HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2008-11-4
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Theodore R. Kulongoski, Govemor
Department of Environmental Quality
;: Northwest Region Portland Office
2020 SW 4th A venue, Suite 400
Portland, OR 97201-4987
(503) 229-5263
Fax: (503) 229-6945
TTY: (503) 229-5471
November 4, 2008
Mr. Philip Farrmgton
353 Deadmond Ferry Road
Springfield, OR 97477
Re: DIC Registration for infiltration trenches at 353 Deadmond Ferry Road, in Springfield.
Dear Mr. Farrington:
Thank you for submitting a registration form for the Underground Injection Control (DIC)
systems at your site. The following table shows your DIC iqentification number, combined with
the injection system information you submitted. Generally, each facility is issued one DIC
number; .the various injection syStems at that facility are then;identified st!quentially -I, -2, -3,
etc. Please reference this number in future correspondence, and retain this letter, or a copy of it,
on site, should your facility be inspected. ' .
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I :,11C #.,
I 13462-1
nme Cnde'
. Sita(u.. & Treatmmt
New infiltration trench
New infiltration trench
New infiltration trench
, Roof only, central location
Roof orily, south location
Parking only, north location
Please note that you are required to do the following: ,
· Update registration information whenever a change of ownership, change ofland use,
abandonment. or closure of your injection systems takes place. If this facility is sold or
rented, 'notify the next owner about. the registered injehion systems.
· Maintain and operate each injection well to p~otect groundwater resources. Failure to do
so could jeopardize rule authorized status,'
o Rule authorization will be revoked and a permit required if this site is found to be. inside
the delineated 2-year time-of-travel for a municipal well, within 500 feet of a water
supply well (domestic or irrigation well), or if the DIC bottom is within 10 feet vertically
of the high regional perched aquifer.
This au!horiz_ationi_s for stormwater injection only. It does nClt include runoff or leakage from.a
dumpster, wast~ oLmaterial storage.areas"or from construction activities; wash water, process
water, or w~ste water discharges, I .
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In the' event a subsfance is spilled which may coritamiriate groundwater, contact the Western
Region office at (503) 378-8240, and calLOregon Emergericy'Management at (503) 378-6377 or
(800)452-031 L
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Mr. Philip Farrington
November 4,2008
Page 2
Based on the information you have certified and sent to DEQ,-your new injection system has
qualified as rule authorized under OAR 340-044. Please check with your local government to
see ifthey have additional requirements.
If you have any questions about this letter, please contact me at (503) 229-6371, or toll free
inside Oregon at 1-800-452-401 I.
(~0-~ eM
. David Cole, mc Hydrogeologist
Water Quality Division .
cc: Dave Belyea, DEQ-WR
Anna Backus, KPFF
Lisa Hopper, City of Springfield