HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/27/2007 , , , City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Final Site Plan Application, Type I - . . a:., . Site Plan Review: JZI Site Plan Major D Modification Type II: '. Site Plan Minor 0 Modification Type I: Applicant Name: Company: Will Akins I M c k 'e n z i eTa v lor Con s t r u c. 9 8 8 - 0 5 9 8 I 4660 Main St. Suite 150 5 rin field Or 974781 Property Owner: Company: BliB INVESTMENTS BFD INVES'l:MENTS 4660 Main St. - -. .... '- . Phone fax: ' I Sprin fi 942-0126 942-7539 97424 747-5413 988"0598' Id Or 97478 '806 'N th St" Cotta Phone: I Fax: I e 'Grove' Or Applicant's Rep.: Company: Ronald D. Rice. P.E. Geomax. Inc. Sui t 150 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30 Property Address: N ear In t e r s e c t ion 0 f McKenzie Ta lor Pro TAX LOT NO(s): 2105 Olvmpic and 35th St. e c t Description of Proposal: Final site plan submittal for the development of the McKenzie T a y.1 0 r Coli s t r u c t ion p r,o per t y . J ...-....--..' ....., . - ~ -~._'......., ~ - ...., '~--l . Associated Applications: ~ . . ' - .. 1.' ' . , =';;:~1W'g$.~{1j~?j~600~~;;';::==~.~:~;~[i?~~~ A Ii cation Fee: ' 11.1 Reviewed b: " 11:'1, _ I , ' , ' Owner: RECEIVEI.) ~(:LSm7 " ~.PbN BY:~~.tAj,~ ' DeolJJa~ June 21,2007 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS BUILDING DESIGNERS 806 N. NINTH STREET COTIAGE GROVE, OREGON 97424 TELEPHONE: (541) 942'()126 FAX: (541) 942-7935 Mr. David Reesor, Planner III Development Services Department City of Springfield 225 N, 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Request for Final Decision and LDAP Approval Case No, DRC2007-00003 Dear Mr, Reesor: Attached are the following documents: 1. Site Plan Application Form with owner's signature, 2. Land Drainage and Alteration Permit application and Narrative, 3, Two sets of Construction Plans for LDAP review containing a, Cover Sheet, b, Standard Details, c. Storm Water Runoff Map, d Site Assessment of Existing Conditions, e, Site Plan, f Storm Drainage Plan, g, Water and Sewerage System Plan, h, Grading Plan and Paving Plan, 1. Landscape Plan, J. Architectural Elevations and k Erosion Control Plans, (3 shts) , 4, Application fee of$I727,78, 5. Five copies of the Construction Plans for Final Site Plan Review consisting of: a, Cover Sheet, b, Standard Details, c, Storm Water Runoff Map, , d Site Assessment of Existing Conditions, e, Site Plan, f Storm Drainage Plan, g. Water and Sewerage System Plan, h. Grading Plan and Paving Plan, RECEIVED Page 1 of 3 ~B.. '5:~{)-;J By: jtWJ J0:e ~ ~. Mr, David Reesor, Planner III, City of Springfield Final Site Review Application and LDAP Approval McKenzie Taylor Center, DRC2007-00003 June 21, 2007 L Landscape Plan, J. Architectural Elevations, k. Erosion Control Plans, (3 shts) As we discussed, no Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Application is being submitted at this time as there are no tenants identified yet. We propose to submit a DWP application with an , inventory of substances to be stored on-site and Material Safety Data Sheets for each tenant, including the owner, prior to occupancy certification of the future buildings, With regard to the conditions of approval enumerated in the findings of fact and decision: 1, We have prepared easements for SUB for the water and electric as requested, the owner has signed the easements and we are awaiting acceptance by SUB so that we can record the documents, A copy of the signed easement is included and we request that the final review proceed with us delivering recorded easement copies to you prior to your final decision on the design review, 2. The easements provided meet the requirements of SUB for water and electric lines with water easement of20' (14' for hydrant lateral) and 10' for electrical easement. See Sheet 2, Site Plan. 3, All utilities are to be placed underground as shown on the plans, 4, The site plan has been revised to show driveways that meet the city of Springfield's Standard Construction Specifications, 5, Two street trees have been deleted from the west entrance and two existing trees are to be removed from the east entry to provide adequate sight distance, See Sheet 6, Landscape Plan, 6, Knox boxes or gate codes will be provided to the City prior to request for occupancy . certificate, 7, The planned fire hydrant has a clear space of3' all around as required, 8, The restriction on future uses is noted by the owners, 9, Landscaping is part of the site work and will be completed prior to occupancy, Page 2 of 3 RECEIVED hlb-VO'-D 7 By:. i Mr, David Reesor, Planner III, City of Springfield Final Site Review Application and LDAP Approval McKerizie Taylor Center, DRC2007-00003 June 21, 2007 10, The owners are working up language for the lease agreements requiring tenants to conform to DWP rules. 11. The owners are including language in the lease agreements to require submittal of hazardous materials lists by tenants prior to execution of the lease agreement, 12, The lease agreements will prohibit DNAPL's on the site, 13, Any chemical storage, if any will be in secondary containment areas, 14. The architect has been made aware of the condition relating to fluid containing HV AC units and will comply with the condition on the building plans, 15. The on-site landscaping does not require fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides and none is planned other than initial fertilizer applications to condition the soil for grass seed (included with hydro-seeding mixture), 16, Sanitary sewer laterals have been added to collect water from the areas of the trash receptacles (See Sheet 4, Water and Sewerage Systems). 17, A detail and calls have been added to provide concrete basins under all trash receptacles, 18, Drinking Water Protection signs will be installed in front of each unit. This information will be called on the building plans rather than on the site work plans, I trust this submittal adequately addresses all conditions of the tentative approval and we request approval to construct site work as depicted on the accompanying plan set, Yours truly, Geomax, Inc, Ronald D, Rice, P,E, Senior Principal RECEIVED V,\lTojects\2006\Gl24\WPDocslFinal site plan application"'ity-fin-appn.621 Page 3 of 3 By~ &r Z:J -07 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number ORC2007-00003 ORC2007-00003 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReccintl RECEIPT #; Cit, .' Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 3200700000000000426 Date: 06/25/2007 1:44:50PM Description CTY 10% Final Site Oev Agnnnt + 5% Technology Fee Paid By MCKEl'IZIE TAYLOR CONSTRUC Amount Due 1,645,50 82.28 $1,727.78 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number '( Number How Received emm 3507 In Person Amount Paid $1,727,78 Payment Total: $1,727.78 RECE\VED ._0-.- By:. &,-25-01 Page I of I 6/25/2007 OJ :D '< . . m , " () b'- I \ m {":l (j'I I - 6 , < ~ m 0 o=-@ REOUIRED' ~. BUllOlNGUS<: """ P1IRI<INCSPACC> PARKINCSPN:fS I ~" I """,<>n 10 (I') 1\(1') I .~~ 11!1OOt1!ilQFT 2i(J') 31(Jo) I ="-' 21000liQFT 4Q(4') 42{4<') '..w.NDlCtP PNOONG ~I 2 I-~ (;) cJ I-l; '<[ .' -,...-----. . ~ 0..... It I ---1... ""," - ~ p",~ :::J I "-- Q , =" Z " I ~-" >- 1! J' ITII ~..~ ".\" ~ - I .1_1 ~ _1- ~rl~~"~ ~"" w - ~ ~~I_"Z . ,....,.,....'" - ~~ 'l" ~.~ '. ." - ~~ NOTE' 1l.......'OU_TN>_~N01!D~ ;JJL.. ..______1B.Yl't1IeG11f. ).)~_I'EQ"PT~1VI!IE~..... .v~~I"~.~crl7.4. """'~lna4N<If"OeTOIIIIOT-..e~ &lP!OOF'O(IE>_rol!lEIH6T.lU..EDI5TlEKolHI'll Ctl~~!U!.ft:TrollloOtyM'PR!:NN. ""- '''''-' '",,- '",,- '",,- '",,- I mil ,'-"--' I I i~-....... -eu>u""I ...:.",.' "II': j" ~ =;: I ..,.--~_.- --+= U1PlIL-'"JDl"lILJ--------------; ""I"IOIV"'TI!_II!FI:_ p [ I-1EAvY INDU~:;;E~NE-ll~~~YrAVY INDUSTRIAL ZONJl~I~AVY INDUSTRIAL ZONE I " I I I ~ ,I (l I I . I" I z - I I I ~ I I I . 1..- I , , I L ~ ~ ~ I ~ ,".20HORlZ. 1"_2' liEi'lL ,,~ ""-.: ~ ~ ~ ""'.1'[.1. _, I~ I , ~ ~lt~; I Iii P. Iii i I~I - <l o '" Il ~ 'dO " - u:!l " !i~,f. ~~~~ 1~ tIJ ~.ll :ole ~s , , I 0 S/04/0] ........... WKl/~ R.D.R. G114-ENG,OWG QI24 -- 2c<<l , Subdivision Guar"r,tee Gua:-iin,eerlo . 7199-893471 , Page j of 2 First American First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 500 CGUntr/,Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 ' Phn. (541)184-2900 Fa;-(541)484-7321 Geomax, Ine. 806 I" 9th St Cottage Grove, OR 97424-1315 RECEIVED ;' " September 01, 2006 File l'lumber: 7199'893471 Attn: Ron Rice !\" ~ ,~n {g~ 1.,')/61, Re: BFD Investments, LLC SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE GUARANTEE NO,: 7199-893471 FEE s 200.00 YOUR REF,: BFD Investments, LLC First American Tit(e.Insurance Company of Oregon re po rts to The Oregon Real Estate Commission, and aliy County or City within whicll said'subdivision or proposed subdivision is located, That, according to the public records which impart constructive notice or matters affecting title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we filid: That the last deed of recordlrLlns to: BFD Investments, LLC , ' We also find the following apparent encuinbrances, which includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92,305 (1), and also easements, restrrctive covenants and rrgllts of way prior to tile effective date hereof: '1. Taxes for the fiscal year 2006'2007, a lien clue, but not yet payable, 2, City liells, if any, of ,the City of Sprrngfleld, ['late, There are 110 Irens as of August 27, 2006, All outstanding utility and lIser fees are not liells and therefore are excluded fronl coverage. , 3, The rights of the public ,in and to that portion of the prelilises herein described lying I'!itllin the limits of streets, roads and IliglwlaYs, Fir:t ,J,mer/can Title - . Subdi<:isiol1 Gua,antee Guarantee l'Jo: 71gg~ag3471 Fage 2 01 i 4. Improvement Agreement and t~le terms and condition~Jhereof: Bet\',~eel1: R. J. Kathrells ' And: City of Springfield Recording Information: Harch 26, 1975, Reception No. 75'10999, Official Records of Lal~e County, Oregon 5. Easement on the recorded plat/partition,as follows: Public-utilities and rJrivate stornW,1ater 6. Restrictions and/or notes as shown on tl~e recorded plat/partition of Partition Pial 99-P1312. 7. Improvement Agr'eemen~, inclucJing'terms and provisions thereof. Between: St. John's Corporation And: City of Sprillgfield Recorded: December 16, 1999, Reception No, 1999,101757 We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federal liens against the Grantee Ilamed above and find: ' -NONE' , I The premises are in Lane County and are described as foliows: PARCEL 1, LANE COUNTY LAND PARTITION PLAT NO, 99-PI312, FILED DECEMBER 16, 1999, LANE COUNTY OREGON PARTITION PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THIS IS NOT A TITLE GUARANTEE since no examination has been made of the title to the aoove described property, Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices and therefore above listings do not include additional matters which might have been disclosed by an examination of the record title, We assume no iiabillty in connection with this Subdivision Report and,wili not be respol:sible for errors or omissions therein. . Dated: August 27, 2006 I ) cc: 8FD Investments LLC " , RECEIVED --- \. " , First American Title By: 1?~2S-[)7 , . )r!.:",~:>, '~,'-"-' '\ ~'Q'47AC' ~I;~' 'I'"~ [..,. , , 51,7Il-.......~.s~..:rilU'f] 0. .r RACT 3 )'t. 'I' 'lo'-";'\, ,~I :. ; )~J./ "'-.~.. 1912 .I" ~~'u.~ ~J ~ f fl ' ~-;;: .11 AC,'J(r' ,\ \ ~:"~i ~I' ~ '>. 1~15 ,It ' "*, p~ . , " "- .. .}", \ ~'\ . ;;'~,;... I . C190n,,'t.;.... c!.'~' "Lot 4 ~D~'~ ~ 0.57 ~C; ...,/yP \ \\', ~ ~_ ,________ ~,\"".....",,~ \, /6.60 '- ~--:- k ----'-~~-------- -~::,~ \1' \ ";\, .yti' ~~}_~ r~- '- ,', ~'\ '\:",v'Jff >-;.::;~ ~Tn.~~' ______ ~ ~ A, '/ ~ ~ ,937 .; ~:"'''''~ ,-,-.) OJ \'~,,:J , \' 21,~~' (, l \ ~o.;'t:,~ ~ '" '1 ? ~~ &c!;\ "\ !'::;~. ~~,,~ J".,_~,,, ~v. ; ~J-I05 /q ~,II ~01 \ \ :r-C~~\ ".~r-- : -t~'r;: "~ 'f- ~ ~-:....-. ~\ 'J1, '- '\ \. J:;...- ~ >11 C'oI .., , (.) I) . -- 0--. ,~ ~ "'''''- l '~~' D ~ ~~i~~< i (", !" j' .~ , I __ n~ \ I~" ","I "-"I~C/)"V .....,i: \ "" 111 ~ b 'h"'._ ~ l~' T" ~ ~ <:" tJ~ 1903 ' INT Ell... COl. "i I . 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Srwcrl", SOUTH eor -rr 00' [/ST ~~.7!. rn::T flICW fH( SCl.!11-t(I'S1!XIRNf;R or un 7. BLO!;>( 7. flRST ..,norf'lOtj or Al).o..I,lS f'l.."l. AS f'V. n(-o J.'fO~OOIW[I),"fIO()Il;l.!>,PWI.2.LANt: ~N OIlEQOI; Pl....1 R[COROS; 1110<<X lH~(; AAJOIolAAON >lCfllnl IT .1:" 00" [1.'lOT Jl0,.17 ru:1; TJ-IOlC( $OUTH.IW;/r 00' [,o.'lO'T 21i.H rtr1"; THOfCl:!<OIlT14 2ftI.60 fO::T TO TIlL 5aJTHU!l.Y W.AAGIl<O'OlYlolf'l(;SI1'!OI:\HOICC..or.u::N<;~ W.AA~~MNtCO'''-J1.)..OOH'[l'It-.()IVS Cl.lIIytTOlH(:~l.(lHf:~O'.,WHICti W~'o'( ~ SOJ1't< .~. 1" .,.- ~.o.s"T 17.... F[lT) "DST/ol-l~fY 87.M> ru:1; 1'HENa:: COt\~""'(>>.IGS,O.<<I".&M""'Sf1LI"":lr2e:II' EAST 3.281 fffr: 1l<UIC( LE"'WIC SNf) ~ s(x)n1 6J.v:I nrr; lJ1[)ia: llt:Si 10f0-.OO ffi"l; . Tl-U-Ia:SOO"fHJOO.OOIT'f"[TOlll[,.OA:"..~Y lIiAACll-l if 1(A1W\''ll-! S1Jl:CI:'\; TJ1O.ICt: N..UlG 'lOAIC> j.l.oJWfN_TH~.7ro:;rW[51 .l<l2.3.';'ITl' TO fH( 1WT1.o.t PU~T CY' l'I(()II~"''''';. N [,,-00<: COv"lY. ~~ ,TAX ! 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Tt-<f: P,oJITI1'IQ!lI>lAT. /oJoU IoI<)RE I'AATIo...oJ,RlY~J-<R[CWt1"'SCA.lJS(()l1-l(S-O.lIii:TO Ilt:P,oJlTlTlON(DOJ-CJ5l.'R't-rI'lD..'TO.P,oJl:Cl:I.5.~...u ~;x Ul1o:.JrY EA5OoI'(I-n~ .\NO 1'!t'V1I1l. ~l~....n:.A r...$O,II:l'Il CIl:Unl\ .o.s ~ HUII'OOt'. 1,1,1 .. ...<;CU'tI:,.....u .TH CRS 0-......11;1" ~1 e::4'~'::-, Sr.IIlf",a,3fCFIG"-"lYOl-' ~s~",1\(;f< ACP::MOWLI!DQDENT ~lArr Of OIl(C(O'1 1 CCJJlolrrofoMlJ~n ~~1~~':li En' 1~~;; ~ IOOTI1~ylfir!nO:CYIIl ~rOO:'.AlOHI\7(A>lU"''OUHT'1.POI~All'TIJ'f''f~1 JNl(SE.(l(,'.!L.SlI:Rn,ljf'TfTlIlS"T.Q-I~~"'T1ON.AN OREGO-ICUlf'OR"'TK1N._t()IojOf.Jt.I(;u""r~[)1{J'!<J\T ""'.0.1'< IS ,TH.:,OElfTlou.. f>O('9(W NAOIl:f>" 111l" '"RfGOl.''''' ~';;:;-;"':.\ ~~?S- '~I~m" =~, ~~c'-(1-~~~=: I IAO_ I ,/ . ,,;[1 ~/"""--'O. !Roo. I'<;<J .)"t>tASTK: CJoJ' ST,<.\ff'fl)'-S1=7- rco..ll<l' fJ'I.0.5S C.oJ> "'~ '<D11.D IUJI"I)p,<.r;,o.:1 FCU<O ~/l'>' ~ IIlUl .u t-OOiID Df.>>om~n"'",!;l,- l>('CO'W f<(l. aoE'.O"- . o I) '\- N').IOTt:~ L..r: SI-IO_ ,-;. NflTIlPH '111.0... Tll~TJ..'lo(:( Sl-1O'I'i>& Rf=I)d'~""""""'r'rRn.<t:'nA.!01lOI-Icr-AA"""" F""....1.9OOI< 1:\ P"-OC 7. ~......--, cu 00l. ~"'1 __c.:'; ~ "' Itl:COFIO....O'(>,l^notlPl:Il OCTIJ.!>1:il 725.~l::'1SlJ'~, R(ci---ftri....DRw...nciJPfJO[,j,-rn.Rui1JIJ.R(CI'H~~ MCOA:O ....-11PtooI...l1QtJ PO! DUD. MIl. Ifl20. Il:(C 11140945011. ~ ~"-~ f'~ DUtl. I(m 1M.. M(<: ,.46O-3.lL R(COlroIif"'CJfo:lolAllCf.;PO!OLffi.l<l.u.nD.:t<lC,.:>ll.lo8 ..r~""DRlooIA.ITOIJP{l<c::i197~f'1""'1S,19'" . " " ~ ~ "' "'~P","'..~.. 1.,_.0.-,_,141)1 (:'>~') ...-lI.Jn ''''('S--oIl)1.lI._7 - .. """.c.:__----..III '~.r..l;j'l~".'~"".,';/l,;.~~:..r.:7";:.~""'-~.,,~"'.....,..,Jt\_,_"""'~ 1.'s~.....,.,...~ _.="'~_~..:r;o."=""n...~'. '" f 11) IrJ I ]~ , Atq~iniRe;umTo Fin! Nncrican Title PO Box 10146' " Eug_OR97440 OI.lalon '0/ Chl.r O.....ly CI""k . Ilfv'f!l:lSi46 L....... CQUl'lly ~cl& and R_OI"'a.. 'W'l'V millIl\I!~~~I\~\!~/t to :32~~: RPII-oEED enlal S tnd CASl-I I ER 07 SI0.00 111.00,$10,00 After recording retum to: BFD Investments, LLC PO Box 242 Springfield, OR 97478 Unti1 . change IS requested all!>>: ~ sh<lll be se.nt to the foHowlrg address: BFD Investments, LLC PO Box 242 Springneld, OR 97478 RIe No.: 7192-795103 (JLS) Date: May 04,.2006 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED . steven C. Swinney and O'Jay Omlld, as tenants In common; Grantor, conveys and warrants to BFD Investments, ue, Grantee, the following described real property free of liens and encumbrances, except as speclfocally set forth herein: " Parcell, LANE COUNTY LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 99-P1312, flIed Oec::ember 16,1999, L.ane County p..rtlllon,Plat Records, In Lane County, Oregon., This property Is free from,lIen5 and encumbrances, :EXCEPT: 1. Covenants, conditions, restricdons (lndior easements, ii any, 6ff€:\.ung tr'vet 'Yh1ch may appear In the public record, including those .shown on any recorded plat or survey. . , , The true ronslderation for this ronveyance Is $300,000.00 a portion of the conslderatlon Is being paid by a qualified Intermediary as part of an IRe 1031 exchange.. (Here ~ -' <Oquin,menr, of 0f\5 93,1J3lJ) , 'BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE m SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ,THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOlATION OF APPUCA8LE LAND 'USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, 'THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD DiECK WITH THE AWROPRlATE OTY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DffiRMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTIaS AS DEFINED IN ORS30,930 AND TO INQUIRE PJ30UT lliE RlGKrS OF NSGH60RlNG PROPERTY OWNER;: :o7~' UNDERORS 19735R E C E \VE 0 ) a'" "I By :_____~_:_,~_~_I___n___ ~ Application Packet: 1. Application fee: The Final Site Plan RevieW' application fee is based upon a ' percentage of the fee paid at the time of Site Plan Review. Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee. A copy of the fee schedule is available at, the Development Services Department. 2. Five copies of the Final Site Plan incorporating all required modifications and applicable conditions " 3. Any additional documents requested as Conditions of Approval for the Tentative Site Plan RECEIVED By: (P~7S-07 -r ~ .-~_.,_.,.,---_. " . APt\: 1&47401 Sl>CJto<y Won>nly De<d . cOOtl)'Je(j Fie No,: 7192-7'015103 (JLS) Date: 05J~J2006 Dated this q 'day of ,#j C-<7 ~J4dtY /~u/'" O'J~~iid~' . ~'(I~l. Steven C. Swinney STATE OF Oregon ) )ss. County of Lane ) This instrument was acknowled9ed before me on th~~' day o',:.J:1",; by Steven C. SWinney and O'Jay Omlld. ' " . . ifl,} , 'y - .20.aL I, , Notary Public for Oregon My c:6<M1ission expires: -""~ Om:lAL SEAL r~, N~HyRW~QON \ .' CQtJIoIlSll~ 110364009 29,:ro; ! ' W o:JIMS$lJl oms ~ L---- ",- RECEIVED , , , ( P>ge 1 of l By: tp-lS-07 '.. :....'. ..'-... f ...~\ .f;'.:. ~ -' " -::-;':.'.-~ -'~'T' .":-.- :~ J ':j. ~'- '1': i>;."~. . IL,,' i': ,: ~,... ( If , .;.~ I O~ l: i~) .3 -'<"'--15 , ,,' ,/ ." ,~T:i":.~ 11I1'\Ullf'J"n:HT .\C1n:n..~r IN CC:L<;~:J,.~^-no.'1 ,,! !Ioa C'l"""''''u 11er~[r\ ..c",I<:d, d"l r:lt.f lit ~~rlllt::rlnlrl. hll'~t""Ua~ ra{~C(eJ l~ .n C~t1, .~(1d _~.J....._.r:t..n'.J:.P!) -----~.... Mr"I".~rtlH referred ((I .,. ~I'pl\<;.,n~,',]o CQ'H"'\.l"~ ,."J -'[;'S" ~" (olla...~: .....t". WlIUI.l':^', ^ppllc;,,"t d.<'.Jlcal ., bulldt,,!; f'c:..lt rr~ CIty; .HlI.l \ >,IllLRKAS, tl,., dc".\op"""nt of ~Jld \.Hllld\"U(~) ...(Il o:;.,.,sa bot1-l .~n l~dIJU:l :'r1d Lon&~tc[l'I, JIl'L'lnd Qn ll'<1 ".01 10\11, rub tic: [.'clllt :'''1 oE t1,o Clt.fl /oKJ>I"T1I~l:rull.r.. chI:! ^pplt~lnc Jna Clt)' ~~r~" Ul t.ha (0Il"""!"5 ,d",dLd. O't jH.l::tt<:: r,,<;i1lly 1"'1''''tN,,_nt~ ,,,J cc~p<:crl"'. co~E. .H~U,'~liOl'l roUe-'ll ~c~coc r~p,~vo~nc' [ 0 CD,c, t'~ tlltl ,,:.:tllnt ~t b1l::J"['.C to t::. ~~n::y. !,,,H~c. 5[1;",,1. S~.ellt Lithes Co.t. to t.", ~tent 01' b~neflt to ~..... ,nl?eny. S-.J.nlt"~1 ~_r CO.t,.to th" u:tent of l>.n.f!.c eo th. prap..rtT. Stoe:'" So_r _ Co8t. to thlll &J(tiac oll;>_Ht.to thlll ;>rtl.,..rty. Oi:.har Sid......UuI. run CI;>I.t .l~n. tb.. lronuslII of ti\. pt"'Pu'ty. '[t 1,1 furth~.' ""J"'HQud thole ^~pttt""t "Cr(!e3 to !>!(:.fl .:lilY ll~d .Ll wOItv';r" l"'~t.ttl.on" CQI13C:I1ts ""d ..11 oth"r dO<;Uf>l(;lIt$ n~"c~".r'l to obCl.l.n t'l'l' ..bo.... ll."t..d ,,:,?lLcablo unprQYc~"tl "",l..r "~MY .t'"rr",,~;,,~nt .let or proc::,:cdlng Qf thlll St.:lt.. .Qf O~vl!.n';. ,LJn. County or ctty of Spr{lIl;:(Leld...ls '"-'1 bo proPQ<lc<J OC "oopted .lnd to w..lvo .Ill nght to re...."",tr.H. ..l&..lin..t :.u,,-h l'''I','o'''~mo'\fS, t.....c not thl ttght to pcot~"l ,hc J"I(lunc at "'.:I''''lIt o( sprc.,<I Ln:: thc Js::.oaSIf'll'I1C thercof, 1 f t/'lo ""'''''''' sh"U .JppCJC' to "rpllr.~"t to b(!..r Ine'\II!l...bly Q~ Ullr.",!rt)' ujJon ~,HJ prop",;'!;/. or ^~ptiCl\lIt; l - h'O\.I illf'.RtrUU:. tt.lI Cll)' .l!n:e, ,tl'i'lt ^pl'ilc.1nl's t.'lttl.Jl[o!l ond l'<lt[On!L.JI1C~ o~ th. tC t',",1I of th ts I\.;(cco:went will b' e dccrhtd to b. tOfOlpl {"Tleo ..l th tl.. Cl ty' s poll<':Y'l?.et,~lIt.'d!li to r"SHOVu.tnt ~r.'1ul(c~nl". ~.;d t! ;\?p\le.)nt c;O<l\p\lc:s III cvery (IUPo:r.t ...lth .t 1 othcr ,"pp\ {c.ltJl.'L",s of the S~Atc of Orc::;,l", t.an. COl.lntJ and lll.. Clty, th. 3o.>ld ^rpLtc.1n~ ~h..\~ l>a t:ttitLtJ to the 1,,:ullne~ of .. buUdtnl5 P" (...it; ~nd l.R ^crllllOl'Oi It ]5 th. Lnl<-"ilor\ of ~h.. pHtt<::~ I,crc~(l tl....t d... c(lv~n..nt~ ~lI"eln ",,,nt..i.n.,J, ,h..\l 0'>" ..dtn the l,wJ,I,,,,..ll1 J..:u.',lLcd, lI"d sha~l~. blndl.ng <.:fI(ln th.. 1,.tr-"l. "-"~tutor~. '~Stf.~" .,tI..lnl,icr"tors '",," ,...cc~~.o'" of th" [).leUr::' tl"(~lO. and ~hllt b.. con'lt..."d to b. .. L"""fa ..nd . hurdcL1 \Jf'on d," pn'?Crl)' 10<::[<11" ~o~trtb.d. .nds ",,,{coonant ,h..11 be rcr;:o;~"d ;" ,hill I.J"" CUll"',)' .I)<:cd [lce-ortls. ~mT1tEII.. tho> ,prop-<'rty of t~.e .\I'I,\lc.."( ..Ilteh Is the ~,-,l>l~ct of t"t .~:rc~.-<:.,t It ,,\0('1 j1~rr1cu1.,('ly d~'l.c.lll"d I'" ~:~Idh(t '''A''. h"(,,t~ .>I.l.,~h,,-d .",d by .cr~,,,~ea [""-0< poc, t cd ,...." In ~s ,ho"'l;.h rv \ I)' s" t (", th l."r~ in. .1-I1!!:lIl':fOit!, tl-,,,, p-Htta. h~..." ~"l {f1"11'" h-..nd .>rLd H~.Lthls .E < d..y of ~~__I \?:ZL; Clft Qr" ;Sf>it!NCflEl.O , ~0L!.-._'t -grr-- / ...,. aL -- ----- ..?}.F'~<;;~,:;':,:'~ ( i\Jb 1 lC 11""k I _:<'" "J, " " :i~l..,C.:.o!'"'~~'N'....) 5' 'Rf~""'1"JOrJ.r..\';:,"'i,.O .0 h">!\'" r,~,\.,':"" 0/ ..1!1E1fi.,,-h_._, """ ;.'~tt':;! ,l''1':Jbd coe-I\"'~n' . ~I//i~':~~"~/.'~~<-/ ',~~ J "j_ '- r li:i7'..l.'+ti':':('~ji([C .,.,.(.'-::1'...,.1....:.;. ."'<' 191...5':. ,!.C'l": ~~ '"O"-J 11 f .1prCH .:J ;,C (r". "f i '01 '~i :: (;:-. l (.' ";"'- 0, , s: [~~.: 0 l':, j;;:: r ~~" ~"" -~ o' . . i~::.' ~~~ t~~o. IT"'-- ~~. ~, ~, !';. ,'t:.. b: ,'j if:, [:' ". ~.~. ;j;. I, ~., ;:, , ;. . ~:'. :r... ~ ~ L', ;+-;. .....' I~ - ;;,: i; " .~ :,:.. [ "'I' ::J _;:J:, ~;l RECEIVED p". , " l-..j ,'.. -. .. ,$" Ir15-0) i ~ -.,.-" :~ ~ --~ ':,',\. ,',;,.". i ~:t~~-~I~ I~": "- 'r BEG.iiil1I.'fC A, r.'!~ SOUTfll.lE;S r C;OflHC,1 OF' LOT "7, BLacK "" :.V..r< k .......... , '. j:',rr.!!:: !I cr-~' ' . :,: ...:....-:~ ! ~;\"t1.J ' .... "" .: I iS7 F:::.!{s-'!' ~[)DJTlO1f TO ~D..c1f5 hAt .HI" PLJ1'1'F:D .AIID .'lECOR.Di'Dc,;~:'-'""::'::::",, )fi1,f: ' '~~~,,-/ "~ Boo!: :15. PAC", 2, L"" CO""" OREGaN PtH RECO,J;5,"""~(' /'''''~' "r :::, 't';'):':: H,..HE COUNT', OREGOH;, ^"HU"" '''ENCS .caHG "" 1'0","", ",' , , . , ~~..;:' :t~;~j.~~: .:1 ;j!;"",~",,' I r,- ",' , :""''',~' .~t~t<: . I I I I ,".': .r,. '*. ~.," ~::; wV' :'" ~. .',':W.o" " ) r j , .'^"._. ..~:- ~:~;~. "c" ~~/. ~; ',~,,~'C,i' ~~.... ',:, X:;~f' ,to'-'_ ..;.- . '- ..;,-..:.-.... " -"l.~ :.' 'l ,..i,. 1"';'" -....., -,','-.-: 75.l:09~~ 9nIGHT-01'"-W,t't' LVII! or ["'Tlm:m .4I"CNUE# SOUTH 89- "27' Mfir 10701. 75 F'EE1'; 1'R~:ICE LEAnNG SAID n!cHr.OF-OI.A.Y LIuE, 1I01f.'t11 llOIl 331 f.A::J!' 310.37 h:ZT ,"0 1'UE TRUE POINT OF iiSGI){}{]lfG--' i~o'" riiZ ;;-OE.'L::;,;/WG lJESC.'l.IlJED :rRACT: FWH1{iJ{O T.'fENC~ SOUTH l:Ja.9" 27' ,EAST ?9"~1 jo';:F:r; "'f{ENcF. !fORTH 294.lQ FEET ,.., l~ rUE sc;UTR ;11,::!T-'.)F-;...'A'I 1I1/JI: 'OF '1{" Si'R.E:l:T; 'i'/lIi:llCrs. .AJ,.01fG I.:iS-AIa firGHr-o...--WAY LItH. "'.'f.r;; FOIsI-OWING TWD !lEA/UNO::; .JHD 13iJISrn;CF:S _ H~.'17'1! 76'" '.f,r;1 :;u"IIE;,o:r 69.G7 n,Rr AND 111':$1 Ii ;:'7f~2j ~;"'i.c'1; Tlf.':l.'cr /":;A:'JNC. !;AID !HGHT-OF"-WAY I.!lji:, S01/rI! lSC' ,.3.3f ;.!;:sr . 305.lW F',<:~'7; 1'1{f;;lCE SrrUT'Y e9~ 27' E.As!' 19415.56 in;, .'-0 ,~ ..:1'[, ~.~"S~ ~2"; ~''tlr''':'''~;~ {~I"'~ ~~.:. ,;co ",,",' ..- . .- . ;."..~ ~::~" -.,; flt .~:.: , .: ,;'; <'.;>';;;.:. ," "," t..'t ~c1;i}~ ~' '1-'?'("":. 'i #~:~,. o'-r.',', ~.':'.'. , ",,~.<li-' ~,' )~:-; ,~~,':;:' '~..~".. _..... :rf> REc'E1VE ;~;;"'"'~;~ I OOj~ I ~ ~~",..-); J '1}~1i:;fjli ro '(jl'f: !aUE fOrNT OF RECINNING. fN L.o{~ Cornrf"!. 20':Ju;r.c",,'. ;;'1 (';011;,1 r::... ,.,OR:: on .LEDS.) 5.1:! A,l'.r::; " 3(17(1975 1" ';~ :1~ :..; ;:)' ..... -By~',~,'"a-s,.-ti7-~. I I I ! i ~ ".7...' :: , ,I~ -~ ", \. , . ~/:'/ ( ~6 \ ,/ IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (In i"ieu of Imrnedia.(e Construction of Public Imprc....em'ent; lncludes Waver ofR:ght to Rernonstrate) I ' IN CONSJDEK..A TION ofl!leCOVenant.<. herein recited, the Cit)' of Springfield, hercinll.~ter referred to 8.5 City, and Sf, :T"':'t. Y". 1" Cnr00raCt-,",.-,.... . . hereinafter referred l\:J a~ AppJica'lt(s), dQ CO\lenam and agree wi'j-j rdpcclto!..he n:Il.J property described t;elow as follows: ~ . . > I. Applicant(s) ''!''mants and fepresents (0 l'JC City of Springfield that it is the owner of the properry more p,;nicululy described and set forth in PB.fagraph 7 below IUld, as owner, has the authority to enter into this lmprovementAgreemeflt with th~ Ci~:';Jf Springfield_ 2. Applicant(s) desires Development Approval from the City with reipeCt to the following Development Applici:ltit)n .];.,,,........1 ^ L _Ir___ 'f''f-rJ'I--/"LA,.S , J. TIle de\'eloprnent will tHll;e both ai1 immediate !l.nd-lc.ng.ljjfill demand on the \lmous public' facilities,ofCit)' and Lane Couney including the ,peeifi, public :mprO\!ement~ necessitatw by [he development as s.et forth in pnrllgrllph 6. , 4. Thi~ Imp.ovement Agreement is an altcm::Hive 10 !mposinga condition on Applicant's de....elopment approval thaI the Applicant make immediate'eorlstIuction of any publicini'provemcm that the development necessitates, The objective is to promote efficiency, coordination, and spread costs by providing an opportunity for II district wide improvement mechAnism where construction occurs in o' coordinare<J projeL'1 with the participation of adjacent and other proper1ic!i in the area., in;;'ead of . requiring immediate improvement in conjunction wid, ea.ch development application. There is no guarantee, however, t.hat such a coordinated project !'<'ill ~ possible And the City reserves the right to ~equire construction of the improvements in the future: at City discretion. 5. (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant will pa)' t~e cost of the following public faei/icy improvement.s described in Paragraph 6 in accordance with re~pectjYe cost assumption policy r:stilblishe:l by City 8t the time the Ciry detennines to undertake and complete such public improvements. (b) Applicant and city acknowlr:dge and agree that the cost of such improvements and the pen ion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be greater that the .costs that . would beapponioned if the improvern::nts \"'Cfl: constructed immUliateJy or by Applicant 'now or later. (c). AppJic.ant ll.cknowledge~ ~at tht timing of the construction of such improvements is wilh in the sole and exclusive direction of the City. 6, '(,) STREETlMPROVEMENTS "o"!~, &0""&' of J- _J.Y;1~ 5fr~ ""-;- to include: ()(} surface paving-: (~iitonn sewers; ( ) :s.unitnry sewers; curbs;' iJ gutters; C)O planter slnps; t::f..) street trees; (){J streetlights: fl.) sidewalks. (b) TRA.FElC SIGNALS fit the intcrsection of')l!A (c) OTHER IMPROVHrENTS Apr1ican1 llcknowledges that the list ofmllrked improvements reflect those that would currently be J'Cqui,ed'under the appmpriale City codes and ordir.ances. Applicant acknowlctlges U1at it wlde,rst.&.nd~ -th.u the im)lrov~~ents mad~ will b-c those rt:quded'to bring,Ule slIee! te full urb!n st.o.nda~ds for the then C'.l1Tem fu<lctiGna! classiftc31ion of the s~eet as those st3ndards exist at the tjme the improvements are made and rllI1Y..therefore, differ (rom the lisl of impf1J\'emei'its checked herein. 7, LEGAL DESCRlPTION (SEE A IT..\Ci-fED E:XHIBIT "A ") AKA ?(,O/ ()J'j,nip"C- PrGperty Address 17-0'2''''0 #2/(Y) 'Ta.xLotNo, After Re:..:ording Peturn La: City Of Spr-ingfield ~/.<; !"ifth St.. SprinofieW 9747 F:H STREET. SPRJ:-K'FlELD. bR. - 9;~77 DIVISIO~ Of CHIEF DEPUTY CLER~ LANE COUNTY DEEDs AND ~ECDROS 1111/11111111111111111111111111111111111 e~ea321elii$0J7~1ee3 1999191757 ~ lla:15 Pl\i1!15/19'39 RP~ AGRE 1 .' . C~SH1ER e.. '__1!5.~~_1llJ...ae__.._~. 15Be --....-" ~,,";,h;-'_"">":"""-h_'''''''''"'~~' ..'..,_"",'.C,.""-'e"'."'" .,.li,.;" ..;.",~~ "'~'~Oio.i'...-....uUiio>~ ..:. B~ : . \ I ECEIVE[ tr:), 5 -07 -'.-~.', ; . - .........~ , . / , " //' 8 .This .tg:eeme~ is enforceabie by the Slate ofOr~gon, Lme COUf1t~ or City 9. APPLlCA;,.rT AGREES TO S[GN ANY AND ALL WAIVERS, PETI110NS,CONSEh'TS AG'O ,ALL OTHER DOCll\-1ENTS ;-...TCESSARY TO OBTA[~' THE ABOVE LISTED lMPROVE\1ENTS u;-.'DER A..NY lMPROVEM8.n ACT OR PROCEEDrNG OF THE STATE OF.OREGON, Lr\..~)E COUt'\'TY, OR. CITY AND TO WAIVE ALL RlGHTTO RE\-1.0NSTRATE AGArNST SUCH IMPRQVEME'STS. Applicant does not waive any right \Q prutest the EUTlount or manner of spre-adir.g the liS>o::ssmenl thereof, lfthe':;ame shij,lIl1ppear to the Appiicant to bear im:qultab\lity or unfair upor, ~aid property of Applicant. Applicant's acee.planct: oftht nOll-remonSTrance condition is i~ C.or.silkration for the City's waiver of he requirement for the immediate <:of1Stf'JctiOfl of the public improvements thal thr:: development nece~sitates. This impto'r'C'_rnenl agreement waives the property owner'~ right 10 file" 'rl,Tittcn remonitrBtlon. It does not waive 8 property oWr1~r's right 10 com mem on thepropo~,ed di5tric~ or, any relai.edrnatters orally or in writing. JO. City3gre>tS that Applicant's execution and performance of me terrr:;s of the Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance with City's policy pertBining to improvement requiremtn!s, and if Applicant compli~ in every respect with all other applicable laws uftheStatl: of Oregon, L&ne COllnty, itnd City, Applicant shell beent;tlcJ 10 Dc~'c:Jopment Appro'o'itl, subjcCllci the h:rms and C-onditiom ofappr{)l,Ial set fOM thereln. . ~i 11. It is the intention of the parties hereto thai the covenants herein contained shall run with the land her~iri. described, and 'shall be binding upon the heirs, cxcculOrs, l1~signs, Ildministrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be cOnstrued to be a bcndit and a burden upon the property he.,tin described. This Agreement shall be r~corded in the ~ane County Deed Record.';. WHEREfORE, the: panieshave set their hand this ~~!JY of ~epfci..I1'" Per 19ft. 8,n '7~ - ?_,;.~.~'\ ~ Applic.'lnt . ~-- '2~~- Sac. '-' Applicant STATE Of OREGON ) :11I..U..TtV.em/t'L5S County of ~ r On this .;'lJ s1 day of ;JEt' r:r-/nl~;::./f , 19!13...., before me appeared SG^--> 6:-IDE: and. ~4,"l'E_S E. flE:ALI_ whobeingswon1did ~ay thai they hre the President IInd Seere'.ary, re.spKtively. o'f the corporation, and that the seal affixed' hereto is ils seal, and that this deed was voluntarily ~igned and sealed in behalf oflhe Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors. Before me. i0.~ 6f:GU~ Notary Public for Or~gon '. My Commi~ion Exp,ires 2_:J./u ;;:(t;;;: l:3y ,Q,'--' 'i. 01i~M~' City cfSprirrgfi.:Jd Dan E. Brown - Oirector of Public Works /~ OFflCl.IJ.. SEAL KAREN L PEITZ NOTMy PUDlIC-OREGON COlolllJSSJOH NO. ~14&51 l,Ir COI4WISSION EXPfRES ID' 8, 2002 STATE OF OREGON) )ss County ,ALan!: ) DDthis R1"fl befnn= me Dan E. Brown. doclJmcr:t dayof AlD,),-~.-/;I,'::-I,' _ ,19~ lhere personally appeared L'Je Direcror of-Public Work" for the City ofSpringf;e!d Rnd signed the above 1 ' , ~/fd.J-, 'RE:CEIVED - Ofl'ICtAL Sf...L CENNIS P ERNQT NOTAFlYPU8l1C - OF\EGO"l CO~MfSSfON NO. 05-281e V'!~IJ].J"""lllJSlj Notal), Public for Orego:ll M;' Commission E."'Fires .4jJ~I'- 2.::-1 (LvcJ RETURN TO: 'CiTY OF SPRI~'GflELD- PU3LlC \>,'QRKS DE?T . 2~S FIFTH STREET - SPR1?'<GFlELD - OR. - 971.7i ~y~ I ~- ;). 5.;/57J --. , - ,- \ , , , , EXHlIlIT "A" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Beginning at a Point on the Northerly margin of Kathryn Street which is South 89' 27' 00" East 459,75 f~et from the Southeast comer of Lot 7, BlOck 7, FIRST ADDITION OF ADAMS PLAT, as ,platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 2, Lanc County Oregon Plat Records; thence leaving said margin North 0' 33' 00" East 310.3 7 feet; thence South 89' 27' 00" East 29.44 feet; thence North 289,60 feet to the SoutlicrIy margin of Olympic Street; thence along said margin along the arc of a 373,00 feet radius curve to the right (the chord of which curve bears South 64' 11' 04" East 87.46 fcet) a distance of 87,66 feel; tllCnee continuing along said margin South 57" 28' 11" East 392,82 feet; thence leaving said margin South 53,25 feet; thence West 140,00 feet; thence South 300,00 feet to the Northerly margin of Kathryn' Street; thence along said margin North 890 27' 00" West 302,35 feci to the Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, RECEIVED By: {r :)S~D7 ""_"''''''''''''''''.'''''''''~''''''''''''I;jl't';,;.J,Q'~iliir'9l~rn<.~'''''''''I'Ii'<~;i"""",,~;;,..~:ri!i."Oi"""'~;"~""":"lrH":<I;n~)'''~~~~.t;;>;t!l~''~;Li1-<r~'.Ki~t!@'!l~~~~,~lWI(~:l"~~li~"I'W(-<{\..1i<~. J OJ '< . . ~ \ ~ ~ \ () .-......I FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION ONLY 30 T.175. R.2W. LANE COUNTY SCALE ,. = 400' SEE t.lAP I~ W.M. ~ -. ~:~::~;.:~~~~~T~~ ~ SEC, 17 02 30 & INDEX NAD 83/91 ','iiii-j '~ ~""" 2419 1800 __47a5~ 25 JO I "'''' . 1-'n'TlCf< E.>><( L '1 I' , , , , ~,"- CANCELlED "00 1101. 110:/ IZOQ 1300 1400 1401 1500 1601 160& 1700 1904 1905 1S08 In9 - "00 2101 2106 nOl lJOO ,,, .~ ,/ . '-'1- . 1/ ~ " 0 -'L , -- , ~ 11 w I w . '. Tl.,!lOO,!IOI,GQZ,..~ :. f-" f~,~~: *, - ;:,~":: -'-. ~"-;~,, j ~];~t. :;' .., ~-"'-..- ;~~~~~ u""'::;~";:;''e'''' ~_.u... ....~. '" "'___'w ......' -_. ....... ~ ;-,:;:.~~~~\~~...... ";~." .. ........'..._.....D.....;-.....,~..~,_,. ~ ::::::;::-;:::'/;;::~"'-"'. :: r::2s:~:.::.;""'-'~"'~ '<'''~'''_.'r>o''''~.'''''';,._.. .' ......_w_...-' . SEE MAP 17 02 31 SEE Mo\p 1702.:51 21 I m ~ g ~ ~ ~ . " ., ( RECE\VED .- ..::.::-- BY:~~ This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, hereafter "Agreement" is entered into this ~-D1 ld day of AvrC"t">T ,2007 (the "Effective Date") by and between the CITY lP ,'..' , OF SPRINGFIELD, hereinafter "City" and h//t.L. A'KI/1/5 hereinafter "applicant," in accordance with Section 31.090 and Sections 3.070(3). 3.808(3). 3.090(3) and 3.100(3). ' DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SITE PLAN RECITALS WHEREAS, on the 25'h day of July, the City approved th,e Final. Site Plans submitted by the Applicant (14 sheets labeled as the following: COV, da'ted January 2007; D1, dated 11/08/07; D2, dated 1/11/07; D3, dated 11/04/07; D4, dated 11/2/06; Sheet No.1, dated 11/04/06; Sheet No.2, dated 5/04/07; Sheet No.3, dated 5/04/07; Sheet No.4, dated 5/10/07; Sheet No, 5, dated .5/04/07; Sheet No.6, dated 5/07/07; Sheet No.7, dated 9/6/07; Sheet No.8, dated 1/10/07; Sheet No. 9, dated 5/07107; and Sheet No. 10, dated 1/11/07 stamped by Ronald D. Rice for Geomax Inc.) for the purpose of the following: . . CITY CASE NUMBER DRC2007-00003 Type II Site Plan Application requesting approval for a Site Plan as submitted to the Springfield Planning Division on June 25th, 2007 for property located near intersection of Olympic and'35'h Street, Assessor's Map 17.02-30-00 Tax Lot 2105 in Springfield, Oregon, This approval is limited to construction of two industrial buildings with four lease spaces consisting of 21 ,000 square feet total. WHEREAS, in consideration for Type II Site Plan approval, the issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31,090, Appiicant agrees to comply with all , , of the standards in the'Springfield Development Code and the Springfield Municipal Code which may be' applicable to this development project unless modified or excepted by the Site Plan Review Development Agreement, Development Services Director, Planning Commission, Building Official,or their~ agents, or the Fire Marshall, which modifications or exceptions shall be reduced to-writing. WHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, the issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply with the following specific conditions imposed by the City as part of the S,ite Plan approval: , 1. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, all new easements shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City. The Final Site Plan shall show the location of all utility easements.' 2. The applicant shall comply with all SUB requests for location and width of wa'ter and electric easements and facilities needed to serve the subject development. Any deviation from the submitted written comments from SUB Development Agreelnentl Planning Case #DRC2007.00003 BFD Invesnnents Industrial Site Plan Page 1 of 5 1-: ;.' " \ . ~". ( , , .'. , ~- ." " ;-:--" " , as referenced in this report shall be documented as being accepted by SUB prior to .Final Site Plan approval. '4',.' ~ ....J ..'..... 3. All utility lines to serve the development site shall be placed undE!rground, ' .... ':J 4. The Final Site Plan shall be revised to show Design and construction of proposed driveways in accordance with City of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications. 5., Street trees and/or on-site vegetation shall be placed or relocated as necessary to maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the corners of all site driveways per SDC 32.070. 6. Prior to Final Occupancy, the applicant shall provide Public Works locks if gates are manual opening and shall provide' a Knox keyed gate switch if gates are electric. Final Site Plan shall be revised to include this note. ' 7. The applicant / owner shall maintain a 3 foot clear space around the fire hydrant as required per Springfield Fire Code Section 508.5.5, 8. All future uses must,be permitted in the HI zone. 9. All proposed landscaping shall be installed prior to Final Occupancy. 10. The property owner is responsible for informing future tenants that the site is in a Drinking Water Protection District, that there are restrictions on the use and storage of materials that are hazardous to groundwater, and the tenant may have to file a DWP Overlay District application and must get information from the city regarding the proposed use of hazardous materials. The applicant , shall record information related to the DWP Overlay District requirements in a lease agreement for future lessees. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the, applicant shall submit a draft lease agreement with language compliant with Article 17 of the SDC. Lease agreements. shall require proof of DWP approval or a written exemption from the standards issued by the City of Springfield in accordance with Article 17 ,of the SDC. 11. Prior, to occupancy of each individual lease space, tenants shall submit a hazardous materials inventory statement to the. Springfield Utility Board Water Quality Protection Coordinator and to the City of Springfield Deveiopment Services Department to determine whether or not a Drinking Water Protection Application will be required. SDC 17.050 requires a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District development application be submitted to the City when the storage, use and/or production of materials hazardous to groundwater are affected. 12. No DNAPLs are permitted to be used or stored at this site (SDC 17.070(2)(c). Development Agreement! Planning Case #DRC2007-00003 BFD Investments Industrial Site Plan Page 2 of5 2 1,3. All chemical storage shall be placed'in appropriate 'secondary containment (SDC 17 .070(2)(b). 14. Any rooftop mounted equipment or other fiuid containing equipment iocated outside of the building shall comply with Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual 3.03.4,C, Rooftop equipment that is not fuily self. contained with a connection to the sanitary system shall be provided with secondary containment and weather resistant enclosures to ensure that, in the event of a spill, no fluids will migrate into the site. storm drainage system (EDSPM 3.03.4C). 15. All on-site iandscaping. shall be designed, selected, ,.installed and maintained to ,limit the need, to the maximum extent practicablei'for chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. ' 16. Organics and other'pollutants frorn trash receptacie 'areas may not be dischar}led into the public storm water system and must go to the sanitary sewer. \. 17. All trash receptacles areas on-site shall be paved/concreted and with a drain to an approved sewer system prior ,to Final Occupancy. SDC 31 .160 requires all trash receptacies to be screened on all sides, 18. Prior to Final Occupancy, the applicant shall place Drinking Water Protection signs on the front ofe'very unit. Contact Amy Chinitz from SUB at 744-3745 to inquire about proper sign language and format. All improvements must be constructed/installed as shown on the Final Site Plan and approved public improvement and construction plans pri'or to the finai building 'inspection. ' , I' All conditions of site plan approyal must be met and the use shall remain in compliance with tne conditions of SITE PLAN approval DRC2007'00003. THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT, CITY AND APPLICANT AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. FINAL SITE PLAN. The Applicant has submitted a Final Site Plan in accordance with Section 31.080 of the Springfield Deve,lopment Code. 2. STANDARDS. The Applicant agrees to fulfill all applicable standards specified in the Springfield Development Code and the s'pecific standards listed in the RECITALS prior to the occupancy, unless certain conditions have been deferred to a later date in accordance with Sec,tion 31.11 Oof th~ Springfield Development Code. Development Agreement! Planning Case #DRC2007-00003 BFD Investments Industrial Site Plan Page3 of 5 3 , " 3. COI~DITIONS. The Applicant agrees to fulfill all specific conditions of a'pproval required by the City listed in the RECiTALS prior to occupancy, uniess ,certain conditions have been deferred to a later date in accordance with Section 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. .4. MODIFICATIONS. The Applicant agrees not to modify the approved Final Site Plan without first notifying the City. Modifications to the Final Site Plan shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 31.100 of the Springfield Development Code. 5.,MAINTAINING THE USE. The Applicant agrees tO,the following:' a. The buildings and site shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of Final Decision DRC2007.00003 and the Springfieid ' Development C9de in order to con,tinue use. ' , b. It shall be the continuing obligati.on of the property owner to maintain the planting required by Section.3,1.140 of the Springfield Development Code in an attractive manner free of weeds and other invading ve'getation. c. Undeveloped land within the development area shall be maintained free of trash and stored materials in a mowed and attractive manner. Undeveloped land shall not be used for parking. d. Parking lots shall be maintained by the property owner or tenant in a condition 'free of litter or dust, and deteriorated pavement conditions shall be improved to maintain conformance with these standards. e. The Stormfilter Catchbasin shall be maintained consistent with the maintenance, criteria required by Stormwater Management Inc. 6. In ,addition to all other remedies which may be provided by law. or equity (including but not limited to penalties provided by applicable State Law or City Ordinances), Applicant agrees the City may enforce Applicant's responsibilities by withholding Applicant's Final Occupancy Permit and terminating any Temporary Occupancy Permit which may have been granted. 7. Any Final Site Plan approved becomes null and void if construction does not commence within two years of the date of the agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Applicant and City have executed this Agreement as of the date first herein .above written. , (Signature Sheets Attached) Development Agreement! Planning Case #DRC2007,00003 BFD Investmen'ts Industrial Site Plan Page 4 of 5 4 elk? Date APPLICANT BY:PcZ -~ ," By: 5T'ATE OF OREGON, C~unty of fldiv ~,' I, ,2007, Personally appeared the above named ..wiJJJ.i1..11L_@U./(, , who acknowledged the foregoing' instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: ~-"'=-...,,=----~-'--] . OFFICIAL SEAL I ",. BRENDA JONES , \, ,./ NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON , ", COMMISSION NO, 379218 l_ _,~~~~~~~~~';~~,~~2~2..00~. '~i. ~_oW Notary" Public r Oregon My Commission expires ~,:r;~( 5/:/07 Date CITY By9~~ STATE OF OREGON, County of ;j),{w, ( p D/u//d. /ltIC;;cn/ , who acknowledged the foregoing instrument' to be his/her voluntary act. Before me: luw , 2007. Personally appeared the abo'~e named' . 0-'----~. ~~~b_;_~~I~~-;L-~: Yo " BRENDA JONES ., ~ " ...' NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON i" , ~ COMMISSION NO, 379218 ,', (~~,>",~~'1~~~~~;~:~~~~~~ . Notary publl or Oregon My Commission eXPires~ 'J-7dtJ1 y " Development Agreement! Planning Case #DRC2007-00003 BFD Invesnnents Industrial Site Plan PageS of 5 i