HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 2/19/2008 .. l ,,:v-~, I~S1 e./'10'l 735-/ IL (0000 ,'.1-:'\ \" ". ".J . \.J ", iV' " .SOq7357 \~ . .', ~11~:J:Y;_p~pI)_',:-' '~~'A~t~l'OF.Y FORM . ',.~IVI~tJA~ G!ttl.NTOR . -ARLI?i,A:/ HOE,HAUF,. a. _~!46w:.:'Graritor. conveys arid i.jarran'.:!:; 't.o ARL1EU\.. H08IiAUF .-:'T.RV~.Tj~oHrre,~_ SUCC.E_~SO~JN :TRU~f 'UNtlER 'l'}]E HOE~.mll' LIVli!G :'TFN~';l'.. DA'I'ED SEP'fEMBEH 28. 1990. AND ANY AHENDMENTS THEPETO. Grantee, triel.foito~;iln9 describe'd' real propert'IJ,,;_f_~e~ ,af ~ncuffibran(;es 'e:,'-'ce"j;lt a.~, '~,;pe#ifi.c<:1HY';1.~'e:i-/f~i-:t'J} herein situated in La."'!e";coUffty, Cregon.:," :1:9 \-lit: EXHIinp' ".a." ATT}\CHED'H~RETO AND HPJJEl A E'A-R'f J-i.ERf:lOF. ~~:!:OCT ,02" 9Gg~'}I1R;:::C ~!.4~r.J:~C-;:T ;02:'.9mic]4F;FWm .,1[j.~OO' 1t!JddOcr ;'02 '.;j'6Ifbt)I'l~/T; ~ur-!1)'2b; cD , -' . '" The said ~prope-Fty, is' ,:~r_ee 'frQ~E:n'curnbLanc<:~'C ~xcept. eas.e~eii:t.s. con'ditfons. .res::.rictt'ons and e!1_curr.~~;:mce-s of. }:."'3CC!:U. The true::cbn~i-d~ration for.,.thfs ,.:-onveYa!"1cG is'~ e: -I' ....S. ": 1 ,"conciderat'1o'n": cons\sb3.''Of 'oi:-includ"es ,6ibel.- pi~p~r~y .'c::c ~:~i~:;Cbi~:~~~>6-~f~~'C: proniis'e-d:"Which, 'is 1:he whole .cons!derat.i'1n. 7HIS, HSfp.!JH3Nr ifILL liar ALLli~ 'YSg, &1. rHB PROPK,Rl'! D!:SCRICf!D MHIrA,?L_KLAjj) USiiH,^_IfS.,j,JiD :RHGUHfJO!i5. BR(IJRE' HGRING OR nR~p!i 'uguUHiG_lli8,;rlrLg I'D' fIIB, nqPKRH' SIIOUL'D CUiiCK /fIfE 'PLANNIHG DBPAETMBHT. rO,VSRlFf 'APPROViiD IISBS, Dated t~iS\~~~ay ~f Sep~e~ber. 1990. I!i ('HIS JHSi'~lll!P,l!f ili- nOJ,ilfIO~ :')1 ilCC5PrI!i\i'_ rEIS n;HRll!i~iir-; ,_ng~~ rilE .~prp.OP!!HrN Cf'i':'.orr'COUi1?!', /}. ,i. " ,i ~"t.i /i Arlie -1\. Hoerauf STATE :OE' OP.EGC'N" County of f-lul tnom",h S<=", .SEP,2,t;;; 199[1 . , / . _.' -. .~, ..- _ , -'. 1990, Personally apt?f:;;:::::,,':~j4'8 ~,b::)ve :;1;:,)Q2i:J. ,[l"i:r:i:-'"~ "A. Hoerallf,:and ,acknm-lledged the fOLCgOir~:1"""i- ruj:f,ent: ',:0 0'2', h-s~c '1)cilii(St.ai~,"'2,d: "':ddeesl.... . ~~'~L/" ',' Befor:e'me: I c-- . . \.:';y' ~:~~mi~;~~~ ~:G'{,-'bj7,~~j(l"~ -. 'ARLIE::A.. f{()ER}\U.P. GRANTOR ;HOERAU:E' LIVING. 'l'RUS'l'. GRfiN'1'F..E 1306' :'F'.' St.n:€~'c 'Sp'i'in~if:Leld OR 9727,7 .. . "Ai~~'r-;Rec6rdin~. Retui-ri .tOt HOERAUF LIVING-TRUST, GR~i~E 1306':. "P-'" '-sire~:t sprin~_diel~' OR 972?7/. '.n..l'l.i~ 'statement,s shall be sent 'COI . ."l~'O "C~-IANGf1- d_". I 'l(::>'::#,;;:: i/~'.,'':.::,', ;'1''',' '-';"'-.::'';::}. . f'~"'.~' :'J i:.. '.' , ~.::.. . ~,.;.-: ':.>'i- -.,"'< 11/09/:200 1;. -----""'~~- .. 'j ~ 904'<'357 'EXHIBIT " ~ " " '.Be.;:innir.g 01... ~.jP.cdD.t'un t.h~ North siat:: of.. "f" fce";- '~,<3:s:r. from t.h~ s._6.ut_he~st c,9.'l;p.e:t~ of Eho(;'J~l. 0::[" Addrt_~:cm ,to springfJ~.J.'d., Or.egon. a's. -be fore,_.th"c same: "in ":~e'ctislO, .36. T~'w'n_~~J.'p, 17: e"~.u.th.'Ra~ge :3 I'tesJ~. "\'ir.'i\ thence East 120. 0\L,"f_eet; ,then:,~e, 1:Ior;:.h 345. 00 "'j~i.':,~.t. > 120; 00_' ,f.ee t. the~ge 'So'udl. -'346.00' feet: t.otli'e ,pl'ac~ F:XCEP'l',:. Tax Lot 7700. Section 36, TO\tlnshtp 17 E)Qut.h, '1:~!1'1..".l West', "WM. EXCEP't: Ta>: Lot ~,a00. Section 35, 'l'oi-mship 17 SO\Jt.ho Range ::5 He"st, "\1H. nx"CEP1.': 'I'ax Lv!. 7700. Section 36, 'ror;1i1ship -17 South, Harigr:;' 3 W~-\'I.,H. and Beginning a,t. a';p.oint. on the iic,J;"th sh'.ti? Df .." S':~:,;eet; 9\;0 fact ~a~~'from th~ .~6utheaBt corner of Blocj[ 1 oi Additicri to Springfield, Origon, is bsfo~e the ~~ in Se~iions j5 and 36, Township 1~ Sout~. Range ~ Wezt; running ,-1~he;}ceEast 60._00. feet, thence Hor'th :Jr},~::;.0G fe'et, \-Iest 60."0 fee't. thence :8om:.h 3'46.00 f~~~';: 'c..\_' i-:;b{~ ;?a.Ie,'~"o:::':, beai'n!1in9. ~.xCE:?'T'l 'Ial{ Lot 77(()0" SeO:T.ilJ]1 35 'c,~ 3-;" ~"(fl,>f!H.:1:l~_p ~!7 :3,)'J,th" 3 .\'lest, \'iTf.i. EXCEPT_: "fax I.,ot 4-800, SeGti<?D "-.,', 'I'D"';;-;~,;;-, ','-' ., ';"-' " "~'" '~_'::\T~0~:: -j West, \'In. and . , . the. }j~~~~~~~~g o~n l~(~-~~~~Zt 1;~~ ~;n':'~:~'~;:~~~~~;~;~~:"~:~~:::,;~~~.~';~:~t::~.t~,:r. the North line of said '-F" $,tree1:.. thcn'~e.' ?'io.:;':th ~!IJG,,,',0'.-n:et; para-lIO::1,_ ~iith -,-the 'Sas-t li'ne ,of ,10th St.i:e~~'t, :mi,F;;l South :'li-ne of Lcit 1. 'Subdivis;IJ::I.' of [JLj~ ~i~;3, )::,,1':2,"j/'; fe;;;..... 'on the SOl,.lth ltrie of' said L':'l'c oJ.. .t.h~'nCf] E:o\.,t.)o, more or iess .to ::'.-' .pl~n::e ,0'( beg-inn:\.n~J,~ ,EXCEPT:' :8egtnning at a 'point orl t.he ~lG:;_";-_h U..n c.f "~:;.., Si:2-~t:!.e~: 1380 feet: Eas't or the -East line of 10th :;;-;,;::-:(~et and n,mni:ng ,th8!v.:.e. East ,182.,13 feet. .onth6: North l'ine of ;,;;::;:Ld "P" St.)':ee'l; '~f\Ore 'D1:: leE,s"- to .tbe Eas,t 1 ine. ,oJ: :said o!':zmj;ses ~'~,nr~,o,!';:!',;,!",",~~dl_"~_"" ",~;~,,-",'nG. 3,',~,;'~.'-._,'0f.::::,~e~~^,'~<,." ',J','", Cert.i:hc'ate :ot 'l'itl'e/R2'g.'7#7. and~. _ __,~ ._ ..~" ,.__ ....._-=--~~-~-~-- ':~~:i-~'~ ~.:-~ ~"~~l:I~'~{'~;:~'~' .~ ~ ~'th~~~ ~t-:'t ~ i{,-~-~ then'ce ~,Sou!.h ,-3-16. 0, f~et more o:c 1085' to tdri~a~ri~ng more'or less 0..31 acre. nI0~~ O' lC3s ~o a pot~0 "~~~i~~i~~a~~ ,. t~~~~;~:,~'t, flXCEPT: ,St.reet. cont~ining 0.13 acre. 'i~:; .::. 11/09/20C'7 ,.' ., ,." , "'- -,' Cl~ " 0,' ;;.' "'-1',' ,r-:l ' .en --,,}'- c " 5!~t~.o[ D,ego,ii; Courity of-.l.ane:"-ss. I, tht'COlln;:;' C1crk:~ln ,md for"llli' said Co\inly,}il herehy n'rtirrlf,~l !l'l-'y..iihio ~Il~~iumcili' i\;a"s" ~cceived fo!" ie-cord' ~l f-' f-J o '0 ". tv o o --.1 . ,',' c O~T 9(j q: 2$ ,;:,i 1li5~7R , ~ L"nc ~tluiJ.:i,0\T\C1^L ikc('rd~_ b1l\e c,,~nt)' CI~rl; '~y: , CIiU:f,~ '-~-(}C<;l:;.rvL~~~~ r ')~_ ;'i'; -;",:,":',,~"';,,' s.l'''', . - - ":;'1;":":'''' ",'-}'; 'l ";, ".' ,- __..'1..... ,'.-"'- '. ~-> I~. - - :l. "" .. "" "... ......., ...,. ,..11...,..""". I J .a .."1","''',.,'" ..',Ii,,, I III ,'" ,.... ,;" ""." ,., .. .", "'" '" " " " II . II" . .. ~ lll. ,. ..' 0". III ,,' . 1.,,, ~ ..~ RETURN TO CASCADE TITLE CO, n~o2,-3Co-22 -rL 1,)00\ Division of Chl...,Oepuly Clerk ~nM.nn9190 Lane Counly Deeds and Records 'UU', UU g TITLE NO, ESCROW NO, TAX ACCT, NO, 158/158 EU04-4345 1643863 pC> 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31.00 105~42D1210~00091980020027 02/10/2004 1I:lIi:40 AM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=8 CASHIER 06 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 .,"'-....... .,.. CASCADE TITLE CO. WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM ARLIE A. HOERAUF, Trustee under the Hoerauf Living Trust dated September 28, 1990" Grantor, conveys and warrants to GORDON p, HOERAUF, Grantee, the following described' real property free of encumbrances except as specifically se~ forth ,herein: I SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS, INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND,USE LAWS AND, REGULATIONS. ,BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS, INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON AyQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTy'SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930. The,true consideration ,for this conveyance is $65, 9in, 54, Dated this 10 .n day of i1~d-'~' ',2c)O,-/, ~:: a. ~,,/ ".h_M-G.. ARLIE A, HOERAUF, Trus~ee , .' , OFFICiAl SEAL , " HELEN BRENT " j NOTARY PUBUC-OREGOH \, .,/ COMMISSION NO, 372657 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT08ER 17, roO? STATE OF OREGON, County of ni?~ ) se. ", This instrument was acknowledged before me on~~~ 10, 200 tf .. by ARLIE A, HOERAUF, Trustee under the Hoerauf Livin" Trust ~ted Se1)tember :28, 1990 )b:.~ Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: )/) ~/7-o '1 'ARLIE A, ,HOERAUF, Trustee 13 06 f street sorinQfie1d, OR 97477 GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address, *** SAME AS GRANTEE *** GORDON p, HOERAUF 938 MCKENZIE CREST DRIVE SPRINGFIELD. OR ' 97477 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS After recording return to, CASCADE TIT~E CO, 8 11 WI LLAMETTE EUG~NE, OR 97401 " " " v. .~, " J, ~RE.SU~Wlm~\. RECIO rEB t,91.008 ~. ... .' > , - -~.."~. .. d ,.,...mlll..,,11 .",.. "'" , .,,,.j,I.ll;,~~U"'.', '~I"W,'",''''''''''''''''' II ",." I I~'"'''' " . "'" ,.,W "~ .. EXHIBIT, A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Situated in the, C~ty of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon, in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: Beginning'on the North line of F Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon 1,560 feet East of the East line of lOth Street and running thence East on'said North,line of F Street 60.00 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of lOth Street 134 'feet; thence'~est parallel to the North line of F Street 60,00 feet to a point that is 134 feet North of the place of 'beginning, thence South 134 feet to the place of beginnipg. , , ;.;' ;., - ,.....'. II ~() 3--- ju-?' L LX 8(sO , l~j _ TL ,-: ,,-/ i /U' J mWES'TERN ~ TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY tD' lV \- \ conveys and warrants to ~ 4t7i.~OSEF:H N DIXON and SHERYL HOBBS survivorship, Grantee, WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM LINDA L. NEUMAN, Grantor, no~ as tenancs in common, but with right of the following described real property, free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein, to wit: See EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof Tax Account No(s): 0327914 . Map/Tax Lot No (sl: 17 03 36 22 0(800 This property is free from encumbrances, EXCEPT: All those items of record, if any, as of the date of this deed, including any real property taxes due, but not yet payable. The true consideration for .this conveyance is $HO,OOO.OO . THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF TUX PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. Da~ed this QJ}:;daY of sep~"""er~1. ,?I~L~ I A L. NEUMAN 1( t7.t/ J;17(Z1o STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LANE ) 55. 4L me on sePtember~, 2001 ~y LrNDA L. This instrument was acknowledged before NEUMAN . c:~fL/ , it '\ (Notary Public f,?:l:')O~ I I My ~iO~-:'i:,,;-~'"Pires I u I //~." U 0, O:-ncns:::\l ~ ., ,.:. '~!~""l"""'''- '"'' ,'. 1 ,.'.1;, ....."r~..JI1 i. ".i' NOTJ.9VPUBl1C-OOi$ON X..;; COfI.M1SSIONNO.306585 I.lYCJlA-'JSS!ONEX.DfflES DECMER 22,2001 After recording return to: WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY 497 OAKWAY ROAD, SUITE 340 EUGENE, OR 97401 Until a change is requested all tax statements shalL be-sent to the following address: ' JOSEPH DIXON AND SHERYL HOBBS . \/1 II cT. J..:l.,"" ,.......-.. _.._.....,., ';-!!'~.,..,.T 1"""2..C)' b ..:::. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478-5539 TITLE NO. ESCROW NO. Division of Chief Depuly Clerk 'MI.4~\11~ Lane Counly Deeds and Records ,~~ Vg~, g 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31,00 00217321200100634760020024 09/27/200101:11:39 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln05 CASHIER 01 $10.00 $11,00 $10.00 30-0298601 30-0298601 PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'O FEB 1 92108 I' . ....."'~, 0.> , ~ .,:',.. .,,~~ ~...,,< ..~,.~w.>~>.". . . ,,-_. ~ ~_. ~ -~- q,~.~~.- .. ..... .q..--..'..- "..,. .,- ,,_.... q', '".-.'..' "'",''' .._-,. -~~"'''""""-c.......,,-,,.._,~~., ,.~......."..'...~,_."...~.....".,..~_.".","". '....~, _l::::'"KMu..............,,'~....'n' :iI",~ . ....~'!IllW....'.""_'_,u....~ . . EXHIBIT A Beginning at a point 1380,0 feet East from the East line of lOth Street in Springfield, Oregon and 134.0 feet North of the North line of "F" Street; running thence North 120 feet to the South line of "G" Street; thence East along the South line of "G" Street 75 feet; thence South 120 feet; thence West 75 feet to the' place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB t 9 '~008 J' .\ \., \1-03- )/..,,< ~II",_ c' - '-I ({)() J_ _ (:'t I~. i -! v ., . ,. Until a change is requested, send all tax statements to: Philomena Anne Meile 1301 "G" Street Springfield, OR 97477 After'recording return to: B & J/Barristers' Aide for Wurtz & Logan 31 55th Street Springfield, OR 97477 DEED OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE PHILOMENA ANNE MElLE, Personal Representative of the Estate of ROSEMARY J, MElLE, deceased, Grantor, conveys to PHILOMENA ANNE MElLE, Grante'e, the following described real property 'located in Lane County, Oregon: See Exhibit" 1" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. The true and actual consideration for this conveyance is $None, and is pursuant to Order Approving Final' Account and Decree of Final Distribution entered by the Lane County Circuit Court under No, 50-99-12308, in the Estate of Rosemary J. Meile, deceased. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930., DATED: ()j/Jlldv I '- . . ~" ~ t-'hilomena Anne Meile, PeLsonal Representative of the Estate of Rosemary J. Meile, Deceased ,2000, .-- --...... DIVISION OF CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS 1,111111111111111111111111111111111' lJl22378210113018J03 2000013018 11:54:44 AM 03/06/2000 RPR DEED 1 - 3 CRSHIER 02 15,00 11,00 10.00 36.00 Page 1 - Deed of Personal Representative PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O _ FEB 1 9':2008 t!W'a.~tjtUtl~iIiV-~I'I1J.'li.li.~-.:o,",-...-'W.It'I".'~~"'iII'l<">::'lI7:1O'~~~""''l>oI<.;/~~''':'''''''''~-''''''~'.".""'."':'L.f<~'''C''''''''_ _....~.................... < '~"U~A."~~'L,_ ,~, ""~~. .,_ ~_,.~,>. ... "~ ...........- ... .' STATE OF OREGON ss County of Lane The above instrument was acknowledged by the above named Philomena Anne Meiie, Personai Representative of the Estate of Rosemary j, Meile, to be her voluntary act as Personal Representative. ' , \ DATED: rH..~ ( ,2000, (Nd:~o\\~go" My commissio~~\res: r-.--', --cimMa '"01 , DORIS J CAPPS : :' NOTARY PUBlIC. OREGlJI . ",' , COMMISSION NO, 308204 · , lII'CMlSSlIliEXP!llfSJAMJARY6,2lIll2 : l__________________________J. Page 2 - Deed of Personal Representative PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 1 92008 I' ~t.f3l&~"-.-:'"d~,~"'''~..-~~~t~P..i:II~~..~'...~'':."...''''''''.f'~....--..- L..'"-....~~.'.~.'...._h,...-__.~' '. _ ~~ M" .,,~~., ~ , w.. . ~ _~.~ . . ". " .. EXHIBIT "1" Beginning at a point 1455.0 feet East of the East line of 1 Oth Street in Springfield, Oregon, and 134,0 feet North of the North line of "F" Street; running thence North 120 feet; thence East 75 feet; thence South 120 feet; thence West 75 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, -- PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O FEB 1 92008 , ' " . , ' .. .. ri ,,~.~". '~"'''''''''''_'''''c,...-.:._..._.......-.."...* ," .io [ 17' 1 ~ [1 y ~1(P 2c TL 5;0/:.. . Division o( Chle( Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records ' ( ~.. I ;' J , ., f t ~.~. f "\ /-,- From: ERIK M. BERGLUND & WANDA I. BERGLUND RECORDING REQUESTED BY: ERIK M. BERGLUND & W ANnA I. BERGLUND I3 II G STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 When Recorded, Mail to: Same as Above MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: Same as Before SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE TRUST TRANSFER DEED Notice;. This conveyance is to a trust not pursuant to a sale and is exempt from tax and the undersigned are the declarants and trustees on the effective date of this instrument. The consideration for this transfer is -$0-. - WARRANTY DEED ERIK M. BERGLUND & WANDA I. BERGLUND bereby grant to THE BERGLUND FAMILY TRUST, whose Trustees are, at the time of recording, ERIK M. BERGLUND & WANDA I. BERGLUND, whose successors and appointees are also named in that instrument known as the CERTIFIED EXTRACT OF TRUST AGREEMENT of said trust agreement, identified as EXHIBIT "B'o; attached hereto and made a part hereof, all that real t"VP~"J' situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. -=7 /7 ~/{.,2006 ,'x.znff~ - ERIKM.-BEkt'iLUNJY" '--- X --:i-h,/)?c/4.. 0. ....CZFh"tJ//./-?1~ WANDA I. BERGLUND State of Oregon ) )ss County of Lane ) On this -L.t!!J.. day of j)~('p.IUA-v, ,2006, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, appeared ERIK M. BERGLUND and WANDA I. BERGLUND, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to this instrument and acknowledged that they executed it. Witness my hand and official Seal. '~.'....-...::;.::.:.::~;.::::?...:._,_._,--:...~. ," .m OFFICIAL SEAL 1,-" PAULETIE C. KOONTZ I" ,," NOTARY PUBLlC.OREGON ,I} COMMISSION NO, 364777 W MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEB, 5, 2007 ~._~~.-~_._----~ 'fJcu.d~;W./ c.. 1)6~ Notary Public {seal} My Commission Expires: ~/'" <>j ~Oo 7 TRUST TRANSFER DEED OF THE BERGLUND FAMU. Y TRUST PRt.SU~Mm~l RtC'Q FEB 1,92008 ~ ~~~.,"'~_n".__,~"..._._._, ,~__,. ____..' ... -..--.---....- -..-.---....-"---.-.. ~ r ...- ", ... EXHIBIT "A" All of the following described property, SAVE AND EXCEPT the East 3 feet thereof: Beginning at a point 134.00 feet North of a point in the North line of "F" Street, whicb is 1620.00 feet East of the intersection of said North line of"F" Street with the East line of lOth Street, in Springfield, Oregon; thence North 123.44 feet; thence along a 7- 49' curve right, the long chord of which bears South 87-07' West 68.39 feet; thence West 21. 70 feet; thence South 120.00 feet; thence East 90.00 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, END EXHIBIT" A" PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 1: ,92008 I . ~...~ .,-~ " ~. ~~ ._~ '.-.,.- .~ ....-".. -- ._._'"~.__._,._~_.~~~~- '" ~L',~-,,"_ . ", :;;.,. .' ,EXHIBIT "B" CERTIFIED EXTRACT OF TRUST AGREEMENT THE BERGLUr...'D FAr,'HL Y TRUST L That ERIK M. BERGLUND and WANDA I. BERGLUND as settlor.; and trustees, executed a Declaration ofTrust dated ~lt-II, 2006. Said Declaration ofTrust is entitled THE BERGLUND FAMILY TRUST. 2. That the current beneficiaries under the terms of said Declaration of Trust are the settlor.;. 3. That the power and authority of the Trustees with respect to the Trust property includes, by way of illustration, the following: A. To sell, exchange, convey, refinance, lease, repair, abandon, pledge for security, and exercise all the rights power.; and privileges which an absolute owner of the same property would have regarding any e' "y,..) which the Trustees choose to receive. B. To open bank accounts, to bolTOwmoneywith or without security; to receive all dividends, interest and other income and to compromise and settle claims. Any banking institution that establishes accounts in the name of the Trust is advised that there is nothing in the Declaration ofTrust that requires any banking institution to exercise any discretion other than required in normal banking procedures. Any and all bank accounts, including checking and savings accounts, established in the name of the Trust by the Trustees shall be subject to withdrawal, and all checks drafts and other obligations of the trust shall be honored by said depositories upon the signature(s) of the Trustee(s). C. To invest and reinvest the trust estate in every kind of property, real, personal, or mixed, and every kind of investment, specifically including, but not by way oflimitatioD,corporate obligations of every kind, stocks, preferred or common, shares in investment trusts, investment companies, mutual funds and mortgage participation. D."To maintain and operate brokerage accounts with broker.;. E. To carry insurance, including life insurance on any per.;on, at the expense of the trust of such kinds and in such amounts as the Trustee(s) deem advisable to protect the trust estate against any damage or loss and to protect the trustee(s) against liability with respect to third parties. The insuring companies have no responsibilities other than to pay the claims arid proceeds of the policies and are not required to examine the Declaration of Trust at any time. , 4. Settlor.; are empowered to designate trustees and Successor Trustees and have appointed CONNIE ANN HOFFMAN as first successor trustee and LINDA SUE WILLIAMS and CINDY LEE WOLF to serve as alternate successor co-trustees. The settlo", reserve the right to appoint trustees and successor trustees and to remove any trustee(s) from office at any time while alive. Unless otherwise stated in writing hy the settlor.;, the trustees of the Declaration of Trust shall be considered to be those mentioned above. 5. The enumeration of certain powers of the Trustees shall not be interpreted as a limitation of any right of the Trustees nOI so enumerated, the Trustees being vested with and having all rights, duties, powe", and privileges which an absolute owner of the same property would have. f:ND OF EXHIBIT "B" PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D FEB 1.92008 lTO).-- '(L F " " ,', ' __,:.i~ ;....' ,. .;,.. .", " '1,>.j, ,.~ . ..',.. . ..... " ", ", Ii " ,",' ,.', ,<ti~!: "'I.:'i:itj /: :~;~~~~;~{1 ,,'/' <~~~~~: :V.;\~':i~jl '.:,;;.\Vt~ ';'"""1 :/:!:~~!J " fi~i'!'.~ ".~?~Ni :;~~~; ..,..xP .....\1~~.1 r"" "" ; .,),DDU.' ,;{~ '^" '" ,J:,;' ~ -:',., "..i', ;i;:,~;jti ' .' ~l;l:"~'~-'~'~ "iAit~~l ",,,,," ,,' ""'~t :~f 'if~ I ':'?~?F,;~' ,'::':,~,"',}.:,:.,~.t,:I' ' ,;,:,,",. , - ;~::~~i~(.,:~: :.'.: -",j' i'';:',;,'" ~;:~I "", , .,; ':",; ="' "'--'~~'~."-I '. ,_,.,~I , ., ,lIiII ':1 I ~ fI 11 . /'7~O (.)- 3if--'~ ;;...~, 0, 5cJQ q , RE~ID II ,----., ..m.-'...-:.... 1'~;-,fR;~SUBMITIAl:! II ~ ,ftt., , FES._!..,!~~~.~_.1 . =-a .~. .- i . 9255043 ini.s)N~,':;~~ir.t U2a4 !llCltOW NO. iP92.1J.S74 tAX !.gct. &40. 3279'0. !..!.....:..:;...... ;.;..;::.:_....' '- -~~,{( " .', ':.".,.[ L WIJlJUl1m ND .... INVt'OR1 POIIh rniDIYmDAL ,o:r c:a;l'0Mn0lf1 DDnIliU LB ROY AHDlR~ ucI Lmlf ~ lWDIR&llN, blubull AlIa wU., on.atQ~ ~ COnVl!Ill'1!! ancl Wllr.::ll.ll.~. tQ ~..ia"afJ2il:EC ,;;.00 ~;3I]'9arl!Pruu 1D.00 DM:i~p.i!IPRZIIir"~T fUND za.~ ~ [ t r t i I f I i I I awl IIWiZ HlUUt, OZalltotc, $ g ~ i ~ lZ ., ffi the fOllOlllfla d91lU:1Hd: nl.l. pl:'DpIl~Y :l!~1iI1i1 0: C1OOllllLb::anCM fXOUPIO D.lI 1Ip:1l:flt'!J,lllly Da\ fOJ:th Ninlnl BtQIllNlRO .\'1' " rom 127 'In' J..'OMH or A ponn: m 'ttm hO:af1I LINt or .,. S%REtt. WICB t" 162Q nn tMr or 1'11& m!:MI"UOU 0' BAlD NC~m "%Ill 01" .,- emu "w N WT ~Im: l;IP 10'1'B 1I'rP.K!:~ m QMUttanrLO, .r.aHE. CODtm, ~ClN, MD R.WnI:mo 'fRIROJ NOJltff l:1D.4& 1D'Jl, 'Z'HZttC& ILOllQ A" DEOJlU. Ag' ct1R'n 70 'lliE r.zr~, ;B1C clttlRb or ~lOl NU& N~H III 1tQJW:1I 5%' m1a:f e:D,61 r!U, 'rIuutC! ClQtnR 1:19.02 lllf, 'mnca Hl:1:'l- GO 'I~f ~ mE l'c:mr OF IJt'Q.INIi;tfilt, ill ~ CQunt, OI\8SQN~ ~~ ~ : ~u . ... .. t will 110\ .UChI -0.1. of !;hi pRptI~J ,b,jlddlrld to. aLe :lUt:~eat 111 .,.I.u:a,irroI;J,DQ gf IIppl;$.c:tIhlt Iud 11.. laid abo5 ntVkUco., hirer. ~lJ Clf ...~elpe:la9 "ll.... .llut~llt;., tJllJ f'nr:a Iclld1rLlI' n. ~1t.1. to t;b.II .~ .bD\llQ cblC'lr. .1.tb tlllO .pprup.btl c.l.~r ClC' C;;I~:r pLa'RAb!J' 4o:p.wbut. w ....dfr .,>>rG'u4 III". 1'~ll'aQt;I..d, . COycna;ntbr ooodJ.t.t.o:mu, tlllat:=lotoJ.olld 1Ir.cl. UUPlllOfll:.1f of Z'.CO%'!1 'Iho ~rvv lilOl1aid~(c.rl:::Jn to: 1:.1\1,:11 Q;!nIJ".)'oll.nClII 1_ tho n'l\ll.rc=on~g. !;It ORU 93.,030-1 I al.t.ad thlll: ?'I.~ Ij"y 0' s,. et I 19Q"t.". 1.f . C'CfFQ;-A';;U ~ll'ItOrl I. "0 ""G. ." n... .. .. "l~ by n"''' ,t .ta .,... .1 dl"'...... ".~~i~~~ 7'",__ If,,;t.t.t.~ {i_...I~ ~"N 8T1U.ElN NlDtR:JOH r!:.r? Ad Sli",~O.OO (ii~.. ~~y with 511\.5 or ~l\Cyoll, Caunl;}I !;Ir \11.. .l~. by ~hb lrLllt.nmant. \II" 1It;lcnollladgGd bel(lnJ ba 101" c;r.. B-,~ DONALD Lt! Rot ltIlliUl50N a.ut tYml' ~"1'l1LE:n1 t.Nn!:R$l'i"'/t My =n1._1I!0li oxpb,," 3-10 Cd" tl0111\1.t1 '" :,~':il,'[t~~ f.tlf DREll';."H C~"~Nll~"lI ~~~W~~~~''''ut4 Ul'll:Ll a chlnio b ~'qoJ'U';l, .u tt.t lut~l"ftt. .hlU till tent. t.o ~ho t'cllovLn'il Iodlk/h.1 .... ~lJjJ:" M, gliNt~E tt_ "" CRMtoTl,'C1 rwu: Nf" hIit)IUlIJS .]tlOl'lrt:rr"IU.M llt:6t' r,C'cJ'dLnv patvrn ~Ol EVlltll~E/f WiD 'unl: Cl>>IrNIY or Ol'.:~tf 13~1 -Q. ornr::zr lIPlUllQPtll"tb. l:lR. '>loPJJ.r:n 'll, ilNU: NID IoIlDM:U :'570 HOffAWT, g:~VD 13'J11tl;T1CfJ)~ D1I. !1n7 _',~,'o': -~.~.'; ",.. ;.,.~., . ..-:.'" . .!: .:'""'.,,'," ., . .;'~ PRE-SUBN ITTAl REC'O ',. ,:iI~~',;:'.i~ FEB 'I: 920W I ';~""'i . ",' ~;:'+<V,;~j'};,2~;:::':;',;;;~T:'i~\:);~,':(,',: :, '. .~;\ '; ;:,: ;, ,.\ . .. . 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I , -""',J~...,,.",.'" .', ";j~' !l':[S11 ....;.':_.~' :". l .:. .,,' :. ;~~:;~i,;'", : ,:" W,,;.'ij"-"':->'., "_::~_7..r.1 \1~i/'2' :: ;<, I :i:~~~:;~;:~,:~~=i. ~_."..' '. h,'\' ':""'1 _.11 ";1 I Ii ,", , .~, .",' JAN, 31. 2008 11: 49AM r "1 li" "^' ?'~) (, ~ :> - ~>4;' L "~l' '''-Pr'' 1_ C:> ~-I EV~"SREEN LAND TITLE CO L1/~ 6- ~&, '-\",.% '~-U2. 4/'~' ~J i. .\ ,.... "" :. " " ~,,:", '.}>: ,.' ,> .. .. .. '1.,'" ....., \',' \ < ,'.'. .", ',;1", " ," j: '. l~'::::;~:_ .'" I,', ")-;L O c:NO, 28421 " p, """\;.)-1 r M~,: , , ". '.... , l~:, ' \ ~:j,' ~' , i , "~ . 9603517 , ~ftBr rBc~r~lngr r~turn to: .lmtlGI w. Lrnl'b, J~. 1334 Ilrn str~t ~rin9fi.ld. OR 97477 I16Jl(eg W. LSe, i1r.l 1334 "F" a~e61: gp:in;!ieldi O~ 97477 ',':' 'l~"'.. ~ I' . r TJ'nt.i1 a cl1l:1ng-e is requestedl tIIBil :ul tax stll.tffil:sntlJ tal TAX ACcoOm t~o.: , 3':180" .!!!!!1M,l?~9bH02Ral 10.00 9:2!?1m.19'951102PF'tNJ 10.00 H:I51M.lS'~96J102As.r FLII{l 2D.00 . ~", 1 . 9ARGlIIN AND SALX DEED , ;, " ..,' ~ " '::'::',g:::,;; hrba.~a Ann La1nb; G..~ORr ClonVeY9 to Jllm9C Wllrreln LariJ., Jr., GP.AN'l'3S, the l:ol.lD\ll119' ~as~ibCld real l'~~~ty; pAROEl!.! I; ,..:;:'::,:::;" I, ","', I !, ',,' I BEGINNING All .l\ POINT IN THE NOR'm Lnm OF "Fll S~MET I I'Hl'Cij POtN', IS 16Z0 t~~T EAST OF TJI'I: ~ERllEcTION OF s~rD '!irll ~i;;':n 1fl'tH 'l'ffE EM': 11m OF 'rmlTH 8'1'RXi'l' IN SPR1NG~ULDr Wii 'CO.9N11~,..on:gQOll," RUNllING 'l'HENCE NO~ 120 :rJm'. HOltE alto LEas, TO THE i\LuY. BEm'WiN ifF II s'l'MET Nfl) Ilc;rr 8'rREE\l', IF EXTEND!P KAS'nF.LY, TlWfCE E},S'J;' 57 Fn'l; THENCB: ~ot1'rff 110 P2E'1', HOlm OR LESS, Il'O ~"li:tfORTR LINJ:l OF ui'" S'l"EEBTt !t!HENcIl WESII l\LO}{Q !mE NORTH LINE OF IIF" S'lIW:'r, 37 FEE': ~ TH.E PlACE OF BEGINNING, IN IAN!: ODUNn, oEleON. PA.'rtCEL U: mi:GnfflING AT A POINT :120 n..~ NORTH. OF U'H~ NCR!rH :t..nm OF "1" STREEIlI MI> ;LEiliO FEET iA5T O~ THE ZAS~ LnlE OF 10TH S'J:'~, BPRINGn1l:t.D, OPJ!lGONl ~ln:NOB NOR'X!:R 7.0 1"E!~t nlENcE :sAeT 60.00 F!:ETI TH:eHCE: SOOTH 7.0 lEft: IfHENCi wasT 60.00 FE1l'1'TO THE PlACE or ~...m\~i"'" n-f wm C01;1N'l'1, OREr:ON, ~hG true oonB1der~tion :O~ ~~ oonvsyuncc 18 $10,000.00, nus INS!l'aOHENIl' wrLI" NOT ~ tl'S! OF WIm PRO?ERIl'f CiS:r!RmED IN mIS INS!l!RO'MEN~ IN VIOIA'Z'ION OF 1>P1?f.jICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND 'REm1tA!rIONB. aifORt- s:tGNrNC: 01\ ACCEPTING ~RIe I~~.............;;..~.., THE: p~oN AtXlUnING FEli: ~I'l'Li 'I'D 'l'f!S PRQPERIl'Y SHOOLD CHECK WI'l'H THE Al\E'W)'f'1WI.'l'B CITY' oR. COCWZ't PLAml'ING iJiPAR'rMBN1]! '1'0 WRU'Y 1.PPROVW t7li'~. DMEIl this 2 doy of ~~e , l'91Q .&,.4.~Na-,~ BlU'l:lD.'r11 Ann LIlM ':.. ': ,,::,;,: ,r" .' I ,; r r I i 1 - BAMAIN AND sALt DUD '1\ ..'s"'" ..." ." . , , , - >. ,~' ';;,',;," .....::>5\/\ 'I! '~_": . ,.~ , ' : ~ f....,::...; , ""!j,I,I!( , 'j: .,~ "~~;' .<':~:r' .. ,~.:, '.~ ~ "1:.'::,' , ':' ,,' " ' I L ".,.' -,,-/ ~'<f ~'i ~ - ~. . I ~-.: ' , ,. t.~\,"~{~C'~, ~at.~\j~\'1L"'". Ir ",' fE-a 1, g?J)\) " '. I "-'It'-~ljl:t!t'~;~e'::'~1mll_~;J3igj;~;~~~\~lrt;:.~!"l>t!'~'~~lt~ " " .' :' , l._ '.. ~' JAN, 31. 2008 11: 50AM j.f.,,' ~'.. ., "J', ",' " " ",1,., ::.;,'>. "i~:;J:,~'"' ': .': ,:,~}:,.:~. " " ,,:,:." ;::;.:., n' " (..'.1. 'I' I I, \1 :: w-") i' :', ~.'.. I -.." . " : 1 ',j , , . ~ \; i " 'i I ~'zft~l' "j .""~'" ' ::;..' ,~ ',' . '. ..,,.:,L ,I ,..., !.........14........", !I:"~/'~': , off rl" "" ", \,,-" ~;:..r'.'~.lr EVroqREEN lAND TiTLE CO ,-~ ~~~. "-.1 a 2. " 9603517 S~~'rI! OF o,.""ON) ) :5lh countJ Df Lane } I poreonally ClPpnand 'thO. aboVO palrl::lara Ann Ul.mb, ....l:;'antor ana. a.c:lknawllil~9'~ 'tb& #prctlJoin~ rtt'UJlQtlt, ta be. b~r" volunt.a~ ~ct ilnl!! deed thie ~nt of . :"} , 199,... 'W~~/~fr7 ~~ "mwIC ~...R OpmON ~q Ny COmDiesio:m :xpirC:3; nF~:aE OS -- . .......,,,. - . .", StQ,w of Orqllb CclIJnlYol Unc-lI~ l.lIlt.~CI~.!.lIIU1djo,olM:n:d ~.do~em,IlIlt1t1v~l!lh:lIIll/lln J~_~ll'tdfo=rllL<Qfll1J "JO!l%,9'l? n.. 2132R l..oIlIClulI'lOFFIClAL'Ii-.l1 lM~C~l;lvk -- '" n.;tL4~M IO"OIlll:'Ut:Il .2 - BARGAIN AND SALlS DEED -,_.... --~ . ,- \ ^ ":f ' " ' ~, i;.,~ .r;. ,:~':- 8' I ":":;:'" ... ~",.." ~"'''~,;. ,~i- .!!la.,'" ;""}F "",~~,J@P~"'lir;:;:;:.r...."L NO, 2842 5/9'-'"i~ I" ",' ,"'.4',:' ......'.:~'.... tr, "., \ ',,1:,-; .. '"'~\''' . h...:.fj,l.;"" . ....-, :"/".:.::' , p, ',' ..,' , -"'''', . ., I" , \ '. . ..,/1. . ~~ .' ,.:;:,";<.';,,:r. ','." , :,,:,\:,'. . ;' .. ;',,' .~, ..",:~:;!.::" . ::',:,,;:: t.~i:~' .. , ,. ...",~ "I,l\.~",,'1 >;,,:~,\;%\,t:....~~~ ~ ,:]. :': ~~(~f,~t!1:5~~t~:1*';':Yk~: i 'i/".<, ;1'f~\"ll;'~!"~~~"" fJ~': '~. 'ff~~' "./. iJ':j'j ,.,,~~E7SU.jnw:,;~~~IO ..., I:"f';,,'l.,.,~); ':, ",;,..'" ":,~\~~ FEB l'~;f~"; , '.1 ~ ,.,;; ,. ',( i ,i,... ;1 (. l'i i r.). '" " ( r >~.. .....,. .1 . "'..': ~: ! ,I "'::(.: " :f~~;if\:\ \i " , ",N{:~;:;:! ;",,;:.'<; , ':'.;~'.,: . . : ,. :": .:~, i'::~ ~ ", .':;i~j ,,',:/});i~ ."..;..,;"."., ..,....,,"..ol..::ll ';'}[I . ,. ~-; '. . '~" ~ ;,:. ',J \ -::';i.:~}~;:~ . ',>" ~... , "' ;"I,r: ',." " .: ~ : ';,"" ','; .,:,.; .,' .,. ',,': i!' L """"",0,...,,1 $i;~t.j':;~~};;;:';~:t:? I it~:,:....:.:~", ,:.; ;.:'::-A ..:,~:~l.!;d B ;;~~~h,.2~jt~jfJi , .,.'.,.~~...j/...,."". 0"..1, ~ r:m;F/~!< ;';:;,~;I ::::'~~~~~~,':~'.. ,~~.::" . '~J~:..::.;:t. ~ "~",.~...-' .~",.", ..'..r. ii~~i~;i;~~1 ,0,".'1 .!~;]~~~i :~:~:;:::": : ,": 54": ~ ';'., \ I ~.,~ "";":',.:,::>,.<:,. ':':""""," :L.:I::~;f;~ ~:.)(:~~r:. .\ ~ ',\\ . ':" I ~J~ ;!;'::'!;,:;, ;;}:/>.i~~~ .."'"...,','"',,..,,,,11 '\'.':>'...::~",:'<:::,::,! :l~ .....,;...w~,._.'i;f'~.r"':.. ~I ~,:Jt:i,:'~ii?)Tt.:~i ,,- I..," ..". ",.l'i! '~':':'~ .~': ':.~:'. ,.." ::'f'" ~ .,.,,'.,.\ '.'i':"~-:t~:'f:r~ ."':,"-:..."...".~ ;:::,;,,:,,;,<,::.,::,;~ PRE.SUB~HITA~. ~ci6:1 FEB 19'7.C.~,~';'('!:":'il > 11/ 0'3-35:.-1 /~oLj'7[jrJ -./...-- . .,..,-....,,-._..._,.....'--~- ~-~.......-.-.-~.- --,,-.-.......-. ,.-. -..-. -.... '" \~o 'N' Q.lll1'CUJPd D15ltD QCD.J .9161767 ~~..!'!l!'_~_le mil ~""' ~.. ",...do '~"Jl QIame, (fIiruling.; !,_N-'J.. !~!lVL~ "'... (fJlIll~) J. E1J~IiZ ttEOPELL!. md{N~ct".\ iL!WioltE L. I1EOPEtLE fqAllllclrlllilJ"'ilhlMlc.Jft'\110rll.unlIllDccbrn.licll"fTl\l5t=trdbfUl\llI$~Ib!eof d;by lhu.tl~rc.Kllt:o:r.!I!~!lIlfllmC1;QIW-ClIJm lD aDptIYtllIll TrIlr:~lllldc! W. tamJ III I01ldlD=-ntlon o[Tru5I.,.nd. 10 ~Il1'IO=~ M Trv.it=:~'lIlider ~ L8tm1o!~ DIMalfau QfTlml. ill debt. tit~.ll\~r;sT., dillGl ~nd dllll.'llnd wl\:.tsot'i< 'fIbJ:lI~ll:$i.eleI;Ol1hmmeIlGh\l.olwv.:Jll.lIrtuihll{l1'fllltrtyloeaJe4ll: ~e9':!.nning .t. a point:. an the North. Una of 1l~1I Stre:e~ i.~ SpriD9field, L~e co~ty, Oregon. 1325.0 Eeet iast Of ~he Za~t Hne of IIJth S~eet1 thenc!! ,:,lot19 the Nort.h Una of ,IFIt St.reet. !ast 5S fast: ehence pi~allcl v1th tho Ease l~n8 of 10th s~re~t Mortb 127.00 feett thenoe West 5S fGQt: ~hanee ~arallel ~~t~ tast line of lOth.strtet, Sau~h 127.00 feet to the ~o!nt of Be~~nn1nq, ~n Town~hip 16 So~~h, Rang~ 3 WQ~t of the Willams~~e .'" """Medd;i.an,.in Lane county. Oregon.. ~ ~ ~ J .!! " 1 :Jl .. g '8 1 ~ ~Et,21'lli04lEC 10.00 Z!llIIEt.23'91ID!f1'lll'l ID.OIl ZWce:.23'llIIl<lA&T FWlD 20,110 llclll~ Ih~ r;m~ prtlll.YI ~~u eDIIv!l)'td 10 \he l1;=l~!;llU by 9 WUII!:1CIllGlttd ~l~. rm"'lriin~Ii 13S7pa;;.N~~12 '.~Il'Y Has ,,,", I.=.lldRr.~ld~. "",1 ^i' ~,' . .'" ,.,. ~l ,~::','~ ' ; "f ,;' ;',/.~~~:' :~,':'l, .." ,::.,'/" I. " ,'" >.."," I I. .... ..... ;- '" . - . "1' ;roll." u.61o R;l11ilc"C/'lIb~ .,.jrh.U t~:'i'pcuUa311cu. .u.'~b~'=~I~VUJ &lid wa dtd~lb~ 1I~ tbll.l MIllin 'A-:Q.tlldtvlb1JllorCl\lrbclI'lClft.!:Jll\l~tm'lllltlll.b.ke3nYdIJlllCtl!m:llill.IlPOfllllcbp~r11.' " lNvm'N!SS~r"p,'Vo'tht.w IIerG\llltolet(lllfhallds~ ~Ill~ ~ t"l- """ ..~..""- "X v'? ~ ::C.a.A"'....L .k7:J. _J~ U. jI, A~ifsr iFim ft'O~'M11'! . .(/('I'M'tA"~ f(jJ_",UM. ) L.l Memm(lc;diTOll.(;t'IDJ :3H:::, .~;~.'~I~:~:~(i "~~"."t{ ':'::J:~:;~~ . '.i;)ftd ..~ .1":'~' ~ .1 .g'~:'~:.{;~ " :'\~ : ~ <:\~{ . ST.\Tl! OP. o~OM Ie", '}.;i,i.,:'; CO\1HTYOF U.~R TaWIl EUGEN2 ,:.:',~:.:/,~. Olllhc. .1.~&' d~Yl;lr S~IPA:::lP ,19UIW:all3lllyippem . ;,,~~'!o?" l"'''' T' ~UCU'll1E IUl:ntl.E:LJ,J;! :m6 p.t"~ANnRF. I, RW'lb'P.T1'P .. ~.~:.,;.! t""~'tl \.:.. 6;~IO I'lhlll) btolbtilldM6\10l;lJ'boettCUledlblll'arc&oI:rlitllstrnlllJ!,lIlIdaCblO\l!ltd,~ IBe~~tl~y\'~I~tru, c..-t:md , H;,,;)il : i;:~;~'~:~\ ". ~ clir\-~ daA. to "f.d,,, L . ~'. 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