HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 12/2/2008 : ..Ii " -,".. rs""'" Or ( -' \\ 1802064202600/0564623 ,. Division of, Chief Deputy Clerk 'Lane County Deeds and R. ds 200~-oI12~1 After Recording Relurn To Western Pioneer Tille Co. PU Bo:< IOl41l Eugene, OR 97440 " :111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $36.00 jJ67",,9720005001725 ,0030036 03/141200501 :28:15 PR RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=4 CASHIER 02 $15.00 $11.00 510.00 -e."t '\'~E lei ~ ~ """ After recording return to: First American Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97401 Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: Duane A. Knights and Susan E. Knights 2258 33rd Street Springfield, OR 97477 File N9.: 7191-529534 (wkc) Date: February 25, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Phil Gerwig, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Duane A. Knights and Susan E. Knights, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, Grantee, the following described real property free of liens and encumbrances,except as specifically set forth herein: See Legal Description attached hereto as .Exhibit A and by this reference Incorporated herein. This property is free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: 1. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements, if any, affecting title, which may appear in the public record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERlY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS: BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERlY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CIlY OR COUNlY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEANED IN ORS 30.930. The true consideration for this conveyance is $130,000.00. (Here comply with requlremenlS of oRS 93.030) Dated this 4th day of March, 2005. Date Received: DEe - 2 2008 Page 1 of 3 Original submittal ~~_'_"~~ r'_~' ~.. ~ ~,.,,_~. . _~. ~ _'~~"'~~~'_~~'~'~"""n'~~~',~~'~_~..~.,.~.~_.~ "'_"~~'_'"_ ~." ^ ,_..._~- _. --.. ,~. .:_. ,,:.._._~,- ..." -- - -- "6-' '0 -... ii?, /( 06 ~S-? , , ~ y ~ File No.: 7191-S29534 (wkc) Date: 02/25/2005 APN:0564623 Phil Gerwig ) )ss. County of 1$'*1 TARRANT ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~ J'\A.6vch by Phil Gerwig. . ~ ~ '---- ~ ~, , ~ Notary Public fol'8. _,,_. ,/~<::-'" My commission expires: '3 - 7 -0 {" I)f~~r;i TEXAS STATE OF 20 Or ,- lWANA G. KENT Notary PubliC, State ol Texas My Commis$lon Ellpires 3-7-2006 J Date Received: DEe - 2 2008 Page 2 of 3 Original Submittl'1 ok' ''-''''.''''''''" .~'"...~__~__ ~. -~...'.,.... . ."~~.~.-.. ~ -=-,,_. .,._,~ .~. 'r.'~_'......'" -",..~~._., _M'~.. ." ""P",""-~,"- ,.-~--~--_._.- -_.- , .' . . .. APN:OS64623 Slllt1lltllY Warranty Oeed - continued AleNa.: 7191-S29S34 (wkc) Date: 02/2S/200S EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning at the Southwest comer of THIRD ADDmON TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 65, Page 27, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the South line of THIRD ADDmON TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, South 80 degrees 18' 21" East 182.35 feet; thence continuing along the said South line North 0 degrees 12' 23" East 49.39 feet; thence continuing along said South line South 79 degrees 34' East 141.94 feet to the Southeasterly comer of Lot 2, Block 3 of said THIRD ADDmON TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract hereinafter described; thence continuing along said South line South 79 degrees 34' East 283.8B feet to the East Southeast corner of THIRD AODmON TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, said point also being the Southwest corner of FOURTH ADOmON TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 68, Page 5, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thenCe along the South line of said FOURTH ADDmON TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, South 79 degrees 34' East 143.08 feet to the Southeast corner of said Fourth Addition; thence South 0 degrees 05' 17" West along the Westerly right-of-way line of Laurel Street 112.10 feet to its intersection with the Northerly right-of-way line of Garden Avenue; thence North 80 degrees 24' West 146.64 feet to the Westerly end of said right-of-way; thence South 0 degrees 05' 17" West 30.43 feet to a point on. the centerline of vacated Garden Avenue; thence North BO degrees 24' West along the centerline of said vacated Garden Avenue 279.53 feet to a point bearing South 0 degrees 12' 23" West 148.77 feet from the True Point of Beginning of this description; thence North 0 degrees 12' 23" East 148.77 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being in Section 06-42, Township 18 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon. . Date Received: DEe - 2 2008 Page 3 of 3 Original Submittal