HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/29/2008 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2. 9 2008 I r.,r; Partition Plat Pre-Submittal: Partition Plat Submittal: '. . _. . . A Applicant Name: Thomas G. Wirfs and Diane M. Wirfs Icompany: Cozy Homes IAddress: PO Box 237, Springfield, OR 97477 I".' ;'" f''l'4'~.''~''',,>,;'''''',.'':...>4'~''''_.'~~ ,. ..C- '.., ......,.." """.,.'.~,..",."',~ ,.. '.', ".-., .. _~ _.~. ' ._ '_ f.-.'..,."....'... -,,'-,- ~-"'.,'A." .....-." ," ".~.~" .=,~;~..'1.:..;,.~.,.'-'.r ,''"'.~''''.t-'.".'. '" , _" . _ , IAPPlicant's Rep.: Renee Clough, P.E., P.L.S. Icomp~ny: Branch Engineering, Inc. IAddress: 310 Fifth St., Springfield, OR 97477 u'-'.' .,;")~"i""""'~';'.,L.."~ . . -, I Property Owner: Thomas G. Wirfs and Diane M. Wirfs Icompany: Cozy Homes IAddress: PO Box 237, SlJringfield, OR 97477 J iA~'~'~~~~R'S MAP~~;"o=;~~03~;:~::'~"'~ ~~~~~T'n'"'' ;;~';,.., ...',"", '7~",.'A, . ""'j I Property Address: 1361 S St., Springfield, OR ] ISize of Property: OAO IProposed Name of Subdivision: Wirfs Partition I" ,.".,,,,,~:.,".,~..!,..~.~ .',-"""',Gi """. ','.__ "',:'."<!,':tT -.J" ,,_-, J Description of If you are filling in this form please attach your proposai description to this application. Proposal: Final Platting of an approved tentative for a two parcel partition. I Existing Use: Single Family Residential I Tentative Case #: SUB2008-00012 I I Avg. Lot/Parcel s I Density # of Lots/Parcels: 2~. 8750" . 5 du/acre ISignatures: Please siqn and print your name and date in the a R,~~pri?t: b?x ~n t,~e ne~\pa . . . A A .. 606-4447 I Fax: 746-8833 Phone 746-0637 Fax: 746-0389 ".":,~';;.' :;i .'.:.... 'L":::'''''1;C"",,,_,",,q,~'.;r''''''._:'''''M,,,;:m,,,,,.,-, Phone 606-4447 Fax: 746-8833 Acres lZJ Sauare Feet 0 Associated Applications: <?5v13'211\));-,{)"f)I'Z.l t4..'f') Ipre-sub Case No.: f-lv<- ?m'6 -~'3>\ Date: c:; /Ur jot:(:, I Reviewed by: ~ Icase No.: I Date:' 'Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ I Technical Fee: $ I Postaae Fee: $0 !O!A~~~~,~__ " -'.._~.U'_"_ .'k __...._",,',".. ,,,,,.1!~?2.~~~,~,t:!~!.~L,f ~] ~~~.~" ~~~~~_ (Y\C2eP1 ro - .--r l#? (p ;/0/ oC6, - (( ',<S\J ~ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 6 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. . Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersIgned acknowledges thJt the formation In thiS application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre, Submittal Meeting. ~ ~ ~ Date: S/;)'7;;8" Signature I I , Thomas G. W irfs Print I hA.~14~ G:/. J ./' W,rrr Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the CIty. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the appiication with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 292008 'Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 Land Division Plat Pre-Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees, are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O ~ Land Division Plat Application Form MAY 2 9 2008 ~ Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each item. ~ Nine (9) Paper Copies of the Plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. ~ Two (2) Copies of Closure Sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas, and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets. ~ Two (2) Copies of Title Report or Subdivision Guarantee for the parcel being divided. The title report must bedated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal. An older report is OK at the pre-submittal stage. ~ Two (2) Copies of Each of the Reference Documents and Plats listed on the plat. ~ . Two (2) Copies of Each of the Supporting Documents - the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), existing easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions in the title report, etc. o Two (2) Draft Copies of any street dedications. ~ Two (2) Draft Copies of Any New Easements or Restrictions being created by separate document, improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, joint use ingress/egress and utility easements, sewer hook up in lieu of assessment, and any other documents that will be recorded together with the plat or that are required by the Conditions of Approval. ~ Two (2) Copies of a Consent Statement (Concurrence) on the plat (to be signed by the lender prior to final approval) OR Two (2) Copies of an Affidavit of Consent by separate document is required from all Trust Deed, mortgage, or other secured loan interest holders against the property to be recorded simultaneously with the plat IF any public dedications or easements are being made and/or any other interests are being transferred to the public per ORS 92,075 (2-4). o Copies of Wetland Documents as required. o Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. o Draft Copy of Bargain and Sale Deed for Reserve Strips - City Survey Section has a template. o Verification that Street Tree Agreement is in Progress as required. o Draft Copy of the Conditions, Covenants &. Restrictions (CC&.Rs) as required. . Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 6 o Post Monumentation Deposit as required for subdivisions only. City Survey Section has current fee schedule and templates. o Location of Any Floodways in accordance with SDC 3.3-400. o Existing Easements Clearly Identified with Their Recorded Reference. ~ New Easements and Reserve Strips Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easements Identified on Plat. NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 9 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 60f6 LII i OF 03. .l\.lNu".l~I.JD VICI!'il1l i MAP PRE2008-00035 1361 "S" Street ~ 11-'---- Fi="~lf@l~r---i51I~ ~m ~1 'm- r~ ;-Q!I r . t- ~ OJ 1.2- ~~ ~ z 1 "J: t- ~ Y m I ~ I ~ ~ lri I, ~ I' 'L""-L.-~ '_ It) EEm g- ~- ;~J~~ m 1d ~ " T .....J '- .1- -- l IlLS"] a '~L ~~- 'R1r l - , /-!. - t- r _ 0 ~ fr ~~r-~ T ~ \ I ~ ~ t~ PRE.SUBMITTAl RECID MAY 2 92008 ~..~ Map 17-03-25-23 Tax Lot 1801 North .. I WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR THE FINAL PARTITION PLAT ApPLICATION This application isa submittal ofthe final partition plat for the property located at 1361 S Street. The partition was granted conditional approval on April 2, 2008 under Case Number SUB2008-000l2. Exception Number4 does not appear to apply to this partition; a copy of the exception document is included in this application in support of this, At the time an update is requested for the mylar submittal, a request will also be made to have this exyeption removed from the report; The following is a discussion of how the final plat conforms to the conditions of approval placed on the tentative partition application: I) Prior to approval of the final plat, execute an improvement agreement for improvements in the right of way of "s" Street, including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting. An Improvement Agreement Including Notice of Assessment Lien is included in this application for review and comment. 2) Prior to approval of the final plat, identify how electricity will be extended to each lot and grant easements as needed.' The developer has not made afinal decision between the two suggested electric connection locations because he would like to coordinate this with choosing a home design for Parcel 2. The only easement necessary jor either location is the 7. oo,foot PUE that is dedicated on the plat. 3) Prior to approval of the final plat, the overhead utilities to the existing dwelling shall be placed underground. Utilities for a new structure on Parcel 2 will be addressed at the time of building permit application To reduce construction costs, the developer would like to relocate the existing utilities underground during construction on Parcel 2. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 9 2008 ~ . . Closures for Wirfs Partition 1361 'S' Street 17-03-25-23 TL 180~ Parcel name: PARCEL 1 North: 5394.83723625 East .: 4894.31398398 = fJE G,:,v'""t-v Line Course: S 00-04-00 E Length: ~orth: 5219.82735472 Course: S 89-59-00 W Length: North: 5219,81426475 Course: N 00-04-00 W Length: North: 5394.82414628 Course: N 89-59-00 E Length: North: 5394.83723625 175,010 or East: 4894.51761732 45.00 ,,- East: 4849.51761922 175.0;0"- East 4849.31398588 45,00 ".. East~894.31398398 Line Line Line Perimeter: 440.01 "..- Area: 7,875 sq:ft. 0,18 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.00000000 Error North: 0.000000000 Precision 1: 440,020,000,00 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N Oo-on-OO E East : 0.000000000 - . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: PARCEL 2 North: 5394.82414628 East: 4849.31398588 "/\If c.o"'",ev Line Course: S 00-04-00 E Length: 175.010~ North: 5219,81426475 East: 484'9,51761922 Line Course: S 89-59-00 W Length: 55.00.... North: 5219.79826590 East: 4794,51762155 Line Course: N 00-04~OO W Length: 175.010"-. North: 5394.80814743 East. : 4794.31398821 Line Course: N 89-59-00 E Length: 55.00or North: 5394.82414628 East 4849,31398588 or Area: 9,625 sq.ft, 0.22 acres Perimeter: 460.01 Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.00000000 Error North: 0.000000000 Precision 1: 460,020,000.00 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 00-00-00 E East: 0,000000000 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 9 2008 '. .' Parcel name: PARTITION BOUNDARY North: 5394.83723625 East.: 4894,31398398 ~Ne: Co;)..",~v Line Course: S 00-04-00 E Length: 175,010"" North: 5219.82735472 East: 4894.51761732 Line Course: S 89-59-00 W Length: 100,00'-- n. ~ North: 5219.79826590 East: 4794.51762155 ~-:r",;~o-\ \'0'.... Line Course: N 00-04-00 W Length: 175.0]p North: 5394.80814743 East: 4794.31398821 Line Course. N 89-59-00 E Length: 100.00/ North: 5394.83723625 East :' 4894,31398398 Perimeter: 550.01 Area: 17,501 sq. ft. 0.40 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.00000000 Error North: 0,000000000 Precision 1: 550,020,000.00 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 90-00-00 E East : 0:000000000 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 29 2008 , - WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY EUGENE OFFICE. 497 OAKWA Y ROAD, SUITE 340. PO BOX 10960. Eugene, Oregon 97440- (541) 485-3588. FAX (541) 485c3597 SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY ATTN: KIM,MCBRYDE 4750 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 102 EUGENE, OR 97401 Report No: 50,0222607 Your No: " Subdivider: THOMAS G. WIRFS SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE LOCAL GOVERNMENT LIEN SEARCH $200.00 $15,00 Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County Guarantees The Oregon Real Estate Commissioner, and any County or City within which said subdivision or proposed subdivision is located. Tha_t, according to the public records which impart constructive notice of matters affecting title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we find: Dated as of April 9, 2008 at 5:00 p.m., title is vested in: THOMAS G. WIRFS AND DIANE M. WIRFS, as tenants by the entirety We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92.305 (I) and also easements, restrictive covenants and rights of way within a.period of ten years prior to the effective date hereof: L Unpaid taxes for the year 2007,2008 Original Amount: $1,357.91 Unpaid Balance: $1,357.91 plus interest Tax Lot No.: 17 03 25 23 01801 Account No.: 1392180, Code 0]900 2. The rights of the public in and to that portion of the herein described property lying within the limits of roads and highways. . 3. Reservations, including the terms and provisions thereof, as disclosed by instrument, .- Recorded: June 27,1944 Book 269, Page 651; Deed ~ecords 4. Covenants, easements and restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color. religion, national origin, or physical or mental handicap, imposed by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: February 7, 1945 Book 282, Page 531, Deed Records PRE-SUBMITIA\. REC'D , MAY 2 9 2008 ;. . Order No. 50-0222607 Page No. 2 5. Covenants, easements and restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion, national origin, orphysical or mental handicap, imposed by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: May 31, 1950 Book 416, Page 109, Deed Records Document No.: 20280, Deed Records 6. Trust Deed to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby: Amount' . $210,000.00 Dated: May 31, 2006 Recorded: June 6, 2006 Document No.: 2006,039308, Official Records Grantor: Thomas G. Wirfs and Diane M. Wirfs, husband and wife Trustee: Cascade Title and Escrow Company Beneficiary: South Valley Bank & Trust, its successors and assigns, custodian for John L Shama Rollover IRA (covers additional property) NOTE: The guaraJ.?tee does n6t provide affirmative assurances as to the provisions of ORS 92.012- 92.190 which requires that any division of an existing parcel is a partition requiring governmental approval. We have also searched our General Index for judgments and State and Federal liens against the grantees named above and find: NONE The premises are in Lane County, and are described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. This is not a report issued preliminary to the issuance of a Title Insurance Policy. Our search is limited to the time specified in this Guarantee and the use hereof is intended as an informational report only, to be used in conjunction with the development of real property. Liability hereunder is limited to an aggregate sum of not to exceed $200.00. NOTE: For questions concerning this Subdivision Guarantee, please contact Jerrilyn Egger at (541) 4313710. cc: BRANCH ENGINEERING Attn: JEANNETTE Ph: (541) 746,0637 Fx: (541) 746,0389 Email: ieannette@branchengineering.com For copies of exceptions, please contact our Customer Service Department at (541) 284-8011 or email your request to eU1!ene@westerntitle.com PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 9 2008 . Order No. 50,0222607 Page No. 3 EXHIBIT "A" Situated in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: Beginning at a point that lies South 89"59'00" West 100.00 feet and North 00"04'00" West 200.67 feet from the Southwest comer ofParce] 2 of Land Partition Plat Number 2004,PI782, as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Partition Plat Records; thence North 89"59'00" East 100.00 feet; thence North 00"04'00" West 175.00 feet to the South margin of'S' Street; thence along said South margin South 89"59'00" West 100.00 feet; thence South 00"04'00" East 175.00 feet, returning to the point of beginning. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 9 2008 Division of Chief Depk Clerk Lane 'Counly Deeds and Records l~~D.~j~j~1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $26,00 008127 i520(;'0 1;.93170010011 06/06/2006 03:21 :36 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=l CASHIER 05 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM KIMBERLY C. AXTELL, Grantor, conveys and warrants to the following described real property, free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein, to wit: BY THE ENTIRETY ,J fi 'JlPfANJ( PI PfIN?fM Pf1:fJt:#'M,( THOMAS G WIRFS Ai'ill DIANE M WlRFS, AS TENANTS Beginning at a point being West 2383.5 feet and North 00 04' West 841.72 feet of the ,Southeast corner of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim No. 50, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wi11amette Meridian, .in Lane County, Oregon, said point also being on the Southerly margin of US" Street; thence along said Southerly margin North 890 59' 00" East 100.00 feet! thence leaving said Southerly margin South 00 04' 00" East 175.00 fe~t; thence South 890 59' 00" West 100.00 feet; thence North 00 04' 00" West 175.00 feet to the point of beg~nning, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Account No(s): 1392180 Map/Tax Lot NO(S): 17 03 25 23 01801 This property is free from_encumbrances, EXCEPT: All those items of record, if any, as of the date of this deed, including any ~eal p40perty taxes due, but not yet payable. ~he true consideration for this conveyance is $200,000.00 . . BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEFTING, THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, 'IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRllMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATOIN OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR' ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON AQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST - PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS ,?F NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY UNDER ORS 197.352. Dated this ~~ day of May, 2006.~~(,., dJ . KIMBERLY C. FELL r . PRt-SUBMITI~\. REC'O MAY 292008 STATE OF OREGO~, ~vv~.~ OF LANE ) SS. ~ acknowledged before me on MaY.@, 2006 by KIMBERLY' C. My O~~'2-~-C)/ -J-- . . OfFICiAl. SEAL KIM Me BRYCE / NOTARYPU9UC.OREGON COMMISSION NO. 37249a ~ ::M~ COMMl2.S1~ ~_~~~ ~~ 23 2007 After recording return WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW 497 OAKWAY ROAD. SUITE to; COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY 340 " .\ IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT INCLUDING NOTICE OF-POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT LIEN (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement; includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate) IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herein recited, the'City of Springfield, hereinafter referred to as City, and Thomas G. Wirfs and Diane M. Wirfs . hereinafter referred to as Applicant(s), do covenant and agree with respect to the real property described below as follows: 1. Applicant(s) warrants and represents to the City of Springfield that it is the owner of the property more particularly described and set forth in Paragraph 7 below and, as owner, has the authority to enter into this Improvement Agreement with the City of Springfield. 2. Applicant(s) desires Development Approval from the City with respect to the following Development Application SUB2008"00012 (tentative) 3. The development wiil,cause both an immediate and long-term demand on the various public facilities of, City and Lane County including the specific public improvements necessitated by the development as set forth in paragraph 6. ' 4. This Improvement Agreement is an alternative to. imposing a condition on Applicant's development approval that the Applicant make immediate construction of any public improvement that the development necessitates. The objective is to promote efficiency, coordination, and spread costs by providing an opportunity for a distriCt wide'improvement mechanism where construction occurs in a coordinated project with th'e participation of adjacent and other. properties in the area, instead of requiring immediate improvement in conjunction with each development application. There is no guarantee, however,that such a coordinated project will be possible and the City reserves the right to require construction of the improvements in the future at City discretion. ,'. 5. (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant will pay the cost of the following public' facility improvements described in Paragraph 6 in accordance with respective cost assumption policy established by City at the time the City det~rmines to undertake and complete such public improvements. (b) Applicant and City acknowledge and agree that the cost of suc/i improvements and the portion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be greater than the costs that would be apportioned if the improvements were constructed immediately or by Applicant now or later.' (c) Applicant acknowledges that the timing of the construction of such improvements is within the sole and exclusive direction of the City., . 6. (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of. "S" Street to include: 0 syrface paving; 0 storm sewers; U sanitary sewers; [8] gutters; ',0 planter strips; 0 street trees; [8] street lights; (b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersection of 161 curbs; [8] sidewalks. (c) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY ? 9 '2008 (Bar' Code Sticker) AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - 225 FIFTH, STREET - SPRINGFIELD OR ~7477 Z \2006\06-128 WlRFS 1361 S STREET PARTITION\SURVEY\APPLlCA TIONllmprovement Agreemenllncludlng Notice of Potential Assessment Lien - IndiVidual docREVISED August 2007 Page 1 of3 r Applicant acknowledges that the list of marked improvements reflect those that would currently be required under the appropriate City codes and ordinances. Applicant acknowledges that it understands thafthe improvements made will be those required to' bring the stre~t to full urban standards for the then current functional classification of the street as those standards exist at the time the improvements are made and may, , , therefore, differ from the list?f improvements checked herein. .7. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PRE.SUBMITI~l REC'O SEE EXHIBIT "A" 2008 ATTACHED HERETO AND INC,ORPORATED HEREIN BY REFEREN~Y 2.9 ~ AKA: Tax Map & Lot No.: 17-03-25-23, TL 180.1 Property Address: 1361 S Street , 8, City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of the Agreement will be deeiTled to be in. compliance with City's policy pertaining to improvement requirements, and if Applicant complies in every respect with all other applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and City, Applicant shall be entitled to Development Approval, subject to the terms and conditions of approval set forth therein. 9, This agreement is enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City. 10. APPLICANT AGREES TO SIGN ANY AND ALL WAIVERS, PETITIONS, CONSENTS AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE ABOVE LISTED IMPROVEMENTS UNDER ANY IMPROVEMENT ACT OR PROCEEDING OF THE STATE OF OREGON, LANE COUNTY, OR CITY AND TO WAIVE ALL RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE AGAINST SUCH 'IMPROVEMENTS. Applicant does not waive any right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, if the same shall appear to the Applicant to bear inequitably or unfair upon said property of Applicant. Applicant's acceptance of the non-remonstrance condition is in consideration for the City's waiver of Jhe requirement for the immediate construction of the public inlprovements th'at the development necessitates. This improvement agreement waives the property owner's rightto file a written remonstration. It does not waive a property owner's. right to comment on the proposed district or any related matters orally or in writing. 11. It is the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run with the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records. , NOTICE TO APPLICANT/PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER If you are the applicant or'a prospective purchaser of this property, you are advised to discuss this Agreement with an Attorney of your choice, Exe~ution and recordation of this Agreement will place requirements on the Owner and any subsequent purchaser of . the' Real Property describe.~ in Section 7 and their heirs, successors and assigns. These requirements incluae. but are not limited to the payment .for the public improvements described in Section 6. This may result in an assessment lien on the Real Property described in Section 7 and significant costs to the Owner and Purchasers, and their heirs, successors and assigns. An Applicant's signature on this Agreem~nt indicates .that the Applicant has thoroughly read this Agreement, understands it, has had the .opportunity to consult legal counsel prior'to its execution, and understands that execution of the Agreement may result in significant financial ' obligations imposed upon the Owner of the Real Property. Any prospective Purchaser of the property burdened by this Improvement Agreement should also thoroughly review this Agreement, consult. with legal counsel prior to purchasing the property, and understand that this Agreement may result in a significant financial obligation imposed I upon any Owner ()f the Real Property described in Section 7.. Z;\2006\06-128 WIRFS',361 S STREET PARTITION\Sl!RVEY\APPLlCATIONllmprovement Agreement including Notice of Potential Assessmenllien -lndividual.doZREV1SED August, 2007 Page2of3 . I . WHEREfORE, the parties have hereunto set their hand this day of ,'2008 SICiNATUREJS): PRiNT NAME(S): STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF Lane } 5S BE IT REMEMBERED that on this" day of , 20QL before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named' ThomasG. Wiifs and Diane M. Wirfs whose .identity was proved. to .me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and. acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF:, I have hereunto set my hand and. affixed my official seal the day and year last above written, Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires CITY OF SPRINGFIELD '.', Reviewed and approved By ,. (No notary required) D~velopment Services Department, Planning Division Accepted by PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2.92008 . DennisP.: Ernst - City Surveyor ,.,. , , STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF Lane } ss BE IT REMEMBERED.that on this day of ,200Lbefore me, the undersigned: a notary public in and 'for 'said County and State, personally . appeared the wittlin named Dennis P. Ernst whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and. acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day cind.yearlast above written. . Notary Public for Oreg?n , My Commission Expires . Z;12006\96.128 W1RFS 136~ S STREET PART1TION\SURVEYlAPPlICATION\lmprovement'Agreemenl including Notice of Polential Assessment lien ~ Individual.docREVISEO Augusl, 2007 . Page3of3 " EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION SITUATED IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: . BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT L1ES'SOUTH 89059'00" WEST, 100.00 FEET AND NORTH 00004'00" WEST, 200.67 FEET FROM Tf:lE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NUMBER 2004-P1782 AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN THE LANE COUNTY OREGON PARTITION PLAT RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 89059'00" EAST, 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00004'00" WEST, 175.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF'S' STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN SOUTH89059'00" WEST, 100.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00004'00" EAST, 175.00 FEET, RETURNING T9, THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ;- I. '< I PRE~SURMlml r>r:C'D MAY f. 0 LJU~ \ t .., 2:\2006\06-128 WIRFS 1361 S STREET PARTITION\SURVEY\APPLlCAT10N\lmprovement Agreement including NO"lice of Potential Assessme~l Lien ~ lndividual.docREVISED August, 2007 page4of4 STATE Of OIDO . 1_' CO~_OF ~ri.~o~ r: llIHJK 269 fAll651 . . '. . ~ow.All~'~ ~y:Th~,Prt:8eu~:"'That~ ~O!.iCENTRAL,UFE INSURANCE COM- PANY, ii. Corporation dulY-~~ UDder the la~ of Ohio, with its prindp1l office in the City of Cincinnati, in coasiderat.iouc-:" . . the ~ipt wh~f -is berebY acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, seD and cODvey to the said.,." .:....._:...R......a....!latlle~~...BJ1!i..E.t.tlB...ua7.b8l':Z!7-~...buaband...and.....lto.::::::-::::::::, mt.ho.1r.-..bcin lllId asoign, forever, the IollOiring described rea.! estate, situate ill 'the County of. _~'1H7A: ',oo ___ "and Stale of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the Southeast OOrJ1er or the William C. Spencer and wIfe D. L. c. No. 50, Notifioation No. 3265 ~. 17, s. R. 3. West or the. Wl11.amette KaMd1an, :running thenae West a~ong the Sou:tb line ot said olaim 4063.526 .feet; thenoe Nwth 1346.84' rest more or less, to the Southwest corner or that oertain 35.5 acre tract or land conveyed by L. C. Ables and Emma A. Ables, his w1fe, to Kenneth C. Ables, bY' deed recOrded in Vol. 123 on Page 97 of' the Deed Reoords or Lane County, Oregon; thence 1n a southeasterlY' direotion to a pOint on the East 11no of said Wl111em G. Spenoer and wlte, D. L. C., whiob is 1314.94 reet North oi"..'the:.S. E. Corner ot said claim; thenoe South along the Bti.',st:':':nii.o.'of' said o1alm1314.94 teet to the place of be- glnn~J:,'lg'-.toge.the.lI'......lth all ditch and water rights appurtenant thereto) and \:labg a part ot the same real estate conveY'8d to The' Union Centra',1 ,L1te Insuranoe CompanY' bY' Deed dated .Tune 9, 1936 and reoo~d 1n Book 185, Page 442 ot the ReoordS ot Lane' COunty, S~~~t8 of Oregon - n..___..__. '__._.'m.n..'_" '.o.OI1.rt..Oll.J.'hOWlOXld:..om..Jlo/10Q. .....t$, "-" ............DOllARS. '.i.;.\'. . - . - . . ..._--~.."_.-_.._---_. .,..t::'~lng. exoopting and raserviog~"1:Uni6:"'l)rj u.n-tO THE UnON 'CENTRAL LIFE INSlJRAlfCE COMPAN:l, its SUooossora and E'.Ds1gns, . 'fl"o1b:"all 'the abovo"deao1"1bed landa, an undiv1ded one-halt of ;..th~..o1l, .~~ : and.:otbel'"bydrooarbono .end minel"ah no:w Or at an:,y t1mfl hereafter situate tbartfin and thereunder, togetb3r : '\'!r1~h':all oo.semonts and rights necesse.ryor oonvenient .for the j,"Jroduot1on, storage and tl"anS-pol"tat10n ti:r9reof' and the explOration and testing of the said rea~ property and also .ths1>ight to drill ter, produol3 and use water f'rcr.n the ."aid 'real. 'property in conneotion w.1th drilling or mining operations .therGon _-=-- To .Have and To Hold the.same. with all the he~tamenl$ and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in ~ a~~i,"~ ilie said rim timON ctNTIW. UFE INSURANCE' COMPANY does b~reby COvetl3llt With the'~.:..............B.~...~.t....MP.J:R\ll'~...."d...it..f.io...~b,e~:r.'1._ .......... ....~. ............_...;,....tq.e1~.heirs JlJld,a.ssJgns, that the said p~ are free and clear from all incumbra.na:s by, from, through, or under the said grantor and tbi."It ~iii~~~,l'lBrt'aiI.t and defend, the &ame, with the appurtCOlUlces, unto the said ...._............_...... ......... '\,..J'l,.,.r'r..~b.""".......<l..EtU....~b.or"",..c:... iIo.P..v.1r.heirs t;md ~ age.i.Mt ~.~ul tbhns of aD persons, claiming by, froro, through. 01' under tbegrantor . ~ein,;e:lI:~"as agains~ aUrights under e:xisting.~de3 ~r rights of P:3:rt!~_iD ~onl all leases, conlracl,s, OUtstaliding min~ rights, ~ mtric:tic~ rightS o,f'my and ca.seme:uts of every cliareder'oow e:.;isting OD. aYtt, un~er-ti'U:i~.!aid laud; tbe'giantee assumc:s and agrees to pay...all...t.aAl!IB...and..asa~ ::~::::::~:;:~:~~~:::~~::.:~:~::::~;~::.:;;::::::':~:~:~':'~~:~=:::~:~:~~':::;:~~:;:::~::::'~~:~,::~~:~::::::.:..~~~::::::,::::::::::::: BMITTAl REC'D AY 2 9 2008 .. "-"---'~--~ .. '.:i',,_. BOOK 269 PA&!: 652 In 'Witness -Whereof, the said 1'HE UNION CENTRAL LIFE mSURANCE COMPANY has here- unto caused It! name to be subsCribed and iis coiporate seal lobe affixed this. .........Jt~.llI.~ day of.............>>.tt::l....:~:'."..:.~~~:-':i.l~~~4:..'7.~ ., f;. . _. '." "", Iii the ~'ot;j ~!!";1t . "~lt.r-r!""' _.~.,~o~~, - ,'" UFE':INSURANCE-COMPANY . .. '~? ~';'i:i ~1{ -" __ _.. ., .. .'8;...:.;62'&:",2:::!.<:,:" ,: l~L:i t:li~! ,,:::;.;-:- ,:,:.~/a."L';'HOdClll Vlc:e-Prealdent. ~i?.""'" ..y,....~.. .0 '? ...-><-... ~-i; ...~': .......~...harBt Aasbtant TrelUurer. '" ',",11\"1' ~G!J'[:::'C!'(,;J"" ... C. ......1.J.4'.A . STATE OF ~iri~:~~~~~,;~...~:~~?~~" . " .' ~;;.):;"j', COUNTY OF HAMlLTON"P:;;; " ~,:~,._,))-:;;..,. .,", " ", 0._'0 On lhfs...... .......~.i~.t,..::.:.-.r; . ,..d~y _oL..:. ....APr.1.1. ..m.....M............. "'M':', i94..4.., before me lippeared 'B;.~.~.~~~~~.~.. ........ and ............~.~...g.~.)?u~~~.~.!..~.~........ . to me personally known, who_ being duly SWOtn did !lay that iliey are the ViCe-President aDd Assistant. Treasurer" respectivdy, of THE UNION CENTRAL lJFE INSURANCE COMPANY, it Ctuporauem, and that the seal affixed tq said.instrument i3 the corporate seal. or said corpol"l.tion, and th~t said ibstnJ.Inellt was signed ami sealed :db<h:r_~:,:~:~:::.t;1~;;3.;~~~;;.;'.~;:::ioo:;~:;::':;'~:;:" ~t ~d deedofsaJ.d,eo~.. . ".\. , - . , .' ".-.' -',.-. '.- .' .'~ . . In Testimony Whereof, lfu..ve hereunto set-my hand:and afIi1ed 'my notarial 8e:aI th~tl:i:e day and year lirstin this my a:rti6cate written.- '. i'" ->. . . . ._..:: r; '~. ~ -: . "-'_:':"~ '. My -.."...: ,.... ~~2i~'~O~..:fo;.r-jor Or.~n 1~~..,t:'l:"01..Ml'~-. . !-;i' ...mar;: lQ,~~~liJt'.,,. . ,jS;:}~:~.'f/i;,::f<.~~~\ . J2~-i'.h0~-.~'....~~ " '..._.~~ :>-..'X. \;.--0_ '=::-1 f "'~~'H.\~;.1....."~." { -:;;:..;:t'~',.....,~.~./:...'= "" '.'Z"p,.. .......,:.~.~1' "r~ == I .. ,~....'): .~;.f.. :t~~C;,M:.~' ... _,~...'>J._-:J'~,~'~, } ~":;'~"'G>:"~t.;!-~~p'-:-.$'l~-:::.~; .1' ~ ~ <'.........;...~....\s_.~" . .~; ~,.9.,,/,.;.~0j'/J0"!3;t....\\\\.... i:!~ ~ . "~T Ifr/IlHi;".fll,<;l. .~. ""J~ :':: Te;:; ~.'~.!j,')'.'::; , , r:.;-'-""-'" ~ ,-' . . ,':;', ..' '- . ..':,'" ...... ,.' ~; oil~: ': : .: __ ,~ ~. ..; w w .., ,.~ ~ '....-.. ,'.; r: '" ~,"": .;'.;'j - 1"' :::'~ ,.J ';.... f'~', "'C".. \"..,"~., -F"~h!"l'"''''~'':;'''--';;''''~'' ,,,-~,.,..~. , _I.. RWK :IIH Q). ,. .;il .;".Hi 130-, -". ...,f... i .t;-;-- .. N ~.~ :;'!'" # <:1 :ifssOi C\ll ~. ~ CI '~~1 ~lo """"i''l?: I; 00 0 . i- H ;l~,; ~ ..., ~G ~ ~ ~.,. I 'S.e... :~ :21 t , ,oj !:l S@' ..., ! t ~ CO ,- Q ,I 0.;<50' ~ C::: = ". i'~~; B: a3.0 . A 0 'j! = I ~ UU.f:io . g ~;.!: ~ .,Ii! --' '" ",':1 'f;l;:l' I 'ug;r: f1i! 1< ~ 0) ."<'0 ,~., 2S' f" , .u..~ ,~ r>:ll~ , ...",. .. ..,. Q I 'r "... <N '. i . .. 0..... 5 Ale ~ '. I Q a g is:; of< '" j .;f / .~. f~ ...~ 'E""'" ,.,. '" ,. ~ ~ ::: llio,t:1il '" ~ri cc (j ~;~~:l ~ ~ ~ .! :=;) ::a: ~ l' cJ> I .s !J~...;~~:a ~8 . ~ . ~ tJ8 ~~!! ~~ S 3 U-I C::: 0 c... '" m._. -"'-~----' --'-.- ----_..~.._. . BOOII ,282 FA;,531 u\!tl!. G~f!S.t a_~ .~].l.:a~_E_~!._;~.~ .~,g.. husband and ~lr91 j I ~ , , I , , I ~ . . !l I I . . . . . . . . . ~ . For and ill consideration of Do T.. DOLLARS. he~by grant [0 .V!ll,l~.Q'.j;~J1lI.B.~t; .and.~e.~~~t. huabanu and'wite. ~~ Jol~~ ~~nants. All that Real Pr'opercy Situated in the. ~~n ~. State of . Hih.J bounded and described as follows: Lan. County of ~~ I I ; I i , - ~ ~ Lot BUlII.bal' 301 'aeglnning at a point in center ot road ~oath 610.0 toot. m~rB or IBss,tro~a point which Is S. B~o 54' E. 1764.b feat tro~ tn& .'~Bctl0A corner betwoon Seetlons 35 & 36. xownsblp 16 Soutb~ hange W~st of Wl11~tt8 ~arlQlan; thence aloD~ . center line of rosa S. 61.,00" w. 300~O feet; thence ~vuth 710.0 teet, -~r8 or less; thence N. 83'" B. 310.0 teetl thence Rorth 730.0 foat. ~re or lass to point 01' beginning, all In" ~e Co~ty, Oregon an~ ~ontalnlng 5.04 acres, more or, leas. , SabJact to aasmenta. rBa~rvatlons an4 rIghts ot Ral ot ~&cor~. ,", WITNESS our . han? 8 this' ,Ot, J~:m7Y 194 ~.. d:lyof Signed and executed in presence of .m'_.;' _ ""'_., , , '. .__.,.,.....___._."_...... ...,uo:o::ciuu:ouoa~a:u:BonO:cO:Il:!l:(=~ . I I i I , , , , i known to me t; be the personS. whose name 8 $%'8. s~bScribcd to the Within ! instrUm"'nt and aC"knowJcdged"tQ~e~hat . ." he ~ e;<o:cute~ the sam"'. \:::;. ,~.~.~~'" t ~." .. . ~ ~.' "~. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I JUlie hereunto set my hand ;nd 'afR.1<ed n1)" . ! Official Se:lll. at my oRice, in s:llid County and Start'; r/t-.;' d~;' Ilnd Yl:'Il; ! . in this certificate first al~I\'c' wrincn. c;. : '.-NM;";'~'.i:.il.:i;'-";'<lI;' ;.i4_~"f.:;(;.?~1iII>f:'"::: ,- I' My Cofil;r,: .,';:llX.."~~ iJd J~ .......... ~~~"~-l n . s: I '" it:: ii: I, aiM 0 ).. ~~ .z :;1~:=EI .J~ :~ ... 'i!J) ...... ~g 'CD "I:. ~g ~: i:: .., ::: -j i STATE OF CALIFORNIA'} . County of San Diego. '~, On this 30thm.... ._," day of before m~, [he'undecsigned, III Notary Public'in and' for commissioned and l;w~m, personally appe:lted gu,,~_~ .~~...~J_L~~t ~!!...~!_~l~ '. , J91i. l.Ja.Duary. Said County ll~d State, residing therein. dlll~' ! I j l' , i---'-'~'-: . \. ~ ~ C 2 -, -.::. (~6 l5!i . E'" , .. ~ ,P j . g ~ ! ~rd i '~J. , , "I''' . .- d a& ~. ~ , 1M .'" ito ! ~ ~ I ~~~~ ~~ " ;-g;:::;;!;.... e. g!!.:F !?O' ~:a ~ i:i <!O~~lP' :P~a.~ ....n. [~~g i~i~' _'" ~n ~i. .. t....;:. g~r;. 3.s''''g, ':.l,Y~~ J .j 6 o ... ~ o .r I , .. .. " .. ~ '0 ;,; ,..-..-..--............... o ~ 0.:: --' ~ :2: CO :=> <n . LLJ 0.:: a.. co = = "" CI> C'l ~ :::!: ..... .,.. '. -- ~, . ,..' ....... " :.~ .;:.. ~ .. .... --' - /: .....'0. --.--::;:'~''::-, -=.7.":'=--=---?-:;:-= J.'.;" ,'':. :'. :-:;' ..1' ...... .:J" ':'." ',. ;" ...,." f.... '.' ,. "'. ..,.", .- .. \. ..,.C' ..I -/',:-::' -. . ~ J . /:i.' :::',' ...;'."; "~":. r. :';~~~';[~~%~~~~~~~[~~!2~~~~~~i~fl,~~,t .~~~~:~~;~ .-.,.->'- ':,;" ., ,I;. , , . ~ . .,--:.':.:::!::-",~.,:..}-:'- 1:;. :-.-~I.--:-:. .... '. -----'-, ..._..._..,___4_,._.. '. -, , ",.'~ -:.:::...:,.: -.' '" "~-~ '~:" (.' ".;--..:.----:-.~:~7-=.~.,. . .'. , . ",I" ,'.' '." " ',~., '.. " 1:: ..... _. .. ./"' ; --- :' .' ." .... " '/. .' '~', .' ':..' 'J,' '.<.' ..... .' ~..:. .' ... ,-;, ( '- CIVIL " Q~310 5~:'~~~":'Id~:::~7~:i7~::7. ~~~4:)746~38,\ PRINCIPALS: James A. Branch, P.E., PL.S. Rene Fabricant, S.E., P.E. Michael Lane Branch, PE Damien Gilbert, P.E. Renee Clough, P.E. May 27,2008 South Valley Bank & Trust Custodian for John L. Shama Rollover IRA Re: WIRFS PARTITION Request for Concurrence to platting for Thomas G. Wirfs and Diane M. Wirfs Dear SirsIMadams, Our firm is preparing to record a partition plat on behalf of Thomas G. Wirfs and Diane M. Wirfs for the property that is held as collateral for the subject loan, The loan is secured by a Trust Deed that was recorded June 6, 2006 as Document Nwnber 2006-039308. South Valley Bank & Trust, its successors and assigns, custodian for John L. Shama Rollover IRA, is beneficiary of the Trust Deed. Oregon Revised Statutes require that any lien holders must sign the partition plat or a separate Concurrence before the plat can be offtcially recorded. Enclosed is a Concurrence to Platting for notarized signature. Please sign and return the original docwnent at your earliest convenience. The docwnent will be recorded concurrently with the partition plat. If you have any questions, please call (541) 746-0637. Yours truly, ~~. Rex A. Betz, pV Survey Manager PRE.SUBMIITAl REC'O MAY 2 9 2008 ,/ STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / l1=lANSPORTATION SURVEYING " After recording return to: Rex Betz, Branch EngineelHlg, Inc. 3 I 0 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 CONCURRENCE for LANDS OF THOMAS G. WIRFS AND DIANE M. WIRFS Whereas South Valley Bank & Trust, its successors and assigns, custodian for John L. Shama Rollover IRA is the beneficiary of a Trust Deed dated May 31, 2006 held against a portion of or all of the lands described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; which Trust Deed was recorded in Lane County Oregon Official Records June 6, 2006 as Document Number 2006-039308; Whereas Thomas G. Wirfs and DianeM. Wirfs, desire to record a Partition Plat creating two separate legal parcels; Know all men by these presents that South Valley Bank & Trust hereby concurs with the platting and recording of said Plat as said plat partitions said lands. Dated this day of .2008. South Valley Bank & Trust By: Print Name: Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of County of ) )" On , 2008 personally appeared the above named who is the of South Valley Bank & Trust, and who is known to me to be the identical individual who executed the foregoing instrument and who does hereby acknowledge said instrument to be his/her voluntary act and deed and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said bank. Notary Public for CONCURRENCE TO PLATTING Page I of2 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 92008 EXHIBIT :'A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION SITUATED INTHE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT LIES SOUTH 89059'00"WEST, 100.00 FEET AND NORTH 00004'00" WEST, 200.67 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NUMBER 2004-P1782 AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN THE LANE COUNTY OREGON PARTITION PLAT RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 89059'00" EAST, 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00004'00" WEST, 175.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF'S' STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN SOUTH 89059'00" WEST, 100.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00004'00" EAST, 175,00 FEET, RETURNING TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONCURRENCE TO PLATTING Page 2 0[2 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 9 2008 PLANTS a ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS a LAND SURVEYORS 54 CENTENNIAL LOOP, EUGENE, OREGON (503) 686- 9211 510 KINGWOOD STREET, FLORENCE, OREGON (503) 997- 8411 NARRATIVE: f\'~ <l ~i" \Y1 ~9' -4-.TZO'r " \,: 1 lIe> I t ~9' : I f 1 '"' ~ I!J ~ ~ i .... " l\! ~ , .~ f ~ ~; ~ III ...., <:l 0'. <:l '" iii 3 ...." 9 l/)',' ~ Il:: ~ ~! ~ I ~ ~~ It ~ ~ 3 ~ 3~1 , 'OJ :t :/); ~ ~ III ~ ;:$. ~ ~ ~~O\( _ J 0 () V) () III ~ ~ 0 lt~~"~ ~ O()<l~~ <:l ... ~ 8 '* '~"'-. . ...' 4i v '> ~ I4l ., 00; .1Il-J M <l ..J ~ ~ ItN,,~ i:~~~ ~ lij III ~ ,'" ~lo: 'OJ ~ -- () ~ <:i . () <:ll\l ~ 'R' PROJECT eLl E NT The purpose of this survey was to monument the property corners, per city of Springfield minor partition No. 1155. I held the deed calls and used existing found monumentation' from previous surveys. The westerly property line is the easterly line of County survey file No. 21007 by our office. I held the northerly and southerly property lines per existing found monumentation. The easterly property line was held per deed and is 100.00 feet westerly of County survey file No. 21203 by our office. . t'o , , N ~ o z .. o ., '5' STI2.EET ~ ._~ IJS9-59'OO"S '______ --""ID....S.olP""..'!...',:r-'''"''',.,''~~.~''r: ICt}. 00' ~ .f..' ;:" \,~'I , \. j; il" I 4'" J: O' ,~:< ! i ~ "1' i j PRIlCEL.. ? ~ .J: ,q ,. to. \. , 4/0 ~{ ~ lu () ~ - , ~ \l . . ~ \l o. U ' VI rQ oS . .~ 0 8 ' ~ .oJ lIJi- ~ 8 tu 0 u . (\J ~ 0 U ~ ~ ~ Q: I I 1 I I I I I J J t/O 9' _.!....DO,o.:L__~ JeEI'SJI!.ENc.e'" : C, &, I'ILE /VO, elOOT 2/203 ~. ,.1' ~/" 0' . ~ f 60,00' ~ 50.00' 589. 5'9' 00. W ...oo.CO' e,. , \. 4/0 ~.I, ~ V'..) C;:IV\ ,F , i(O ~. \. .' r-- ~--__ " n r- ;=. J> en Z Z m G>~() o m 0 l> Z C ~ 0 Z t.) I~ ~ ~ ~en ~ ",i ~~~ I N ~ o ." h 6 m. STl~cE.T r-- ,; " PfZOP€RT Y REG I S TER E 0 PRO FESS IONAL LAND SURVEYOR , '??la.v....;~ ~4 -}{.w..I( I . OREGON JI,;'!,..V 14, liTe MARVIN S. KRUS11 1643 "-.....- -...; -.'--.' 51./.eV€ y BI./O .elKI/./5 LOCATION AlIV V4-, sec. 25) TI?S) .e!3W,IV.M. I SPR.INtJrFlcl..O, 0/:2 , l..RoUE CO, ) 012 I DRAWN BY' l.../3. SEPT'. 22) 19se J09 No.8Z-rl -0 ~ rT1 I :;;::cn ~55 NS: ~~ g;;:c = rn Q o ~ " " d z '$- S7R~~T 8~~g-:1-e/~ L. ~ '~ ~\) j/A.//T/,;>L ,L:b//ur . "l . oPS(/ev-FV A./890.S,J}'F /':;>':;>,8t:} , _ '..<.:5"""7"'.wt'UT~.so'rNO.o~'w851,~' : .~. -; - ...~~ _CM 7h'F' SF' ~.e oF ~ i!V.OO <J' 7.9.5lO' f' ;:V."'" '<}' -S>~W'''''Lt.qM J"~as;e p<..C ,,;.so, "'.:..'"i, _ ,iil'. l ""--""i.. r."7S, R,JW" W.~, B ~~ st. B % "'.,..,. 8 ~ f ;'~B.~ R !l, ~ , u, ~ .j ~ ~ ; ~ ~ () ;i \l ~ "J '0 1 l.j , \J I '> S 890S9N 79. 90' ~ ~. ~ '", ,-' ~ i 'Il '":l.. ,;/" ~,~::... l B ~ ) n€ " ,f'Jr . 'I Y. ,.i ffl ",.' , {I~ 5 7Y. 90 . ..,.12' ~"'D L R ~ ~ '\ ../ !(iJ l 5 -, ~ 'V'890'='W 79.90' . ,.l' 6/0 ~f 5 , ~. I.: B ~ ~ "> ~. , ". ,Ii) .,. 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'a;r'f"r ": Ut;1AJ~ Q::l" o.etF. LOCATION I DRAWN BY: CP" JV~YB. /.977 . -c ;::0 rn . ;;;::cn c:: ~cc N:S: ~~ 1'-> r- = = ;:::c co rn n d -0 ;:0 rn . ~~ ~' :s: <:Qj;! ~r- <=> ;:0 COp) d - '5 5\1<E. E. T " Q 11\ .' rov,..:>>P &" hzoJo,.) " ~ Q -&0 IJ 89- 59 'IE 'Z~.e!!l' 'K --, / Z:: ~ eo. 0'&' .. l' ClJ,~o' I ,. "Tq.~o' ';'Z.,,;~ '8 '0 fo" '" o . ~ , \ ' I (j 8 Ii 8 ' \ W"'S, 2383.'<; * () 0 ~ <I ri ~ t-.l O.04-W 85\,(..4' FlU>"'" g <I 0' ' 1l' ~ ""'~E. ":;;.6.. C.O'e. o~ 'T"\l.Q iii 111 III t" C} '. Wi......'...1-\. -:'1"~ "" ~ uI 'r -G' III '8l~ Vl-"'''50,TI1~,1<:~W,W,M. I' ~" '~ - ~ (:l 0 I iii . b . d~ ~ 0 (J 0 () 'J\ 'il \jl, . - '\1' :!] ." (fI p r.- '20. 'l\ , 1 "l,"lO' f. c: :P &O.O'Z 20' ,9."10' "to'! ~. r- ~ ~ ., ill ~ t1'\ ::0 .Y' z ~ . ~ Z < ,,, -5 f!>'l. 0;;"1' W '8 ~e"l. ?'l'W ~ o:s. 8'q.:o J?,<ql W G> ~ rTl " uJ r -< (') iJI '0 0 N r' 0 ~ l" 8 . ' ~ I'll ::0 ", c <I 0 ; :P . 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LANE. COUNTV, 0RE60tJ ... ".. -..,..- " Mo~(.)M.~1-J."":J F"ouft,..)O A..~O~~ y..J~-,. Ll~e:. \.N A'g.cVc. '6ueve..,< Wc.fZG:. "'5E..-r: \.~ -;;VlZ..VE:,.y" t'O\"Z.8, ~A.L-,6...uc...e.. OF. lIIo""..,O-\eJV,'s f'O"'MC>: wE;.l2.~ <r..." \:e.~ ~"'I' '''' -s..,,,,,,,y"'ZI<:>07. , A...... MC"''''M,,-''''T~ -$c.'I' ,,"-ee...... "'u.e. '0/&" \....".., 12O,,~. S 204 9 7 I 011 .. THOM.SOII, lIe. COII.ULtIIlO IIIGlllillS &. SUIVBYOIS ~l (;llItllllll&L LOOP. SUitE l' IUIIIII. OIIGOII 83.0' tILIPHOIII: SCALi: J":l' ,",0' DAti: _APIZ.I\" 1, 15 DI&WI: L. Ol~O~ .lOB 110: 113 1i01/tI5-4't. - 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00035 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: Description CTY Partition Plat Paid By TOM WIRFS 0' . of Springfield Official Receipt D... dopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000358 2:55:18PM Date: OS/29/2008 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 336.00 $336.00 Amount Paid tj $336.00 $336.00 6718 In Person Payment Total: PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO' MAY 2 9' 2008 Page I of I 5/29/2008