HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 7/8/2008
:City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Project Name: Duane Knights Partition
Project Proposal: Partition one residential lot in the urban frin'ge into three residential lots
Case Number: PRE2008-00044
Project Address: 3600 Garden Avenue
Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): Map 18-02-06-42, Tax Lot 2600
Zoning: Low Density Residential (LDR)
Overlay District(s): Urbanizable Fringe (UF-10)
Applicable Refinement Plan:
Refinement Plan Designation:
Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential (LDR)
Tentative Decision Date: April 30, 2007
Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: July 8, 2008
Application Submittal Deadline: January 4, 2009
Associated Applications: PRE2006-00101; SUB2007-00014
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I Proiect Planner Land Use Planninq Andy Limbird 726-3784 I
I Transportation Civil Enqineer Transportation Jon Driscoll 726-3679 I
I Public Works Civil Enqineer Utilities Jesse Jones 736-1036 I
I Public Works Civil Enqineer I Sanitary & Storm Sewer ,Jesse Jones 736-1036 I
I Deputy Fire Marshal I Fire and Life Safety I Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 I
I Community Services Manaqer I Buildinq I Dave Puent I 726-3668 I
1i'~P.RI!IG~N;r.iSjQEVEI!Op.MEN;r~REVIEWAiTE~M~---" rl'D :1111[: :lr. "IIIIi;)':fIT~TIm]~l1Illlrn _..... ~'IRI
Applicant/Owner I Engineer
Duane Knights Renee Clough
3600 Garden Avenue Branch Engineering Inc.
Springfield OR 97477 310 Fifth Street
Sprinqfield OR 97477
Date Received: 7/(/ t#iJtf'
Planner: Al -r-;
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The items needed to make tne application complete for review are incorporated below.
. Conditions of Approval.. taken from Notice of Decision dated: 4/30/2007
. Applicant Respon~e - taken from: Narrative submitted June 30, 2008
Condition #1: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the developer shall execute and record an
Improvement Agreement for Laurel Avenue for paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting,
sanitary sewer and storm sewer.
Applicant Response: An Improvement Agreement for the requested facilities is included with
this application.
Staff Finding: OK. An executed Improvement Agreement for Laurel Avenue will be required
with the final plat submittal.
Condition #2: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the developer shall execute and record an
Improvement Agreement for Garden Avenue for paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting,
street trees, sanitary sewer and storm sewer.
Applicant Response: An Improvement Agreement for the requested facilities is included with
this application. '
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Staff Finding: A draft Imorovement A9reement,for Garden Avenue was not submitted with the'
aoolicatio'n! Anexecuted'ImprovemenfAgreemenOor'GardenAven'ue will be requlred'viiiththe
finarplat sCubmittal.
Condition #3: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the northern edge of the irrevocable public
access and powerline easement shall be established from the northern edge of the existing
Garden Avenue right-ofcway line and extending westward through Parcels 1, 2 and 3 to the
eastern boundary of Tax Lot 2602. The dimensions of the public access and powerline easement
will be 30'x 279.5'.
, Applicant Response: The requested easement is shown on the plat. Please note that the
dimensions have been revised slightly due to changes in the boundary calculation since the
Staff Finding: OK. Easement dimensions will be confirmed prior to approval of the Final Plat.
Condition #4: Buildings shall be set back at least 10 feet from the north edge of the 30'x
279.5' public access easement (the future 'Garden Avenue right-of-way) in accordance with SDC
Applicant Response: This restriction is noted on the,plat under the heading "Restrictions" on
page 2. .
Staff Finding: OK.
Condition #5: Prior to approval of the Final Plat; three suitable street trees shall be installed
along the Laurel Avenue frontage of Parcell.
Applicant Response: The trees will be planted after the construction is completed, but before
the mylars ,are submitted. ' ' . .'
Staff Finding: OK. Staff will conducta field check to verify prior to approval of the Final Plat.
Date Received:.-1ji/flof'
Planner: AL '
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Condition #6: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, four suitable street trees shall be installed
along the Garden Avenue frontage of Parcell.
Applicant Response: The trees will be planted after the construction is completed, but before
the mylars are submitted
Staff Finding: OK. Staff will conduct a field check to ,verify prior to approval of the Final Plat.
Condition #7: Prior to approval of, the Final Plat, the location of the' septic drain fields and
reserve areas on Parcels 1 and 2 shall be adjusted to ensure at least 10 feet of separation is
maintained from the nearest property line.
Applicant Response: The proposed drainfields and reserve areas for all the lots have been
revised to allow the same buildable area dimensions shown on the tentative plan. A sketch of
these revisions is included in this submittal.
, Staff Finding: OK.
Condition #8: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the proposed vegetated filter strip/soakage
trench shall be relocated outside the public access and powerline easement.
Applicant Response: 'The developer has stated that the vegetated filter strip/soakage trench
will be constructed just north of the 7.00' PUE that is being dedicated with the plat. The
construction will be completed prior to submittal of mylars.
Staff Finding: OK. Staff will conduct a field check to verify prior to, approval of the Final Plat.
Condition #9: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall submit a seed mix for the
proposed vegetated filter strip/soakage trench. The seed mix shall meet the requirements of the
City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM. The City of Portland
storm water management manual may be referenced for design.
Applicant Response: The seed mix "Pro-Time 705 PDX seed mixture by Hobbs and Hopkins"
has been recommended to the developer.
Staff Finding: OK. Public Works Engineering to verify.
Condition #10: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, a community potable water well producing
sufficient water supply to serve Parcels 1, 2 and 3 shall be installed and functioning.
Applicant Response: The well has been installed in the location shown on the tentative.,
Staff Finding: OK.
Condition #11: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the private water lines serving Parcels 1, 2
and 3 shall be installed and functioning.
Applicant Response: The developer is aware that the water lines must be installed and
functioning prior to submittal of mylars. At the time of this submittal, the construction' work has
been scheduled, but is not complete.
Staff Finding: OK. Staff will conduct a field check to verify prior to approval of the Final Plat.
Condition #12: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the partition plan shall be revised to show a
7-foot wide PUE along the northern edge of the 30x 279.5' public access and powerline
easement serving Parcels 1, 2 and 3.
Applicant Response: The requested easement is included on the plat.
,Staff Finding: OK.
Date Received:-*/ ;)ooi
Planner: AL '/ ,
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Condition #13: "No Parking - Fire Lane" signage shall be installed on both sides of the access
driveway serving Parcels 1~ 2 and 3 in accordance with the Springfield Fire Code (SFC) 503.3
'and SFC Appendix 0103.6.
Applicant Response: The developer is aware that the fire lane signs must be installed prior to
submittal of mylars. The fire lane signs will be installed after the additional paving work.is
completed. To avoid the possibility of redoing the construction' work, the developer would like
city review and approval of the final access easement location prior to beginning construction of
the new paving.
Staff Finding: Springfield Fire Marshal's Office to provide comment on location of signage. Is
placement on a power pole acceptable?
Condition #14: Prior to approval of the Final Plat" the Fire Access Easement affecting Parcel 3
shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City.
Applicant Response: This easement is dedicated on the plat.
Staff Finding: OK.
Condition #15: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the variable-width joint access easement
affecting Tax Lot 500 shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City.
Applicant Response: A copy of the proposed document is included in this application for city
review and comment.
Staff Finding: OK. City Surveyor's office to provide comment.
Condition #16: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the expanded access driveway and Fire
Department turnaround shall be installed as portrayed on the tentative plan.
Applicant Response: The developer is aware that the driveway and turnaround must be
installed prior to submittal of mylars.
Staff Finding: OK. Staff will conduct a field check to verify prior to approval of the Final Plat.
Condition #17: Prior to approval of the Fin~1 Plat, the 30-foot wide irrevocable public access
and powerline easement shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City.
Applicant Response: This easement is dedicated on the plat.
Staff Finding: OK.
Condition #18: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the configuration of the private waterline
easement shall be adjusted as necessary to run from the drilled water well across the frontages
of Parcels 3, 2 and 1. .
Applicant Response: The easement as shown in this submittal is located over the design
, location of the pipe. If the as-built location of the pipe is [sic] differs, the easement will be
, revised accordingly.
Staff Finding: OK.
Condition #19: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the 5-foot wide private waterline easement
shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City.
Applicant Response: This easement is granted on the plat.
Staff Finding: OK.
Date Received: _-dr.! 7-1,,/
,Planner: Al -:-n
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Conditron #20: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, a minimum lS-foot wide paved driveway
serving Parcels 1, 2 and 3 shall be installed from at least the western edge of the Garden
Avenue right-of-way to the western boundary of Parcel 3. A paved Fire Department turnaround
area shall be provided at the western end of the paved driveway.
Applicant Response: The developer is aware that the driveway and turnaround must be
installed prior to submittal of mylars.
Staff Finding: OK. Staff will conduct a field check to verify prior to approval of the Final Plat.
Condition #21: Prior to issuance of occupancy for dwellings on Parcels 2 and 3, the driveway
serving each property shall be paved from the north edge of pavement on the common 18-foot
wide east-west driveway to a point at least 18 feet north of the northern edge of the future
Garden Avenue right,of-way.
Applicant Response: The developer is aware of this restriction.
Staff Finding: This condition is nota "restriction" per se, rather it is a requirement of the
Development Code for a minimum is-foot paved driveway.
Condition #22: Prior to issuance of occupancy for the dwelling on Parcell, the driveway shall
be paved from the northern edge of pavement on Garden Avenue to the face of the garage door.
Applicant Response: The developer is aware of this restriction.
Staff Finding: OK. Since the house is already occupied staff assume this has been done.
Condition #23: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the developer shall sign an Agreement to
Annexation for properties in the Urban Transition Area in accordance with SDC 29.070. .
Applicant Response: The developer has stated that this document was previously signed and
provided to the city when requesting water meters last year.
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Staff Finding:LI~e-CitY'does not .~i3.Y~ ,slgne.cLqg!:ee!11~n!..o!}, fiL~! Additionally, because the
developer is not c6nheCtir\g'to~a--public water system, meters shouldn't be required. A blank
form is provided for the developer to review, sign and return to the City.
Condition' #24: The applicant shall provide and maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at
the corners of the site driveways, and at the intersection of Garden Avenue and Laurel Avenue,
in accordance with SDC 32.070 and LC 15.010(40).
Applicant Response: This restriction is noted on the plat under the heading "Notes" on page 1.
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Staff Finding: OK. \1'!~Cl~~'ciirect..note torgad_"".SRfi.ogfi.!'!ld DeveloDme~t ~~dE?~) not "City
Code". '
Heads Up Comments:
1. Applicant shall clarify an apparent disparity in width of street right-of-way dedication for
Laurel Avenue. A 10-foot wide segment was approved on the tentative plan, and the
submitted plat plan shows only a 5-foot wide segment along the east boundary of Parcel
1. The County Assessor's Map shows a 10-foot difference in right-of'way width measured
from centerline between Laurel Avenue north of the site and along the site frontage. To
ensure continuity in the width of the Laurel Avenue right-of-way, and consistency with the
approved tentative plan, a 10-foot wide street right-of-way dedication is required.
2. Underground eleCtrical service shall be installed to Parcels 2 and 3 prior to Final Plat.
3. On Plat Sheet 1, the dates for References #S, 9 and 10 shall be updated from 2007 to
Date R~ceived: ill/;;oor
Planner: Al -n
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City Planner
THIS IS NOT A DECISION ON THE PLAT. The plat pre-submittal meeting shall be held within
one year of the date of the Land Division Tentative approval. A complete Land Division Plat
application shall be submitted within 180 days of the pre-submittal meeting. If the applicant has,
not submitted the Land Division Plat application within these time frames, the Land Division
Tentative approval shall become null and void and re-submittal of the Land Division Tentative
application shall be re.quired per SDC 5.2-140.
I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the City
within the ISO-day timeline.
Owner/Applicant's Signature
1/ 'DldS
Date Heceived: 1/ 5l.>>0 ( .
Planner: AL -n
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Land Division Plat Application Process (see next page for a diagram of this process)
, ,
1. Applicant Submits a Land Division Plat Application for Pre-Submittal
. The application must conform to the Land Division Plat Pre-Submittal Requirements
Checklist on pages 5 & 6 of this application packet.
. The purpose of pre-submittal is to ensure the applicant has all items necessary for a
complete submittal. '
. A pre-submittal meeting 'to discuss completeness is mandatory.
. Pre-submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00am -
. We strive to conduct the pre-submittal meetings within five to seven working days of
receiving the application.
2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting
. The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre-
submittal meeting.
. The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and
Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning
. The meeting is,scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes.
. The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the
meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not
already complete.
. The applicant will then have 180 days to make'the application complete for submittal
and acceptance by the City.
3. Applicant Submits a Complete Land Division Plat Application
. When the applicant has addressed all items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist and the
City Surveying Section has notified the applicant's surveyor that the plat and other
documents are sufficiently refined, the applicant can submit a complete application to
the City Survey Section located in the NW Quad 'of City Hall.,
. The application must conform to the Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements
Checklist on page 6 of this application packet.
. If the submittal is deemed complete, the City Survey Section will sign-off on the City
Survey approval sheet and send the applicant to the Development Services
Department for application submittal and fee collection. '
. Planning staff checks and signs the mylars.
4. Applicant Records Plat at Lane County &. Submits Plat and Documents to City
. After Planning staff checks and signs the mylars, the plat may then be recorded by the
applicant's surveyor at Lane County.
. After plat has been recorded at Lane County, applicant submits fiv~ (5) recorded,
rolled paper copies of the plat and three (3) copies of required documents to the
Development Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits.
Date ReCeiVed.:__:!.j.f/ ~r
Planner: AL
Applicant submits land division plat application for pre-submittal
(See Land Division Plat Pre-Submittal Requirements Checklist)
City depar:tments review application for completeness and hold pre-submittal meeting to
discuss completeness issues with applicant and applicant's representatives.
Applicant addresses incomplete 'items. I
City Surveyor checks application and returns
comments to applicant's surveyor.
Applicant's surveyor corrects plat I.
and returns to City Su'rveyor., I'
City Surveyor conducts field check and
returns comments to applicant's surveyor
'Applicant's surveyor sets new monuments
and flags existing ones.
, 1
Once no errors appear on the plat and a current title report is submitted, applicant's
surveyor is given ok to submit cQmplete land division plat application.
After ok given from City Surveyor and applicant has addressed all incomplete items from
__ pre-submittal, applicant submits complete application to the City Survey Section
(See Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist) ,
City Survey Section signs-off on City Survey approval sheet and sends the applicant to the
Develop'ment Services Department for application submittal and fee collection.
Planning staff checks and signs mylars and notifies applicant's surveyor of approval.
Applicant takes plat and, accompanying documents to Lane County for recording.
,I Applicant brings copies of recorded plat and documents to Development Services Department. ' I'
Data Received:~~t? f
Planner: AL
Revised 9/26/07 Molly Markarian