HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 2/1/2007 .'''' . _.' .' .~. .:: 1. '" ., ,.. '-"" . . . c. "} , , ,~ ." ' ..' '.., .' . "., " .,., '" -. .'., ',-, ,;.-.:..... .! " , .;-' .,:. .... 0;.:-' .,. ' . . ~....~ . . .!;: , '" ,"'~~ _:" ':,.~ ; J . , '" . , . -. ,. -';" i.....;,"' , " , CITY ,OF SPRINGFIELD' DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING' '.' . ,~. .... '..' ", " "', " ,," :, " ' DISTRIBUTION DATE: February 1,2007," TO: ' ",' , _; 'Current' Planning Staff: G. KarP, S Sum~e~n)orJOvan! L Pauly, T Jone~, , . KGale, M Metzger, L Miller, A Limbird, D Reesor ", ' _ ' ,'Pam Meyer, Supervising Civil Engineer, Public W()rks Department " " Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department . , '_:.-Matt,stouder, Public Works, Engineering '-". ". ~.......Les"BebQy,.jupervising Civil Engineer, PubliC Works' , " , _ Steve Barnes, Public Works, Engineering, ',' ' _ Kristi Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department , 'Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer .,. ',., . '.,' , ': ':' :' , ',' ..GaW;iMCKenO$y~<<ahsportationPlanning Engineer, Public Works' ,", " ""~~Gilb'el:t,-,Gor.doD:iDeputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department , . . Melissa Fechtel, Fire & Life Safety Department .' ", " Ed Black, Maintenance Manager, P.ubli!;,yvo~_.pEi!R~rtmeqt .', . _" . , Pat French, Planne~Willamala~rRl1ir:mr&eCreatiORl0iSti:illt~iM..~":~'1'9...:..J Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) . 0 . _ . Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) . , . , ,i""",Ji~Ba[t~~cKee-;:Sptiiffgfield Utility Board (Water), ," , " . , _ ' . Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board . ..;' " , . : Mike Wilbur, ODOT ' . , , ~~D.,.~puent}BUildiij9 Official' , ~ '_ Will Mueller, LTD. " . , Norm Palmer,.Quest Communications, , Tom Boyatt, Public Works , Dennis Ernstl. City Surveyor Jon Driscoll, Surveyor Celia Barry, Lane County Transportation Jim, Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 ' bave Shore, Northwest Natura! Gas . ' Curt Kendall, TCI Cablevision ' Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD . Susie Smith;ESD ' . , Len Goodwin, Public WorkS; . ' Steve Barrett, Springfield School District 19, Superintendent Joe Leahy, City Attorney' George Walker, Stormwater Facilities Planner, ESD "', ,'.1'" .' .-'... " , . , :c. ,', ",A 'Develop~ent Issues Meeti~g will take place oni~eaii:es(jaYt~F..e~ID~r2007i(Q>', (9"J9.iilorpOia',,~~,i,~Ji~-~l~S~?iilfereh't~09m16f6i@]gpringfield City Hall. Please review tlie enclosed information, and come prepared to discuss this application with the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions'fi5lease\contact'.Jim~[;)ol}o~~ (541) 726-;3660., " . . -, .~ , .."< . """ ,j- '1"'-"" "'" , . ," . ~ . '. ,-, " ',,' :',,' ;,,- ., , ",..} .. , ",,'>",' , }h . . . .~: ., ' ,-," ,\." " -, ' " . "" ",' -:. ~. . " ," , :OJ,, ' ,\. , " ,~ ;. '.~', < " . ; , ", ',' " " , ..", ; : ~'" r ", .- ." .' " , -.,'. " .i'" ~'" " )- ." ,_.' :',,' ,,:.. -~, " . DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING "I ' " :~. ,,', ',. ," . '. ,. .' '.; DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT '. . SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL . 225 FIFTH STREET , DSD Conference Room 616 , , '." :1 Meeting Date: February 21, 2007 @ 9:00-11:00a.m. " <'. . . '; ,,' ;1.., ' .. ~', . ,;. " .. ' : ."', ,.';'.' ;,', ...', .' , ,,' .. " .';'. -'~ ..: "-<;..: . -.,. ~'~, ," ':., " , ... ..-, ',;' " " ,~' .~' ~, , , ' DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING #ZON2007-00005 SUNTRUST LAND COMPANY', , .As'sessor's Map. 18-02-03-21 TL 1500 - , ." ' . . . Address:. 501 Mountaingate Drive ,"'..': ,,' ,. , " Existing Use: lJacant . ,... .,. ,: \" " , Applicant submitted plans todiscuss'creating a 53-lot SFD cluster subdivision, This lot is sub lot 130 in the, Mountaingate West Phase 4 subdivision referred to as the North Cluster. " Planner. Jim Donovan ' .' 1. ,". -.. '" PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A lWO HOUR DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING . INSTEAD OF THE NORMAL ONE HOUR TIME FRAME. .. ""J " :'~ . '.' . ." , ','-', .., . . .'.c. . _ " " ',' ,,- J, " . .:1.--- .'" . ,.~, C?EVELOPMENT SERV1.CES DEPAHTMENT , ,-,. ''',:' - " ,225 FIFTH STREET , SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477' , (541) 726:3753 FAX (541)726-3689 ' ._.~ww:c.i.springfield.or.us. " ,T :. .. .'." ~ . .', " , February 1,2007 , " ,,' SunTrustLand Company . . 780 NW York Drive, suite 204 " . Bend;OR 97701:, ," '. " " ',' " , . " RE: ZON20(l7-00005 (18-02~03-21 TL 1500) Development Issues Meeting'':' Applicant ",submitted plans to discuss creating a 53-lot SFD cluster subdivision, This lot is sub lot , 130 inthf'Mountaingate W~s~ Phase 4 subdiyision referred to as the.North Cluster. " i, . De~ Sirs'...' '-'.; .~. 0-\ . ,;' ';.' ,. '.., r . " ' " Thank you for your Devel~pment Issues Meeting submittaL T~e followingmeeting has . been scheduled: . ' ' , ~ ' ., ' . . -, " ,DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING " ,TYPE:',' .. . . , ' .CITY OF: SPRINGFIELD ; DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM 616 ,225 FIFTH STREET , SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PLACE: , DATE/TIME: ,Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2007 at 9:00 -:-11 :00 a.m. ,CONTACT PERSON: Jim Donovan, Planner , If you have any 'questions, please call me at 541-726-3660. ' , ,'1' " , Sincerely, Jim Donovan Planner, <;ql- 51L - %'/0 5oJ~J;x; ~u>rJ,-cl 1I/9/ob \ ,~ SPRINGFIELD Deity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (54]) 726.3759 Fax: (54]) 726.3689 Development Issues Meeting Su~r.......::"t' Prospective Applicant's Name 5u~ L:.v..J Cc""'iJu/lLj, L [. L Address {'(;o fJW Vorl ])r;ve... 5",,; I:- '20\( Be.r..d. DfZ qTlo( S c' '" ",,';" Property Owner Name 5>.:M1~ la/ld r4u,OC</!-1 Uc.. Address 1 X' 0 N w If 0('/<- ]) rJ v.e_ ') v/ f<- 2--cJ ( bU,d 01'- ? 77 0 ( Phone: Phone' 5'i( - 312-- '1("t/o Property Address Lof- 130 lho,,^f7.,~ Gak.. Assessor's Map No, \ 'b .- 0 J.1j3-:).1 G,;"i- ?f,-J 20I'J0-0'i?fJtn TaxLQtNo. i50D Size of Property 1,7 Z- Ci C-1'<- S Square Feet or Existing Use of Property },-frW Lu~ d Acres Description of Proposal J:ew.loo N QtWlov.J /'4ull.or iJI<#N.LI Ci.WrvlA./ V;r/z.. C.tvJw,i/c. \ ' ,I Mr; n {d>. /hil ,:-k.. (,)rN.Ni-l. ol.1id (<1 /01- Ho .i- iU......1Z,;" &.1<- L,w cf WrlJ 1. . I 1J{'{'hlJvd +h..v;'" -tv... ,Mo"",J...JA 6.k f/,w,/erk'/C</I 1-r "y" --fo /0 <11/1-5 fJe/' il~ pl.O~"JiA.!, +0 rhwdo,a '5'3 lot; (> 71.....,,'1> ,ovuu0 -fer fi~~ n....;/..., 'j'llJdi'r;1- -tl.<t- ',lOvld IV\UifflM..f::. aft"!. (~tVJ !lDd"eJ-. 'filo!,;".: /1,,1./ dIW,,- ~"d."cA- , J~AJ' ta/-- /1M Ju.:l--aJ,..,J hotrt..S , ,orvo'=-. ,-f.,fl;."f-J ""L("M""O~ ~ pr€tl'aJs0 (lUff-, W,- &h.J...d 51of;^) ~DD lL-. , Applicant Signature -",..-./ _...-e. --- --- '~ Date \I''-,\I~+ For Office Use Only: Journal No, ZON ;).ooc- ()OOO5 Received By: Assessor's Map No, \ B-O:A-03- d-.\ Tax Lot No. Date Accepted as Complete 1< tll\..QV\..../ \50D 8/20/03 1 \ , ".; G~ " . '.. ' ~"'.,..- -- SunTrust ,LAND COMPANY LLC ' . " r January 30,2007 Development Issues Meeting Questions: 1, Oiir private streets show a paved street section, not including the main . , entrance street from MountainGateDrive,of21 feet-with a sidewalk. ' qn one side, Will this allow for parking on one side of the street? 2.. We would like the flexibility of not having driveways for lots 27-36, . These would be alley loaded product with a 3-5 foot apron section . adjacent to the sid~walk. Is this permissible?". . 3. Do the hammerhead style t~marounds comply with the Fire M~rshall . requirements?' . 4: We expect to push each dwelling unit to one side'so inste"ad of 5 foot side yard setbacks, we have a zero setback on ondeside and a 10. foot' ,setback on the other side to create a functionally, usable sideyard area. Is this permissible? ',' .... , ' :S,.-:I;''''I\.....t.:.D;,,;~,;,.,..9'\3~'''''':>;,:;:)~_~'',\~<i..s.;..\ 7' , "_ .'" ..~ , ':,' ..,' .',._:;,', . " '.' '~';"'<,,'~\?,~'n~\t.....- ~' "., ., " " :,. '..-,',.',.. ,"... .,' " ,.'. ~ . '''<' ' . ' '" ~ " '. " " '.~ . " '.' ,."..':' ,,', ,-,,' " '. " '.' . ' ~. ' , -.~- '. -. . " .., " ;'!- .:. l ' " ~,r;, . "., ',.1, ' ,c .... ;'1 I" ". . - ~,':~- :'.-,,' -, " :;780 N~T York Drive, Suite.204~', .',:' ..'.',. ,,' ',.: '".Bend.:Oregon 97701 _,' , .', .",:. ',':(pJ'541-312-9640!(f) 541-312-9641' , " < _,- . - ". 'i-- . ,., ',~' ' , ,I,', "',. '., ' , ,.",' ", .. .: .~, ! ; ~ " '1 .' " .', , ~i~dliElIE3 fie ;dil y~ lheme ~r~ ~~ .!:!.~ f'i] ~ ~Kl~ rill II t-o II'" I ~~~~~~ [TIJIQ) ~ IOi ~ I~ hJI(:!l.If::l.161~lt lir<:l~T.I']' s,., 11 '~UM~" .'~._IBIX ~ :.... o~~ I ~~;i'I;;'~,;"-,;",,:,, 00"- '. '. ....... .' D ------, 5000 51001 i r~: 5200\ 'I ~I 2100 I . I I, I / SITE. , , .~ ' 1500 '. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD- 1~-02-03-21 TL 1500 "'-"1 '. " '\" t. '" " .,' ".,,,' "c J',. " ';' ~ .:,'", .. ., . , ,~ '.':: . ", .. .. .< \"0, " " .:.,:,. .'..' "", ',~ 't of"" ",~' " < ",.- '';'' '-.. '.1" ." ',',' ,,'-': "' , "" " , . 'i", "'. " .( '';, ".' .\"