HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/3/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: ~ Site Plan Review Submittal: 0 . -. Applicant Name: PeaceHealth Oreqon Reqion Companv: IAddress: same 777 E. 11th P.O. Box 1479 OR 97440 Applicant's Rep.: Philip Farrinqton, AICP Phone: 686-3828 /companv: PeaceHealth Oreqon Reqion IFax: 335-2595 IAddress: 123 InterIJational Way Sprinqfield, OR _ 97477 . t:''''~''-"fu..''"'''''''''''''''''''''''"'''''=-"''"_''''''_"7i",,,,,"._" ~"'''"'''''''C'''''''~..;:o~",""c>:,:;, """~~_fr'''''"''_;'''''-'''''-''-'''':o..:.,_"",._=;.,;".",,,,,",,,,,,_".=;.,,,,:,,,,,,,,,",+_c,"O_.,."...'.;'....i""":""_'."~"'.."""_-..,....,"':c'\""-"'i"'.:._:.::'''O:""-"":;'-'.~.~'.-O-;T...;'.ci'c'""",':O;."''',-'''':c_,,,''''''''";,.''','''''''';'''"'',,,;._-"'~ I Propertv Owner: Same as applicant Phone: Icompany: Fax: IAddress: ~"'.;"'~"=""',,7i'.i,,"''';''''''''';'''.,,::c-:1','''_~'''-''".,'''''::"'='''''"<,,,.'"o""",,""-""-.,'W';<-- "" '.':;-'. -_-""'::;'+'''''''j~.,..:.;,%".,,_;'CT' ",,,...,, '..-~" c'.",.",'....cc"".,-.'"="'e;,c.,-';"..:.,.;'..,,:o-.;;,,"''",," C'''',(f"'''!",,;-\:;._.;'''','_'1."," ,'C.,_.""",.,,,,=,~~,,,,,~,..,. ","",,,.~,,,j ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-15-40 TAX LOT NO(S): 2200 I Property Address: 353 Deadmond Ferry Road Sprinqfield, OR 97477 ISize of-.?r()Derty: 1.07 Acres ~ Square Feet 0 I,proposed NillTlE!,of Proje~~:!,eaceHealth Medical GrolJpNurse Midwifery Bir:th Cent,er ... ........ -"'-"'_""""""-;''-'"'''''''1'''''''),,,,,,,",,,:,,,_,, ,"'''~::_,'''C'oC~.._.: - "(0 . ''''""".:.""","",c,,, '''''''''..'-;.'.'.0'"'''':'':"" ;);;;"r.;'-'",""C;;;!e':' ;;'~: .J'"''';'",:",:,",:,;,;,,_,;,, ,"F'"""-""''':::,~U'.~_,';l','''"''-O'';'T,;.''<:'':'_,;".,,,,""''''""C:,''''''.:,::P"" _,:,,:,:\','=o,''''''C;'f .,H::,",- "",,'''''0'':''':,"''0'';'''''':''',,',:,'''-:'':'''0,,"0'''. '_,,'''':' :". '''"i< I I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Proposal: DeveloD a new nurse midWifery birth center. See attached for more detail. IExistina Use: Residential INew I~per~ious S~rfac~ C;;verageCIncluding Bldg, Gros~ Floor-Are~): 6,711.2 sf Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a riate box on the next , ,.. 6 Associated Applications: ~~ -.~ C'(JIM! I Pre-Sub Case No.: P ~E 200}( - roo, b I Date: f., J 3/:J.oo ~ Icase No.: I Date: ~Dlication FE!E!~ 3~ ,bO ITechnical Fee: $ Signs: I Reviewed by: A CL I Reviewed by: - jpostage Fee: $ - TOTAL FEES: $ 33b, DO PROJECT NUMBER: Pf(J',loo1-000/7 1"-~--_=rnx~'''''''''~-''''T~~.-r.H:'tN~._'d''_'_ ~""""=,,,.~~ -0'"~11".<1'~ ~~="" _ ~ ~~ ~=1tR''fl_I''. ..,',_ ~.~.;:.. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submit~al. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. . Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned aCknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the P1(~~ ~. Signaturfl ~ Date: 6-2-2008 Philip Farrington Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the Information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided jf not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a compiete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE-SUBMI1TAL REC'D JUN 0 3 2008 --.--..:.... _! Revised 1/1/08 Moliy Markarian 2 of 10 Site Plan Review SubmitL. Requirements Checklist PRE-SURMITTAl REC'O JUN 0 3 Z008 NOTE: . ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal. . If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. ~ Site Plan Review Application Form ~ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, if known. ~ Copy of the Deed ~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ~ Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. o Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. ~ Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Storm water Seoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. o Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 AA. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. ~ Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal ~ All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ~ All plan sets must be folded to 8V2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 10 ~ , PRE-StlRMITTAL REC'O ~ Vicinity Map .... '0 2008 ~ The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features includi~~Nbuil~ings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicat.e present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings. o The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings o Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Site Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer ~ Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings ~ Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs ~ Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping ~ Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces ~ Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district ~ On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation ~ Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed ~ Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces ~ Location of existing and proposed transit facilities ~ Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses o Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 10 .. required public imprl-. .;ments, including but not limited t'iJi'sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electricity. The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted. c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed easements ~ Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including ownership and maintenance status, if applicable. ~ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting ~ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities ~ Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails ~ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points d. Grading, Paving, &. Stormwater Management Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer ~ Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system ~ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations ~ Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns ~ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained ~ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) ~ Amount of proposed cut and fill e. Landscape Plan ~ Drawn by a Landscape Architect ~ Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage ~ Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 ~ Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system ~ Location and type of street trees ~ List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D f. Architectural Plans JUN 0 3 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 10 ~ Exterior elevations o..~JI buildings and structures propostu for the developm~nt site, including height ~ Conceptual floor plans g. On-Site Lighting Plan ~ Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached ~ Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area ~ Photometric test report for each light source o Additional Materials That May be Required , IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: o Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 o Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ~ Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district ~ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 o A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property o Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review o Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 o An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 ", c . / SUN" '. / SUMMER SOLSTICE . PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD JUN 0 3 2008 WINTER SOL TICE SHADOW HEIGHT .' ... -', " SUN '~, ~RIZON LINE I MAIN BUILDINS VOLUME FOR T~E BIRTHINI; CENTER " ~ 28'-51,,, L "'5. L -'. 'I~ 25'-4112" I L 53'.1Qt MAIN RIDGE NORTH TO SOUTH "'.' ',11lF~,'" . A~~c~R;O~' ~:;OA8Jl'a:WS-KI~ " " /~'1 .. "~ . :A~~~:~lt~CTS'f ~-,.,.. ~;,:.i't,>/, , . I~T~...II~_.\'_ PORHA!lD.{IJ(;{tH ~~~, ~'~:>.:.~.~.?,.~:~ 'r;,'_ SPH = HEIGHT OF THE SHADE POINT N = NORTH/SOUTH LOT/ PARCEL DIMENSIONS SOLAR SET BACK = (2.5 X SPH) - 75 + (N/2) 24.4' = (2.5' X 21.75') - 75' + (90/2)' 24.4' = WHICH IS EQUAL OR GREATER THAN 20' 24.4' MEETS THE SOLAR SET BACK VALUE FOR THIS LOR DISTRICT SITE LOCATION Latitude: +44.04639 (44 deg 02'47.004"N) Longitude: -123,002083 (123 deg 01'14.988"W) I SOLAR SET BACK STANDARDS FOR LOR DISTRICT IPROJECT NUMBER: 07155 Scale: 1116" = l' -0" PRINTED (5-28-08) Peace Health Medical Group Nurse Midewifery Birthing Center 353 Deadmond Ferry Rd. Springfield, Oregon 97477 ' Farrington, Phil From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: GRILE Bill [bgrile@cLspringfield.oLus] Thursday, June 07,20075:51 PM Farrington, Ph II KNAPEL Carole; Werfelmann, Jim; PAULY Linda; DONOVAN James; L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Birth Center Philip: Here below is an email from Linda Pauly confirming our conversation and your written understanding of the City's ability to approve a new birthing center at the Deadmond Ferry site, subject to the conditions of site plan review and approval and conformance with the approved PeaceHealth Master Plan. Good luck with your project. It sounds like a good one and certainly a benefit to the community. . . .Bill Bill Grile, Director Development Services Department City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tel. 541.726.3619 Fax. 541.726.3689 Email: bgrile@ci.springfield.or.us Internet: http://www.ci.springfield.or.us/dsd/dept_dsd.htm From: PAULY Linda Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 5:33 PM To: DONOVAN James Cc: GRILE Bill Subject: Birth Center Site Plan The land is within the Master Plan boundary and the subdivision boundary, 80 development is subject to the previous land use decisions. I believe the proposed use is consistent with SDC 16.020 (4) and could meet the Special Use Standards of SDC 16.100 (11). The Deadmond Ferry lot abuts the MUC district/commercial node and I think we can interpret that MUC is equal to CC for this purpose. If PeaceHealth can meet all conditions of the Master Plan and Subdivision, I don't see any problem with building/rebuilding the birthing center on the site subject to Site Plan Review. The property contains Gateway Refinement Plan Natural Assets and Master Plan Condition 50 requires a bike/ped connection between the subject property and the MUC development. The sites abuts LDR to the east and west. I'd recommend to Phillip that they do a DIM before submitting their Site Plan and also to let the neighbors know what's coming next before they receive our 3001 notice. LINDA PAULY Planner 3 - City of Springfield Development Services phone: 726-4608 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O " JUN 0 3 2008 1 j' . ~ i \,j / \~ _ PeaceHealth June 2, 2008 Site Plan Review Application PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center Written Explanation of the Proposal Applicant and Property Owner: Peace Health Oregon Region 777 E. nth Avenue P.O. Box 1479 Eugene, Oregon 97440 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 0 3 Z008 Representative: Philip Farrington, AICP Director, Land Use Planning & Development Peace Health Oregon Region . 123 International Way Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 686-3828 * Fax (541) 335-2595 ofarrimrton(a)oeacehea Ith.orsr ..1 Project Name: PeaceHealth Medical Group'Nurse Midwifery Birth Center Map No. 17-03-15-40, Tax Lot 2200 353 DeadmondFerry Road, Springfield, OR 97477 Approx. 1.07 acre Low Density Residential Inside Springfield city limits, UGB Assessor's Map/Tax Lots: Site Location: Property Size: Zoning/Plan Designation: Jurisdiction: 1.0 Land Use Request As illustrated in the attached plans, PeaceHealth Oregon Region ("the Applicant") requests Site Plan approval for a new Nurse Midwifery Birth Center ("Birth Center") to be operated by PeaceHealth Medical Group at the above- referenced location. The Birth Center is a unique use that provides childbirth services approximating an in-home experience and setting, but with delivery support, pre-natal care and post-natal support from experienced certified nurse midwives. With the opening of the new Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend, it is essential to have the . . .. tffJp. Site Plan ReView ApplicatIOn,;", PeaceHealth Medical Gronp Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .Tune 2. 200R (' Page 4 3.0 Specific Proposal The Applicant proposes constructing a new building-on site that would appear residential in nature, while providing the expertise of certified nurse midwives in a home-birth atmosphere desired by expectant mothers using the Birth Center. The proposal sites the new building largely on the footprint of the existing structure and other open area on-site as a means of preserving existing trees and minimizing impervious surface. The 4,022.5 sf building footprint and 9,900.2 sf of impervious surface for driveway and required parking improvements represent an increase of 6,711.2 sf of impervious surface on the 1.07-acre site. The proposal results in less than 30% lot coverage for the site - well under the 45% allowed in SDC 3.2-215. Currently the site has a dwelling and shed with a footprint of 2,497-4 sf, and 4,714.1 sf of impervious surface in driveway and parking areas (a total of 7,211.5 st). The Applicant was informed through the pre-application process that Code- required parking would need to be provided on-site. To comply with this and other requirements (e.g., driveway width for fire access, etc.) and to minimize tree removal, the Applicant proposes to take access via a slightly relocated driveway curb cut off Deadmond Ferry Road. The existing curb cut is 17-feet wide and located near the northeast corner of the site. To reduce the need for additional tree felling, to preserve the integrity of a large cluster of trees at the northeast corner of the site, and to provide greater separation from the abutting neighbor's driveway (to the east), the Applicant proposes to install a 24-foot wide driveway centered west of the existing eastern curb cut. The GRP encourages development proposals to seek "reasonable retention of existing trees." [GRP Implementation Action 8-4] This proposal fulfills this objective by retaining trees to the extent practicable, and preserving 80% of the tree on-site. All existing trees larger than 5" dbh were mapped, inventoried, and evaluated by a certified arborist. A tree felling permit to remove 14 trees necessary for construction will be submitted concurrently with the complete submittal package. Since the site is wholly or partially within the Drinking Water Protection and Floodplain Protection overlay zones, concurrent Type I DWP and FPO applications will also submitted concurrently with the complete SPR application package. PRE-c:Il0~~'TTAl REC'D JUN 0 3 2008 < Site Plan Review Applicat'!i. PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .June 2. 2008 Page 5 4.0 Relevant Conditions of Approval The following identifies relevant conditions of approval established in earlier land use approvals (Le. the original RiverBend Master Plan, amended Master Plan) and demonstrates how the proposal relates to these conditions of approval. Master Plan Approval (LRP 2005-0001 and LRP 2006-00010) 'Condition 50: A bike/pedestrian connection shall be established through the LDR property owned by PH between the MUC development and Deadmond Ferry Rd to provide access between the MUC retail area and the Campus Industrial area and adjacent residential properties to the north. The Final Master Plan shall show this linkage. The final location and construction shall be a component of Site Plan Review for the structure identified as Building A. Response: The rationale for the above-referenced condition was relative to Springfield Development Code (then SDC 31.060(3) - SPR criteria) objectives "to provide bicycle and pedestrian connections to adjacent industrial areas. This adjacent industrial area is the Campus Industrial area north of Deadmond Ferry Rd." (see pg. 34 of 67; Exhibit B to City Council approval of LRP 2005-0001) Staffs discussion in Exhibit B as the basis for this condition noted: "No bicycle or pedestrian facilities are proposed between Deadmond Ferry Road and the MUC retail area [in PeaceHealth's original Master Plan submittal]. There is an existing Low Density Residential (LDR) lot owned by PeaceHealth between this development area and Deadmond Ferry Road that could be utilized to make the connection. [emphasis added] PeaceHealth now owns the former Sony property which is now referred to as the RiverBend Annex. The applicant has indicated that the Annex will be utilized for office space and medical laboratories. It is likely that pedestrian trips between the RiverBend Annex and the Master Plan area will be likely [sic]. To encourage such non-vehicular trips, pedestrian connections must be established between Deadmond Ferry Road and the Master Plan site." Clearly, a pathway extending through the Birth Center site would pose unacceptable risks and conflicts, could result in additional tree removal, and would not be in a location that would best provide connectivity to the Campus Industrial uses to the north. The Staff commentary noted that development elsewhere" ...could provide a link to Deadmond Ferry in some other, unspecified location ..." At the time the Staff n,port and conditions were drafted, PeaceHealth did not own any other property that could have provided connectivity between the RiverBend area and the Campus Industrial area to the north. Since that time, PeaceHealth acquired PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 Site Plan Review Applicatiol. , PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .June 2. 200R \ Page 6 i i i c. I additional property and used it to route an underground pneumatic tube between the RiverBend Annex and Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend. A portion of this route was paved between Deadmond Ferry Road and St. Joseph Place, providing convenient access to the St. JosephjRiverBend Drive intersection and other pathways, sidewalks, and bike lanes on the remainder of the River Bend site. The terminus of the pathway on Deadmond Ferry Road is also closer to any access point into the RiverBend Annex than would be available in a terminus at the subject site. The Planning Director has interpreted that the pathway improved on the pneumatic tube route suffices to comply with the requirement in Condition #50 for accessibility between the RiverBend area and the Campus Industrial area to the north. Subdivision Tentative Plan Approval (S~ 2005-0012) Condition 35: The applicant shall instqll a sanitary sewer lateral serving Lot 10 from the mainline in Deadmond Ferry Road, and the existing on-site sewerage disposal system shall be decommissioned prior to Final Plat approval. Response: Consistent with the above requirerrient, a sanitary sewer line was extended to and connected with the existing residence on-site last year (COM2007-00894), and the on-site septic system decommissioned. The proposed Birth Center would use this sanitary sewer extension into the site as well. Condition 47: Prior to Final Plat approval the applicant shall provide Lots 10 and 11 with access to an approved storm water system. On the Final Plat, a private drainage easement shall be recorded against Lot 11 to provide Lot 10 with access to the public system, or alternate drainage provisions to serve Lot 10 acceptable to the City Engineer shall be provided. Response: The Final Subdivision Plat signed by the City and submitted to Lane County on May 30 provided a drainage easement across Lot 11 for benefit ofthe subject site. The application, however, demonstrates the feasibility of an alternate provision to serve Lot 10 as allowed by the above condition of approval. This application proposes extending a private stormwater easement to the front of the subject site, then east to an area drain on the neighboring property. The owner of the neighboring property has given authorization to the applicant for access to that area drain. To protect tree roots, the Applicant's consulting arborist will supervise construction trenching to minimize potential impacts to tree roots on- and off-site. A formal easement and written agreement will be submitted to the City for review, and will be recorded prior to Final Site Plan approval. PRE-SUBMITTAl RECIO JUN 0 3 2008 Site Plan Review Applicatk__ PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .Tlln~ 2. 2008 Page 7 5.0 Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements 1. Applicationfee Required Site Plan Review ($4,099 + $3,675.59) and postage fees ($155) will be paid upon receipt of this submittal ($7,929.59 total). 2. Copy of deed and preliminary title report Copies of the deed and title report are attached. 3. Copy of reduced (B.5"Xll") Site Plan A reduced sized copy of the Site Plan is attached. 4. Right-of-way Approach Permit application Not applicable, since the subject site does not have frontage on any ODOT facility or require a right-of-way approach permit. 5. Storm water Management System Study Three (3) copies of the Storm water Management System Study and required storm water scoping sheet are submitted with this application. 6. Traffic Impact Study As confirmed at the Pre-Development meeting with City staff, the proposed use will not generate sufficient trips to warrant submittal of a TIS. 7. Copies of the following plans: Seven copies of the required drawing set are submitted with the application. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Sheet C2.0 is the Site Assessment. A Vicinity Map is shown on Sheet AI.o. There are no watercourses or riparian setbacks on the subject site. The site is within the Time of Travel Zone, as depicted on a separate attachment. Other physical features, trees and topographic contours are illustrated on the Site Assessment. There are no unstable slopes or high water table that require a Geotechnical Report. b. Site Plan Sheet A2.1 is the required Site Plan. Proposed buildings, car and bike parking facilities, driveway, sign, landscaping, garbage enclosure, and fencing are shown. The closest existing transit facilities are located along each side of Beltline Road just east of its intersection with Game Farm Road South, off-site from the proposed development area. The proposed development will be constructed in a single phase. PRE.SUBMITTAL RECD JUN 0 3 2008 ' .~ Site Plan Review Application PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .Tune 2_ 2008 Page 8 c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan Site utilities are shown on Sheet C3.0, with note~ on Sheet CI.o. d. Grading and Paving Plan Proposed site grading is shown on Sheet C4.0. Paving areas are shown on Sheet C5.0 and details are included on Sheets C6.0 through C6.2. e. Landscape Plan Site landscaping is shown on Sheet LA-I. f Architectural Plans A floor plan for the proposed Birth Center is shown on Sheet 1\3.1, and exterior building elevations are shown on Sheets Atp and 1\4.2. 8. Additional materials that may be required: a. Where a multifamily development is proposed, any additional materials required to demonstrate compliance with SDC Section 16.110 This provision is not relevant. b. Riparian Area Protection Reportfor properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQL W) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQL W The site is not within 150 feet of any WQLW waterway or tributary, and there are no inventoried wetlands on-site. c. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present The site does not have unstable soils or a high water table, so no geotechnical report is warranted. d. Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay district The attachment illustrates the proposed Birth Center's location within the 2-5 year TOTZ for the Sports Way wellfield, and is therefore within the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District. The northern portion of the site is within the 1-2 year TOTZ. A DWP development permit application will be submitted with the complete Site Plan application. PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO JUN 0 3 2008 Site Plan Review ApplicatL. PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwife!)' Birth Center .June 2. 2008 Page 9 e. If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC Article 38 The development proposal involves the removal of 14 trees on-site larger than 5" dbh. A Tree Felling application demonstrating consistency with SDC 5.19-100 will be submitted with the complete SPR application. f A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property This provision is not relevant, as there are no jurisdictional wetlands located within the proposed development area. g. Any requiredfederal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submittedfor review There are no federal or state permits required. h. Where any grading, filling or excavation is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit must be submitted with the land use application A Land and Drainage Alteration Permit will be submitted subsequent to SPR approval, as allowed by Code. i. Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of Provisions as specified in SDC Article 10 or 11 The proposal does not require a Variance, Modification of Provisions or Discretionary Use application. PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'O: JUN 0 3 2008 ..}. Site Plan Review Applicatior. PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .June 2~ 2008 Page 10 7.0 Approval Criteria: SDC 5.17-125 A.: The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. The subject site is zoned Low Density Residential and so-designated on the Metro Plan and Gateway Refinement Plan diagrams. The proposed use is an allowed non-residential use in the LDR zone as it complies with the Special Use standards in SDC 4.7-190. As an allowed use in an LDR zone, the proposal is also consistent with, and complementary to, the RiverBend Master Plan. Phase 1 development in the RiverBend Master Plan includes the Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend, and the proposal seeks to establish a: new location for the PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center to be proximate to the medical center, should expecting mothers need a hospital-based delivery. SDC 5.17-125 B.: Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic sqfety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise providedfor by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. The subject site has all the necessary infrastructure and capacity to serve the proposed Birth Center. Sanitary sewer facilities were extended into the site last year, and the site is currently served with phone, cable, water and electric services. A private stormwater easement is available to serve the site from the south, but the Applicant is seeking to tie into an existing area drain on the neighboring property to the east as an alternate drainage location. Documentation supporting the efficacy of this proposal is included in the accompanying stormwater drainage report prepared by KPFF Consulting Engineers. The site has frontage on a fully improved public street (Deadmond Ferry Road). PRE-SUBM/lTAL REC'D JUN 0 3 2008 Site Plan Review Applicak _ PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center. .June 2. 2008 Page 11 SDC 5.17-125 C.: The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. The development proposed complies with applicable design and construction standards outlined in the Springfield Development Code, Springfield Engineering Design Manual, and applicable state building codes. Article LI..2-100 - Infrastructure Standards - Trammortation SDC 4.2-105 - Public Streets City Transportation Division staff stated at the Development Issues Meeting that a Traffic Impact Statement would not be required under SDC 4.2-105 A.4. because there are no capacity issues on Deadmond Ferry Road, nor will the proposed use generate the 500 trips/day threshold for requiring a TIS. Deadmond Ferry Road is fully improved to urban standards as a collector street, and therefore no additional right-of-way or improvements are required under SDC 4.2-105 B., C., or G. SDC 4.2-120 - Site Access and Driveways The subject site currently has two fully improved curb cuts on Deadmond Ferry Road. However, both are of a width suitable for residential development, and City staff informed the Applicant at the Development Issues Meeting that the proposed use would have to provide a 24-foot wide driveway. Therefore, the Applicant proposes an adjustment to the eastern curb cut to locate it farther to the west - to widen it to the 24-foot standard directed by Staff, and to provide greater separation from the adjacent neighbor's existing driveway to the east. There is no alternative to access on Deadmond Ferry Road, a collector street, so the proposal is consistent with SDC 4.2-120 B.2. The driveway location and dimensions proposed otherwise comply with standards in SDC 4.2-120 C. and Tables 4.2-2 and -3. The proposed driveway is well in excess of the minimum standard in Table 4.2-4 for separation from the driveway to the nearest intersection on the same street (i.e., at Game Farm Road South, several hundred feet to the west). SDC 4.2-130 - Yision Clearance The proposed new driveway location complies with vision clearance standards outlined in SDC 4.2-130 and Table 4.2-5, as illustrated on Sheet LA-I. SDC 4.2-135 - Sidewalks The site abuts a fully improved street with sidewalks. PRE-5UBMllTAl REC'O JUN 0 ~ 2008 Site Plan Review ApplicatiOl. PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .June 2. 200R Page 12 SDC 4.2-140 - Street Trees I The site abuts a fully improved street. No street:trees are located on the subject site's street frontage due to utility vaults, transformers, and curb cuts in the planting strip - as well as a guy-wire for a power pole located in the public right- of-way. Mature trees are located in the front yard setback that help meet the objectives of street trees outlined in SDC 4.2-140, and comply with the exception listed in this section of the Code. SDC 4.2-145 - Street Lighting Deadipond Ferry Road is a fully improved street, with street lighting meeting City standards and installed by the City. SDC 4.2-150 - Bikeways There are no bikeways existing or proposed in TransPlan or the Springfield Bicycle Plan for the subject property. As noted above, the City established a condition of approval on the RiverBend Master Plan for a bike/ped pathway that has been met through provision of a superior location east of the subject site. SDC 4.2-155 - Pedestrian Trails As noted above, the bike/ped pathway required in the RiverBend Master Plan has been met elsewhere. There are no other existing or proposed pedestrian trails identified in the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan that affect the subject property. SDC 4.2 - 160 - Accessways As noted above, the bike/ped pathway required in the RiverBend Master Plan has been met elsewhere. There is no basis for requiring an accessway through the subject property, and an accessway through the site would be inherently incompatible with the proposed Birth Center use. Article 4.:~-100 - Infrastructure Standards - Utilities SDC 4.3-105 - Sanitary Sewers Per COM2007-00894 and consistent with requirements in SDC 4.3-105 A. and B., the Applicant installed a 4" sanitary sewer line to serve the subject site. Sheet C3.0 illustrates the sanitary sewer line and its connection to the proposed development. SDC 4.3-110 - Stormwater Management Sheet C3.0 shows the proposed sanitary sewer improvements and private easement for site drainage to the area drain east of the site. Roof runoff is proposed to be treated on-site using a soakage trench as shown on Sheet C3.0. The Stormwater Drainage Report dated May 2008 and stormwater scoping sheet PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 Site Plan Review ApplicatttC~, PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .June 2. 2008 Page 13 provide detail on the proposal and its conformance with provisions in SDC 4.3- 110. SDC 4.3-115 - Water Quality Protection The subject site does not have any jurisdictional wetlands, nor is it within 150 of a Water Quality Limited Watercourse or tributary, therefore this Code section is not applicable. SDC 4.3-120 - Utility Provider Coordination Consistent with SDC 4.3-120 B., the Applicant has proposed utility facilities and extensions to the satisfaction of the applicable utility provider. SDC 4.3-125 - Underground Placement of Utilities As called for in this Code section, the Applicant is proposing to place existing overhead electric power lines underground to serve the proposed Birth Center, and remove two existing power poles on-site, as shown on Sheet C3.0. SDC 4.3-130 -"Water Service and Fire Protection Per state building code - as confirmed with state and local building officials - the proposed Birth Center is not required to be sprinklered, and the proposed use will not generate demand for a new fire hydrant to serve the development. Sheet C3.0 shows the 1" domestic water line extended to serve the proposed Birth Center consistent with SDC 4.3-130 A. SDC 4.3-140 - Public Easements Because the site has a fully improved street frontage with all necessary utilities, no additional public utility easements are required to serve the proposed development. Article 4..4.-100 - Landscauina. Screenina and Fencina Standards SDC 4.4-105 - Landscaping Parking lot landscaping complying with SDC 4-4-105 F. and the screening requirement in SDC 4.7-190 C. is shown on Sheet LA-I. Existing landscape screening abutting the property to the east is proposed to remain. Irrigation and planting specifications meeting SDC 4-4-105 G. are listed in the notes on Sheet LA-I. SDC 4.4-110 - Screening A 6' tall wood fence is proposed along the south property boundary, consistent with SDC 4-4-110 A.!. and B.3. The garbage enclosure is proposed to be fenced and screened consistent with subsection B.3.c., see Sheet LA-I, A2.1 and A2.3 PRE-SUBM/lTAL ~tcjl) JlJN /I ~ 2008 Site Plan Review ApplicatiOl PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .Tune 2. 2008 Page 14 SDC 4.4-115 - Fences . Proposed fencing shown on Sheet LA-1 complies with the standards in SDC 4-4- 115 A. and Table 4-4-1. Article d.i,-100 - Landscavino. Screenino and Fencino Standards SDC 4.5-110 - Illumination and Height Parking and driveway lighting is illustrated on Sheet M.l. Preliminary concept is for 16' tall poles (from the Architechtural Area Lighting UCM series) and 175 watt metal halide lights with a horizontal (full cut-oft) reflector and flat glass lens. Photometric mapping of illumination and a cut sheet from the proposed lighting is attached. Article ,1.6-100 - Vehicle Parkino. Loadino. and Bicucle Parkina Standards SDC 4.6-110 - Vehicle Parking - General Staff indicihid at the Development Issues Meeting that parking would be required to serve the use based upon "offices" per SDC 4.6-110 A. and C., and SDC 4.6-125, or 1 space for each 300 sf of gross floor area. For the proposed 4,022 sf Birth Center, this would result in a minimum of 13-4 parking spaces. 14 parking stalls are proposed, including one handicapped van-accessible space. SDC 4.6-115 - Vehicle Parking - Parking Lot Design The proposal complies with the standards in this Code section and Table 4.6-1. SDC 4.6-120 - Vehicle Parking - Parking Lot Improvements Consistent with SDC 4.6-120 A., B., and C., the parking lot and driveway area will be constructed of asphalt, with suitable drainage, striped, and have allowable vehicular encroachment into widened sidewalk or landscape areas. The one parking space for disabled access conforms to the requirements in SDC 4.6-120 H. SDC 4.6-140 - Bicycle Parking - Facility Design Sheet M.1 illustrates racks for the minimum three bike parking spaces required in EC 4.6-140 A., and in locations meeting the dimensional standards in subsection B. One of the racks is located under cover as required in subsection C. SDC 4.6-145 - Bicycle Parking - Facility Improvements Bike parking is located conveniently near the entrance to the facility, consistent with SDC 4.6-145 A., but should not conflict wit~ pedestrian movements. PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 Site Plan Review ApplicatL. PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center .June 2_ 2008 Page 15 Article <1. '7-1 Q" - SDecific DeveloDment Standards - Professiona{ OfJices Responses to the applicable standards in this Code section were provided above in Section 2.0, page 3 of this narrative. SDC 5.17-125 D.: Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to:facilitate vehicular trajJi.c, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize curb cuts on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standardsfor state highways. The proposal includes parking areas and ingress-egress points designed to meet the needs of the proposed Birth'Center, while also meeting Code standards and requirements for fire/life safety access as related in the Development Issues Meeting with City staff. The proposal provides pedestrian access to all building entries, and safe and convenient access to the sidewalk along Deadmond Ferry Road - thus providing connectivity to transit and other nearby destinations. The proposal relocates one of the two existing curb cuts onto Deadmond Ferry Road (a collector street) but does not jeopardize safe access or capacity ofthe street system. SDC 5.17-125 E.: Physicalfeatures, including but not limited to, steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions, areas with susceptibility toflooding, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings and open spaces and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240 shall be protected as specified in this Code or in state or Federal law. The subject site does not have any steep slopes, unstable soils or geologic conditions. The site is within the flood hazard boundary established through the RiverBend Master Plan process, and a Floodplain Overlay development permit PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D JUN 0 3 2008 '-- . ......... Site Plan Review Applicatit PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center ~Tl1np 'J 'JooR Page 16 application will be submitted with the complete SPR application. There are no jurisdictional wetlands, rock outcrops, watercourses, or riparian areas on the site, nor are there any areas of inventoried historic or archaeological significance. The site does have considerable tree canopy, identified in the Gateway Refinement Plan as a "Natural Asset" as "Other Prominent Vegetation." The proposal seeks to conserve as many trees on-site as practical, and pays particular attention to preserving coherent clusters of trees with the assistance of our project arborist. A Tree Felling permit will be submitted with the complete SPR application. PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 . ~ 05/Jo/2008 08:JJ FAX.541 7J6 1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW il!1002 PUBliC WORKS DEP ARThmN'r1 ~eering Division Fax: (541) 736-1021 . STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSlEM SCOPE OF WORK . . "J' L~'I.I:l;:.~(.~" ':'~~:.'!:':'.' l"''''~I!I\'J "'j' "';l'ir.~'~' . 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PJ:oject Size (Acres):':;f,/ ,AOU,-S Fax Ii: ~..n. r;. 8(( 4 'tel 'f . ~~.~~~::,~..~,'~~a:' ""...!~?".!f_~~et_~=~~~~~~~~~:-J:_~o><~,.'~:;~ '"' l'r'oject Desq,iption (Inclu.c!e'a copJof AsSessoi's map):' .' :';'" Pe~WAItL.- ,.,uA,cc,,-1 Cn-o"'f ;J"r.~ Mtd...vlj..~::J'B.rf.\. Vz.~"-_ Ii' (A~X~$Q...' ~f' .,,~cW) ".. .~ ,:DViWage Propq:sal (Pnb& ~on(s), ~(, 1000000on(s), etc. AUach addiliOJJal sh~.)'if~_J' .. . .::t",,+~.~f-<'-- r",o f': ~""-<lfl= , COOo1~~ t.pv~le.: c1Ai"~r<- 'Py.~1<-. .... 'iI. 'DC,"w-JJ)~~.~"ol: (<;.a.- "l~ l)}~I."4y l"\......). ';tl " .'I:!f l'r'oposlld ~rmwater BestMana~em~ Prai:'lio:es; . ~\C-~~ ~"'dt.; kJ^:rc.~. 0.""..4(...1 ry CAr'-H &,o,sltJ .. ~~ .t - "':i~".'lfh..~'t'\i!fe.';;~~'Jr"!:i'r:;~""Uii""" ",..... ., "'..J;" ..... ' ,"". ,'" ..... """'''-'''.''' ;"......."""".,, \'>'''''[1';1';'~'''1 ,..].,.. ....'"",'"'" ..." 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HyUrograph Method j",.'calcuWiom) . . Environmental Con.iderlllH>ns: . Ii WelIh~ ~e: \-'Z 'I't.- \l__~-.d.......e: ~.HilIside Development; N I A . ~etl311d!Riparian: J;l}A . . . FloodwaylF1oodplain; ;.i I A. .~ . Soil Type: . .,,,,-:-,,,,..1...60,,, ~\\'1 (1",,-,-; k. Other Jurisdictions: ..N}J. D~.,#-,,~':"'~Anaivsis: . ii~ .~ i j f V} i!l N/A . o Flow iine for smrting. wafer snrl'ace e!lWil1i(ln: o D~gIlHGL't() use fOr stm1Jng water SIlIfuce elevation: o Mllllhok/Junction 10 take 1IQ.a.1.ysii, t.o1 '1 '. Return tQ Matt Stuud~r @City of.Sp~field, em.aiI: mstouder@lci.mrinlrtielllur.us.FAX:: (541) 736-1921 Revised 1/1/0S Molly Marl<orl.~ : PRE-SIIBMITTAl REC'D JtJN 0 3 2008 9 oflO . .~ 05/JO/2008 09:J4 FAX 541 7J6 102' CITY OF' SPRINGFIELD PW 19j001l001 COMPLE~ STU;DY. ITEMS. 11.~~ff,1,~~,:;&:r'"l * Ba$~ upon iJu, infi>nnatio.. prvvish:xI on thefton:tDfthis shed, tlu:fb~. "T' ~~_ a minbmmI olwlwt i! nUdtdjbr an qpp/ic.atitm. fq be compleli:fonllb",~ With respod to drainag~liuwt:ver, iJ,u JUt should not b. used in liezl 0{1& .J... ~...,Wd . DevdopmtW Code (SDC) ortlu: City'. EngiMering lJ1mgn MIin=L Ccr1Ip~ wjJh <Ms" ~ tloQ nor",,~stu approw/; .4.driirioruzl s#I: ~ irifimnalion ""'Y b. reqldnd. NotJ:: !:POll scopfll~ shet1 submlUal. frnSllTt,cp1llplt1etIfoTm Ms ~ signed in tlu: sp= provided b.ww: . lWrlinlJaignSt:mdard,;IWala" QaIity .......>.:.J CILlIpter3) . /}9'd N/.4 ...., . . . . III '0 AD~.lOOfIop ~R) ~:sudiIcd.m.n bio pR-treated (e.g. ~':'..J calOllbasin wfoil 'mirnti.on Iiledio), fur ._..,...._ quRiity. ~y, a ",;~I"""" or~o~ ~ftho NBR:'-_ :~ ~ shall. be 1reiJled by ~ mefhodo. . .' '. . ill 0 Whol'fr~ ~live.__._ ~shidlb.coIl5i51Emwilh~design":"'L.lo(E11SPM:S..man3.02J; setli:alhbytlleB_Qf;;...;..........uaIS=i""'(E!ES)""a....W<1ll::l;~(CWS).. . . 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All stann pipc:a Sball he d~P4 to achi""".~ ",,1O<:ity .fth= (3) feet per """'"'" at 95 pipe fWI base,fon TObie 4-1 as welL . 'Z' Otbet'l.Misc . . I!!!I' 0 ~B atui prop...ed OQIltwul.i.<3l1:d at';"e fuoi iDl<:rnlt liIclude Spot .1frYllli""" aDd silo grades sho..,;"g how oile . dnins " ' III 0 l'rivale ""'nn_.....~ sbalI be c.b:ady .:..,.:..;....:onplalJSwIion~.;:.._-.J<rflows JillJJl.oner.-r_:) to . a:n~ ". .: . ..~",. _' ...,".,.'.",. ';, . ' r-~-. o iIII Drywdhshall.~~v.'=llffJillJJlllD)"~w/o.lleIDlitreaWiby~O'~~B;.;..#b.ili~"'ccptioll.f i:to: . rcs1dCDtlal bul)'dillg'zOofs (EDSP Soetion3.03.4.A). A;!l@itionalpIt>\'fs!on.Il!'P.l'lyl" filig ...~by)heDBQ. Racr ,_ Iothe.websjte..www.deo.stlite.ot.usI....(prntmd.....lliObome:bcm.iiini>o...~on. . c.., . ." o .. Dc1cotion poD4s. shall. be doslgned to limit I1ll1Off to p~.pmart mil:s' fur the 2 'tbtougb 25.y= """':" _ . "7'hi!r!DrtJJ sMllb. indJdi1l1Z3D1l aItlldtl1lmt, Ursidetlu:fno1ft~f"rM-".'d' _.. stsuIy ,1',. r~'U"""" ,'c",, .... . 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LLI g: 00 = = c-..s C':> = z: ::J -, o '0 (j) +J rl ..., c-< o +J 'O~ (j) +JD ru "" +J o ~ II ..c: u c c ru ..., rl o..~ .. ..., rl " 1~1! 3 1\'" .~ i.~ > '" 0 ,.., ~ .rl - '" ~ 0", ~w "H " U C ""rl '" " C C , '" 0 E.c ~ '" C ill .rl U ~ C " ~ " ~ ill 0 "'" .rl ~ > ill o '" ~ '" E o " ~ "'" o >'0 ~ g ~ '" 0 ~ E ~ ,,.., ~ :l .c 0 " H'" U , ~ " ",0'" z "'" H C Hill" '" ~ E 8 B u> H .~ JS "''''", ~ c: 0 4;-.-1 >. ClC" o:x: 0...-1 0::;...-1..-1 ~ -W-.-1 H"'.Q U ...-1 -..-I W ~ ~ H " C H > 8- '" >, ~ u C ill ~ ~ >.! Full cutoff reflectors meet local light control ordinances and dark sky initiatives UCL . Metal halide + HPS lamps 150 to 400 watts . Optics rotate on 900 centers . Pulse start Metal halide ballasts available for high lumen output and longer lamp life. FOUR LIGHT PATTERNS I I '-1 -, _ _,.) -I _1',1,1 '-j :"'1".' ~==~~_~I _i-_~~='i!~_:";:: = ~ ;::,'Ii' ,;,:, ~'; "':,:::! .:, "" ," ---I" I ---'-;.'" ; -, TYPE 2 TYPE 3 Optional flat tempered glass lens on the UCM (FTG option). UCM . Metal halide + HPS lamps 50 to 175 watts . Optics rotate on 900 centers . T-6 ceramic metal halide lamps can be used to insure color accuracy and consistency. . Electronic ballasts are also available to improve lamp color stability. lil I. ' " !:~Jt_ .J'il'.: j ~-'-t~~j== l~====~ ~~~~~~~~ TYPE 4 TYPE 5 Optional flat tempered lightly diffused glass lens on the UCM (FLD option). 13 UNIVERSE COLLECTIO'N@ FOUR LIGHT PATTERNS The four reflectors provide maximum flexibility to precisely illuminate pedestri- an areas, streets, and complete project site lighting. The horizontal reflector sys- tem is available in four light distributions for maximum efficiency and precise placement of the light. The cutoff reflector systems meet iES standards for full cutoff type optics to address requirements for glare control, light trespass and light pollution. Light trespass is eliminated with the use of an optional factory installed house side shield. PRE.SUBMIlTAL REG'ID JUN 0 3 2008 ..il Internal sleeve blocks the light emitted from the Luminous Element option. This provides full cutoff photometries, eliminating any light above 90 degrees. ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING qlIBgH~Kmgd . Z-C/) O>::f- C/)C/)U o::i: ~ '-' 0_ -' WO:::I: ...J OaJU Z<l:O: <l:O<l: \ ./ , '" , \ -, I ill I... ~ '4).,~ ~ LL "'\ \ , ~ I \ . .\ , f- I:: Ii :" I) ., \1 , \i ~: , / / /- / " I I /' / / j j / / ~ / ,90'LLZ --- Ii! 0::" ........ e N ~pj ~gS; d;~ ~~~.~ ~ - MM ~~~ ~ ?l 1i ~s :! a. ~u. ,Cl,:"UZ . ',';".:., ". -~ ."',. I fill1l1 i l!lim M.9C.t....tQS 0 u 00 LI.I 0::: = = >- -" "" " ~ 0- w ..., < ~. 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ANDERSON DABROWSKI ARCHITECTS LLC A) 1430 SE 3rd Avenue Suite 200 Portland, OR 97214 Tel: \503\239-7377 Fax: 503 239.7327 wwwADarchltects.com o\1L~IlUIGNS.~.l;lRO.WI'lGS.-"tC Pl.N<SSETFORTl101.1T11E$l!~AAE0WNE08f ANJARETllEPIlOf'OuyOF_1lA8It<7o'V1l<I AIlCl/m!CT1J.UC:'.<N'fI)3E./Ia!SE,DRmsactl<lREOF 8AIOPlAN9.fl(/'ROOUCTlONlI.lOUo9.DElllI;HS._, AAIINlCIEMEN1Swm.ovrTl1~\'VRmEHI'ER&lmIOll OFANOElISO~~ARCIt<l1<ca.u.c.1ll """"..Ilm.........w. PeeceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center 353 DEADMQN!:) FERRY ROAD SPRINGFIEtD, OREGON 9U77 SubmlttaJTYl?e RlIYIaJo:i..m; 0.., .,... Scal8: 1....2Q'.{l. Pmj8dNo.; 01'155 FllllN811\e: A2.1_SfTEPLAN OrawnBy; 'OL ct!eg,;,dBy: JMA JurItdlcUonApploveI: PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'O JUN () 3' 2008 ~ ,:::::! i; it ,'I: ~,I'II t' illii ~,' ii , .. ,. .... . a.. ~_ " ~ !! i!!l I! ~ lI!1 'I U II il!i ii , .........I.I! ~ J 1.J 00 ><:: = ~ = '" M :: <:> ;:; z .=> ::> '"> --, . -u 0:::: 0-. ~iiiniii!Hinini ~ 1:!~U:;t!lllllt!1 1""".~.Hlll!,! ~ 9 "",,_.. ~w_ , -G: ~ . \ "- a~:;J J \, . 0: !I;"' \ 0:,.: ~ : , ~ 5; ~h-i' w-y ~~ .. .~~:J.e-I.,~., c:.'---:,....ilI_ _, ".... frl ~"~.I t~,,'f ~ ,::, i ii ~ ~~~/r~ 1 ~l~' ~~~.o,,'~~ ~':I:1 \~I. ! !;~ ;......". ,j, ,\ 'I, ~\ ': . I ~~I},!::/ \~ 1'\ ) 1:1 i;. ." ~ ~~ ~: \ ~ "8W :~: ~~ , i!lli!l. ~,\ \ f'!:b:-j ~("I~ :; :';',;, \ !' I' . ~ ". , , I :\',\ h I' " ~ , ." aWl o ~ .; ~ l' " ~)I~ : ), ~ ~, I ' ' - . " '~I :: ',: 7" I' ~j ! J . ~ ,;.' '\ '\ '8 ~ _ 1;,- I:l. " '" '" , .;"; \\ ..-1 ,I ~ -. -I \ ''"'' ~~ ; /.... ~ ')\/ ,: '!!~ \ Ii ifJ~)?;; i' Z I I " /" I I:, ~~ ~I'" \. I', :t! "... .."..... 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" ~ y .IIi / - f(~!':IC.~',lf;L::, . ~ ;.., " : .l :;; " >, ,; , ; ;~_.,'...; ~ Ii'-., ..:.:..._1 ~ e? 6) Co 3z ;>9 '/l~ V1"">- WX..J V"J<iz V11- 0 ""0 "'z 0"" ,c.. r;.ro" <NrllJliO ;~ -c;: n" C'" 0: ...0.. -Ill , a I I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00036 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cReceintl RECEIPT #: &P~[j~:;:ai "~~"~" '~ ."'~._-""-LO~_.. ....' ___",..- ,~,. Citv of Springfield Official Receipt I dopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000368' Date: 06/03/2008 Description CTY Site Plan Rvw Tentative Paid By PHILLIP T FARRINGTON Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received acl 05 I 368 In Person Payment Total: PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO JUN 0 3 2008 Page I of I 8:54:3IAM Amount Due 336.00 $336.00 Amount Paid $336.00 $336.00 6/3/2008 \....1.1 i OF SPRINGFIELD VICIN.l.l i MAP PRE2008-00036 353 Deadmond Ferry Road ~. . .r. Map 17-03-15-40 Tax Lot 2200 North + PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I Sformwater Drainage Report ~ , for , . PeaceHealth Medical. Group Nursing , Midwifery Birth Center '. Springfield, Oregon Prepared For: , . . PeaceHealth Oregon Region 123 International Way Springfield, Oregon 97477 Prepared By: '. . KPFF Consulting Engineers 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 Eugene, Oregon 97401 KPFF Project No. 307829 May 2008 '. . . ~i PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'D JUN 0 3 2008 ~. .<1 I . . . . .. I I . . . I . I . . I . I ". C' ~ .' . Table of Contents J ',' i' ' 1: EXECUTIVE $UMMARY ............:............;:.....................:...........................:.........................,-.........................1 2. ,'EXISTING CONDITIONS ....................:.....,.....:............:...:..........:........:..........................................................1 2,1 Descrip.tion of Pre-Development Site"...".... ....., ,'.., .,..,.., C..,.......,..." 'n..' ..:.....,' .c.., ..C,' c,..,........".,., 1 . 2.2 Pre-DevelopmentDrainage ....",.""..., ":,, "c. "..:".., ....,..........,...,.....,..," ........ ,"..., ,..c",..,...,....".,., 1 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ...............................:..........:........;....;:..;...........................,...............................1 ' '3,1 Description of Proposed Development ,......,...:":..".......'''...;......''''''..'''''.,..''...,...'''..'''''.,,'," ".,.., 1 1'" . , , 4. HYDROLOGIC,ANAL YSIS......................:...........:........:....................:.....:...-..:................;...............................1 4.1,' . Computer Modeling ".,",:"'".:".."...,.:.."".,'"."',,.,.:,,"~,,:l.,..:...:....,,.,'"""",,,,,,,,,....,,..,..,,,,,,..,,,,.: 1 4.2 " . Post-Development...", ". ,,:, "" "" ."....;........, ". ,.. ,'.,..", ,:, ..'..:..:,... ,... .... ...., .:..'" ,.. ,::, ,~,...,..,........... .,2 I., 5. PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS.............;....:....;~..............:;.............;...............:...:.........2_ ~:~~~~~~~un~~:.:::::::: ::;: :;.: ::::::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::::::::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: :::: ::: :::: :::: :::. :::::.: ::::: :::: :::::: :::: ::: ::::::: :::~ 7. 'PROJECT OVERVIEW ................:..........;..............:.............:....;......:..::............~..........:................:....................3 .. . . - - . , ~: ., " .~ '. .,.. " ' .'. . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 . ~ b . , , I I I I I I I I I .r I I I I' I I I I I I Appendices APPENDIX A: . DRAWINGS Basin Map Utility Plan Details / APPENDIX B: HYDROLOGY APPENDIX C: CONVEYANCE CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D: WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O' JUN 0 3 2008 ~j; I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I " " - ~ PEACEHEAlTH MEDICAL GROUP NURSING MIDWIFERY BIRTH CENTER SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 1.' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, -;... This Storm Drairiage Report has been prepared for the proposed' Peace Health Medical Group Nursing Midwifery Birth Center (Birth Center) located approximately a half-m(le east of the intersection of Interstate 5 in - Springfield, Oregon.' This report presents the results of the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for the new development and .describes proposed siorm drainage improvements that will meet or exceed City of Springfield storm drainage criteria' and standards. ' 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS '. .2.1.. "Description of Pre:Developme!1t Site , The Birth Center property is approximately 1.10 acres total in size and located at the existing , Springfield Fire Station site in Springfield.' The site is bounded by Deadmond Ferry Road to the north , ", . . '. . I ~ and residential areasto.all other sides. " " , , . - . . :, . " . ,'. ~ . The Lane County Soil S,urveyindicates the following soil types are present on the site: . , , ' ..., TABLE 2.1- SCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA '" I', Malabon I Silty Clay Loam I I' 75 J I ?2., .' pre-Development Drainage : ' The existing site conditions primarily rely,on the water infiltrating into the ground. There are no existing storm drains on site.' . . , . . , 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 3.1. Description of Proposed Development' . The proposed Birth Center development. area is approximately 1.10 acres and consists of the Birth Center building and the associated parking lot areas and ,sidewalks. 4. HYDROLOGIC ANAL YSIS .c 4.1. Computer Modeling' . - . I Several spreadsheets based on the Santi! Barbara Urban. Hydrograph Method are used in the - calculation of this'report. These spreadsheets were. used 'for the' conveyance 'and peak runoff calculations. ' , ' ' , . . ,The ~pre~dsheets used' for the water quality caltulations meet the c'riteria outlined in the City of Portland's SWMM and have been approved by the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental SerVices (BES)on similar projects KPFF has completed in the past. Precipitation data forthe respective storms are City of SP:ingfield design storms. ' PRE-SUBMIlTAL REC'O, . JUN 0 3 2008 KPFF Project No. 307829 Springfield,Oregon " . 1 Storm Orainage Report May 2008 , " ..... I I: I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I. I' ,.' PEACEHEAlTH MEDICAL GROUP. NURSING MIDWIF,ERY BIRTH CENTER . SPRINGFIELD, OREGON TABLE 4.1- 24-HR PRECIPITA nON FOR SPRINGFIELD, OR (NOAA Atlas 2, Volume XI. . ' 1~~"~iJ~:~~r~:j~R,pre~bil<iti6n'::';"~2":-'f!C'\ . I'"'' '", . . .,,10 83 I 4 8' I' i$l!:t~~~i;:lnchesf:":~-~_0. " ;'. l. ._ 4.2. Post-Development Curve numbers for impervious' and pervious areas used in, the comput~tions were 98 and 80, respectiv~ly based on a Type J-A rainf~ll.distribution, 2~-hour storm duration, The drainage basins are identified in the ,Basin Map drawing found in Appendix A. Impervious and pervious areas were calculat,ed using the proposed site plan drawings. '. " 5. PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The proposed Birth Center will meet or: exceed all requirements of the Springfield Development Code and the' City of Springfield Public Works Engineering Design St~ndards and Procedures Manuat(EDSP). The proposed storm drainage system ,consists of a water quality catch)asin to collect surface runoff,and an underground storm'drainage pipe to convey the'collected runoff. A soakage trench provides water quality treatment of. the site's roof, The private on-site siorm drainage will connect to the proposed public storm . drainage system at the property line, 5.1, Water Quality So.akage Trench , All of the rooftop stormwater runoff from the improvement area of the site' will beJreated usipg ,a so~kage trench, Soakage or infiltration trenches are shallow trenches in permeable' soil that is backfilled with sand and coarse stone and lined with filter fabric. The french surface, may be covered with grating, stone, sand, grass, or plantings. The soakage trench is designed and sized in accordance with the SWMM East Soakage Trench design specifications. ..' . , , , Details for the soakage trench are on sheet C6.1, included in Appendix A. The complete water quality calculations' and worksheets for the basins are in Appendix D.of this report. . 'W.'.' . . ContechCatchbasin Stormfilter '. One-hundred percent of the non-rooftop impervious area runoff, will be treated, in accord~nce with . Springfield's Stormwater Management Manual. Most of this run;off will be treated with a2-cartridge 'Contech Steel Catch basin Stormfilter. The Stormfilter targets a full range of pollutants in urban runoff, including TSS, solubl~ heavy metals, oil and grease, and total nutrients. .. Details for the cajchbasinare on sheet C6,2'in Appendix A. , KPFF Project No. 307829 , Springfield, Oregon, 2 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O , JUN 0 3 2008 -"" , Storm Drainage Report May 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .., ".PEACEHEAl TH MEDICAL GROUP' NURSING MIDWIFERY BIRTH CENTER , SPRINGFIElD,OREGON , , 5.2. Conveyance , The conveyance system is gesigned to convey the stormwate~ runoff peak flows of 25-year storm event or " greater. Pipe'sizes'and slopes shown on plans reflect the results,of the calculations, See sheet c3.6 in . ~. . .- , Appendix A. l:he.complete conveyance calculations and worksheets are in Appendix C of this report. 6. , PROJECT OVERVI~W ' This Storm Drainage Report as preparedbyKPFF Consulting Enginee,rs (KPFF) describes the concepts and design intent for ,stormwater management at the Pea~eHealth Medical \?roup Nursing Midwifery Birth Center in Springfie!d;Oregon. ' . ,-' '., ,., . '. !) ,. , " " ';" .PRE.SUBMltrAl RECIO JUN 0 3 2008 I KPFF Projecl No. .307829 Springfield, Oregon . 3 Storm Drainage Report May 2008 , \' I. I '" I '. ,: I, I, . . I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I . , . ;" . . , . . ' . .'" .. ..\ " . . .. I '. ,~ , . , " , , ". / , II ..,:) , . " , .\....." . ", ':':. ',' , .~! . " , <' . - '. '. Appendix A:, Drawings" . " I ~ . . , , ;,', , . . .. . . . I . . I . . 0 ~ , . "; f , . ~ " J . ~ .. ~ I ~~ _ 0 <~ .' - . ell "" . 8~ ;~ -< ~g ON "-, 0:> . :; ~o ~~ I ~~'~ADMOND FERRY RD. .~- ~~=~~l~:~-; -~~~., ern!> \ , , --- ..- -.....; < __~.JUmJ~/..l1!ONROO '\' '_.'" . .n,: "'"' . ,.'.-''ll' 0'," .y,-rll' . .oW, I~'fll> " ::. \,-nkG .~~~ 11>> ~ . .,., '1~ "",11... . ;'~gl'If. 0 BASIN 5 ""', ".. ~ ".n",,~ _ ~'f! , ~ ~~.."" ... ,"1.111' ". ."'f'll;" " " ,. " '1 I I . \ ';;:,~ Bf'SIN 4 -l \ "":1 \ : \ I FF=435.50 \ ';"", ;\;n. ::',< '~'" \ 1 . ~~. "'I" ~~ ' N~~~~ :~ ._:,,,,,,,.,,_~~SIN3 """"."-~~. , \.! ~r.~""" " ~/':"", " -<;: \I! \. 'i .- ~~"W - "';'''' _____ \ .\, \ ." ~'-.('-.. ,,)... I. ! :. no '\\~J'i--~- ~,;-;"" ,,-' ~" " '- - \ . I"~ '-~ ."" '- "- ~ 'I ~ .",...'. . \ l' ;'~~u,,,, . .1.- . 'l"'~'.r,_." .."'.~ _r-flr) , '-\ 'J " ./ ~ '\b/ J:J BASIN 2 . ~~', ~ "'''''yy' ~,,~ --\.~ ,-"'= \ "'.L2= FoUND~I.'IH('NIIOD :JA"Fmo ..~. I'OUKD 3f'" IRO"P!PE " ," .. ~ ~ ~l SCALE o 1 INCH . 20 FEET " ~- " l \ \ \ + '.'It . o ~?~ ~ .....--< '~ Q) ~ Q) () ~ Q) ~ IJ ANDER'SON DABROWSKI ARCH ITECTS LLG A) 1430 SE3rd Avenue Suite 200 Portland, OR 97214 Tel: (503\239-7377 Falt:(503239-7327 www.ADarchitects.com .".""... ~,~ '."'" ~~""""",,,,'~'c ""..'-<""'- ._; ~""'.''''''f'::'''~NI.,.,,,...t,,,e;r;"! ""''''.,_",."." "";~",---."~.,",,(,,"",,,;.,..,......,-..,,, ,~",'."'I':O'" ""~' "."""-''''-'''''''''' ""o;'''''~'~~r"' ';..I'''~,~ .'''<.::-.0'''.... "'.....,"''''"'.'''''' <<"""'..,-'-N~..,",r1""'J' ,;.....~~.t'",.....,-k>,''' ",,"'''',,".,t~''...c,.~...,.o<." ''-'~1'-',",.~. ...""'..lC.......-:. PEACEHEAL TH MEDICAL GROUP NURSING MIDWIFERY BIRTH CENTER 3530E.O.OMONDFERRYROM;J' SPRINGFIELO,OREOOND7.77 Submittal Type R."....... '0,"", 5-2'D-OlI ~. P"","oINO: 0715.5 Fil4IN_ O.."'nBy: ALE! C_~..:l8y' JW Ju....."'bon~ PRE-SOBMITIAL REC'D JUN 0 3 Z008 She.IT,,,,,, GRADING'PLAN ~_. Sn..INo., .BASINS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ . " . / g ~ I ~ j ~ I <ji >5 .0 .!.~ ~~ EO 0" I ~~ .r:: ~~ !.:::.~ I "-C; ./ " ~ I -E---"'--"----~&___.:..~,~ --- /"'-. ~.;:, ... .. ~ "- con; y 1"42.3 I ........ r!\1?!\ Ir_c;n"'KIt~ ~NC\-l ; ~. I I l '- "1 i I I I --=:-~F"---, CONNECT TO EXIST f1"W SERV1CE LATERAL ",.,,~ :~.. ',.;".'" I I '.<. .I'N"'~ I I Ii"; ~';...~ 1I5;!; LF 1" W (PueUC 8'1' SUB) " ,,,., -'~F'H ;r~.I.'~"'I' '''''' ~"'1!' "'";.'",, .",' ~,l r.~' . .. ''''"'''''f C(lNNF~TII'lN TO UuSI. ~::; LA.fUCAL SEE NOTE 1. DEADMOND F --- ,'~ .. ..- ~ -~.,"":"'~ ':'~F.""""----'-' "-- "':'----~~. ..~ ~'" Ft~ .~ ':::"H..O .,,;' ", I'U~ ~ .~J" ','''.n' ~' 01>" )~' '"n ~;lll'. ;:~:;.:,;~ /"~" \ .\:,:.;':" '\ \ "(~\I~ / < '--~\. ~l1 I "0 U' ;'ST .." /. "I - - '..----' 5-0.0050 . ",'.W /~'''';- I ~. REUOVEEX'ST. tE~T4GJO..50 ' ,~ :.. "" ______ uvtJ'Cnt....L.l tJiTI'S. ~ )(_1 --- REMO\lF" D1ST _ .,_1 ~'h"""~ ~..<:.",...u....'" 175 I F...!l-I~:~ ( \../ WOr.Fl 1 (TYP ,@ ".~ .- 8.0 _ II( __ .-- RIt.!_4JJ.52 . . ", ",0, _ 7.2 _ . -- 1(-431.32 t".fl(",'l. . -= y- ____ 8LF-S.ST /, ~ _ 5=0.0050 ~ IE~431.29 '" 100 IF 4"SS \ S-0.0200 ~ ?I\.IF-~:P ~-O.OO~O ."""'-- IE_430.79 SDRAIN R1M-433.BO 1[_43180 30 Lf-2" 5S 5-=00200 WIN SEE NOTE 3 "" W'C~'. ] L FF=435.50 . "l. .;. HonI< ",""'" , OR l.I_435.oo ..,' IE-432.32 I,'.'" "", >,'1':'" r;:.",..' ~ '0 \ \" ." \\l~,:'::,:,:'" L"., \ ..~""frt,.. It,..."1 I.~,~,I;'~.~" C'.." , l 'H~:-\ "-.!'_"<>.. I- I ,,- ~"-~",.. ,two os- 1[_432.50 9 Lf-6"ST 5_0.0200 ~," .. j""~"'//IA .- ~":'-''','K \ '" \ ,- ;""U'-~1'~,~' .r j." / ".-"'1.... , .. ~~'I'lI, .. ;";1'''' ~ _-.J 5 ONNft:r TI) ~IC;T An SEE NUll L. RIM-433,5~ (EXIST.) OUT{12~)_430.2:l: (EXIST.) IN(!!")=~.20_ '--? EASE~[NT ~ \ \ d = 1. LOCATION OF EXIST. SS IS APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO CONST. f' ~~~2~T~ ~I~r ~I~ ~~~~~A~ioR TO CONST. 3. SANITARY DRAIN IS TO BE VENTED VERTICALLY UP TIiE WALL OF THE TRASH ENCLOSURE BUILDING, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OREGON SPEaALTY COOl: AND CITY OF VUlETA REOUIREl.lENTS. TRAP IS TO BE LOCATED BETWEEN 12" AND 24" Bo..OW FlNISWGRADE ELEVATlONS. TRAP TO BE PROVlDED WITH 1/2 INCH WA'lER SERVlCE AND TRAP PRIMER. NORTH ~ ~[JJ SCALE 20 0 ,.---- 10 20 . " '1 INCH - 20 FEET ~~~ --=-....:=.'==-~-==- ,;.e:::: ....... ~ ro C) ~ C) u ro C) 0... II ANDERSON' DABRO'WSKI ARCHITECTS L L C A) 1430 SE 3rd Avenue Suite 200 Portland,OR 97214 Tel: (503)239-7377 Fax: (503)239-7327 www.ADarchitecls.com .;L'cu...""."'....<...."".'-'.~-..:....~~,~ ""coo""" ""',, "" "'"""'''''''''1: '."",;,',,'r~ t"'." ..."..""~".."'.~,'~,.,.+,,>,"."-,,;:,,. . ~:;.~~;,~ .:,'~.,~.;'..;~~f~~:.';J,:.~:;--;:,': <..,.__f''-'...~'~..,,'"'..lY''''.__'',.-',,'t.,.~='''. ,.<...,..""""";..~-"<"""'.-<- ""''I,,,.~~ ;"""""""'~"''''''" . PEACEHEAL TH MEDICAL GROUP NURSING MIDWIFERY BIRTH CENTER ~5:lDI2ADMONO FERRYROAll SPRINGFIELD. OREGON P7~" SubminalType R.-.s 0...;. .- ~. Pnl;o~N~.: ~,~ .F..N.....' Or...nBv ~. C~.et..d By, m '-"rI&dIc:...nApptol<;tl; PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 0 3 Z008 s"".".....; UTILITY PLAN S.....,N...: C3.0 I I I I I I I . ." . . . . . . . . . I Q u ~ b I 1 "-t. i() ~ / . ". - g " ~ ;;. J " 85 ~~ " .- !i~ 0' N. ~~ . 8;( ,8 .N N_ ;;,.> ;> ~o OD o::~ -o.g'~ TRtNrATFO nnM~ 0) ~ HARn"'IRFAr.r IANn~APr ARFA Z. ~~~A6:MfOT~R WATERT1GHTPLUG~ FINISHED GRADE . . IN PAVED AREAS ............--GROUT FRAME ........r IN PLACE . :n'~~ ~.flr!J;~ "r~ >,,- 24" SOUARE 3000 PSi' / - ~-. '~': CONCRETE SLAB WITH . ,; ~ r ~ - (4) 1/2". X g" ANOiOA: ..; i ~ -~ ______ ll' ~,\ - l.j 6" RISER <lSBENDPROJECT . ;ri ~1~'NIT1""" BQTS J" ABOVE ~__ . ",-,,,ENCH SLAB FOR . . ~j~ . ~I;> . BACKflLl AD..lISTMENTS. '~!~ ~'I~-- UNDISTURBED W'fEBRANCH . M~';" ~~ E.6.RTH ..: ""jij '!il~ 4" OR 6" SERVIcE: \ -r CONNECllQN IF '-= REQUIRED. "'~;;;~:1.r::;:"".:'J.c~~ _________ ~~~~""',,-" '^"<e--" '''O/>- .~~:!''---- . -PLUG'MTH GASKET ~IFENO_OFUNE UNDISTURBED FRAMF '" r:OVER EARTH . INLAND row,mRY OR EOIIAL No. 202 flELIlIA. 60 WIN, NOT USED N:J:s. Q ST ANDAR6 CLEANOUT "'J.s. -= \. GRADE. TOP Or GROUND FlUSH 'MTH RIM 2. 1~5~'tGt~~~ASlN "T END Of . I I .--- ~ ~ /-.30":;7- ~'ik "~;:/'~I--'",,::? SlOPE TO TRtNOi~).' ~....J);"'--- ~............... (EACH SIDE. TY?) ,,-- ----- -!U: ....- -kC. ~ ~ ,u ;:/' ~ ,,'~ X ~6, TOP S~L '- -_. ::!Ie 9';; " .)!k G ....r /'.. Y ~ "'~ ~ ./"" :-'ii~m:.I--;;"':-/ 90' ELBOW 'TTf .. .". WRAP DRAINAGE FA8RIC~ "ROUND DRAINAGE F'LL.A"."'':' ':o';.:':t;."; AlL SlOES, 6~ 1oI1N. -D: !H~:)::?;i~ OVERLAP (TYP.) =1 i--'"-'-~-'~'''~_ DRAINAGE FlLL.../ -1(=-='flT'-'-'Til SAND ['i:g../'" ~fI S I 1-1' IE!IL3IE =j'8IE' Ti "\1='11' Jm~ :JTI .::f'-UNDISTURBED SOI\~. WITH l,lINlI.IUl.I INFILTRATION RATE OF 10 INCHES/HOUR ,@@ ,@@ Rlt.I_ SEE PLAN 12" SO. GRATE COVER NDSl1212, GREEN ' 4. ATRIUM CRATE', NOS (76 SUMP BOX. NDSI1225 INSTAlL DEBRIS SCREEN IN . BOTIOM or BOX W/4" HOLE FOR OVERFLOW INLET RISER.. CUT a"1' HOLE IN CENTER OF BOX INSTAlL 4" OVERf1..0W INLET RISER UP TIiROUGH 8" HOLE IN BOTTOM.oF BASIN.. f RAMP TEX"TlRr: PA~ (ATrH RA~IN WI OVfRFI OW INI FT L """- DETECTABLE WARN'.NG 1EX11JRE TO BE GREY, AS APPRO\rID BY AR~ITECT. RAMP DETECT ABLE WARNING -TEXTURE I'I.1.S. (7\ .\cY SOAKAGE TRENCH N.I.~. G) "'-2l 1--"---1 1 ~r::'~"V~~ ~ CAST ".;.J 1tI ,7 ~ BODY 1L4===J-L f-'--j SANIT AR Y DRAIN N;.!:.S. C1!llJ ~<.-. _-L::;'E-'S'''::_.._ ---,.---- ,..q ........ ......... ro C) ~ C) () ro C) ~ - - ANDERSON DABROWSKI ARCH ITEeTS L L C A) 1430SE:3rdAvenue Suite 200 Portland, OR 97214 Tel: (503)239-7377 Fax; (503)239-7327 www.ADarchilects.com ~~~~[~t~~~f~w!~ PEACEHEALTH MEDICAL GROUP NURSING MIDWIFERY' BIRTH CENTER S5J OEAOMOND FE~RY ROAD SPRINGFIELO,OREGONU7.n Submittal Type 11o\oiSlofll O"t. .- Sealo" P~~o.: 07155 FU.Nomo Dr."." By. ~. C...<:l<~By. = 'JUns<flellOnAQp""/''1 "PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO JUN 0 3 2008 ~.,r... DETAILS .";1 S~..'N<>. C6.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I " u . < I . ~ I ~ 5 j ~ . I k ~ " ., " ~"r I ". N'" ;~ ., ~~ "' I ;;;-~ / ~o 'O.!! 0:>;:: I - t' (~!~::~~~ . .\ . . :\ . ~lD J ~,"~.~j~7:r~: .- ~,% lOF'llO"-"'J ~~'5''', ~ I" .,-..L ~I ~ .-.-';' ,. ~-.!"'^" , , ~ 'l' ~"'".O"'~~ . ISU NO" "I - 2-CARTRIDGE CATCHBASIN - PLAN VIEW t1\ \.V .,"O";:::;~ c:~.Jl:::~~ . />'ccES"G"""R ($l~NOTES"'5!~_\. /(rYI") .l/2' \ L-'- ~~uu \11~~~I=I'~~ ~.. W"'W,~~ ~~ ~~ f$tnjO"~1 ~. 0~ ~~. "'STDRMP!LTeR CAAT,,"""1rrn'l . (5'1 NOll "I u."DERDAAI" , I-' ' ", ? ---j' "~,~O It<SlD':-- ----;,.;,0.- ----'..s,p:c . ~'.~' -OUTSIDt CLlAN"1.JT OCCL."5FUJG O~""''''I''''-'- --~ 2:-CARTRIDGE CATCHBAStN - !';ECTION VIEW G.) ~mwate81 STEEL CATCHBASIN STORMFIL TER PLAN AND SECTION VIEWS STANDA~D DETAIL. 2: CARTRIDGE UNIT r ....-..................,: 'FLE_~ ".,""""""'''''- - U~"""""'''''-'.:u.=. ......""=........".- _......-.""-.~..,.,.. ""'C7lI'au..._~ -- -- ..~"'~\ "'"'~~~:;::;R 1 I" "., '"'I ' \-~ V~ IES C ". . ;r,~ 5/[" MA>'. . 0 , . 2'_3518' " ~'W'"O~""o, _ "5' ",,~f'\JW ,~ ~ '.. '" r'4aO'WB ~~~:';J h.;,~,. - \( <C,;:": . OUlln5TUe L2'.QII~'--.J 15""""T5"~) ours,Of. Z....O'~,!1'1 ""fROM UNO.""""'N 2-CARTRIDGE CATCHBASIN - SECTION VIEW ffi . . . ~ ( """...m y~~'~) )ii .~>' " I;;:; ~" "~"" ~ ~ ~POOc~I.!VAnON . "l C""I"'OO._~J'_~' 5UPFOo:T (TYr) I ?-CARTRIDGE CATCH8ASIN _ SECTION VIEW f'C"', W ~tcl!:.~wate8 ->--. Q STEEL CA TCHBASIN STORMF1L TER SECTION VIEWS STANDARD DETAIL - 2 CARTRIDGE UNIT "...,,,,,..,..1,,,,,,-",,,,,,,, WATER QUALITY CATCH BASIN (2 CARTRIDGES) _N.T.S. ,. ~-- 11.5.....""'...'-'2>.... ....._91'....""".... ...,......0<<>....._..7<. _""""U.5._..,...... . T>n>M_ J: GENERAL NOTES '!$TO~W'CTf~ ~STOl(MW"'t''-l~; wt'5T, f'O"'lIA~D. O=ON ('=l5~~"'~,"7; !AST, 5CA"""'!WU~~. """ (6771 pa7-./\~7~, "'O.ATl.A>lT'Co !U<kJDCf. "D (6~"'! 7~':l_3~'6. J)mTERSTo6'5IPt1ON_,O,CTllATtO....'DS!V-CLU.I<,,.; 3ISTeaST<:lX;n'RE'-08fM4NU'.<Cl''''-''lDOF'''''IVCH51U'',-'fTl, . '!~TORMI'JlTf""""..""f5 2.' f""TO" D<Op '<:OM RIM loouru:-T. INt.ll Sn:>"W t-IOT ~ lom~ ,,<"~OUTllT. 'NLl"l~" AF'O'uCA8L..!! ANO Oun.H P1F'1~~ TO ". S"l'C'f1W BY ENGlN"~ IWO PRDVnD By"""",-,,,WR ~I ~t!5, WU,mo Wl'~ ~ ,>>=~ IAP1"'Lll"MATfI "'NG STuBS fOR 'NlfT n' APPuCABU:1 A~D 01.lTlft P1P1!oJ(;. 5TIWDAOD QlIT= 5TlIel5"INC~!5'NOI~T."'M""MU"OUn"'5TlI&~ '~'NCHl'5IND<A""',,"_ CONN"CTlONTOCOULCTION"''''N'''CAN e" MADf l~IN'" """"..." COlJPUN~I'YCO~''''''''Too.. . "'I fOR 11_20 <-OAD RAT,,,;. co""""'tCUllllR15 ~OVI""O. CO"~RlT' CO,,^,,-""TI1ou""n1Yl2!'~ ""-,NfORCING ""'<5 TO '" ""OVlDfDey~"",-,u.,,;TOR .. - 7IA"S'0~"'ILT!RS ""OU'"" Rl,;lI;.ARMAlNTfNA""'. R'''''''TOOP!IV\.TIC!< ANOW.INll'NANC.G"'DW~e;..o<:"^:><\r IN""~""';"'N I 2-CARTRIDGE CATCHBA5IN 5T0R/v1FILTER DATA ::,,~:~,:'/!'~~~f'f.t:::.,Co- ,,~ """u"',",,<lUU'ur-""""";C;;;-_l <;A.I<Il<JDGfRDNou..Tl""~"".,~ "'WIATYP/: CJ'#' ,.,.""", ~"., OJMElr>IATll"IN "I"!:DAT~. 'N'-"TO'llu" Dlm"'-";,,,n ..~ I~~~~ ~ '"~ rO, 5OUOCClV"" 1IOTEl&~~,""""m5; ACCE55COI/'" '~OAA,,::\ ./:1'~ . .:'19" ~oo~~~~oo~'_'. :l" mi~,~ ,,'T" :.1'.;,.1 c ..... -'f<51~;~M~""~~~"~""~R'MI -""TSIDf'''-'M 2-CARTRIDGE CATCHBASIN _ TOP VIEW '1"1\ - \.y' 8 ST~E.L CATCHBASIN STORMFILTE~ Stor;"~ter360 TOP VIEW, NOTES AND DATA 3 ~""<< ::':~ARD D,~~~RTRIDGE ~M'" .~:;, ~-- ::=::;:'" ;..,~~~ lJ1!IlJ ""'""""_ _i...~.l..':..-~-=--~_ cS 'cd C) ~ C) () ~ C) '0.., III ANDERSON DABROWSKI . ARCH ITECTS LLG A) 1430 SE 3rd Avenue Suite 200 Portland,OR 91214 Tel: (503) 239-73n Fax: (503)239-732~ WWN.ADarchitects.com PEACEHEALTH MEOICAL GROUP NURSING MIDWIFERY 'BIRTH CENTER 35JOEAOMONOFERRYRClAD 'SPRJNGFIELO,OREGONg74Tl Submittal Type Revlo.lOn< Data, ;~. 500" ProjeclNo: 071t>5 FileNo"" O,awoBy ~ Checked Bye 'Y' Juri~iellonA:>l>"I\I"I' PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O' . JUN 0 3 Z008 S~eeITIu.. DETAILS .- 5/lu'No.: C6.2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I , . j! . \ . I. . AppendixB: Hydrology' . . .., 1 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O' .JUN 032008 . '. I I I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet " . '~I . Project" ~a~e: PeaceHea.lth Medical Group Nursing MidwiferyBirth Center Desig.ner: A. Backus . Date: 05122/08 Basin 1 -'User-Supplied Data' 4iPerviousrArea}{).:::'" ::?;:_'1<_~ "~\:f:'Y,y't;; -::6 \f.:i;;(>:,~: ':"ot~.;0::':,:<>;?:;:':;;;:':;!Y;,:::-,::};). Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area~ Acres Pervio'!s Area Curve Number.,CNperv. P~ecipitation in 24 hours(f?t) = Time of Concentration, Te, minutes I I I~'~:~~o~~~: 1~~$!,'Fl~~801 I Impervious i Area ;0\;:;_Z~,( ;?ty!:;~':',x~: *.'3~~V:$!~~i;; i;-;-::~~;,~:;'",;,:'~:'-';'-~'d:-:'i;;"-:.-:>;n,,' Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area"Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp Note: minim'umTc is five minutes 1!l"i"".;;'''~9185~ "._,--;~ I 0.21 1~~~~~;;',981 I Calculated Data ,1:1Ca]c'i:.ilations;ah!\f6r.tn'e\BES:2~Vear;'sto-rmTr4~81incnesfOf,rainliif]24:f1oiirs--'inran;NRCSilTvDa1A~distnbijtio-i1~~~, ..2.~~j~1 .1! I ,J otal. Project Area, Acres Pe~k Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs '..... 0.339313591 . 0.36 I 'Runoff Hydrograph 0.40 .. I 0.3: '. I 0.30 I 0.2: .;, -. 0 ,,- 0.2r 0 c o. n: 0.15 :'1." 0.10 , , 0.05 .' ') I ..," I I )~. '/- 0.00 o 1000 I I 500 I I Total Runoff-Volume, V, cubic feet Time to pea~ Runoff, hours " \ 1500. 2000 . Ti!lle, minutes " I 4:7611 7.83 2500 , PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'O JUN 0 32008 "'-~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '"'~- '" " " Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name:PeaceHealth Medical Group;~ursing Midwifery Birth Center Designer: A. Backus . D.le:05122/08 Basin 1 User-Supplied Data (Per:vious:'Areat'~,?';~.,?/~::"x,::{;> ,');,. ,,".--,. ":-f:~~;" Pervious Area, SF . Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Nurriber"CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) ,; Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes f,-..."':i:',,,.:;,~:~V::/{ ::N;t':'0" 1Rii:;~55961 I' 0,131 . I ~~,f~"ffi';lt-~'~'k-;;:~~ 80 I 1~;;;'mrW:831 '1~;;t~~~51 ." ImpelVious'Area~~}NNi<1?i;W~"~,;f~ii~;,~;;)t!.*,:i2~~~,:::::+S,;~?; ':\';j;::; ;; ~ Impervious Area, SF 1~~91851 . :~~~~:~~:.~~::';~~: Number, CNirDP ~~~,~~;:~~: Note: minjmum Tc is five min.utes .. Calculated Data' r,~Calculati6ns':-a're'Jo-(th~elBES)WateriQualitV;storm:!]olB31inches,,'of:rahiiiri'-241h6iirs! inlari!NRCSbTv-ife-~1Ai distiibutiO~~~~~~1 T alai Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs" . " Runoff Hydrogn;ph 0,0' ow I 'I 0.Q3 0,03 $ 0 '5 0,02 I c , ," 0,02 0.91 0.Q1 :/ 0,00 o 500 O.339323232J " 0.041 Total Runo'lf Volume, V, cubic feet Time 10 Peak Runoff, nours .\ 1000 ' 1500 Time, minutes " 4981 7.83 2000 2500 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 <, I I . 1 " ,)1 . Bureau'of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet . ,',,' '. , I .' I Proje?t Name: PeaceHealth Medical Group Nursing Midwifery Birth .Ce'nter Designer: A. BacKus Date: 0512210B- Basin 2 User-Supplied Data I (O'PerviouS'Area~):;;~:::::,~!;:,;. ..,,;'." ,;;;,--,- Po';--"",-.'-' '~ii;<':- Pervious Area, SF . Pervious Area, Acre's Pervious Area:'curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) =' . Time of Concentration, Te, minutes I :'~^::';;'-+'~' i::;k:':;::::::j:-~~~;:; ;c, ,Y Imperviou$,Area!?,:,_,>y:,"X:,'::;i:' P~:0';'.l~::; '.~;':'i. Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres Imp~rvious Are~.Curve Number, CNimp Note: minim'urn Tc is five minutes ,}ji;~%>:,:'\;:);.;:>{;*~-?;J.::4>:" 1;.,_,"",,52791 ~~~~;~;: .- Calculated Data' .rt1Calculatj6~'s;afe:fo~r;th'e--:BES~WatEfbQuatitVjst6'rm:~0!83Iiri-i::he-srof;rain1iru24;nours'!irl~an1NRCSxTilD-e\;1At'aistrjbUtj('-rl~iK"!i1:'kl~m,.1tl ;. / \ . . /.~ I Total 2roject Area,Acres Peak FlowHate,_ Qpeak, cfs I Runoff Hydrograph 0.03. I l' 0.02 I I 0.02 .:" " I I '0 c , '" . 0.01 I I 0.01 I I . 500 I ., I IW0.::;;;;',)'f"_;,,,.~Ol 1 . o.o~ 1~~'~;;:~1!80 (1!ifS:\:<~);O:83 : 1r:c;<!~~,~'~~51 0.1211937561 0.021 1000 Total Runoff,Volume, V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours \ 1500 . 2000 Time, minutes 2761 7.831 2500 PRE.SUBMITTA. RECIO JUN 03 2008 I I ., Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet I I Project,Name: PeaceHealth Medical Group Nursing Midwifery,s'irt.h Center Design~r: A. Backus 'I' Date: 05/22108 Basin Data I Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres ~ Pervious Area'Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = 'Time of Concentration, Te, minutes I 1~~l~~::;;~101661 .1 . 0.231 Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres ,Impervious -')rea Curve Number" CNImp Note: minimum Te is five minutes 0.001 1~\'2.~~j981 I Calculated Data ItlCalculaticirlS"fifr'eiforAhelBES\Wiltef,'QualitV:'stor-rri:;iO;83iinch-es'[6fifairilin124ltlolTfS1iil1an)NRCS"Tvpe\1 A'distributiori::1:'il;A~~'i~I. .) I Total Pr9ject Area: Acres P.eak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs I Runoff Hydiograph 0.00 I 0.00 I I 0.00 .1! 0 15 0.00. 0 , " 0.0,0. I I I 0.00 1- I. 0,00 o 500 1 I 0.2333792471 0,001 Total Runoff Volume, \,t, cubic feef .Tlme to Pea~ Runoff, hours , I /1/ !~ 1000 1500 2000. Time, minu~es.- < " 331 24.001 .2500 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 03 2008 .~ ,&, , I I. Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet I I Proje"ct Name: PeaceHealth Medical Group Nursing Midwifery Bir1:h Center. Designer: A.; Backus . Date: OS/22/08 Basin 4 User-Supplied Data I#:Rervious:'Area~'\ 'Nf,;;;' >,,: '?'01,::~;,)\"Nki{,;",:)k'>: Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in.24 hours (pt) = Time of Concentration, Te, minutes ;".,-"",- , ~~0l,'"h;:i~'b! I mperviou s<Area, ;:"~;;;:-::,~_:<:~:'~h~~,gY)i1;<:,%;."->;;;:;~"0;n%$';j'{~';"~';_:"s.-' ..~ r~;;';6353f Impervious Area, SF J~~'::;:r4611 I 0.151 Impervious Area; Acres I 0.011 ~=~~: Impervious ~rea ~ufve N~mber, CNimp 1~~;1,981 l~k,,;~J;~~ti1r~J!\51 Note: minimum Tc is five ~inutes I I I~Calculatjo-n-s'-.:ir-e'Jor"tti~BES;WaterjQualitV~ti:irm:~.O:83;inch'esTof;raiif:in!241hou.fSliii::a:ff.NRCStTvpe~1A"distril5utiori1:.f.~j'iij;'~-J.~~11 I Calculated Data I Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, 'cfs 0.1564279161 0.001 Total Runoff-Volume, V, cubicfeet Timeto Peak Runoff, hours 441 7.831 I Runoff Hydrograph I 0001 0.00 :.. / ,,! 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I I $ o ::g 0.00 ~ 000 I 000 I I 0.00 'J . . / ...- L/v^1/ I I 0.00 I 0.00 o. 500 1000 15 0 2000 2500 Time, minute.s I PRE.SUBMIlTALREC'O JUN 0 3 2008 I I I I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet , I Project Name: PeaceHealth Medical Group Nursing- Midwifery Birth Ce~ter-Basin5 Design~r: A. Backus ' . Date: OS/22/08 I User-Supplied Data 1\; P eryious -Area ,&,,~;:'i\':'-" c_"-" ;-)~-"f&\ ,'i~~::q')i&{,*1',:'~:;~4fP'~>~~;"::1;11~n~;'iti; ir{:;'.' '::~:~~~ ~~::: ~~res . :~:~I~~11~~;~ peiYio'us Area Curve Number,'CNperv 1~"~~801 . 'Precipitation in'24-hours (Pi) = jlt:~~.F....~j40:831 ,Time Qf'Concentf?tion, re, min~tes 1~:;;im~51 Note: . minimum T i;; !s five minutes Impervious;Area~~--' ~:~M':''"'t'4,~~~'(ii': ~,i~;F';;' ;i~:~1!)f,itf!~:~$:"$;"l~:<k;Y:<7"'<.', Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres Impervious Area C~rve Number, CNimp I Ir,~~"1'--,,';lfijz::;:OI 1 0.001 1:::;;;~~981 e,flculated Data IIilCalculatiorlsTare;f6f.the:BESWatenQualitv:st()"rm-:.~O!83Iin-ch.e-stof:raifiiifii24~h'oUfs~Ii1YanlNRCS;Tvoel1:AYdistribUtioI1'8t:'Yi~";:~~"S."';tl I ; I T otaf Project Area. .Acres Peak Flow RatE:!,Qpea~, cfs Total Runoff Volume. V, cubic feet Time to Pea~ Runoff,hours I 0.2731634531 ) 0.00 I Runoff Hydrograph 0.00 I 0.00 / .:"./ IV..' , , " .:" -. .' . I 0.00 I 0,00 :! 0 " 0 ~ , '" 0.00 I I 0.00 I~ '" 0.00 I I . 0.00 o 1 000 15,00 Time,.minutes 500 J I I 2000 24.~~11. ., 2500 PRE.SUBM TTAL REC'O , JUN 0 3 2008 I I I I I I I, I I I I I I, ' ,,' I I ' .' r I ' I , " " ' , ' ' "' , . . . 1. . / ", , '. .' ", , ' " Appendix C:Convey'ance Calculations " :f . " , . '-..*!:. " , , . , , , . 'j' , , " ." ,,' .-' . <. '.' " " PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 . ., " . . " . ,,' . ,,J '. ". ,., . I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I t I I I . PEACEHEALTH MEDICAL GROUP NURSING MIDWIFERY BIRTH CENTER , Project 307829 KPFF Consulting Engineers By: ALB DRAINAGE BASIN AREAS TABLE C-1 l{1J'F1[I1I con~ulting'Engjnee(s: BASIN ITOT AL BASIN AREA rERVIOUS AREA (CN 851 IIMPERVIOUS AREA (CN 981 'CN IWQ VAULT/CB SF . . ACRES. SF 'ACRES SF I . ACRES AREA (SF) . l' 14,781' 0:3393 5,596 01285 9,185 0.2109 93 . 14,781 2 .5,279 01212 O. 0.0000 5,279 0.1212 98 . 5,279 j 10,166 0.2334 10;166 0.2334 0: 0.0000 85 4 6.814 0.1564 .6,353 0.1458 461 0.0106 86 . 5 .11,.899 0.2732 11,899. . 0.2732 O. 00000 85 , , .j' 48,939 1.12 34,014 0.78 14,925,,, 0.34 '89 20,060 " i;- I '.' / . PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'D JUN 0 3 2008 " I CALC-BASI]\'.AREAxls' I of! 5129/2008 , ' PeaceHealth Bir1h Center Springfield, Oregon Project: 307829 'f DESIGN SECTION SUB~BASIN OR STRUCTURE WQes' .\-" : ./. .', CAL C-conveyanc'e-calcs:W QCB.xls . Storm Drainage Conveyance Calculations; - I "1 . . 25.year ,'" DESIGN CALCULATIONS RUNOFF. TOTAL S~OPE alA TIME a a MIN. CFS CFS % IN. I I 5.00 0.36 0.36 I 0.50 I 8 " '.~ .' '. , . KPFF Consulting 'Engineers '. . By:ALB DESIGN VEl. 'RUNOFF/VEl. Vf' RATIO,. AT FT/S a/Of a/OF. , . I LENGTH FEET 2.44 2.34 0.42 218 .\., ~ t~. ~ I.,. , . . ,'i' I'. ',..; . .PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'O JUNO ~,2008 5/2~/2008 -. I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I. 'Appen~ix D: Water Quality' Calculations . . j PRE-5UBMIlTAL REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 I I I I I ( I I I I I I I " I c I I I I WQ Cartridge CaICulations.xls Peace Health Medical Group Nursing Midwifery Birth Center , Project 307829 KPFF Consulting Engineers By:ALB WATER QUALITY FILTER VAULT SIZING' TABLE D-1 llI!1lll Consulting Engineers' \Va stORM CFS 0,04 - . FILTER , CARTRIDGES 2 BASIN '1 B1 " , I:' STRU,;TURE WOCB 1 Number of Filter Cartridges ~ Otreat (cis) I 0,033 (Stormwater Management . Precast Slormfi~er) . " These Ci:!lculations were confirmed by Contech. :\, WOCB ~ WATER QUALITY CATCH BASIN , ,WQMH = WA TEfl QUALITY MANHOLE OSSF = DOWNSPOUT STORM FILTER lof1 .,', (,' . PRE-SUBMITIALREC '0 JUN 0 3 zooa 5/29/2008 I , PEACEHEAL TH MEDICAL GROUP NURSING MIDWIFERY BIRTH CENTER Project307829 KPFF Consulting Engineers By: ALB . J" I If1'1J?)fU Co~sultjng En~!neers DRAINAGE BASIN AREAS, TABLE C-1 I According' to SWMM~ the soakage trench must flave. 24LF per 1 OOOSF of impervious roo-r area, II ROD~:REA-ITRENCHL~U- 5279127 ~ " I I " I I I " I I I I I I I r Soakage Trench.xls lofl ..:; '; PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 0 3 2008 5/:!9!:!008 , "/"