HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 6/7/2007 . . ,~:. .' ".,;''"... .,'. . . 'i >'Y:IJili!;Jti:, ;~'.' ., ,,;. ,,'. 'J .' .< ~",. .",,> '.'.,',:' .i ..'; " ' srATE OF,OREGON I .,' )'ss.: ,) ~ ' . ,~ ',' ';....':'. .c-^',- , ":\REQEJ\1Ef)'" . \ T' " AFFIDA,~IT OF SERVICE., . ::, '.; ..-. .~~ -t2D.7' '. . ';::"8" Y':<~fifJ!'j:,~u~ , "~" - :' " ...., '.' .'." .~.". . . ", " " ' ", . ~. ..,," .., .,... ..", . ," .... .--,., <. " . ".' ,":-\ < County ,of Lane ~- ..r , . :. " . ~~'~.>~~:;~'~';~. ' J " ;~ , .' ';, :..,' ,.... ..,.... "-,. I.' J. ,.i. "'. , " ""-~:" :.: ,: '7\.." " '.': ,\ .. .'.;, ',I, Karen ~:Fleur,. being first d~I.~.~~orri; 'd~ hereby a;pose ~~d'say as follows:' .', ~:: ,- _ I, '. '.< ' .....: . .! '::1 . . <, < ..... ,'" ,... , ~:~ ". ~ '. . ..' . . , '::1 state ,'that 1 am 'a . prog'rain Technician' for thePlannin'g Diitisior). ilfthe "," ", Dellelopment Services Department, City of ,Springfield; ,OregOll. . '", , ' ,". -' '.' . - '. ". ~, . ~ . '. :' . ',. .' . .:-~. . ,.~-':~', .. ','~ ' . . ~"'~.. ,.; ,:.,2: I. state tnat in my capacity as, Program Technician, I preparedand caused to be '. "c......' ,,,,; mailed c~pies of' DR.C2.o07-.0bOO3~'-;). li/J;'~hi.>~;~i BirJ ..,' '... '(See, attachment' '.'~A"l on. r../7 200-7 addressed td (see'. .... . Attachment B"), by causing ,said letters to' be placed in a U.S. mail box with' ',' ,.... postage fully prepaid thereon.: .:; 'i, -..f ". ", ',; " c.::. ",' ,1 "'c. .( " .,,,'\ ",. -J~-i; .,<l .... 'j" ........ ,; ~' . . '. . tJ.."1, J....: . : tf;/t1/Jc; C71,~ KARE LaFLEUR . '.' , . ~. . " " ," . ,.", .\ 't STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane 1 F ".'. 'r :" :,' hnician, , 2007. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to' b,e their voluntary act. , ' "l-~--~--------- ......~"'~' :.. OFFiciAL SEAL ..,. ,; , SANDRA MARX . j , \.. )' NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON j '. ", . COMMISSION NO 385725. ' j ,__ _~.c.9~M~~O~~PI~E~~V.:2~2~~ dAu41i~'MMW '/' ' My Commission EXp'ires: ,~2.f)O<g , \0" , 'f, ~ .. . .. .' ..". '\1' .'" TYPE II TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW, STAFF REPORT & DECISION ~~ Project Name: BFD Investments Site Plan Tentative Review Project Proposal: Construct a 21,000 square-foot offic~ and warehouse complex on a 1.7 acre site on Olympic Street (Map 17-02-30, Tax Lot 2105). Case Number: DRC2007-00003 Project Location: Map number 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 2105, near Olympic and 351h Street. Zoning: Heavy Industrial (HI) Metro Plan Designation: Heavy Industrial (HI) Refinement Plan Designation: Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: September 291h, 2006 Complete Submission Date: January 12, 2007 l20-Day Extension Date: July 23"', 2.007 Decision Issued Date: June 71h, 2007 Appeal Deadline Date: June 151h, 2007 Associated,Applications: PRE2006-00081 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner! Applicant: Will Akins' McKenzie Taylor Construc~ion 4660 Main Street, Suite 150 Springfield, OR 97478-4003 Civil Engin:eer: Ronald D, Rice, P,E, Geomax, Inc. 806 N, 9'" Street Cottage Grove, OR, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION I Proiect Mana.ger Transportation Planning Engineer I Public Works Engineer I Public Works En~ineer I Deputy Fire Marshal I Community Services Manager , REVIEW OF Planning Transoortation Utilities Sanitary & Storm Sewer Fire and Life Safety , Building 'NAME David Reesor Gary McKenney Les Benov Les Benoy, Gilbert Gordon Dave Puent PHONE 726-3784 726-4585 736,3725 736-3725 I 726-2293 726-3668 Site Information: The subjecI site is a~ 73,180 square fool parcel located near intersection of Olympic and 35'" Street, Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 2105, The subject site fronts onto Olympic Street. Zoning for the site is Heavy Industrial (HI) according to the Springfield Zoning Map, It is designated HI by the Metro Plan Diagram and the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan, Properties on all sides of the subject site also are zoned and designated HI: The subject site is within the Mid-Springfield Refin~ment Plan area, The site is not adjacent to a Water Quality Limited Watercourse or within a FEMA 100-year flood zone. There are no wetlands listed on the site, The site is within the 1-5 year Time of Travel Zone of the SPI Well, and therefore is subject to the provisions of the Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District, SDC Article 17, Findings and conditions related to Article 17 are addressed in this report, DECISION: This decision grants Tentative Site Plan Approval. The standards of the Springfield Development'Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of Site Plan Approval are listed herein and, are satisfied by the submitted plans unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. Final Site Plans must conform to the submitted plans as conditioned herein. This is a limited land use decision made according to City code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the , decision is final. Please read this document carefully. (See Page 12-13for a summary of the conditions of approval.) ,OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION: None, Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations, 'REVIEW PROCESS: This application is reviewed under Type 11 procedures listed in Springfield Development Code SeCtion 3,080 and the site plan review criteria of approval SDC 31.060, Procedural Findinl!: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14-day comment period on the application (SDC Sections 3,080and 14,030), The applicant and parties submitting written comments during the notice period have appeal rights and are mailee) a copy of this decision for consideration (See Written Comments below and Anneals at the end of this decision,) Procedural Finding: On January 30'" 2007 the City',s Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed plans and supportirig infomlation, City staffs review comments have been reduced to findings and conditions only as necessary for compliance with the Site ,Plan Review criteria of SDC 31',060, Procedural Findinl!: In accordance with SDC 31.080-100, the Final Site Plan shall comply with the requirements of the SDC and the conditions imposed by the Director in this decision. The Final Site Plan' otherwise shall be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan reviewed, Portions of the proposal approved as submitted during tentative review cannot be substantively changed during Final Site Plan approval. Approved Final Site Plans (including Landscape Plans) shall not be substantively changed during Building Permit Review without an approved Site Plan Decision Modification, WRITTEN COMMENTS: Procedural Findinl!: In accordance with SpC 3.080 and 14,030, notice was sent to adjacent property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject site on November I", 2006, No written comments were received in response to the notification, Page 2 of 18 CRITERIA OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL:, , SDC 31.060, Site Plan Review Standards, Criteria of Site Plan' Approval states, "the Director shall approve, or approve with conditions, a Type II Site Plan Review Application upon deternlining that ,criteria (I) through (5) of this Section have been satisfied, If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the , criteria, the Director shall deny the application," (1) The zoning is' consistent with the Metro Plan diagram; and/or the applicable Rcfinement ' Plan diagram, Plan'District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. FindinQ 1:, The site is designated Heavy Industrial (HI) in the Metro Plan diagram and the Mid- Springfield Refinement Plan. The current zoning for the site is HI which is consistent with the Metro Plan and the Gateway R~finement Plan designations, and there are no proposed changes to the zoning forthe site, ' ' (2) Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion I, , Capacity requircments of public improvements, including but uot limited to, water and elcctricity; sanitary sewcr and storm water management facilities; and streets and tr.affic safety 'controls shall not be exceeded and th'e public improvements shall be available to se'rve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and othcr appiiCable regulations. The PubiiC Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. FindinQ 2: Approval of this proposal ,would allow for construction of two industrial buildings with' four lease spaces consisting of 21 ,000 square feet total. As shown on the submitted Site Plan (Sheet No.2 of 10) Building A will consist of 4500 SF,; Building Bl will consist of 5500 SF; Building B2 will consist of 3600 SF; and Building B3 will consist of 4400 SF. FindinQ 3: For all public improvements, the applicant shall retain a private professional civil engineer to OeSif,'11 the site improverilents in confornlance with City codes, this decision, and the current Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manllal (EDSPM). The private civil engineer also shall be reqnired to provide construction inspection services, , FindinQ 4: The Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed site plan and the surrounding public services on January 30''', 2007. Additional comments related to Public Works and Planning Staffs review were incorporated in a lettei:to the applicant dated February .13''', 2007: The applicant' submitted revised infornlation with a 120-day extension to address the comments raised by Public Works and Planning Staff. City and agency staffs review comments have been incorporated in findings and conditions contained herein, Water and Elcctricity Improvements Findin!! 5: SDC 32,120(3) requires each'development area to 'be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish aoequate supply to tqe development and sufficient access for maintenance, Springfield Utility Board (SUB) coordinates the design of the water system within Springfield city limi.ts, Finding 6~ Water service is available to 'serve the site, Among other considerations, the new or modified facilities will require water development fees ,Jor' connections and metering, Bart McKee of SUB Water Department (726-2396))s the contact person, Page 3 of 18 Finding 7: Size of waterline and other facilities, including water meters, must meet the needs of the SUB Water Division and the long-range needs of the City, These needs include, but are not limited to, meter location and access, sizes of water distribution and tran~mission lines, pumping facilities and communication lines. Finding 8: SUB Water submitted written comments related to the proposed development on January 19t", 2007 (see attached letter), As noted specifically on item number 2, SUB indicated that "the public water supply system as shown on the plans does not meet the SUB Water Divisions Design Standards and will not be constructed as shown," Finding 9: SUB Water Division comment number 3 states: All new water system facilities and modifications to water sys\em facilities both inside and adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed in street right-of-way at a location and depth of bury that meets the standards of the SUB Water Division," These comments from SUB Water Division, and all others as incorporated in the January 19th, 2007 letter from SUB are hereby incorporated, by reference and required by the developer prior to Final ,Site Plan approval. ' Finding 10: The applicant's engineer submitted revised information to the City's DRC comments on May We, 2007 (see attached letter), Jtemn~mbe; 12,ofthe letter from the applicant's engineer states: "Since the sewer cannot run in the right of way and there is no room outside of the street to , , lay the water line, we, did not believe the water system should be placed in the street either. We propose extending the public water system on private property and providing a 20 foot wide City utility easement to allow access for meter reading, maintenance and repairs," Finding II: 111ere is nothing in the record at this point in time to indicate that SUB Water Divisi~n has changed their comment as noted in Finding 9 ofthi~ report, Findinl! 12: Backflow prevention devices are required for this development, and water service will' not. be provided until a backflow plan has been submitted to SUB Water Engineering and approved for installation, Water meters and other equipment must be installed to SUB standards in public rights of way or easements ~nd are subject to inspection by SUB, Chuck Davis' of SUB Water Department (726-2396) is the contact person, Please refer to the letter from Bart McKee of SUB Water Department dated Noveinber 20,2006, Findin" 13: Electrical power is proposed from south of the subject property, thni an existing ,easement. SUB Electric Division Engineering Technician, Bryan Brewster, submitted comments in the attached letter, As noted in the attached coillnients, SUB electric is requesting the following easement location and width: "90 feet ea'st of west property line 'from the south property line north, to the 'north property line, 10 foot wide easement centered on 'the 90 foot measurement. " Finding 14: Comment #13 in the applicant's engineer's statement (dated May lOt", 2007) states, "We are working with SUB to adjust their proposed easement location to allow,the current stonn location as gravity systems are more location sensitive than wire systems and the 35 foot space between the buildings allows for ample electrical easement room," Finding 15: In order to provide water and electric service to the' subject development, the applicant shall comply with all SUB requests for location and width 'of water ,and electric ~asements and facilities needed 'to serve tI,e subject developnlent. Any deviation from the, submitted written comments from SUB as referenced in this report shall be documented as being accepted by SUB prior to approval of Final Plat. Page 4 of 18 Finding 1 6:' SDC 32,120(2) indicates that all uiilities shall be placed underground, including, but not limited to electric, . ' 'Conditions of Approval: , 'I, Prior to Final Site' Plan approval, 'all new easements shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City, The' Final Site Plan shall show the locaiion of all utility easements, , 2, The applicant shall comply with all SUB requests for,location and width of water and electric easements and facilities needed to serve the subject development. Any deviation from the subJnitted written comments from SUB as referenced in this report shall be documented as being accepted by SUB prior to Final Site Plan approvaL ' '; . 3, All utility lines to serve the development site shall be placed underb'Tound, Conclusion: As conditioned herein, SUB Water and Electric facilities are available to serve the site and the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion, Sanitary Sewer and Storm water Management Facilities I Sanitarv Sewer' . ' Finding 17: Section 32,100 of the SDC requires that sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains, Additionally, installation of sanitary sewers shall provide suffi,cient access for maintenance activities, Finding 18: The applicant has proposed extension Of an 8"inch private sanitary sewer system to serVe the subject site, which will extend from the existing system located west of the subject property, \ Stomlwater Management (Quantitv) Finding 19: Section 32,110' (2) of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private storm water management systems provisions have been made as detemlined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engiileering Design Standards andProcedures Manual (EDSPMj, Finding 20: Section 32,110 (4) of the SDC requires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved storm water management system ,:with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge, Finding 21: Section 32.110 (5) of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) , requires new developments to employ drainage management practices, which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams, and which promote water quality, Finding 22: The applicant has proposed a series of'storrilwater infiltration devices and grassy swales to control stomlwater runoff, consistent with Sectio!t 32,110 (5) of the SDC. Storm water Management (Qualitv), Finding 23: Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water, Act (CW A), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield is Page 5 of 18 required to obtain, and has applied for, a Municipal Separate Stoml Sewer System (MS4) pemlit. ,A provision of this permit requires the City demonstrate efforts to reduce the p,ollution in urban storm water to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Findinl! 24: Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the City's MS4.plan address six "Minimum Control Measures," Minimum Control Measure 5, :'Post-Construction Stormwaier Management for New Development and Redevelopment," applies .' to the proposed development. FindinQ 25: Minimum Control Me?sure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement and enforce a program to ensure the reduction of pollutants in stomlwater .runoff to the MEP, The City must also develop and implement strategies that include a combination of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) app,:'p,;ated for the community, " , ' FindinQ 26: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post construction runoff from new and re-development projects to the extent allowable under State la~, Regulatory mechanisms used by the City include the Springfield Development Code (SDC), the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the future Storm water Facilities Master Plan (SFMP), FindinQ 27: As required in Section 31,050 (5) of the SDC, "a development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the Public Works Director and consistent with Metro Plan policies and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedui'es Manua!." , FindinQ 28: Section 3,02 of the City's EDSPM states the Pubic Works Department will accept, as interim design standards for storm water quality, water quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of either the City of Portland (BES), or the Clean Water Services(CWS), FindinQ 29: Section 3,03,3,Bofthe City's EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by that development. Section 3,03.4,E of the manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stoffilwater quality improvement using vegetative,methods, FindinQ 30: To meet the,requirements of.the City's MS4 permit" the Springfield Development Code, and the City's EDSPM, the applicant has proposed routing stormwater runoff into a grassy water quality swal", (located adjacent to Olympic Street frontage), The swale is designed 'pursuant to the City of Portland's (BES) Stonnwater Management ManuaL Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criteriOll, Streets and Traffic Safety Controls FindinQ 31: The proposed development will be accessed by two proposed driveways which front onto Olympic Street. FindinQ 32: Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of tniffic .conflict points, The greater number of conflict points increases the probability of traffic crashes. SDC 32,080(1) (a) stipulates that each parcel is entitled to "an approved access to a public stree!." Page 6 of 18 , Findina' 33: Development access to Olympic Street is proposed as follows: . a 28-foot wide driveway located 210 feet from the northwest property line, and . a 28"foot wide driveway located 66 feet from the southeast property line, The widths and locations of these driveways,confonn to the, standards set forth in SDC Article 32; Detailed standards for driveway design ,and construction are specified in the City of Springfield Standard Construction Specific(lIions, Finding 34: As conditioned below inf,'fess-egress points will be planned to facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, avoid congestion and to minirriize curb 'cuts on public streets as specified in SDC Articles 31 and 32, applicable zoning and or overlay district Articles, and applicable refinement plans, Conditions of Approval: 4: The Final Site,Plan shall be revised to show Design and construction of proposed driveways in ac~ordance with City of Springfield Standard Construc(;on Specifications. . ' 5, Street trees and/or on-site vegetation shall be placed or relocated as necessary to maintain , adequat~ visio'n clearance triangles at the corners of all site driveways per SDC 32,070, ' , ." Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion, (3) The proposed development' shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable rcgnlations. Findina 35: Criterion 3 contains three different elements with sub.elements and applicable code standards, The site plan application as submitted complies with the code standards listed under each sub-element unless otherwise noted with specific findings and conclusions, The elements, sub-elements and code standards of Criterion 3 include but are not limited to: 3a, Public and Private Improvements in accordance with SDC 32 . Fire and Life Safety Improvements (32,120(3)) . Public ~nd Private Easements (32,120(1) and (5)) 3b, Confonnance with standards of SDC 31, Site Plan Review and SDC 20 Industrial Zoning Districts . Permitted Uses (20,020) . Lot Size Standards (20,030) . Lot Coverage Standards (20,040) . Setback Standards (20,050) . Height Standards (20,060) . Off-Street Parking Standards (20,070 and :1I ,170-230) . Fence Standards (20.90) '. Landscaping Standards (31.130-,150) . Screening and Lighting Standards (31,160) 3c, Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan ,Requirements . Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan . Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Page 7 of 18 3a. Public and Private Improvements in accordance with SDC 32 Fire and Life Safety Improvements (32.120(3)) Access Findin" 36: All fire apparatus access routes are to be paved, all-weather surfaces and support an 80,000 Ib, imposed 'load in accordance wIth the 2004 Springfield Fire Code (SFC) 503,2.3 and SFC Appendix 0102.1. Findin" 37: The proposed development site will be accessed via two proposed driyeways, as noted previously in this report, The proposed b'Tavel yard space located on the sides and rear of the proposed buildings are accessed through gates as shown on Sheet No, 2 of 10 of the submitted Site Plan, In order to provide fire access, the applicant shall provide Public Works (PW) locks if gates are manual opening; provide a Knox keyed gate switch if gates are electric, Water Suoolv: Findin" 38: The proposed three hour fire wall separation between storage spaces in Building B creates three separate building spaces per 2004 OSSC and reduces required fire flow per 2004 Springfield Fire Code Appendix B to 1500 gpm, One hydrant, as proposed by the applicant, complies with Springfield Fire Code Appendix C. Landscaoin,,: Findin" 39: Springfield FireCode Section 508,5,5 requires a 'minimum 3 foot clear space around the circumfer~nce of fire hydrants, The applicant / owner shall maintain a 3 foot' clear space around the fire hydrant as require,d per Springfield Fire Code" Conditions of Approval: 6, Prior to Final Occupancy, the applicant shall provide PW locks if gates are manual opening and shall provide a Knox keyed gate switch if gates are electric, Final S'ite Plan shall be revised to include this, note. ' ' 7, The applicant;' owner shall maintain a 3 foot clear space around the fire hydrant as required per Springfield Fire Code Section 508,5,5, Conclusion: As conditioned,-the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion, Pnblic and,PrivateEasements (32.120(1) and (5)) Findin" 40: SDC 32,120(5) requires applicants proposing'developments to make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area. The minimum width for public utility easements adjacent to street rights-of-way shall'be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 14 feet. Findin" 41' Utilities shall be extended underground to serve new improvements. Extending and connecting public utility facilities at property lines improves efficiency and service to individual Page 8 of 18 sites, Pu'blic utility easements shall be provided and extended to the boundaries of the subject site to serve and protect the'subject site and surroundi~g properties, Findin~ 42: Utility easements are necessary to protect public infrastructure and serve the subject site with requested utilities, The facilities currently requested are standard industrial services, As shown on the submitted Site, Plan, the applicant is proposing the extension of existing utility lines to service the proposed develop'ment, Findin~ 43: As shown on the Tentative Site Plan, utilities will service the site via utility easements, As'noted earlier in this report, SUB's written comments related to the proposed water line indicate a difference than what the applicant is proposing for the water line extension (as shown on the Site Plan), In order to provide water service to the ,subject development, the applicant shall provide written comment from SUB ,stating';that.all proposed easements related to water and electric lines have been reviewed and af,'Teed upon by SUB prior to Final Site Plan approval. This has been placed as a condition of approval ,on the subject development, as noted previously in this report, ' " , Conclusion: Safe and efficient provision Of public access 'and utilities requires the proyision of corresponding access and utility easements, As conditio, ned, the proposal satisfies this sub- , , element of the criterion, ' 3b. Conformance with Standards of SDC 31, Site Plan Review, arid Article 20, Industrial Zoning , ' Permitted Uses (20.020) , Findinf! 44: The applicant is proposing two'newly constructed buildings with 4 new lease spaces, The proposed uses are riot known at this time. Section 20,020 of the SDC lists allowable uses in the HI zone, All future uses on the subject propelty must be permitted in the HI zone, Condition of Approvai: 8, All future uses must be permitted in the in zone, Setback Standards (20.050), Findinf!45: Section 20,050 (1)(2) require a minimun; building front and rear setback of 10 feet. Findinf! 46: As proposed on the submitted site plan, the ne~ building meets the required setback standards, Height Standards (20.060) Findinf! 47: The proposed industrial building is not adjacent to any residential areas, Thus, there are no building height limitations applicable to the d"velopment in accordance with SDC 20,060(1), Page 9 of 18 Off-Street Parking Standards (20.070 and 31.170 - 230) Findinll 48: The minimum parking requirement for the site is one (I) space per 500 square feet industrial gross floor area (manufacture and assembly) for each 1000 square' feet of gross floor area (warehousing) based on SDC 20,070 parking requirements, As shown on the proposed site plan, there will be 42 parking spaces, including 4 handicapped spaces, The proposed . parking allocation meets the minimum parking requirement for the site in accordance with SDC 20,070 and 31.170, Findinll 49: The tentative site plan meets the minimum requirement of SDC 31.220 by providing 6 bicycle parking space~, Conclusion: As noted in the Findings mentioned above, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion, ' . 'Landscaping Standards (31.130-150) Findinll 50: The Development Review Committee reviewed the submitted landscape plan III conjunction with other improvements sjlo~n on submitt'ed site plans. Findinll 51: The submitted site plans detail landscape ratios and numbers of trees meeting the standards of SDC 31,130-150 for required landscape areas and, except as required, herein, shall not be revised without an approved Site Plan Modification, All proposed landscaping shall be installed prior to Final Occupancy, Condition of Approval: 9. All proposed landscaping' shall be installed prior to Final Occupancy. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the submitted site landscaping plans detail landscape ratios and numbers of trees meeting the standards of SDC 31,130-150 for required landscape areas, 3c. Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements Findinll 52: The subject development site lies within the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan area and is consistent with industrial development requirements of the adopted'Refinement Plan, Findinll 53: The subject site is located within the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District. The s\lbject site is within the 1-5 year time oftravel zone (TOTZ) ofthe SPI Well. Springfield's drinking water aquifer is an identified and delineated Goal 5 natural resource subject to protection in accordance, with SDC 32,11 0(4) and SDC Article 17, Findinll 54: SDC 17,050 requires a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay Distiict development application be submitted to the City in conjunCtion with Site Plan Review when a new or 'expanded use includes the introduction, expansion, storage, and/or production of . ..' 'hazardous materials to groundwater are affected, Findinl! 55: The proposed development is proposed as Industrial lease spaces at time of Site Plan submittal. The future use of the site is not known at this time, Findinll 56: SDC 17,070(2)(a) allows the storage, handling, treatment, use, application, or prodnction or otherwise keeping on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardons materials that Page 10 of 18 , pose a risk to groundwater in aggregate quantities not containing DNAPLs only upon compliance with containment and safety standards set by the OlDst recent Fire Code adopted by the City, Findinu 57: SDC 17,070(2)(b) states that all (except exempted) hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be stored in areas with app'roved secondary containment in place, Ii Findinu 58: SDC' 17,070(2)(c) prohibits the new use of all DNAPLs, Findinu 59: In conjun'ction with the site plan, the applicant submitted a DWP statement to the City of Springfield stating, "The standard lease agreement foi- the proposed rental spaces will prohibit the storage orany chemicals listed by SUB as disallowed within the 5 year time of travel zone and tenants will be'required to gain SUB approval of the materials intended to be stored on , site, No vehicles and/or machinelY will be allowed to be parked in the gravel yard areas of the site," ' 'Findinu 60: SUB Water Division submitted written comments related to the proposed development 'on January 220', 2007 (see attached letter), As noted in the referenced letter, "All lease agreements shbuld include language requiring compliance with Article 17 Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District of the Springfield Development Code, which may'include completing a City of Sprihgfie/d Drinking Water Protectioil Application, Tenants must submit a hazardous materials inventolJ' statement to the Springfield Uti1i~l' Board Water' Quality Protection Coordinator to determine whether or not a Drinking Water Protection Application will be required. .. SUB's January 22"', 2007 letter is hereby incorporated as Findings related to this Site Plan review, Findinu 61: As stated in SDC' 17,050 (I) et seq" a DWP Overlay District Development Application is not required unless: 1, a new use is being introduced that will affect the storage, use, and/or production of hazardous materials that pose a risk to' groundwater;, or, 2, a new use will increase the, quantity of hazardous materials that pose.a risk to groundwater that are stored, used and/or produced, Findinu 62: As ,presented by the applicant, the proposed development is not required to apply for a DWP Overlay Zone Pen:nit per SDC 17,050 (I) et seq, because the use is not known at this time, Additionally, the applicant has proposed to write a lease af,'feement that will preclude any use that is not compliant with Article ]7, The stated lease .agreement was not submitted with the Site Plan application, Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall submit a draft lease agreement with language compliant with Article 17 of tlie SDC. Findin~ 63: As previously indicated, the applicant is proposing to construct a 4-unit lease space in accordance with provisions of the Heavy Industrial (HI) zoning district. At this time, the applicant has indicated that they are not leasing to any business that would affect the storage, use or manufacture of hazardous materials in quantities regulated in accordance .with SDC Article 17, However, due to the sensitive nature of the 1-5 year TOTZ, Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) must be precluded and reasonable measures, must be, taken during design and construction to' guarantee compliance with SDC Article 17, Any new uses 'on the site may be required to apply for a DWP Overlay District application based upon'the new use,and storage, use and/or production of hazardous materials, All new uses on (he site are subject to the requirements set forth in Article 17, Findinu 64: Roofdrainage may be discharged directly into the stOnTI water system if there is no roof top equipment, or the roof top equipment is fully self-contained with a connection to the sanitary system or the equipment is provided with secondary containment and weather resistant Page II of 18 ' enclosures to ensur~ that, in the event of a spill, no fluids will migrate into the site'storm drainage system, Findinl! 65: Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual 3,03.4.CRoof-mounted Equipment states all building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or a weather resistant enclosure to ensure that, in the event of a leak or spill, any fluids will not be able to migrate into the storm drainage system or any VIC facility, Any and all rooftop mounted equipment or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building comply with Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual3,03.4,C FinclinQ 00: Organics and other pollutants from trash receptacle areas may not be discharged into the public storm water system and must go to the sanitary sewer, The site plan shows a trash receptacle space located in the graveled yard area of in the Site Plan, These trash receptacle , spaces ,are not proposed to be paved or piped into the sewer system, SDC 17,080 states: The ,Director may attach conditions, of approval that will minimize negative impact; of regulated , substances on groundwater and ensure that the facility or .the proposed development can ,/idly , meet the standardl' .Ipecifiedin Section ]7,070 o.fthis Article, Becau?e of the sensitive nature of theJ-5 Year Time of Travel Zone, all trash receptacles areas or-site shall be payed/concreted and with' a drain to an approved sewer system prior to Final Occupancy: SDC 31,160 requiies all trash receptacles to be screened on all sides, Findiril! 67: In order to protect the sensitive nature' of the 1-5 Year Time of Travel Zone, the applicant ,shall place Drinking Water Protection signs 'on the front of each unit. Findinl! 68: SDC 32,11 0(5) requir~s a development to employ drainage'management practices approved by the Public Works Director and consistent 'with Metro Plan policies and the Engineering Design standards and Procedures Manual. The proposed Site Plan has been reviewed by Public Works Staff and has' been found 'to be in compliance with SDC32,11O(5) unless otherwise noted and lor conditioned in this report, Findinl! 69: In preparation for addressing the requirements of Article 17, SUB recommends that the applicant consider bujlding secondary containment and other, protective devices into the construction of the building (e,g" a floor with a chemical-resistant sealant' and protected floor drains)" Contact Amy Chinitz from SUB at 744,3745 to discuss the requirements of Article 17 and options for secondary containment. Conditions of Approyal: 10, Tile property owner is responsible for informing future tenants thatthe site is ina Drinking Water Protection District, that there are restrictions on the use and storage of materials that are hazardous to l,,'I'oundwater, and the tenant may have to file a DWP Overlay District application and must get information from the city regarding the proposed use of hazardous materials, The applicant shall record information related to the.owp Overlay District requirements in a lease agreement for future lessees, Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall submit'a draft lease agreement with language compliant with Article 17 of the SDC, Lease agreements shall require proof of DWP approval or a written exemption from the standards issued by the City of Springfield in accordance with Article 17 of the SDC. Page 12 of 18 11, Prior to occupancy of each individual lease space, tenants shall submit a hazardous materials inventory' statement to the Springfield Utility Board Water Quality Protection Coordinator and tb the City of Springfield Development Services Departinent to detennine whether or not a Drinking Water Protection Application will be required, SDC 17,050 requires a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District development application be submitted to the City when the storage, use and/or production of materials hazardous to ,groundwater are affected, 12, No DNAPLs are pemlitted to be used or stored,at this site (SDC 17,070(2)(c), , ' 13, Ali chemical storage shall be placed in appropriate secondary containment (SDC 17,070(2)(b), 14, Any rooftop mounted equipment 'or other fluid'containiilg equipment located outside of the building shall comply with Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual3,03.4'.C, Rooftop equipment that is not fully self-contained with'a connection to the sanitary system shall be provided with secondary containment and weather resistant enclosures to ensure that, in the event of a spill, no fluids will migrate into'the site stoml drainage system (EDSPM 3,03.4C). " 15, All on-site landscaping shall be designed, selected, installed and maintained to limit the need, to the maximum extent practicable, for chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides, , 16, Organics and other pollutants from trash receptacle areas may not be discharged into the public stoml water system and mustgo to the sanitary sewer. 17, All trash receptacles areas on-site shall be paved/concreted and'with a drain to an approved sewer system prior to Final Occupancy, SDC 31,160 requires all trash receptacles to be screened on all sides, 18, Prior to Final Occupancy, the applicant shall place Drinking Water Protection signs on the front of every unit. Contact Amy Chinitz from SUB at 744-3745 to inquire about proper sign language and fomiat. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this stib-element of the criterion, 4) Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighhorhood activity ~enters, and commercial" in'dnstrial and pnblic areas; minimize cnrb cnts on arterial and collector streets as specified in Articles 31, 32, the appropriate zoning and/or zoning overlay district Article and any applicable refinement plan; and comply with the ODOT access management standards for state highways. Finding 70: This application has been reviewed and conditioned by the City Transportation Plmming Engineer to construct and maintain driveways in accordance with the provisions of SDC 32,070-080" The proposed site plan also, provides ADA accessible pedestrian access paths and bicycle parking in accordance with the provisions of this code, i , Finding' 71: Olympic Street abutting the development sii~ is a 48-foot wide, three-lane ,minor arterial str"et within a 70-foot wide right of way, 111e street is improved with asphalt paving, curb/gutter,- on-street bicycle lanes, sidewalks and street. lighting, which support multi-modal travel. Traffic volume on Olympic street is approximately 9,300 vehicles per day, Page 13 of 18 Findinf! 72: Based on ITE Land Use Code 150 (W~rehousing) the total trip generation from this' development upon completion of the proposed development would be as follows: , . Average Weekday = 104 trijJs . ' PM Peak Hour = 10 trips In addition, the assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicycle trips, According to the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12,6 percent of household trips are made by bicycle or walking and 1,8 percent are, by transit bus, These trips may have, their origins or destinations at 'a variety of land uses, including this use. Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking arid bicycle lanes, Findinf! 73: Existing transportation facilities would be adequate to accommodate a4ditional trips that would be generated by the proposed ,development. ' Conclusion: As proposed, ingress-egress points will facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, avoid . congestion and minimize curb cuts on public streets as specified in SDC Articles 31, 32, and SDC Article 20- Industrial Zoning Districis, (5), Physical features, including but not limited to, significant Clusters of, trees ,.and shrubs, watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, roc!< outcrop pings and historic features have been evaluated and protected as specified in this Code or oth.er applicable regulations. Firidinf! 74: The Natural Resources Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, the Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, Wellhead Protection Overlay and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted and there are no significant natural features on this site other than being located in the 1-5 Year Time of Travel Zone (as previously noted in this report), " , Findinf! 75: There is one existing 48 inch diameter Oregon White Oak along .'the southern property boundary, The submitted site plan indicates that this tree will bekept on site, Conclusion: As proposed, the proposal satisfies criterion 5, CONCLUSION: The Tentative Site Plan, as submitted and conditioned, complies with Criteria 1-5 of SDC 31.060. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE BY THE APPLICANT TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? Five copies of a Final Site Plan and any additional-required plans, documents or infornlation are required to be submitted to the Planning Division within 90 days of the date of this letter. In accordance with SDC 31.080-100, the Final Site Plan shall comply with the requirements of the SDC and the conditions imposed,by the Director in this decision, The Fina!. Site Plan otherwise shall be in substantial confoffility with the tentative plan reviewed, Portions of the proposal approved as submitted dUTIng tentative review cannot be substantively changed during final site plan approval. Approved Final Site Plans (including Landscape Plans) shall not be substantively changed during Building,Permit Review without an approv'ed Site Plan Decision Modification, Page 14 of \8 DEVELOPMENT' AGREEMENT: In order to complete the review process, a Development Agreement is required to ensure that the terms and conditions of site plan review are binding upon both the applicant, and the City, This agreement will be prepared by Staff upon approval of the Final Site Plan and must be signed by the property owner prior to the issuance of a building pennit. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: " I.. Prior'to Final Site Plan approval, all new easements shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City, The Final Site Plan shall show the location of all utility easements', 2, TIle applicant shall comply with all SUB requests for location and width of water and electric easenlents and facilities needed to serve the,subject development. Any deviation from the submitted written comments from SUB as referenced in this report shall be documented as being accepted by SUB prior to Final Site Plan approvaL 3, All utility lines to serve the development site, shall be placed underground, 4, The Final Site Plan shall be revised to show Design and construction of proposed driveways in , accordance with City of Springfield Standard Canstrllction Specification.\', ' 5, Stre'et trees and/or on-site vegetation shail be placed or relocated as necessary to maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the comers of all site driveways per SDC 32,070, 6, Prior to Final Occupancy, the applicant shall provide Public Works locks if gates are manual opening and shall provide a Knox keyed gate switch if gates are electric, Final Site Plan shall be revised to include this note, . ' 7, The applicant / owner shall maintain a 3 foot clear space around the fire hydrant as required per Springfield Fire Code Section 508,5,5, 8, All future uses must be permitted iil the HI zone, 9, All proposed landscaping shall be installed prior to Final Occupancy, ] 0, The property owner is responsible for informing future tenants that the site is in a Drinking Water Protection District, that there are restrictions on the use and storage of materials that are hazardous to groundwater, and the tenant may have to file a DWP Overlay District application and must get informati,ol] from the city regarding the proposed use of hazardous materials, The applicant shall record infonnation related to the DWP Overlay District requirements in a lease agreement for future, lessees, Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall submit a draft lease ab'Teement withlanguage compliant with Article 17 of the ' SDC. Lease agreements shall require proof of DWP approval or a written exemption from the standards issued by the City of SpringfIeld in accordance with Article 17 of the SDC. II, Prior to occupancy of each individual lease space, tenants shall submit !l hazardous materials inventory statement to the Springfield Utility Board Water Quality Protection Coordinator and to the City of Springfield Development Services Department to detennine whether or not a Drinking Water Protection Application will be required, SDC 17,050 requires a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District development application be submitted to the City when the storage, use and/or production of materials hazardous to groundwater are affected, Page 15 of 18 12, No DNAPLs are pennitted to be used or stored at this site (SDC 17,070(2)(c). 13, All chemical storage shall be placed in appropriate secondary containment (SDC 17 ,070(2)(b), ' 14, Any rooftop mounted equipment or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building shall comply with Engineering Design Standards and Procedures ManuaI3,03.4:C. Rooftop equipment that is not fully self-contained with a connection to the sanitary system shall be provided with secondary containment and weather resistant enclosures to ensure that, in the event of a spill, no fluids will mib'J'ate into the site stonn drainage system (EDSPM 3,03.4C). ,15, All on-site landscaping shall be designed, selected, installed and maintained'to limit the need, to the maximl!m extent practicable, for chemical fertilizers, he~bicides or pesticides. ' 16, Organics and other pollutants from trash receptacle areas may not be discharged into the public stonn water system and must go to the sanitary sewer. , 17, All trash receptacles areas on-site shall be paved/concreted and with a drain to an approved ,sewer system 'prior to Final Occupancy, SDC 31,160 requires all'trash receptacles to be screened on all sides, 18. Prior to Final Occupancy, the applicant shall place Drinking Water Pro,tection'signs on the front of every unit. Contact Amy Chinitz from SUB at 744-3745 to inquire about proper sign language and fonnat. ,', NOTE: In preparation for addressing the requirements o(Article 17, SUB recommends that the applicant consider building secondary containment and other protective devices 'into the construction of the building (e,g" a floor with a chemical~resistant sealant and protectedfloor drains), Contact Amy Chinitz fi'om SUB at 744-3745 to discuss the requirements of Article 17 and options for secondwy containment, ,SIGNS: Signs are regulated by the Springfield City Code Article 9, Chapter 7, The number and placement of signs must be coordinated with the ComrilUnity Services Division, The locations of signs on a site plan do not constitute approval from the Community Services Division, A separate sign permit is required, Kay Wilson (726-3664) is the contact person. , ' The applicant may submit construction or building plans to other city departments for review prior to final site plan approval in accordance with SDC 31,080 at 'their own risk, All concurrent submittals are subject to revision for compliance with the final site plan. A development agreement in accordance with SDC 31,090 will not be issued until all plans submitted by the applicant have been revised. CONFLICTING PLANS CAUSE DELAYS, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available' for a fee at the Development Services Depa'rtment, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, APPEAL: This Type II Tentative Site Plan decision is considered a decision of the Director and as such may be appealed to the Plannin'g Comm ission, 'rhe appeal may be filed with the Development Services Department by an affected pa'rty, Your appeal must 'be in accordance with SDC, Article IS, Appeals, Page 16 of 18 An Appeals application 'must be submitted with a fee of $250,00, The fee will be returned to the applicant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal applicati~n, In accordance with SDC 15,020 which provides for a J5-day appeal'period and Oregon Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule 10(c) for se~ice of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 PM on June 15'", 2007, QUESTIONS:' Please call David Reesor in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541)'726-3783 or email dreesor{aici,soringfield,or.m, if you have any questions regarding this process, PREPARED BY: If: cj/~~ David Reesor Planner III Page 17 of18 Please' be advised that the following is provided for informatio~ only and.is not a component of the Site Plan Review decision, / FEES AND PERMITS, Svstems DeveloDment Charges: The applicant must pay Systems Development Charges when the building pennits'are issued for developments within the City limits or ,,:ithin the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportati()fi trip rate, and plumbing '. fixture units, [Springfield Code Chapter n, Article II] Systems Development Charges (SDCs) will apply to the construction of ' buildings and site improvements within the subject site, The charges will be based upon the rates in effect at the time of permit submittal for buildings or site improvements on each portion or phase of the development. Sanitarv Sewer !n-Lieu-Of-Assessment Charge: , Pay a Sanitary Sewer !n-Lieu-Of-Assessment charge in addition to the regular connection fees if the property or portions of the property being developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary sewer. Contact the Engineering Division to' determine if the !n-Lieu-Of-Assessment charge is applicable lOrd, 5584], Public Infrastructure Fees..;. It is the responsibility of the private developer to fund the public infrastructure, NOTE: Substantive revisions to approved site and landscape plans during construction of utilities will require decision modification and delay occupancy, Other Citv Pemlits: Encroachment Permit or Sewer Hookup Pemlit (working within right-of-way or public easements), For example, new tap to the public stonn or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a manhole. The current rate is $130 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits. Land and Drainage Alteration Penn its (LDAP), Contact the Springfield Public Works Department at 726-5849 for appropriate applications/requirements, Additional Dermits/aDDrovals mav be necessarv: . Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (pump station, sanitary sewers 24 inches or larger) . Plumbing Pennit , . Oregon Department of Transportation Penn it (for work in the Beltline Road right-of-way) . Division of State Lands (stomlwater discharge, wetlands) , . Oregon Department of En'vironmental Quality (erosion control (5 acres or greater), pump station, stonnwater discharge, wetlands) . US Army Corps of Engineers (stomlwater discharge, wetlands) . Tree Felling . Drinking Water Protection Page 18 of 18 " . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Ronald D. Rice P.E, Geomax, Inc. ,806 N 9th Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 . .. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Will Akins McKenzie Taylor Construction 4660 Main Street, Suite 150 Springfield, OR 97478-4003 '0 . . , '( Ui:to.. Gk1M.Q/KK '\ G '