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Permit Correction Notice 2007-1-26
"...-'~."""'~"__''t''~'!l<'~ 'Wl"'Ool ~""~.o<1~~~~~~~~~~"W"""'''''''''M'-~..~l'h~~~~''''''''''~'~ r" ~ ' " "';..,'.\;~.i:r'le'r~,t,~",'i'*~~L{.!";:~~-l&i.;'.\i::..~,;;,~;1i........ SP~AINCFIELD _ . ' , ~m~~'#f!o':'f'i~",~~Wf#*~~P'" l';~~ ~ " " City of Springfield / Development S~rviees ' ".,' " ' ,," Building Safety , " ' \, . ", " ~, "';~~~~~b~:reet C~ alf~ Dale I/UIo'P'" , ''''''';'1':' -',' . , Job Address,-.. 'tf1-f bE. (' -r-- To /);.)i.",;.... ..// 'I ;,,/ II /J/,btv. ,,/\t'PM1/.( J..,. /'/jJ1.i;j rIi~d-r~( tA;/-d,A fhi?.-" {h&.,'~4'7 J"j/"r L,;jj",.o'J~ ,Jnk J/~4 (;'L:1~_ ~,,('/r../ ~_ /'jf"...,1- ""'"",J:/.:I 2, ffpvtStv ~b1J- 1),,,... ~~ :r/y,fuYl> ~/Iow~ "/~L,.'hil v/n!I>L-~;.24h A ' L " r;r/f1ot::i&. I (/;:'.10",~ . IJ""~ //IdA/,"J}n~d ,M.....~ ;J/ IdL.l! i/u~ "" {f"/ f': "_;:,.. '3, P".t~_k,)__, klh-L._..j;J Ik.JJ.~ :lvmkf.. nrt.,bl1 :4 Jew., c1fi+~ .J~cY~;J1, , v'"' '.. 0, /j~_l ,fur f- I)(OV/./,JI ( 11'1_ _I" I nllN \ , "\....' .-:-.....'""........ ,-,,~ ./.. tj; f, t-~ ~1J8,,/ rk~ J- filL- ,/UfJ /Nf<J~ cd iM/- J...JJ k r/U) diV' r P1fJ/l, ();!.Je- \ V 'L . .. .;~, ..,i.-'i;:' ..~: ~,hr- rI-)/i:7<,..t:,4../~ o/' \ ;, ,0 \ " '1. '.~, .,1:; , .,~.. . L_ ~l.'.. Call for reinspe'ction. 'y~l'-: ,.., . . , . I:~;~c;tor':r,:!~,li~t:.(;-. '.1 ',. , ' , " '. ',:' " "'_ '.! " - :::~i:"'f~:'n,,~:,,"_ .~/.,-,~ -~.,:~;,""j..'-'~':, j . ~ ,I" -: . '. ' ~ . * **. * *, ~ * * * * * *.~ ~ * * * * * * * ~'5~,!,I'~?r iits,~r~t~O:~':, 72.~-31 ~9':* .'t,* *i,qu,e,s~i~:~s, 726-3 759 *.* * * * * * * *.. * * * * * ** * *** *