HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/7/2008 . ~~ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477" Land [)ivision Plat Partition, Subdivision ~ Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 I .'. Original submltta' . -. .. . . - . . . . - - . .. . Partition Plat Pre-Submittal: I Partition Plat Submittal: I I I I I I I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand; please attach your proposal description to this application, I Proposal: To subdivide 2 'existinq leqal lots into 6 lots IExistinq Use: Sinqle-FamilyReSidential; I Ten'tative Case #: 2007-00034 I 1# of Lots/Parcels: 6 IAv'q. Lot/par~el Size: 6360 sf I Densitv: 6,84 dujacre I ISi natures: Please si nand rint Yllur name and date in the:a riate box on the next aqe, I Applicant Name: John McSWane Icompanv: !Address: IAPPlicant's Rep.: Aaron Grimes Icompan-v': IAddress: I Property Owner: John McSwane Icompanv: IAddress: 3800 E Street, OR 97477 IASSESSOR'S M'AP NO: 17-CJ3-31-13 !TAX LOT NOeS): 600 & 700 I Property Address: 3750 & 3800 E Street"Sprinqfield, OR 97477 ISize of Propertv': 38,160 ,Acres 0 I Phone: 541-746c1239 Fax: 3800 E , OR 97477 Phone: 541-302-9790 Olson & Morris Fax: 541-485-3253 380 Street, 97477 .0J." Phone: 541-746-1239 Fax: ",;:,. Square Feet ~ Name of Subdivision: Willow . ... Associated Applications: !pre-sub, Case No.: PJZe.iu(jJ,-DlJn3'11 D~te: I Reviewed by: Icase No.: S1tlll?9~/~Li-q ,I Date: (1-'7..01,;: I Reviewed by: '8t-- IAPPlication Fee: $ '0~1~.(]V ITechnical Fee: $ \1>DP\O' Ipostage Fee: $0 I TOTAL FEES: $ '2nG\<b,QO PROJECT NUMBER: rz.001,~EXtfJSI Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 6 ,Owner Signatures , This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner sign'atures are required cat both s~ages in the application process. An application 1I'!'ithout the Ow'ner's original sigllature will not be accepted. ! ;, . Pre-Submittal . The undersigned acknowledges that the information in thisapplicatio~ is correct and accurate'for'scheduling of the, Pre- ,Submittal Meeting. ' . Owner: , \ Date: Signature .John McSwane Print Submittal I represent this applicatiot) to be com'plete for submittal to the dty. ~onsistent with the. completeness check performed on, this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information' identified by the City as necessary for processing ,the application is provided herein or the info.rmation will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement'serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a Owne" roZi ~ . 0"., IrI:; ~O 8-' ~ignature I' ( John McSwane Print " . ' Date Received: NOV.~ 7 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 ~"- . , , J. ' . Post Monumentatlon Deposit as required for subdivisions only. City Survey Section has current fee schedule and templates, o Location of Any Floodways in accordance with SDC 3.3-400. 0, Existing Easements Clearly Ident!fied with Their Recorded Reference, o New Easements and Reserve Strips Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easements Identifie~ on Plat. o NOTE: When, as part of the approval process; the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Docu'ments which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: ,Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Dev,elopment Plans; 'Easements; Joint Use Access/ ,.. . ,I Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications bf Right-of-Way., ' Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Check!ist NOTE': If you feel'an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . p Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee.5chedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula, A copy of the fee schedule. is available at the Development Services Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are collected at the time of complete appHcation submittaf. Land Division Plat Application Form Two (2) Copies of the Deed Two (2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days ofthe date Lane County will record the plat. ' Original Plat on Mylar with notarized owner(s) signature(s) and signed surveyor stamp, . Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper' Original and Copy of all Required 'Documents with signatures where appropriate. Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 6 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/JournaJNumbcr SUB2008-00049 SUB2008-00049 Payments: Type of Payme"Dt Check CreditCard Job/Journal Number SUB2008.00049 SUB2008.00049 Payments: Type of Payment Check CreditCard cReceint 1 RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000733 Description CTY Subd >LDR Base +476 Lot + ~% Technology Fee Paid By JENNIFER M, JOHNSON JOHN MCSW ANE Sity of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department Date: 11/07/2008 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk' ddk Descriptio." CTY Subd >LDR Base +476 Lot + 5% Technology Fee Paid By JENNIFER M, JOHNSON JOHN MCSWANE 103 ' In Person 00767Z In Person Payment Total: Item Total: Check Number ~uthorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk ddk Page I of I 103 In Person 00767Z In Person Payment Total: Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 original submittal II :04:55AM Amo.unt Due 3,618,00 ' 180,90 $3,798,9U Amount Paid $3,690,75 $108,15 $3,798,9U Amount Due 3,618,00 180,90 $3,798.9U Amount Paid $3,690,75 $108,15 $3,798,90 11/7/2008 Lu \ OF SPRINGFIELD VILil'luI i MAP ~ u rl2008-00049 3750 & 3800 "E" Streets fRSiArA'VE . ..., ../ . -G0MMERG/A'=-AVE Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 Original Submittal IIIII I." I ~ll~ Map 17-02-31-13 Tax Lot 600, 700 North + 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax aaronlalolsonandmorris, com Olson & Morris A subsidiary of L.B. Olson & Associates, inc. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors Urban Planners Traffic Engineers Date Received: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL NOV - 7 2008 Date: November 7,2008 Original Submittal. TO: Steve Hopkins Development Services Urban Planning Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 From: Aaron J Grimes Sr RE: SUB2008-00039 WE ARE SENDING YOU... ( x ) Attached ( ) Originals (x) Copies ( x ) Reports ( ) Plans ( ) Under separate cover via ) Prints ( ) Diskette(s) ) Specifications ( x ) Memo QTY DESCRIPTION 1 Copy of the Mylar of Weeping Willow Subdivision 2 Title Report (one for each property owner) 1 Final Partition fee of $3798,90 1 Final Partition Pi at Application 3 Copy of the Concurrences (3 individual)(signed and notarized) 1 Copy of the Declaration of 26 Foot Pvt Easement (signed and notarized) 2 Copy of the Deed (one for each property) 2 Copy of SUB Easement (2 individual) (si9ned and notarized) ( x ) For your use ( x ) For approval & Filing ( ) For review & comment ) As requested ) Returned for correction ) For your distribution ) Approved as submitted ) Approved as noted REMARKS: C: The processing fee of $700, the recording fee of $224 and any taxes will be paid at the time of recording, Signature: -I1~~ L.A., . / Aaron J Grimes Sr - 'Ir". e Fidelity National!Title Company 01 Oregon 800 WiII"mune,' ,Sutto 500. Eugene, OR '.' 97401 15411663-5422' FAX 15411683-5437 REPORT ORDER NO,: 01-709103-46- C Amended TO: Aanon ~. .olson- .and - Mor~i-s'-~ - -=-_ YOUR REFERENCE.: ., . OWNER/SELLER: John E. McSwlIne and Hilda R. McSwane BUYER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3800 E Street, Springfield, OR 97478 EFFECTIVEDATE:'N~:;'~;;'b~; 4, 2068a~8~OO a.m. 1.' Repbrt for surveying purPoses only_ - ,2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERFlED TO COVERED ElY THIS REPORT is: A Fee 3, TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: John E. McSwane and Hilda R. McSw8J1lt. as tenants by the entirety,. _' _ '. . ~ . . ~ '. " ~, . . -' . '." \! . ; . , 4.. THE. LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IN THE COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON;rt'-ND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: . ' , " r . ' SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED:HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF .. ..' .'-....H..' r..~; l.."l:~t", Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 Original Submittal , Order No. 01-709103-46 EXHIBIT "ONE" Lot 24, THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded In Book 14, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, In Lane County, Oregon, ' Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 Original Submittal 'l", ,'- _. .~.. ! . " It. "-:,q ........'i..1 2 Order No, 01-709103-46 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT. ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY.. FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: ... GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: I " . . 1. Taxos or assossments which are not shown as exlstlng liens by tI1e records of any taxing authority 'that levies taxes or lassessments on real property or by the public record.. proceedings by s public agency which may rosult in taxes or asall8aments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. ' '.. .. 2, ':'Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by tI1e pubiic records but which could be ascertained by an inspection ofs~id land ~r by making Inquiry of persolls in possession. I 3.. 'Easements, or claims of easements or encumbrances"not shown by the 'public records, reservations or exceptions in patents or In,acts authorizing the issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water,' 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage In' area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, 5, Any statutory liens for labor or.materlal, Including lien~ ,tor contributions due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for worker's compensation, which hsve now gelned or may gain priority over the lien of the insured deed of trust, which liens do , not now appear of record. SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS: 6. City nens in favor of tI1e City of Springfield, if any. 7, Easement(s) for the purpose\sl.shown below and rightS incidental thereto as delineated or as offered'for dedication. on the plst of said proPerty: ", ' .. ... Purpose: Affects: Irrigation ditch ' No ex.ct,locatlon give~ Utilities' " :. , .. " .. , The Northerly portlon within a 20 ft. wide easement Purpose: Affects: 8. Covenl101ts; conclltlone end restrictions ldeleting'therefrom ahy restrictions indicating any preference. limitation or discrimination based 011 race, color, religion, $ex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: June 20,,1956, Racorder's No. 87902 Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 ...,.... h' ,-' .Y. 'r" - " ~ '.~' . 3 Original Submittpl ~.ll.<... \t;:1,' I" . , .. ^ .'" ,:." 1"'I~'j' '. ~lJdjhll<.-- ,'.ol (~ Order No. 01-709103-48 9, A deed of ',ust to secure an Indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby' Amount: Dloted; Grentor: Trustee: Beneficiary; Loan No,: Recorded; $119,000.00 Septamber 8, 2005 John E, McSwane and Hilda R. McSwane,as tenants by the enlirety Firs1 American Trtle Company Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc" as nominee for Lender, CitiMortgege, Inc. 002003031272 September 13, 2005, Recorder's No. 2005-072022 , O. A d;ed of tnl$t to secure an indebtedne" iO the emount shown below, anti any other obligations secured thereby : Amount: $32,000,00 Dated: September 8, 2005 , Grantor; John E. McSwane and Hilda R. McSwane, as tenants by the entirety Trustee: First American TItle Company Beneficiary: Citibank Federal SavingS Bank Loan No,; 002003035464: Recorded: September' 3. 2005. Recortler's No, 2005-072023 11. Taxes for the fiscal year 2008-2009 on account D0117091, $1,488.66, due and payable. Contact A & T for any discounts. END OF ITEMS AND ~CEPTIONS NOTES: . Note A, This closed repon Is being updated for SOlely for surveying purpos66, I YOU WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING. LEGAL CONSEOUENCESFOLJ.OW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OFTHESE DOCUMENTS. THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS ANDOBLIGA TIONS. YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR A80UT 1liE DOCUMENTS. IF YOU WISH'TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT yOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT. Note B. Note; Any tlocuments being executed in conjunction with this transaction must be signed in the presence of an authorized employee of an agent, an authorized employee of the insured lender, or bV using Bancserv or other approved third-party service. If the above requirements cannot be met, please call the company at the number provided in this repon. Note C, Pro""rty taxes for the fiscal vear 2007-2008,. paid, Amount: Account No.; Map No,: Levy Code: .1,347.42 0117091 17-02-31-13-00700 01900 Note D. Tlm'e are no judgments of record against Jo~n E. McSwane or Hilda R, McSwane. -1-" ,:-: " ~"\" Note E. , There are no tax liens of record against John 'E, McSwane or Hilda R. McSwane. {' ".'t . . d ':,1' '~.;'.i.JI' 4 Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 Original Submittal ,- . Not. F. 24 Month Ch.in 01 Tltl. None ,', . " , ,[ 5 Order No, 01-709103-46 ~,' :' " Date Received: NOV. - i 2008 Original SUbmittal 'I .- ~ I '. I ~ 1 n veT Teen Land Title C0t11pany Date Received: NOV. - 7 2008 Original Submitta' 1\ PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT / '\ TO: OLSON &:MORRlS EMAIL: aaron@olsonandmorris.com ATTN: AARON RE: JOHNSON 3750 nEn STREET SPRINGFIELD ~ / Order reports and listing kits online at (w'Aw,evergreenlandtitle,corn) . :"'~.' -j ~ .: ~ ..'- ,~, .. .I .N~ 7. 2008 , I ;~. ELT-53251 Jt '. :)1!:,," uC-,!.;~/;!.~i.' Main Office: 1651 Centennial Blvd, Springfield, OR 97477 Phone # (541) 741-1981 Fax # (541) 741-0619 Branch Office: 625countrv Club Rd. . Eugene, oregon 97401 . P,O. Box 10211 . Eugene, Oregon 971140 Phone # (541) 687-9794 Fax # (541) 687-0924 , I). .!l" ~ ~ ~.""... ~ ~ --.,. JIfJJlIlIli: ~ t\ gx~!g~~~n TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES' ESCROW ClOSINGS 625 COUNTRY ClUB RD, . EUGENE, OR 97401 P,O, BOX 10211" EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.6B7,9794 FAX: 541.687,0924 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD, '. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 P,O, BOX 931 ".SPRINGF,IELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.1981 ' . FAX: 541.741.0619 November 7,2008 Our Order, No,,: EL T -53251 4th SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Olson & Morris 380 "Q" Street Ste 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 ,Attn: Aaron Estimated Premium for: TO COME OWNER'S POLICY, Re-Issue Credit Gov't Service'Fee' TO COME $0,00 $35,00 Dear Aaron: TOTAL TO COME We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate docum'ents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 23, THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 14, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon, Showing fee simple title as of October 31,2008, at 8:00 a,m" vested in: JENNIFER M, JOHNSON, as an individual Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form, No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid, Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 Original Submittal CONTINUED "-'-'-'-'- "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MAnER MOST" \vw\"".evergreenlandtitle,com " ELT - 53251 Page 2 j SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or'assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records, 2, Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records'but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquity of persons in possession thereof. 3, Easements, or claims of easement, not ,shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disclose, '5, Any lien, or right to a lien, for services', labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by la~ and not shown by the public records, ' CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6, Taxes, Map No, 17-02-31-13-00600, Code 19-00, AccountiNo, 0117083, 2008-2009, a lien in tne amount of$I,108,43, now payable, 7, Public Utility Easement as shown on the recorded plat 8, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion or national origin, imposed by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded April 23, 1959, Recepti,on No, 6597~;Lane County Oregon Records, 9, Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Jennifer M Johnson, as an individual, as Grantor(s), to Deborah {Ames Naylor, as'Trustee, for the benefit of Pentagon Federal CU" as Beneficiary, Dated July 6, 2005, Recorded July 15,2005, Reception No, 2005-052458, Official Records of Lane County! Oregon, 'given to secure payment of a Note for $103,000,00, NOTE: The address of the property'to be insured herein is: 3750 "E" STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478, C O:N TIN UED Date Received: NOV : - 7 2008 Original submittal ELT - 53251 Page 3 NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) " JENNIFER M, JOHNSON, and as of October 31,2008, none were found, NOTE: As of October 3 I, 2008, there are no liens for the City of Springfield, NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT, Very tml y yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFIC !vJJ By: Jeffrey K, Walker Advisory Title Officer NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID, IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200,00 WILL BE CHARGED, Date Received: NOV. -7.2008 Original Submittal , " 'I '. .- " Date Received: ff\~', \T-O~-0'-\~ 1"::100' NOV - 7 2008 , ~ s \; 3M!', ~l~ ;, 90' ~ ~J' """ ",.11','1"'*: {//.I'{~i/, '1; ,Cr or.53' /08.'1V' : , ' 7600, ";!;?;;1' , 109 14' ~ f.... "~' 1[J40D ., ,~,,,m'j f:t,~Y'c';;~j;,; ':~~:: (:i:V::;;':, ;'''is';;..).,;: ;"D. <, :J!: it'1-9360t' "jj~~~~::lJ) KL: -': : .'-i'{~.03'; .~ .-, .r,;,,~a " N- 109;2. ',_ -:,"~"VI'1\"V,.._:t""t..:,-:~~~ _ tv -i- il30@",~~c.;, " G,e 10200 . OJ 5' . .~...L'''L_~ o.L.~ ~) i1TLc CO ~ 74J-'tb l- l:{ " . 28 ",", , . ~ ~) Original Submittal 9" . .., 0 " 300 .p' " ~ , 201 '" 20 , ~ In . , 60' 400 500 600 21 22 23 , I I . '~2i <@~~ (#.890..Se.) W' r' N 8'3.43'26' E ~ I~' \ .........-. 36 1800 3~l1ffg1'~16'?-...\'O ~~~'o,~ ~'" 0,21 AC,~:" 1...."'-. ,) ~~ t ~"' 8"2 so, n, ~ ) yo : I;:: .I7.4({ ~ ~ PCL. 1 "\ ),' "'< ~ " ~' QO I 50' S 8'tG 4:s' VI ~ 'q . 140', '0,0' z S 89'28'~E ~ 1601 i I .. 1 80 1 ~ ~ 89.99" " '. ~ ./ ' S,36825 '" ~ ~\' ~'".~ ~ ~ 01~Olc, /40' I , . 8968 so, n, 1602 ., < ~,~ ,';w. "5.~(.. peL. 2' r . '-+:w_ ... 55, 1 .('fl' ,"" jj6 Oj~ g "? p..~'61'fJ 7/1(71. ':l~ ~I':;- _~_~ 5 qo' ,. .50' LLL......Lil :LL./ W ~ J 'll.LI~' JVll'P::''!aUt"''-''';if''~'l'rJle/('..u..a:L.J. lA.q,t..+' -zS I~'N. .~J1,.'&'l.~o'E., ,(..q' :'l NB9"</.2.'E.-loe.';l8' 4201 ~Ii..{ II ' ~ ~:~,5601 f5700.. " ,.. ,..t.tI \ 0::, J-- ~~I ~~.;~i.,w ~~. ~ ; lLJ E " 5602 <C' - - '-;::;,H-C- - - lLJ ~ l' ,...",. 0', 0- 'B~~"i:., ~ ~ r . 2 o...r 580oiJ"-,"' \'I (f) h 5603 ~ ~' -.; .~ ~ ~ N;e9-fn.'w- lZ9.Go.<l' 45' ~ 3 .>~, . t 4301 ,,,,~"'4' 40' ~ ~ 5604 O~ 5900 'd>41' ~ Nt, ~,~~, ~~ ' ~. 4 ~.. ~ ~ IO~.~' ~ 5605 ~~ 129,S6' p, LL.,' . 6000 ~; 0. ~ . ...:.. II a:. l '\.E " 5 Kj;D4Y'E 901 321( 14095 , , ~ o , m ;:; ,: " 900 L- TI,1402 , r- 0'-\ ' ~ W.~ W 0:: $"- (J) 1401 /2'1.6"" s.e",.,~'4. , o , ~' 4200 4300 4302 1-. ~. 00 cD 90' o ~ o 0 CXJ CXJ In"4f;.i, --41"'- 700 900 24 . '.. "'\ 9 9 ' ~ ~~ ~ . , )\ ~r ( ......'" \ ~ 26 4.>' 25 STREET 31 70,1/' 30 ~ ;; 1301 ~ "'- ~ ;; ~ b , '" 1200 ~..... ~f1,f1' '" ~ 'I- s.eq~-4-5'E:, -"> " r\.: 1300 '" 29 0 0 '" '" ~ " , 9D ;,,'/,N";:;I~ /Yf'1"~/'~D"'t: 7900 25 j,.~41.+O' i..':'04",D.t. "cl ~ "i'1.O.,...... ",,<< i''.l/ ~ v ~.:;..; "" . ~ . ~ ~........... ;~;i, , ;.. 27 '<,$, V.;'.p "tt' /00.0' CONCUR~NCE loAr0#=' <X D,<; g::;-(;, t. 'PfL"KIl-':)'-'1 : _,:f::{'O e .s-/'R.<'T7 5 ('fL I,J ( ?, aT) O(\._ 't-1-oD~ -.-: d I 13M,r<'vJO-- : --.} c="''''''r-~/L.. (J1, cJOH'-l.!,vJ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that, Pefltagon Federal CU" is the beneficiary in the amo~mt of $]03,000,00 to property r6tcrred to in a certain Deed of Trust recorded July, 15, 2005, Reception No, 2005-0p2458, Lahe County Official Records"Lane County, Oregon, FURTHER, said property is being Subdivided according to Oregoii Revised Statutes, NO\V THEREFORE; Pentagbil Fedenil CU, hereby gives their consellt aild coilc'un'encc to theSubctividingof said "property , . '.. ,. . . day of ~ <--I .2008, I Datcdns ()c1k. .~Ht~ ~r..bbl/'_ 'rliCS-NA\.fLf>A.-- 5Lh' 0.... I '--L---P~e.s ,i,uJ + l'.cii@i,ooFedefilLC,U. (signature) (prini) , (title) Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 . 0 '" ~~-w.,~ Sta.tcofOreo 1. .t ~~~p~s. :C ...) '.Lahe ) Original Submittal Thisinstflu)1entwas acknov,Jcdge.dbeforeme on ';:)y ,~_, 2008 by . .~c'n'Q\<2.G\~~\()r .' gs. 'S7--(\\()r,S-Q..\oD(""",C~n,L of ~,~,--\ C-"'.~I ('\I'1ffI;', \ \ n"U\A ,as their free and voluntary act iuiadeed, " . ~""'''''' ..~"'''n..f:;.SA 41, ~.,~~. ~ /.....(" ....r'l(,; ... <i "'"V ...~.ON . "'-.~ ~ '-:~~. ((:0..-,__ ill" . ,~o ~"(\'\~ :: '/0 10#311582 ~\ = = : MyComm:J:: : = ,: Expires' : : .. ',. . .. fL- .. 04-30-2009 .' = .r. -1:...~",; ~l\~.. ~ ~ O;;...JOOS:~.. CJ , "#"',,1AY P\.l~~'~ .........,.. ...~fO\~ . .otarYPliblicofOregSB 'J ,..\/\(f\'~ > 1\1y cqriftl'iSSioll expiles: Lj. --s..O-()CL After recording to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street, Suite 200, Springfield, OR. 97477 3834 ~Concurrenee- Pentagon Federal CU. p ~ CONCURRENCE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, [nc" as nominee for Lender, CitiMortgage, ,[nc., is the beneficiary, in the amount of $ [[ 9,000,00 to property referred to ili a certain Deed of Trust recorded September [3, 2005, Reception No, 2005-072022; Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon, , FURTHER, said property is being Subdivided according to Oregon Revised Statutes, NOW THEREFORE, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, [nc" hereby gives their conseni and concurrence to the Subdividing of said property, Dated this 1'1', day of /J'1bN:-'..r ,2008, ~j~' ~"1 g-uatth C) \\,\\\\111/1/11111 ,,\'\. ,c REGIS r ///,. ,,()~ -;,.,...... t?...., '/ .......~ ..',,'POfT .".,/'0....... ~,"/ 0 "1)-'...1J ~ ~&: 0 ~'.~-;::' ::~, SE.AL ',u>:: _ lLI. - ,-< - :: "" 1995 .:oo::: .';.l!l'. :i;/:: ~.L".() 0"'~ ~ --:, Cl....-~.~?AW~~...,~ ~ I'//,{ 01'; ......'.')~\ "," ' //11 " \\\\ fl/llfllll\\\ Date Received: F 5' #/lWt1) ....-: y",YZ-I!j (print) , 1/,0>_ P/P~C:ij)l'l1r (title) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, [nc, >>PJ-?y<.4/1/t ~ State of-8rc5or. ) ~ r"'4?!J{'k:JC" ) S5, County of bme ) NOV - 7 2008 Original Submittal This instrument was acknowledged before me on /7, AiI'<U'7'''''', ,2008 b)' </'/.;;0,411) tC/,,/'4,Ju "as V,Oc ,?'/2L<::JDf'J' of /:?;'&-'" 7'Mt--e ..c-/"..L'.I""",.V/ C, L"c', ;/-.>AI'_.-AI "7<:'/'''''''5' cr'/VG, as their free and voluntary act and deed, f),..fJiJ. ~ . ~fore;~ MDft(ltMd, ~ My Commission expires: AM", .,~ ?'.!JrL I - After recording to: Olson & Morris,,380 Q SIreN, Suile 200, Springfield, OR 97477 3834 - Concurrence. MERS ~i . . ... CONCURRENCE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Citibank, NA, successor in interest by merger to Citibank Federal Savings Bank, is the beneficiary in the amount of $32,000.00 to property referred to in a certain Deed of Trust recorded September 13,2005, Reception No, 2005-072023, Lane County Official Records, Lime County, Oregon, . FURTHER, said property is being S~bdivided according to Oregon revised Statutes, NOW THEREFORE, Citibank, N,A" hereby gives their consent and concurrence to the Subdividing of property as described' in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . Dated this 2151 day of October, 2008.- \;(;?a~ 'Ii, Robin Rau, Vice President of Citibank, N,A, \, ',- State of Maryland ) )ss County of Frederick ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on October 21, 2008 by V, Robin Rau, as Vi~e President ofCitibank, N,A., as their free and voluntary act and deed, (/7 -: / 'y:) /J/'r1 rX/lev iJ.j ~C:JJ Saundra W, Pierce, Notary Public of Maryland ' My commission expires: August 9, 2011 Date Received: . . , NOV' - 7 2008 Original Submittal . , . EXHIBIT "A" Lot 24~ THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book ]4, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon, Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 Original Submittal '. .. DECLARATION OF A 26.00 FOOT PRIV ATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that John E, McSwane, Hilda R, McSwane and Jennifer M, Johnson are the owners of Lots 1.6 of WEEPING WILLOW subdivision, recorded ,2008, Reception No, 2008- as filed in Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon, I FURTHER, said Owners create a 26,00 foot Width, Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement, across Lots 2.5, as shown on said Subdivision, for the benefit of Lots 1-6, FURTHER, said Owners, Heirs, Assigns or Successors of Lots I -6 will share said easement and said Owners, Heirs, Assigns or Successors of Lots 1.6 will enter into a Maintenance Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and declared that: , ' I, The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Successors of the above named Lots of said Subdivision shall share equally in the costs ofmaintenancean9 operation of said Easement. , 2, The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Successors of said Lots may construct and maintain private utilities over and across said Easement. 3, The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Successors of said Lots shall cause said Easement to remain tree of structures and parked vehicles and shall bc available for access to the public road at all times, 4. Maintenance to the access facilities shall be undertaken at such time as the majority of the owners, being served by said Easement deem it desirable, 5, Maintenance to the stormwater facilities shall be undertaken at such time as the majority of the owners, being served by said Easement deem it desirable or at such a time as necessary to 'ensure the functionality of said facilities, See "Exhibit An for more details of the Vegetated, Grassy and Street Swale Operations and Maintenance Plan. 6, Emergency vehicles shall have the right to enter upon said Easement for the purpose of emergency vehicle access. 7. The Owners, Heirs, Assigns and Successors of Lots 1 and 6 are excluded from maintenance responsibilities as long as their ingress/egress is taken from "En Street and the required maintenance is not related to utilities serving said Lots FURTHER, The provisions. of this instrument tOllch,and concern, and relate to the use ofLols 1 -6, and arc intended to be covenants and restriCtions running with the lan'd. , Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 The true and actual consideration of this declaration is $ 0,00, Original Submitta' Upon recording please return to: Olson & Morris, 380 Q Street Suite 200, Springfield, OR 97477 3834.26,00 Foot Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement 1/. \. .. [X ~ it),'\. A" 'Vegetated, Grassy, and Street Sw~les Operations & Maintenance Plan Swaies are planted or grassed open channels that trap pollutants by filtering and slowing flows, allowing particles to settle out. The swale should drain within 48 hours of a storm event. All faciiity components, vegetation. and source conlrols shall be inspected for proper operations and structurai stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installation, 2 times per year thereafter, and within 48 hours after each major storm event. The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates. observations, and maintenance activities, The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and'mainteriance activities. The following item's shall be inspected and maintained as stated: Swale Inlet (such as curb cuts or pipes) shall maintain a caim flow of water entering the swaie, . Source of erosion shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channeis are forming, . Sediment accumulation .shall be hand-removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control measures, Sediment shall be removed if it is more than 4"thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetation, . Iniet shall be cleared when conveyance capacity is plugged, Sources of sediment and debris shall be identified and corrected, I . Rock splash pads shali be replenished to prevent erosion, I Side Slopes shall be maintained to prevent erosion that introduces sediment into the swale, 1 . Slopes shall be stabilized and planted using appropriate erosion control measures when-native soil is exposed or I erosion channels are forming. , Swale Media shall aliow stormwater to percolate uniformly through the iandscape swaie, If the swale does not drain within 48 hours. It shall be liIied and replanted according to design specifications, . . Annuai or semi-annualliliing shall be implemented if compaction or clogging continues, . Debris in ~uantilies that inhibit operation shall be removed routinelv !e,q"oo less than quarterlv), or upon discovery, Swale Outlet shall maintain sheet flow of water exiting swaleunless a collection drain is used. Source of erosion damage shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming. . Outlets such as drains and overland flow paths shall. be cieared when 50% of the conveyance capacity is plugged, . Sources of sediment and debris shall be identified and corrected, Vegetation shail be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering whiie protecting underlying soils from erosion, Muich shall be replenished as needed to ensure survival of vegetation, . Vegetation, large shrubs or trees that interfere with landscape swale operation shail be pruned, . Failen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shail be removed, . Grassy swales shail be mowed to keep grass 4" to 9" in height . Nuisance and prohibited vegetation from the Portland Plant List (such as blackberries and English Ivy) shall be removed when discovered, Invasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shail be removed and replaced, . Dead vegetation and woody material shall be removed to maintain less than' 10% of area coverage or when swale III ' function is impaired, Vegetation shali be replaced within 3 months. or immediately if required to maintain cover density and control erosion where soils are exposed. " . Spill Prevention measures shali be exercised when handling substances that contaminate stormwater, Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identified, Training and/or written guidance information for operating and maintaining swales shall be provided to all property owners and tenants, A coPY of the O&M Plan shall be provided to all propertv owners and tenants, . Access to the swale shall be safe and efficient. Egress and ingress routes shall be maintained to design standards. Roadways shall be maintained to accommodate size and weight of vehicles. if applicable, . Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/orJequ;pment access to the swaJe shall be removed. . Gravel or qround cover shall be added if erosion occurs, e.Q., due.to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. I Insects & Rodents shall not be harbored in the swale. Pest control measures shall be taken when insectslrodents are found to be present. . If sprays are considered, then a mosquito larvicide. such as Bacillus thurendensisor Altoside formulations can be applied oniy if absoiutely necessary, and only by a licensed individual or contractor, . Holes in the qround located in and around the swale shall be fiiled. If used at this site, the followinct will be aVDlicable: Check Dams shall control and distribute flow, . Causes for altered water flow shall be identified, and obstructions cleared upon discovery, . Causes for channelization shall be identified and repaired, ,_~r1. Storm water Management Manual Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1,2004 ! 'I Page 3-14 . NOV.. - 7 2008 Original Submittal Granted and declared this /" tI. ~,(fl?- Jilin E. MCSw~ t; / State of Oregon day of , No'~"-f , 2008, . OFFICIAL SEAL LYNDA K MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON COMMISSION NO, A393415 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG, 26. 2009 ) )ss, County of Lane ) , , · tl This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~day of N~P~i50?~ I My Commission Expires: i\~. d-8: d-dd '1 'c........-.........-.--- tJ~-<<2008 by John E. McSwane, Granted and declared this to 1\ day of N.~),~ ,2008, ~O.J('l R /I1~f...~ Hilda R, McSwane ~ , I. OFFICiAL SEAL LYNDA K MillER NOTARYPUBL~,OREGON COMMISSION NO, A393415 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG, 26, 2009 State of Oregon ) ) ss, County of Lane ) , : A This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~day of "'o~~, 2008 by Hilda R, McSwane, . -i' 7't1b Nota ublic for Oregon My Commission Expires: 1\-l.VI;~, )pt/"} I Granted and declared this '3~ day of_NAII"'_...^,~ , 2008, ~l^ ~_1. Jennifer M, J).hnson )' State of DQQ-,D1J OFFICIAl. SEAL . MARlUI.EllANIlRE NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO. 426319 UYCOMMISSION EXPIRES APRll22. 2012 ) ) S5, County of~~A-:?-~h tJ 6'Tt:::10 ) j ~ d ' This instru en was ack 0 vi edged before me on ?;I~!] day of f.3011EMf~008 by Jennifer M, Johnson, J~ ~lGl Dl).ll _ I)./' __: Date Received: Notary Public for' OREG-ON I My Commission Expires: kY,,, J I -'22 ';;-oil;;L. . - - I ' I , NOV' - 7 2008 Original Submittal 3834-26,00 Foot Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement , 0..61" NO, ,:;,om .v,~ .' c-" '7~~,' oJ! 1'~~:?~~I'.,,' ';~ \ .-:,'~~.~<.~;~)'. vy arranti-'tDeed ','::. .>1', I' '~". "IIIS 1':\f)E:\'l'tI!U'~\YI'l'NI':~RI';l'Itl. ;,~ ,I lrt\M ~.,' !:l.n,fuiY t\ndJeU~~ '~'''''' ..... ~,'~~n4,::anA.;"~t.,~.. ',~~~r~~~:r .\il~~l,'~n~~~~'l'l~~~i~~"~~'" ~f~,-'T~.'C'''':~"i' :to .: thotl',pl1ld,nn ....).~.;.",. ..'~ v'hanmbarp ~,u'IJi~' 'll1>eh.n D. I1rolhton and Alli1'rftli' ild"hdNttfl'i:or, t~;~~:~I~~ .trl~mt/)JJ/)wjnJt dNWrih~i' ~~;;~;"~to- ;:;';!~.~,~~ "'oii" ~o. 24 In ,'h. Ado>I. Plat .. 'plat\.d nod 'r."~d.d :,In 'Joold4 PAi": 'Y Oregon Record of l'o..-n Plato; "<W: ,\ "'':'.:'~;, :"",:,: ',+ ,-. (' SubJlct to the followi"" re.~t.rict1onat All'.'."lmllrU"g8 w.t bl) pcit04 v1th::.tVl'l coats of stnndArd. pt.int ....It.!':.l.n 90 GAy. after':eor:tPletlnn. A .h.n4al-4:"..pUG:ttlT,'. rount bo innt.!l.ll~\t for 'Ifl-;> l'\~ thfl lll~ of ~oCttp.'moy. Wot QorQ tw::CU rflda,8nct'. lhall be orodt)d on this lot. ,All buildtn,. muol 'ba set bMlc at in,1t 25 tut fror:! th'~, rOI\{hr'n:,r. :10 ltv~n~oCik flll'~' bG kept on thts lot excfllpt pOU.U'l'T nnd rob" ~ '.11. Thio ll)~ :1.1.=-. bll' uf;...d for re~lr\anti!\l f1UrpoU~' Clnl:r. Date Received: NOV. - r 2008 'i:' Original Submittal " .. that thl'Y . ' " , art,] llwl tll" Y lI'itl W;lrr:llli :1'1,1 ,.I,.t('ll.] Ill!' .'lr,mr. from.nll ;;H' 11.',".1 i: and, ~elll .I ~J r; lh1Vf;l !lI'rt'J/lllo ~f'1 our IX \\'l'I'XI':'~ \\"!il'/:l.;rlj.', .:-, ,1.1>,,1" 52~:"':. , . . r ',- l/~~J; . '.' '," SE,\' U ' r/: ~ ,. _";,. . ." ,.m.'",4.~,,(Sf,,\ , :. ~/ lllt d:I.~' ,,( Jun. "';C", , .;'1 ,".. i~r';,\f," .... . . \ ~ !'~.\ I.) , I '"' ',,"~...-.-~ ......... 1" 8'l'A'l'H {JIo' {JIlElIOi\, }.- 'COUNTY (ll-' Ln.na ,,~. Ilu it fl":lIl'lI1l!l~rr.l\ !lUll ou tJlill' I ..;;,',.:r.;~::.-' : lilt '. Ilu)' or J\t:le.. . .';. l ' , " pOI"f,f)lInll,\' t:llIll~ I,cfo'i'e me, n N(,(llr.'" l'uhlic in and for ~Id ('ount)", tho within namedf}" ~" <;~rtm1c 1. Kt.nne~~d J8Be:~e M,;,.;,X~nn~t.,~.b&nd .~~. :~ ,:.;~:~.;-. :".; .-:: "">'~'>";<J:--,;';'."t""---'~'''''\':-''~_J:':':':-''~'''~!'"'!;' ~ /.: ~Y'h'~>~~t;O,~o :p~rB(illntii.~nD~.t~~f,ih~.if~:~~~1.";. nb' '~"",1~~:In.trotnant..,and ~oW"ledged"to:o1110, mt~'J;;7i~~'-u~ ~d fJ?~~:Uf~tl'nJi#lMl;';~:'~ ~{"",-"~~'j.~\..WltnOM rrJ"ha.tld'and_W\allbll'da1~' ;;~, ~.:?; co~mi"iO~;~i>i';';';~~~.~:4;lt~r;:1'>~: ,"'," ': ,;}~;; TITI.r: .~~...:..;' " .: ...~, . .- . ,I H. L ; <j .1 I . " . 'I~' " ~ ~ a g tv:t. ~ . . ~. ~., 0 !' Po ~~:.J" " ~ ... Po 0 0 ~ . ~ "l g 0 . . ... :- "PO L " ~ " . .. ~ P ",',\:. . . :~.' ?? . ~..,. 1\.. '+', . <---",t- ,\',., '.';;' &~" ~",.:. -.J.';~ml'. , ~';. " .' ,~ "i'~ d,,~.>. TO -i;;,H i {tle ~~tract . tOD;1~any ; ~,'j,., of ~uro, I" ~ if' !Nl . ~ ~f::.l::,u~c~'~~:_~. j, ~:"" l' .j TITI:f: ~SX"CI,\l'l' \N TITIJS M!SOrU'r, t .,: - '.......d,....,....~ t' f,:. ;,fi; i . J~~~:fI1rt "';;;:--, JUN ..,t...J.7.IQ ~h..' . y"",,~~....,:. . "!.~':'~;~,.' , .. . ., t;'~::;:~~~i(;7.'" . ~"?l':<~,7'.-";";",.,,,::,~;>>,,,,,,,:,:"..., .,.v.........,,;o,;;,. ~...."., .E INSURANCE ~,"~..,:(... :, ',> '-ilracla'. ~~ EaCIO\V4 '1- I f/ , .- .:~0;~'~;" 't}!i.~...,:: .-.:-?t.. Date Received: e,' ":,~\. '-. , . .;' 4 .:','.';.,,;~.~t.'~.~' . ;~.-:., ." . '. .,' .~~....:~.-:.' <,).. 1..1i ("aUIJ....___.___..~.,>-. . .-'to . ""1\1\\' to. en,\H~ f'oaa1r (::tcItL. "..'. ,~ "'ii',/t<,;,\ :', A'"""~~,,"':,,:,, 1'.:: -........... ~"'f',I_Ul~),." ' - ""'..rl;;, , NOV' - 7 2008 ~.."J it:_ :;(!~:; rt,. . ". .:If; "" "~: . ;>~~{~~.,~~lC& ,,,.,,,li',, ' Original Submittal ~ ,~ RECORDING RmUESTED By FiDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF OREGON GRANTOR'S NAME Donald Hedges GRANTEE'S NAME Jennifer M. Johnson DJ"'Ja.lon of ChJ., DePut.y 'CJal"'k Lane Count.y D..ds and ReeOrdc SEND TAX STATEMENTS To; Jennifer M. Johnson' 3750 E Street . Springfield, OR 97478 2OOHsm2 111111111111111111111111111111//1111/11111/111 III $26,00 00325366200200624020010010 '08/19/200210:18:05 All CRSHIER 07 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Jennifer M. Johnson 3750 E Street Springfield, OR 97478 RPR-DEED Cnt=1 5tn:8 $5:00 $11.00 $10.00 ~""Ar.;l: AtlUVl: lHI~ UNt: ~Uli litt,;UI-\UtW::i U~l:.' STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED DonaldD. Hedges, Grantor, conveys and warrants t~ Jennifer M. Johnson, as an Individual, Grantee, the following described real property, free and clear of encumbrances except as specif!cally set forth below. situated in the County of l'ane, State of Oregon, lot 23, THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 14, P~ge 3. lane County Oregon Plat.Reco'rds, in Lane County, Oregon. Subject to and excepting: Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements of records, 2002.2003 real property taxes, a lien but not yet due and payable. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY OESCRIBEO IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS ANO REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OEPARTMENTTO VERIFY APPROVEO USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS OEFINEO IN ORS 30,930, THE TRUE ANO ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS $B7.900,00 (So. ORS 93,030) DATED: August 15. 2002 AHfR f\fCOAD1NG RETURN TO 'FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON PO BOX 10827 EUGENE, OR 97440 <;/);""'.,t?,/ 0 #:~4 n _ Donald D. Hedges C/- " ------~ -..........-.....'"- - - ~ ~~~lSEAl Oom \ NOTARY PU8uC. OREGON , COMMlSSlON NO. 34852' . MYCO~tR.lISS'~EXPIRESJ~LY211..zoo" STATE OF ORE';JON r--., Q 1 COUNTY OF \ L/I..../(,_____ ...-/ Date ReceiVE Id: This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~, \ t 0, ('JC) b~HOd(.? ) ~'" -- ~-~ NOTARYPU."~~' MY COMMISSION,EXPl s: NOV '- 7 2008 Original Submittal FORO.313 (Rev 2/96) STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED , ~\onu'D IlL I, ..., -. .. SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD RIGHT-OF-WA Y UNDERGROUND EASEMENT This space reserved for Lane County Deeds and Records sticker KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Uie undersigned, John E. McSwane, Hilda R. McSwane and Jennifer M. Johnson, herein after called the first party, for;a good 'and valuable consideration, of the payment of the sum of $0,00, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD, herein after called the second party, and unto its successors and assigns, the right to enter upon the lands of;the undersigned situated in'the City of'Springfield, State of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: WHEREAS, the first party is the record owner o,f the following described real property: Lots 1-6 of WEEPING WILLOW subdivision, recorded 2008, Reception No, 2008. County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon, ' as filed in Lane And has the unr~stricted right, to grant this easement hereinafter described relative to the real estate; and the second party is the record owner of the: Electric service facilities located along the common lot line of Lots 4 and S of said subdivision, NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: The first party hereby grants, assigns and sets over to the second party a perpetual 5' underground electric easement being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is South 800,06'16" West 62,60 feet from the. Southeast corner of Lot 4, WEEPING WILLOW subdivision, recorded , 2008, Reception No, 2008. as, filed in Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence run North 9056'45" West 2.50 feet, thence South 80006'16" West 19.54 feet, thence South 0031'26" West 4,03:feet, thence South 8~31'35" West 1.09 feet, thence North 80006'16" East 20,61 feet, thence North 9056'45" West 2,50 feet to the point of beginning, Said property is shown on attached Exhibit "A", ' And to place, construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate, and replace therein an underground electric distribution line, including vaults, transformers and other necessary facilities, to remove and replace fences and lawns to the extent necessary to construct; maintain, and protect said lines, No part of any building or permanent structure will be placed upon this easement, other than asphalt pavements, curbs, sidewalks, , and driveway aprons, This easement does not restrict the installation of Qwest Communications and Comcast facilities provided installations meet Springfield Utility Board's approval. Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 WEEPING WILLOW Lots 2&3 Easement 09/12/08 Page 1 of2 0riginal Submitt<>1 I The undersigned covenants that they are the owners of the above-described property and that such property is free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever character except ~1L1A~A Jennifer M.,Jok'nson I -:::z..At1JVr.;fi"-. , ----""~OrACIALSEAL --.---t5i>;E , . MARlEAL!XANDRE STATE OF DQFf,O/'J) ,NOTARYPUBlIC.QREGON COMMISSlON NO. 428319 County of WA0~r/lJ Gl0~ j ss, ,UYCOMMISSIONEXPIRESAPRII.22,2012 BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this OjQ,i) day of N D\i' ~rv'\6e::lz.. ,2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Jennifer M, Johnson known to me to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they;executed the same freely and voluntarily, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto s~ t my land and affiX~' my officia sealfhe day and year last above written, , ,\,,, I NotaryPublicfor ST'Al~, 01'" Oa.Ff-<o1d JQ.~311 ,.) 'we ) ::L2 .. '2r.)\ '2.-- My commission expires: MFZ.\ L /;.l/d- ~k-41%4J.....~ Hilda R. McSwane /1- ~-o'8 DATE II-~ -fJr! DATE STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss, County of Lane ) 1-11.. / BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this....l4..-...- day of l'Jo~ ; 2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named John E. McSwane and Hilda R, McSwane known to me to be the identical individuals desCribed in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily, ' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last a, "tie llell, 1",~J!. 7146 OFFICIAL SEAL L Yi'lDA K MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON Notary Public for Oregon COMMiSSION NO, A393415 , , MYCOMMISSIONEXFIRESAUG,28.2009 My commission 'expires: _A-"L:J' ~cI'1 Approved by: , Springfield Utility Board accepts this conveyance of real property or easement ~~b\\c lJJ~rb has ~ ')",eJ CLf?y Tamara Johnson Engineering Manager Springfield Utility Board Date Received: NOV. - 7 2008 WEEPING WILLOiv LOIS 2&3 Easemenl 09/12/08 OrigjlJ~J 9~ittal ~ , . '. (' v , , , i 1 f , 'Exhibit N i- ':4 " /, 20' I SCAlE '"=20'. '0 20' " tOT 3 , 6125 SF . 54'31 '31 'If 2,50' 5~4.J9'52"E 53.00" : , 54'31 '31 'If 2,50' 5,00' SUB ELECTRIC EASEMENT (DOTTED HATCH) LOT 2 5478 :SF : " N84"J9'52"W J9.79' . '.,:.:.:.:~ Date Received: NOV ' - 7 2008 Original Submittal 40' NO'31'26"E 2,51' _f~ NEr31'35"E 2,50' r SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD RIGHT-OF-WA y. UNDERGROUND EASEMENT This space reserved for Lane County Deeds and Records sticker KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, John E. McSwane, Hilda R. McSwane and Jennifer M. Johnson, herein after called the first party, for a good and valuable consideration, of the payment of the sum of $(>.00, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD, herein after called the second party, and unto its successors and assigns, the right to enter upon the lands of the undersigned situated in the City of Springfield, State of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: WHEREAS, the first party is the record owner of the following described real property: Lots 1-6 of WEEPING WILLOW subdivision, recorded 2008, Reception No, 2008- , County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon'l as filed in Lane And has the unrestricted right to grant this easement hereinafter described relative to the real estate; and the second party is the record owner of the: ; Electric service facilities located along the common lot line of Lots 2 and 3 of said subdivision, NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: The first party hereby grants, assigns and sets over to the second party a perpetuai 5' underground electric easement ~ing more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is South 84039'52" East 53,00 feet from the Southwest corner of Lot 3, WEEPING WILLOW subdivision, recorded ' . 2008, Reception No, 2008- as fiied in Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence run South 4031'31" West 2.50 feet, thence South 84039'52" East 19,86 feet, thence North 8031'35" East 2.50 feet, thence North 0031'26" East 2,51 feet, thence North, 84039'52" West 19,79 feet, thence South 4031'31" West 2.50 feet to the point of beginning, Said property is shown on attached Exhibit "A", And to place, construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate; and replace therein an underground electric distribution line, including vaults, transformers and other necessary facilities, to remove and replace fences and lawns to the extent necessary to construct, maintain, and protect said lines, No part of any building or permanent structure will be placed upon this; easement, other than asphalt pavements, curbs, sidewalks, and driveway aprons, This easement does. not restrict the installation of Qwest Communications and Comcast facilities provided installations meet Springfield Utility Board's approval. Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 Page /of2 WEEPING WILLOW Lots 2&3 Easement 09//2/08 Original Submitt'" . i The undersigned covenants that they are the owners of the above-described property and that such property is free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever character except: ~nn;;:'M,JOh~ --:-J: ""O"F;;;~~~~~[ \ . IlIARIEALWNDRE STATE OF CQt2Z:50N) . NOTARYPlJBl.IC,OREGON )\'5 COMIIISSlON NO. 428319 County of VJA9n l\1G~ ' I.lVCOWISSlOH EXPIRES APRIl 22. 2012 BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this '0K:.Diay of N()\/P'M1--X:::.16 ,2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said. County and State, personally appeared the within named Jennifer M. Johnson known to me to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they ~xecuted the same freely and voluntarily, IN TESnMONY WHEREOF, I have h '".eunto S~.'.t.mcy,7d and above wntten, Notary Public for OQR:5l=N : Jla.tiJ ; f Ik( ~ My commission e~Pires: MI<.JL ':;2-:;:2.. ~ n I ?- ( - 4!~ 11-,1;-0 tf DATE ~n E. McSwane ~~ .e //J~~ Ililda R, McSwane //-L. -D<! DATE STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss, County of Lane ) , Itl BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this ...l.L..:... day of N <> \J -e-.-.b-u- , 2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named John E. McSwane and Hilda R, McSwane known to me to be the identical individuals described In and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily, . IN TESTIMONV WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written, ~~& ,/ -vf,~ ' _ , 1- I"W-J f..~ J-3" ~dd q . OFFICIAL SEAL LYNDA K MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO, A393415 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG, 28, 2009 Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: Springfield,Utility Board accepts this conveyance of real property or,easement Approved by: ?u 'bhc Wor~5 hlls: s'j",ci eo?)' Tamara Johnson I Engineering Manager Springfield Utility Board Date Received: NaV - 7 2008 WEEPING WILLOW Lots 2&3 Easement 09/12/08 ' OJ1~~~JAubmitta' . SO"JI'26"W .,OJ' _~_J . SlrJI'J5"W 1,'09' 20' Il"'" ..~. [ .__. l==-,' SBO"06'16"W: 54' 1 !L-.,..-::,.' . , -,-,,' -- --" "':'::"'~:'::;"" '~80'06'1~'E 20,61 : I , r Exhibit I: ' " ~ ~ 'A" . SCAlE- "=20' I o 20' LOT 4 1 6426 SF N9'56'45"W 2.50' SBO'06'16'W N9.56'45"W 2,50' 62,60' - 5,00' SUB fLECTRIC EASEMENT (OOTTEO HATCH) LOT 5 I 5465 SF Date Received: NOV - 7 2008 Original submittaL. 40' :1 r