HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 1/30/2008 ., STORMW A TER MANAGEMI;NT PLAN Tentative Subdivision Application 6002 Main Street 17-02-34-32 TL 600 I EXPIRATION DATE: 12130/200'\ J For: Scott Leatham Prepared By: Branch Engineering, Inc. January 2008 PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D. JAN 3 0 2008 ....,..~ _'_"';"'~-'._!_'~.~~"--'---- ..-. . , . . . . '0 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D STORMWATERMANAGEMENTPLAN' . Tentative Subdivision Application JAN 3 0 2008 6002 Main Street I 7-02-34-32 TL 600 . : Cunently the'site is developed' with a main residence, two outbuildings and associated gravel drive; the remaining area consists oflawn and trees.' A Geotechnical Report was' . perfonned on the site to determine the percolation rate and depth to groundwater. A copy of this report is included in Appendix A. Due to a:very shallow slope on the site, only a small portion ofthe site contributes runoff to the stormwater system in Main. Street under nonnal storm conditions. Under heavy storm conditions water from the entire site will make its way to the stormwater system in Main Street. the site naturally slopes towards the south, but the fill slope for the highway to the south collects the runoff and directs.it to. an area drain inlet near the southeast comer of the site. Maps showing the topography of the area are included in Appendix B. The Geotechnical Report indicates that the high water i~b]e is more than 4 feet below the surface. The GeoteclmiCal Report also states that the soils on site have a percolation rate of 20 in/hr. Since the Geotechnical Report does not apply a factor of safety, the calculations in this . report use a percolation rate of 7 gal/hr/sf. Due to these two f,\ctors and ihe shallow slope' mentioned previously, only. a small portion of the rainwater nms off into the Maiil Street stomlwater system during the design stoml event. Appendix C shows that 0.13 csf cunently enters the ODOT system from this site during a 1 O-year storm event. The project propo'ses to remove the existing structures to create six duplex lots and a shared driveway. The driveway area needs to be drained to a treatment system prior to release from the site. Several treatment options were investigated. One option was a treatment swale along Main Street; however sufficient length could not be obtained because the City of Springfield was unwilling to allow removal of the large fir tree.s along Main Street. Another option was to collect the runoff in a catch basin that connectedto a mechanical filtration system. This approach would require undergroU1ld detention with an orifice outlet to restrict the post- development runoff to the pre:development rate. The pervious pavement option was selected however because it has a lower upfront and lower maintenance cost than the,mechanical' filtration and retention system and because it will recharge the 'groundwater feeding the city wells. 0 An application has .been submitted to ODOT for pemlission to drain the roof runoJf to Main Street. Since the roof drains do not need to be treated, tl1ey will be 'collected in a shared pipe in the center of the driveway which taps tlle stomlwater pipe in Main Street. Since the 0 flowrate from this pipe will be 0.24 cfs during a 10cyear stoml event, the pipe does not meet. ODOT requirements' for detention. Calculations for the sizing of this pipe are included in Appendix D. Per City of Springfield design standards, the 25-year storm event conditions are also included in Appendix D. Since the City of Springfield does not have design standards for pervious asphalt, a number of sources were consulted for design guidelines., The primary sources used were a phone conversation with Brett Kesterson at the City of Portland, a design sheet written by the Michigan Department of Environnlental Quality dated Dece!nber 1, 1992, and Porous Asphalt Pavements '0 .. by the National Asphalt Pavem"nt Association. The desig1l guidelines that were compiled for use 'on this project are described in Appendix E along with the design calculations. , PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 . .' PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 APPENDICIES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIXD APPENDIX E Geotechnical Report Maps CUlTent Runoff Cakulations Pipe Sizing Calculations Pervious Asphalt Desig1l PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 Z008 APPENDLX A Geotechnical Report f ",,...,," -. ~ " CIVIL Q.;Y310 5~~rn~~~C:'Id~:~;~7~ :~~::7 . ~: ~4: 1746~389\ PRINCIPALS: James A Branch, P.E., PLS. Rene Fabricant, SE, P.E. Michael Lane Branch, P.E, ~. Damien Gilbert, PE , Renee Clo~gh, PE . . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O December 27, 2007 . JAN 3 0 Z008 Mr. Scott leatham . Summer Development Company 2264 Lakeview Drive . Eugene, Oregon 97408 RE: INFILTRATION TESTING & PAVEMEN,J DESIGN TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION 6002 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON BRANCH ENGINEERING PROJECrNo. 07-17,2 Introduction Branch 'Engineering, Inc (BEI)..has performed a limited site.investigation.for the purpose of assessing the near surface site conditions for the rate of storm water infiltration and support of a pavedaccessway. A site reconnaissance .and field testing was conducted on December 19,20.0.7. . Proiect Location and Describtion' The subject site is relatively flat and is currently occupied by a single-story residence with a detached garage. The remaining area,of the approximately 3/4-acre.s.ite is covered with short grass and mature fir and cedar trees around the pecimeter of the 'property. The area surrounding the subject site is mostly developed for residential dwellings, single- and multi- family, with commercial development s~arting within a hundred feet west of the site. The proposed site development is to create up to 6 residential building lots with an associated permeable asphalt paved assessway and underground utility installation. The residential structures are expected to be woodcframe constructipn with spread footings. Some minor site grading is expected for accessway construction. " 07-172.wpd I / STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC I TRt',NSPORTATIOI''>i SURVEYlr'-JG .' PRE.SUBMlTrAL REC'O JAN 3 0 ZOOS. Leatham - 6002 Main Street Project No, 07-172 Page 2 Site Information Resources The following site investigation activities were performed and literature resources were reviewed for pertinent site informaiion: . Review of the Unifed States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (USGS) on-line Quadrangle Map, 7i1/1973. . Review of the United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (USGS) on-I ine aerial photograph, 7/24/2000. -. . - ., .' " Two exploratory hand-auger borings were advanced on site at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. Review of the Lane County area Web.Soil Survey, United States Department of . Agricultural (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation'Service (NRCS) , Review of the USGS Geologic Map of Oregon,. USGS 1991 .. '. ~~ " Review of Oregon Department of Water Resources Well Logs (attached in Appendix A) Site Exoloration The scope of the field work consisted of advancing two (2) exploratory hand-auger borings on December 19, 2007. Infiltration tests were conducted in both borings at a depth of approximately 2 feet below the ground surface (BGS) and after testing the boring were .., ,0 deepened to about 4 feet BGS. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on Figure 1. A summary of the subsurface' conditions encountered is presented in the following section. Copies of nearby well logs from the Oregon Department of Water Resources well log database, and NRCS on-line soii'survey information are presented in Appendix A. The soil stratigraphy in each of the borings was visually classified in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method 0-2488. In-situ field testing ~~~s;s'e"'" r..f i..... C";+" ".................. ....h~......... t~s"';......g ......+ f.h...... +:;.......... .........;.... .........:1... ...J_y -'r---LL- '-n-' -1:I_L___.. "-'VII I ~ U VI 1I1-~llU VCllltJ-.:lIIC;;OI IV lIlI UI tIle III It:-\::IICHI I "UII;:), UI :::It tllYUI dl U Ullqt~IIL,;Y testing, and field falling head il}filtration'testing 07-172.wpd PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 3 0 ZOOB Leatham - 6002 Main Street Project No. 07-172. Page 3 Subsurface Soils and Geoloav . The near surface soils within~the project area consist of Pleistocene age unconsolidated to semkonsolidated fluvial sedimentary terrace. deposits of clay, silt, sands and gravels. The NRCS Web Soil Survey maps the majority. of site area as part of the Coburg-Urban land complex, which is described as a moderately well drained, silt/clay alluvial soil complex. The site borings indicate silty clay/clayey silt materials t6 a depth of at least 3-feet below surface grade, Prior to our field work, the area had several days of rain and the tenants on'site reported little standing water on the property; therefore, thefinecgrain soils were very moist with a soft to firm consistency. .". Groundwater The borings did not encounter the presence of groundwater or seepage to a depth of 4 feet BGS. There is also no indication in theborings of a fluctuating ground water table within this zone, usually indicated by soil oxidation, Well logs from Thurston High School just north of the subject site indicate ground water levels range between 10- to 15-feet BGS, depending on the time of year and location. Groundwater is not expected to influence the' construction of the proposed project; however, isolated areas 'of perched water may be encountered during the winter and spring seasons and should be anticipated during utility - . trench excavation. Infiltration Testina Based on field-testing on the north half and south half of the proposed paved accessway location, the near surface vertical hydraulic conductivity is relatively consistent at about 2 feet BGS. Coarser grain "bar-run" material is expected' about 6 feet BGS and will likely have a greater rate of infiltration. The analysis and ,infiltration test results are presented below. ,The rate of infiltration for a soil of given permeability is primarily dependent upon two factors, the area over which infiltration occurs and the pr.~ssure head. Using the following vadose zone equations, an estimated vertical hydraulic conductivity and rate of infiltration is presented in Table 1. A fador of safety has not been applied to the calculated hydraulic conductivities. . v= Ki I where: Vi is the rate of fall in the water height K is the hydraulic conductivity 07-172.wpd PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 3.0 Z008 Leatham - 6002 Main Street Project No, 07-172 Page 4 i = Hw + Lf - her Lf .~. . i is the head loss Lf is the depth of the wetting front Hw is median water. height . v'Nt is the total volume of water infiltrated f is the fiIIable porosity (assumed to be 35%) Lf = ---.Y.wt_ Axf , q = KiA q is the average rate of water infiltration (volume/time) . A is the infiltration area her is the critical. pressure head of soil tor wetting (assumed to be 0 inches) (Bouwer,1978) The soil material is assumed to be laterally homogeneous and sidewall infiltration is negligible as a 24-inch tall plastic standpipe was used for cOfltainment of the water . infiltrated. SummarY of Field Infiltration Test Results The measurable field test results are summarized.below> Table 1: I INFILTRATION TEST RESULTS 1 - Test Test Depth Drop in Water . Calculated Vertical Rate of Location' (inches BGS) Height (in/min) Hydraulic Infiltration Conductivity (fUhr) (gallhr/sf) HA-1 27 0.5 I 2.2 17 HA-2 26 0.4 I 1.7 13 .1 Conclusion & Recommendations BEl concludes that the site is suitable for the proposed development, the following recommendations are provided in anticipation that site. grading will be minor, the structur.es will be placed on shallow spread fClotings, and that only private asphalt concrete pavements will be constructed on site. Based on the site observations, subsurface exploration, results of field testing, and the experience of this Geotechnical Engineer of record, there are no adverse site '. 07-172.wpd PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 Leatham - 6002 Main Street Project No, 07-172 Page 5 . conditions that would preclude development of the site as proposed, provided that the recommendations herein are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. ~'_,,,> '.' Site Earthwork The following recommendations are for earthwork in the.buildingpad areas and roadway fill. Specific recommendations for roadway subgrade and base rock sections are provided in the subsequent Pavement Design section of this. report. . . :..-..... . . . Earthwork shall be performed.in generalaccorda:lce with the standard of practice as generally described in Appendix J of the 2007 International Building Code. All areas of fill intended to directly or laterally support structures or rSJad/parking areas shall be stripped of vegetation, organic soil, undocumented fill, or other deleterious material. These strippings shall either be removed from the site or used in nonstructural areas. The Geotechnical Engineer shall observe and approve subgrade soils prior to placing fills, base rock, or foundation forms. Areas offill placement will require excavation of the surface topsoil to a depth of about 24~inches below existing surface grade. In the area around the former residence, additional excavation' may be required to remove foundation debris. Should soft' areas or areas of. distinct soil color variation be discovered, this office shall be notified ,to perform site observation. Imported material is expected to comprise site fills, is constructed. BEl recommends the use of nonexpansive, granular material for structural fill areas. On site or imported fine-grain soil may be used for fill with approval from the.Geotechnical Engineer prior to delivery to the site. Soil fill may-require moisture conditioning (drying or addition of water), specific compaction equipment, and field observation and testing to achieve the required compaction standard herein. All material shall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to'delivery to,the site. Should soil fill be used, it is recommended that the site be graded so that all building pad areas be underlain with at least 24-inches.of consistent material type, whether it is structural fill or native material. The native soils have a moderate shrink/swell potential, therefore, it is recommended that the upper E?-inches of all building pads be comprised of compacted 3/4" or 1 "-0 crushed aggregate to mitigate soil moisture fluctuations. If on site soil is used for fill, it is recommended that work be performed during the dry season when site soil moisture content is more easily controlled for compaction. Currentlv. the native soil appears .to be 3% to 8% over ootimum moisturp. r.nntent ~, .' . ." -- 1'-'" .... ... .---..- --. - ---- Native soil shall be compacted to at least 90% of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method 0-1557. The fine grain soils are moisture sensitive and will soften with exposure to prolonged rainfall. It is recommended that earthwork be 07-172.wpd PRE.$UBMllTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 Leatham - 6002 Main Street Project No, 07-172 Page 6 performed during the dry season, generally May throug~ October. Should earthwork be conducted during the wet season, additional project costs wil[ likely be incurred; such as additional soil.excavation, use of geotextiles or soil amendments for subgrade support, and moisture control of the fill materials. An option is to use imported fill material, within 6-inches of the final grade, consisting of3"-0 crushed, well graded rock . , . with less than 1 0% o~ the material passing the No. 200 sieve The 3"-0 rock shall be capped with at least 6-inches of 314" or 1 "-0 crushed aggregate. All imported granular material shall be compacted to at least 95% of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method 0-1557, and tested to measure compliance. Granular fi[1 materials not suitable for standard field density testing shall be proof~rolled every 12- inches in thickness with a loaded 10 cubic yard dump-truck or equivalentpiece of equipment. . Fill/Cut Slopes Fill and cut slopes shall be constructed no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) and sha[1 be compacted to their outer edge by either back rolling or being over built and cut to grade. All slopes shall be protected with erosion control measures and surface water shall not be allowed to drain over the top of a slope. Foundations shall be placed such,that there is at [east 5 lateral feet from the face of slope or outside a 1: 1 plane projected from the toe 'of slope, whichever is greater. Excavations Utility excavations in the fine grain soils should stand near vertical up toA feet in depth. These soils may be classified as OSHA Type A. Excavations into the expected underlying sand/gravel zone will be prone to caving and are designated as an OSHA Type B soil. Soil Bearing Capacity Based on the site. observations, conventional spread footing are expected to be construCted for the proposed site development. After conformance with the subgrade preparation recommendations provided herein, the building pads are to be underlain with at least 24-inches of consistent material type and capped with compacted crushed aggregate. 07-172. wpd PRE.SUBMI1TAl REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 Leatham - 6002 Main Street Project No, 07-172 Page 7 All subgrade shall be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to filling operations, fill materialsshall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer, and,the fill shall be tested for compliance with the compaction, specifications herein. ..LJpon satisfactory completion of the site earthwork, the allowable soil bearing capacity at the surface grade of cut or fill building pads shall be 1,500 pst. The native fine grain soil is moisture sensitive'; and shall be covered with the compacted crushed aggregate immediately after exposure. The footings shall be protected from frost influence pursuant to current building code requirements. The coefficient of friction for concrete poured neat against native soil is 0.35 and 0.50 for crushed aggregate The subgrade modulus (k) is 13.0 Ib/in3 for slabs bearing on at least 6-inches of structurally compacted aggregate. ".'. .," Perimeter landscape grades shall be sloped away from all foundations'and water should not be allowed to pond near footings. ." . The following recommendations shall be implemented in the design and construction of the project. Periodic site observations by a geotechnical representative of Branch Engineering Inc. are recommended during the construction of the project; the specific phases of construction that.should be,observed are 'Table 2: .. ~ecommended Constructio~ Phases to be Observ~d by the Geotechnical I' Engineer At completion of building pad excavation On-site observation of subgrade soil before aggregate placement Imported fill material' Observati()n of material or information gn material type and source Observation by geotechnical engineer or test results by qualified testing agency ., J Placement or Compaction of fill material ...J 07 -172.wpd ,,. PRE.SU~MITIAl RECIO. JAN 3 02008 Leatham - 6002 Main Street Project No, 07-172 Page 8 _ Drainage A complete site drainage,system is expected to be engineered;-drainage from and onto. adjacent properties should be considered in the design, particularly if existing elevations are altered, Foundations constructed below grade may require footing drains and shall be determined in the field. Underfloor low point drains are recommended for all inhabitable structures. On-site disposal of storm water runoff is deemed to be feasible based on the infiltration rates measured. Pavement Design ''''''",',,''''. The presumed California Bearing Ratio for the native silty'clay/clayey silt soil is less than 5 thereby placing the soil in the poor subgrade class. Based on a 20-year design life with up to a 90% reliability, the 2003 revised Asphalt Pavement Design Guide, published by the Asphalt Pavement Association of Oregon, recommends 4 inches of asphalt concrete over 12 inches of aggregate base for tne native soil. However, the private accessway is only expected to receive heavy truck traffic during construction of the homes and possible move iii/out dates of residents; therefore, using conventional construction materials, the recommended oavement section for the accesswav is 3 inches of. asphalt. concrete over 9 inchesofcrushedaaareaate'base rock compacted to 95%-of the material's maximum dry density with a woven geotextile separation fabric between soil subgrade and the base aggregate. It is our understanding that a porous pavement section is being considered, in which case, the base rock section will likely be governed by the required rock reservoir capacity for retention and infiltration of the design storm event. The ba'se rock section . specifications for compaction, gradation, and material type to be placed below a permeable asphalt should be provided by the asphalt pavement supplier. Our research shows that a typical base rock section may be rS-,to 2-feet thick and comprised of a poorly sorted angular reservoir rock capped on top and bottom with about 2-inches of finer graded filter- rock, all encas'ed in a geotextile filter fabric. The approximate gradations ofthe reservoir and filter rock are shown in Table 3. The rock should be a shot quarry type material to increase the angularity of the rock as opposed to a river . , deposit source that will be more rounded and to movement under dynamic loading. - The reservoir rock should have about 40% voids and not be over compacted during , . . construction: 07-172.wpd PRE.SUBMI1TAL REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 < Leatham - 6002 Main Street Project No, 07-172 Page 9 \~" -~ The conclusions and recommendations described in this report are subject to the conditions described in this report and. is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee' and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein. The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other structures or 'purpose's. Services performed by the geotediJiical engineer for this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this area under similar budget and time constraints. No warranty is herein expressed or implied'. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently.exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditions at the site. Should site development or site conditions change, or if a substantial amount of time goes by between our s.ite investigation and site development, we reserve the right to review this report for its applicability. Sincerely, Branch Engineer(ng, Inc. Attachments: Figure 1 Appendix A 07-172.wpd PRE-SUBMITIAl R~C'D JAN 3 0 Z008 !r' SITE PLAN FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION SCOTT LEATHAM N.W. 1/4, S.W. 1/4, SEC. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, JANUARY 11, SCALE: 1" .~ 6'. WOOD FFENCE - --, "n 64"::'V'';'" ~l 6'....0 ,,<'" !(- I ~'!!"1 j ; J q..~ I'. I WIRE FENCe q, .'<" 0-'<:> <<.~ ,,/, ~">1'''1' ~. i TO BfRfMOVED '-)rJ>' ~ <b i 0"'" "-) I 6' wOOD X (_ [X/STING x":>" j..J--' FEHct. 10 ~. 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I- I .' f -I _.(x. '5- SAN- - -. -- -)- lS. SAN-L I, -'---"'{~-=:J _.[X/sTiNG sAN/TARYMANHOLrfX. ~ ~RIU = 51l.43 :II :;;: 8- FL /N (N) = 500.50 ~ 6~ rL IN (Nf) :s SOO.08 ~ IS- FL /N (f) = 499.47 ! 6. rL IN (S) = 502.48 1. IS. FL OUT (w) = 499.4S ~i . ~ 1~ '\o~\o ~o\o~ --\ ~<0o+- " t-c. ~\~ VJc. ~\.. ~,\'f -1'<.: '\~ o,<;.\\..fi)co+-'?......- o I IB3.70'" . ~~ "" C::I.J.; 2:~ ~~ Q, ~q Q' ~~ j ~ [Ei/5;:' J - SB9'44'oo.r __' j I . :'E~~ Q~, e:g-," [;;81 l' \\ , 'v ,\~ 'v \~ , 'v ,\~ 'v EXISTING L I...!UE 6' WOOD FrfNC~ ) -+- OWNER k APPUCANT: SCOTT LEA THAM SUMMER DEVELOPMENT 2073 MUS,/(n STREET EUGENE OREGON 97408 SITE ADDRESS: 6002 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD. OREGON -51(:__ . "'*' ' .; ~' <:-'<-- 1 .; ~ ,<' " 4. WIRE ,(NCf ","'" TO S( RfJ.lQvro 6 V'~ , o. x'" 97478 x 0'" '" EXISTING USE: SINGLE F/J.MIL Y DWELLING ELEVATIONS BASED ON: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DA TUM FO!JND G./--jISELED SQUARE IN TOP B4.CK 0.': CURB A T WEST END O,C" RAMP A T THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF iNERSECTlON OF 60TH PLACE AND MAIN STRE~T. 8M #59 (RECORD ELEVA TION . 5/1.34) ~~<v . ,; $' ,HA-l (g) '? ~OO 'v I ,~ ~ . -:~,o ~ c,~ <"" ~ I",,}.. ~.4." !\I<;.,Q ::x:~ 0-"'" ~ ,< 6 ~~.0-~ ~Cl~~ ,",' ~~ .a...-....- -, 20 . o. x'" b LEGEND -1' -,~~- EXSTNG PROOERTY LIES EXlSTWG CURB EXISTING FENCE ,yo, O".;:J , ~,. ,.;O~ r:;~' -- ~t~~~ -~-~ '~ 6. CHAlN/ -;;; LINK rrNcr. 'r~'>'1 TO Bi RfMOVED ,p '\.r), :$ O~ .c.<.) ,^ ---EX w~._- - ~~X SAN----( '-EX STM'-' - -EX GAS- ~ - OHW'- =- -UGW- EXlSjl.IG il-"A-ERLINE i#~l~E~~~1Y SEilER [XISTiI'6 STORM lI'A ER EXISTiNG NATURAL GAS fXlSTNG OVERftAD lI-F.ES EXISTr.'G tliDERGROI.IM:J lI'flES rTrLEPHOJ.E. FlEER oPTIC. o!. COMm EXlSTM PUBUC UiLlTY EASfMENT EXISTING rOE OF SLOPE SITE ELEVA,IONS Fl.0l1" Ai?_'lOW E;(G,JM; "'ATER MEIER EXISTtlr; TELEPHONE RiSER EXISTING fLECTRIC ME.E;; EX/3T/^IG MA.I!. BOX' EXlSTtNG TELEPHONE VALr~ T EXlSTtw; Fii'iE HYDRANT D(iSTlNG S!-ii)T-O,r ~'ALVE EXJSTNG HOSE BiSS EXiST.V6 CATCh' BASiN. ,,'-' .' ,,0 X L, ,. ,- I ~-~::;~~:; /)0 ,0' 'v 3.5' WIRf ,(NC;: TO Bf R(MOVfD V . , o. X4'. /0q,. '\l'."':l'" ~ '--'5':-::-- G'J III [rJ "" " .50 ",^ " )0;- , '" 10' ='~" II ~. ~ EXlSTJNG MANHOLI: rm:'lANlf7R~~F3l.f~T eXISTING POWER .~OL: PROPERTY COFINEF, . I~ I cXlST;>t:: GP.AVE!. DF/IVE ~ I I fX/Si'IG ca.VCRETf 00____ , a ~ ,ilio, ~ ...-{f-" ~." ~~ ~ ~ EXISTING FIR TRE TO BE AEM:::WE" ci ,"-" ;:, '~ MAIN STREET EXlET/II.'5 F"H'i TREE EXISTING DECIDUO:.';: TREE -_.~------:...x. ~ ~, 1 " i8 SAN---.~u_,-- -~ -i:--- ..( : [XISTlNG 5AN17ARY I.IANHDL[ I 'RIM = 517.44 '----;-18~ n /N (r) = '499.89 : IS. q OUT (w) '" --499.89 ~ ~ >.:::.- <0 " I . ~ -;~~ ii HA-l (g) LOGA nON or HAND AUGfR BORING - - - - - - -EX. 4-~ GAs.-: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ -~----EX. 12" w.-- ~ ~ - -- ~ -. --- - -- -, -no 12. w- - - -.- -1- - - -(Y. w---~--- I AX MAP /7-02-34-32, TAX LOT 600 .,', 34, T.17S., R.2W., OREGON W.M. 2008 20' WATERCOURSES: NO WA TERCOURSES OR RIPARIAN SEiBACKS ARE LOCA TED f\'1THIN OR NEAR THE PROJECT SITE ACCORDING TO THE WA TER QUAUTY LIMITED II'A TERCOURSE MAP. FLOODWAY: BASE!) ON FIRM MAP NO. 41039CI/66 F, EFFECTIVE Dl; TE' JUNE 2 1999. THIS PROPERTY ~ W ZONE x AND ~ WELL OUTSIDE THE 500 YEAR F"LOODII'AY. SOIL TYPES: . GE6T~C.'1NICAL RE?OrH BY DERRICK DA TED DECEMEER REFER TO RONALD J. 27, 2007. ZONING: MDR - MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (T,l--{IS INCLUDES PROFERTY WITHIN 100 FEET,) IdETRO PLAN DESIGNATION: MDH - MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDEf\'TlAL (THIS INCLUDES PROPERTY WITHIN 100 rEET.J TIME OF TRAVEL: THIS PROPERTY IS OUTSIDE T:-E ZC>N= OF CONCENTRA TION (99 YA, Ton WBraI?-_ch .~ngiri~~!ing,- Inc. ~ 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-0637 FAX (541)748-03B9 branchadmin@branchengineering.com Civil' Structures' Transportation' Surveying ~" J- "'I I~ ~~- ;1; , L'lll <~;\ I~ 11 , --1--. ! _ I N r~~al_ I "r-'-'z..L I ~LGL.. ~ I , '" 1 ..J TIlJIS1:N1lD ~ ~r I=-s, ",<,I rrUlS,;W IfGH S:HOO:.. ~v.;;:~. S.EM _ s::HO~_ <G ~,- L , tl - - - - -n. 4~ GAS- I I ,,':1 '01 ~ ~I \ I ~ S7 ----- T" ; .' (: . ~ ~ .' ~\ --'-. ., ~. ~ a /c ~I .~ II I~ ~ Jj~.j'1"':"" ~f- " \ij?~-f,'g" ~.~ "I ~I IWI sr S"CA!..~' " NOr\E J 07-IT" - ~i;'l PAGEJ OF I VICIN.ITY ~ PROjECT NO. fi<'e'\2007\07-172 !..eathc!tTl on MQir,\ TENT/:. TlVE DRAWINGSI07-/72 T=NTA TlVE SU9DIVISION.OWG """i ~ .~ :::) C,!j ~ , WJR PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 APPENDIX A DEPT. OF WATER RESOURCES WELL LOGS & SOIL SURVEY INFORMATION I 1-' 'STATEOFOREGON DEO -31993 ~ 1?:.~20rO 0J/ d '. MONITORING WELL REPORT. ESOURCES DEe.l\ ~, 1fr j( (as requir,d by ORS-537,76S & OAR 690.24l)'OJilljl.T:~t~, OREGON '-13;:> Stan Card # 57 R 1 h (1) OWNER/PROJECT: WElL NO, MW- 3. (6fLOCA nON OF WELL By legal description N&mc SPFinQ:field School Di st1:";C"_t WeULocation: County, 14mp Arld=l 1890 N. 42nd Btrp.Rt TO'nnship1l7S (Nor@Rangp, li!?T.J ipo@ Section 36. Or\' Springfip.ln StJ.tD OR zn, Q7lL7R 1. NW IJ40f SlJ '14ofabovesection. (2) TYPEOFWORK: ~:l:CEIV(V.2. Str"".ddrcssofwelll_ion_~~~ ,:-" _:2~t ::~ .,., 0 Re DR tt..lt . st"'.......~~o.......;.....J, vu. ~ NcwconslIUction pai!_ 'cconchtlon 3. TaxlotnwnberofwelllOGatlon o Conv,!sion- 0 Deepening' 0 Abondon)'lTh" -7'1g'114 4, ATTACH1'W'WlTHLOCA.f'IB~lllil!!#tIFIED. (3) D~r;;:~ METHOD 0 Rotaiy Mud o-'&'lbIER RESOURCE 3 61!~r.'\~~1~~;"~~}:'~~: PRE.S\l8MDlAl REC'P KI Hollow Stem Auger 0 00"' <;ALEM. OREC ON Anesi",PressUP' - olb/sq. in. D,'-.. (4) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION J,1,tl 3 l) LlXl3 Yes No .-Sl=iat SlaDd.nb 0 0 DePth of completed well 20' ft., ~Vift"{'1: ,. TO ~ ..LfL r - Land surface ~LWater,tighteov" . ~ . 'surface flush vault :...ocking cap Seal -1.... ft. '(8) WATERBEJ\!UNGZONE~: ~~ ~t w~ch.water ~as first founA 1? c l) , From To Est. Flow Rate SWL . I .\ I 12.5' > 1 p"nm 20' . Ground elevatioI'l 50S' Casing (9) WELL LOG: diameter .., i'1.. ma.terial ::ich. 4U PVC Welded Threaded Glued o [] 0 Linei' diameter material ~ Welded Threaded Glued o 0 0 i"1. TO-<- ~fL .-:ellseal: I I ~ ; ::tllli'~ Jf ,..,... _...,'. ~., 1~ Wff:: ~t:i~l~ '- ~li}: ~:.::':'.::{. J:~:'::::'~~:;: "-:...,,": '..lOfllb-s. '-- Bentonite plug at least 2 f1. thidc Screen materi!!" Sch. interva](s~: Frorr. 5 From - Slotsi..... 40 PVC Filler . pack. A-LfL '" TO-<, ~fL 20' To To' .0\0 in. Filterpaclc: Matcriat Silica Siz... 1 n_?n in. Sand (5) WELL TEST: DI."'mp Pcmteability DBailer ~DAir Yi~\d o Flowing Artesian GPM I Comluctivitv - PH Temperature of water - 55 OF&_" .Deplh artesian flow found Was water analysis done? ~Yes 0 No By whom'?..E"'.....~.f.; f' !\1nrt-'hT'To_c t' T~"hr"\""":' t"r"\'t"u Depm of strata to be analy~. From - ~ ft. to Remarks: 'L ft. 0" Name of supervising _Geologis1/Enginee.r Daniel F. Mumford ORrGINAL & FIRST COPY, WATER RESOURCES DEP ARTMEl\i - --.,. --~. ~,.. Material From To 2" SWL Asphalt o Fil1~ 1" minus crushed rock. 2" 6" Sand, med-grained with some silt and c ',ay. 6" 6.5U. I I I I 60\5,' , ;; ~ ,I ?rl I MprHl1m hrnH'~n;c::t" .,ea1c.ly to moderstely plastib. Sands fining upwards Few granules and oebbles 5' - ~r;::l'm:.l ,.n~r~p c~nL with r~undin~ Ilrannl...,o:;_ pebbles and cobbles (Bar Run). Saturated at 9'. firown to ll', then m~ctuim.glay. Dale staned 10-28-g1 r"mpletecl In-28-G3 (Wlbonde.4lMonilor Well Con'structor Cenil1cati~n: I ce~y that the work I penonned on the construction, alteration, or abandonment of this well is in compliance with Oregon well construction standards. Materials used and information reported ab:>ve are tIUe to the best knowledge and belic!; . Signed MWCNumber~. ~~.;;;;l Date-=--=-:-'='_ --. . -- . (bonded) Monitor WeU Constructor Cenification: I accept responsibility for the constn1ction. alteration, or abandonment work perfonned on this well during the constmction dates reponed above. All work performed du ' is time is in compli .. .....ith Oregon well construction ,. standards. This I~etothe st of owfedge and relief, . MWCNumbe, 10288 Sign .", Date 1l-2~-9j SEcOQ COPY'CONSTRU~~O; THIRD COPy.cUSTOMER ......__~r .. '.~~ -._..~__...,...'... ."""'"t...;.",,,,,,,,",,,.;.n-'_'~._>".'"''''''''__t:o.,,,.!i:!",lln}._~'''.'11 .,......... ";-r_;;:(~"o-__. STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (1lS required by OAR 690-249-035) c . "~" ~:; '.';.0 "'-_. '~'. /J PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO JAN302008-, :,.. , ' DEC~~H31996 Sack! or pOunds 74 <~,_K< ft. ft. Material Size of pack WATDl,~!:::S!')U:i(;:,,;) DEPL SALEM, 0i1EGON MtvE 519/3 (9) LOCATION OF HOLE by legal description: I. E lJO i It County L-rtN. Latitude~1 _~"I') 'tV Longitude Townshi) \~ N or(S)Range Z Section---34 SW 1/4* NW 1/4 Tax Lot Lot Block Subdivision S!reetAddressof.WeU(orneare;~s) OLb ~~Yr~fJT'F'-P" ~ 1-11(..1-1 <;dJN,L, ,<co: N SRT ; <PR,"-'.:;FIELb Map With. IOt;llIlO~ jge1!lllled r.1U81 be ~t!8x~ uSGS ~P/('N('FIt:ll>,::1X.' Gv<tV~ 'Z.:\ (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL: - II ft. below land surface. Oat, ,Iq 1'1 b , Artesianpressure lb. per square inch. Dale I 22",,'Zll"\IJ. E or@WM. (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: Ground Elevation -- i;' I ^ ' (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: ...., Speci.al Construction approval JlQ Yes DNo Depth of Completed Hole ~bl ft. I Material Description I :S'El" A'irPcJ-l itb <Hi? rr I . To (1) OWl'I'ERlPROJECI: HoleN"mber E5-t, . Name C'>ql"".J'>N h~'" ,..;;:- "'''"I%Y / E"u(.ENE- <:PR,,,(.t:;Qj Address Ra'l},J1'" ol2E~?51 <u'iTE "l6S ~;ly J:bI<rI_&Sb Staie oR Z;p C{11..11.. (2) TYPE' OF WORK grNew O"Deepening 0 Alteration (repajr/reco~dition) 0 Abandonment. (3) CONSTRUCTION: t8fRot3S)' Air o Hand Auger 0 HoJlow Stem Auger ORotory M"d 0 Cabte Tool 0 Push Probe OOther (4) TYPK OF HOLE: o Uncased Temporary ~ Cased Pennanent o Uric_ased Permanent" o Slope Stability o Other '\,,(5) USE OF HOLE: <;6NI'- \/F"u'V'n" "'t;'''''l'''Qr''''N~ &.:r5vT AN)) GIlAI,TI&:,< "F- r.RAWl, SA^,~ <:;ILT. t"LAI,J . SEAL Material From To C.~ENT I 0 1..6+ I I I i I HOLE <D1amek'r From To r:.'lo 7.61' I Backfill placed from _ it. to---,: Filter Pack placed from ~ ft. to (7). CASINGISCREEN: Diameter From 10 To Gauge Sled 17-1.1 10 10 10 10 10' ''I' - TO $Iofsizc . No C6AJNrt<-.TION T~ \..,..... (8) WELL TEST. NO o Pump OBailer Penneabilitv C?c;nn" z' .~ Screen: DAie Yield Conductivity" Temperature of water Was water analysis done? By whom? Depth of suata analyzed. Remarks: PI- WPhted I Threaded J I I I I I i . Date Stan;d 7/<1. /'1 b SWL I I I I 1 I I I I I : Date Completed 7/7.:/..("1 {, 81 o o o o o 0 0 GQ"'JI\JDWAT1Z:'P' o o o o o O. Flowing Artesian GPM From (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: Material Descriotion From I SacKS or Pounds To ~ o o o o Date started Date Completed Prof~onalCertlflcation (to be signed by alicensed water supply or monitoring well constructor, or registered geologist or civil engineer). ' - ,r I accept responsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment.work performed On during the construction dates reported above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Oregon geotechnical hole construction standards. This repon is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. o Yes PH epIC Depth artesian"flov.-'--found ----'---- ft ONo From ft. to ft. License m' Registration NU!Jlber C t L'1. \ ... . ~... S;gned ~~ 1\ fA L 10.. ~ . n---------;;- 'Affil",t;on ~ 'h6"Pt. r:.\;'t)1 AN'll /I1IN IN))ll<: Date lcf.oh.6 , THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMmED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT I'I'ITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK. ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY-WATER RESOURt;:ESDEPARTMENT SECOND COPY.CONSTRUClDR THIRD COPY-CUSTOMER PRE-SU8MITTAL REeD JAN 3 0 Z008 '. ..... 'DOGAMI ES-6 SUBSURFACE LOG MATERIAL DESCRIPTION FROM. Sandy silt (ML) dark brown, .soft, plastic, pebbles 0 Sand (SW) med brown w/some fine gravel, damp 7 Sandy Gravel (GW) fine gravel in coarse sand, damp 11 Gravel .(GW) fine to coarse, wet 14~ Gravelly Sand (GC) brown, pebbles, volcanic; .wet 34! S"andy Gravel (GW) pebbles, 47 Clayey Sand (SC) tan, w/some gravel, plastic, wet 49 Sandy Gravel (GW) pebbles to 4cm . 523 Clayey Sand (SC) tan w/some gravel, poorly sorted 54 Gravelly Sand (SW) brown, decreasing clay/silt, pebs 3cm 56 Gravelly Sand (SW) gray (when dry), cemented 67 Gravel 77' silt (ML) brown, cemented, hard 79 Sand, brown, cemented, hard, red green grains 80 Gravel (GW) wet brown to dry gray 89 Gravelly Sand (swi coarsening to fine sandy:'layer 93 Gravelly Sand (SW) w/some clay,. brown, wet, cemented 103, Gravel (GW) fine, brown, w/some sandard silt, volcanic 108 sandy Gravel (GP) w/some silt, browh, pebs 2cm, more water110 Gravelly Sand (SW) w/some silt, pebs 4cm, volcanic, brown 114 Clayey Gravel (Ge) tan, tine, pebs 3cm, volcanic, plastic 124, Sandy Gravel (GW) w/some silt, brown wet, gray dry, 131 Gravel (GP) boulder, basaltic w/10% well rounded pebs 139 Gravelly Sand (GW) brown, pebs fine 2.5cm, volcanic 143! Gravelly Sand (SW)" gray green, fine to coar.se; volcanic 15H Sandy Gravel (GW) grey brown, fine, pebs 1.5cm 161 Sand (SP) medium, gray w/some gravel fine,: 166, Gravelly Sand (SW) brown, med to coarse, pebs 1.5cm 175 Gravelly Sand (SW) coarsening to sandy gravel 180 'Gravelly Sand (SW) w/lumps of hard sandy clay 195 Sand (SW) w/some fine gravel, brown, med to" coarse 204 Gravel (GW) w/sand, clean gravel, trace clay 207 Sand (SW) clean, med w/some gravel, trace clay 228 Gravel (GW)' 230 Sand (SW) clean, med grained w/some fine sand tr fines 235 Gravel (GW) 237 sand (SW) clean w/some in gravel 243 Gravel (GW) 248 Sand (SW) clean, medium w/!n gravel 257 Gravel (GW) ::,:"cr,:~":'"2;P0 ~ ~: -.. ,~, '~:"i-} '.."', i;~;;<ll ~~.:ti DEe 2 ~J 1996 \i'.J;\H:<"; ;.,-,":::.';;;vi.1HCL:~:'; DEPT. SALL.!1J:, C;,[GON TO SWL 7 11 11 IH 3H 47 49 52, 54 56 67 77 79 80 89. 93 .103 108 110 114 1243 131 139 143, 15H 161 1663 175 180 195 204 207 228 .230 235 237 243 248 257 260 267 . , O/~-~...ii-._ II II 1/ J.... 'IA .' . . 'lIi ;r-:= \i" - :.. ", " "J . '0'_ ~ Tl. , i . SOil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon (6002 Main Street, Springfield Oregon) , , o ~ ~- 505000 r 506320 g ~- ., ., ~ 8 ~- o ~~ ~ ~ o ~- 506040 506080 r,06120 506160 506200 506-240 506'280 H A o 100 400 leters 180 _;-_~t 600 o 30 60 200 . 120 ~:9:i L~ Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Sod Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey I , MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOl) Area of Interest (ADI) Soils Soil Map Units Special Point Featu!es Blowout lZJ Borrow Pit :P!~; Clay Spot :i~! Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot :~: Landfill lava Flow :~: Marsh ~~~; :@": Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water ~@.! Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot ~ Severely Eroded Spot ~:t):, Sinkhole Slide or Slip ~p';! Sodic Spot Spoil Area ~<( Stony Spot usu.\: ~ili Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Map-Lane County Area. Oregon (6002 Main Street, Springfield Oregon) ~ay VerySlonySpol Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Gully Short Steep Slope Other Political Features Municipalities ::0:: Cities [d Urban Areas Water Features Oceans Transportation Rails I Roads Streams and Canals ~ Interstate Highways US Routes State Highways Local Roads. other Roads Web Soil Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey MAP INFORMATION Original soil survey map sheets were prepared at publication scale. Vievving scale and printing scale. however, may vary from the origina1. PleasE;l.rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for proper map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs:usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 10N This product is generated from the USDA.NRCS certified data as of the version date.(s) listed below. . , Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Da,.ta: Lane County Area, Oregon Version 6, Dee 22, 2006 Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 5/24/1994 The orthophoto or other base map on which the'soillines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. . 12/2612007 Page 2 of 3 r :: f <- l> :z w = r-> = = 00 "'1:J .;0 IT'I . ~ CJClI s: ~ ~ ;::a I'T"I o d , - . ,.. .,~' Soil Map-lane County Area, Oregon ,- Map Unit Legend 32 134 I-Totais for Area of Interest (AO!) l.!.<;I:;'.I. =-~ Natural Resources Conservation Service Coburg-Urban land complex Courtney gravelly silty clay loam .. ~ '..>"-., , Web Soil Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey . 6002 Mai~ Street, Springfield Oregon PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 Z008 99.9% I "'.~ . 0.0 I 0.1% I 18.0 I 100.0% I 12/26/2007 Page3of3 .' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 APPENDIX B Maps Including: USGS Quad Map City of Springfield Topo Isopluvial Maps Tax Assessor's Map Existing Conditions Map Proposed Conditions Map ,---- - TopoZone - USGS Springfield (OR) Topo Map Page I of 1 /"'" , '''', I' ,- ~' " ---.,.."'. "~~ I; ',- " II' Jj 4'["'" -.... ....t pozone , ". \" ,-..' ,(" '" '. - , jo' II I /l 0 ..... ' '..... 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W"-..__... ...~ . ,- . _._-- ...-.' / . .. .. o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 IllIl o 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.45 .1 UTM 10 S06228E 4876974N (NAD83jWGS84) USGS Springfield (OR) QuadraR~1e Projection is UTM Zone 10 NAD83 lffllI;.sUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 3 0 Z008 M=16.401 G=O.054 http://www.topozone.com/print.asp?lat=44.0459&lon=-122. 92226&s=24&size=l&u=4&1.., 12/21/2007 ',j '1' .' '.1"--.. ."1 :\,-j .1" J:;; ',' :1; " ~..1. ..t; :;-,. . \, ,\ '"<1 ",.'0.:: s r:': 12 IlJ'- ,I ;.z: ('.j .~. {3'1(" -' -" 4i~" . :-E, .\.~" -.- '. .. !~ . , ~", J 9 ;~3r. ....~ .,~9~4 I. ~~" .rOt :5"~35'. 'l 1\ .' !., .,.,~. .>,,' ,I '.:. '--::~,~...... l( _ '~i " _. " . J ,," ,,~, I" / _, ~, ( . \iX / ( . \ ,-':', ~~ " ,,,. ". 1-, . " . I' -' . . \ ,f,..., J( ~.-, - '., ., .~ j'l ~ \.. I ,~ , . . R J:: <,' II,';" -:\..,:,...,/ .,/1 ~!p'J I . :~<1"IO/~';" ')~ 'i",: ;~I t ,1'X~=:;:'1 -:.;, i"fI!.' ~~OOP,.:i"'~:: ;,,;)~; '. ~ . . '. I' " 1''''' U' I , C .,.."..' .'- . . 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IfI- .~~~ ';~l (B ~.~, . .(~~ "'nY.' ~ ~ ~.. '" ~" .v _ ~ ........: u,:~'. '01 \ ~C:<-;"'?:I'~~'~ >-"~i>!:"il1RI \J~ I" ~ 't). ?' ( , I,....~,I'I",.,... I ,,\,,' ~/~ . 4;~ I~'::;)."."'" v.'i 0',) wi 'l~' , . .~:<,'. ',t>,,,, ;;~,;..\ (1 \":f."'"' ~~ ~~ \rF'~ . :I:.ft \\.',' ;' ~ ~ u,) LM~f)(~~r~ ~C\~ \- 1=rr.... 1~ 42 ORE.G~ON-'~llTi nUll ;'__~rus~:.:.'-rr--"" - - "~:. n" ~ti 1 1 ~...u~~~o..--c. .......Oc-*...~.f 1>.-...., lSOPlWWSOf2.YR 4+iRPR(CIPlTATlONIN ---- ___~OW-..~ TtHTHS or AN INCH ~"'U$.~"~ W~I~DIrot-. 121 119 11. .. 45 44 H 43 3 42 I. I <===:! I 10 2G .JlI . =-1=3 -US I J 124 121 111 123 122 120 119 n. -. ~ ~- - - PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 :;g ~ ~"" . PRE.SUBMI1TAL REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 6 114 123 121 1.20 119 117 . .5 5 .. .. . 122 121 '\ I. 'I ,..."'... 'tr- q . .1 '...f. ~h"\ ~' ~i...,..~, I cJl~ · \\It, \ L__.: . 'I+~1'14-'1l\ t ~- I ~ OF tl). . 24-HR PREOPITATlONJ IlWItHSOEAHl . 111 i17 I \\"\ d...."', 'UrJ ') ,un'" 1. : to;~ ''C:i ] I '3 3 . OREGON NOMAlUoSt.. . ~~u.s.~."c-. .--0.-............--.., t......... ...............s-c..0fPclI..~ ""-'eoI..us.____......~ s.I~s.-.~O-" 100..203141 i=---=r ~ --=. l&II.1S 12' 113 120 J 119 . ::Ii --- ~ ""~- ~_w -----.J . PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 . 114 .111 121 J,b _~9 6 -----,. /' '5 .. 3 .2 " . ~ _l 114 102'CI304U F:3"_ 1:=3 MU' I 113 I .,.......T\.AS1.~.. ::::~::;;IPL- 1"~ J:.... ,...........~(lil'IlmIlll..,....., ...........UI.~IlII~ "'~s.-.~~ L 121 I I 120 J 119 I 111 U 117 _1 122 . 39 - PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 3 0 Z008 APPENDIX C Current Runoff Calculations Including: Time of ConcentratiOIl Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph PRE-SUBMI1TAl REC'D JAM 3 0 2008 . DETERMINATION OF VARIABLES FOR APPENDIX C As shown on the Existing Conditions Map, three sub-basins exist based on type of ground cover,'. .. (roof, gravel and lawn). Santa Barbara Urban Hydrographs were produced for each ,sub-basin and added to determine the maximUlll flowrate for the existing conditions, From the isopluvialmaps for Oregon PIO = 4,3 inches ' Drainage Areas Gravel = 2959 sq.ft. = 0,07 acres Lawn = 2437 sq,ft, = 0,06 acres Building = 1770 sq,ft, =0,04 acres Curve Numbers (From Table,2-2a in the TR-55 Manual using Soils Group C) Gravel CN = 89 Lawn CN = 79 Building CN = 98 Time of Concentration An equation for time 'of concentration is given in Chapter 3 of the TR-55 Manual T = 0.007(I1L)"' I pO"SOA 2 From the isopluvial maps for Oregon P2 = 3,3 inches Gravel From Table 3.1 in the TR-55 Manual 111 = 0 .IIJor smooth snrfaces 11] = 0,24 for dense grasses From the Existing Conditions Map map LI = 80 feet . L2 = 27 feet From the Existing Conditions Map map l'1elev} = 51.0-509,5 = 0,5 feet l'1elev2 = 509.5-509.1 = 0.4 feet' . 5} = 0,5 =0.01 ft/ft 80 s,= 0.4 =0.01 feet - 27 T.. 0.007[(O,0l1X80)]'8 = Imin . 1- '(3.3t5(0.0It' T. = O,007[(O,24X27)]08 = 7 min 2 (3.3)05(0,01)04 . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 'Ie = 1 mln + 7 min = 8 min Lawn Prom Table 3.1 in the TR-55 Manual 11 = 0,24 for dense grasses Prom the Existing Conditions Map map L = 135 feet From the Existing Conditions Map map L'lelev = 511.8-509:1 = 2,7 feet . " 2,7 ft/ft s= -=0.02 135 . T ~ 0.007[(O,24X135)r' ~ 18min c (3.3)05.(0,02)04 . Buildint!: Prom Table'3.l in the TR-55 Manual 11 = 0,24 for dense grasses Prom the Existing Conditions Map map' . L = 120 feet Prom the Existing Conditions Map map L'lelev = 511.8-509,1 = 2,7 feet . 2,7 s = -=0,02 ft/ft 120 T ~ O,007[(O,24X120)]'8 = 16min c (3.3)05(0.02)04 Pre-Development Maximum Flowrate Q = 0,06+0.03+0.04 = 0.13 cfs . , <, " . Known: Pervious Area = ".C',O,:: : ., acres Imoervious % Imperv. = 100.00 Area = I: ::;~0.67 :";';, acres. . f. ~. ". . - '" Site Area = 0.07 acres w = 0.3846 Answer: Maximum Design Flowrate = CN = CN = Total Rain = ,: 0.06 7,9, . Storage = 2.66 1.24 10 cu. It. O.2S = PRE-SUBMITTAlREC'D JAN 3.0 2008 0.53 cu. ft. :'.< " .,,~ ,89: Storage = cu.-ft. O.2S = 0.25 cu.. ft. Time Incr = cfs min. T c = ~~~;'~~~~'.?:?'. min. 12/10/2007 3:34 PM Z:\2007107-172 Leatham on MainlTENT A TIVE APPLlCA TIONIStormwater report for first submittallSanta Barbara Flow Cales PRE gravel.xls 0.07 0.06 0.05 .~ - -J!! ~ 01 n; 0.04 ... :: o. LL. c 0.03 Cl t/) .01 ': C 0.02 0.01 o , o I '-, I" i f ! , i : t - 'X" I , ! ! , >1-: . ./ I, -- " 200 400 Design Hydrograph I ., ( ~, , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 .t ,,~. \. 1000 1200 1400 1600 \. ../. J\' . , \ " 12/10/2007 3:34 PM Z:\2007107-172 Leatham on MainlTENTATIVE APPLlCATIONIStormwater report for first submittallSanta Barbara Flow Cales PRE gravel.xls , , 600 800 Time (min) ",_I"" : _,- PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2006 Known: Perviou~ . f ,.. , ~. Area'" ;'::;,O:cO.,(\'!,j acres. CN = ",,0.7'~ Storage '" 2.66 cu. It. O.2S = 0.53 cu. ft. Imoervious % Imperv. '" Area '" 0.00 j;9l:':{~'<:,:~ a.cres CN .-" .92.... = ";'"'-":~ .-<,,' Storage = 0.87 cu. It. 0.2S '" 0.17 cu. It. Site, Area = 0.06 acres . 9...~ '." ' . Total Rain = ._2.!I}."~in. Time Incr. = I 10 min. T =;' -'-;:18',;;r". .':> min' c l...c"..f~'._~.....r.'.'._~'~, . w =. 0.2174 Answer: Maximum Design Flowrate '" 0.03 cis' 12/10/2007 3:33 PM (\ . . r Z:\2007107-172 Leatham on MainITENTATI\1~j\,pPLlCATIONIStormwater report lor lirst submittallSanta Barbara Flow Cales PRE lawn.xls . . 0.03 ~~ I . 0.025 ~ .0.02 ! '0 - .(J . - Q) - - - ~ I, :: 0.015 0 LL ~ c: Cl 0 Q) 0.01 Cl 1 0.005 o o 12/10/2007 3:33 PM ) / ' ./...., . . 200 400 , Design Hydrograph ^\ . " '\ '." '- 600 800 1000 Time (min) '- ,. ., 1 1200' L. 1400 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 " 1600 2:\2007\07-172 Leatham on Main\TENT A TIVE APPLlCA TION\Stormwater report for first submittal\Santa Barbara Flow Cales PRE lawn.xls ....,. c. Known: Pervious Area ;:: - n~:l~{:t';o';; : ,~, ""~ ':!{ . "if. .,. acres Imoerviou!; % Imperv. = 100.00 ...~'ic:'" ~,.-- -".~ Area ;:: ~~(:'~;~O:'04J~J;_'i acres xc "...."__._..".,,,.~..._...,"'..,' Site Area = 0.04 acres' w = 0.2381. Answer: Maximum Design Flowrate = . /. CN = Storage = O.2S = PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 Z008 0.53 cu. It. 2.66 cu. It. CN = !)~~~J,~~:h;t.1 Storage = 0.20 cu. It. 0.2S = 0.04 cu. It. Total Rain = Time Incr. = 10 min. Tc min. 12/10/2007 3:35 PM Z:\2007107-172 Leatham on MainlTENTATIVE APPLlCATIONIStormwater report lor lirst submittallSanta Barbara Flow Cales PRE building. xis 0.04 cIs -. 0.04 0.035 0.03 $" ~ 0.025 C1l - l'll .... ::: o u.. c: .~ 0.015 C1l Cl 0.02 . ~ 0.01 0.005 I i..: L i--- I o o 200 Design Hydrograph f .f -i" '-~ 400 600 :r '"j PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 3 02008 , .! .< ".-..-. I ..r. :. i , , , I I .J I 1600 12/10/2007 3:35 PM Z:\2007107-172 Leatham on MainlTENTATIVE APPLlCATIONIStormwater report for first submittallSanta Barbara Flow Cales PRE building.xls :/. . .-.,.,. ~._.... 1:/- 'y. ;. - i- I I .,j. , '" t '--- . '- 800 Time (min) 1000 1400 1200 APPENDIX D Pipe Sizing Calculations Including: Time of Concentration Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Pipe Flow Characteristics PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 ., ., DETERMINA nON OF VARIABLES FOR APPENDIX D Per the City of Springfield design standards, assume a time of I o minutes before runoff begins, Post-Development Maximum Flowrate for Roof Areas Frolllthe isopluvialmapsfor Oregon p 10 = 4.3 inches P25 = 4.8 inches ?RE.SUBMIllAl REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 From the pipe flow characteristics print-out v = 4,68 ft/s From the Proposed Conditions Map L = 122 ft . T 122 043' t=( \r =, rum _ 4,68^60) .' Tc = 10+0.43 = Ilmin Area = 6 duplexes * 1732 sq,ft./duplex = 0,24 ac Pipe Flow Characteristic~ n = 0,009 d=4 in l:1elev = S07,O-S04.0 = 3,0 feet s = 3.0 = 0,02 ft/ft . 143 i~ !.t-.. '( Known' Pervious Area, = acres Imoervious % Imperv. = 100.00 L~," . _.'~ .~~"'> ' Area = rz;':jQ~~t!idctacres Site' Area = 0.24 acres w = 0.3125 CN = l';~~;'?9',i;c,:' Storage = 2.66 cu. ft O.2S = CN = <\::9li"~.:,; Storage = 0.20 cu. ft O.2S= Total Rain = . Time Incr. = 10 min. in. v- -. Answer: Maximum Design Flowrate = 0.24 cfs PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 0.53 cu. ft. 0.04 cu. ft. T = c 12/24/2007 11:04 AM2007107-172 Leatham on MainlTENTATIVE APPLlCATIONIStormwater report for first submittallSanta Barbara Flow Cales POST roof 10 year.xls "~"-- - .i.:~ 0.3 ., , 0.25 ft 0.2 -~ (.) - Q) - <1l ... 3: o u: c , Cl Ul Q) Cl ~ _.' I"" 0.15. i .-f 1 1--- I I I / 0.05. ; . /T ~ ,- /'i" I' 'i,;Q7!1 ._-V.... -.., .~~.-.t -f- o o ~ t 0.1 400 Design Hydrograph --,:' - 600 , ., " :,,1 o. " J 1000 1200 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 '.i 1400 1600 ." ,200 " . , 800 Time (min) , 12/24/2007. . , 11 :04 AM2007\07 -172 Leatham on Main\TENT A TIVE APPLlCA TION\Stormwater report for, first submittal\Santa Barbara Flow Cales POST roof 10 year.ids -0 ;::c rn . <- en :t> c:= -:1/l1.l!] :z: CD --- s: Type a question for help . _ " X W ~ <::> '" 0 ;::c 0 CO rn ("") d L M N 0 ~ . :-hlll!IiIl-'111UII!'f"I';:JB."?ffi1UIF.T1onl".1 riT':.'lIW'i'lrJ['l!ilIL.' .-nm....,f.'rr.lil~:41711 i!!l EiIo ~dit ~ Insert Fgmol lools \lOt- ~ tie\> i Ll ~ Q Q I ~ G.41 ~ n 1 j\ Ltl ~ - .J I" - l" -I f\ 1: - 11 ~ll!l!ll.o 100% i.:.. t3 t2 '4 '0 III I i:J bllJJ I!lI ~ 1 ""Replyw<hQ>anoes... EadReVlew...1 i ArIoI - 10 - I B I !! Iii!' [~ll'l! &;i11 $ % . ~;g +~g li)f iif 1m. & - 4 -II F12 . $. ABC 1 Known: 21 3 4 5 6 7 81 9 I 101 111 121 131 141 151 16IAnswer: 17 Maximum Oesh::ln i )o'l/WTate = lB I 191 201 211 221 231 241 251 261 271 281 2!f1 3:]1 311 321 -~, D D F K G H J E ~ Area = .1 I .1ImoeMous. % Imp>>. = I Area = I 79 Storage = 2.66 cu. ft. 0.28= 0.53 cu. ft. I S10raQ8 = 0.20 cu. ft. 0.28= 0.0-4 cu. ft. I I Ti'ilV Incr. = I 10 min. To= 11 min. I 1 _I[JI~I o acres CN= 100.00 0.24 acres CN= 96 ~JIJ,' Area = I 4.8 in. t 0.24 acres Total Rain = w= 0.3125 0.27 cfs Co......ent: """'-........-1&1".-..,...-..._..'1,.. S.l.. P........ .!11;U!l1l1l!1ldll .ft t ~ ~ ftl'ft ~ ~,' ~ ef. ft Uelocity......... .. Plow Area......... Critical Slope Ct"itical Depth P....c.nt Full.. Pl"Oude Nu.lllb..... Pull Capacity. QI1AX @.94D.... :,. ft/ft ft x ch ch Diall'l.t.l"....... Slope........... . "a.nning's n.... Discharge. . . . . . Depth......... . ~~~~~~~~w~~..-n~~-..ar~~ Enter UOl'hGheet DCSC1'iutian .. ~I'I) IIt.l. (rl) 1'1'llIl (PI) e.dClll.tlUI' (1'( Du) CI'I~."f" J.dlll" <ISC) Fxit H 4 . ~ Known and Answer CaIcUotIons I SCS IA RoWel OlstrWkIn , L J~ ) .:.J ..!JJ R.ody lCStortl JJ;IDlrtlox._os..,I (:)SlOl'mwatorr.,..1 i@SlOl'mwotorM"'1 i@rcotp,:.-.., l'i!!IMlcrosoitExc..'.~,1 ~stormwotor W'I l\!illi:\~lOY-- l..o\MJ~\. ."J.lll.\ ~ ,-, Known: Pervious - ~~-'fi:i;i:~"1 Area = ~'1!t::I~~O!$.P~'~;~~J acres lill;;;;')',' ;;';;.)":";::0 Imoervious % Imperv." 100.00 "~--:1."""'''',,''_.''''''''Y'.-~.'-1 Area " i&,'1Il(o;2fh~';;'i acres ~"1t.".~".__"..m;""",,, Site Area" 0.24 acres w". 0.3125 Answer: Maximum Design Flowrate " eN= ~~~~I"~. ~Vgr~1:~b1 ~~;~t'4..c,,'~:.:JWJJ CN" Total Rain" 0.27 Storage" Storage" 2.66 cu. ft 0.2S" PREaSUBMIITALREC'D JAN 3 0 2008 0.53 cu. ft. 0.04 cu. ft Tc'" in. Time Incr. " 0.20 . cu. ft. 0.2S" 12/24/2007 11 :07 Al\IIQ007\07 -172 Leatham on Main\TENTA TIVE APPLlCA TION\StormWater report for first submittal\Santa Barbara Flow Cales POST roof 25 year.xls cfs 10 min. 0.25 ~ 0.2 lJ - Q) .... <1l ... ~ 0.15 u.. r:: tll '(j) ~ 0.1 . . -..----,..-....- _. ---_.,.,'-""~" .-._- -_.,>------"~_._- Design Hydrograph 0.3 . ..'- 1000 1200 I i. I. i .j I -, i I I ..1 i --I--r--- PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 .-'-'- ~--'-T - --- " ...... - -,.--...;--..r----:"~ 1400 1600 12/24/2007 11 :07 Al\1I,2007\07 -172 Leatham on Main\TENT ATIVE APPLlCATION\Stormwater report for first submittal\Santa Barbara FIQw Cales POST roof 25 year.xls .1 . ---\- . .1 -::,lr-_~--"'( - --,. ..----, ... '\. / ------.-[ / .J-/ I. ~ -'~~' .... o o ~ 0.05 200 400 600 800 Time (min) 1.I"JI.i)J.'111II:!l'1'!:l...-ml1l'111lma'r.1~.Jrol':'J:lIi1[ft~t~'~Jr!iA ; I!l E/e tdlt \lOw Io<ert F",_ 10010 l10le l!t'ndow tie\> j [j t~:HH) I ej UI ':l' ~ Iii 'i.l .. - ./ I ~ . C" . 11\ 1: . ~J fJ j:!!ll ~ 100'lIo . ,~) D j ~ tJ b ....ioI 'Co t.\11 O'l!> 1113 -j tij I 'I"Rep/yw~hQw,"",.., EndRev~...1 i ArIoI . 10 . I BIll I ~ ~;JI m I S % . ~d3.~ I jlf flf I [E . ~. .a .1 F12 . Ii. . A 8 C D E 1 Known: 21 +1 51 _6. L ImDervioU9 IJ " trl'\~~rv. = 100.00 e I I Ar.. = 0.24 aera. "9 I I 10 ~p I 11 Ar.. = 0.24 acre. 12 13 14 I 151 15IAnswer. J 17 1 Maximum De.ign ~\OWTate = 1BJ 191 :all 2f 22 zfl i 27 28 291 301 31 I 321 _a Type a QUestion for help F H N K M G J L Emiw Area = I cu. ft. , 79 Storage = 2.66 0.2S= 0.53 cu. ft. o acres CN= CN= 98 0.04 cu. ft. Storage = 0.20 cu. ft. 0.2S= w= 0.3125 Tolal Rein = I I in. I Time Incr. = I 10 To= I 11 min. i 4.3 Imin. 0.24 cf. Co",,"nt: Q1'II1ll r. ~ lJliIl m ~ So lUll Por............ IliiIo~_'I1lIT1.. Di....eter....... Slope........ .. Kanning'. n..... Diachargtl .. .. .. .. .. .. Depth........ .. ~ft J r,:' fVft : 'cl. ft Uelocity......... .. Plow ANA.......... C...itical Slope C~iticol Dopth Percent Pull... P"Dude Hullllbe..... Pull Capacity. Q"AH 1!.94D.... :f" fVft ft x cfa cfa I ~ 4 . H Known and Answer I CelcWtlons I. SCS 1A RoWaI D1strb.i:lon ~~...J l.!l NUM II~ Z:\EMPlDY-_ E MIcrosoft Exe.., I "!T~......-tl'", (I.:-;d~y. ~ Reedy It:l5tortl J @)Irbox.-....,I eJstcrmwote"'..,1 @stcrmwat..M..,1 t;) <tcrmwot.. ~29 . _ tI X o ~ . .I -IOI1!.l -u :;:0 I'TI . '- cr.> l> c:: :z CD Il<:> :s: I.JJ.'\ Q ii! NI r-- C> C> :;:0 QO rT'I 12:20 PM ('") d APPENDIX E -, Pervious Asphalt Design Including: Discussion of Design Standards Cross-Section Sizing Calculations Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Reservoir Course Depth Sizing Paving and Sub grade Cross-Section Mix Design Flow Sheet Construction Guidelines PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 3 0 Z008 ;'~z~ ,q " '. DESIGN STANDARDS'. PRE.SUBMITfAl REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 Death to Groundwater Table Since this facility relies on infiltration to function, it is impOJiant that the groundwater table not be near the bottom of the base rock. No references gave a recommended depth so a distance of 3 feet was chosen, il' , .. " Residence Time The water needs to have fully infiltrated prior to the beginning of the next storm event. The sources used recommend a range ofresidence times from 12 hours (Michigan DEQ) to 72 hours (Porous Asphalt Pavements), Because winter storms in this area occur frequently, a maximum time of24 hours for complete infiltration was chosen, . Vehicle Loads The distance from the street to the furthest building comeLis 233 feet; therefore fue code requires the first 83 feet to be capable of canying an 80,000 lb load, The remainder needs to be capable of canying standard passenger cars and trucks, ' Pollutant Loads To protect the groU1ldwater, pervious asphalt is not suitable for sites that produce heavy contaminate loads (chemicals, oil and grease, and particulates especially), Examples include industrial areas, roads with a high ADT, and quarry operations, Since this is a residential application with a low traffic count, pollutant loads were not addressed in these'design standards. Asohalt Mix . It is important that fines be reduced to create intercoilllected.voids that will allow the water to drain through the asphalt. Approximately 15-16% voids is considered to be a target by Porous Asphalt Pavements, Brett Kesterson and Michigan DEQ, Brett has found that this can be achieved using aggregate for ODOT's open-graded mix designstllat at one time were refened to as E orF mix. Michigan DEQ states that the percent asphalt should be 5,5 to 6,0 based on weight. Porous Asphalt Pavements states that the percent asphalt should be 6,0 to 6,5 based on weight. Both sources say that the lower nUll1ber is to provide ade'quate asphalt coverage on the stones and the upper nwnber to prevent draining from the mix during transport, An avei'age of 5,75 to 6,25 percent was chosen, Porous Asphalt Pavemelits recommends a bin~er two grades stiffer than typically used in the area, BreI! stated that he specifies 7022PG oil to reduce the gradual migration of the oil into. the voids during.the summer heat. Since 7022PG is functioning for the projects in Portland it has been selected for this project. The contractor will be expected to follow the flow sheet provided in Porous Asphalt Pavements for verifying that their standard E or F mix design will ~eet the above desig1l requirements. A copy of this flow sheet is included in this appendix section, To avoid slickness in frosty, conditions, crushed aggregate is required instead of pea gravel. Baserock i\2:Zre2:ate The base rock is designed .as two layers: a top filter course over a reservoir course. The top filter course is O,5-inch open crushed aggregate to provide a stable paving surface, There is some disagreement between the Michigan DEQ and Porous Asp!1alt Pavements as to the , PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 thickness of the top filter c'ourse, Michigan DEQ recommends a 1 inch thickness while Porous Asphalt Pavements recommends a 2 inch thickness, A 2 inch thickness was selected to decrease the potential of the larger rock in the reservoir course moving under the paver during construction, Michigan DEQ recommends using aggregate 3-1.5 inches (AASHTO #2) for the reservoir course, This gradation provides approximately 40% void space. Porous Asphalt Pavements primarily reconmlends the same aggregate as Michigan DEQ; but coinments that the smaller aggregate in AASHTO #5 (3/4-1 inch) could b.e used if the designer is willing to reduce to approximately 30% void space, The AASHTO #5 gradation was chosen for this design for several reasons, Local drywells are designed with 30% void space so this is a gradation that local suppliers are familiar with and a void space volume that has been shown to function locally, Also, by having smaller aggregate, it will help reduce the tendency for the top filter course to migrate into the voids in the reservoir course, . Michigan DEQ and PorousAsphalt Pavements state that an optional filter course can be "'" ,provided below the reservoir course. Neither one specifically states tlle benefit of providing this, additional layer. It is aSSUllled that-the main benefit would be"to reduce the chance of the reservoir course migrating into the subgrade soil. Since tllis site will be receiving light loading and will have a filter fabric below the res.ervoir course, it was,decided to not include the optional. filter course in this design. '. .-... .' '.' ~... . . Subsurface Drains Both Michigan DEQ and Porous Asphalt Pavements state that subsurface drains can be utilized to drai~ non-infiltrated water to altemate disposal locations, Since this project will fully infiltrate in 24 hours or less, subsurface drains are not neededr,to remove excess water prior to the next storm event. Filter Fabric Both Michigan DEQ and Porous Asphalt Paveme~ts describe" a filter fabric under the reservoir course as optional, It was decided to inclu:de filter fabric in tllis.project to reduce the tendency for the reservoir course to migrate into the sub grade, Sub~rade Condition Miclligan DEQ and Porous Asphalt Pavements state that tlle sub grade should be minimally disturbed to preserve the infiltration properties of the soil. Brett Kesterson stated that he compacts the subgrade to 95% then scarifies to allow percolation, It is his opinion that this reduces settling, but preserves the infiltration rate, The decision was made to keep sub grade compaction to a minimum for two main reasons; 1) this site is a low volume, low speed road, it will not be adversely impacted by settling and 2) the design relies on all the water infiltrating so .it is critical to not risk any impacts to the infiltration rate, Slope' To allow'lll1iform infiltration the bottom of the reservoir should be flat. Midligan DEQ and Porous Asphal~ Pavements-agre~ that the surface of the pavement should not exceed 5%. Because this site is already quite flat, the surface of the pavenlent, except for the entrance from Main Street, is flat. . . . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 ZOOS ASDhalt Perimeter Porous Asphalt Pavements recOl1lli1ends providing an infiltration strip around the perinleter of the asphalt to ensure the water can still enter the reservoir course even if the surface becomes clogged, This is a good idea and an effort should be made to implement it on all projects. On this projecthowever, it could' not be done because the vast majority of the perimeter is adjacent to standard asphalt for the driveways. As an alternative two area drains were added, one on each side of the driveway? to collect any water that runs off the asphalt. -"......'..,j"" ;.".... PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 3 0 2008 DETERMINATION OF VARIABLES FOR APPEl\'DIX E As sho~ oil the Proposed Conditions Map, the porous asphalt will be a 20 foot wide by 159 foot long joint-use driveway with each duplex having a standard asphalt private driveway off the joint-use driveway. The private driveways will drain to the joint-use driveway so the reservoir course will need to be sized to dispose of all the asphalt runoff, .. I:rom the isopluvialmaps for Oregon p 10 = 4.3 inches P25 = 4,8 inches Drainage Areas Porous Asphalt = 3182 sq,ft. = 0,07 acres Standard Asphalt = 5718 sq,ft, = 0,13 acres Total Asphalt= 8900 sq,ft, = 0.20 acres , Curve Numbers (From Table 2-2a in the TR-55 Manual using. Soils Group C) All Asphalt CN = 98 . .. Time of Concentration A 5 minute time of concentration is assumed, Reservoir Course Depth Required Storage = 0 cubic feet . Ordinarily, storage would control the reservoir course depth. The. infiltration rate on this site is high enough that no storage is required; therefore, the reservoir course only needs to have enough depth to provide a stable base for the asphalt. The geotechnical report recommends 9- inches of base rock for standard asphalt. Since the reservoir c~urse will not be compacted as " densely as the base rock for standard asphalt, the depth reservoir course depth is designed at 12- inche's. Depth to Groundwater Table The cross-section designed above has a total depth of 1.5 feet. To maintain a depth of3 feet to the groundwater table, the ground water table needs to be a mihimunl of 4.5~feet below the surface, Based on the geoteclmical report this is well above tIle high water table, Asphalt Thickness . The geotechnical report states that a "by the books" design for standard asphalt is 4-inches, but due,to light loadingreduces the recommended design to 3-inches for standard asphalt. Because porons asphalt is not as dense and tends to flex more than standard asphalt, the asphalt depth was increased to 4-inches. " ~; ,.' Known: PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 Pervious A . ~~'!f"f;,~O_~;iJ'~~~s~Jj rea ;:;; t:,.e;:~i"\:aO~l,~i,;!,.~~ acres - ~="'"",\~-"",=~>.,=~"',;(j CN = Storage = 2.66 cu. ft.. 0.2S = 0.53 cu. ft. Imoervious % Imperv. = 100.00 Area = acres eN = ~~~&i~.r8~~~iVj' . ,~,,-,,~;<{,,,,,_,,.......~,,,~"liiti;tr Storage = 0.20 cu. ft. O.2S = 0.04 cu. ft. Site Area = 0.2 acres '-"e--_-i'1.W~-:"~""lW~'iI!;"JI Total Rain = iJli:~ir.ol~~"l~Ji;:in. Time Incr. = 10 min. Tc w = 0.5000 i. , . Answer: Maximum Design Flowrate = 0.23 cfs " 12/20/2007 . 3:17 PM Z:\2007\07-172 Leatham on Main\TENTATIVE APPLlCATION\Stormwater report for first submittal\Santa Barbara Flow Cales POST asphalt.xls .' PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 30 2008 Pervious Area Impervious Area 'Time Rainfall Rainfall in Accumul. Accumul. Incremental Accumul. Incremental Total Instant I Design Increment Time Distribution Increment Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Flowrate Flowrate min. fraction inches, inches inches inches inches inches inches cfs I cfs 34 330 0.0082 0.0353: 0.813 0.027 0.006 0.610 0.034 0.034 0.04 I 0.04 35 340 0.0082 0.0353 0.848 0.034 0.007 0.644 0.034 0.034 0.04 0.04 36 350 0.0095 0.0409 0.889 0.042 0.009 0.683 0.039 0.039 0.05 I 0.04 37 360 0.0095 0.0409 0.930 0.052 . 0.010 0.723 0.039 0.039 0.05 0.05 38 370 0.0095 0.0409 . 0.971 0.062 0.010 0.762 0039 0.039 0.05 0.05 I 39 380 0.0095 0.0409 1.011 0.073 0.011 0.802 0.040 0.040 0.05 0.05 I 40 390 0.0095 0.0409 1.052 0.085 0.012 0.842 0.040 0.040 0.05 0.05 41 400 0.0095 0.0409 1.093 0.098 0.013 0.881 0.040 0.040 0.05 0.05 I 42 410 0.0134 0.0576 1.151 0.117 0.0.19 0.937 . 0.056 0.056 0.07 0.06 .!l3 420 0.0134 0.0576" 1.208 0.137 0.020 0,994 0.056 0.056, 0.07 . 0,07 44 430 0.0134 0.0576 1.266 0.159 0.022 1.050 0.056 0.056 0.07 0.07 45 440 0.0180 0.0774 1.343 0.190 0.031 1.126 0.076 0.076 0.09 0.08 46 450 0.0180 0.0774 1.421 0.223 0.033 ' 1.202 0.076 0.076 0.09 0.09 I 47 460 0.0340 0.1462 1.567 0.290 0.067 1.346 0.144 0.144. 0.17 0.13 I 48 470 0.0540 0.2322 1.799 0.409 0.119 1.575 0.229 0.229 0.28 0.23 I 49 480 0.0270 0.1161 1.915 0.474 0.064 1.690 0.115 0.115 0.14 0.21 . I 50 490 0.0180 0.0774 1.993 0.518 0.045 1.767 0.077. 0.077 0.09 0.12 . 51 500 0.0134 0,0576 2.050 0.552 0.034 1.824 0.057 0.057 0.07 0.08 52 510 0.0134 0.0576 2.108 0.587 0.035 1.881 0.057 0.057 0.07 0.07 53 520 0.0134 0.0576 2.165 0.622 0.035 ' 1.938 0.057 0.057 0:07 0.07 54 530 0.0088 0,0378 2.203 0.645 0.023 1.976 0.038 0.038 0.05 0.06 55 540 0,0088 0.0378 2.241 0.669 0.024 2.014 0.038 0.038 0,05 0.05 56 550 0.0088 0.0378 2.279 0.693 0.024 2.051 0.038 0.038 0.05 0.05. 57 560 0.0088 0.0378 2.317 0.717 0.024 2.089 0.038 0.038 0.05 0.05 58 570 0.0088 0.0378 2.355 0.742 0.024 2.126 0.038 0.038 0.05 0,05 59 580 0.0088 0,0378 . 2.393 0.766 0.025 2.164 0.038 0.038 . 0.05 0.05 60 590 0.0088 0.0378 2.430 0.791 0.025 2.202 0.038 0.038 0.05 0.05 61 600 ,0.0088 0.0378 2.468 0.816 0.025 2.239 0.038 0.038 0.05 0.05 62 610 0.0088 0.0378 2.506 0.841 0.025 2.277 0.038 0.038 0.05 0.05 63 620 0.0088 0.0378 . 2.544 0.867 0.025 2.314 0.038 0.038 0.05 0.05 64 630 0.0088 0.0378 2.582 0.893 0.026 2.352 0.038 0,038 0.05 0.05 65 640 0.0088 0.0378 2.620 0.919 0.026 2.390 0.038 0.038 0.05 0.05 . 66 650 0.0072 0.0310 2.651 0.940 0.021 2.420 0.031 0.031 0.04 0.04 12/20/2007 3'17 PM Z:\2007107-172 Leatham on MainlTENTATIVE APPLlCATIONIStormwater report for first submittallSanta Barbara Flow Cales POST asphaltxls 0.25 - -/I) - t.l - 0.15 .2! <U ... ~ .2 u.. !: Cl 0.1 "(jj Q) C 0.05 0.2 -1- .-. 400 " , . Design-Hydrograph . ,-f-,......L,.- , 'i - ---;-\. 600 I I ". i.. i I , , i I I " ~'__I..L_ _.._.__.~ _ \ 800 Time (min) 1000 - .- .-1.-... ---- . ",._""_;,._,....,.h".""".,~,..,.". ........j_... I , I I ...-..;-- 01'" I i , . i PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN3 0 zoos --~ 1400 1600 o :,/ V-_. ' 1200 12/20/2007 _ , 3:17 PM Z:\2007\07-172 Leatham on Main\TENTATIVE APPLlCATION\Stormwater report for first submittallSanta Barbara Flow Cales POST asphalt xis o 200 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN3 0 2008 Inflow I Infiltration Time Infiltration Infiltration Detention l' Increment . Time Flowrate Volume Rate Rate Flowrate Volume min. cfs c.f. gal/hrlsf gallhr cfs c.f. c.f . 1 0 000 0.00 7,00 22274.00 0.83. 496.30 0.00 2 10 0.00 0.00 7.00 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 3 20 0.00 . 0.00 7.00 22274.00 ' 0.83 496.30 0.00 4 30 0.00 0.20 7.00 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 5 40 '0.00 1.22 7.00 I 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 6 50 0.00 2.78 7.00 I 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 7 60 0.01 4.08 7.00 I 22274.00 I . 0.83 496.30 ',0.00 8 70 0,01 5.13 7.00 I 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 9 80 0.01 6.00 7.00 1 22274.001 0.83 496.30 0.00 10 90 .0.01 6.72 7.00 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 11 100 0.01 7.33 7.00 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 1 12 110. 0.01 . 8.89 .1 ..7.00 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 I 13 120 0.02 10.48 7.00 22274.00 I 0.83 A96.30 0.00 I 14 130 0.02 11.05 7.00 22274.001 ,.0.83 496.30 0.00 I 15 140 0.02 11.53 7.00 I 22274.001 0.83 496.30 0.00 I 16 150 0.02' 11.94 7.00 I 22274.00 1 0.83 496.30 0.00 I 17 160 0.02 12.29 7.00 I 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 I 18 170 0.02 13.87 7.00 I 22274.001 .0.83 496.30 0.00 19 180 0.03 15.47 7.00 1 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 20 190 0.03 . 15.79 7.00 I 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 21 200 0.03 16.07 7.00 122274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 22 210 0.03 16.30 7.00 122274.00 0.83 496.30 000. 23 220 0.03 16.51 7.00 I 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 24 230 0.03 18.10 7.00 I 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 25 240 0.03 19.69 7.00 1 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 26 250 0.03 19.88 7.00 I 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 27 260 0.03 20.04 7.00 I 22274.00 .0.83 496.30 0.00 28 270 '0.03 20.19 7.00 I 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 29 280 0.03 20.31 7.00 I 22274.00 0.83 I 496.30 0.00 30 290 0.04 22.19 7.00 122274.00 0.83 I 496.30 0.00 31 300 0.04 24.07 7.00 I 22274.00 0.83 I 496.30 0.00 32 310 0.04 24.19 700 i 22274.00 . 0.83 496.30 0.00 33 320 1-..0.04' .24.30 7.00 I 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 34 330 1 0.04 24.39 7.00 I 22274.00 : 0.83 496.30 0.00 35 340 I 0,04 24.48 7.00 1 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 36 350 1 0.04 26.51 I 7.00 I 22274.00 1 0.83 496.30 0.00 37 360 I 0.05 28.54 I 7.00 122274001 '0.83 496.30 0.00 38 370 1 0.05 28.62 1 7.00 I 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 39 380 I 0.05 28.69 I 700 I 22274.00 I .0.83 496.30 0.00 40 390 I' 0.05 28.76 I 7.00 I 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 41 400 1 0.05 28.82 I 7.00 I 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 42 410 pi 0.06 34.81 I 7.00 I 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 43 420 i 0.07 40.82 I 7.00. I 22274.00 I '0.83 496.30 0.00 44 430 0.07 40.90 7.00 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 45 440 0.08 48.02 7.00 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 46 450 0.09 55.16 7.00 22274.00 0.83 496.30 0.00 47 460 0.13 79.87 7.00 22274.00 0.83 496.30 . 0.00 48 470 0:23 135.52 7.00 22274.00 I 0.83 496.30 0.00 1/3/2008 2:\2007107-172 Leatham on MainlTENTATIVE APPLlCATIONIStormwater report for first submittall 12:54 PM . Reservoir Course Depth Sizing.xls , . 2 - INCH THICK 1/2 - INCH OPEN CRUSHED AGGREGA TE FIL TER COURSE. . , -~ -~~~~~C!dio~~~ .('.' ~~~Q8. ~CO. ~~~~~;~~FABRI,C , ?r:bC{M'-/bOoo'-oL()oo'-o<-{)O<-O~ , . --:- </::::,-V~V~V~V.::.~./~~~V~'y~V~V~V~ ' ~T6N"{;E;;k%IR" ,.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNDisTURBED' 3/4 - I INCH (AASHTO -5) ,-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,-- "'-",,,,--~':(,, -SOIL CLEAN CRUSHED AGGREGATE '/')V){//'V,?v}{/)vi(/)v/'V/'V/'V)V/'Y/; . . . t 4 - INCH THICK POROUS PAVEMENT t ~OURSE PERVIOUS PAVEMENT DETAIL NO SCALE '"'0 :::0 I'T'I . '- en 1>5, :z - wS::: ~~ 8:::0 co I'T'I o d . ------"------------ ---------- ---.----------- -- ------ _____________ ~ _____u__ _ ______________ ________ __ .JRE~SU.BMIITALREC:D JAN 3 0 Z008 ~}\ulf)u)Z [}~~~J&JG.:;J~rj~~! - - ., .ITkTIj,-xi1~:lG\S~~:, The following is an abbreviated outline of the mix design procedure containe'd in the main body of NAPA publication. Design, Constn/ction and !vla;nlellance' of Open-graded Fri0tion Courses (order number IS-115). Step 1. JHalerials Selection Coarse Aggregates: (" LA. Abrasion " Fractured faces ::;; 30 percent 2: 90 percent two fractured faces ] 00 percent one or more fractured faces ::;;5 percentS:] ratio ::;; 20 percent 2:] ratio . Flat and Elongated Fine Aggregate: , Fine Aggregate Angularity (FAA) 2: 45 Asphalt Binder: . High stiffness binder generally two grades stiffer (high temperature designation) than normally used for the local climate. . Fibers may prevent draindown. . Polymer modified binder, asphalt rubber binder, or fiber may be l\?ed. Step 2: Selection of Design Gradatien Recommended Gradation for OGFC Sieve Percent Passing .75 inch ,50 inch .375 inch NO.4 NO.8 No. 200 roo 85 - 100 55 - 75 10 - 25 5 -10 2-4 (19.mm) (12.5 mm) (9.5 mm) (4.75 mm) (236 mm) (0.D75 nun) . B]end selected aggregate. stockpiles to produce three trial blends. - One near the co'arse side of the gradation band. - One near the fine side of the gradation band. - One near the middk of the gradation band. (Ref: NAPA.IS:115, Design, Construction. and Maintenance of Open-Graded Asphalt Friction Courses, Appendl~\ 8) Determine the dry-rodded voids in coarse aggregate of the coarse aggregate fraction (VCADRc)' Coarse aggregate is-defined as the aggregate fraction retained on the 4.7) lilin sieve, - Compact coarse aggregate according to AASHTO T19 - Calculate VCADRC \TC^ " ~. ~DR~ = G 'V _'V CA'IV 's .x 100' G 'V CA' II' Where, GCA = bulk specific gravity of the coarse aggregate (AASHTO T85t "Y s = Uliit weight of the coarse aggregate fraction in the dry-rodded condition (kg/m') (AASHTO Tl9) 'I" = unit weight of water (998 kg/m') . For each trial gi'adation prepare three batches at between 6:0 and 6.5 percent asphalt binder, Include fibers if used. Compact t,vo specimens from each trial gradation using 50 gyrations of the Superpave gyratory compactor. - Detennifle the bulL specific gravity (G ) of each ~pecimen. - Determire the VCAMLX of each compacted specimen. . Gmb VCAM1X = 100- X PCA GCA Where: " GCA'= bulk specific gravity of the coarse , aggregate G"'b " bulk specific gravity of compacted OGFC specimens . P CA =" percent coarse aggregate in the total mixture , "se the -emn:~:~~ ,~~~~~J. +.-............ oach h";"] O",."rl"t;"n t'~ u- - I 1 JJQUIJU:::' ~all1Vlt: UVJll \..-- l LUUl _,1 Ln.H'UV' , '-' determine ihe the~retical maximum speCific gravity (G ) of each trial. mm. , Compare VCA"lX to VCADRC for each trial gradation. g .To select cles'igll gradation, choose the trial gradation with the VC1\IIX<VCADRC with high air voids. POROUS ASPHALT PAVEMENTS c 15'131 __~_.__r~___'___~~__'~___~___'~_.~_>_'~__ ,___._~_. '. ,'<<<.-_.'~__~._ ~.____...~____r_.~~~~'_,~_ .~,_~_.___.._ 11 " Step 3, Determine Optimllnl'Asphalt,Content o Using the selected design gl'adation, prepare OGFC mixes at the three binder contents in increments of 0.5 percent. . Conduct draindown test (ASTM '06390) on loose mix at a temperature lYC higher than anticipated production temperature. . Compact mix usir:g 50 gyrations of a Superpave gy- .ratoiy compactor ancLdetermine air void contents. . Conduct the Cantabro abrasion test on unaged .and aged (7 day @ l40'F [60'C]) samples. . The asphalt content that meets the following criteria is selected as.optimum asphalt content. -Air Voids d8% - Caniabro Abrasion Test (unaged) $20 percent - Cantabro-Abrasion Test (aged) $30 percent - Draindown $0.3% 12 Step 4. Evaluate Mix for Moisture Susceptibility . Test final mix for moisture susceptibility using the modified Lottman method (AASHTO T283) - Compact llsing 50 gyrations' of Superpave gyratory comp'J.~tor - Apply partial vacuum of 26 inches Hg for 10 minutes to whatever saturation is achieved - Use five fteeze/thaw cycles in lieu of one cycle - Keep specimens submerged in water during freeze cycles . . Retained tensile strength (TSR) ;>:80 percent PRE.SUBMI1TAl REC'O JAN 3 02008 " .NATIO~I.~L ASPHALT PAVEMENT ASSOCI.~TION PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 . CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES The following construction guidelines were modified from tlle guidelines from Michigan DEQ. and Porous Aspluilt Pavements, The contractor'will be provided with a copy of these guidelines and expected to follow them throughout the project. Durin!! Construction 1. Before the entire development site is graded, the plarmed.area for the porous pavement should be roped off by Construction Ban-iers to prevent heavy equipment from compacting the underlying soils, 2. Install Diversions as needed to keep runoff off the site. Ul1til porous pavement is in place. 3, Excavate the'sub-grade soilusing equipment with tracks or over-sized tires, Narrow rubber tires should be avoided since they compact the soil and reduce its infiltration capabilities, . 4. After excavation is complete, the bottom and sides of the stone reservoir should be lined witll filter fabric to prevent upward piping of underlining or underlying soil. The fabric should be placed flush with a generous overlap between rolls, Follow manufacture's specifications, 5, Clean, washed %-1 inch aggregate shonld be placed in the excavated reservoir in lifts, and lightly compacted with plate compactors to fOl1l1 the reservoir or base course. Unwashed stone has enough sedirilent to pose a clear risk of clogging at the soil/filter cloth interface, 6, A I inch thick layer of O,5"inch stone should be,placed over'the reservoir or base course, and mannally graded to plan specifications. 7,. Add the porous asphalt layer, but only when the air temperature is above 500F and. the laying temperature is between 230-,260oF, Failure to follow these guidelines can lead to premature har~ening of the asphalt and su?sequent loss of infiltration capacity, 8, 7022 PG oil is to be used with 85 to 100% penetration' grade, 9. The'percent of asphalt should be between 5.75 and 6.25 based on the total weight of the pavement. The lower limit is to assure adequately thiCk layers of asphalt around the .stones, and the upper limit is to prevent the mix from draining asphalt during transport. 10, To avoid damage due to photo-oxidative degradation ofthe asphalt the asphalt coatings on tlle aggregate surfaces should be thicker than usual. In this case, the asphalt can fonl1 skins or o.therwise be mildly degraded Witllout signi'tic'ant loss of cementing properties, 11. Roll the asphalt when it is cool enough to withst~nd a ten-ton roller. NOl1l1ally, only one or two passes of the roller are necessary, More' frequeht rolling can reduce the infiltration capabilities on the opencgraded asphalt mix, . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 3 0 2008 12. Afterrolling.is complete, all traffic should be kept oUlofthe porous pavement area for a minimum of one day to allow proper hardening, After Construction:. 1. . Stabilize thesunounding area with grass seed, This 0illprevent sediment from entering the porous pavement. 2, Where applicable, remove temporary diversions after vegetation is established. .3, Post signs to prevent vehicles from entering the area with muddy tires, If muddy vehicle access cannot be prevented, a temporary access road should be installed,