HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2008-11-3 Status . Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line CITY OF ~rIuNGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008.01609 ISSUED: 11/0312008 APPLIED: 10/31/2008 EXPIRES: 05/03/2009 VALUE: SITE ADDRESS: 1328 34TH ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702303407401' Springfield TYPE'OF WORK: Pellet Stove TYPE!OF USE: Alteration Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Install pellet stove and venting Owner: SCHLOSSER HARLIN & PATRICIA Address: 1328 N 34TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 I CON~RACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Mechanical Contractor THERMAL RESOURCES INC License 161946 Expiration Date 10/29/2010 Phone 541-343-1131 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of Units: Primary Occupancy Gr~up: Secondary Occnpancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: EnergyPath: Sprinkled Building: Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Othe~: Occupant Load: n/a I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Front yard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard S~tback: Solar Setbacks: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % of LOt Coverage: REQUlRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements: . ,rSidewalk Type: Storm Sewer tNDiItGE: . ATTEmltJlll~~icg&'Ii~Ai.v requires you to Speciallnstruc;Jq18 PERMIT SHAll EXPIRE IF THE WORK follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility N AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT Notification Center. Those rules are set forth otes: .~~\~ra~Ng~.~ ~R I~ ABANDONED FOR ~n~~R!~~~~!~':'~~ftt~~~~~ ~~~9r~~~~r . t:flIUIJ. I . .. I calling the center. (Note: the telephone ValuattOn DescrmttOn number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center Is 1-800-332-2344). Square Footag~ oc Bid Amount Type orConstruction $ Pec Sq Ft oc multipliec Value Date Calculated' Description Pa2e I of2 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01609 ISSUED: 11/03/2008 APPLIED: 10/31/2008 EXPIRES: 05/03/2009 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769'lnspection Line Total Value of Project Fe~s Paid I Fee Description -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + 10% Administrative Fee + 12% State Surcharge. + 5% Technology Fee Minimum/Adjustment Mechanical Pellet Stovel1nsert Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $21.00 . $5.20 . $6.24 $2.60 $18.00 $34.00 11/3/08 11/3/08 11/3/08 11/3/08 !; 11/3/08 11/3/08 2200800000000001591 2200800000000001591 2200800000000001591 2200800000000001591 2200800000000001591 2200800000000001591 Total Amount Paid $87.04 I Plan Reviews I ' . To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726.3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. '" Reollired Insllections I Pellet Insert: After installation Final Mechanical: When all mechanical 'work is complete. By signature, I state and agree, that 1 have carefnlly examined the completed appIication and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance withORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the prope~ time, that each address is readable from the. street, that ,the permit card is located at the front of the property;aud the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Owner or Contractors Signature Date Paee 2 of2 Ci~ of Sp,ringfield Mechanical Authorization To Begin Work . E-mailedTo:deanne@midgleys.com " Receipt # RC541097 10/31/20084:35:50 PM Check on status of permit By Phone: (541)726-3753 or Email: permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us , I , I D New construction ~ AdditionJalterationlrep]ac~~cnt I Description Ea. Total I [K] 1 or2 family dwelling o Multi-family D Accessory Building . I Furnace- Jp to 100,000 BTD I Furnace - above 100,000 BTU I Electric Furnace I Duct altera~ions and additions I Gas heater, units/ in-wall, in- duct suspended. clel I Vent, nue,,!iner for above Alr CondJtioner I Heat Pump I Air Handler IJob no.: I Job address: 1328 34TH 5T I City/StatelZlP: SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478-5546 I Suite/bJdg.lapl.no.: I Project name: Cross street/directions to job site: I Subdivision: I Lot no.: I Water heater I Gas firepla'ce/insertlslove I Gas"loglll!g lighter I Gas clothes dryer I Gusstovc/iange I Pool or spa heater, kiln I Wood/pell~t slove/insert $34.00 $34.00 I Wood I1replace Chiil1li~y/l,inerlf1ue/Yenl w/o appliance' t~Jitii!!~iYi~~r~L4:~~.!'~j~,aiIoY~z~~~::i;'_~;" I Range hoo'(j I Clothes dryer exhaust I ~~~~~Q~~Q~ law req iI!relI ~tto I ~~~~~~~fi,~M":I~~~:~'t':r.a I ~t'~}ijiUt'952:OOt:001iitl1roucmtlAR952.zoo1.' .".~' !i~~;:~i~1 II :i Minimum fee used instead ofSublOtai $52.00 I I State Surcha~ge (12% ?fpennit, fee). $6.24 [ I CIty OfSpnngl1eld'tees * I. $28.80 I TOTAL PERMIT .'EE $87.04 + City OfSpringl1eld fees: 10%Administration Fee; 5% Technology Fec.- no,: 1702303407401 Install pellet stove and venting Dutch Schlosser IPhone, (54])747-597] IF"" . ICCBlic,no.: 1~1946 I Business Name: THERMA.L RESOURCES INC I Contact: Deanne Barger AddiQ'o1'!eIif07THAVENUE _ ~~'ilI'!'~t:mfl'OEXfl'RE IF THE WUKI\ PhonAUfficml~~~ IIMn~R THIS PB\itMIJlI\)lilOO~ EmaM~~Pl~f'I\Ill~ ARANOONED FOR .~~ ~!:Rlnn_ I City lic, no.: Upon review and approval by your local jurisdiction, your permit will be e-mailed or faxed within one business day, with Instructions on how to schedule your inspection. NOTE: This Authorization To Begin Work expires within 180 days if a permit is not obtained. :1,.. The local building department may determine that an Authorization To Begin Work is null and void if it does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances. COM' '(lOOy., - Dll 00 OJ RCP.f#.!)~OO~ - \ S{[J DXmPROCESSED: \ \ l3\'D~ PROCESSED BY: I< - Q 0 0 aY r ,..", This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced by a Permit 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-72'6-3759 Phone " Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 1609 COM2008-0 1609 cOM2008-0 1609 COM2008-0 1609 COM2008-0 1609 COM2008-01609 . Payments: Type of Payment ONLINE CHGS cReceintl RECEIPT #: 2200800000q00001591 Description Pellet Sto:ve/lnsert Minimum/Adjustment Mechanical -Mechanical Issuance Fec- + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By ONLINE PERMIT cHGS City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department, Date: 11/03/2008 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number ~; Number How Received KR Page 1 of I ONLlNE THERMAL Online RESOURCE S' Payment Total: 8:01 :04AM Amount Due 34.00 18.00' 21.00 2.60 6.24 5.20. $87.04 . Amount Paid, $87.04 $87.04 ;, 1113/2008