HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/11/2008 , ~ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 11 2008 '- Site Plan Application, Type II ; " '. . Site Plan Review: ~. Major Site Plan Major Modification 0 Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: , 1St, I I I ItL J. 1<ne"M"'rV Cl~ P1&PAN Tea;;<,. Tri C. I Fax: I So J/ gf-M /0 95:~ IV, IY1AIN'..~, JNO,!f.r;iJfNce, Of... CO,:J",'>J Ol~c'" ""'Mll; ,:'. (~:~~ ~"''''~''l Iphone: IrS'1/) 3cz.. ')7 ')eo IFax: It54,)4f.f'sz,n ei2.. 174'7 '7 I Phone: I /205 s rl'll!~STm(erJTS I T.,<", IFax: I 3 ~ I 0 (flMf),PA<.nreL U. _ ~J(MfW/E. ,DfI- 97'10 I of ' .,..... .... 0.;..,. 'l' .,..;"..; ... \,""_'.~ ".; . .' (,\. ~I'J. Sk Zo.; ,. <;1,-,~d'JiI.I - . -.~ ,i'-" ~'.. f Applicant Name: Company: Address: ", . ,~. ' - '1><0.."-',' Property Owner: Company: Address: 1;1;," i;';;-":""'";.~' . -';' ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: n.. 0< - ~ i -l.; TAX LOT NO(s): .-~7~ Property Address: :~3~,-,:~iDc ()W\i'\U.Y'cl-2l--ktJf' Size of Property: 4, 3 i, Proposed Name of Project: ',.;,"---. ,... ." . 9(\0 Acres ~ Square Feet 0 fv~ c l.u,~f~':I t rv',' \I'Yv~.1 M~..w SA"'~ n.~....t.ICll'1.!>'\ 'J Description of Proposal: r::4~.'I..;h # of Lots/Parcels: Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: New Impervious Surface Coverage: (, I. Db 2... sf ~'-""'('-.' ~';~~" :-"'.:'.~.~,~:':': r',.' .t,.:-;-:=:-.,--.,-.;..._.~...,,,.\:. sf Density: B)~g:,9ross Floor Area: .,>; ~ +". " .. c.._,. . ,. duJacre 14,1/00 sf .. -. ....... Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits .0 Associated Applications: .' ..":' Pre-Submittal Case No.: PYt- ~__ ~y..1 Date: Case No.: Date: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: !Ii TOTAL FEE'S $ ( 1ft( Or?::, Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Postaqe Fee: +tA/?- Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones ~ ('0 ' , I r;'l/~{, I I PVJ 20-%- D5IDc" $ ) U -, 0<:) " ~": 'Steps in the Process: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 1 1 Z008 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre"Submittal Application is mandatory, Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee, The submittal package must conform to the appliCation completeness checklist attached to this form, You are required to submit Nine (9) copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review, Pre-submittal meetings wil(be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon, We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application, 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage 'you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting, The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division, The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes, The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete, You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City, 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City, A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin, When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review, .At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the finai land use decision is issued, Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal, Owne'r's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting, Owner: Date: -iSL .J/9 10 f3 A""f~J. Print 'h of{pJl f\N Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones 01/10/~ THll 07:58 FAX 541 6811198 01/10/2008 08:05 FAX .., VALLEY RIVER VIL @002 \1)0021002 City of Springfield , 25 Nollh 5111 Springfield, Or 97471 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 1 1 2008 RE: Map 1 8-02-31-21 , Tax Lot 800 PlanningfPublie Works I hereby give Dan Korgan and/or Randy Sanders, or theil" designees and Clear Span Truss Inc, pennission to apply to the City of 'springfield for preliminary approvallO improve the undeveloped parcel identified as Tax Lot 800, Map 17-02-31-21. ' I am the legal owner of the referenced property and the above referenc=d individuals currently ar= Imder contract with a Purchase & Sale Agreement to purchase the property. Th=title to the ""~--'J is vested in the name ofRos~ Inve5l1l1enlS, Inc. as evidenced by Preljminary Title Report pt'epJll'ed by E.vergreen Land Title Company, report # 54343 dated November 2, 2007. If you have any questions or need additional iDfonnation.regarding this issue, please advise ASAP as time is of the essenCe. J want these indiViduals to accomplish their acquisition undertbe afore mentioned PSA and to do so they need preIin'linary approval from the City of Springfield, It is understood that tbis permission is neccssao' to continue the process, Thank You ~~ , Ross Murry Ross Investments Ine 3610 Goodpasture Island Rd Eugene, OR 97401 541-687.)196 541-687-1198 (fax) 01/10/0B THU 07:53 [TI/RX NO 11851 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00004 Commercial Avenue ~ :r: It5 SITE Map 17-02-31-21 Tax Lot 800 North + /111 ' ) III/II ,,_, I '/ ' ]f{:11I ::1:1: 1,::, :~t I. i " i II Ii I1II1I iXilil J.!l;-. 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",,_ ".^LJ..~.~ ...u..u....-- "" ""'I"""I;~" "',."'"'.w", '0 '-0 = fT] . - C.P:> 1> c: :z <0:1 s:: ..... ;::l ..... '" ~ 0' ;:::c o. OC II'T"l n ~ OILSON & M\ORR~S A division of L.B. Olson & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Urban Planners 380 Q Street Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 Fax: (541) 485-3253 olsonandmorris.com - -' - .----- SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR CLEARSPAN TRUSS PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 1 1 2008 Property Owner/Applicant: Clearspan Truss, Inc 955 North Main Street Independence, OR 97351 Tel (503) 838,6896 Project Coordinator/ Applicant's Representative/ Engineering: Olson & Morris c/o Scott Morris, PE 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9790 Planning: Metro Planning, Inc, c/o Robert Stevens, AICP 370 Q Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9830 Assessor's Map: 17-02-31-21 Tax Lot: 800 (Portion North of Commercial A venue) Zoning: HI (Heavy Industrial) Plan Designation: Heavy Industrial Area: 179,543 Square Feet (4,12 Acres) Back!!round This application is for Site Plan Review approval for two new industrial buildings and associated parking lot/utilities for Clearspan Truss, Clearspan Truss is a coinpany based in Independence, Oregon that manufactures trusses for all types of buildings (i,e, residential, commercial), The company will be constructing a 12,600 square foot truss manufacturing plant, 1,500 square foot office, and lumber storage building on a portion of this development property, The remainder of the property will be undeveloped and rcserved for future development poteniial. Clearspan Truss Site Plan Review January 11, 2008 Page I The subject site for this proposed developme'nt is zoned HI (~Ieavy Industrial), The proposed Clearspan Truss building will have frontage and access on Commercial A venue, This proposed development will only be located on the portion of the subject tax lot on (he north side of , Commercial' Avenue, This written statement,pro'vides a narrative response addressing compliance with the industrial zone standards at SDC Section 3,2-400, the Site Plan Review'approval criteria found in Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5,17-125, In this written statement references are made to some of the sheets in the attached plan set. The following is the order of the sheets in the plan set. I Sheet No, IC1 [C2 IC3 IC4 IC5 ICG IC7 IC8 ICg IE1 Sheet Name Site Assessment Plan Site Development Plan I Site Gradinq Plan I Site Pavinq Plan ISite Utility Plan IStorm Drainaqe Study I Land Drainaqe Alteration Plan :CiVil Details ISuildinq Elevations Comoliance with Zonin!! The proposed development meets the development standards for the HI zone per SDC 3,2-420, The existing lot is 4,12 acres in size; which already far exceeds the minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. There is 407,39 feet of frontage on Commercial Avenue; which exceeds the minimum standard of75 feet. The proposed manufacturing building will be setback from Commercial Avenue about 98 feet and the storage building will be setback about 81 feet. Both ,of these front yard setbacks exceed the minimum of 10 feet. In addition, the smallest setback from the front lot line to the parking lot is '20 feet; which exceeds the minimum of 5 feet. Only the adjacent property to the west is zoned for residential uses, The other adjacent properties are industrial zoned parcels, The lumber storage building will be setback from the residential parcel to the west by about 25 feet to nleet the minimum 10 foot interior yard setback. On the west and east boundaries of the development site there will be at least a 5 foot plilnted buffer to meet the minimum 5 foot interior yard setback for parking lots, None of the other development standards ofSDC Section 3,2-400 apply to HI zoned parcels, Based on tre above facts, the development standards of SDC 3,2-420 are met and the new Clearspan Truss facility will be consistent with the HI zoning designation, ' SDC 5.17-125 Site Plan Review Aooroval Criteria A. ,The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. The Metro Plan Land Use Diagram designates the property 'as appropriate for Heavy Industrial. The Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram also designates the property for Clearspan Truss Site Plan Review January 11,2008 Page 2 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 1 1 2008 Heavy Industrial uses, These plan designations are consistent with the current zoning of HI (Heavy Industrial), Per SDC 3,2A 10, in the HI zone manufacturing and administrative, professional, and business offices are permitted uses, The Clearspan Truss facility will manufacture building trusses and there will be an administrative office attached to the ' manufacturing plant. Given that the Clearspan Truss facility will be engaged in HI zone permitted uses; this site plan review application will be consistent with the Metro Plan and Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan hea~y industrial plan designation, B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless othenv}se provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. The existing public improvements including the 27" wastewater line, 12"/36" storm drainage system, and Commercial Avenue are already constructed: Other utilities (i,e, electric, water, phone, and gas) are also already constructed and stubbed to the existing lot. These utilities are located within either the existing 7 toot PUE (public utility easement) located along the entire frontage of Commercial A venue adjacent to the proposed development or within one of two existing utility easements located on the west and east property boundaries, There are already curb, gutter, and street lights on Commercial Avenue, There are no traffic control devices (i,e, traffic lights) near the subjectsite, The nearest traffic control devices are located at the intersection of Main and 32nd Streets, In addition, street trees are already installed on the north side of Commercial Avenue adjacent to the proposed manufacturing facility, These existing public improvements are shown on the attached plan set drawings, The existing sanitary and storm sewerlines that the proposed private lines will tap into are very adequate for handling the anticipated demand from this type/intensity of development proposed with this site plan review application, The project engineer at Olson & Morris has carefully sized the private utilities to handle the anticipated water discharge volumes, The pertinent calculations to demonstrate that the proposed private utilities and existing public improvements have the capacity to handle the discharge are included on Sheet C3 (Utility Plan) and C6(Storm Drainage Study), To accommodate the pre-treatment of stonnwater, the on-site runoff will either be piped into catch basins containing fossil filters or outfall into one of three bio-swales, After pre- treatment the stonnwater drainage will be piped to the existing storm lines in Commercial A venue, The storm water management plan involves the use of a connected system of private drain pipes, All proposed utility lines ahd connections are delin,eated on the attached utility,plan, Clearspan Truss Site Plan Review January 11,2008 Page 3 . , PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD JAN 1 1 2008 C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. The public improvements necessary to serve the proposed"development are already constructed and located within the Commercial Avenue right-of-way or to the west of the subject site, The applicant is proposing to construct private improvements that connect to the existing public improvements, Both utility and grading plans (sheets C3 and C5) are included with this site plan review application. The private improvements iriclude the proposed private utilities/parking lot necessary to accommodate the new Clearspan Truss facility, All of the private design and construction standards ofthis code are complied with in regards to the private improvements, Please refer to the aforementioned plan sheets for applicable details, ,. , r D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide conn~ctivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. The existing public street network, Commercial A venue, provides sufficient and safe vehicular access to nearby streets 30th Street and 35th Stre~t. These two streets (30th and 35th) provide access to Main Street and Olympic Street.' The residential parcels to the west can be easily accessed from along 30th Street. In addition, 32nd Avenue intersects Commercial Avenue adjacent to the proposed manufacturing plant. Thirty-Second (32nd) Avenue provides access into the sUn'ounding residential neighborhood to the south, On 30th Street there is also access to commercial services on Main Street and the new DMV office on 30th Street. The development site is within an area that has good connectivity with nearby residential, commercial, and industrial areas, There is presently one 38 foot driveway that will continue to provide access to the development site, To facilitate easy access for vehicles, especially large trucks, a second 35 foot driveway is being proposed, Both driveways will allow for efficient site circulation to reach the buildings and all areas of the parking lot efficiently, The proposed parking area on the subject property has been designed and constructed to ~nsure vehicular and pedestrian circulation remains safe and convenient. The parking lot design conforms to the dimensional requirements ofSDC 4,6-115, The parking space dimensions are shown on the attached plans, The parking lot will be paved, as required, and the stoID1water run-off from the parking lot will flow through one of three bio-swales or catch basins containing fossil filters, The bio-swales will be located within the landscaped setbac,ks along the south and east property lines, The parking lot will also be clearly striped to indicate pedestrian crossings and parking spaces, Regarding the minimum number of parking spaces, an office use requires I space per 300 square feet and manufacturing requires I space per 500 square feet. This results in a minimum number of required spaces being thirty (30), There are 32 spaces being provided to meet the required minimum standard, Regarding bicycle parking spaces, there is a requirement with manufacturing that there be I space per 3000 square feet. In Clearspan Truss Site Plan Review January 11,2008 Page 4 . PRt.SIlt\Mm~l REC'O JAN 1 ~ 2008 ' addition, 25% must be short-term and 75% long'term spaces, The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces is 5 and 5 spaces are being provided, Four of these spaces will be long-term, The parking lot and ingress-egress points meet the applicable requirements of theSDC and thus this criterion is satisfied, ' ' E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologie eonditions; areas with suseeptibilityof flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and, their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905c955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected. as specified in this Code or in State or FederaUaw. There are no physical features on the subject property; this includes trees, shrubs, watercourses, riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings,' or historic features, Given the absence of any physical features on the site; this criterion is not applicable, This proposed Clearspan Truss facility on Commercial Avenue clearlv meets all annroval criteria of the Snringfield Develonment Code. The applicant respectfully requests that the Planning , Director approve this site plan review application, If there are any questions about this written statement, please do not hesitate to contact me at Metro Plmming via email (robert(ii)metronlannim!,com) or phone (541-302-9830), For questions relating to the project in general, please contact the project coordinator/engineer. Respectfully, Scott Morris, PE Olson & Morris (Project Coordinator) Robert Stevens, AICP Metro Planning, Inc Clearspan Truss Site Plan Review January 11,2008 Page 5 . ...-. .." .'. ..' \ ' " / '- 1~~1.~1o~1~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' $41.00 00271524200201250240140049 04/01/2002 10 :51: 12 AM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=6 CASHIER 05 $20,00 $11.00,$10,00 Division of Chief Depuly Cle~k Lane Counly Deeds and Reco~ds After recording, return to: Arnold Gallagher Saydack Percell Roberts &. Potter 800 Willamette Street, Suite 800 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Until a change is requested, ,mail all tax statements to: ' ,Ross Investments, Inc, 3610 Goodpasture Loop Eugene, Oregon 97401 Tax Accounts No, 0118776 and 0459394 PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'O o -r l._ 9:, U JAN 1,1 2008 x BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. Ross Murry, doing business as Ross Motors, Grantor, co'nveys to Ross Investments, mc" an Oregon corporation, Grantee, the real property described on the attached Exhibit A. The true consideration for this conveyance is other property or value given, THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHEC.f( WITH nm APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSUlTS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENTMA YNOT BE WITHIN AFIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECTING STRUCTURES, THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USELA WS AND REGULATIONS, WHICH, INF ARM OR FOREST ZONES,MA YNOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SITING OF A RESIDENCE A.N:6 WHICH LIMIT LA WSUlTS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930 IN ALL ZONES, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE I-BARGAIN AND SALE DEED N:\P -1\Ross Investmen~ 15027\Recllpitalization 15027.8\Lane County Deed.wpd '. PRE-SUBf 1AL REC'O JAN 11 Z008 . " CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES, DATED: 1v. 0 . "Q. ~ .2002, ~.,T' ~ n~L' Ross Murry' doing business as R(' ...otors STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss, COUNTY OF LANE ) This instrument was acknowledgedbefore me on ~ ~ 'I Muny doing business ,as Ross Motors, , 2002, by Ross ~,i . OFFICIAL SEAL M A BIRMINGHAM NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO,340476 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN 16, 2005 ~CA- (-t(,,..65 Notary Public for Orego My commission expires: 2-BARGAIN AND SALE DEED . N:\P -l\Ross Investments IS021\Recapitalization IS027-8\Lane County Deed.wpd ,~, ._1',..'.,,'.....1. , EXHIBIT A PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 1 1 Z008 , '. .' PARCEL 1 The North 30 feet mea;;ured at a right angle to the ,North line of the follo~ing described ~rcel: Beginning at'the quarter corner on the South line of Section 28, in Township 17 South, Range q West, Willamette Meridian, which corner is,marked by an iron pipe; from said pipe run North 00 03' East along the mid~section line 1630.12 feet to a point of intersection with the Northerly right of way line of the Willamette Pacific Railroad; said point of intersection being the beginning point of the description of the tract 'hereinafter described; said beginning ~oint being near the middle of the 'Danebo Road; from said beginning boint run North 00 03' East along said mid-section line q39.78 feet; thence leaving said mid-section line and run South 890 29' East qOl.71 feet; 'thence South 00 03' West 381.10 feet to the North right of way line of said Willamett~ Pacific Railroad; thence South 820 07' West along'said right of way lin~ Q05.67 feet to the place of beginning, being a part of the Northwest l/Q of,th~ Southeast l/Q of said Section 28, in,Lane Count~, Oregon. PARCEL 2 All that portion of the North~estl/Q of the,So~theast l/Q of Section 28 in ~ownship 17 South, Range Q West of the Wi11amett~ Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, which is included in the following description: Beginn~ng at the quarter section corner'on the South line of said Section 28, which corner is marked by an iron pipe; from said pipe run North 00 03' East along the mid-section line 2069.91 feet to the beginning point of the herein described tract: ' From said beginning point. run North 00,03' East 180.10 feet to the Southwest corner of a tract ,deeded to Raymond E. Olsen and Esther Olsen; thence traversing the South, East and ,North sides of the Raymond E. Olsen and Esther Olsen tract as follows: East 227.0 feet; thence North 00 D3' East 191.9 feet; thence West 227.0 feet to the above mentioned mid-section line; thence North 00,03' East along said mid-section line 210.88 feet to the Northwest corner of said Northwest l/Q of the Southeast l/q of Section 28; thence SO,uth 890 30' East 1321.Q8 feet; thence South 00,03' West 828.11 feet to the North line of the Willamette Pacific Railroad right of way; thence South 820 07' Wes t along said right of way line 928.53 fee,t; thence North 00 03' East 381.10 feet; thence North 890 29' West qOl.71 feet to said mid-section line and the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, all being North of the"North right of way line of the WillamettePacific Railroad, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT that portion lying East of a line described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of'the Northeast quarter of Section 28, Township 17 South, Range q West of the Willamette Meridian and running thenc~ West 280.0 feet.along the East-West centerline of said Section ~o the True P~int of Beginnin~; thel}ce South 30 35' W~st approximately 870, feet to a point on the Southerly line of the real property above described, 1n Lane County, Oregon; ALSO EXCEPT that portion described in de~d to the City' of Eugene recorded April 16, 1973, Reception No. 7316521, Lane County Oregon Records, in Lane C6~nty, Oregon; -continued- Page l--EXHIBIT A ~ ~ ALSO EXCEPT that portiorr de~cribed in deed to Lane County, Oregon; recorded May 3, 1966, Reception No. ~5979, Lane County Oregon Records; ALSO EXCEPT that portion described in deed to Lane County, Oregon, -recorded May, 3, 1966, Reception No. 45980, Lan2 County Oregon Records; , ALSO EXCE,PT that portion described in deed to the City of Eugene, recorded December 22, 1983, Reception No, 8348176, Lane County ~regon Records. PARCEL 3 . '. ;g j; r;u CI':) c::: 2: '0,'7 .... ':$; ,_. .... ~ N ~ 0 ....... 0 ?Cl co E"l:"iJ (") c:j Beginning at the stone marking the Southwest, corner of 'the Lucinda Comegy's Donation Land Claim No. 81, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being the initial point of the OLD WINDMILL TRACT, as platted and recorded in Book 13, Page 24, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County~ Oregon; thence Nort~ 00 36' 30" East 427.7 feet albng the West line of said Donatio~ Land Claim and the East line of said plat to the Northeast cOrner of said Plat, said point also being the true point of beginning; thence North 00 36' 30" East 863.71 feet along said Donation Land Claim line to a point; thenue North 840 36' West 624:69 feet to a point; thence South 00 32' 30" West 318.07 feet to the Northwest corner of said OLD WINDMILL TRACT; thence along the North line of said plat the following courses and distances; South 850 50' East 125.5 feet; thence South 890 29' 30" East 60.0 feet; thence South 500 40' East 80~0 feet; thenc~ South 390 47' East 104.7 feet; thence South 180 47' East 84.8 feet; thence South 160 11' East 83~5 feet; thence South 120 10' East 82.0 ~eet; thence South 210 14' East 42.0 feet; thence South 230 15' East 40.0 feet; thence South 470 20' East 75.0 feet; thence South 530 '31' East 96.3 feet; thence South 610 10' East 80.0 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; , EXCEPT THEREFROM: Beginning at the stone marking the Southwest corner of the Lucinda Comegys Donation Land Claim No. 81, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, W1l1amett'e ,Meridian, said point also being the initial point of the OLD WINDMILL TRACT, as platted and recorded in Book 13, Page 24, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 00 37' East 427.7 feet along the West line of said Donation Land Claim and' the East line of said plat to the North- east corner of said point, said point being the true point of beginning; thence North 00 37' East 462.65 feet along said claim line to a point; thence North 700 West 53.6 feet to a point; thence North 44.48 feet to a point; thence North 870 20' West 231.22 feet to a point; thence South 144.75 feet to a point on the North line of said OLD WINDMILL TRACT; thence retracing said North line the following bearings and distances: South 180 59' 44" East 7.76 feet; 'thence South 160 '23' 44" East 83.5 feet; thence South 120 22' 44", East 82.0 feet; thence South 21026' 44" East 42.0 feet; thenc'e South 230 27' 44" East 40.0 feet; thence South 470 32' 44" East 75.0 feet; thence South 530 43' 44" East 96.3 feet; thence South 590 21' 43" East 79.5~ feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. " Page 2--EXHIBIT A 'I " January 10; 2008 Our Order No,: EL T-54343 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Commercial Escrow, Inc, 875 Country Club Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn: Dear Escrow No, CE07 -008 I I Estimated Premium for: $700,000.00 (Developer's Rate) Re-Issue Credit Gov't Service Fee TOTAL $1,088,00 c. I. "r 5(-- PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 11 Z008 $1,073.00 $0,00 $15,00 Weare prepared to issue on request and on recording oflhe appropriate documentS, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showing fee simple title as of January 4, 2008, at 8:00 a,m" vested in: , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 1 1 2008 ROSS INVESTMENTS, INe., an Oregon corporation Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terins, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form, No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid, SCHEDULE B ' GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I, , Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any, taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records, 2', Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in ' possession thereof, 3, Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4, Any encroachment (of existing improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining land or of existing improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circu~stance affecting the title that y.'ould be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land, 5, Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6, Utility Easement, granted to the City of Springfield; a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded November 30,1961; Reception No, 51888, Lane County Oregon Records, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 1 1 Z008 7, Public Utility Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded March 12, 1963, Reception No, 2637, Lane County Oregon Records, 8, Storm Sewer Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded October 5, 1967, Reception No, 624, Lane County Oregon Records, 9, Utility Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board, and unto its successors and assigns, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded July 26, 1984, Reception No, 84-30309, Lane County Oregon Records, CON TI N UE D 10, Improvement Agreement with the City of Springfield"including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded Apri124, 1985, Reception No, 85-14513, Lane County Oregon Records, ( II, Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Ross Muny dba Ross Motors, and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, by instrument Recorded March 10,2000, Reception No, 2000-014256, Lane County Oregon Records, ' NOTE: Taxes, Map No, 17-02-31-21-00800, Code I 9-00, Account No, 0118776,2007- 2008, $2,154.86, paid in full. NOTE: The address ofthe property to be insured herein is: 3290 COMMERCIAL AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. NOTE: A JUDGEMENTILIENIBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for thename(s) ROSS INVESTMENTS, INC., MONROE, LLC, and as of ,January 4, 2008, none were found, NOTE: As of January 4, 2008, there are no liens for the City of Springfield, INFORMA TIONALNOTE: The current vesting deed and'?Jl changes back to the deed, which vests ownership 24 months ago are as follows: BARGAIN AND SALE DEED RECORDED April I, 2002, FROM ROSS MURRY, DOING BUSINESS AS ROSS MOTORS, TO ROSS INVESTMENTS, INC" AN OREGON CORPORATION, RECEPTION NO. 2002-025024. NOTE: SUPP~EMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT. Very truly yours, PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'D JAN 1 1 Z008 EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: Joseph M, Silence Title Officer CC: Olson & Morris Attn: Larry Olson (email: scott@olsonandmorris.com) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID, IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCPT TPn, A MINIMUM CANCELLA TIONFEE OF $200,00 WILL BE CHARGED, EXHIBIT A Beginning at the stone marking the Southwest comer of the Lucinda Comegy's Donation Land Claim No, 81, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being the initial point of the OLD WINDMILL TRACT, as platted and recorded in Book 13, Page 24,Lane County Oregon Pla,t Records, in Lane County, Oregon; thence North 00 36' 30" East 427,7 feet along the West line of said Donation Land Claim and the East line of said Plat to the Northeast comer of said Plat, said point also being the True Point of Beginning; thence North 0036' 30" East 863,71 feet along said Donation Land Claim line to a point; thence North 840 36' West 624.69 feet to a point; thence South 00 32' 30" West 318,07 feet to the Northwest tomer of said OLD WINDMILL TRACT; thence along the North line of said Plat the following courses and distances; thence South 850 50' EastJ25,5 feet; thence South 890 29' 30?' East 60,0 feet; thence South 500 40' East 80,0 feet; thence South 390 47' East 104,7 feet; thence South 18047' East 84,8 feet; thence South 160]]' East 83,5 feet; thence South 120 10' East 82,0 feet; thence South 21 0 14' East 42,0 feet; thence South 230 15' East 40,0 feet; thence South 47020' East 75.0 feet; thence South 530 31' East 96.3 feet; thence South 610 10' East 80,0 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPT THEREFROM: Beginning at the stone marking the Southwest comer of the Lucinda Comegy's Donation Land Claim No, 81, Township 17 Souih, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being the initial point of the OLD WINDMILL TRACT, as platted and recorded in Book 13, Page 24, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 0037' East 427.7 feet along the West line of said Donation Land Claim and the East line o'f said Plat to the Northeast comer of said point, 'said point being the True Point of Beginning; thence North 00 37' East 462,65 feet along said Claim line to a point; thence North 700 West 53,6 feet to a point; thence North 44.48 feet to a point; thence PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 1 1 Z008 North 870 20' Wesr23 1.22 feetto a point;thence South 144,75 feet to a point on the North)ine of said OLD WINDMILL TRACT; thence retracing said North line the following bearings and distances: South 180 59' 44" East 7,76 feet; thence South 160 23' 44" East 83,5 feet; thence South 12022' 44" East 82,0 feet; thence South 210 26' 44" East 42,0 feet; thence South 230 27' 44" East 40,0 feet; thence South 47032' 44" East 75,0 feet; thence South 530 43' 44" East 96,3 feet; thence:South 590 21' 43" East 79,53 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, FURTHER EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield for Public Road by Deed Recorded March 10,2000, Reception No, 2000-014255, Lane County Oregon Records, ' Privacy Policy Notice As adopted July 1,2001 Evergreen Land Title Company Private Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-B1iley Act (GLBA) generaily prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed, In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Evergreen Land Title Company. ' We may collect nonpublic perso1]al info.rmation about you from the following sources: ' I Information we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms, 2 Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates or others, 3 Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency, , 4 Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender, ' Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an'amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about you, We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affiliates or to nomiffiliated third parties as permitted by law, We also may disclose this information about our customers or former customers 'to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: I Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer f.nance, securities and insurance, PRE~SUBMITfAL REC'D JAN 1 1 2008 2 Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers, WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NON PUBLIC PERSONAL rNFORMA nON ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW, We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you t6 those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you, We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpubiic personal information, Privacy Policy Notice Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance 'company, Stewart Title Insurance Company of Oregon, National LandTitle Insurance Company, Arkansas Title Insurance Company, Charter Land Title Insurance Company; LandAmerica Companies: Commonwealth Lahd Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industrial Valley Title Insurance Company, Land Title Insurance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Title Insurance Company of America, Transnation Title Insurance Company, Transnation Title Insurance Company of New York PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm'Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed, In compliance with the GLBA, weare providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies, and practices of Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company of Oregon, National Land Title Insurance Company, Arkansas Title Insurance Company, Charter Land Title Insurance Company; LandArnerica Companies: Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industrial Valley Title Insurance Company, Land Title Insurance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Title Insurance Company'of America, Transnation Title Insurance PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'D JAN 1 1 Z008 Company, Transnation Title Insurance Company of New York. We may collect nonpublic personal infonnation about you froI)1 the following sources: ' 5 Infonnation we receive from you, such as on applications or other fonns, 6 Infonnation about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates or others, 7 Infonnation we receive from a consumer reporting agency, 8 Infonnation that we receive from others involved in your,transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender, Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice; no additional nonpublic personal infonnation will be collected about you, We may disclose anyofthe above infonnatioll that we collect about our customers or fonner customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as pe,?"itted by law, ' We also may disclose this infonnation about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: 3 Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and insurance, 4 Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers, WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NON PUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW, We restrict access to nonpublic personal infomiation about you to those employees who need to know that infonnation in order to provide products or services to you, We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your non public personal infonnation, 12/28/2007 12:51 FAX 541 736 1021 12127/2007 11:44 FAX 541 dn, 3253 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW OLSUN & MURRIS ' , IiZI 002 141001 ,., PRE.SlIBMiITAL REC'D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineering Division JAN 1 1 2008 Phone: (541) 726-3753 FEl:>i: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK '"________mm___"__"_ (ilr~1I b~'(I," JI./,< IllIefilled Illlt ~v Applh-anl) -.-, ,-"-""--"-".-"--------,,.',, (1'120,'" l'el11m 10 Mart Stot/der@ City a/Springfield Pllbllc Works Engineering; Fax # 736-10,< I, Phalli! # 736-1(35), err/a;!,' m3.l(mdt!r(f4d.sprln~fi(J1d. or. liS Project Name: .,~ I......~_t.-:..... \T~~~'~ Assessors Parcel 11-01..-;'-') 'rt- SeD Land Use(s): :J"J~, J-,.,;..I Project Size (Acres): 14," Approx. Impervious Area: b I , Ob L fT < Applicant: Date: Phone II: 1 Fa,,#: Email: 0/$010....... ftco.."ir') n/u_lo, 1(;',) 302-9790 (54t) 4SS - ns '3 I SU.r ~ o/J~..,".....J "...".....r.~. (p__ 1>roject Description (Include a'copy of As.essor's map): C.~>l..v,.J- 4........ n<,."~b) q,,,:J.i'1 ...,-.h. U'H~:.,J ~i.k 1//'DJ'-~5 Dminage ProposlIl (Pllbllc oonnoction(s), dischaTgc locatlon(5), elc, Attaoh additional aheet($) I1'necessary: 411"'01-- 0.... ,:J,. Jl.,~ a/.J. ,,--,A .J.5<t.""'J. I~r'. TL<- ,,-><N,';) t9vV:"c... ::rJ..,..~ ~'1 d..- h Cc._""'L/'.t./~' ,ou~,..,J"'-_ I ProDoB~d Stormwater Best Mansl!ement Practices: Bio-swales for 50% aftile run off. and the n."t1lainder being filtered by dual chamber catch basins with fossil filter insects, I I . (Arfda fJ<<'oWlI!Jl~ linu (iI/ell ont b... t.he Citj,' 111"111 .Relluntfd tf) tile Ano/it'a"t}-- IAI" minim"m, 011 bo:ces checked by Ih. Giry on rheJronl and back <Jr,";" <heel.'hall be sub.,ltted to,. an atJ/Jl1caJioNlO he complet~for JubmJual. al,h()u-~h olher;l't!quirt!menls may be necessary.) llilWIal!e Studv TVDe (EDSPM SectioJl 4.03.2)' (Note. UH mav be substituted for Rational Method) o Small Site Study - (us. R$tion~l Method for calculations) . Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hyd.rogroph Method for oaloulalion') o FuJI Drainage Development Study - (u". Unit Hydrograph Method for,calculalions) Environmenbl Considerations: ill W~llhead 7,ooe: ~-\O'lc.~ \',"^-' ,,t\{b..,.J<.'\ Zc,,..1 ,I WetJand/Riparian: /'oJ/A Sot! Type; ',,\'-\-rn,J I Hillside Development: Floodway/Floodplain: III Othef Jlirisdictions NI.... ...,/A N/A " Downstream Analvsis: III N/A o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface el.vation: o Manhole/Junction to tak.. analy';, to: Return /0 Matt Stouder@ City of Springfield, email: msr..IJdeJ.(fi)cl.sDrlncrfleld.or.us. "AX: (541) 736-1021 \. 12/28/2007 12:51 FAX 541 736 1021 12127/2007 ll:U FAX 541 '''' 3253 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW UL~UN '" lllUl{lU ~ I4J 003 l{j] 002 .' PRE-SUBMITIAI. Rb., D JAN 1 !.Z008 For Omcl:ll Use O~v- COMYLETESTUDYITEMS +: Based upon flu: ;njormQfion provided on Ihtljronl of/his sheet. (h~fo"owing repl'asey/(J a minimum Q[whaf i~ m:cdfJdfor (lrJ ctpp{icacicm ro b~ comp/~lt!.fo" submittal with respect 10 drainage: however, this liM ,..ht'Juld Mol be used In lJ~u (J!tItQ SprinJ{fi<</d fJe,Je/npmeJ1( Code (SDC) or the CitY':J' engineering Design Mamcal. Compliance with Lnest! requirement:, dOes nOI t;on,vtirU(e .!Iile (,lpprol.'f.J.I,: Addiljonal :iire: ~p($.ciffc InfOf'""o:dDn may lM.req~/red. Nou:: Upon scoplng aheet :wbmi/1al,' rm~".J,.e c;ompleledlorm has hee" .!f;gn~d iff /hf!. Jpac~ provided be/ow: ' In,..lm D..lgn S1:lIndardsIWater Quality (EDSPM Cbapter 3) ~4~ ' ' , ' "" 0 AII'non-building rooftop (NBR) imperviOus. surface.~ shall be pre-tre,atcd (e_g_ multi~chambered catchbasin w/oil f11t~o.tfon media) -ror storm""at.r qu.lily, Additionally, a minimum 0150% ofth. NI3R impervious surface shall be Ireated by , wgetalCd methods, , III 0 Where required, vegetative stormwator dcsign shall be cOllsi,tent with'interim desiGn standards (EDSPM Section ),02). set tbnh by the Sureau of EnvironmcnlOl Services (BES) Or Clean Water S.rviees (CWS). .. 0 For n.ew NBR impervious area less: than 15,000 square feer. a simplified deSign approach may be fjjllowed EI.Ii 8pecffi~d by the BES tor vegetative treatment. .. . D Ifli\. Sformwatertreatrnent swale is proposed. submit calcutationslspeclfications for sizing, velocity, flow, slde,slopes, botr:O!,\l slope, and seed mix consistent with cithl:'C' BES Of CWS rl!!quir~monUi. I 0 Wnter Quality Clil,k.:uil:ltlons as required in Section 3_03.1 ofche EDSPM o All builditt,g rooftop mounted ~qllipment, or other fluid CQnn\ining equtprnen! locat(."(), outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment: or wcathet I"C!ltstnnt enolosure,. Gene..1 SUldy Requirements (EDSPM Section 4,03) . 0 Orainagestudy prepared by . Profession.1 Civil Engineer licensed in the state of orellon. ' o . A complete drllinagc study, oS required In EDSPM Section 4.03, 1, including a hydrologlc.1 study map, III 0 Call;lJlatlon~ Showing system capacity fOf a 2~year l:itOrm event and overflow c:ffl:cts of a 25-year storm event. , . 0 The ~im. ofconeentration (Te) sball be dorormlned using. 10 mlnule Sl",'lime for developed b..ins, Review ofDowDstre.m System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.(:) o . A down",e.., drainagc analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4,03.4.C, On"sit~ dra,inage shall be govem<:d by tho Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). o II J:;lev.t1on, of the HGL and !low Iinos tor both city and priYale 'YStem' whore applicable. Design of Stonn Sl"'tcm' (EDSrM Section 4.04) II 0 Flow lines. slopes. rim elevatiOns, pi f)! typf!l and si:zt..:s dearly IndIcated on the plan set. o III Minimum pipe cover ,lhall be 18 inches for rein-rorced pipe and 36 inche, fOl' plain concrdc and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineerinlO "aleulations shall be provide '<I wilen less, The cover ,hall be sumelent to support an 80,000 Ib load without failure of the pipe strucnJre. o _Menning'S "n" values for pipe' shall be consistent with Table 4.1 of the EDSP, All stom, pipes shall be designed to achieve a minimum vclocitY of three (3) feet per,second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-- 1 as well. Otber/Mlse II 0 E~i'ling and,~ro~osed contours;localed at One fOOlllltelVaJ, Include SpOI elovatlons and .ite grade, Showing how ,Ite drains III 0 priv1,'ltc stormw-ater easements shall be clearlY dej)icted on plans ~hen pl"lvate stormwatar flows from one property to <Incnher o II Drywalls sMll not receive runoff from any surface: w/o being treated by one or more BMPs. with the exc~pti~n of residential building roof:; (EOSP Se<:tion 3.03.4.A), Additional provi'ions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Referto'the web,it.; www.cleo.!;mte_{)l._(IISJV.It.I/!.!.mllndwH./llich()rtl~.hcm for more infOrmatiol'l. -:t II ODetention pondl\ ~hii!1I be designed to lirnjt runoff-to pre-development rates for the 2 throu.I;h 2~-year :sterm events - '/-(Tltlsfonn. .~/!a" he include" Cls"n (~ItQ~hmefJ.t, in!:";dt! tJIt!frolU COLIer, Qfthr: siuriTlwalc:1 study As (he! engineerc'Ifrecord, I hcrcbY'l'lortify .the above: required items are complete and includod with tht:: sobmitted stormwatcr !:>'tudy W1d ~1J;Ul set *IMPom:,ttv1': ENGINEER l'U.:.1SE READ BELOW II I'/J) SIGN! Siy)l~re-i.lL . 1 O"t"~ Fonn Version 2: March 2004 -*1\..-:<'\6',"9 ,,~"'o"" \YIoc\.--..-\-\.-....-"'....""',CV;00"'''''''''-''-, q..",..rQ.-k..s,.'d.')" I'~~ ~ I. '-"'"\"- x' J ~;<:nn~. , ,. '''-l 0<:'- "'t,v',(<.-d '. " L.B.OLSON & ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Urban Planners 380 Q Street Suite 200 Springfieid, Oregon 97477 , (541) 302-9790 Fax: (541) 485-3253 PRE.SUBMITrAL REC'D JAN 1 1 Z008 ,Preliminary Storm Drainage Analysis Clearspan Truss January 7,2008 Prepared fcir: Clearspan Truss By: Olson & Morris The'proposed development is located on Tax Lot 800 within Tax Map 17-02-31 21, PRE-SlIBMI1TAl REC'D JAN 1 1 Z008 This analysis was created by the use of the Rational Method, Existinf! Svstem: The site is flat and bordered by a raised Southern Pacific railroad spur along the northern property line and Commercial Avenue along the southern boundary. The western boundary has ,a raised gravel road on the adjacent lot, which serves as an access and maintenance roadway, The site runoff enters the public system within the Commercial Avenue right-of-way via overland sheet flow to the curb and gutter system, Prooosed Svstem: The proposed system will consist of bio-swales, which will collect surface runoff from portions of the impervious parking area, and a piped system, which will collect the runoff from the remainder of the developed areas, The proposed private system will be connected to the existing pipe stub to the property. The site has been divided into six (6) drainage basins based on proposed site grades, These areas are as follows: . Area 1 = 9,045 sf of paved area . Area 2 = 6,652 sf of paved area . Area 3 = 6,063 sf of paved area . Area 4 = 18,903 sf of paved area o Area 5 = 19,566 sf of paved area . Area 6 = 1,600 sf of paved area . Building Area = 14,094 sf Area 1 consists of paved surface that is graded to sheet flow into a dual chambered catch basin with filter media, which will provide pre treatment to the runoff prior to entering the piped system, Area 2 consists of paved surface that is graded to sheet flow into a dual chambered catch basin with filter media, which will provide pre treatment to the runoff prior to entering the piped system, Area 3 consists of paved surface that is graded to sheet flow into a dual chambered catch basin with filter media, which will provide pre treatment to the runoff prior to entering the piped system, Area 4 consists of paved surface, which is graded to sheet flow into the bio-swale system that will provide pre-treatment of the runoff prior to the flow entering the public system. PRE-SlIBMITTAl REC'O. JAN 1 1 Z008 Area 5 consists of paved surface, which is graded to sheet flow into the bio-swale system that will provide pre-treatment of the runoff prior to the' flow entering the public system, Area 6 consists of paved surface, which is graded to sheet flow into a catch basin that will outlet into the bio-swale system, This area does not flow through the required length nor does it have the required contact time, Therefore this area is not inCluded in the area treated by vegetative measures, The proposed system will have 51 % of the impervious area directed into vegetated treatment swales prior to entering the public drainage system, the other 49 % of the runoff will be treated by the catch basin units as stated above, Calculations: The calculations for this system were calculated the Rational Method where: A = runoff area in acres C = runoff coefficient I = rainfall intensity in inches per hour Q = runoff volume in cubic feet per second System Flow Summary: Area to South Swale: A = 0.4492 ac C = 0,90 WQ Year Event 10 Year Event 25 Year Event - 1= 0,25 in/hr - I = 2,10 in/hr - 1=2.40 in/hr Q= 0.10 cfs Q = 0,85 cfs Q = 0,97 cfs Swale A consists of a 2 foot'bottom with 4: I side slopes, a longitudinal slope of 0,5%, and a length of 170 feet. The contact time and depth of flow are as follows: Flow velocity = 0,14 fps WQ Year Event - Tc = 20,2 min. d = 0,25 ft This area meets the required contact time is 9 minutes, Area to East Swale: A = 0.4340ac C = 0,90 WQ Year Event' 10 Year Event, 25 Year Event - I = 0,25 in/hr - [= 2, I 0 in/hr - [,= 2.40 in/hr Q = 0,10 efs Q = 0,82 cfs Q = 0,94 efs PRE-SUBMITTAL RECID JAN 1 1 Z008 Swale B consists of an average bottom width of2 feet, 4: 1 side slopes, a longitudinal slope of 0,5%, and a length of 100 feet. The contact time and depth of flow are as follows: Flow velocity = 0,14 fps WQ Year Event - Tc = 11.9 min, d '= 0,25 ft This area meets the required contact time is 9 minutes, Conclusion: The proposed development has been designed to provide water quality and conveyance for the runoff generated by the different drainage areas, the BMP facilities provided within this design will meet both water quality requirements and covey the runoff without adverse impacts to adjacent properties and the public drainage system, Worksheet for South Swale ~!::!'~,.,~,.-.t",,,,,.'l;II!f~~:n~iEI*,,,p~t;j'~Iql' ~f::i:;"~f1i'!'f;:-"r.1~fjr,r,~~~~~'2-;.~~~,:~.t'f~~lt,:N~~~~~,",~~<:'J/fZQ RroJect.Descnptlon:t-H ' 1,{~;'~)-G~r,* ~~~'~,:,;,~~';'Z:rv~+:i;t;bt:\)r;g]~l'ai9f!,':"Ii>~t;G;,"A::'. 'r~!,~k2h'e'~~m~f,N~_"k;t5j';-~"1i,"',' M'~_'''h''''.,,,<,,,,.,, ~'A~":''-''~ ,,,'<:501;;"";., ''f};u:.,lx:.t.~.~".....-;il!;i;..0:Jtrt:::,.:;mR~'!'~ ~,.",~.".,;~,,.:.,.li;,l\l'jJ.~I*T.;J!'~;'-..:;li',lf.;"1W~~k.jtr~i;. Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Friction Method: Manning Formula Normal Depth Solve For: '=".-=- ~~"~" '~" ''''''0'''''~' ,,,~,..,,= ".." 'Input'~~ ",,", '"i11l,';c, , 'v,. f"!ij!l~J\'~(;;J"l1",;~"iJ\\,11"!I1'!iJi')l)'Jl )g;-.......~.. - _ ,....!t.t'i..~"ilft-::;_'". -.'~. -..,.~_ _ f,"~~4}"n Roughness Coefficient: 0.250 Channel Slope: 0,00500 Left Side Slope: 4,00 Right Side Slope: 4,00 Bottom Width: 2,00 Discharge: 0,10 Normal Depth: 0,25 Flow Area: 0.74 Wetted Perimeter: 4,04 Top Width: 3,98 Critical Depth: 0,04 Critical Slope: '2,71558 Velocity: 0,14 Velocity Head: 0,00 Specific Energy: 0,25 Froude Number: 0,06 Flow Type: Subcritical . Downstream Depth: 0,00 Length: 0,00 Number Of Steps: 0 fUft fUft (H:V) fUft (H:V) ft ft3/S ft ft' ft ft ft fUft fUs ft ft ft ft !GViir(iUt'Ui;Dal'a~~~""""'F'~"'l';'~.~""''''i'\&:G?'''':':'''~:1:Ii'!'~;f{:,"l __.",~",P........._.~ .. - - _ _\.J~~~;~I'ti1-_ _~.:::~~1&b~,,1I;;,,~,,~ Upstream Depth: 0.00 ft Profile Description: Headloss: 0,00 ft Downstream Velocity: Infinity fUs Upstream Velocity:' Infinity fUs Normal Depth: 0,25 ft Critical Depth: 0,04 ft Channel Slope: 0,00500 fUti PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 1 1 2008 Worksheet for East Swale Friction Method: Solve For: Manning Formula Normal Depth Channel Slope: 0,00500 ftlft Left Side Slope: 4,00 ftlft(H:V) Right Side Slope: 4,00 ftlft (HV) Bottom Width: 2,00 ft 'Discharge: 0,10 ft'/s Normal Depth: 0,25 ft Flow Area: 0.74 ft' Wetted Perimeter: 4,04 ft Top Width: 3,98 ft Critical Depth: 0,04 ft Critical Slope: 2.71558 ftlft Velocity: 0,14 ftls Velocity Head: 0,00 ft Specific Energy: 0,25 ft, Froude Number: 0,06 Flow Type: Subcritical Downstream Depth: 0,00 ft Length: 0,00 ft Number Of Steps: 0 Upstream Dep.th: 0,00 ft Profile Description: Headloss: 0,00 ft Downstream Velocity: Infinity ftls Upstream Velocity: Infinity ttls Normal_,Depth: 0,25 ft Critical Depth: 0,04 ft Channel Slope: 0,00500 ftlft PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 1 1 2008 "( ~ "( ~'q, ?{ / I Cr. ~i: ~- " Ii! ....... ...,.... ,., II ~~ " ~!:l 8 1:: -1.. -I . '1 r....... ---t .-:' t...... ---v- "'~ \" / ~/ / / '-1 ...... .....=l V " / ~_ C .................1 . ~ ,-I / \ I \ ) , i i' I I 1 i ? A-> 1 1 I I -' "J I 1 1 I 1 1 I / 1 1 f- I 1 fg I ~ ~i ~ I ",I ~ I. ~ / ~i ~ I I 1 1 ~--- " i: I~ii ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~Ii! ~~Ii! ~~Ii! ~~~ ~~~~ 1~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~c i2 !g !g !g ~g 5g2 ~g2~ " r: ! ~~ ~~ ~ I ~ . I I . I I ~ ~~ b~ ~~' f Sf! If ~ ~i ~~;i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i i ; " .. ~ i ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~~i . v v v v v ~ e II ~ .! ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ ~ "?' ~~ ;~i; ~ 1 J J f'1 1 ~~8 ~~8 ~~8 ~~8 ~~8 ~~Ii! , I?~ p?~ P?l:: P?~ P?~ ?g~ ~ ~ . ~ !!i~ g, ~~ ~~ t~ ~f ~~ Iii I~ ~~~ ~ ~ e 8 & 0 " ~ii( " I DATE, .12.lllJLIp ~ >'ROJEITN. JW REVISIONS, (f) . n:C c..o S, O'l tTl tTl -l Storm Drainage Study for Clearspan Truss Inc. City of Springfield Lane County Oregon SCA1.1;,~ 1"_'111" .~, REVIEWED BY, REVIEWED BY, REVIEWED BY, oo^. ~ "'C :::0 r:n 7L -J .=:-~ )> c= :z: C':> ....S; ;::~ o o :::c 00 rn n o Olson & - Morris , - ~m;ox J80 OSl. Sl.JTE 200 '" Consulting J -.cmn. "'- mn F'tKH:: (541) JQ:2-9790 Engineers FAX: 54l-485-J2.5J EXPIRES 12A)8 -,_....:.:..:.:..~~_~.Ill:IIlab.m:n & Surveyors . r 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone a.~~N~A.Q."~~,,,, .,.,', ,'.... .. .' '-',-- , \ ". i . ' ......;= . i ~~~..).~ :1 ~ity of Springfield Official Receipt .Jevelopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000029 Date: 01/11/2008 2:09:4IPM Paid By LB OLSON & ASSOCIATES Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 336,00 $336,00 Job/Journal Number PRE2008~00004 Description CTY Subdivision Tentative Pin Payments: Type of Payment Check Amount Paid tj 12106 In Person Payment Total: $336.00 $336.00 PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'O JAN 1 1 2008 .'t. cReceintl Page 1 of I Iii !/2008