HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 11/7/2008 Ollnlll NCl. - ,;~.,:::.,{J:.;.;~, .."," .d.~;: .,r:.i~~~~'.-.' '~ ._,<-:", ; '. . ",>:~, ~:' -'f:'~:';C?~.? \V arran tY1Deed',:D/ I"",., . ..' . , ,.:,?-., \,:-'; , 'I'III}; J.'\DES'rlnm WI'l'NI':RRI':1'III, 'Thill ',~ l'rt\lu: ~. Iinner l\ndJl'Iuh H. J;lMe1. hl:i,'~and. and .~i.!e.: tho r"""'" I, lor ,",I' In 'n"'''lor~t;n;'; iti;;~t;:r.E". ","~f..~l8~ ~n ~~~;r '";,~\'t.bd~I"OO~dd~r~:}.wrb;;'~,b~t lIHeh.n D. I1ro.Mo": and J.",,:r~<l'~~6 :'/."~~.'l.t.'m . .;._..~ either of the'lll , . ;~t':,,,.,~-"~ "~~:';~E-i!~' tho Il'rlllllrj>I , tho follo\\lI'lJ: (]rfi(!tIhcd preml.lel, to- _. ;4'('.:'~,,_:!W;.\"~',:: '"'5 lio~ 24 in the Adams Pll\t n9 platted o.l1cL%". __AeA"ih Jook"14 Pac~ ty Oregon Record of "own Plato.' .~.~.W. _ t . " '~-'::'.:~., ,~.., ',+.,-.,," Subject. to the follo\f'iJ\( rer:t.rloHonlt All'.:onlltU",Bwlt be pili ~ vlth'.,tvn COll.t B of 8 tnndnrd p'~1nt with\n 90 c'JA11 attar': cor.rpleHnn. A .tCUl4a"r4....ptlG :tl'lr,'. rcuot b!\ 1not..,-1l1!oIt {or 'Ill.... (It. thtt til.'lO of c.oCup.'\noy. WotQOro thAn::ou rftst4anc.... .hn.1l be otoctGi1 OIl thts lot. All bulldln,. Z11\1Bt._bo sst. bAck at halt 2S teot !ro~ ~'hrl' rOAtl"'n:'-; no l1v~ntock lT1t\~' be kept on thh lot e:xcllpt pO"llllr1 Md rnb" ~ .... Th10 lo~ ~.'\:" bA ul'"d for ree1t\ent111l :ro.rpOUtf only. Date Redelved: NOV' - r 2008 '? Original Submitt:>1. .-.:;......-,;..,. that tlu'y ',': ~1I1l1 i h:d th,' Y \l'ill W;IIT:III! ;l!I,1 01"("110] Ihr .~i;ml' from.1l11 '~-;~~- :':.; lawfu(clahnM wb.(~\. . 'H., -- 1:-: wlfxr.: ~.--: \\'Ii 1, l:r.;II!.' '.ir. h."lV13 !wr\'lllltO 1t!'1 11:.11.11 .rid.ltlll .. our lilt, <1:1.;' of I J'W'l6 '.:' 'A. n., 1!1 S2 .,:,,--':. -, . ,/ "f~t....'J;fA. .'.~...' _~,Bl:,\' c] .' '/':~. . .7?I,7x.~,,,_(SE,\' . : .....; .- . ~ ( .. ,~ 1...- ;:-:1,;.\1.) . ..I:-:E.\tj} ~-..~._-,' ..,....~: ~~.'.'- J. 8'l'A'l'E {n' (JIUWOi\, l.. 'COU:'{'lT 01" LMB f "'... :;;,:,t.:?.-- llu it n'ltI"ll\her~ll illnl outJlill 'liat '. un)" or JU:i.e,' -. -;' ':" , : ~,,,;" . " " . , ..'~ ';': "'- l'ui'l\(lllnll.,' l:llllle hefore mr., n 1'\c.{f1rr 1.'uhlic ill Ind fotJilld,l'ount,)""tJu:I within n.med:t~~'~~,!:. .:~rlU1k I., Kinner and Joule H.,,~lnn07f_..~.'b&nd lUld. vile::,:';,. . ' : ' ':'if;;;' ~ -.., .- ;; <,.-:.~~/';;~,';~."'t1:,__..~~,,;~^ii_-";-' .... ~.;:~.,.o..:-e. ~ > :'."...~:.. '?" (. . ~~,l"~,:"')~~t;l.fll!;)'p,/}13o'Jl~,ii.~ri?~.t~~e)h~.1~1:~~~!~. ~-...I~In.t%'\1tn""'4 and ~o_W'lodged,to)JI.O, ti;~~;};,:'1~~:ti~ A.rtd:fl:oi-P.~)o&:tlii~~)1)i,#i.edt;~~4 ~{.,"-,....~~j,~\. WI\n1'M rry haiul a.nd ~tna_l ,thll 'da1:~ .:::, ..~:;j~~r; 9o~miMio~.:~~~I~'~;~~,~~~;.4'~' ~19 . . '.:~;-':~;:it~ ,~-, TlTt..1! ~~".C;,';.'. . -,.,. _', .. _-...'" t:: " 1 .1 L j J ..:l ) , L- ,:~ i, ,,:" ~- A ": i" 'j,' .~ . !tle ~~tract f?m~any f"l" ~".Of'UlJllllD r-ll,' ~\l.~:,U~_~I~~:.~, l. t-"~! ~"TITf:~ '.1.'<'<0\:1.\1'1' IN 1'1'rl.8 1\~~O(,L\'r. -~, :.E INSURANCE , '," ~lractJ '. .~ ESCIOWS J: fi f/.. ~;.':: ;~ .j :r: ;;,,' t , ,,'j :1~ ~: ...~~t, ~IGS :J<1t,i " a '. ,2 < " <' ~ g '0 , ~ . ~ . ~ .. 0 0" r>- ~ ~". " " ~ ....0 0 " . . "l g 0, ",' 0 . " ~ '^ a' ,. 0 ~ " :;; a' . '< ~ p : '.."t. ~~ '.';' ',~::, 5, " ;_~st.. """"-. ."..... :.'-,c,' ,,:_~" Warrant "~~Jk_';; 'P;/Oll, I> " 'IO~;;H .::.;:. ''':,- I ~; ,-_.;.....ti,. , ,;.~ '.,i\!. ..: ." ;'~...,;, ,'.......,,_. ']'" :~~. ~" ~ ,0;- -.,'1 ;' ii' .t.... , -"": ..,-;. I~'."< ._' __ , '., ~;'3~ii;~:~;t-'"... <h~!:~. '". '",~",:,,~,- . ,~;,:,:-ii;".<{[.-:';~' 'n{;;~.":~.. ._l~~;. ..r JQ~JlJN, 2O,~'Nof;lr'I,7 J,ht~",;, .~,,' }{G.j.~,: . ',<~:0~~t:. , ".}.i}.~/-.: . . ;~::.-'f- Date R8c6ived: :':}-;;'. NOV - 7 2008 ,';~ :~ };.:'~:r.: Original Submittal '",", ;!~ "~o;':" RECORDING REOUESTED BY . FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPAi\IY OF OREGON GRANTOR'S NAME Donald tfedges GRANTEE'S NAME Jennifer M. Johnson Dl~is'on D' Chi.' Deputy Clerk Litne CounlyD..ds and Reco,.ds ZOOH62~2 $26,00 SEND TAX STATEMENTS To: Jennifer M. Johnson 3750 E Street Springfield, OR 97478 M~l!m'~~~l~llUM!WW"111 "' III Rl'R-OEED Cnt,l, Stn=8 c~9;W~~2 10:18:05 M S5,PO SII.OO SIO,OO AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Jennifer M. Johnson 3750 E Street Springfield. OR 97478 , , ::;PALl: AbUVI: IHI::; UNI: ~()H HI:LUHUI:H-t> ut>I:' STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED . ' Donald D. Hedges, Grantor, conveys and warra~ts t~ Jennifer M, Johnson. as an Indlvldual,Grantee, the following desc~ibed real property, free and <clear of encumbrances except as specifically set forth below, situated in the County of lane, State of Oregon, lot 23, THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 14, Page 3, lane Courity Oregon PlatRecords, in Lane County, Oregon. ~ ~ Subject to and excepting: Covenants, conditions, restrictIons and easements of records. 2002"200~ real property taxes, a lien but not yet due and payable. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OFTHE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACOUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHo'ULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OEPARTMENTTO VERIFY APPROVEO USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930, THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS $87,900.00 ISee ORS 93,0301 I DATED: August 15, 2002 AFTER AECORDING RETURN TO FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON PO BOX 10827 EUGENE, OR 97440 9X".,.. ~/ .0#:,4" ~ 'Donald D. Hedges C/' .. ~ OFFIClAL"SEAl~' a am \ NOTARYPUBUC.OREGON COMMISSION NO. 34/l521 /.K( ~O~I~ION E~IAESJlJLY 28, 200$ STATE OF OREiJON" , Q , COUNTY OF \ V'L/t...-.........----"", Date ReceiVE d: This instrument was acknowledged before me on ,\In'(~ \ b nnald n, Hp.d' 6. ./ ~~~ NOTARY puau~R MY COMMISSION EX(~S: ) NOV ' - 7 2008 Original Submittal FORD-3l3 (Rev 2196) 51 A TUTORY WARRANTY DEED i I' , f:h 102-1 (t'\) 1/2-