HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaiver APPLICANT 2/28/2007 FROM GEOMAX. IHC. ,-(WED)FEB 28 2007 a:57/ST. a:'I58/Ho.7500000518 p ..-.' :~ I FAX TRAN'SMISSION <' ;'('d'-- ..Qeo",a~ (' ENGINEERING; SURVEYING, BUILDING DESIGN BOB N: NINTH STREET, COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 970424 TElEPHONE: (541) 942..(1126 FAX: (5041) 942-7935 E-MAllADORESS:geomax@lbm.nel. Fax.#: David Reesor, Planner III City of Springfield 726-3689 . Date: February 28, 2007 To: Pages: 2, including cover sheet. From: Ron Rice Subject: McKinzie Taylor Center, Al'plication DRC2007-00003 COMMENTS: Dear David: Attached is the requested time .extension form. Please call if there are any problems with tJiis form. Yours truly, ':J~ Ronald D. Rice, P.E. Senior Principal RECEIVED ~~~~ /0"/ B W~~. -y: V :\Projects\2006\G 124\ WPDocs\i"eesoHime-e.x.t-fx.22R I - FROM GEOMAX. IHe. > (WED>FEB 2a 2007 a:S7/ST. a:5G/Ho.7500000s,a P 2 ~-:--" City Of Springfield , Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 . Fax: (541)726-3689 SPRINGFIELD . Waiver and Request for Extension Planning Journal #~i'.. 2.C07- ~Cl::03 zl2e>/fPl (today's Date) . IIWe understand that state law (ORS 227.178) requires the City to take fmal aclionon the above referenced Application, including resolution of all appeals, within 120 days after the application is deemed complete. I . IIW e unders~.d that our aprlication described above. was deemed complete by the C!ty of Springfield Plaruung DIVISion on \ \'Z.. J 01 . . , Accordmgly, .the 120-day penod WIll elapse on ~h2_/61 .. . . . . Springfield staff has explained that the additional time is needed for the following consideration: c....~~~\ ~\-VU. :.. ll.JlIL~\"---'T\.~'--\ ~y '6"Tl':"lQ.>>..\. /S~''';''lf \~SWf$. In order to allow Springfield Planning Staff more time to address those considerations, we hereby waive that 120-daYJequrrement and reque.st an extel\sion until \"\1 -Z: ~ '"'7'':>; . . This extension is given freely and without compulsion by the City, and is not a condition of the City for the taking of any action on the above referenced application. Sincerely, Date: Date: z/Z"7/n 7 Owners ACCEPTED -07~/~~ City "of Springfield Planning Division Date: '2..~ 7~7 THE EXTENDED PERIOD GRANTED BY TIllS REQUEST AND WAIVER WILL ELAPSE ON . , ~. ] . oj LA" r '2, 7tJo 7 ~ i'- ,- I . ".'j; '~ FAX TRANSMISSION GeolJJa~ ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, BUILDING DESIGN 806 N: NINTH STREET, COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 97424 TELEPHONE:1(541) 942-0126 FAX: (541) 942-7935 E-MAIL ADDRESS:geomax@ibm.net Fax#: David Reesor, Planner III City of Springfield 726-3689 Date: February 28, 2007 To: Pages: 2, induding cover iheet. From: Ron Rice Subject: McKinzie Taylor Center, Application DRC2007-00003 COMMENTS: Dear David: Attached is the requested time extension fohn. Please call if there are any problems with this form. RECEIVED ~'D__ ~7 Ronald D. Rice, P.E. Senior Principal By: V :\Projccts\2006\G 124\ WPDocs\reesor-time-ext-fx.228 , City 'of Springfield Development .Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . . Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541)726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Waiver and . Request for Extension , I Planning Journal #1:>I2l'_. "2.007 - 00::03 2 /2C!,j~7 (Today"s Date) I/We unaerstand that state law (ORS 227.178) requires.the City to take fmal action on the above referenced Application, including resolution of all appeals, within .1;20 days after the.application is deemed complete. I . . . , . . I/W e unde~t;nd th~t our aPflication descnbed above. was deemed complete by the City of Springfield . Planning Division on \ . \"Z.. J 0/ ..., Accordingly, the 120-day period will elapse on . <:;/l-z..}61....:. . I . . Springfield staff hasexplairied that the additional time is needed fot the following consideration: . ' . ~...~~, ~:\"~I..o.' I ~ . 'T2.:tIIL~\\L"t"'\~~, ~~~ . I' -6~<2>>A. ./~~,\~~ \~~W!:$.. In order to allow Springfield. Planning Staff more time to address those considerations, we hereby waive that 120-day requirement and request an extension until. \,,\-, Z, ZC':J('-)/ . ' - I. - This extensio'nis given freely and without compulsion by the City, ,and is not a condition of the City for the taking of any action on the above referenced application. Sincerely, .. t@( Owners \,/ i\ \ ",,-iw, Date: Date: ' -z/z-;/n 7 ACCEPTED Date: City of Springfield Planning Division THE EXTENDED PERIOD GRANTED BY;TIllS REQUEST AJ'!DW AlVER WILL ELAPSE ON fl ,.....,., ..-:--;-' ..'\ -Qf!D:",a~ . PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS BUILDING DESIGNERS TELEPHONE: (541) 942.0126 FAX; (541) 942.7935 806 N. NINTH STReET COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 974204 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED '~.:.::::~~" .;~~ . ..,:(r.. .,.:.~--~!- - .:-~- '.. ", , . 28" ;:::E'0,'2667 '.~ivi. :z-''l- 11,1"1",1,1"11,,,11,,,',11,,1 City of Springfield Development Services Department Attn: David Reesor - Planner III 225 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 ... "37;:+77+4::.7 i 11;'"/11,1,/"/1",11",1,1"1,/1,,1,,,1,,,111,1,,/,1,,11,,,1