HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Substandard Building 2008-11-16 :/. #A J~ 1,~ t '\ 31HZ \\4 JJ X\ /, ~ J t~ 1t .~.q ~ ~~~ ?A~...~~ ;7~~-J~ 1 \~ ~~~\~ I\~ I " I I , ! 'I , I Gerry Moseley 2873 Taylor Street Eugene, Oregon 97405 November 16, 2008 / Liz Miller, Planning Department . Lisa Harper, Building and Development Services City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 / / \, /I~ /" /. \\ </ Re: 3920 East 15th Street, Eugene, Oregon Dear Ms. Miller and Ms. Harper: 1 have been working with your departments for about six weeks as part of my purchase of the property situated at 3920 East 15th Street in the Glenwood area. This was a property that had a safety complaint lodged against the owner after he tried to evict a tenant whom he felt may have been stealing from him. Your inspectors were at a loss to show compliance, wrote the owner, and authorized removing electrical service to the site. The owner decided to sell the property which is when I took interest and began to work carefully with you in resolving the issues. (1 had been looking for a mobile home site in that area for several years.) After numerous verbal discussions with various City of Springfield department representatives this letter is to up date you as to our progress and to request your further assistance in completing this step of the effort. Just after purchase on October 14th, 1 wrote Ms. Miller following up on our prior conversation and explaining my findings related to Lane County septic approvals at the property. 1 detailed my anticipated three step approach to satisfying the current health and safety concerns and bringing the property back to its useful life. Six or more loads of debris went to the dump and a subsequent city inspection had confirmed the original living structure as a trailer/mobile home. Suggestions on approaching the electrical and plumbing safety concerns were made. Structural: On October 16th, 2008, I received an unexpected call from Robert Castile who indicated his role over the structural aspects of returning the property for occupancy. After this discussion and hearing my clear expectation that only the original living unit, a studio sized space, would be returned for occupancy he indicated he would need a properly working smoke detector, stove unit, and toilet for approval. The second building would be returned to owner's storage and a utility space (washer/dryer had been moved elsewhere during an improper use of the site.) .. I Electrical: Just after purchase 1 hired a licensed contractor, Ralph Brown, to begin immediate restoration of the electrical service to the small living unit and its auxiliary service and storage building. Ralph and 1 obtained the electrical permit and he has worked with two inspectors from your offices to complete the work indicated (new mobile home meter/switch box at the pole, service lines, moving and re-wiring the secondary box, and checking and testing the various circuits, etc.) One week ago Mr. Dixon gave him a list to complete for the tw~.earts of the property (now done) and indicated that we should next speak to Ms. 'J!!oi~rQ:S to the final approval. Plumbing: At least two city inspections have been made to the property, one of which confirmed the more "mobile" nature of the original unit. A licensed plumber reviewed the property and is ready to complete the task to satisfy the necessary health/safety concerns. He asked me to request a pre-inspection visit from the city to identify the specifics to be undertaken. Permit History: Meanwhile I have undertaken the task of the missing data on approvals and permits and 1 have some initial findings to bring forward for your review: Lane County, City, Electrical and Court records: a. Tax Appraisal information a. The appraisal jacket included a sheet showing 10/1975 appraisal of the site (owner B. D. Vimont) showing two structures, one indicated as a mobile home and a second utility building of approximately the same size as present. This form has a second appraisal in 01/1988 striking out the mobile home reference and changing it to "cover over a 8 x 24' trailer that is beeing (sp) lived in". b. The Deed records provide the chain of ownership from a probate record in 1950 (Jensen) to Vimonts to Way, etc. b. Lane County compliance records (Steve and Judy Williams) a. Steve checked for folders on the property and found no more b. Williams researched the records for early permit records and located a master sheet showing the tax lots and permits granted "in the sixties and seventies" which she uses for compliance checks. There is a permit to Vimont issued in 1964 (#2393) for this tax lot. She did not have a copy; presumably it was transferred to Springfield if it still existed. She recommended 1 check with the city and with the electrical proViders for part of the background information. c. Williams provided a copy of the present computer record that shows two improvements on the property in 1950, one lOx 16 and one 12 x 24', each with "condition efT 1940." ;0 / SUB/EWEB records: a. Sub employees indicate that the account was transferred to them in October, 200 I. They do not have any early historical permit information but they gave me both the electrical meter number and water meter number (early history likely Glenwood water district) and location codes. They (Linda) referred me to EWEB who had given them this information. . b. EWEB services (Marcus) indicated that EWEB only connected a meter with proper approvals on hand, but did not keep that information itself after making the connection-they just followed ownership with their accounts and billing. He had the meter number researched and called me back to report they had billing information starting from 1988 forward. City of Eugene: a. City of Eugene computer records showed no new information. b. Request was put in for the City researcher to check all early background records for permits as they may be required or available (microfiche, etc.) This fee based report has not yet been completed and returned to me. Probate Record: a. The court maintains a film record of the Wills and court records related to each property transfer. The initial record 1 have seen for this property was in 1950 in which Elette Jensen, deceased, had her Will probated. The material in this file shows that the property in question was being used as living quarters from earlier in the j 940s. Her cstmc ::fmal aCColli1ting~: sho\-vs rental iIlcoille of $30 per 1110nth for the .......-.,...,"'....,. h""'!-I,-Qo..... he.. ..J",,,..l-, -'n..J ..I...", .................+"'.. nf' -.n--. "'''5'' 'p ....... .\ ,.",1 h'- plVp....ll) V....t""........U 1...1 U...UUl UJ U 111... U(Ul.:)I...1 VI V~'ll"'l III lV f""'L'I....l, n..1 son. 1 would note that 3920 East 15th was the address to which the ~~heir at Ie\"': 3.I1d legatee" st'n got his maiL b. Axel Jensen was 36 in 1948 and so would be 96 today... It seems I cannot query his memory of their pernlits and oWllership! In conclusion. ba...rring u ha.'1dfu! of microfiche permits from the City of Eugene research, I camlOt say with certainty what permits were required over this time period, or permitted along the 'Nay. There i~ the one permit frL'n1 1964 ~'1U the f~ct L~2.~ decLrl'': t0mp(l,,-,~it':: ,1,-, not act on their o\\'n authority. And, until ct.:::...nged under this current pem1it, the rnDbi!e ele.:t:ic SG'-\:ic;; i.,"':;~ ~I-l;: 3,~i-,";~' .3::\"~:: ,~i"'.:d ~y;..:; ,;3 ~~..~ i"'.:(-ig~...t'':'i'S i......:.t,iIc- ~"'.:C.ii....:- 3('i.'-v'i':2 -.,---,:~...ic~-; .1....__ ~:.___ ..L.. _:.J _.__..._.:.... uaLC llUl11 U1C lUlU :')CVCUUC:'). / 1 do have evidence that the property has been continually lived in since before 1950, and not abandoned. (I am uncertain if Elette Jensen lived there in the forties, but she may have.) Up until the last half-dozen years the property, and its improvements, seem to have been well cared for... even if in an artistic style. The circumstances earlier this year made it difficult for City of Springfield inspectors to get a correct picture. As mentioned in my earlier letter meeting health and safety standards and re-gaining approval for occupancy is the first step. After "dotting' , i' s and crossing '(' s ", 1 would hope that the electrical and structural are complete and only the p!mnbing check n:rrl2.!ns. This will bring me back to original purposes use and the privilege to work on the nex! steps 1 have outlined. There is some urgency in my wanting to get the necessary permits campleted far occupancy. 1 have experienced some vandalism on the property and I doubt it wijj be too sec~~!"e for !TIY rent':!! st0!'?.ge use un!!! someone is back in the s!1.ldio on :l regular b~s!s. ! mTI replacing a fe!1ce~ as mentioned in your office tbis past nlonth; it nlay help. 1 !la.llks for YOU! assiS!arlCe in this matter. Cordiaiiy, ~.(A~ )11(~ r".,____.J '4.__..'-... - - ~ -V \.JC"hUU 1\iJ.U~CiCJ 541-521-0616