heat pump and left the unit on site for
the owner.
The whole job was completed in one day and there was no new
duct work installed, all was already existing in the building, All
electricai was existing on the job and was just switched over to the
new equipment.
To my knowledge this job had passed city inspections and we had
never heard that there was any problems with the job or permits
until I received aphone call on 8/13/2007 from Wayne saying ,
there never was a permit taken on the job, Anything on pennits
should be ~~;"u~d to Jack Dugger. '
If you have any questions you can contact me Leonard John
,Lostrom, operations manager, at 521-1143 at any time,
DE"i/Ei..OPMENT S~R'-ljCES D~P.4fit'1.lYEP'JT
". '
SPFllNGFiE!-D, OR'97477
(541) 726-3753
FAX'(54i) 726-3689
Aug 27. 2007
Code enforcement action concerning 1836 South A Street, SpriIlgfield, OR-
Jack Dugger came into the development services office after ouT most recent code
enforcement letter regarding a heating system installed without permits (REF:COD2007-
00397 dated 071607). Jack Duggerinquired whether or not he was personally liable for:
-. '. . ',. ' . " -. .'- .." . ,-\" " ~ -, . . -" . " - ',' - "'-
any compliance or fees/fines associated with the items mentioned in the code' - " ,
enforcement letter. He asserted he was not because pe did not own the property even
thought he conducted business there. He was told that the, city attaches li!J.bility for code
compliance to the praperty owner, Wayne Vajgert per Lane Coupty records, and any
agreement between the owner llI1d tenant to resolve compliance issue(s) is generally ,
, between them imd Specifically in this case the City of Springfield is not a party involved
in their business relationship. Jack Dugger did hot offer any resolution to 'the exi~ting
code enforcement issue(s) and left after speaking with planning staff.
, David Bowlsby ,
Bldg permit Review Tech
Development Services - Building Safety
225 5th Street
Springfield, OR 97477 '