HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 11/4/2008 CITY Of SPRINGfIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DISTRIBUTION DATE: November 4, 2008 TO: 7 7 7 ~ Current Planning Staff: G. Karp, J Donovan, L Pauly, T Jones, I L Davisl M Metzger, L Miller, A Limbird, D Reesor, S Hopkins, M Markarian Jeff Paschall, Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Department Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department Matt Stouder, AlC Engineering Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Richard Perry, Public Works, Engineering Kristi Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer. Jon Driscoll, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Gilbert Gordon, Deputy fire Marshall, fire & Life Safety Department Melissa fechtel, fire & Life Safety Department Greg 'ferschweiler, Maintenance, Public Works DeJ:iartment Pat french, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board Lynn Detering (Stuckrath), ODOT Dave Puent, Building Official Will Mueller, LTD Norm Palmer, Quest Communications Tom Boyatt, Public Works Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor Celia Barry,(Shashi Bajracharya) Lane County Transportation Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, Public Works Director Len Goodwin, Public Works \ i John Saraceno, Springfield School District ,19 , I Joe Leahy, City Attorney . I George Walker, Stormwater facilities Planner, ESD John Tamulonis, .Economic Development Mgr. Courtney Griesel, Planner 1 (EDM) Bill Grile . '. RECEIVED NOV 4 2008 By: ])It-\. ?<L~-r A Development Issues Meeting will take place on Thursday, December 4,2008 @ 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. in the DSD Conference Room 616 @ Springfield City Hall. Please review the enclosed information; and come prepared to discuss this application with the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please cO'1tact Lissa Davis @ (541) 726- 3632. I Revised: ]-21-08 Date Received: City of Springfield Development Services Departrnent 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 OCT 3 1 2008 Original Submittal Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Prospective Applicant Name: Icompany: [Address: I I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Icompany: [Address: I I Property Owner: Icompany: IAddress: I '.1--' Shoun Hyland Phone: 726.8081 Hyland Business Park, LLC Fax: 741-0896 PO Box 7867, Eugene, Oregon 97401-0033 Kristen T av] or Phone: 687-1010ex 15 Fax: 687-0625 TBO Architects & Planners!lnc 132 East Broadway, Suite 200, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Alice Lynette Wright Revoc Live Trust Phone: Fax: 660 Level Lane, Springfield, Ore,gon 97477 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-27-10 ITAX LOT NO(S): 3900 I P rooerty Address: ExistinQ Addresses 1863 Laura Street, 110 West Q Sn'eet and 120 West 0 Street ISize of Property: 0,92 Acres ~ Sauare Feet 0 I IDescriPtion of If you are filling. in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Proposal: 'Community CommerCial retaillreslaurant multi-tenant building development I Existina Use: New/used car and truck retail sales use and one sin,gle family rental home 1# of Lots/Parcels: N/A IAVQ. Lot/Parcel Size: N/A sf I Density: N/A Prospective Applicant: du/acre ~-L- V/.--- Signature ~ Shaun Hyland Print . -. - . . . Date: \ 0- ~\-O<6 . II ~ . , , - - 1, CV\ 2(0 IfS- 65040 Date: i z/3 II O~ Reviewed by:---b~ ITechnical Fee: $0 I Postage Fee: $0 I PROJECT NUMBER: Case No.: I ,/ 5' DO Application Fee: $ 1-1 TOTAL FEES: $ 51..\ 00 Revised 1/1/06 Molly Markarian 1 of 3 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 616 Meeting Date: December 4, 2008 @ , 10:00 -11 :00 a.m. 1, DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING #ZON2008-00040 HYLAND CONSTIWRIGHT Assessor's Map: 17-03-27-10 TL 3900 Address: 1863 Laura/110 & ~20 West Q Street Existing Use: Used car/truck retail sales u'se and residential rental Applicant submitted plans to discuss development of an approximately 7,000 to 8,525 sq fl .'multipletenant commercial building including retail sales and eating/drinking establishment uses , with associated parking and landscaping. , Planner: Lissa Davis I . . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR,97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 7'Z6.3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT November 4, 2008 Shaun Hyland Hyland Business Park, LLC PO Box 7867 ' Eugene, OR 97401-0033 RE: ZON2008-00040 (17-03-27-10 TL 3900) Development Issues Meeting - Applicant submitted plans to discuss development of an approximately 7,000 - 8,525 square foot multiple tenant co=ercial building including retail sales and eating/drinking establishment uses with associated parking and landscap~g. Dear Mr. HylaIi.d: Thank you for your Development Issues Meeting submittal. The following meeting has been scheduled: TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 J'11< 111 STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATEffIME: Thurs., December 4, 2008 at 10:00 -11:00 pm Lissa DaviS , I If you have any questions, please call me at 541-726-3632 CONTACT PERSON:, Sincerely, , Lissa Davis Urban Planning CC: Alice Lynette Wright Revoc Live Trust 660 Level Lane Springfield, OR 97477 Kristen Taylor TBGArchitects and Planners Inc 132 E Broadway, Ste 200 Eugene, OR 97401 Q,\ N G,(' "~'\\II!//"'<, 125~~ \ - 11 / o~~ II.GO PROUD l-lISTORV BRIGI-IT FUTUR E .. , Oclober 30, 200n TBG # g. C .L_o/1i",_,t: I"" '4' /'P " ,1#" ,; '...., ,/1' - (---- I" 1(- i"J/"'.v,;Y -.'.. ---I" ,,' 'City of Springficld Developmcnt Services Plilnning Division 22.5 Slh Street Springfield, Orego/l 97477 ,\I(CHITECTS ,~ P!.ANNERS/INC liE: Prospectivc laura and West Q Street Redevelopmcnt Dcvelopment Issucs Mceting (200a29/'I,3) 1:12 Ei;;1 I1roMh"<lv Suil': ~(J{j . hi~':l"'. Of(\gnn ');'.llll ),~ i-fia;:-WiO ;;.:1.(lil?-Oi>2,if;;:<: Project Address: Existing i\ddresses . 'I a()3 L,lura Stneet, 'J'IO West Q StreN Gnd\ 20 \Nest Q StreN Assessor's Map & Tax lot: Applicant: E.mail Address: 17-03-27,10 Tax lot 3900 Hyland Ilusiness I'ark LLC Shaun Hyland 541.726-a031. PO l30x 7867 Eugene, Oregon 9740'J shill'n@jhconsLcom TI3G Arc:hitecls & Plannerl/lnc l(risten Taylor I 541-687-'1010 I' '132 Eilst IJroadlVily, SUite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97~IO'1 I ktilylor@tbg-;1(cluom i I Branch f:ngineering, lnc. Lilne I3rGnch, [',E, Dilmien Gilbe't, f).E. ,541-7'16.0637, 3Hl 5'" Street Springfield, OregclI1 97477, la ne@llr"'lchengiheering,com Dilytimc Phone: Mailing Address: Applicant's Representiltive: Daytime Phone: Mailing Address: E.mail Address: Civil/Trilffic Engineer: Daytime phone: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: PROJECt DESCRIPTION The ilpplicant is requesting an initial Dllv\ lor I.his fll'ClSflective prlijcct to bettel' undersl.ancl the generill opportunities and ,ch:illenges ,of .this site 'ilnd ll',c proposed design, The proposed project involves thed~cvelopment ()fan:lpproxirnately7,OOO \0 8,.525 square foot l1lulLiple tena'nl COlill;lerciai builclrng inclUding rctail,silles i1l1d eating ilnd c1rinkingcstilblishl1lcnt uses with ilssociated site infraslructurc, parking ilnd liindscaping, There ,ire two, jm)I)Oscd Conceptual PliinS'iltlacl1ed, Concefllual Plan 8 adds a potenLial drive.thi'ough c'"Ling ancrclrinking l";lablishment,use ilnd reduces the ,,,hnU,,,,k'ss.A'A building area to ajJpi'oximatefy 7,000 sql!~re 'Icello acconH110cfate the clrive-thl'Ough, """,i".I' 1;~J:l(>, r. ,\ihu,Oillll, ,\IA Prineip,;! D,wdl L Smith, ;";C\KB. 1',\\A ('titE-ip:;! ., . City of Springfield October 30, 2008 Page 2 of 3 SITE CONTEXT AND INFORMATION The subject site is relatively flat totaling approximately 0,92 acres 10Ciltecl on the northeast sicle of Ihe West Q ancl laura Street intersection, The site is currently cleve loped with a nevv/used car and truck retail sales use and one single family renlal home with associated large asphalt pad<ing ill'CaS dnd ,minimal landscaping, The existing site buildings, parking lots and infrastructure will be removed and redeveloped, The subject site is located within the Springfield City Limits and Urban Growth Boundary, The subject site is zoned Light-Mediun: Industrial (LMI)/Community Commercial (CC) Mixed-Use, The properties located \0 the east, west and north of the subject site are also zoned LMI/CC Mixed-Use, Theil. pmperty located to the south is in the Public Land and Open Space Zoning District. I ' , , West Q and Laura Streets are collector streets, ~There 'are two existing driveways to the site, The existing driveway on Laura Strcet is n~t cUITe,itly aligned with the driveway across the street and is not in use, There is also a full access driveway located off of West Q Slreet that serves both the subjAt Tax Lot as well as Tax Lot 3600, I I We request that at a minimum, staff members from planning, transportation and engineering attendlh" conference. If applicable, ilmight also be helpful to invite a key GDOT representative to discuss the property located between the subject property and West Q Street. Please do not hesitate to illvite additional staff members to attend the conference in order to adequately address the questions. In addition to the questions, we have enclosed two )ossible Conceptual Plans for reference only, . I DIM QUESTIONS (Specific Questions in bold) 1, The subject site is zoned LMVCC. Based on the Gateway Refinement Plan, a tolal of 14 acres within this zonillg district can be developed as COl11l11unity COl11mercial. After preliminary conversations with staff, it is our understanding that this 0.92 acre property is currently developed with a col11mercial use 50 the redevelopnlent will continue to fall under the allowed '14 acres of Coml11unity Comnlercial. Is this interpretation accuratel How much of the total acreage within this LMI/CC Zoning District is developed with Community Commercial . or how much of the allowed possible 14 acres of Community Commercial remainsl Cily of Springfield , October 30, 2008 Page 3 of 3 2, There is currently undeveloped property locillecl between the subject parcel and West Q Street. Who owns this property? What are the existing public facililies/utililies located on this property? If this propt>rly is owned by the City of Springfield or ODOT, is there a willingness to vacate Ihis unused right:of.way while maintaining an easement as neeued for any existing public facilities/utilities so that the developer can purchase and develop as part of the larger proposeu development (with the understanding that vision cleilrance requirements will be met)? 3, The site is currently served via a full access to West Q Street at the southeastern corner of the site. It is probable that a ft',ture tenant on the site would want/need access to Q Street as well as Laura St;'eel. We have reviewed sight distance requirements for the Lilllra Street access and have found the needed sight distance could be obtained by restricting obstructions on the southwest part of the site, Assuming safe sight distance requirements can be obtained, is it likely that two full accesses to the site could be granted? If so, doe~ ODOT need to be involved witb access permitting? ; [ i 'I. The City of Springfield has just recently completec! stormwater and wastewdter master plans, Is there water, stormwater and wastewater infrastructure to the site with adequate capacity to accommodate full ~uild oulof the site? 5, Referencing the tl'VO prospective Conceptual PI~ns anu the relevant code requirements, does tbe planning, fire ,and/or bUilding d"partment have any concerns or helpful information regarding the proposeu design? Will a Site Plan Review application be required for this proposed development? I Thank YOLl for YOLlr til11e and effort in clarifying these questions so that we can proceed sl1100thly with the development of this propose!1 project: I Sincerely, , /~, rfri;~bt, ~.~__ ~ ~ Kristen T ayloT jc Enclosure: City of Springfield DIM !\pplication Forlll - 'I copy DIM Questions - 10 copies Conceptual Plans A and B dated October 30, 2008 - 10 copies cc: Shaun H>dand, john f-Iy/and Construclioil, fne. Lane Branch, Branch Engineering, Inc. z:\rROJ\~OOR29 JI-IC Q & Llllr,l 5ireels\Cnrr(:sp\Agl:'n(Y\2l~ORJ.'J-Dc\el(lpJl1cl1t Is~p.s Mlt\.doc ~: ~, " 10 1 '. (2) LONG . TERhA - . BICYCLE '. PAR.K.ING ~'~' ,. 'I:', 1 ' 1 ..... -..... '-c~.'''...'.'' ~ ~~, ~ (::J . 1 RELOCATE (E) DRiVEWAY TO ALIGN WI DRIVEWAY TO FROFERTY ACROSS LAURA STREET ~, ~ VO -< C<: :::l -< ....J 1~0 70C '3 M'N ~, m\ .,....1- ~ '.'J' ( ,:._1' .-~ '?~~ O"~ 155'-0" ~i " " ~ BUILDING AREA 8,525 SQ, fT. ".:.1, Ir~(4) SHORT' TERM '. BICYCLE PARKING 38 TOTAL PARKING SFACES ", ' ',,-~. . "'< Vj; Q Sl. ',.'-/' 6fk..~ ii-;'-#;R~'" "<.ot:..- ........ J ~;-;,; ;;~;; :~::i .(> " '-..:'" % ~"",,'~%I RELOCATED (E) "'....- .... ~ DRIVEWAY .~ V v " I 'I ., I I v-p .~, ' rRASH ,':, : I ENCLOSURE 1 c '-;1---7'-0' ~, '>1 MIN , ]'(p if '..,' .., F 1"=30'-0" CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN A N @ BASIS OF DESIGN ASSESSOR'S MAP: TAX LOT. TOTAL SITE AREA, LAND USE DISTRICT' Oe.5Cf.'JFTION: SYMBOLS I I> -+- 6- :W~::::::~} ~/w. ;;;::;:;:,.; [2'J 17-03-27"10 3900 0.92 ACRES LIGHT-MEDiUM INDUSTRIAL (LMIJI COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) MLJlTli'L!: TENANT CD\-IMERCIN. BUILDING INCLUDING RETAIL SALES AND EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT USES WITH ASSOCIATED SITE INfRASTRUCTURE. PARKING AND LANDSCAPING I I (E) BUILDING FOOTPRiNT NEW WAIJ"WAY5, PATIOS f PORCHES "ZJ II~~IIIII~.~.,II ,- <~ 19'-O'19'-O"b~o, 9~ ~ '''TYP-"TYf'-'~(I~;j- Z~... c;> \?dM (ILli I ' I I I ~ .-. ~~I---I------ " "" '..... / 11.1.........,.. -.....;._... C)j ~ / " I LANDSCAPE AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE STANDARDS"fOR CiTY taCiE REQUIREMENTS) PROPERTY LINE ADA FARKING STALL COMPLETE WITH PAINTED SYMBOl- f STRIPING, SIGN, AND DETECTABLE WARNING SHORT TERM B!CYC~ PARKING (3) SHORT TER.Iv1 PARKlNG SPACES REQUIRED LONG TER.\1 BICYCLE PARKING (I) LONG TERM PARKING SPACES REQUIRED Vl f- LW LWU 0:::-' f--' Vl 'oL,' a~ D- f-Vl VlVl LW L.U s~ oij~ <Co oc.z ::J<C <C>= .....JI CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN "",,,0' 0"''''''' 0","0 ... TBG ^~r;HfTEr.rs ^ PLANN[R.~ IIt<C m,,,,",,,,,,,,. ,,,,,.,,,,, 'u"'~;,::;;'r;,:';,::'~ r"I""""""" CHECKSEl PRJi;:lM1NArrt INco,::'lhn[ ~ ~ t;;s (y." ~" ~o 09' z~ <c ,0 ~z ~" S~ , J , ~ ~ >.eliA" 1; Al Q , o ~ ~ , ~! ~~ oJ J I .-.-, --.-.-. I .. ... .~,-.-. <? ~..''''.'~.... h~~eiELAN; < p--t.'. ",.2\ \: THROUGH L'II 55'cr L 1 I>' {l. -G- /' Gill -:-:- '(I) LONG TEPJv1 BICYCLE :1 FARKlNG 1 7 '~ RELOCATE (E) DRIVEWAY TO -----........, (':::J ALIGN I-\'J DR.IVEWAY ~ TO FRDFE.R.TY ACROSS LAURA STRf~T 32 TOTAL PARKING SPACES ~ ~(4)5HORTTERM ..' BICYCLE f'ARNNG5 ~> ..,' f -::'IJb.:"'" ...... . ....." . -...." . ,...." . .... ,...,' 24'-0' ~ -~ .IG'-O" ~. ,I 2'.0", ~0t- 5'.0' MIN, " TYP , j} ~ V) <( "'" ::J <( --' I, I. ~~ -I~. -G -fr {1.V 0"" ~ _,(no b-'~ , ~ <6~.... .-,.%..(/-/~~ ~ -:. ' '~~0 ~6.~~~~~~A~ ~=...''SZJ......i.".,.,. '" I _ -17 v irJ'%2';' ..... "I"'~' -) - ;;p.' "'."<:: r,' >0:. %/_ ' , . ..... ;.:;): (.S . I) /1., ..... ~ ,:% TRASH -.---/ "r" ~'~ (j ENCLOSURE <> ~ .....,~ ~ ... . 1 ,I BUILDING AREA 7,005 SQ, FT. " 55'-0' .1 I II I I .",.:,' ',I I .:. r WQSI. CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN B N @ 1"=30'-0" BASIS OF DESIGN ASSESSOR'S MAP: TAX LOT: TOTAL SITE fJ.RI.A: LAND USE DISTRICT: DESCRIPTION' SYMBOLS I r r ,-'" I . . . . -~- 6. W~ CZI 17.03-27-10 3900 0.92 ACRES LIGHT-MEDIUM INDU5TRlAL (LMIJJ COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (ce) MULTIPLE TENANT COMMERCIAL BUILDING INCLUDING RETAIL SALES AND eATING A.ND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT USES WITH ASSOCIATED SITE INFRASTRUCTURE, PARKING AND lANDSCAPING I I (E) BUILDING FOOTPRJNT NEW WAIJ..WAYS, PATIOS 4 PORCHES lANDSCAPE AREA (SEE lANDSCAPE STANDARDS FORCIlY CODE REQUIREMENTS) PRO,"ERTY LINE ADA FARKING STALL COMPLETE WlTH PAINTED SYMBOL 4 STRIPING. SIGN, AND DETECTABLE WARNING SHORT TERIv1 BICYCLE PARKING (3) SHORT TERM FARKING SPACES REQUIRED LONG TERM BICYCLE PARKJNG (I) LONG TERM PARKING 5PAC15 REaU I RED TBG ARCH'TECT5 ~ PlANNERSflNC ""..,,"'....... "';'.'00 "'''.,0""""",,,,, ,,',,:::::~:~~ CHECK SET r,,,,,,,,,.._,,, PRHi.~I,N^RY INCOMPLETE Vl I- LW LWu CC--J 1---' Vl :L' 0'''' cE I-V) VlV) LW u.J S~ od~ <0 CCZ :J<( <~ -lI ~ ~ ~z "0 t/18 0" triO, ~o 3" 06LL <'" uz 0" :S~ CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN .....0. n",,," 0"00;0 '" > 1 . . , ~ < "..~" ~ '0_ ~ 6 A2 ~ o ,rUJ . . CITY OF 'SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP , ZON2008-00040' 1863 Laura/ll0 & 120 West Q Streets I I gHEldEt €::- \~\\- \ i SITE iii' ~. Map 17-03-27-10 - Tax Lot 3900' North .1 t Date Received: OCT 3 1 2008 Original Submittal