HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/3/2007 ,. L City of Springfiel~ Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~-f~ ,jll 1lIi:- Land Division Application, Type II Subdivision Tentative, Partition Tentative \. . Subdivision Tentative: [K] Partition Tentative: D I I" -. '. . . - Applicant Name: Steve Jackson Company: Jacko Plumbing Ad"dress: .' 3099 Kentwood Drive IPhone: I IFax: I OR 97401 ApplicanS Rep.: Engineering Company: Address: .0. Box 2527 Eugene, OR 97402 IFax: 485-562'i. Property Owner: Steve Jackson Company: Jacko Plumbing Address: 3099 Kentwood Drive Eugene, OR 97401 1 !Fax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-02-05-21 TAX LOT NOeS): 8700 Property Address: 885 S. 42 Street Size of Property: 2.0 Acres 10 Square Feet D Proposed Name of Subdivision: Jacko's Subdivision ~~~ ~., .,"=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1~=~~u, '"."'~"~~~.~...~ .tM!\.;::::;;:;;~~_"""""""~"",..~=;.,.~."",..._._"~"".._..,~,~""~.z.;;""*",~",,,,,,,,,,,,,~_w=_~='''''''_,_ Description of Proposal: Existing Use: T.m . !. o.~.,,~;~"~~;!.~,~."00U"f","f",~~L~.~~~~;~;L~~~~d.;.~~rr..~~~~~~0~~'0.f~,,~~,:~j ~i.;~~'~~~ " Applicable Refinement Plan: Pla'n Desibnation: I . Location: City Limits D Urban Growth Boundary D Associated Applications: . ~~7(ZiW~~7~=.~<. Application Fee: $ .~.3ItYOO Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ I Creation of 12 residential lots f.rom approximately 2 acres. P 1L5 ){)07 -t!JCi4,s Revised l2/4/2006Brenda Jones " .. , ,~ Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package, must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form, You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. ^. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshafj office, and the Planning Division, The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it ist! already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submitta,l and acceptai'!ce by the City. 1 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued. Ownes Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Ownes signature will not be accepted. , Date: '- &yL4rY A ) , Revised J 1/20/2006 Brenda Jones I~ . 'J , ~ I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre~Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227,178 pertaining to a complete ~:~i:~;;-C/~ ~.). Date: ~-//-LJ 7' '~~e '- M./Z4&/l ) Revised 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones - (" (J I r;/ '-----..:; ::.-::::. .~ 1 ~ .. I 6000 I ~, I m' I 'I -, I u...-I ~ ~II 6100 ) I ~ I. 11.94 AC. .~ II~ 1- ;....-.........-... _ "'00'" I,,' ~I , S ~I ~~ --'-" 4r-3...z"" -I' I . ------- I .1--j-{Gl011 I. ~I' I I. I I - - - - F\:"-I /u.,,' .."1 I 6600. I: I I' I 11 ",.u' 11 I 6402 ,,6500 I I .1 ; I L ~ I ~ ~ I ,I, ~ I 180.0' ~ ~ k. :', J N8'l.2r.... ." ~ ,... . F 6400 ~" I~I ; I go. .0.49 AC. :! I' 'm '.1 g\ .... ....'...... ~.,S ~.. : ~.- -I I I _ 0: "!.:~' ...~... :!i; ;:t ~:. I f _' '~,,-v ~:l~: l-;~J, I I I j::j r!;; ,~, -J _ ~6~ ~~~~ ~ ___~~:~____:.-=--: I Lu' i5r I .';::~ ~io gl Ir?-/t"L ~ ~:JASflER ROAD~' m. COU N TrY . _ I ;~_'m9~iiPOpDi:LG:__ ~ _ ~:~ = _ _ ~~~. _~ _Il""~ _-4J__L __ _.J~ ;,,/' ~l;, .d _~. ., JO'- _ :'<"",;':; ""'d~r'".,~/I'~ /,;'t:?P/f'l#.<J /,LA" "--- .... 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Description PRE2007-00044 CTY Subdivision Tentative Pin Payments: Type of Payment Check Check Job/Journal Number PRE2007 -00044 Payments: Type of Payment Check Check cReceintl Paid By JACKO PLUMBING POAGE ENGINEERING qty of Springfield Official Receipt " _ )evelopment ServiCes Department . Public Works Department Date: 07/03/2007 Item Total: .C Check Number Authorization Batch Number 11 Number How Received , Received By emm emm Description CTY Subdivision Tentative PIn Paid By JACKO.PLUMBING POAGE ENGINEERING 3806 7606 Check Number Batch Number Re~eived ~y emm emm Page I of I 3806 7606 In Person In Person Payment Total: Item Total: Authorization "Number How Received In Person In Person Payment Total: I :36:54PM Amount Due 336,0.0 $336.00 Amount Paid $325.00 $11.00 $336.00 Amount Due 336,00 $336.00 Amount Paid $325,00 $11.00 $336.00 7/3/2007 POA GE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING. INC. PH 541/485-4505 FAX 541/485-5624 WWW.POAGENET P,O. BOX 2527 EUGENE, OR 97402,0152 990 OBIE ST. TRANSMITTAL LETTER DATE July 3,2007 TO City of Springfield ATTN Planning Department RE Jacko Subdivision Tentative Partition Plat JOB NO 3820 SENT BY Chris Nash We are sending you the following: COPIES DESCRIPTION 7 Tentative Partition Plat and Narrative 1 Land division application, Type II and check in the amount of$325.00 4 Stormwater Management Plan, Narrative and Scoping Sheet 1 Checkil1 the amount of$11.00 1 Title Report and Deed 1 8 Yz X 11 Stormwater Management plan . 1 8 Yz X 11 Tentative partition Plat SW 1/4 SHe 5, T 18 S, R 2 W W.M. MAP No, 18-02-05-21 TAX LOT 8700 SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OR~GON JULY 2007 ( .~....,...".. ~- SITE VICINITY, STORM WATER .. SCALE: 1'.40' ~ I:,) 5~CO tl 1'1 /i~\,;, I't}jl _ffi(li~\j,t~ n:~: 'I ~I--'I;I;; S/M',\)(lS1D.CbG , . b.'- ""'-- ,..'j ,eie .,,,,, DSltI:6a:rrw"-~._ I" ',1. Ti3i', =520~=, 'K".-ti .JI !~' lOT 9 lOT a ~:"'.i.'~ j/~ . ,~. '. 5282 SF Sl~~ SF EX. .:,:. I ~ ~ "'.' 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A.u..m..nl Notu: CO"'OU~$ ME ""eo ON THE ern OF SPR:NDFlElD ~ENCf<t1l>R' OE'CRt9El> ^, ^ CHISlEO SOU^RE IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF I"ECURB ",lETlOCATEO.M lllli"onfIE,"' CQm<E~ OF mE 4~~ S'REEl,HT 'E'NON INTE'SEc"""'ElEV ~!!.191 THE E"I"'E ~~oPERTY IS "THIN lONE' 'X- OF THE FEH^ "lOOO fLMIl 8~UND^.Y M^P CO"""",,,Y "mEL' No.<lolgc'~l. DAlEO J\lHE 1. ,~oo J..TtItJEMt"""^TEllC"'""""1Ill'r<TF""O""E."1RO'JllIJfYU"'''''''J!Il<""",,,' '""ERC""""',"Ol",tWm"C'O,""EMJEor""""IY, 4_ Tl<EOf:SlG'I^TEOWELLHEAOP'WTEClIOH,,^PINO"'^TE'.lHEWBJECT rRO'E'TI"'lOC."EOW,~^,,^~O"C(>IfCE"TRMiONHA"""lAS Y~"TI+I'"","^VFLa.^,~^"ON As "ECF!<;EO .. HE '!OIlS M"EY <)1'. lME cQl,.OIJV' n'E SITE cON'~T5 of H^"MoN-U~9^N lMJO CO'1P~EX so.... I>A. tNlT os """"-1 USED FOllIJllE'^N OEvELOPl1l<NT^,"El.l.A'fAP!<S.oJ<OOPENSPACEBET"otN"I.IIIml1''''''''" IIU WORK oEll "'llt'oSTDEI'I'LOP/'IENT CONOrTlO-. =---+- -. lOT] S202'iF TI<E Ext~'I~O aT>UCT\rn'a ~NO OI'SAVIOU, sURF^CS ON 'HE 'OO'ER'Y CU.RENTlY"RC'-".^IE'''IO'THEORO,",OON IHE 'UOlIC ITO~" O"^'N^oE ,'L.L ~E DIRECH,o TO 'HE '"UTHE^", COR~~ Of' rHE P~rY 111>0 rnN=O C<~~ ,",ETS M<O."M'"OI.E, THEN "^ ON Ex"T",,!) ,,- no"" '''E TO THE EXIS,"'!) pU~IIC STORM "STEM WItH1H 'OUT" ~~.. I'REET_ FI"^1. OR^'"~Oe OS"!)" WIll BE COORDINI.TEO ollH 'fit CITY 0' ~'RtNO!'IEl.O ENOINEER''''' O,"ARTHE"' DU~<NO'THe .tJIlllC INP~OVEH!;~T "ROCE" " ~~T~p~i;~.lJW;r,~~ME,'iffiHmX I~im '~~~~U;\~~'i!T,~~~~t.t%R~1'H ~0""OER~T10N FOO IHIS r~o'O'ED '"NO UIE ^PPL.IC~T10N ( ~. 'RO'O'EO I1P""'OUI 'URF^ce ME^! ^RE !^!EO 010 ^" ^"ROXIHME HOU'S .OOTP"'~! ^HO COHCRE'E D~liE.^, O' IJOO 10. FJ. 'E~'LOJ. ... ^OOITlON '0 ^ II FL O:OE P^'/TNO 'ECTlON "I1",H lHE 'RO'OSEO 'uuuc ~IGHT OF ~^' ^~ ^ l' FI, ~I()!; I1PE!vrOl.lS IMVEL 5lJI!F~CE wn~ TfI~ ^CCE'~ ^,.'O E~E'GEHCY '<l'f!1ClE ",'H"^.ROUNO "ME""H' '''''N PRo'OsEO '0' I, .. 9. ~ 10 g 10. ~\JNOFF FRO~ fUll"" lI'UClUPEs WlL'_ RE TO ~EE' fItl, f" IN THE CU~U tHEN FLOW ..10 THE: "n OIHleR 10 """ CtJRn INLETS ^l If'S N~RTN~E~' ~"" 'Oll'IlREII CORNERS OF r~O'OlEO 'UillC ""EEl THEN T~ 1>IE ~X""N~ .IOOHCE'IOO MNHOlE IN ,oum '~"d 'IOEE,. ^".ROXtW,TF.lY ''"0 cUBre Y^,O! of E""INcERED FIJ.. ~I1.L I" ,HomED IN TH, loUIH~E!' PO~HOIl OF 1'" '~OPEOn ^NIl "lL 8E ,"OREllEo OORINO T~ 'UB~IC """O"EHENl PL^H ^"~ov>L '.O(E~i I~, NO "~lL^"O' U'" ON rHO 'RoPE"~. IJ rUls fflIJfl'C11J RCHl'OlJ!-~ Fo~ e"~!ml!ClION" ONe "'!AlE. 'URue Nl'RoVEH<~lS ',RE SCf<FOULEO ~oR TI'E 200' CO~"RUCTlON ,~^'"" ^"00,:"'-' Q~ FIN,^NCEO By 'HlO O~VElO'E. Grading, PlIvlng ulli Slormwller Mlnlllemen! Noles t l '>fS N'f'I.ICAIION rpo.o~" lWo.!mO FOOIMlJ'lrs or ~ l'I.~'"o exr:^V^T101lFM aU~l)IfG ""'ltT RECIIJIII""ENT O~ ,HE Illlt!<:'U'lE ~EOlllREO I,"OVB'e!'PROCESS.EXC^ UIlJl.OMENOINEEREOFI.' .....l."'''''I^~E..OOT 1. tHE SITE" OENER'll.l' PL~1 ""N 'HE ,XCF,fTlOO Of lliE ,ou'''''ESf CORHEft ~ffCH RIll SO PUED WITH .HGINES"EO FU ^' ^ 'EO..-reI1EH' OP THE p'ia," !,",ROVEI'a<r,"oCEss J. F.XC,"^"ON ^"" SITE o"M.~O" NE,r;e"^"y rOR TnS V"IO "'" ^m.ICMtW Oralna.", Au..: OVER^llIllEMEA'IMoosa.Fr. E<I' 111<0 ,"'E~\'10U' SUPoF^CE,' ,.." '0. Fl. . ",orOSED""'ERiIO"""URF'CE' 2"eUiO.n, P~oroSEO PER"'OVS 'VI'rACE. ,",1>J iO_ n. nWNF:RJAPPIICANT rOACE BNCINf!ERINC & SURVIIYING, INC. "HEJ^""O" .M~ <fNn-OOO OlllYE EUOENE, O"EOO" ",~al rHONE,Slo..nl ,"'~'" OF.CI'HIlE' ", 100. f.O, BOX 2511" "UG!N!. OUGON '''U .1''')UI.''.8 101 No. "20, DWG. "'O!!)I. OWN. BY, CDN. Dill!' I.IT ~ I, \ ~~ ' ^ , . y VlelNIT Y MA.P NO'SCo'Ilf .!Ji9"Nn _._____ PIIOPO'EO IlIGHT O~ ~^y ._nn'5TH__n_n EXl$Tt4G 9TO~H SEWER ISllE M HOTEOI ti ""OPOSEO ClJRB Im.~l [l EXlaTlHOClJRBtNLEI C ""OPOSED STGR" M^NHOlE ~l> EXISTING SIORMMNHOlE O-~ ExISTING S'O~HSE"OR l'W/I'OLE -STH-f"orOiED510RHSEWERIS'ZEASNOTEO! C~. El(l'STI~G'M"TMY ~EW.1l H^NHOL~ ._._n.S^H_n____ H!STING SANlT;J1V SEWER l'IZE .~S NOIEO! -----:-EXTI_ E>(1alINOTl"TEIl~~IHISllE^,~OIEDI EXlSTINO"^TElltTETER ~ eXISTING P"E HYOR^"f EXr1lHIG ~^TE~ V^LVE _OH~EX'!TINOOVERHlOADUTa.nYlNE _ OIlMI^CE'0IftEC1ION EXISTING ~. WOOD ~E~CE ~XI!TING ~. C~~IH lto< FENCl' r:;:::c,,,~=::.:~ EXISTJlO CONC. lM:lE"^lK EXISTINO ST~EETlIGHI EX E~IS"JG <J(~ EXISTING rOWE~ POLE ~ o , EXISTING GlIYWlIIE E><1S'INO !T~EH S,"H DEOOUOUSIREE ISllE.&SPECIfSASNO'EOl CONl_EIlOlJSIREE ISllE; & S'ECIES M N01E~) ArpROXGHATEL.Y IJOO 'G, FT, O~ I1'EIlV10US 5URFACE FAGH FlIIL'IlE rERf1lTTED B\lllOll..:O & DRrvE~~Y IFoo ESTIMMKm PURPOSES QHLVl ~ I'IlOr05EO WSlVlO\lS SUIlF~,C" IIR^,E~ SURFACE ~ SllfW^LKI / I ,I 11.1 III II:i IVOOffinIH1!lWl1 " '" gj I ."''''.. :',~,..'...,'..". "'::...L:.;~,::...,., TENTATIVE PLAN FOR STEVE JACKSON SW 1/4 SE~ 5, T 16 S, R 2 W W M. MAP No. 18-02-05-21 TAX LOT 8700 SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON rULY 2007 .~ 11: L F<iRSYrW: MT.V8lNOI< --"'= oN ~'rHST >_ l ~_m '\ SCAIE,r'10 car n" 66:'." 18 < 22~' ~ .....,,,-l2"L.IIIIN I!jl ~ ~ A V . J5'I-FRAI "{fiTIa CONTO"'" ARE '^SE~ ON ,>00 .,ly O~ ,""IN<3I-'oCO icNCH/1AR< OEICR;SEP ^S" CHlSlEO SOUA~~ III THe $OUTHEMT CC'NI'~ QF Tf;l; CU~B INcH COCMED ^1 I~< NORTllE^lT COR"~R of lH( "ND ST.EET/~T V<~NON '"T".'''CTIOh IELEV <01.1;' 1. n"'I'OOTRO Pl^" DE&,GNATlO"FO' THE ^"HMD HuPRoPERTY SPECIFIC"'Y 'S lO~ ILOw Ol:"!JTy ~nIOErNT""u ._CcPT 'OR1H!; 'RH No,r" OF jA.OE..OAP^"OWoST of.our,, ".dSTREEoT WI<Cft H^, .EE~ D~"~N^TED ^' OONNlRcl^L THE ~x"T"'" "OU~E (0" 'RO'O'~~ LOrl H .. .., ^"O 01"". ExrsnN~ 'lRuCTURES ^~< TO 8E REMOVEO, 'LL E~'STiIlG FENCES 'ROUI<D'WE eERI/1ETfROF TMEPROPERlY,^"E TO "EtI,.. '.....0.. '~OM E,CO< 'l",>CTu~e n.. 8E 10 wH~ hO',E' .. THE CU.a ;\:5N ,~L~~,,~.~E~O~~m"O~Op."Jp~s~~R~u~t~T~T~1E\H~H~R\~W~M l'X"TlNG lTORHCEnOR H,""",E IN ,ouTH <I.. "~EET ~ l: T~E ENT~E PRO~RIY is -~,i':';N' lONE'-X' OF iH", FE~^. FUO'; "'-^"' ~OUNOM',"^P COM".,"", p^~'El N.A'OJ"C'~'F O^TED Ju... I, I;;; .- CU"""OE ."EW^L.' "U ." PL^ceD'ON Oon. S'OE~ Of ~W"C SlREET. .' CUIle~ICE,5IDE~^L~ C^N eE rc,CEO ON Bom 'llEO of p!lJv^TE 110EEl lEL..HON._ Tv, ~Me~, .lECIR,C ,NIl GA' UE~I(It< 'NO 1N",,"l/lllO" ~'ll 8E W/CIEMIW<JI;O ^IIC COQ!lI>JlJMED W'T~ THE 'EIPON""L'" ^GENCIlO. I. SlIll>CT !Re.~ '"0 l!G~'r~ 10 e. ,N"'clEO P.R "'IV "N<O,ROS o Pu,uc.IO""O'^,N'C<WJlL'E To 1,..,ouTMe,ST COftNER 01' HIE PROPERlY. FIN'l tR^'N'GE oes,aN WlL~' BE COO~D.-N^'fO 'flT~ THE car OF srR..GfllilO ."GIHE.~;NG DEP^,IMENl III "OWEIl^"D'.X'HO"Tlil',"OPER" , 'OU1~ '2., STREEl ^M' "CEN"C' <lI'i'N W"O'i'D fER c,n S1^ND^Ro. 'N~ ^PPRORP!,T" VTll'n $TU.' wERE '"$HLLE~ "'IT" COW~,".~^TlaN FOR n~$ PRoroS~D PUIlUC ^ND P~'V^'E' ""0 US. 'ffl>C" TlOll TH. El<'ITlHG T",I ON 'ME ~UllJEC. POOPERTY ^RE 'OO"'''~O ON H,,. li'NT^,"~ Pl'W ^" To THl; ,CT,o" 10 ~~ TMEN "'''H TNIS IN<O USE .lPPUC,T10N.M'CN^~OCI.UBE^O"Oi'''i'D'''THFU!llRE",.lIlDING PERMln I' nO$ fRO"~CT "'CHIOOlJLi'D FoR COI<$TRUCT'ON" 0... PlI^'E ,~. PlJIllIC ItIPROi.MEIHI M" ICH.OUlI'D FOO THe 2001 CONSTRUClIO"--==- '."",",'"0 Will "E FIN^"cEOBr,rt<< DEvflOeER. 'I ""RO""'''HLr (~90 CUB'C ""0' OF EN""'E.ER~o FLL WIll BE o.Eo....EO III T~. IOUTHW~st,PORTI<lIl OF THIS PAOpeU' "wo ~H BE ^OOR~UEO DUR'NG 1HE ~UQllC I/"i'~O~Et\E~. Pc'N ^,P'O~'l .ROC~'S . ldj-"'" ,_.. n".." \ . ~J^', ~ " -I'~;:z;j------' , ,""'""'fi ~ 28' PUBLIC STREET ......~ 0''':'''.''''':11. 20"'" POAGE BNGINBBRING " SURVEYING, INC-,- '_0. lOX 2111 -,QUeENS, OlBeON 11102 ' (JjI)'II~.UOI 101 No. UU. OWO. "", TJW~, n. CON, IIAU, ,.., jlWJf"IUAPPIIC:ANT srevEJA,"SON )000 '.'''~OOD D"'v. EuGEtoIO_OK.OONg1401 PtlONE,.20-0l1' lEGEND _nn_.SI'M______. . . " ., (H) -SIM- .____nSTM_nnn '" '. .~_-.~.S/lN-_____- _S^N_ -EXW- -o.w- '-----'--'----'OH-'-'--=---- - :::::.,~~,;--::=I ~UE '.. m.JlI ~ -~j ~ VICINITY MAP NO S C 1\ ~ ( paOPOSED aLD,IT OF'''' EXLI.I<G STDRM SE~~a '~Zl' "s NOTEDl PROfOSEOClIIlSRET ~l<15TING ClIIlBI<I,H ~RQPOSEO STORM M^"fIOiE EKlSllNG SlO~i'l tI^N~OlE HISTtlGSTORtlCEPTOKtlANf<Oif P~OPOSE,O SIORH S~~ER L"ZE ^S N01EDI HISli'<O sr~R.'I SE~E~ I5IZE A' NOTED' PROP~SED S/\NITNl' SEWER I'lMI-lOLE eKISTl'<oSNU^RYSEW[RM".,OlE EKlST~G 5Nn^R~ SUER lSlZE AS NOTEOI paOPOSEDS^,<lTMfSE.U'StZEAS "OTEDJ . . . . EKlSTtlG WATI:RtI/lJNISlZE AS NOTEDI P~ll/'OSED WMER MM'lL5'ZE ^SIiQIEOI OlHER Ul,lIfiES WILL IlE ;~Nl T~ENCH "ITHTHEII^lfR"PHO"€,CAT",EIEC.O'SI EXt5UHl W~TERI'IETE~ PROi'OSeoW^TERtlEIER P~OPOS,D FIRE HYOll~NT EX15TJIOFII1.HVORAHT EXlSTffi WATER V/ll.,"~ ex..TWG O~BIIE"O UT'lITY L~E OR;.lNM;!;OIRECnO" ~' WOODHNCE .'CHAINU"" FENCE EXlSTINGCONC.SIOEWAll< f'DPO~EO S' WIOE CONC, SIOE"^'." , PROPOSEO STREET lI~HT, FWJ.. LOC^1lCN TOaECGoRDIN.IT,OW'IHCITY. ElOSTiIlG STREET llGilT PUIlLICU1LITYEASEtlENI EXISTING TO B. REt10~ED HISTING FOW~R rOLE EKlSTINGG\J1W;/lE EXlOrINGSTREH5LG/1 -, @ ~ DECIDUOUS TREE ISlZE6.SJ'Ect(S^,NOIEOI CON!FEROU:;lRH ISIZEJ..SJ'ECIES^SNOIEDI PAGE 1 0111 / 10 o N o 00 - 0... <( :::z: w w en o . Z ~?:!.~...~T !9.Jl:i POT - ~ I I I I I I 8jOO 3_63 AC. n 8400 /IY.~' . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 18~02'-05-21 TL 8700 fl I I I I"- CO C\J ii " " " " " " r-'\I I~, H ~ .. - " ,_ II -.11 " , . , , , ~: I I I , " I I : ~ l-. ! ~ ~I , I! C;I'\' '~Tl /r\\ _ ,(,,\II [t\\ '1 : It 11\\_....t!II.~.. J.,t jt i \Uj ~,":P \~,)) \\",;1 I , '" -I ,IF-- I : . f 6()~c~~ ~ CO~ "/ I f,(fJ,.,i1%"+t l ~l+.lO 55 POT }~-P .AC tI-. 47.89' ~~~hj;,~JO'40::T/-<" .{.t7'./..r _ ~. ~/~.H- I m.3S' .1 ~-,-; _-= ----,' -I Ur/d;r --r- -'r~~~~--L ~ r.- -1-""'.""" - - ~ - .03101:.. W ~~~IS'''C'''' ,~. .",' 85;~ If": //D' I:; 1 ~ ~.~ u~~~j:~~t;'--' &.J u 0.33 AC. '0 t 0.16 101:.. : " ~ ~, 8600' I ':' 0.18 AC " 6802" ~. rO[NT ~ " vl .11:), " "II ."J.' ill c 0.16 AC. III 0 . ,..._ :::: ., ~ ~ ~ ~ - ,ill ! Ii .' D. 8803 ;:: ....,;.s-. ':) \) '\ I -,.... 0 ~,. I~ 8 ~ . ~ I ~~/"'-",6___" "r ~ ~ g ~ 1- _ tf _6',.. ---- f II'> l ~:Z" 1 .~ ~ - _ _ _ _ --.:. 'P"/D'L . 0 ( ,) - - - - ~~':iO'e-7ii~' r S.6q"'fG~"", ~ -1 -:- - --l "lb 8'.04 s.8'\.~I'\.\'E.: :; Q Cl 85~:G.'~"~'8~ae~.,,;:.:;'L~o 8 8505 ~ :l~~:f:'~ I j::-? 8900-"'" ~q4'.W:, "'7' ~ 0.46 AC. CB5iID ::; ~ 0.~4 AC. . 1.0 oCj- ,.. 0.02 101:.'\. \ - ,OMU. 8/ }C\ ~ ~ d."'m'+l'w _ .!l7..r4' \.. ~ 0 I Q: ~I:.. ~--..:: .!.!!:"J'~""'~=*-=' I 1 .., ~ I~ () - 8501 /7S . -'1 wf- - f ---...,= :,-:- \ ~ r "IP"~ "", "",. 1!1 r ~ I . ~.fu@ 7856'1 """,,'30'[ ;, 00 j U \ I ~ ~ ~ 8510 ,m"" "/ ~ :0.16 101:..~ ~ 0 15 AC. ~\'> I ~ i.: I I ~6~sa.fTg~ 66Uso.F"T l\(@\9JI~ I I ..., ,P.l' P.2 <Ql'''' , ~ _m~, _,'9~ _ /"'Uo.t"'.\S: 11 I .<7T.7".e-' '-' "- .:t ~ ...... ,...."-- ~ro. ("3 (/1'.3' .~ I Jf' .. N "( .. , .l(1' -0 o o 0:: >. +- C ::J o U 453.2-'1 9000 r....J L:::'j - - I" 175'.., ~~~:IC; ...:J:::::=. . ""'- (] I :? I ", v I J ) ~'"'" ....1:;1 ~..:!.~-~'.-. ,,("<0.6'..2.' 43 ~,~~" ~'-' -~, c' D 8700 :i '"I !~ , :fl ~n '=' ~ '. J ,- ,~~J -..Y.e.pc.;,.6'~E~; ',:"', ~. '.A .~SIT':; =;7 iI' '~", ':.-'II r' -,', 4: ff : I \ ~ . I \ : [ll/, /! (II' ii' 11"1 '~;J"'- ~ ~\ Ii.. I II I' , /, \~'---l/ ! 1 _j,J [;:::U L/ -2- ~ .-:!.E /2' .r:~.p./o:Z- ,j 9100 r , ~ . , " '~ :- \ . ,; -0n ":,, ,.." .....r-...:; ,f X c-=- dO' JD' G- C: -- -, 1':", ~, ,--:-, ". w APPRCXIHA TE lll6 TH CORN[R g ITE Ii..i. '4.~ !~ ':'! PRE.SUBMITI~l REC'O JUL . 3 2007 ,;',:; TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR JACKO'S SUBDIVISION Map 18-02-05-21, Tax Lot 8.700 APPLICATION NARRATIVE The property proposed for development is owned by Steve Jackson. The property currently has one single family dwelling on it and three e~isting storage shed,s on site to be removed with the house to remain until future public and private improvements plans are approved by the city. The subject property contains approximately].8 acres and is p~oposed to be divided into 12 lots, all of which will be single-family residential lots. The resulting development density will be 6 lots/acre. The Metro Plan designation and zoning classification for this and all adjacent properties is LDR - Low Density Residential. The proposed residential use and development density are consistent with the existing LDR zoning classification. Proposed improvements will include streets; sidewalks, street lights, hydrants and utilities within the development as shown on the Tentative Plan. The water liI\e will corinect to the site via South 42nd Street and will be extended to the south end of the'property for future connectivity as requested by S.U.B. in a phone conversation on March nnd, 2001. The sanitary sewer line will connect to the site via the 8 inch line in South 42nd Street. Those issues which require a more detailed discussion are addressed as follows: , , Lot Dimensions - All proposed lots J:tleet or exceed the minimum lot size standards as defined in SDC Section] 6.030. Storm Sewer - Storm drainage for the proposed development will be directed to new catch basins at the northwest and southwest curb returns within the proposed right of way. The new catch basins will drain via a new 10" pipe then discharge into a new manhole connected to an existing ] 8" pipe which drains to an existing Stormc!"ptor (storm treatment) manhole in South 42nd Street. The system was sized in accordance with the recently constructed improvements of 42nd Street. . Soil types on the site (according to the SCS Soil Survey) are primarily Malabon Urban Land Complex This unit is mainly for urban development but, is also used for yards, parks and open areas around and between buildings which \hll work well with'post development conditions, . . .' , Streets - This development will be served b). three separate entrances. Two entrances will be private and exClusive to lots 10 and I] from: South 42nd Street and the other entrance will public from South 42nd Street. The public street width will be 28 feet of paving in 40 feet of right-of- way as allowed for streets less than 1200 feet long and carrying less than 1000 vehiCle trips per day. The private street will be 24 feet of impervious for the eII1ergency vehiCle access and turn around. Trees - The subject site contains trees as shown on the Tentative Plan. Current plans are to remove all trees that are located where the public right-of-way..A total of 7 "significant" trees are proposed to be removed as part of this development. All other trees will remain. The trees to remain will be addressed during the public improvement proce~s, so no preservation easement around these trees is proposed, i\.ny new trees to fulfill and meet the City's Code and requirements will be planted behind the newly constructed sidewalk along the proposed right of way as recommended by staff during the public improvement approval process. , . 3820Narr.wpd 10 ]'0 \ \ J ~~, , ,'- .;,:.;'- J}~:t' WARRAlVTY DEED - STATUTORY FORlY! TED A. CRANE and JEANNINE E_ CRANE, Grantor, conveys and "warrants to STEVE JACKSON, Grantee, the following described real property, free of encumbrances ~cept as specifically set forth herein, to wit: SEE EXHIBIT AWH~CH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE Tax Account No (a): 0562957 Map/Tax Lot No(s): 18 02 QS 21 08700 Tbis property is free from encumbrances, EXCEPT: All those items of record, if any, as of the date of this deed, including any ,real property taxes due, but not yet payable. The t=ue consideration for this conveyance is '$2'00,000.00 . BEFORE SIGN;NG OR ACCEP~ING THI~ INSTRUMENT, T~ PERSON TRANSFERRING\FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOBS NOT ALLOW USE OF THE P~OPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND ~SE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNI~G DR ACCEPTING TRIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING"F:!!:E TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITE' THE APP.ROPRIATE CI':"Y OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT' TO VElUIT APPROVED USES, TO r."".l."".tU'~......"" ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN OR~ 30.930 ~ TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY UNDRR ORS 197.352. Dated ~his ~ day of November, 2006. ~/4 i'- TED/". CRANE (::to..nnl~()\1 F C'Ar1...f'r..9..-- J~:cire- E. CRANE STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LANE ) SS. This instrument was acknowledged-before me on No:vember 3 2006 by TED A. CL 'and JEANNINE E. CRANE. fjJ!;wdd AJfJ/lJJ ) fi . {Notary Public for OreQ~ rY m. My commission expires 7' - "7 V _ /, ~ OFRC1ALSE:AL . -. '. BRENOA SORR1C :,' , _i NOTARY PU8UC - OREGON ',.,_,.,'- COMMISSION NO. 364127 MYCOMMJSSlON EXPlRES FEBRUARY2B, 2007 After recording return to: WESTERN TITL~ & ESCROW COMPANY OF LANE couNTY 497 OAKWAY ROAD, SDaTE 340 EUGENE, OR 97401 Until a change' is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the follow~ng address: STEVE JACK;SON 3099 KENTWOOD EUGENE, OR 97401 TITLE NO. ESCROW NO. 50-0382906 50-0382906 Dlvlsign g( Chief Deputy Clerk Lane CQunty Deeds and Records 2~~D.mm 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31.00 ..8S78n2..6..79788002002~ 11/03/2006 02:22:07 PM RPR-OEED Cnt=l Stn=6 CASHIER 07 $10.00$11,00 $10:00 ,~. ~s .,~ k,~: E:XHIBIT "A" Beginning a~ a point in the ~enter of County ~oad No. 287, said point being on the West line of the David Arthur Donation Land Claim No. 47 in Township 17 South, Range :2 West:. af the willametOte Meridian, 1827.1 feet Souch"O" OT' West: of t.he-Northwest carner thereof; fram 'said beginning point run: South 89" 10 I East 437.12 feet to t.he Center of a road running North and South; thence South 0" 03' West aiong che center of said road 300,00 feet; thence Nar~h 890 10' West 437.12 feet to the center of said countv road; then~e Nar~h 00 03' East along the cencer of said road 300.00 feet to" ~he place of beginniAg, in Lane CoUnty, Oregon. E:XCEPTING the East 150.0 feet thereof. EXCEPT that portion conveyed in deed recorded April 7, 2005 Docum~nt No. 2005-024322, "Lane Count.y Records. en 'h_~ "7.: , ',' OWNER'S POLICY uF TrTLE INSURANCE I;sued by Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation POLICY NUMBER ~ Lawyers Title Lawyers Tilie Insuranc'2 CO~Do;at.0,,;:; a mer;'lbe; of the LfN7dAmerka tamp}' of We insura;:ce vilderwr)lers. . A75-Z072338 SU8J::::CT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE'EXCEPTIONS FROM C'OVE~AGE C:::>'NTAINED IN SCH=.DULE BAND TH=. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, LAWYERS 71TLE INSURANCE GORPORATION, a Vir;Jir1la :::;orporaUon, herein calh:;d the COrlpany, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding {he Amount of Insurance sC6~ed in Schedule A, sust<::ined or incurred by t~e insured by reason of: 1. Title ~o the estate or interebt described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated therein; 2. Any defe:;t in 0; lien or encumoran::e on the title; 3. Unmarketabilily or the title; 4. Lack of a right of access t::1 and from the land. The Compan~' will'also pay be cos.ts, a:tomeys' fees arid expenses incurred in defense of the title. as ins'Jred, but only to the extent provided in the Conjitiof!s and Stipulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATJON has caused its corpo."ate name and seal to be hereunto affixec' by its duly authorized officers, the Policy to'beco-me valid when co~ntersjgned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. LAWYERS TITlE INSURANCE CORPORATION Attest: --......'.........."", _-- \~...Ufl44'C: \\\. ;~~~;/~~.~;~l\ ':;;!S.rXI \~~ ~~t u1'iL}~J "~'. 1925 /e;t "'.)~. .....~~ I~ "i' .....-.._....~.. J ~\\\ 1CI1i11D.U..._--- \"""".......,.......... By, ~ /. &6. L4, J... President EXCLUSIClNS FROM COVERAGE. The follovJing matters are expressly excluded trom the GOVefage of this policy and 'the Company will not pay loss Dr damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expem;es which arise by reason of: ' l. fa) Any law, ordnance Of governmental regulation (including but not limited to quilding and zoning laws, ordinan::es, or regulations) resiricfing, regulatbg, prohibiting or relating Ie (i) the oceupan::::y, use, or enjoyment of the land: Oi) the character, dimehsions or location of any improvement no...... ar hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change !n the dimehsi:::ms or area of the land or any parcel af which the land is or vlas a part; or (iv) environrijental protection, or the effect of any violation oaf these i<::lJVS., Q~djnances or governmental regulations, except to ihe extent that a notice "of the enforCeme:11 th~reof ::If a notic€ 0; a defecl, lien, or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged yiolation affecting the ~and has been recorded in the pubiic records at Date of Pol~y. . ! . {b) ..6uly governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, ex~ept to the e:den.t that a notice of the ~xercise thereof :Jr a notice Df a defect, lien or encumbrance resultinfl from a violatiDn or alleged vioJatjor: affedingthe land has. been recoroed In the public recards G' Date of Pc-iicy. . 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records aj Date of poricy. but not excluding fram~coverage a"y taking which has occurred prior to Date of Poli::y which would be binding on the rights of a _ourchaser for value withou:. knowledge. 3. Def~cts, jiens, encumbrances, adve:-se claims or other matters: (a) created, SUffered, assumed Dr agreed to by the insured,claimant: (0) not known Ic the Company. not recorded in ~he public records at Date of Policy. but kno.....n to the insured ::Iaimant anc! flat dis::IDsec in wftting to the Company by the insurec' claimant prior to the date the Insured claimant became an insured under thts policy: (c) resulting ir. no less Dr damage to the [nsured claimant: (d) attaching or created subsequent t(J Date of Policy; OJ (e) resulting in lass or damage whi:h would not have been sustained ff the insured claimant had iJaid va.'ue fD.- the ~sta1e or interest insurec' by this policy. ' . Li. ,l...ny claim, \-Olhie:h arises out of the transaction vesting in the Insured the estate or interest-insured by this policy. by reason of the ope-ration of fe:de;-al bankr:..tpt:::y, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights Jaws, that is based on: . (c:) 1he transaction cre.ating the estate or interest insured by. this policy beingdeemed,3 fraudulent ::onveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (b) the transaction creatin9 the es'.:ate or interest insured by this palic)' being oeem~d a preferential transfer except where the pr~ferenHal transfer resulls from th~ faiJure: (i) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (i!) of su::::h r~cDrdatbn. to impart notice to a purchaser for value Dr a judgJ1.1ent or, lien creditor. NM1 PAiD AL I,A, Owner's Policy (1 on 7-'92) Form 11911-i4Z ORIGINAL Valid Only If S::heduJes A and S a,l:! Attache: (;'d GigS-Leg( rt-s) 'au I 'BUlqwnld a~a"r dGG:GO LO 20 Inr SCHEDULE A Polic)' No..: A75-2072338 Anwunt of Insurance: $200,000,00 Order No.: 50-03 R2 906 Dale of PoIiCJ~ November 3~ 2006 a12:22 p.rn, Fee: $700.00, . 1. Name of Insured: STEVE JACKSOl' 2. The estate or inlerest in the land descri~ed in this Schednle is: fee simple 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Poliq vested in: STEVE JACKSON 4. The land referred to in tbis policy is described as follows: Beginning at a point 'in the ccntL"T of County Road No. 287, said poiut being on the \Vest line of the Davld Anlmr Donation Land aaim No, 47 in Township J 7 SoullL RlIn,gc 2 West or the Willamcllc Meridian, 1827.1 [ect South 00 03' "Vest of the Northwest comer thereof; from said beginning point run South 890 ] 0' East 437.] 2 [:ct to the center of a road nmning,Nortll and South: thence Soutll 00 03' West along the CCnter of said road 300.00 fcct~ thence. North 890 la' \Vcst 437.12 Ieet to tbe center of said county Toad; tllcncc North 00 O~' East along the center of said Toad 300.00 [eel 10 the place o[b~ginnillg, in Lane COUnlj', Oregon. EX CEPTIN G llle EaSl 150. 0 feet thereoL EXCEPT llml portion conveyed in deed rciorded April 7, 20Gj Document No. 2005-024:<22. Lane County Records, " Ov.'Tlcr's Policy 50'C),;8290" 17'd ZL9=-L89(~vS) 'QUI '6uIQwnld o~Qe,^ dSZ;:C;O LO ZO Inr '.- SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or dam~ge (and the Compan)~ will not pay costs, attorney's fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: . 1. _ Taxes or assessments ",vhich arc DOL sho'WIl as c.xisting hens by tlie records of any taxing authority dial ic\ 'ics taxes or asscssmcnls on real prop:ny or by th~ public rocord; proceedings by a public agency \\'hich may rcsul[ in taxes or assessments. or nolicc of such proceedings, \vhclhcr or not sho1<vn b)' -tlle: t::cords of such agcnc:y or by the: pl1blic records. 2. Any facts, rights, imcrcsLS ar claims wlJicl1 arc nol shmvn by 1bcpublic records bu~ which could be asccrLained by an inspection of said hind or by maJdng inquiry of persons in possession thereof. .r< ' 3. Easements, OJ claims of casement not shov;'Il b\" the public records. reservations or . ~ -, . exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof, 1;valcr rights. dainis or title to \\-'atcI. ,> 4. Discrepancies, conlliels in boundaI}' Jines, shortage ~ area, encroachments or any other facts which a CO:LTcct survey ,,"'ould disciosc. 5. Any helL, or rigll1 to a li~ for sen.-ices, labor or material heretofore or hereafter [umisheci, imposed by la,\' and not sho\\'n by the ,public records. 6. The rights or1lle public in and to that ponion ofthc herein dcscri~cd pHJpcrty lying ,;vi thin the limits of roads and high"V3YS. 7. Tnls~ Deed to secure an indebtedness in th~ amount shD\.vn bclo\,;. and any otheT obligations s::'=llTtd thereby: Amount: Daled: Recorded: Documenl No,: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: $160,000.00 No~'Cmbcr 2, 2006 November .i, 2006 1006-079789. Official Records Stcve Jackson ' Wcslcrn Title Mortgage Elccl~OUlC Registration S"Slcms, Inc. solely as nominee fOT Homecomings Financial, LLC (F/KJA Bomeeomi~g,:Fir.anciaJ NCl~l'ork. lne,) - 1000626047122437&3 M1N: O\.I'IlCr '5 Policy \2 50-0382906 s'd GL9S-L89(W';) '8UI '5uIQwnld O~8er dSZ:ZO LO GO Inr , ~''''''''I '-;;'';)O''c '11t _ _~' r-': I '~ ~I _~ p".~'L _ ' 1J1&---S8q;)~,,~ ~2S~~ J 5.8/1'" :o'c , I 8502 =&' . 8 8505 BI.co' - { Zq,O' :' ~ ~ 58'l'1~'ao'l'. I ' : ~O,44 AC, @QID ~ j 0_44 AC. ,I~ 0 I" 0,02 AC\ ~" DMD: 8 I~ C3 -')?:... - , dl',:WJV' JiW' \ \ 8 j;/ cr: - ,~~__.. S8Y'Jj'J!j~-iU7.5" b -T' .... 1_ '-...1 - -- --~ t . '" I !- 08454-0A1C"s - ','~' - (~' ,;-,,,~::; ,~.;;-,~ ~Il -r-~ :', . ...f.P In, /I . 'en 9000 :~ I ~ ... rR-,@ 7 8507 m'lS')OT @ C> 1\ ',,(r)),:g, (l0,l9'" '....J 1 I " n'a509 ~,851O e:," ~I gs I I ~O.16 AC.g ~ 0.15 AC. ~",' \ a... ' ,20'1'5' I . ~ 0983 SQ, n,~ '" oW SQ n.~(@\o) ~ .. I ,)'0) ~~~~ 5';';Ui-S?:5 i:,,::! ~'Jt?:)}:: $~~!~S.6\TB '~~<~48.'/ / / :l;:19'~_r../ ,~ii'q.~: >___ ,', I 8700 r~ /S()' -:ir'"""";;;l"\';i ! ~ 1~:.~ AC.1.,,,,,, 1':':;,'.'1",',)' , /; ;~r-' :=:'--/1 : \ "i(~t; \l <:;1; ({ Y\ . 2'1,' ",') .~.' ..' l ;.; J!., '. !~ .'; l.--....~.--::-.. U Ii" ',.1 " I I'i ,. '.' ';'" ,,,. "..,,,.,, "".,:\ \ '. ''i' ,.,! \\,cc.': U _~>:i 'c.,,)) (,~;; ,) :"- ,; ,_~ U ~( ", I . ,;,,~, ~JIl"<J" ~/:/::.' " - -- ----....... cl.c';_/'":,, ... >./ / , ., ~ ~. "--' ,: > (, I:L;",~, 'ri? ,'" "', c:('O' .-<0' 15' '-...-_/ ' " .. .._~"..;;: -"~' -"5"' to 0. ------, g' to l() , c- eo ~ '" ~, "'" +- c: :J o () l.,:: , , \} <5 E OJ c :6 E :! 0: o -'< o ro -, (":' ------ o. (') c"" N o c- o '" o '5 -, THIS PLAT IS FOR YOUR AID ,IN LOCATING YOUR LANO WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OTHER PARCELS. WHILE THIS PLAT IS BELIEVED TO BE COR. RECT, THIS COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS BY REASON OF RELIANCE THEREON. WESTERN lfTLE & ESCROW COMPAIIY OF LANE COUNTY I APPROXIMATE l/16TH CORNER I ~-. ---- -- 8".04' . -, --....1,0:::...., .. 7/.9 cd 8900 ~, ..<-<-..,;..-e' ~--- --.:- 9100 .r< ." ',_, ., ~ ENGINEERING & SuRVEYING. INC. STORM DRi\INAGE STUDY ',- , for the JACKO SUBDIVISION MA Y 30, 2007 ClVTLI ENGINEERING ' SURVEYING P.O: BOX 2527 EUGENE, OR 974{)2-O152 990 OBlE ST. ,541/485-4505 FAX 541/485-5624 WWW.POAGE.NET OVERVIEW . ' This storm drainage study is being prepare'd in accordance' with the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and ProcedUres Manual (EDSPM). The Drainage Study type required for this projecfgiven the parameters specified in Section 4.03.2 of the Design Manual is a Small Site Development Study. The hydrologic calcul1\tions shown on the following pages are based on a 25 year storm event using the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph Method for calculating runoff. The hydraulic calculations for the proposed storm drainage system were done using Haestad Methods Flowmaster Software. : , The proposed improvements for this partition win create additional storm drainage flows to'the public system: The existing building (J 858 sffootprint) already drains to splash blocks then percolates into the ground on-site. The improvements that may impact'the public storm system would be single family residences (approximately 1300 sq. ft.,Per lot) on lots 1-12. Calculations were made assuming the future building on said lots would drain to the existing storm system in South 42nd Street via the existing 18" storm pipe adjacent to proposed lot 1. The area for a future impervious surface was estimated to be 24;627 square feet, assuming 33% coverage. The maximum runoff from the proposed 'impervious' surface was 2.16 cubic feet per second (cfs) for a 25-year storm. The capacity fo a 10" storm pipe @ .02 ft/ft is 4.03 (cfs) which is more than ., adequate for a 25 year storm event. Runoff from future buildings for a 25 year event on lots 1-12 win drain tbru 3" weep holes to the gutter of the newly paved travel way then travel overland into the proposed catch basins into a new 10" storm pipe which then drains to a proposed 36" manhole (adjacent to lot 1) to an eXisting 18" storm pipe that connects with an existing Stormceptor Manhole in South 42nd Street. The capacity of3" pipes @ 2% is 0.12 (cfs) which is more than sufficient to handle 1,300 sq. ft., of impervious surface. We estimate (2) weep holes per lot however the exact number and location of weep holes win be determined during the building permit process. .. . Any future Infiltration FacilitylLandscaping design will comply with all applicable state and local regulations and requirements and would be addressed at'the time of the building permit application for.the future Parcel 2 building. CONCLUSIONS Based on the design criteria requirements of the EDSPM future development on Lots 1-12 can be accommodated with reasonable improvements as discussed above. The public drainage system will not be adversely impacted by any improvements proposed or future for this partition. In the event of other extreme storm events or if the pipe system is blocked, runoff would flow overland to the street and be picked up by the public pipe system through nearby" inlets and/or catch basins. Worksheet for Circular Pipe - 1 Friction Method Solve For Manning Formula Full 'F\o~ Capacity Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 2.00000 % Norma! Depth 0,83 ft Diameter 10,00 In Discharge 4,03 Wls Discharge 4.03 ft3/S Normar Depth -.., 0.83 ft rlow Area 0.55 ft' Wetted Perimeter 2.62 ft Top Widtll 0,00 ft Critical Depth 0,80 ft Percent Full 100.0 % Critical Slope 0.01748 ftlft' Velocity 7,38 ftls Velocity Head 0.85 ft Specific Energy 1.68 ft " Fraude Number 600 Maxjmu~ Discharge 4,33 ff/s Disc~arge Full 4,03 ft31s Slope full 0.02000 ftlft Flow Type SubCritical Downstream, Depth Length Number Of Steps 0.00 ft 0,00 ft o Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 % Normal Depth Over Rise 100,00 % 5/30(2007 2:01 :47 PM Bentley Systems, i11c. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FJowMaster [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite ~OO W W~tertown,.GT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Worksheet for Circular Pipe. 1 Downstream Velocity infinity ftls, Upstream Velocity Infinity ftls Normal Depth 0.83 ft Critical Depth 0,80 ft Channel Slope 2,00000 % Critical Slope 0.01748 ftlft 5/30/2007,2:01 :47 PM " Bentley Systems, h1C. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [ 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite: 200 W Watertown, CT06795 USA +1-203.755-1666 Page 2 of 2 D~veloped ~5~year, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour~ JACKO SUBDIvISION DEVELOPED CONDITION (25- YEAR STORM) (12 Residential Lots:& 28' paved street - approx 33% cov.) total area = 75,900 1.74 (acres) File No: 382Q.-D25.QPW pervious area = 5L,273 1.18 (acTes) 5-14-07, MJK impervious ar~ = 24,627 '0.57 (acres) pervious eN = 80 S.~ '2.5000 0.2S ~ 0.5000 impervious eN = 98 So, 0.2041 0.2S ~ 0.0408 total depth rain Pt~ 5.18 (inches) dt~ 10 (min) bypass ra~e = 0.00 efs NA PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Inere. Rainfdll Accum. Accum. mere. Accum. mere. Total Instant Time distr. Rllinfall lncre. Rainfall Runoff , Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate -.imin) distr. (irlL _[in) (in) (in) [i11) (in) (in) (efs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 O. 10 0.40% 0.40% 0.021 0.021 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 20 0.40% 0.8.0% 0.021 0,041 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,00 30 0.40% 1.20% 0,021 0.062 O.oqo 0.000 0.002 0,002 0.001 0,01 40 '0.40% 1.60% 0.021 0.083 0.000 0.000 0.007 . 0.005 0.002 0,02 50 0.40% 2.00% 0.021 0,104 0.060 0.000 0,015 . 0.008 0.002 0.03 60 0.40% 2.40% 0.021 0.124 0.000 0.000 0.024 0,009 0.003 0.03 70 0.40% 2.80% 0,021 . 0.145 0.000 0.000 0,035 ' 0,011 0,004 0.04 80 0.40% 3.20% 0.021 0.166 0.000 0.000 0,047 0.012 0,004 0.04 90 0.40% 3.60% 0.021 0.186 0.000 0.000 0.061 0.013 0,004 0.05 100 0.50% 4.10% 0.026 0.212 0.000 0.000 0.078 0.018 0.006 0,06 110 0.50% 4.60% 0.026 0.238 0.000 0.000 0.097 0.019 0.006 0,06 120 0.50% 5.10% 0,026 0.264 O.oqo 0.000 0.117 0.020 0.006 0.07 130 0.50% 5.60% 0,026 0,290 0.000 0.000 0.137 0.020 0.007 0.07 140 0.50% 6.10% 0,026 0.316 0.000 0.000 0.158 0.021 . 0.007 0,07 150 0.50% 6.60% 0.026 0.342 0.000 ' 0.000 0.179 0.021 0.007 0.07 160 0.60% 7.20% 0.031 0.373 0.000 0.000 0.206 0,026 0.009 0.09. 170 0.60% .7.80% 0.031 0.404 0.000 0.000. 0,233 0.027 0.009 0.09 180 0.60% 8.40% 0.031 0.435 0.000 0.000 0.260 0,027 0.009 0.09 190 0.60% 9.00% 0.031 0,466 0.000 0.000 0.287 0.028 0.009 0.09 200 0.60% 9.60%' 0.031 0.497 0.000 0.000 ,0.315 0.028 0.009 0.10 210 0.60% 10.20% 0.031 0.528 0.000 0.000 0.344 0.028 0.009 0,10 220 0.70% 10.90% 0,036 0.565 0.002 0.001 0.377' 0.033 0.012 0,12 230 0.70% 11.60% 0,036 0,601 0.004 0.002 0.410 0.034 0.012 0.13 240 0.70% 12.30% 0.036 0.637 0,007 0:003 0.444 0.034 0.013 0.14 250 0.70% 13.00% 0.036 0,673 0.011 0.004 0.478 0.034 0.014 0.15 260 0.70% 13.70% '0,036 0,710 0.016 0.005 0,512 0,034 0,014 0,15 270 0.70% 14.40% 0,036 0.746 0.022 0.006 0.547 0.034 0.Dl5 0,16 280 0.82% 15.22% 0.042 0.788 0.030 0,008 0.587 0.040 0.018 0.19 290 0.82% 16.04% 0.042 0.831 0.039 0.009 0.628 0.041 0.019 0.20 300 0.82% 16.86% 0.042 0.873 0.049 0.010 0.669 0.041 0.020 0.21 310 0.82% 17.68% 0.042 0.916 0.059 0.01 I 0.710 0.041 0,021 0.22 320 .0.82% 18.50% 0.042 0.958 0.071 0.012 0.751 0.041 0.021 0.22 330 0.82% 19.32% 0.042 1.001 0.084 0.013 0.792 0.041 0.022 0.23 340 0.95% 20.27% 0.049 1.050 0.099 0.0]6 0.839 0.048 0.026 0.27 350 0.95% 21.22% 0.049 1.099 0.116 0,017 0.887 0.048 0.027 0.28 360 0.95% 22.17% 0.049 1.148 0.134 0.018 0,935 0,048 ' 0.028 0.29 370 0.95% 23.12% 0.049 1.198 0.152 0,019 0.983 0.048 0.028 0.30 380 0.95% 24.07% 0.049 1.2.17 0.172 0,020 1.031 0.048 0,029 0.30 390 0.95% 25.02% 0.049 1.296 0.192 0.020 1.080 0.048 0.029 0.31 400 1.34% 26.36% 0.069 1.365 0.223 0.030 1.14~ 0.068 0.043 0.45 410 1.34% .27.70% 0.069 1.435 0.254 0.032 1.216 0.068 0.044 0.46 420 1.34% 29.04% 0.069. 1.504 0.288 0.033 1.284 0.068 0.045 0,47 430 1.80% 30.8.1% 0.093 1.598 0.335 0,047 1.376 0.092 0.062 0,65 440 1.80% 32.64% 0.093 1.691 0.384 0.049 1.468 0.092 0.063 0,67 450 3.40% 36.04% 0.176 1.867 0.483 0.099 1.642 0.174 0.123 1.30 Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hou, m PER V10US IMPERVIOUS Rainfall mere. Rainfall Accum. AceUffi. ' mere. Accum. mere. Total Instant Time distr. Ramfal] Incre. Rainfall Runoff ' Runoff Runoff Runoff RUll9ff flowrate (min) distr. (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (efs) 460 5.40% 41.4'1% 0.280 2.]47 0,654 0.171 1.920 0.277 0.205 2.16 490 1.34% 47.28% 0.069 2,449 0.854 0.047 2.220 0.069 0.054 0.57 500 1.34% 48.62% 0.069 2.519 0.902 0.048 2.289 0.069 0.055 0.58 5lD 1.34% 49.96% 0.069 2.588 0,950 0.048 2.358 0.069 0,055 ' 0'.58 520 0.88% 50.84% 0.046 2.634 0,982 0.032 2.404 0.045 0.036 0.38 530 0.88% 51.72% 0,046 2.679 ..1.015 0.032 2.449 0.045 0.037 0.39 540 0.88% 52.60% 0.046 2.725 1.048 0.033 2.494 0.045 0,037 0.39 550 0.88% 53.48% 0.046 2.770 1.080 ' 0.033 2.540 0,045 0,037 0.39 560 0.88% 54.36% 0,046 2.816 l.l'14 0.033 2.585 0,045 0,037 0.39 570 0.88% 55.24% 0.046 2.861 Ll47 0.033 2.630. 0.045 0.037 0.39 580 0.88% 56.12% 0.046 2.907 Ll81 0.034 2.676' 0,045 0.037 0.39 590 0.88% 57.00% 0.046 2.953 1.215 0.034 2.72} 0.045 0.038 0,40 600 0.88% 57.88% 0,046. 2.998 q49 0.034 2.766 0.045 0.038 0.40 610 0.88% 58.76% 0,046 3.044 1.283 0.034 2.812 0,045 0.038 0.40 620 0.88% 59.64% 0.046 3.089 1.3'17 0.034 2.857 0,045 0.038 0.40 630 0.88% 60.52% 0.046 3.135 1.352 0.035 2.903 0.045 0.038 0.40 640 0.72% 61.24% 0.037 3.172 U81 0.029 2.940 0,037 0.031 0;33 650 0.72% 61.96% 0.037 3.210 1.409 0.029 2.977 0.037 0.031 0.33 660 0.72% . 62.68% 0.037 3.247 1.438 0.029 3,014 0.037 0.031 ' 0.33 670 0.72% 63.40% 0.037 3.284 1.467 0.029 3,051 0.037 0.032 0.33 680 0.72% 64.12% 0.037 3.321 1.496 0.029 3,088 0.037 0.032 0.33 690 0.72% 64.84% 0.037 3.359 1.5'25 0.029 3,126 0.037 0,032 0.33 700 Q.72% 65.56% 0.037 3.396 1.554 0.029 3,163 0.037 0.032 0.34 710 0.72% 66.28% 0.037 3.433 1.584 0.029 3.200 0.037 0.032 0.34 720 0.72% 67.00% 0.037 3.471 1.~13 0.029 3,237 0.037 0.032 0.34 730 0.72% 67.72% 0,037 3.508 1.643 0.030 3,274 0.037 0.032 0~34 740 0.72% 68.44% 0,037 3.545 1.672 0.030 . 3.312 0.037 0.032 0.34 750 0.72% 69.16% 0,037 3.582 1.702 0.030 3.349 0.037 0.032 0.34 760 0.57% 69.73% 0,030 3.612 l.7.26 0.024 3'.378 0.029 0.026 0.27 770 0.57% 70.30% 0.030 3,642 1.749 0.024 3.408 0.029 0.026 0.27 780 0.57% 70.87% 0.030 3,671 t.773 0,024 3.437 0.029 0.026 0.27 790 0.57% 71.44% 0.030 3,701 1.797 0.024 3.466 0.029 0,026 0.27 800 0.57% 72.01% 0.030 3)30 L821 0.024 3.496 0,029 0,026 0.27 810 0.57% 72.58% 0.030 3,760 1.845' 0.024 3525 0,029 0.026 0,27 820 0.57% 73.15% 0.030 3,789 1.869 0.024 3.555, 0.029 0,026 0.27 830 0.57% 73.72% 0.030 3.819 1.893 0.024 3.584 0,029 0,026 0.27 840 0.57% 74.29% 0.030 3.848 1.917 0,024 3,614 0,029 0.026 0.27 850 0.57% 74.86% 0.030 3.878 1.941 0,024 3.643' 0.029 0.026 0.27 860 0.57% 75.43% 0.030 3.907 1.965 0.024 3.673 0.029 0.026 0.27 870 0.57% 76.00% 0.030 3.937 1.9'90 0,024 3.702 0.029 0.026 0.27 , 880 0.50% 76.50% 0.026 3.963 2.0] ] 0,02] 3.728 0.026 0.023 0.24 . 890 0.50% 77.00% 0.026 3.989 2.032 0.021 3,754 0.026 0.023 0,24 900 0.50% 77.50% 0.026 4.014 2.054 0.021 3.780 0.026 0.023 0.24 910 0;50% 78.00% 0.026 4.040 2.0'75 0.021 3.805 0.026 0.023 0,24 920 0.50% 78.50% 0.026 4.066 2.097 0.021 3.831 0.026 0.023 0.24 930 0.50% 79.00% 0.026 4.092 2.1)8 0.022 3.857 0.026 0.023 0.24 940 0.50% 79.50% 0.026 4.118 2.]40 0.022 3.883 0.026, 0.023 0.24 950 0.50% 80.00% . 0,026 4.144 2.161 0.022 3,909 0.026 0.023 0.24 960 0.50% 80.50% 0.026 4.170 2.183 0.022 3.935 0.026 0.023 0.24 970 0.50% 81.00% 0.026 4,196 2.205 0.022 3.960 0.026 0,023 0.24 980 0.50% 81.50% 0.026 4.222 2.226 0.022 3.986 0.026 0.023 0.24 990 0,50% 82.00% 0.026 4.248 2.248 0,022 4.012 0,026 0.023 0.24 1000 0.40% 82.40% 0.021 4.268 2.265 0.017 4:033 0,02] 0.018 0.19 10lO 0.40% &2.80% 0.021 4.289 2.283 0,017 4.053 0.021 0.018 0.19 1020 . 0.40% 83.20% 0.021 4.310 2.300 0,0]7 4,074 0.021 0.019 0,20 1030 0.40% 83.60% 0.021 ,4.330 2.3]8 0.0]7 4.095 0.021 0.019 0.20 1040 0.40% 84,00% 0.021 4.351 2.335 0.017 4.116 0.021 0.019 0.20 Deveioped 25-year, SCS Type-1A, 24Hou. m PERVIqUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall lncre. Rainfall Accum. ACCUID. . lnere. ACCUffi. ., Incre. Total Instant Time distr. Rainfall Incre. Rainfal] Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (muJl distr. (in) (in) n(inl (in) J~'!l (in) (in) (cfs) ]050 OAO% 84.40% 0.02] 4.372 2.353 0.018 4.136 0.021 0.019 0,20 1060 OAO% 84.80% 0.02] . 4.393 2.370 0.018 4.157 0.021 0.019 0.20 1070 OAO% 85.20% 0.02] 4.413 2.388 0.018 4.178 0.021 0.019 0.20 1080 OAO% 85.60% 0.021 4.434 2.405 0.018 4.198 0.021 0.019 0.20 1090 0.40% 86.00% 0.021 4.455 2.423 0.018 4.219 0.021 0.019 0.20 1100 0.40% 86.40% 0.02] 4.476 2.441 0.018 4.240 0.021 0.019 0.20 1110 0.40% 86.80% 0.021 4.496 2.458 0.018 4.260 0.021 0.019 0.20 1120 OAO% 87.20% 0.021 4.517 2.476 0,018 4.281 0.021 0.019 0.20 IUD OAO% 87.60% 0.021 4.538 2.494 0.018 4.302 0.021 0.019 0.20 1140 0.'40% 88.00% 0.021 4.558 2.511 0.018 4.~22 0.021 0.019 0,20 1150 OAO% 88.40% 0.021 4.579 2.529 0.018 4.343 0.021 0.019 0,20 i 160 OAO% 88.80% 0.021 4,600 2.547 0.018 4.364 0.021 0.019 0.20 1170 0.40% 89.20% 0.021 4.621 2.565 0.018 4.384 0.021 0,019' 0.20 1180 OAO% 89.60% 0.021 4,641 2.582 0,0]8 4.405 0.021 0.019 0,20 1190 OAO% 90.00% 0.021 4,662 2.600 0.018 4.426' 0.021 0.019 0.20 1200 0040% 90.40% 0.021 4.683 2.618 0.018 4.446 0.021 0.019 0,20 1210 OAO% 90,80% 0.021 4,703 2.636 0.018 4.467 0.021 0.019 0.20 1229. 0.40% 91.20% 0.021 4,724 2.654 0.018 4.488, 0.021 0.019 0.20 1230 0040% 91.60% 0.02] 4,745 2.672 0,018 4.508 0.021 0.019 0.20 1240 OAO% 92_00% 0.02] 4,766 ' 2,689 0.018 4,529', 0.02] 0.019 0.20 . ]250 OAO% 92.40% 0.02] 4.786 . 2.707 0.Ql8 4,550 0.02] 0.019 0,20 1260 OAO% 92.80% 0.021 4,807 2.725 0.018 4,57] 0.02] 0.019 0.20 1270 OAO% 93.20% 0.02] 4,828 2.743 0.018 4.591 0.021 0.019 0.20 1280 OAO% 93.60% 0,021 4.848 2,761 0.018 4,612 0,02] 0.0]9 0.20 1290 OAO% 94.00% 0.021 4.869 2,779 0.018 4,633 0.021 0,0]9 0.20 1300 OAO% 94.40% 0.021 4.890 2."797 0.Ql8 4,653 0.021 0.019 0.20 1310 OAO% 94.80% 0.021 4.911 2.815 0.Ql8 4,674 0.021 0.019 0.20 1320 OAO% 95.20% 0,021 4.931 2.833 0.018 4,695 0.021 0.019 0.20 1330 OAO% 95.60% 0.021 4.952 2.851 0.018 4,715 0.021 0.019 0.20 1340 OAO% 96.00% 0,021 4.973 28~9 0.018 4,736 0.021 0.019 0.20 1350 OAO% 96.40% 0.021 4.994 2.887 0.018 4.757 0.021 0.019 0.20 1360 OAO% 96.80% 0.021 5.014 2.905 0.018 4.777 0.021 0.019 0.20 1370 OAQ% 97.20% 0.021 5.035 2.923 0.018 4.798 0.021 0.019 0.20 1380 QAO% 97.60% 0.021 5,056 2.94] 0.018 4:819.. 0.021 0.019 0.20 1390 OAO% 98,00% 0.021 5,076 2.960 0.018 4.839 0.021 0.019 0.20 1400 OAO% 98.40% 0.021 5,097 2978 0:018 4.860 0.021 0,019 0.20 1410 0.40% .98.80% 0.021 5.118 2.996 0.018 4:881 ' 0.021 0,019 0.20 1420 0.40% 99.20% 0.021 5.139 3.014 0.018 4.902 0.021 0,019 Q.::W 1430 OAO% 99.60% 0,021 5.159 3_0~2 0.018 4.922 0,021 0.019 0.20 1440 0.40% ] 00.00% 0.021 5,]80 3.050 0.018 4.943 0.021 0.019 0.20 Develo-ped 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hou. m Infiltration Facility , area = dims= depth ~, rock void r-- File No: 3682-D25N.QPW 12_0-06, MJK 690.0 sf 121.00 ft x 1.50 ft 30 % VAR (rock) ft Available StorageNolume calculation note: Available storage is the rock void volume -:- the volurn'e stored in the detention pipe. The formula cales ,the total volume within the infiltration area as rock (ie 30% x infiltration facility VO)1 then adds 70% of the pipe'volume since 30% of the pipe total was already included in the rock void tot >, 05!04/2007' 09: 2J EX 541 7J6 1021 00/_OJ/2007 15: 11 FAX. 5414S5~624 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW P?AGE ENGINEERING @002 i(iJUU2 ' ~ ; PUBLIC WORKS DEl' ARTMENT I E"gineering Division Fax: (541) 736-102 t STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK 10' ........ .....' .'-:'(A:r60.bejow:ihisJinEftlJedoutbyAPP/Jc.;a)..:.:-, . .. . :. :"..~': .(l'tMe';i-ct~ toMatt.'Sto';'der@ Ci(v IJ[:Synngfi.ldl'uhli<,WorkJi Bngine.ring; Frz;;:'# 7$6-t:(JZ1..,'i~hOlle #73~2,03:S;) ;" '" ",: ,." ... : .'. .' ..1"" . . Project Name: .-- 'IN-I/:.O;'' l?L.\I';;.\)I-.JI"=>ION Applicant: t?-r!2:\.I~ :T~I Assessors Parcel #: I Qry-07.. . b '5.. 'Z..-l -n..,*, '0100Date: .;; --;, -171 Lan,d Use(s):_ \...6v-ltlEolJ.~rN \2...-""H O~-n"'" Phone #: 4t?><" -~c;' Project Size (AcTes): -1_, b '. Fax #: 4- QJC; 4u"z...~ :~~I~~i7,;~.~~~,~~~~,~ :~~~~;,_" ,~'I ~g,..~;5",,>,,,;,,,._.,,,,,~re~;i1,:,:,.L,<~,ft3tL~~?~~,,;~.~'I,' '''''''''''',''''''" Project Description (Include a copy of Assessconnap) ; t;c..l~V\'hO~ -z....O f'<c-, 1t--.~10 \ z... tz-e';>1()El>J,"T\l1,~L-0\7(0eG'~e;t') '?t-t\. ~) "\' , I I '1 1 Drainage Proposal (Public connectiOll(s), discharge location(s), ctc_ A1;tach additional sheel(s) ifllecessary: NEW ~ ~fZ..fo<ll,l<? -("0 w~6~ -\-\\}L-E";? ,.,..\ ~u.\Z":'J) '"f.\..l.eN \lLA I'J€'kl t..L.\rz. ~ (~L.l~-t2... '"f0 N.g.v c:..~"TW I?>t'\"? I No? L ~ ?jo~ L . 7~ ~ ) I """'~ 'II!; A 1\0\' \>'.~ ~o A. ~u.) ,~AN+l"OLl;~') --("-tel. (""'TO AN. ei-l'?'1"IN'. \to" ()I()E' "7"'f~~ kT' -(~l~ <?Ck'l~ Of ,"fl...\.C '~q "'fo to, t?'/.\'?1'. brO(Z.M~lI Proposed Stormwater Best Manllgemellt Prsc.tices: . /J.6W 010P.W.l~ flU'lV\ \}A.~'-e.-'I.IWU? "'"A..l~{.Z.S L>.;l\l,...l,...- O~ ,-CO e.'fl~INC, 71l:?1U--\c.q-rdL ~N.+-tf)U;;;: IN. AZ.~ .:......l\~l. pr9;p.~,~e St1.<<,lv Tv1:Ie (EDSPM ~ec~I1D 4.03..2): (Note.. UR roa" be substituted f(Jr Rational Method") i.1 SmaIl Site Study( U"" RAtional Method for calculations} " o Mid-Level Development Study( use Unit f-)yd:<ograph Method for caJouJatio""J o Full Drainage Development Study( use Unit Hydrognph Method for calcuiatiooo) Environmental Considerations:. fj Wellbead Zone: "5- '1'.......... . ..r-r..~ -r. "" 'S . i!j WetlaodlRipanan: . . .rJ/A Iii Soil Type: 1-f, - ,rf1.../aJ..;.., t..J-LAIIl Downstream Analvsis: '-'.--;,t.!re",!beiow lhi...lUtetmd, ow,hv ,th~.C/bJa.nd R';uimed.tD <h~i4briliet..;'tl. ~. .",- ,~Q :minimum., 'all bai:,.s aheckeii byzhe, Clry on ,th~jro"r and hiu;k'ofthis ,.h~eI5hall.'be suomitted' ,,', Jo,. "" app;icati~" to;be comp/erefdr 'S>/b,mittal, alti!ough, athf<1' i,.a9uireme>11.! may be neae.sai;l.} , '. '.. ~ Hillside Development: . !Ii Flood..\ray/Floodplain: {Drflf/J.c. Ii- Other Jurisdictions: N/.A. ,J/A -- .. N/A o Flo'" line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: 0" ;M.anhole/JLlZlction to take analysis to: Return to Matt Stouder lal City of Snrine:l'ldd, email: mstouderlalci.snrlnl!:neld,or.us. FAX: (541) 736-10201 . Revised 11120/2006 Bn:.tlda Jones 05/04/2007 09:23 FAX 541 736 1021 05/03/2007 15: 11 FAX 5414855A24 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW POAGE ENGINEERING ' 141 003 ~[JU;j ,~ ~ COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS , I iF.or<l>fnoiaJU.oOnl~: ' Mi...~ ,,] * Ba.yedupo" Ih. informatlo" providai on the,frrmt ofth., ,heet, IhefoUowing' T'p"""<< a minimum of what is neededjGr 071 opp/loation <0 b. complete!or submittal wi,h respecr w:dramage: no"""""', this list should not be used in Ii.... of the Springfield D,,,,e1opment Code (SDCJ or rhe Cil(l'Engi ne""inS Design Manua/. Compllana. with Ihese requlr"",ents does not oonstitule site' approval; Additional,.,;.t. speoific i~fo,.maticn may be required. Note: Upon .,copinK .ht;ti!' submittal. ensure eomplel.edft;ml Ita..' b~en sizn~d iJ1 the :ipace provide.d below: o o o o o )JJterlm DOJlIign StaudllrdslW ater Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) R~ NIA ' iii 0 All no,u.buildlng rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered =hbasill wloU filtration media) fOT stol1llwator qualil)'. Additionally,. Illinimum' of 50% ofm. NBR impcrYious surlace shall be trea1:<;d b)' vegetated methods. ofjl Wher. roquired, v<geI3!ivc stot:tnwater .;!esign sball be collSim:nt witb ioteri", desigu SlilLJli."ds (EDSPM Seetioll 3.02), , set forth by the Bureau ofEnvironmenml Services (BES) or CleanWator Services (cWS). 111 For new NBR impervious are. less tb." 15;000 square feet. a simplified design approachm..}' b~ ti>Uowed as specified by the )lES fur velS"la.tiV< !rearm""'. ' II!]. If a stormwaler treatmenT .wole i" proposed, .ubmit calcula.tiOnil/.pecificatiens fer sizing, velocity, flow, side .lopes, bottom ,lope, and .eed mix consisteur wlth,eiiliCl' BES or CWS rcquirem=. M W= Quality calculations as required in .Section ~.03.1 of the EDSPM lit All building rooftop lDQUl:lted equipment, Dr other floid containing equipmemtlocated outside of the buildiD!:;, shall be provided with secondary contUruneot or weather resistant eneiosure, . ."A Genei'll! Study Requir"",en:l~ (EDSPM Sedion 4.03) . fj 0 brainagc srody prcpa1'Od by a Prof",,~ional Civil J;:ngineer licensed in the Slllte of OregeJJ.. , ~ 0 A cOlII!'let< <l.nliwlge STLldy, .. required in EJ:lSPM Section 4.03.1; including a bydrological study map, fi5 8 Calculations showing system Gapacil)' fer a 2-y= stom event and overflow effects of a 257'= !lI:orm evc:nt, f!j 'The time of concentration (T c) liball be dctelln;ned using a 10 minute Start time for d<:velcped basin.. Review of Downsfream Sysn.m (El>SPM Section 4.03.4.C) o 58 A downsueam drainage analyais llS described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On-sire dnrinage sball be govcmed by me Oregon PlumbiJ:!g Specialty Code (O:rSC). D Ii E1evauol1. of the HGL and floW lines for botb city and private systems wheT. a;>plieable. De.ien of Storm .systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) -iii 0 Flow lines, slopeS, rim elevations, pipe we and sizes clearly indicated on the 1'1"" ,et- iIt 0 Minimum pipe covet sbalJ bc 18 iDcbe. for n:inforced pipe and 36 inches for plain ooncrete and plosric pip" materials, or proper ongineering calculatioOS shall be provided when losa. The cov'" shall be sufficient to support .ll 80,000 lb load without ftlilure of me p;po struc=<. ' ~ 0 ManniI>g"tyalileS for pipes shall be consi""",! with Tahle 4-1 of the EDSP. All sto1'lll pipe. shall b. desigoed to ncni"'" a minimum velocitY oftbree (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 .s well. , ' OtherJM:isc ~ 0 E:tioting ""d proposed con=, loCl1ted at one fool inteTVo.l. include spot elevations and ~,- grades showing how site d,-ain;; . . iii: 0 Private s=water6llSements shall be clddy depicted on plans when prive.te .._~ "ala flows from on- property to anoth.ei o iii Dtywells shall not re.,,;ve r""off from auy surf..... w/o being troated by one or more BMPs, with me exoeption of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Addirional provision< apply to will lIS required by the DEQ. Refer to the 'Website: WVJw.deQ~"t"At~_oT_UsJw4li-oundwaJuic:home.hctf1.for more infCJtIIJBtion. o tiiI Detelllion ponds shall be designed to limit ruX1eff lD pre-developmCll r&= for me 2. through 25-yOllT storm events , ~T"!s form s/".ll be ;"cluded as 0...' atto.chm."4 in$UIe the fr<'nt CD~cr, fifth. sW, 'o.', ~..... st"dJ1 - - l"'" .: ': '; . .' . 1M(PORT..JJV:r: ENG:rNEER PL;EASE. fU!..4IJ BE-WW AND SJ(JNJ .,o,s the engineer oi:n:cord, J hereby certify the above require.;! iTemS are complete and included with me gubmined .~.~.. ~ study and plan set. Signature: Date: Revised 1'21412006 l3re;c,d.a Jones 103' 74' t7H~ ?q:::;S '" 54' <'J 69' OJ LOT 7 25' LOT 6 PAN tD 5202 SF r-.. tD 4600 SF 0 LOT 5 ,,'") 6000 SF n <'J 'b co 78' 5208 SF LOT 4, r-.. <X) ~ . 0" HANDLE 20' LOT 8 ~ ~ ~:o 750 SF LO - LD 5136 LD 69' SF LD (J~ -~, ~-;.,.' - _''C". ~=J:[1Il>'?> V SCALE: 1"=40' ~' -- -~ Fl-r--~ 1 0_510 .20 _ 40 OJ tD HAND_E 525 SF LOT 10 o 0 co r-.. AF'PROXIMA TE i-lOUSE LOCA Ti ON PAN 6079 SF 103' L_OT 11 5368 SF I o I~ 80.5' f-lE'W .GAiVij ~'7Ip,j? ~ LOT 1 tD tD 4500 SF ~. !-10'" ~c,~'-NE\d MAN~Ol..b I 77' SOUTH 42nd STREET fNGINEUIING & SURVEYING lfoH) 541/485-4505 (rAXl 541/4135-562' fNG. . . BOX 2527 EUGENE ok 14 4 [-MAil POAGEWOAGE ,'NH "9 402 Q ~~~fS Lf~ ~!91~~{-jE'GO::X LOT 8700 _ E'l(17"G tvlAN+-IOLE " _,1f. ~'il~i}, ~,,;,~? t t:/1;~~,~tf Ii ,'\3U~c, J 8400 (I II /_'.3..,.- II -t ~ .: ~ ;I~ ~ - '\U if..". ....." " ' l~' Q'WJ. . ...,.-=:::.:_ ~~J4~'I:~:! 1A)CMAp '~-t5-L,"\ I I / , . - -, .. GLAC'ER VIEW OR """ "", ..-"itII., i,_~;" ,,~'j.o:r~}I':-~~l'11 I I I ~+",~ ~100 1 ~oo ~ lO",~~%~~~oo 0 19 AC ~I -rL ~ 0100 I ' ~ ' "''..~~J.'.i'-i' -:'f-~- 'I' i )' I ~~ 5'398D85 ~_ i- f"q,~ . ! I I 1100 ,,~~ ""c:".~"- ~_. '" i ",j ;"/ I ;~ 0.91 AC. ...sr - ,,.,,.... l"~:j ! :; ~I ' '.,/ , Ii; , '/ - I ~ I i I, (""1;:(1\1 in' -, ,r-t, 1/ "~';'"' t: : ~; L._~, ,~,.,~.i)=',,-JU I I I 'p z! 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II-I -""'.. ,.--'~ ~-""\I\\\ _"_ 'f" _ ,.,'f^ \..Y \':. . <, ."" ____ _.... ~~ ; ~"-$T ~ Il'l.:ll' - (,; ,- 1201 0.90 AC. 1200 0.22 AC. '" " .~. ,:i)---- ..f.' :-~'"'"" 1 ;;;0"- J- 0 'He t 1301 : ~,OA2 AC. "'n """",. $'.2556_1 .~-----_._--~- '^'- ~w:~----'_. 02 05 23 t .d'-- '--'-'" ,,,,,.,.., II:- I l ~ ii; ,~:" U( rE:<",o " I , , 1 !~ , .. .. \ Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour S,~".oI PER VIOl:JS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall RamtaJI , l~cre. Incre: Accum. Accum. mere, Accum. Total Instant Time disrr.. Rainfall Tncre. Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate lmir1L distr. Jir1) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (cfs) 460 5.40% 41.44% 0.280 2.147 0.654 0.171 1.920 0.277 0.208 2.19 490 1.34% 47.28% 0.069 2.449 0.854 0.047 2.220 0.069 0.055 0.58 500 1.34% 48.62% 0.069 2.519 0.902 0,048 2.289 0.069 0.055 0.58 510 1.34% 49.96% 0.069 2.588 0.950 0,048 2.358 0.069 0.056 0.59 520 0.88% 50.84% 0.046 2.634 0.982 0,032 2A04 0.045 0.037 0.39 530 0.88% 51.72% 0.046 2.679 1.015 0.032 2.449 0,045 0.037 0.39 540 0.88% 52.60% 0.'046 2.725 1.048 0.033 2A94 0.045 0.037 0,39 550 0.88% 53.48% 0.046 2.770 1.080 0,033 2,540 0.045 0.037 0.39 560 0.88% 54.36% 0.046 2,816 1.114 0.033 2.585 0.045 0.037 0.39 570 0.88% 55.24% 0.046 2.861 1.147 0.033 2.630 0.045 0.038 0,40 580 0.88% 56.12% 0.046 2,907 1.181 0.034 2.676 0.045 0.038 OAO 590 0.88% 57.00% 0.046 2.953 1.215 0.034 2.721 0.045 0.G38 OAO 600 0.88% 57.88% 0.046 2.998 1.249 0.034 2.766 0.045 0.038 OAO 610 0.88% 58.76% 0.046 3.044 1.28j 0,034 2.812 0.045 0.G38 OAO 620 0.88% 59.64%' 0.046 3.089 1.317 0.034 2.857 0.045 0.038 0.40 630 0.88% 60.52% 0,046 3.135 1.352 0.035 2.903 0,045 0.038 OA1 640 0.72% 61.24% 0.037 3.172 1.381 0,029 2.940 0.037 .0.032 0.33 650 0.72% 61.96% 0.037 .3.210 1.409 0,029 2.977 0,037 0.032 0.33 660 0.72% 62.68% 0.037 3,247 1.438 0.029 3.014 0,037 0.032 0.33 670 0.72% 63.40% 0.037 3.284 1.467 0.029 3.051 0.037 0.032 0.3.4 680 0.72% 64.12% 0.037 3.321 1.496 0.029 3.088 0.037 0.032 0.34 690 0.72% 64.84% 0.037 3.359 1.52~ 0.029 3.126 0.037 0,032 0.34 700 0.72% 65.56% 0.037 3.396 1.554 0.029 3.163 0.037 0.032 0.34 710 0.72% 66.28% 0,037 3.433 1.584 0,029 3.200 0.037 0,032 0.34 720 0.72% 67.0q% 0.037 3A71 1.613 0.029 3.237 0.037 0.032 0.34 730 0.72% 67.72% 0.037 3.508 1.643 0.030 3.274 0.037 0.032 0.34 740 0.72%. 68.44% 0.037 3.545 1.672 0.030 3.312 0.037 0.032 0.34 750 0.72% 69.16% 0.037 3.582 1.702 0,030 3.349 0.037 0.032 0.34 760 0.57% 69.73% .0.030 3.612 1.726 0,024 3.378 0,029 0.026 0.27 770 0.57% 70.30% 0.030 3.642 1.749 0.024 3.408 0.029 0.026 0.27 780 0.57% 70.87% 0.030 3.671 1.773 0.024 3.437 0.029 0.026 0.27 790 0.57% 71.44% 0,030 3.701 1.797 0.024 3A66 0.029 0.026 0.27 800 0.57% 72.01% 0,030 3.730 1.821 0.024 3A96 0.029 0.026 0.27 810 0.57% 72.58% 0.030 3.760 1.845 0.024 3.525 0.029 0.026 0.27 820 0.57% .73.15% 0.030 3.789 1.869 0.024 3.555 0.029 0.026 0,27 830 0.57% 73.72% 0,030 3.819 1.893 0.024 3.584 0.029 0,026 0.27 840 0.57% .. 74.29% 0,030 3.848 0,024 3.614 0,026 0.27 1.917 0.029 850 0.57% 74.86% 0.030 3.878 1.941 0.024 3.643 0.029 0.026 0,27 860 0.57% 75.43% 0.030 3,907 1.965 0.024 3.673 0.029 0.026' 0.27 870 057% 76.00% 0.030 3.937 1.990 0.024 3,702 0.029 0.026 0.27 880 0.50% 76.50% 0.026 3.963 2.0] ] 0.021 3.728 0,026 0,023 0.24 8'90 0.50% 77 .00% 0.026 3,989 2,032 0.021 3.754 0.026 0.023 0.24 900 0.50% 77,50% 0,026 4.014 2,054 0.021 3,780 0.026 0.023 0.24 910 0.50% 78.00% 0.026 4.040 2.075 0.021 3.805 0.026 0.023 0.24 920 0.50% 78.50% 0.026 4.066 2,097 0.021 3,831 0.026 0.023 0.24 930 0.50% 79.00% 0.026 4,092 2,118, 0,022 3.857 0.026 0.023 0.24 940 0.50% 79.50% 0.026 4.118 2.140 0.022 3.883 0.026 0,023 0.24 950 0.50% 80.00% 0.026 4,]44 2.161 0.022 3.909 0.026 0.023 0.24 960 0.50% 80.50% 0.026 4.170 2.183 0.022 3.935 0,026 0,023 0.24 970 0.50% 81.00% 0.026 4.196 2.205 0.022 3.960 0.026 0.023 0.24 980 0.50% 81.50% 0,026 4.222 2.226 0.022 3,9S6 0.026 0.023 0.24 990 0.50% 82.00% 0.026 4.248 2.248 0.022 4.012 0.026 0.023 0.24 1000 OAO% 82.40% 0.02] 4.268 2_265 0.017 4'.033 0.021 0.0]9 0.20 1010 0.40% 82.80% 0.02] 4.289 - 2.283 0.OJ7 4.053 0.02] 0.0]9 0.20 1020 OAO% .83.20% 0.021 ,4.310 2.300 0.017 4.074 0,021 0.019 0.20 1030 0.40% 83;60% 0.02] 4.330 2.318 0.017 4.095 0.02] 0,019 0.20 1040 0.40% 84.00% 0,021 4,351 2.335 0.017 4,116 0.021 0,019 0.20 ., Developed 25-year, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour t>,~..n PER VIO/JS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall 1m,,7e. Rainfall Accum.. Accum. Inere. Accum. mere. Total Ins~t Time distr. Rainfall mere. Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (mi~) distr. (in)__ (in) __Lin) iiIlL (in~ (in) _.Jin) (efs) _ 1050 0.40% 84.40% 0,021 4.372 2.353 0.018 4.136 ' 0,021 0.019 0.20 1060 OAO% 84.80% 0.021 4.393 2.370 0.018 4.157 0.021 0.019 0.20 1070 0.40% 85.20% 0,021 4.413 2.388 0.018 4.178 0.021 0.019 0.20 1080 0.40% 85.60% 0.021 4.434 2.405 0.018 4.198 0.021 0.019 0.20 1090 OAO% 86.00% 0.021 4.455 2.4~3 0.018 4.219 0.021 0.019 0.20 1100 OAO% 86.40% 0,021 4.476 2.441 0.018 4.240 . 0.021 0.019 0.20 1110 OAO% 86.80% 0.021 4.496 2,458 0.018 4.260 0.021 0.019. 0.20 1120 0040% 87.20% 0.021 4.517 2.476 0.018 4.281' 0.021 0.019 0.20 1130 0.40% 87.60% 0.021 4.538 2.494 0.018 4,302 0,021 0.019 0.20 1140 0.40% 88.00% 0,021 4.558 2.51] 0.018 4.322 0.021 0.019 0.20 ]150 0.40% 88.40% 0.021 4.579 2.529 0.018 4.343 '- 0.021 0.019 0.20 1160 0.40% 88.80% 0.021 4.600 2.547 0.018 4.364 0.021 0.019 0.20 1170 0.40% 89.20% 0.021 4.621 2.565 _ 0.018 4.384 0.021 0.019 0.20 1180 0.40% 89.60% 0.021 4.641 2.582 0.018 '4.405 0:021 0.019 0.20 1190 0040% 90.00% 0.021 4.662 2.600 0.018 4.426 0.021 0.019 0.20 1200 0.40% 90.40% 0.021 . 4.683 2.618 0.018 4,446 0,021 0.019 0.20 12]0 0.40% 90.80% 0.021 4.703 2.636 0.018 4.467 0.021 0.019 0.20 1220 OAO% 91.20% 0.021 4,724 2.654 0.018 4.488 0.021 0.019 0.20 1230 0040% 91.60% 0.021 4.745 2.672 0.018 4.508 0.021 0.0]9 0.20 1240 0.40% 92.00% 0.021 4.766 2.689 0.0]8 4.529 0.021 0.0]9 0.20 1250 OAO%" 92.40% 0.021 4,786 2.707 0.018 4.550 0.021 0.019 0.20 1260 0.40% 92.80% 0.021 4.807 2.Tis 0.018 4.57] 0.021 0.019 0.20 1270 OAO% 93.20% 0.021 4.828 2.743 0.018 4.59] 0.021 0.019 0.20 1280 .0.40% 93.60% 0.021 4,848 2.761 0.018 4.612. 0.021 0.019 0.20 1290 0.40% 94.00% 0.021 4,869 2.779 0.018 4.633 0.021 0.019 . 0.20 1300 0.40% 94.40% 0.021 4,890 2.7Q7 0.0]8 4.653 0.021 0.019 0.20 1310 .OAO% 94.80% 0.021 4,911 2.815 0.018 4.674 0.021 0.019 0.20 1320 0.40% 95.20% 0.021 4,931 2.833 0.018 4.695 ' 0.021 0.019 0.20 1330 0.40% 95.60% 0.021 4,952 2.851 0.018 4.715 , 0.02] 0,019 0.20 1340 0.40% 96.00% 0.021 4.973 2.869 0.018 4.736 0.021 0.019 0.20 1350 0.40% 96.40% 0.021 4,994 2.887 0.018 4.757 0.021 0.019 0.20 1360 0.40% 96,80% 0.021 5,014 2.905 0.018 4.777 0.02] . 6.019 0.20 1370 0.40% 97.20% 0.021 5,035 2.923 0.018 4.798 , 0,021 0,019 0.20 1380 0.40% 97.60% 0.021 5.056 2.941 0,018 4.819 ' 0.02] 0.019 0.20 .1390 0.40% 98.00% 0.021 5,076 2.900 0.018 4.839 0.021 0.019 0.20 1400 0.40% 98.40% 0.02] 5.097 2.978 0.018 4.860 0.021 0.019 0.20 14]0 0.40% 98.80% 0.021 5,118 2.996 0,018 4.881 0.02] 0,019 0.20 1420 0.40% 99.20% 0.021 5,139 3.0]4 0.018 4.902 0.021 ,0,019 0.20 1430 OAO% 99.60% 0.021 5,]59 3.032 0.018 4.922 0.02] 0.019 0.20 1440 OAO% lOO.OO% 0.021 5.180 3.050 ,0.018 4.943 0.021 0.019 0.20 Developed 25~year, SCS Type 1A, 24 Hour::',,,,m Infiltraii9n Facility area = dims= depth ~ : rock void File No: 3682-D25N.QPW 12-0-06, MJK 690.0 sf 121.00 ft x 1.50 ft 30 % VAR (rock) ft A vaiiable Storage volume calculation note: Available storage is the rock void volume + the volume stored in the detention pipe. The formula cales the total volume within the infiltration area as rock (ie 30% x infiltration facility voll then adds 70% of tile' pipe volulTIe since 30% of the pipe total was already included in the rock void tot