HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 7/3/2007 u ':' :,;.' ''". . ."', ,', ',.., '",', . ., . ,'n' ., . ,'- I'. . ,\, .. r.o '. , ~ .":. I;:~ ; '<" ,;"; .' -'\ ., . . . . "..,<i',:,pRE-SUBMI1;,;'-.u,',,', , .,:c, ': :/'" .>......._.. '. .".: '.:',;,. . . . ;-'i:. DISTRIBUTION LIST: ..;;,," .....: '.,': .-'. .', . - . .~ . . . " . .'" ,.::,"" . . ....,.,.' Date Distributed: ' ". 7;.!r 200 V . . "c -': ",,' < .;'--, ::,'.'/;'DaveP~e~t-:~~i;din;.' ,','" ...'-'. . ,..' '.' V Gilbert GordonIMi!lissa Fechtel-:: Fire ' ,'.. . ,;' .' " . - , " " ( ... . .-' . / GaryMcKenney-~Traffic" ..':' . .... .....,. '.'. .... . V'MattStouder-PublicWorks/Engineering' ',', '/Les Benoy-Public Works/Engineering' ,::. ',' . Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll,Surveying,': .' .. ., Planner.' . ~/;.p,', . I ,. '.' ~ .... ' , " :~ . . ,'- ," ., ,-.- ''',' '. ,,: ", . " , ;1 " . . . , "" " l~! . ,',' . -'." .' , ", '. ," ,"'. .' , , , .. ~; , ,-.- . , . ;. . -::'., . , - '''. " I / City of Springfield' Development Services Department. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726,3689 Fax Pre-Subinittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-00044 Date Submitted: 7/3/2007 Proiect Name: JACKO SUBDIVISION Project Description: Subdivision Tentative - Type II - creation of 12 LDR lots from approx 2 acres Application Type: Subdivision Tentative Job Address: 885 S 42ND ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #:. 1802052108700 , DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Cod!, or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review, Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. ,. A Planner will be assigned the followingbusiness day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time, , J ~laIlJobPrint.rpt 7/3/2007 1 :34:52PM Pre-Submittal ~Vleeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 ) PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, July 10,2007 , 1.. 'PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00044 (SUB TENT) JACKSON/JACKO Assessor's Map: 18-02-05-21 TL 8700 'PLUMBING $336 Existing Use: Residential, Address: 885S 42nd Street . Applicant submitted plans to create a 12-lot SFR subdivision - Jacko's Subdivision Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, July 10,2007 DSD 616 11:00 -noon Planner: Steve Hopkins City or Springflel~ Development Services Department 225 Fiftn Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Application, Type II Subdivision Tentative, Partition Tentative IIII'IL:: ~ , Subdivision Tentative: [X] Partition Tentative: 0 Applicant Name: Company: I Phone: !Fax: . . R. . . ~. I', ,~ . I" .,-; . - I Steve Jackson I Jacko Plumbing Adaress: I 3099 Kentwood Drive Eugene, OR, 9740i _ ~~~::::;~~-~j;:~'::::~:::::.n:~~"~"'~~&'~lP~~:::~~r:~~~~:;;~~~ Company: ' ]Fax: I 485-5624 I Address: P.O, Box 2527 Eugene, OR 97402 520-3221 Property Company: Address: Jackson I Phone: 1Fax: 520-3221 Jacko Plumbing 3099 Kentwood Drive Eugene OR 97401 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 13-02-05-21 , TAX LOT NO(S): 8700 , Property Address: 885 S, 42 Street Size of Proper,ty: 2.0 .Acres [] Square Feet 0 Proposed Name of Subdivision: Jacko's Subdivision ~","....~,~~~:~~~."~&~",,,,..~,,1"<-'w,,,,,,,",,,__~~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,_,.,~_",_"~"""~"'N'",""='_"'""",~-,~,,,_,,,",,,''''''''''''''''''''''',,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,_,,,,<,,,,___,,,,,,,,,,-,,,..~,~--......: Description of Creation of 12 residential lots from approximately 2 acres. Proposal: Existing Use,: fnR . . ,. .1 ~~~~~~,~x"~if~~~~~~:k,.~~.,;~~,~U~~~~,~-~,,,,,,~.~~.~~J ~~~_;'1~~~'~ Zoning: Overlay Cl,istrict: I Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Designation: I Location: City Limits 0 Urban Gro'wth Boundary 0 Associated Applications: ~:~:~~~=~~Pkif)j7~-~'"'-"1Tr;)f->:::::::'T~::'~~7~~;;, ,~~ < ' '. I I :tJ-"---.. Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: . Application Fee: $ ,?;,3IoPO Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $. $ PitS )()O/ -(ji~~,~ Re.,rised 12/412006 Brenda Jones Steps in the Process: 1. The Appliciilnt Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application' The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory, Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee, The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form, You are required to submit 7 copies of the' .submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review, Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon, We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application, 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Sub'mittal meeting, The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshail office, and the Planning Division, The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes,' The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isbalready complete, You will then have 180 da'ys to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City, 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City, A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin, When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/o\;"ner/design team for their review, At the applicarl!: request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued, Ownes Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal ~eeting and subsequent complete application submittal, Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process, An application without the Ownes signature will not be accepted., I The underslg_ned acknowledges th t the InJorm tion In thiS application is correct and accurate For sCh~~e Pr~~mltta e~tl,' _ "- - /. --1 _/" f L:. ~-1// /j'-7' owne'~~:if/h:( yJ'h?!f0 ' Date: 7 ::r-'/'- C/ t' :::;I;,/I,ature / S;i. , - (i// t7!. Prin ' '- M//L4/J /f ) Revised 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City, Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing 'the application is provided herein or the information will' not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted, This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227,178 pertaining to a complete application /- /' OW",,~p;, ,@d;,) 0,,. ":7-//-/3 '7 , I re//. - , \1/ ,~R '- /.4/ L4/J /1 ) Pr~/ / Revised 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones . - J /. 9?/t7~ \t. - --.:..."4- $,~. L_ -\ZG.-,~:i' 1'/.4/', - - r- ::5".6"t-I'S',ao"e I?~ !.~. //'" I-zo;' - 83.04 ~- ----. 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PROI'OSED S10"M.E~UI"ze A' NofEOl EXlS1f<O'nOlll'l s-e~ER.'$lIE AS NOI.lll .RC)f'OSE:O S1\NllAAY.'EW~R MANHillE E""TtlG'ANlTAA'SI""ERIINIIOlE EXlSlNGSANlT.....SEwERmI:EAstJOTEOl I'~OfOlEO S~NlTARY SEWER ($lzE AI NOTEOI EXIST"" lO~lER K.'JN(SJU M HaTED! PROI'OSEO ~^lE. ........ ISI/E AS hOTEOl OT>lER ~1L1T..5 'O'u &. JOrt/T IlENCIl "ITH THO ~Al.. I",,",NE. cuv. HEC G^il ElUlh.Q "^T....11E1E~ ~.OPOSEO wAn,R ""IER P"OPOlEO F"E HY!>IlMJl Exlnm F"E HYO~^NI ExIS1>'<uWME.VAl.IIE '" .' ._____C'AN_______ _SN<_ ------;--EXIO- -6'w- . . . -0"- EIUSTliGaVERHE^OUI.,nlf<E o.oM<^oEOLllEClIllH 6."000,EI<CE ..C.........._H~ ~.~.~;~..~ EXISTtlGCaNC.lIDEW^l' ..:;:I PROl'CSEO'.""'" CONl;. $IOl;"AU "~ " n~1 Poo.oos.onRE.eTlIGHT. FOl"'lo,^nw TOeECO<lllLlll'l^"O.WHl1clr.. E)US1O<GS1R.ET.IIlHT fWlICU'UHMSEMEI<I EIUSI..a 10B.RB'ICVEO EXIST"C raWE/l POLE . ~ @ EXlSn'o GUl WillE EXIlI..GHREiT,lGH OECIDUOUS I~Ee ISl~E J,. sroClES ^' 1i01EPl CONIFEAOUS nee liOZEJ,.Sl'ECiESA' NOI.CI . PAG!! I OF.1 / ( SITE VICINITY, STORMW A TER SITE ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR JACKSON 4~ " STEVE SW 1/4 SEe 5, T 1_8 S, R 2 W W.M. MAP No. 18-02-05-21 TAX LOT 8700 SPRINGPIELD, LANE COUNTY. ORBGON JULY 2007 I>- l!! ,1 , "CO :,~! _ 1"1 l1il ~ 'I')jl I'" I~) ~"'''"." i-'I-! ., -II' lIlillSO"t.oKfOfE [lSIl..&a~x" 'f"!'"1 ~ IQr.""h,l!. P/P~::S1UUl; ~:;:.~~~1~ -If r (RIll;'~T -:<; - I-" I f r ~:_~' ji :::, WI' ~' ~'f.;:I "1 "I ' 'I 1.1."' I-< I i I ~.60. <;F "( ~ 'I, Ij;,I\,'" i ... Nor I ") 1,','111 --, ~.1{," \'" '~~, t:;.,_,~,',I' - , . ... '~^ "'% :/ / ~l ~, I', , , /:%;;' ,) ! 1'\ ';"" hJ- ~'~~8.SAN - '; '-'\, o.(J _ .---_. -,'~ ~ll \Ij//~'.a 14'fL1WJHlli I - L6i . - _~"~ ~'b' . gr.'i~:,'~':-\"", U I ' _:.~~, -.~""'>, r'c I __' [,.ii~:" ;~t:i\ 1! ~ 11,\~~;to::~;~~-.;c~' -:Cc--- D.~ I",' .' ~": II i III ":~w" -- 1:1[3" I"" ~,I ,I, un> ,Ruu, '1"'1 24" ,,-.WOOT-411l.00- '; 24" FL. N.~8iOO SCAl.E,r;'o' 25,3-'-. t--- "SHe Aue.,smenl Notu: CO~TO\lll' ME "'ED ON THE Cfn of 8I'~1f<OF""-D IEtK:Hr"'~1 OESc~<iEO M A CHI'lEO .QUMEl" THE IOV1HEA5T CORNER OF Tl'E ClJRl 1NlE' lOCATED A' 11'" "onf'!"" CO~",R OF IHE <1"D ".EE'",' vE'MOM 'HER'ECtlON tElEy '!~10' THE Elll'.E '"o~RTY tl ~'THfl loNE 'x' OF TI<Ii FEHA FLOOD 'lA", M~NIl^"Y HAF CO""","" "NEl "....OlOCHOII o.-rEDJJNE ..f.9V, 1I<I:ItENiE""^,"C~'lWITFUI""'",,'^,ElIQUAl"Tl"TE.'''E'lC0\Rl'lU .""""..........."" ""',,""1""""'.';<'_n ThEPE'IGNAlED~!Uf<'EAll""O'ECT'CN,,^Pf<GICIIT.'1He:>UIlJE'CT p'Q,,~n "lac"Ti'~ ~I~ AN MfA 01' cOWCENllIAnl" HAV", ., yEAO T"'EOF "A"l Cl^,S"","OC'" . ^' ,FECJ'\nO IN 'HE 'IOU M"E' 01' lANE [OlNTr' 1~ "rE [OI<mn ~F M^L'BON-UIlIA~ l^'Cl COIIPlH .c..,. ,,., LH' "",,",-y =0 fOR lJRMN oE\'ElO~''''NT 'S ~"ll ^' 'A,KS ^"" OPEN $l'A,," I",.ff" .........,,1 ....CM ....lWO'".EllW'rn'""DfvELOPt1l'"r.CONCITlOf/S LOT II 51829'" LOT a 5<.J~ 'Y lOT] 5101g" IUSlli5YR1I1 fLM'4!SO- fllH15J Grldlng, Plvlng Ind Slollnwlter MlnlJl:emenl Nolea rHf.HtS'INOSlIu"r""E>MUliPHYlOU"'JllFACEo<<rH,,"o,,or, CURRE"TLY "~cUl^ru TNTO T.., B~"""" "" .IIE 'UOLlC 1l0R~ O~^,~AGE ul.E oOlECTEO To 'HI' sou,HE,,' COR""R OF TtiC p~OPE.rr '"'0 rnO'OSEO (lit. "LETS A"O II""HOlE. THE" VI^ ~~u~~".'::i :rRm~~;~C o\~,~~..;~it',;'~ ~~~l'fE '~8~~0~V€OM ~W,,- TNE CITY O~ Ifll<OFlElD E"OTN.E~>NO O<P'JHME<<T 1l\,J"INO IHl' PUBLlC ~"'ROVEMEN' '~OCEn '''''' SCIJrH <2.~ STOEH.I'^' .EC""lElY IEEN tt1I'OOYeO PER clCr ,I,'NOMD. AhO ^,'~OIlP'^ TE nORM"Al" T'F'IHE,n H^HNOLE' WERE '~',^lLEO wtl" CON'OOEMlIO"FO'I"S'MPO'lEOUNOUlEA"llCATlO" fOO'OSW""'E"iIOOS'~ACEARe:"AIEi^,ED"HNlAPP.O""'AHHO""E ~O~iP:~'.~'t' '~~~N'i!'~1~P,~~W ~fl o~.2O'"Ri~o,~~. :';:l~o~io~, ^g~n;1~ ~'I.u A 2S.T. ~llE I'1I'EO"O\)$ IMVEl 5URFhtE .rTIIl" rHE hcCE'1 ^"'" EMUOE"c' ....Cl.'lJR"_A_.(>\JttI;l."'MFHT .'nO. "c'o"O lO' "...,. '0 ~ '0 RUOlOFF.MH'UTUR" ","uc""'E$ ""-L !E 10 wEE' fIOlU 1N TH"CUR. THE" FLOW ..ro rilE HU O"Tl~' rc NEOW cLlllI MeT! Ar HIE NORTH~E" ANfl 'cvrH~E'T 'GltMERI OF PIOPOlED"U,lK "...1 IME" '0 THE EX"H"O STORllC"FTO" MAN><Cte IH sou,,, ".dHREE1. ,""O'''ATRY 1.190 CtJ.rC ',,"D' of ~"O"'EEREO FI..L W'l-l iE .EO","EO fl rHE .o~r".E'IT 'O"lOt< of.l.....OPEOTV AND WIll fE AODllE'l'EO DIJ'''*G ,,,,,.UOl1C O1,.ov"""M"lA"A"'O",L"oCE"L wo ~ETlAIIt>' E"IT ON '''' 'RO,..n, ,rl ,.....o'"'cr'IICHEOlllEOFORCON...Llcrro....O""""^', 'U;lIC .f'lc'E"""" ARE 'I;HEOULEO ,,'"- TflE 1001 CO""~UCTlOl1 "MO"A"OWIll.IEF''''HCEO.yrt'E,OEVElO'EO - ~' , THE "1E" ",..ER.Ll1 F..AT ~trH r.., EXCEfl"" OF THE 10UTH~E'T cO..... WHlCH'1U.IE FLlED""KE"GIOlEEREDFu A' ^ 'E",,"E''''"I oF "E'LlI....C ""O'_"'''O'F'' l,E",A"Ar~A""mEGltAOOKI'S N(;SCESIARYF"~ lHSLA.-,use.......fCATfOO ,pnln...&~.^-u..: OVEIALl.rTEA"EA"5.000 10, OT EXJSTlNllt1PE.VlOVl.I.mFAI;E.r.t""o.rt. , 'Ro,oSED oTl'E'.'OU' $UIlFAC" . 2~,'; So Fl f'O'O"DPE"mU''''I''''C~' ".113'0 n rOAGE ENGINE_E!l-JNG &: SURVEYING, INC. OMS=IV APPI.JCANT $lEVE,"',"." lo;. .~"T.OOO O'lYE EuGEME. o,EoOt< .7~or PIIONE,S20-11<l IEJ<PIRU 12-:\1-20081 "..~", ottE"".." 100. P.O..O...'...IIGINI,O..CON......r..'I....<l81 10. N.. lOll. PWO..UlOnlol, OWN. JY, CON; DA", '.11 \.. ~ ~ Vie/NIT Y M/f,P NO SC.....l 1.1U;:RNn .----.-:51".-.---- . . " .) 0-<> :v 'RO'OIEDIIIGHI0FW,Y E."'IP<GSTO''''EWERI1rlEAl NorEOI ~O'OIEO",",,"""'-ET E.I5T"'''C....BMET PRlIl'OSEOS10RMMA"H(IlE e..lOrIHGS10Rl1HA><<O\.E E"STI<GSrO!U1SEPTORH"""Ol,E "\ _S1H_'P"OfOIEOSTORHSE~e:R'S11E^,NorEOI :~, EX'SlIlG S~o.I1M1 SEWE~ MANH<lle nnn.$AN......_ ExlOll>>G'SAtlTAAV'&:'.ERII'lE AS NOIEOl _EXW_Exls,,,,,,nTERIIAflISIZEOASNOrEN .. EX151llG TlA1ER METE' !Ii EXIST"" FilE H1OR~NT E""II<GTlATE'VALYE _OH_ExI5T"'''O'''''RHO'OLlTLITYllNE _ ORANA(ll;OOlECnON E."rNG B'WOOO FENCE ExI,lfl""CIIMlL"",FENtE ~.! ~ @ " ~ c~ EXLsr",o cONe. .fOE"Al~ EXISTIHO.TREETl'GH' Ex EXlS11I-'G )(_ E",S'I<<1 PO"ER POlE ExISlflGGUYWIRE E",STNO SIREET SIGN DECIlUOUSTREE ISlZE &sPECES AS NOTEOl COtiFEROUS TREE.~ ISlZES5PECESM,IQTeo, A'PRC'O'KA1ELYIJOOSO.Fl,OFWERVICM: IUllFACE FROM FlJT....E PER"l1ED e~lI.trn" S DRWEW,~Y IFOO EST"'A TION FUIl.OSES Of.l. 11 PROf'OSEOt'l'ERVtoIriSUIlF^CE 1,".VElSuR.ACES511EWAUll. /