HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2008-11-20 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01571 ISSUED: lli20/2008 APPLIED: 10/2412008 EXPIRES: 05120/2009 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Ph.one 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspecti.on Line SITE ADDRESS: 333 58TH ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702343200100 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Sch.o.ol TYPE OF USE: New PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Installati.on.of a gravel emergency access and three puhlic fire hydrants. Industrial Owner: SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 Address: 525 MILL ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Contractor Type Contractor I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I License Expiration Date Phone BUILDING INFORMATION I # .of Units: Primary Occnpancy Gr.oup: Sec.ondary Occupancy Gr.oup:' Primary C.onstructi.on Type Sec.ondary C.onstructi.on Type: # .ofBedr.o.oms: # .of St.ories: Height .of Structure Type .of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building: L.ot Size: Sq Ft 1st FI.o.or: Sq Ft 2nd FI.o.or: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carp.ort Sq Ft Other: Occupant L.oad: n/a I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Fr.ontyN.oiT.!tl;li:k: Overlay Dist: T.otal: Side I sr~Ij~P:ERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE woMtreei Trees Rqd: Handicapped: Side 2 ~~!JW.1\9RIZED UNDER .THIS PERMiT IS NQfved Drive Rqd: . ' C.ompact:.. t Rearyar~SethaCl<mED OR IS ABANDONED FOR Yo.of L.ot C.overage. , 0' 'Irc,S ,'''1'' ,0 II H'I~lCI\Ju - I .. !l laW re.,' -" . . S.olar Sf" ~c I t:O DAY PERino t>.TTENi\01'l9:~~2ri~'v Ine oreO(:I~:;I;~~;~h I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I 10\:~V~~t~~;;\~-enliOr. "[nlose ~gu\~< oi\f~ 9~2-001- 1'10 I I;, ;'1'''_\,'11-0010 \ ,rO\L ithe rules by , 'in (Sidewalk TYP,Sblain COpIes 0 I lennone 00"0, 'Iou m~j ,\r" INole: 1M e,', \ n.ownsp'.outiilDrains: UI',I'ty Notltlca Ion C"dll"':::I 01890n I number lor the. 1_800-332-2344). Center IS Street Improvements": St.orm Sewer Availahle: Speciallnstrncti.on: N.otes: I Valuation DescriDtio~ I Description Type .of Constructi.on $ Per Sq Ft .or multiplier Square F.o.otage .or Bid Am.ount Value Date Calculated Page I .of 3 GP.lAI~qll1l_t): - --i," ".u\~'m_,_ "'0""'" 'i Status Iss u ed 225 Fifth Street, Springtield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Fee Description Total Amount Paid "'PLAN REVIEW'" Fire Department Review Fire Department Review Amount Paid 10/24/2008 1111412008 . $0.00 Total Value of Project Fp.p:~, P,',JigJ I Phin Reviews I 11/1412008 Date Paid WI CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01571 ISSUED: 11/20/2008 APPLIED: 10/24/2008 EXPIRES: OS/20/2009 VALUE: Receipt Number GRG Waiting on calc verijJcation from Richard Perry"PW Engineering-tha. gravel cross section will support 80,000 lb. load. Plans Review: Installation of fire lane and public 8 inch underground fire line witb three public lire hydrants to access existing non-compliant buildings. Job #COM2008-01571., APP GRG Paee 2 of3 Detail 6/C5.0 shows location and detail of bollards. Location and depth of bollards are incorrect. 2007 Springfield Fire Code 312.2 requires bollards ("gu3r"d posts") to be set uot less than 36 inches (3 feet) deep in the concrete footing and located not less than 3 feet from the circumference of the fire hydrant ("protected object"). Provide additional "No Parking-Fire Lane" signs along the fire apparatus road at the west side near the tennis courts and on the concessions stand and on the south side of the batting cage to clearly deline the turnaround area. Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line CITY OF SPKli~lJFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01571 ISSUED: 11/20/2008 APPLIED: 10/24/2008 EXPIRES: OS/20/2009 VALUE: To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. . I R,N~irerl Tn'ne,ction~.1 Final Fire Department. After all requirements of the Fire Department have been met. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examiued the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances ofthe City of Springfield and the Laws of the S,tate of Oregon pertaining to the work describedhereiu, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. . 1i}/Uf}f,~~ Owner or Contractors Signature Paee 3 of 3 I i/?do<l Date 225 FIFTH STREET.' SPRINGFIELD, OR97477 . PH:(541)726.3753 . FAX: (541)726'3689 CityJO~Nnmbe~~)m 1< -,-OIS, I , " Date I Oj2-L\-l o2( o 1 & 2 Family Dwelling or Accessory' 0 New Constrnction 0 Demolition' '0 Mnlti-Fa~'ily. 0 Addition/Alteration/Replacement ,1&1 Othe'r" D - Coil1mcrciaU.Illdustria} D. Tenant I~provcment Job Addrcss -n,v(d'"",.', !-flU!,., $,,1,.. J 33) r8TI1'Dr, BldgNo, Suite No, Lot Block Subdivision Tax MapITax Lot /7tJ 2. 3"1 'fZ()O /00 ProjectName11lUr&h>~ /f;"h r...~.1 f'~a-''''''Y' &fU~'s ,",vJ. f',.....- i',..\...:.vh'1\- sy5~ <>A./i/. Description of,-,:orkJlocatio~~~prel~ises!special condi!i~~_S-:Ii.t6~U,t'ii~ ",fq ~'f~"k.C-\ tfAA~lJ Ctc~SC; Ctktl 4k~~iofoL \-\yclv'"DI't.h o ~lEl~jQ~!.~..'BIm '~y~~~liiIQ~liIIi~J,~I. 'Name 5p<"jirdX fvbllL,~("..Irw-.~,d-, ''I. SQFt X $/SQFt, ~,Value Madill:; Address ,""Z.S-.vI, If st-.......t- !'Tew Dwelling Area City ~'''''j '(;...~,t, 'State 'oR. Zip t1711.7. 7 ,Garage/Carport Area Phone Fax Other Structure Area Owner Representative '~'" -5i1f1i/"-v\..~ Total Value Phone ~<i1-1U~ ':5201.( Fax """-12.1.'" 3M 7: tE'~~~'JPf~~1.7~~JJ.~g.~I"~' : 'SQ Ft X $/SQ Ft Valne o ~';t ":'-:, f1 ,Na";e lGf'fF G>",svl fi~ r.::""','........\' Mailing Address 1'2\)\ ,0/..\'\ &\{.. ' . City GUrANtL State (')J~ ' Zip tj,7tfO/. Phone &'{-tav( -lJq"Z- Fa~ (oll-{ - t.i &I a '\ Existing Building Area . New Building Area Total Value o R'ifiIi~~~i't'i1.'~ . ~WIIlif Name KPfr (J>~Su~'fUJLr '(f"'lJlt.l~1U: ,Address I z.o I OAIL.' ,,*. City' t:"Jt'~ State '0 n. Zip Q,7t.fQ/ Contact Person )':5t2S6 Willor' , 'Number of Stories Phone $'II ~i1lo{ UqoL Fax 'oSq'-4.CfO'l o ~1iOntracio~@~~"I'~_j~~!1t~~~i~ Contractor's Name' '. CCB# Expiration Date Phone #. 10~ . Existing' . New Occupancy Groupes) Canst. Type( s) D f~Ee's'!Hk1iI!2L&l>JRg!~~11~~'Ji~~~]!~tI~~_..'J~~,;~ Heat Source:" . Primary . ' Secondary ~later Heater R~nge . Energy Path DO'yOll r:equire.any of the following for thi.s project? Over-y.oidth'oi Second Driveway' 0 Yes 0 No ,Temporary Power, 0 Yes 0 No ,Air Conditioning 0 Yes '0 No Notice: All contractors & s~bcontractors are requit:ed to be licensed with the Constructio~ Contractors BoC).rd of the ,State of Oregon under provisions ofORS 701 and may be required to be licensed inthe jurisdiction where work is_being performed. . i}:~:~g-;;~~ii:~~IY~~i,~lI!i~i.I!~L"i1~~;;:1~:!li"~X&j;~t~~~i;1~~~~lI~~lIl~~;\lil;!il:a!ll[irW~:$~!i(<;r:l~i!~1i~f.1~!>i1 General Plumbing . Mechanical Electrical 0, w,';--"""'''''''I'('I'''d' -'-"'''''''''IJRi'''''''''''''''I'''l 'i"):~Q!!l2!lE:~~:.t . n ustma ri:.n,.jpJ!,~~~ 'Has site review appiication been submi,tted"? . . o Yes' 0 No ~ N/A If so, Name of Planner '5~ I\-o~l<..'''''s Journal-Number - BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Shared Drive(T:)/BuiJding FonnilBuilding Pennit Application 3-08.doc