HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 5/29/2008 , lJS" ""1 uDOl( .~ ."- f;rj~i.~u ., ........ ._....._~., Gu.!I.t ~,~,.~i~.;a.~_.E:!.!-_..~.~. ~.~_l.' husband and ~ltB. . For and in eo~siderarion of ..'ran D, ~ - _.. - .. ____n_'.. hereby grant to WPl,l~.(I."i ;~~~.~t. ,and .Jt~e _~~~t. husband and Rita. as Joint ~enants. Lan. County of ~&.C All thu Real Propeny situ:,ted in the. ~~D. - ~ " State of . itiaf bo~ndcd and described as follows: Lot NUmber 301 aeglnnlng at a point. in "oenter ot road ~outb 610.0 teot. ~or8 or lass tro~ a point _a1cb Is S. 630 54' e. 1764.0 teet tro~ the ."Sectl0D corner 'between Sections 35 & 36. TownshIp 16 Soutb. ~e Wast or Wl11~tt. ~eriolan; thence alon~ center line ot road ~. al~,Ob' w. 300.0 teat; thence ~vutb 710.0 teat. ~~ra-or lass; theriae N. BJ'" E. 310.0 teet; t.btUlC8 r.orth 730.0 teat, ~r~' or,1&s8 ~o pulu~ at o&glBntug. ~ll in .l:-&lleCowity. Oregoo atlll containing 5.04 aorea, mors or, lSIlS. SUbject to 8as~nts. reservations an4 rIghts ot ~ay ot heaor~. { , ~ 1 I I I this' 3Ot.h. J~.l;1&!".Y day of WITNESS our . han~ a ~~~~~ i . ~ i I , I , i I , , I , 'I [ 1 8' I Signed and execured in p~ence of mm_'__~"":' .,.;.;.u:o:am:. ST A TB - OF CALIFORNIA"} County of San Diego, .' &S. On this.. .30th_~. day of . .Ja.nQary. Said Couniy ;md State, r~siding theTein, duly ,19'b. , , before me, the undecsigncd, a Not"ry Public'in Rnd for commissioned and swam, penonally a.ppeared 'C!WlIJ .P:!_.~J.L~~""_ ~_!.~..~~_~ll, .... DOLLARS. ,- , 194,0. I , I i I , I i , g . i I i ,~ . . . fi . i known to me to be the personS. whose name s. ara. suhscrihed to the within imt.~ment andll.cknowlcdge~ ~~ m.'c rhat .. to he ~ cxecu[c~ the 5iUR1:. _ ,.\:.::..~,~.~~!." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h:ave hereunto sct m.y hana ';~{'affi.);cd ~}' . Official SCal, at my office, in said County .and Statll'; t""~' dilY and YI'.:Ir . in tnis. cetti6.catc firstl).~"'c wrin<:.n. , \' ~ 'F" ~ 2 f ~g fY tl'1 is? .~!=' ~~ ~ ,~~ g , g ~ e r~! ! ~l ~ !' 1m ~.. ..--- --.---".... ."- ~ ... - ~.:.. ~.~ ~:.,,-.--..: ..~~" Not..,. P\lW'O tn1Ul4-I~r,..IclC''''n(~..d.t.;re. My Com",: .,~il ,.'\~li~~ 0~r~. 1~~ . ",," ~ ~- .. as' ~ . ~~t- ~~ ~~~:<~~ . ~::ql!l' .~ .-....g.1;l ,,'J; ,,0.,:: l' 1='''' . ~ -a. ..~ n- ' ~;rgn il~i . <>.-...... O":=:~Q ". . i....;-~ s:-e- <l.!.K.& ~Ir~~ ~- Z Cl -4 \:II ; ,; m ! I I n;t " ,\:II jM iRl , i .., ~~~>- ::l (j ~'t~ "-" 1i'" -iI. 0 po "" ". lOii . ~ ... 1< ~ .,/ B~' ".~~~l!!'~"" l ~ I ,-_.._._._....'-.~.- n :lIlI :~ i,... dtl) i[ji: :1Ii'I ~~ .J~ :~ I""'lID .... l1li:0 'ra ~::s :s DI> 'Ql ~~ I:: ... ::: '; I " ; .. c: ~ ., :,. I Q ~ 0:: --' ~ ~ CO ::::> <r:J . LLJ 0:: 0- co Q Q N C') ~ ~ ::;; Division of Chief Dep~;~~le~k Lane County Deeds and Records ~~~~.~J~J~1 III 11,111111111111111111111111111111111111 $26,00 00. .;7.5200 ;00393170011011 06/06/2006 03:21 :36 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=l CASHIER 05 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM KIMBERLY C. AXTELL, Grantor, conveys and warrants to the following described real property, free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein, to wit: " '" """"lr~ 'lIPWoPI PI PfJ."fJf,/ ~/"IJI=No/,1 THOMAS G WIRFS AND DIANE M WIRFS, AS TENANTS Beginning at a point being West 2383.5 feet and North 00 04' West 841.72 feet of the Southeast corner of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim No. 50, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, said point also being on the Southerly margin of usn Street; thence along said Southerly margin North 89D 59' 00" East 100.00 feet1 thence leaving said Southerly margin South 00 041 00" East 175.00 feet; thence South B9D 59' 00" West 100.00 feet; thence North 00 041 00" West 175.00 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Account No(s): 1392180 Map/Tax Lot No(s): 17 03 25 23 01801 This property is free from_encumbrances, EXCEPT: All those items of record, if any, as of the date of this deed, including any =eal pr?perty taxes due, but not yet payable. '!he true consideration for this conveyance is $200,000.00 . . BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRllMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197 .352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW. USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATOIN OF APpLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR. ACCEPTING THIS INSTRllMENT, THE PERSON AQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE pROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIl'Y APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST - PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY UNDER ORS 197.352. Dated this ~~ day of May, 2006'~L(f,{}I::Ij KIMBERLY C.~ELL 7 PRE-SUBM\1iAl REC'O MAY 2 9 200B STATE OF OREGON, ,-vUj,U~ OP' LANE ) SSe B acknowledged before me on MaY~, 2006 by KIMBERLY C. My O~~2-";5-C)/ (8 OFFICIAl. SEAl. KIM Me BRYllE NOTARYPUBUC.OREGON COMMISSION NO. 372498 . ~:.C~,1MlSSlON EXPIRES SEPT 2J 2007 --------,---- After recording return WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW 497 OAKWAY ROAD. SUITE to: COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY 340